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By Sophie Marjoram, Lucynda Jackson, Natasha Minter, Emily Hindmarch and Charlotte Exley

. 7 8 9 : on s k c a J a d n y uc L . 0 3. 8 9 9 9 : : r h rc te a n i m M d a in h s H a y t l i a N . Em 4 . 1 8 9 9 : 9 m y: a e l r x o j E r a M otte l e i r h a p h C So

Key for Individual Contribution: Emily Hindmarch

Charlotte Exley

Sophie Marjoram

Natasha Minter

Lucynda Jackson

Total: 4


Who is Cornetto? Cornetto currently.

p8 - 13

Market Trends The UK market as a whole, and trends in both the snack and ice cream market.

p14 - 25

Consumer Research

Generation iY & D and consumer profiles.

p26 - 43

Our Proposal Our Big idea and our Big creative idea.

p44 - 49

Our Executions

Photoshoot, billboards, mock ups of the campaign and our social media campaign.

p50 - 73

Further Recommendations

How Cornetto can take the campaign further.

p74 - 77

References p78 - 83

Appendix p84 - 113

- An Introduction to The World of Cornetto - Brand Identity vs Brand Image

pg. 10 & 11 pg. 12 & 13

Fig 1. Aaker Model



In today’s current consumption climate, it is becoming more important to fulfil the consumer with a retail experience in order to create brand loyalty. Consumers are slowly returning back to the traditional style of shopping, finding the online experience less attractive. As the CEO of the Trend Hunter commented, ‘it is no longer about the product – it’s about the experience’ (Nieburg, 2013: online), consumers want to share a physical experience with their peers through their social media networks. According to Mark Yeomans, director at Incite, brands need to “go beyond function” and interact with Gen iY, offering more than products, and creating communities with experiences they can share. Cornetto are a fun, well-known and timeless brand (Fig. 1), who are currently placed as a Summer treat, selling multi-pack and individual ice creams.

However they are wanting to branch into the snack market, and no longer exist as just a seasonal ice cream. ‘Snacking enjoys almost universal appeal, with almost all consumers eating snacks at home/elsewhere, while eight in ten eat them on the go’ (Mintel, 2012: online). The aim to enter the snack market is realistic and appropriate for Cornetto, as snacking has become commonplace within modern society. Cornetto has already tried to approach the snack market with a confectionary Cornetto snack, however has not attempted to market the ice cream’s in this segment. This report will propose an idea that will launch Cornetto as a whole into the snack market, using experiential retail to engage with the 16-25 iY generation.



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Cornetto are a heritage proud brand which prides themselves on being an ice cream variety that offers something a little different. It falls under Unilevers “Heartbrand” umbrella, based on the brands heart shaped logo and is well known for being a brand that links the idea of romance with ice cream.

As can be seen in our consumer research, Cornetto is perceived as a brand appealing to, and being bought buy, the older generations. To successfully appeal to the 16-25 age group, online and offline, Cornetto must create consistency through all areas of their marketing campaigns. It is not good enough to just have a strong online presence if this is not apparent offline.

The brand identity vs brand image model above (Fig. 2), was put together from secondary research off Cornetto’s We suggest that this is achieved by continuing maximum website, primary research from the brands twitter account interaction with their consumers offline through creating (Fig. 6) and research from consumer questionnaires we communal experiences. also carried out (See Appendix 3d). As can be seen the brands identity is not cohesive with its image. Cornetto has a strong online presence, successfully marketing towards generation iY by interacting with them through the use of games, competitions and their branding designs. However this is not continued offline.


Witty online tone of voice.

Lots of games on the websites to engage the consumer.

Both Facebook and Twitter account have a young feel, through the use of bright colours and digital graphics.

The ‘Lick Challenge’ is reaching out to the younger generation by gamification.

Fig 5. Cornetto Twitter Page

Carter Wongs new typography and graphics are giving the brand a more ‘youthful appeal’.

Fig 3. Cornetto Facebook Page

Fig 4. Carter Wong Rejuvenates Cornetto

Fig 6. Cornetto Related Tweets (Primary Research)


- UK market as a whole - An Overview of The Ice Cream Market - Primary Research into the Ice Cream Market - An Overview of The Snack Market - Ethnographic Research into The Snack Market - Experiential Retail

pg. 17 pg. 18 pg. 19 & 20 pg. 21 pg. 22 & 23 pg. 24 & 25 chapter 2 divider



The first quarter of 2013 has shown economic growth of 0.3% meaning the UK has avoided falling back into recession, with faster than expected growth. Despite this small growth and the double-dip recession of the past, the ice cream market has ‘increased year-on-year since 2008, rising by 18.9% to reach £1.3bn in 2012’ (Keynote, 2013: online) and growth within the snack market is projected at 12% over the 2012-17 period with the market value hitting £3bn by 2013. Repositioning themselves to enter the snack market means that Cornetto must understand both the snack and ice cream market and the trends within them.



The ice cream market is saturated with brands all trying to differentiate themselves through innovative campaigns and flavours (Appendix 2b). The ‘Ice Cream Market of 2012’ report from Mintel shows that Unilever is at the top of the market with brands in their portfolio such as Walls and Ben and Jerry’s. Within this, Cornetto stands out as one of the main brands which has grown over the previous year. Sales have risen by 60% which was helped by their new Enigma range and collaboration with E4 which has started to bring in the younger audience they are now wanting to target.

This has had an effect on corner shops/ newsagents because consumers are now going to supermarkets for the cheaper prices, hence creating an importance for smaller retailers to offer an experience or differentiated products which entice the consumers there.

Walls’ three tier ice cream freezer is regarded as the most innovative yet. It has increased sales by 42% from its launch in September 2007. (Wall’s Refrigeration Solutions, 2012: online) Compared to its older counterpart it has reduced running costs as well as other benefits such as improved lid seals, LED lighting and is lockable. Within the ice cream market, ice cream sticks are Walls state that this ice cream freezer has found to be the most popular form as they can ‘fantastic product display’ (Wall’s Refrigeration be bought in most retailers and in multipacks. Ice Solutions, 2012: online) (Fig. 7). This can be seen cream sticks are usually bought on impulse but above as it clearly displays a wide range of ice is highly dependent on hot weather. Consumer cream. Although it is highly functional, it is very buying habits within the ice cream market have basic and has no interaction for the user. These not seen any major changes, but people are now stands could benefit from visuals to help each buying from supermarkets in bulk to save money. brand of ice cream stand out.


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PRIMARY RESEARCH - ICE CREAM VANS For our primary research into the market, we decided to interview ice cream men in their vans, in three different locations around Nottingham - The Arboretum, North Sherwood Street and Market Square. We asked a spectrum of questions to gain a better insight into the position Cornetto holds in the market. Between the three locations, the Strawberry Cornetto was the most popular flavour, however not all ice cream men could agree with the rate of Cornetto’s being sold depending on the weather (Fig. 9). In regards to the ice cream market, the target audience was 16 or below for all three locations, and all of the ice cream men admitted that the van is bought out irrespective of the weather (Fig. 9).

Fig 8. Market Square Ice Cream Man

Fig 9. Ice Cream Men and Their Vans



Fig 10. Infographic of Ice Cream Sales

We executed covert ethnographic research within a local park café in Derbyshire, tallying consumers preferred choice of ice cream. As you can see from the chart above (Fig. 10) the most popular ice cream was the Haribo push up lolly with 17 ice cream’s being sold, proving especially popular with a younger target audience between the ages of 3-17 years. Interestingly our research showed that Cornetto wasn’t popular with a younger target audience, only 7 ice creams were sold in one day, suggesting that Cornetto should reconsider their marketing approach and overall appeal towards a younger demographic.



Taking into consideration the UK Snack Market as a whole, it is vital to observe statistics, relative trends and reflect upon consumer behaviour. Global market research company Mintel, released a report in 2008 entitled ‘Snacking on the Go’ which observed the increasingly relaxed ‘attitudes towards eating in the street/on the move, contributing to significant growth in the number of adults snacking on the go at least once a day’ (Mintel, 2008: online). Indeed despite the current economic climate, consumers response to snacking has surged, in particular the ice cream and frozen desserts market has continued to flourish, proving that Cornetto’s decision to move into the snack market is both timely and appropriate.


ETHNOGRAPHIC RESEARCH Our ethnographic research was conducted in Nottingham, during a two hour long period in which we observed people snacking. On this particular day the weather was pleasant, encouraging people to be outside. From this we found that people snack on convenience food such as crisps, pastries and fizzy drinks. During this time, four people were spotted eating ice cream which they said was influenced by the weather. From this research, we can see that people impulse buy ice cream when the weather is nice which Mintel suggested in the earlier research. Snacking is all about convenience so people choose unhealthy options as they are filling, cheap to buy and available everywhere.


Fig 11. Ethnographic Research



Bradley Hunter from the commercial interiors company, CDS Group (Ryan, 2013: 35-36) said, ‘The key components to getting customers back onto the high street are to make the shopping experience exactly that, an experience.’ Experiential retail has become an essential tool for bricks-and-mortar retailers to encourage footfall in-store; challenging the trend of sitat-home internet shoppers, stores need to give consumers a reason to step inside. Despite the fashion retail industry feeling the impact of this the most, food brands are using experiential retail to add extra dimensions to the eating experience and differentiate their brand in a saturated market. In particular looking at ice cream brands such as Snog (Appendix 2g) that have created a one-of-a-kind ‘experience and emotions’ retail environment, reinventing the way consumers purchased ice cream with communal elements in a backlash to the increasing online culture.


Similarly The Icecreamists opened a pop-up store in Selfridges (Appendix 2h) recreating how ice cream was eaten, it was reinvented as a cocktail, afternoon snack or even sit down meal. These brands all used experiential retail to change why and how ice cream was eaten, something Cornetto should take note of. For the next generation, consumers expect seemingly bespoke individual experiences from successful retail environments and marketing. A key example of this is the interactive experience of the M&M Personality Test in their New York flagship store (Appendix 2e) where consumers are scanned by the machine to find out their unique M&M personality equal. Humanising the different flavour sweets and personalising the buying experience for the consumers can increase sales of each M&M flavour as consumers feel a personal and emotional attachment to the specific flavour.


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- Who are Cornetto’s Consumers - Consumer Profiles and Findings - Primary Consumer Questionnaires

pg. 28 & 29 pg. 31 - 42 pg. 43

WHO ARE CORNETTO’S CONSUMERS? Noise. Business. Connection. Sharing. Volume. Speed. The main consumers Cornetto want to rebrand towards are Generation iY - the younger half of the Millennials, born after 1990 whose world has been defined by interactive technology and shaped by the Internet. ‘Known as technology

wise and immune to most traditional marketing

and sales pitches as they have been exposed to them since early childhood.’(Schroer, 2013: online)

Therefore it is important to create retail experiences in order for the consumers to purchase.

‘They are less brand loyal and the speed of the Internet has led them into becoming similarly flexible and changing with the fashions.’


Fig 16. Facebook & Twitter Statistics

Fig 15. Sharing Through Social Networking

Fig 14. Generation iY Consumer

(Schroer, 2013: online) This means that the ways in which we market to them needs to be ever-changing.

‘They are right brain thinkers who are more intuitive, thoughtful and subjective and less focused on logic and reasoning.’ (Elmore, 2010: online video)

In order to appeal to the right brain thinkers, emotional ties must be created between Cornetto and the consumer, as this is an important factor in how right brain thinkers work.

‘These kids really do desire to change the world.. but when the work becomes difficult, they change their minds and move on to something else.’

(McKinney, 2011: online) This shows the fast paced brains of our consumers, if something doesn’t initially grab them or is hard work for them they will move on to the next thing.

‘They are more geared to learn through uploading’ (McKinney, 2011: online).

Any marketing campaigns aimed at Generation iY must give them something to “upload about” and share with their peers, as otherwise the campaign will not stick with them and longevity with the brand will be compromised. Generation D are also consumers we must include as they fit at the younger end of our age spectrum.

‘Born between 1994 and 2002, Generation D’s regard technology as a necessity, not a luxury and they are the first generation of digital natives.’(Raymond, 2011: online) ‘They are multi-screen consumers who expect everything to be shared online and if something hasn’t, they will not take particular notice of it.’ (Raymond, 2011: online) These consumers take influence from things shared online by their peers, so if we want to make Cornetto a more popular brand with this age group, we will have to make sure we give the consumers something to share about.




As can be seen, the 16-25 age range consists of many variations of consumers. Due to this, we felt that when studying the target audience’s snacking habits we should categorise them. We started at the youngest spectrum of the age range and looked at a School Girl and School Boy, The University Student, The Graduate and The Young Professional. By classifying our audience we can gain a wider understanding on how to appeal to them all individually through retail experience.


Natasha Marjoram. 16. 6th form student. Enjoys going out with friends and is a dancer. when Generation D

When I’m bored and hungry I snack. I also snack I fancy something sweet. Its also something to do when I’m having movie nights with my friends. I snack everyday.

I usually snack when I am at school. I buy snacks from Tescos at lunch and after school but I mostly just take snacks from home, that we already have. I snack on Tesco chocolate, some sort of ice cream, squares crisps and biscuits from home. I snack with friends at school or by myself at home. I snack between 12-1pm and 3-4pm. I would buy a classic Cornetto but I think they could do nicer flavours like cookie dough.


Fig 17. School Girl Consumer Snacks


I snack because I’m hungry and I need something quick to fill me between meals or on the go.

Dominic Jackson. 17. 6th Form Student. Enjoys watching television and keeping fit. Generation D

I snack everyday, at least twice a day. I buy my snacks from the Co-op in my village, near my school, on the way or during school. I buy McCoy’s crisps, Galaxy, Haribo, Chewits and Ginsters pastries. I snack during the morning between breakfast and lunch at least once, depending on my schedule. I snack with my friends and classmates. I snack between 10:30 - 11:30am and 2:30 - 4:00pm. I buy Mint Cornetto.


Fig 18. School Boy Consumer Snacks


Bhapinder Ballagun. 20. Student. Enjoys knitting and reading magazines. Generation iY

I snack because I’m hungry and also when Im doing work. I snack everyday, mostly in the afternoon.

I try to buy my snacks in advance from Asda when I do my weekly shop. I like to be prepared and take them with me to stop me wasting money but sometimes I do go to the corner shop to get somehthing I fancy. I buy Crisps occasionaly but I prefer snacking on fruit and nuts. I snack alone whilst I am at university. I snack between 3:30 - 4:30pm. I would buy the Classic Cornetto.


Fig 19. University Student Consumer Snacks


Zach Shaw. 22. University Student. Enjoys Reading, Science, Technology, Music. Generation iY

I snack because I’m hungry. I snack everyday. I buy my snacks at Sainsbury’s Local, I buy crisps, cookies, Dr Pepper and yoghurts. I snack when I’m hungry. I snack with my friends or when I am alone. I usually snack in the afternoon or later. I buy Classic Cornetto.


Fig 20. Graduate Consumer Snacks


Matthew Sween. 25. Apple Sales Consultant. Enjoys Gaming and Badminton. Generation iY

I snack either because I am either hungry or bored. I snack everyday.

I work most days so I buy my snacks from supermarkets, Superdrug and McDonalds, anywhere that is convenient. I snack on wraps, sandwiches, crisps, chocolate buttons and energy drinks. I’m a solo snacker. I usually snack during the mid-afternoon. I would buy a Strawberry Cornetto.


Fig 21. Young Professional Consumer Snacks



From these profiles it can be seen that the younger consumers need something to experience with their friends as a social event. However The University Student and The Graduate need something more aimed at having a break from their work. There is more scope to appeal to these people spontaneously when they are bored. Something that also became evident from all of our consumer profiles is that snacking is rarely healthy and is usually an INDULGENT TREAT.


Fig 22. Impulsive ice cream buying – Primary Research


We conducted a variety of research to collect primary data about the snacking habits of consumers between the ages of 16-25 (Cornetto’s new target market). To gather initial data to influence the direction of our research on snacking, we conducted a simple online questionnaire (Appendix 3e) to collect results on the general snacking behaviour and motivations of potential consumers. Snacking is not necessarily a communal activity, with 89.6% of respondents saying they snack alone, 70.8% with friends and 37.5% snacking with family. Two thirds of consumers prefer to snack unhealthily, with the majority choosing chocolate, crisps, sweets and biscuits. To gather more ethnographically valid research, we wanted to ask the target consumer about where they snacked at the moment of purchase. We placed posters in communal areas around Nottingham Trent University; Bonington Cafe, Taste Cafe, the Student Union Shop and Waverley Gallery, where the target consumers frequent. It was clear from these findings that the majority of people snack almost instantly after purchase from these four locations.

We were also interested to discover more about the buying behaviour of the target consumer and their decision making process when going to buy ice cream. Asking people about their decision making process, we wanted to know when they decided what they were going to buy, so we put people on the spot to ask them whether they knew what ice cream they were going to buy before they entered the shop or if it was an on the spot decision. The findings (Fig. 22) from this research clearly showed that the decision making process is made by most consumers when at the freezer, instantly before the point of purchase. This suggests that the retail experience should focus on influencing the consumers’ decision at the freezer, when they are choosing what ice cream to buy, as very few people enter the shop knowing what they will buy.

Fig 23. Personality Tests – Primary Research


- Context of The Big Idea - The Big Idea/Creative Idea - The Big Creative Idea cont. - Personality Pods

pg. 46 pg. 47 pg. 48 pg. 49


When first considering a new retail experience for Cornetto, we conducted some primary research with ice cream men in their vans, to gain more of an understanding of the market. They each individually told us that their main consumers were aged 16 and below, suggesting that the 16-25 market were buying their ice creams elsewhere. The idea of a vending machine arose, to be placed in popular corner shops around the country, selling specifically only Cornetto. However, after researching and considering the idea thoroughly we decided that this would not be successful for the brand, as people may get confused with the new snack Cornettos’ that have been released, as vending machines are commonly used for confectionary snacks. Also, it was felt that the vending machine lacks innovation; M&Ms have already done an ice cream vending machine, as have Haagen-Dazs, so would not be giving the consumers anything new. We also considered the idea of releasing new flavours, but our ice cream men told us that the newer Enigma flavours (Enigma Vanilla and Chocolate, Enigma Cookie, Enigma Popcorn, Enigma Caramel and Chocolate, Enigma Vanilla and Raspberry) that were released by Cornetto don’t sell as well as the original Strawberry flavoured Cornetto, one in particular said that the Enigma Caramel and Chocolate sells ‘barely any’. After deciding not to create new flavours, or invent a vending machine, we considered more the idea of interaction with the consumer, experimenting with all the senses.

Fig 24. Haagen Dasz Vending Machine



Our proposed Big Idea is;

to create an emotional attachment to ‘your’ personal flavour of Cornetto, not the weather, through linking personalities of consumers to their ideal Cornetto flavour.

Our Big creative Idea for the Cornetto campaign is;

‘Which Cornetto Are You?’ This tagline encourages people to create a personal connection, to a Cornetto flavour through a series of sense and personality defining activities. We feel that this slogan provides a scope for consumers to decipher their choice of personalised flavour, also reflecting a suitable tone of voice the consumer can relate too. Initially we choose ‘What Cornetto Are You’ but having been in contact with Alannah Warner from Unilever (Appendix 4e) we realised the grammatical inaccuracy and therefore changed the slogan to suit public appeal.



Our proposed creative idea would get people to interact with Cornetto in any retail environment and make them feel part of the Cornetto brand. As Cornetto is widely available, we have ensured that all of its consumers can get involved in some way, to be told by the ‘Which Cornetto Are You?’ tagline. We feel using interactive screens in-store may be too much for consumers, so have come up with simple and effective ways to get people to learn about the Cornetto range. Most of the forms of communication are going to be through scratch and sniff promotion in-store, and through their social media channels creating a buzz. To get people to create a connection to a Cornetto, they need to be able to get a sensorial experience which will encourage them to buy one if they have not done so before. To get people to interact with the brand we have come with a cohesive strategy to get people engaged before, during and after purchase. Before purchasing we want people to interact with the different flavours of Cornetto. This will be done via the scratch and sniff in the form of feet shaped floor stickers and posters. The feet on the floor will be infused with the scent of Strawberry, Mint or Chocolate; the three main Cornetto flavours. These feet will then lead them to the ice cream freezers which will tempt them to buy.

In addition to this, the freezer itself will have the infused posters covering the glass to get people to smell and experience the flavour before assuming their flavour and buying. To run alongside this promotion and as a form of interaction during purchase/eating, each Cornetto bought has a chance to collect and win, taking inspiration from McDonalds Monopoly (Appendix 3d). Each Cornetto lid will feature a sticker and code which can be collected to win prizes and create a profile relating to the ‘Which Cornetto Are You?’ tagline. The stickers will link to Cornetto’s new launched website ‘’ which gives the consumers a chance to create a virtual profile about themselves according the flavour of Cornetto they buy. Once five stickers are collected these can be redeemed to prizes which link to what a Strawberry, Mint or Classic person may enjoy. As a final reminder of buying Cornetto some of these stickers will be instant wins, such as a free Cornetto to help them to link with the brand and be part of the retail experience again. To run alongside these forms of communication, there will be a travelling Personality Pod.

Fig 26. Mock Up - Personality Pod Outdoors


Fig 27. Mock Up - Personality Pod University Campus

PERSONALITY PODS mood and colour to suit your personality. For example, if you were strawberry, it would turn a shade of pink, pump out fruity smells, become warm in temperature and play upbeat flirty music (as found from our smell profiles Appendix 4d).

We propose to do a travelling personality pod to run alongside the ‘Which cornetto are you?’ campaign. This is to give our consumers an experience to share about, as when looking at our generation iY and D we found that they are more likely to gain loyalty with a brand if they have ‘uploaded’ something about it, or seen one of their peers ‘sharing’ about it on social media. The pods will hold an interactive experience inside for people to find out what Cornetto flavour they are by doing a number of games and quizzes on the walls of the pod. Once revealed what flavour you are the pod completely changes Interactive screens on all walls of the pod, engaging consumers through touch, sound and sight with games and activities.

The pod would also change colour from the outside so people all around could see what flavour you were creating a communal experience. There would also be an area to then buy your flavour Cornetto and devour it in a oneoff unique Cornetto environment. We took inspiration from brands Dior and The Icecreamists, who have previously created successful pop-up stores (Appendix 2a). These will be located on University campuses around the country. Also to involve a wider range of the target market that aren’t necessarily in education, the pods would be at music festivals, food and drink festivals and carnivals.

Atmospherically changing pod to suit consumers personalities - defined from the activities on the interactive screens.

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A place to buy your flavour Cornetto and enjoy with friends.

Fig 28. Mock Up - Personality Pod


- Photoshoot - Billboard Mock-ups - Loyalty card and stickers - Interactive Fridge Sticker - Interactive Footprints - - Which Cornetto Are You Social Media - Before, During and After Flowchart

pg. 52 & 53 pg. 54 & 55 pg. 56 & 57 pg. 58 pg. 59 pg. 60 & 61 pg. 62 - 71 pg. 72 & 73

PHOTOSHOOT The execution of our Cornetto photo-shoot was based around our big marketing idea encouraging consumers to snack on Cornetto regardless of the weather. Our photo-shoot campaign involved employing three models to each represent ‘Classico’ ‘Strawberry’ and ‘Mint’ Cornetto. We sought to relate each model’s personality towards each flavour, relating to our creative idea ‘Which Cornetto Are You’.

We feel that by creating these Cornetto personalities visually the consumers will be able to relate to each flavour. Further to this we have envisaged marketing mock-ups of the photoshoot in a variety of locations both on-line and off, ensuring engaged consumer attention.

The photo-shoot captures them engaged in an activity or relaxation which is personal to them whilst enjoying a Cornetto. In terms of the location and styling for the photo-shoot we chose surroundings and selected the style which reflected their Cornetto personality. When we shot ‘Classico’ Cornetto we wanted to translate sophistication, independence and romance, the key qualities distinguishing a ‘Classico’ personality. The location for this shoot was situated outside an independent cinema with the model styled so to convey a smart, clean-cut image. The ‘Strawberry’ Cornetto shoot exuded an easy-going and sensitive expression, identifying the key ‘Strawberry’ personality traits. The location for this shoot was situated in a peaceful environment, we styled the model in soft shades of pink conveying the ‘Strawberry’ personality. For the ‘Mint’ Cornetto shoot we aimed to translate a distinct notion of activeness, ambition and competitiveness, key qualities defining a ‘Mint’ personality. The location for this shoot was situated within a park with the model styled so to exude a casual, cool look whilst playing football, providing an energetic feel to the shoot.


Fig 29. Mock Up Poster – Execution of Photo-shoot

Fig 30. Mock Up Poster – Execution of Photo-shoot

Fig 31. Mock Up Poster – Execution of Photo-shoot



When considering where we would place our ‘Which Cornetto Are You?’ billboards, we decided that they would be placed in city centres along the sides of buildings and stood alone, and popular transport stops like the London Underground and bus stops. We would also propose that the billboards be placed in locations to suit the target market, for example, for the younger consumers on the way to and from school, see consumer profiles.


Fig 32 Mock Up – Bus Stop

Fig 33. Mock Up – London Underground

Fig 34. Mock Up – City Centre Billboard

Fig 35. Mock Up – Road Side Billboard



Consumer loyalty towards a brand is a vital component for success, prominence and reputation in the market. Looking at examples of successful brands in the refreshment market, it seemed transparent that a key trend is brand loyalty cards. Consumers retain loyalty to the brand to later redeem a reward. We have composed a mock-up of the proposed Cornetto loyalty card, which has been aesthetically designed to provoke the look of ice cream. Consumers are able to collect the loyalty card when purchasing the ice cream, and once five Cornetto stickers have collected they will be redeemed with a free Cornetto.

Fig 36. Mock Up – Loyalty Card


& LOYALTY CARD STICKERS We have designed prototype Cornetto stickers for each flavour which consumers will find on the lids of the ice cream. The front side of the sticker questions the consumer ‘Are You Classic’ ‘Are You Mint’ or ‘Are You Strawberry’ the stickers also feature the ‘URL’ to access the website ‘www.’ (Fig. 37 - 45). On the reverse of the Cornetto lid consumers are prompted to enter their unique code on-line directing them to the ‘whichcornettoareyou’ website where they can redeem their reward, furthermore the stickers are detachable and collectable and can be placed upon the consumers loyalty card, once they have collected five they will redeem a free Cornetto.

Fig 37. Mock Up – Stickers

Fig 40. Mock Up – Stickers

Fig 43. Mock Up – Stickers

Fig 38. Mock Up – Stickers

Fig 41. Mock Up – Stickers

Fig 44. Mock Up – Stickers

Fig 39. Mock Up – Stickers

Fig 42. Mock Up – Stickers

Fig 45. Mock Up – Stickers


FRIDGE STICKER These interactive Stickers will be stuck upon the freezers within supermarkets and corner shops. The stickers will cover up the Cornetto part of the freezer to entice people to scratch and sniff and choose a Cornetto flavour. By placing this over the product, consumers will engage with the campaign and determine what flavour is for them. This also may tempt people to try Cornetto over their preferred brand as they may feel they can finally relate to Cornetto. As you can see we intend the product to be very eye catching and want people to engage with their senses when buying ice cream. The ice cream part of the poster will be the part that smells but also the cone will be textured to get people to interact with their sense of touch and smell.

Fig 49. Mock Up – Freezer

Fig 46. Mock Up – Fridge Sticker


Fig 47. Mock Up – Fridge Sticker

Fig 48. Mock Up – Fridge Sticker






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From our primary research (Appendix 2f) we found that in larger supermarkets and in corner shops the ice cream fridges can become lost within the store. We wanted to come up with a solution to this, to make sure consumers are enticed to buy Cornetto’s. We came up with the idea to do ‘scuff and smell’ sticker footprints, which could be placed in corner shops, or outside leading up to a shop, guiding people to the ice cream fridge. The footprints will evoke consumers senses through smells of the Strawberry, Mint and Classico Cornetto.



When buying a Cornetto ice cream and being directed to the newly launched website www., consumers will be able to create a virtual profile for themselves, linking the flavour of Cornetto that they like to what kind of personality they have, what smells they like and how their brain works (Appendix 4c). They can then share this virtual character online through their social media sites, therefore generating more traffic to the Which Cornetto Are You? Site, through existing social media frameworks.

Fig 51. Mock Up – Website Login Pagea


Fig 52. Mock Up – Website Welcome Page



According to the Pew Research Centre’s Internet & American Life Project surveys,2005-2012 graph, entitled Social Networking Site Use by Age Group, people aged 18-29 using social networking sites has risen from 9% in 2005 to 83% in 2012. (Brenner, 2013: online). This research shows how important using social networking sites has become and must be a vital part of our campaign. When considering which social media networks Cornetto already use on a regular basis, it appears that only Facebook and YouTube are regularly updated. Their use of Facebook does prove to be successful, with over four million likes, however their YouTube channel only has 57 subscribers, still relatively new compared to their Facebook following. Cornetto do currently have a Twitter page, but it is used in a dormant way compared to Facebook. Ignoring the power of Twitter and not regularly ‘tweeting’, like their competitors Magnum do (with over 53,000 followers on their American Twitter), cuts the potential growth of Cornetto through social media massively. The 16-25 age group, the Generation iYer’s, were found to be three times more likely to follow a brand on Twitter (18%) compared to Generation X at just 6%.(Lee, 2013: online) We propose for Cornetto to continue using Facebook and YouTube, and to introduce themselves more prominently through Twitter, to target their consumers more appropriately. Guardian professional Matt Britland admits that ‘Twitter is a great place for discussion’ suggesting that consumers could discuss their experiences and opinions of Cornetto with each other, through their social networking sites.


Fig 53. Social Networking Site Use by Age Group, 2005-2012 (% of internet users in each age group who use social networking sites)



The Cornetto Profile and flavour personality traits (Appendix 4d), link to a network where consumers can invite their friends to view their profile and vice versa, essentially creating a network between you and your friends. This is based on comparing their own profile with others with the aim to find their ultimate Cornetto opposite, therefore the bigger the thumbnail on your network the more opposite you are and in theory the more compatible you are. To combat safety concerns that come with online networking for 16-25 year olds, people can only be added through existing social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter or by email to minimise ‘stranger danger’. The codes collected from the Cornetto lids allow the computer to distinguish between the three flavours in five different compartments in ‘Your Brain’. Once the code has been entered into the sign up page, the profile page (Fig. 52) will be automatically themed to the Cornetto the code came from. From here consumers can upload their own photo and fill in their personal details. This page then becomes the hub from which ‘Your Brain’ (Fig. 54) and ‘Your Network’ pages can be accessed from (Fig. 55).


Fig 54. Mock Up – Profile

Fig 55. Mock Up – Profile


SMARTPHONE APP 50% of 16-24 year olds now own a smartphone with the top three uses being social networking, listening to music, and playing games. (Ofcom, 2012: online) To aid the interactive generation of Cornetto consumers to share their profile, network with their friends, and raise awareness of the campaign, a free app will be released for iOS and Android operating systems. Smartphones are no longer being seen as just portable gaming devices, so we want our app to be supplementary to our campaign, offering consumers interaction with the brand and each other whilst enhancing their buying experience. The app will first open at a login page, asking them to register their Cornetto profile with the app (Fig. 57). Then it will take you to your profile page (Fig. 58) where you can update your picture, details and also access ‘Your Brain’ (Fig. 59) from which the traits already unlocked can be viewed (Fig. 60). From the network screen (Fig. 61) you can then view and scroll through friends categorised by flavour (Fig. 62) and the opposite ratings.

Fig 56. Mock Up – Phone App


Fig 57. Mock Up – Phone App

Fig 58. Mock Up – Phone App


Fig 59. Mock Up – Phone App


Fig 60. Mock Up – Phone App

Fig 61 Mock Up – Phone App

Fig 62. Mock Up – Phone App


CORNETTO CREATING EXPERIENCES Relating to our proposed creative idea ‘Which Cornetto are you?’, consumers when they purchase an ice cream will collect the stickers, which will reward them with an instant prize, related to their personality through their decision of Cornetto flavour. Furthermore through the medium of social media consumers will be able to engage, ‘tweet’ and share about their personalised experiences they have enjoyed through Cornetto using the series of hashtags #ImSoStrawberry, #ImSoMint #ImSoClassic, automatically linking the consumer and others to their virtual profile.

Fig 63. Mock Up – Tweets




- Further recommendations for Cornetto

pg. 77


To continue the campaign through social media, the five compartments of the brain have been purposely designed to create an on-going campaign that has the potential to last the duration of a year, eliminating Cornetto as a seasonal ice cream. To expand our target market and connect with them outside the retail experience, also linking to Cornetto’s current film campaign, Cupidity, we propose a series of short advertisement films. The films are to expand on our ‘Which Cornetto are you?’ campaign, however focusing more on the romance previously exuded in their short films. The overarching narrative of the films will be ‘FIND YOUR CORNETTO OPPOSITE’ telling the story of Cornetto personalities finding their perfect counterpart. This area of the campaign should run around Valentine’s Day, drawing on the romantic atmosphere of this period, however other campaigns could run alongside national holidays, not previously considered for the ice cream market including Easter, Christmas, Halloween and Bonfire Night.


- References and Illustrations - Bibliography

pg. 80 & 81 pg. 82 & 83



NIEBURG, O. 2013. ‘Experiential retail’ can build confectionery brand loyalty [online]. Confectionery News. 28th February. Available at: http://www.confectionerynews. com/Markets/Experiential-retail-can-build-confectionery-brand-loyalty [Accessed 24/04/2013]

Fig 1. Minter, N., 2013. Aaker Model [Infographic]

MINTEL. 2012. Mintel Consumer Snacking UK [online]. Available at: http://academic. [Accessed 20/5/2013]

Fig 2. Marjoram, S., 2013. Brand Image VS Reality [Infographic] Fig 3. Marjoram, S., 2013. Cornetto Facebook Page [Photograph] Fig 4. Unknown, 2013. Carter Wong Rejuvenates Cornetto [Photograph]

KEYNOTE. 2013. Keynote Ice Creams and Frozen Desserts Market Report [online] Available at: [Accessed 22/5/13]

Fig 5. Marjoram, S., 2013. Cornetto Twitter Page [Photograph]

UNKNOWN. 2012. Walls Refrigeration Solutions [online]. Available at: http://www. [Accessed 22/5/2013]

Fig 7. Unknown, 2013. Walls Three Tier Ice Cream Freezer [Photograph]

UNKNOWN. 2012. Walls Refrigeration Solutions [online]. Available at: http://www. [Accessed 22/5/2013] SPICER,H. 2008. MintelSnacking on the Go -UK - April 2008 [online]. Available at: [Accessed 22/5/2013] RYAN, J. 2013. Strong foundations for Bricks and Mortar. Drapers. 06/04/13. pp.35-36 SCHROER, W. Generations X,Y, Z and the Others [online]. The Social Liberian. Available at: [Accessed 24/04/2013] Generation iY by Tim Elmore, 2010. [Film online]. Massachusetts: Available at: [Accessed 24/04/2013]

Fig 6. Marjoram, S., 2013. Cornetto Related Tweets (Primary Research) [Photograph]

Fig 8. Minter, N., 2013. Market Square Ice Cream Man [Photograph] Fig 9. Minter, N., 2013. Ice Cream Men and Their Vans [Infographic] Fig 10. Jackson, L., 2013. Primary Research into Ice Cream Sales [Infographic] Fig 11. Exley, C., 2013. Ethnographic Research [Infographic] Fig 12. Unknown, 2013. Snog Retail Experience [Photograph] Fig 13. Unknown, 2013. The Icecreamists Retail Experience [Photograph] Fig 14. Marjoram, S., 2013. Generation Y Consumer. [Infographic] Fig 15. Marjoram, S., 2013. Sharing Through Social Networking. [Infographic]

MCKINNEY, M. 2011. 5 Leadership Lessons: Tim Elmore’s Generation iY [online]. Leadership Now. Available at: leadership_lessons_tim_elmor.html [Accessed 24/04/2013]

Fig 16. Marjoram, S., 2013. Facebook & Twitter Statistics. [Infographic]

RAYMOND, M., 2011. Teen Futures Report. The Future Laboratory [online blog]. 4th May. Available at: [Accessed 18/05/13].

Fig 18. Jackson, L., 2013. School Boy Consumer Snacks. [Photograph]

BRENNER,J.. 2012. Pew Internet: Social Networking (full detail) [online] Pew Internet. Available at: [Accessed 21/05/2013]

Fig 20. Minter, N., 2013. Graduate Consumer Snacks. [Photograph]

LEE, C. 2013. Talkin’ ‘bout my generation: Marketing to Gen Y [online]. London: Knowledge for the digital economy. Available at: article/2013/3/12/talkin’-‘bout-my-generation-marketing-to-gen-y [Accessed 24/04/2013].

Fig 22. Minter, N., 2013. Impulsive ice cream buying – Primary Research [Infographic]

OFCOM. 2012. Ofcom Communications Market Report [online] Available at: http:// [Accessed 21/5/2013]


Fig 17. Marjoram, S., 2013. School Girl Consumer Snacks. [Photograph]

Fig 19. Exley, C., 2013. University Student Consumer Snacks. [Photograph]

Fig 21. Hindmarch, E., 2013. Young Professional Consumer Snacks. [Photograph]

Fig 23. Minter, N., 2013. Personality Tests – Primary Research [Infographic] Fig 24. Unknown, 2013. Haagen Dasz Vending Machine [Photograph] Fig 25. Minter, N., 2013. Which Cornetto Are You? Campaign Title [Infographic]

Fig 26. Marjoram, S., 2013. Mock Up - Personality Pod [Graphics]

Fig 51. Minter, N., 2013. Mock Up – Website Login Page [Graphics]

Fig 27. Marjoram, S., 2013. Mock Up - Personality Pod [Graphics]

Fig 52. Hindmarch, E., 2013. Mock Up – Website Welcome Page [Graphics]

Fig 28. Marjoram, S., 2013. Mock Up - Personality Pod [Graphics] Fig 29. Minter, N., 2013. Mock Up Poster – Execution of Photo-shoot [Graphics]

Fig 53. Pew Research Centre, 2013. Social Networking Sit Use by Age Group, 20052012 (% of internet users in each age group who use social networking sites) [Photograph]

Fig 30. Exley, C., 2013. Mock Up Poster – Execution of Photo-shoot [Graphics]

Fig 54. Hindmarch, E., 2013. Mock Up – Profile [Graphics]

Fig 31. Exley, C., 2013. Mock Up Poster – Execution of Photo-shoot [Graphics]

Fig 55. Hindmarch, E., 2013. Mock Up – Profile [Graphics]

Fig 32. Minter, N., 2013. Mock Up – London Underground [Graphics]

Fig 56. Hindmarch, E., 2013. Mock Up – Phone App [Infographic]

Fig 33. Minter, N., 2013. Mock Up – Bus Stop [Graphics]

Fig 56. Hindmarch, E., 2013. Mock Up – Phone App [Infographic]

Fig 34. Minter, N., 2013. Mock Up – City Centre Billboard [Graphics]

Fig 56. Hindmarch, E., 2013. Mock Up – Phone App [Infographic]

Fig 35. Minter, N., 2013. Mock Up – Road Side Billboard [Graphics ]

Fig 56. Hindmarch, E., 2013. Mock Up – Phone App [Infographic]

Fig 36. Jackson, L., 2013. Mock Up – Loyalty Card [Graphics]

Fig 56. Hindmarch, E., 2013. Mock Up – Phone App [Infographic]

Fig 37. Exley, C., 2013. Mock Up – Stickers [Graphics]

Fig 56. Hindmarch, E., 2013. Mock Up – Phone App [Infographic]

Fig 38. Exley, C., 2013. Mock Up – Stickers [Graphics]

Fig 56. Hindmarch, E., 2013. Mock Up – Phone App [Infographic]

Fig 39. Exley, C., 2013. Mock Up – Stickers [Graphics]

Fig 63. Exley, E., Jackson, L., 2013. Mock Up – Tweets [Graphics]

Fig 40. Exley, C., 2013. Mock Up – Stickers [Graphics] Fig 41. Exley, C., 2013. Mock Up – Stickers [Graphics] Fig 42. Exley, C., 2013. Mock Up – Stickers [Graphics] Fig 43. Exley, C., 2013. Mock Up – Stickers [Graphics] Fig 44. Exley, C., 2013. Mock Up – Stickers [Graphics] Fig 45. Exley, C., 2013. Mock Up – Stickers [Graphics] Fig 46. Exley, C., Jackson, L., 2013. Mock Up – Fridge Sticker [Graphics] Fig 47. Exley, C., Jackson, L., 2013. Mock Up – Fridge Sticker [Graphics] Fig 48. Exley, C., Jackson, L., 2013. Mock Up – Fridge Sticker [Graphics] Fig 49. Jackson, L., 2013. Mock Up – Freezer. [Graphics] Fig 50. Marjoram, S., 2013. Mock Up – Footprints. [Graphics]


BILIOGRAPHY BOOKS Rouby, C et al. 2002. Olfaction, Taste and Cognition. New York: Cambridge University Press. MAGAZINES RYAN, J. 2013. Strong foundations for bricks and mortar. Drapers. 06/04/2013 pp.35 36. ONLINE ALEXANDER, E.. 2013. Harrods Opens Dior Wonderland [online] Vogue. Available at: [Accessed 21/05/2013] BBC. 2013. UK economy avoids triple-dip recession [online]. Available at: http://www. [Accessed 25/4/2013] BELAM, M. 2012. Facebook: The Rise and Rise of a social media giant ebook [online] The Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 21/05/2013] BORK, A. 1986. Let’s Test The Power Of Interactive Technology [online] Education Leadership. Available at: bork.pdf [Accessed 21/05/2013] BRENNER,J. 2012. Pew Internet: Social Networking (full detail) [online] Pew Internet. Available at: [Accessed 21/05/2013] BRITLAND, M. 2012. The power of Twitter [online] The Guardian. Available at: http:// [Accessed 21/05/2013] DE BOER, J. 2013. Billboard Turned Into An Artist Residency [online] Pop Up City. Available at: [Accessed 21/05/2013] DE BOER, J. 2013. Empty Shop Re-Used As Central City Wardrobe [online] Pop Up City. Available at: [Accessed 21/05/2013] FRANKEL, S. 2013. Celebrating Dior’s Love Affair With All Things British Inside The Dior at Harrods Launch [online] Grazia. Available: FashionVictim/celebrating-dior-s-love-affair-with-all-things-british-inside-the-dior-atharrods-launch [Accessed 21/05/2013] GIRARD, L.. 2012. 3 New Technologies to Make Shopping More Interactive [online] Entrepreneur. Available at: [Accessed 21/05/2013] JOSEPH, S. 2013. Unilever launches first Magnum branded mobile game [online] Marketing Week. Available at: [Accessed 21/05/2013]


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SPICER,H. 2008. Mintel Report: Snacking on the Go- UK-April 2008 [online]. Available at: [Accessed 22/5/2013]

KEYNOTE. 2013. Keynote Ice Creams and Frozen Desserts Market Report [online] Available at: [Accessed 22/5/13]

UNKNOWN. 2012. Walls Refrigeration Solutions [online] Available at: http:// [Accessed 22/5/2013]

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VIDEO Cornetto. 2013. Cupidity. [online video] 08 April. Available from: http://www.rsafilms. com/company/rsa-uk/director/cornetto-2013/cornetto-cupidity-4426. [Accessed 21/05/2013]

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MINTEL. 2012. Consumer Snacking UK [online]. Available at:http://academic.mintel. com/display/647580/?highlight=ture#hit1 [Accessed 20/5/2013] MINTEL. 2012. Mobile Phone Apps UK [online] Available at: http://academic.mintel. com/display/590211/?highlight=true [Accessed 20/5/2013] NIEBURG, O. 2013. ‘Experiential retail’ can build confectionery brand loyalty [online]. Confectionery News. 28th February. Available at: http://www.confectionerynews. com/Markets/Experiential-retail-can-build-confectionery-brand-loyalty [Accessed 24/04/2013]. O’CONNOR, M. 2009. The Icecreamists – Open For Business [online] The Icecreamists. Available at: [Accessed 21/05/2013] OFCOM. 2012. Ofcom Communications Market Report [online] http://stakeholders. [Accessed 21/5/2013] PRICE, A. 2012. Mintel Report: Ice Cream - UK - July 2012 [online]. Available at: Mintel [Accessed 22/5/2013] RATCLIFFE, S. 2009. Icecreamists chill with pop-up at Selfridges [online] Available at: [Accessed 21/05/2013] SCHROER, W. Generations X,Y, Z and the Others [online]. The Social Liberian. Available at: [Accessed 24/04/2013].

Tim Elmore. 2010. Generation iY [online video] 22 October. Available at: http://www. [Accessed 24/04/2013] James Surowiecki. 2005. When social media became news [online video] February. Available at: social_media.html [Accessed 21/05/2013] Paul Conneally. 2012. Digital humanitarianism, 2012. [online video] February. Available at: [Accessed 21/05/2013] Tweet Success. 2012. Digital Popularity Creates Power [online video] LSN Global. Available at: [Accessed 21/05/2013] BLOG AZITA, M. 2010. Infographic: Why Does Gen Y Buy? Get Satisfaction. [Illustration]. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 19/04/2013] RAYMOND, M. 2011. Teen Futures Report. The Future Laboratory [online blog]. 4th May. Available at: [Accessed 18/05/13] INTERVIEWS GAYE, M. 2013. Food Futurologist: Interviewed by the Authors via Email, 14 May 2013 WARNER, A. 2013. User Experience Team at Unilever: Interviewed by the Authors via Email, 22 May 2013

SHOOT YOU NEWS. 2013. 3 key digital marketing trends to watch: optimisation, personalisation, monetisation [online] Available at: news/2013/342/3-key-digital-marketing-trends-to-watch-optimisationpersonalisation-monetisation [Accessed 22/5/2013]


APPENDIXES APPENDIX 1: Who is Cornetto? a. SWOT pg. 88 b. PEST pg. 89 APPENDIX 2: Market Trends a. Dior Case Study pg. 90 b. Perceptual Map pg. 91 c. Ice Cream Men Interviews pg. 92 d. McDonalds Monopoly Case Study pg. 93 e. Personality Test M&M Store in New York pg. 94 f. Supermarket/Express Stores Research pg. 95 g. SNOG Case Study pg. 96 h. The Icecreamists Case Study pg. 97 APPENDIX 3: Consumer Research a. Consent Forms pg. 98 & 99 b. Consumer Decision Journey pg. 100 c. Cornetto Instagram Research pg. 101 d. ‘Opinions of Cornetto’ Survey pg. 102 e. Snacking Questionnaire Online pg. 103 f. Snacking Posters pg. 104 APPENDIX 4: Our Proposal a. Big Idea/Big Creative Idea – Plan pg. 105 b. Forming and Generating Ideas – Dan Lockton: Design With Intent pg. 106 c. Emails to Dr. Morgaine Gaye pg. 107 d. Flavour Profiles pg. 108 e. Emails to Alannah Warner pg. 109 Critical Path pg. 110 Blog pg. 111 Minutes pg. 112 & 113

1a. SWOT


1b. PEST


2a. Product Dior took over the fourth floor of Harrods in London for the duration of a month (15th March – April 2013) to provide consumers with an insight into the luxury brand, celebrating both Dior’s and Harrods’ joint sixty years of history. Experience The 20,000 square foot fourth floor of Harrods held an exhibition of Dior’s history, incorporating generic London landmarks with a Dior twist. There were a total of nine pop up shops within the store, thirty three window displays and an Georgian style café. Strengths Harrods’ chief merchant Marigay McKee claimed “It didn’t just meet our expectations but utterly exceeded them,” after the café was fully booked up, every day, and over 50,000 visitors enjoyed the exhibition. It is said that many products sold out in the first night of opening, and Harrods’ has also claimed that since the exhibition and the store collaborated, Dior has seen a double year-to-date growth in various departments. The exhibition was aimed to “enhance our customer experience, attract new visitors to the store,” so placing the exhibition in Harrods, one of the main tourist shopping attractions in London, and in London, one of the most popular cities in the world, was ultimately sure to be a success. Weaknesses The exhibition was held at Harrods, a store that is constantly busy and full of tourists – consumers may have been put off by the lack of one-to-one customer service that they would usually receive in a Dior environment.




2c. NOTTINGHAM ICE CREAM MEN SURVEY Locations Of Ice Cream Vans A – Market Square B – The Arboretum C – North Sherwood Street 1. What is the most popular ice cream? A. ‘99 B. ’99 and Twister C. ‘99 2. Is Cornetto one of the top three ice creams that you sell? A. Yes B. No C. No, and the Chocolate Enigma never sells 3. Does is vary throughout summer how many Cornettos are sold, does it depend on the weather? A. Yes, when its hotter more are sold B. Yes if its warmer C. Not really, more ice cream is sold if the weather is better but not necessarily more Cornettos 4. What is the most popular flavour of Cornetto? A. Strawberry B. Strawberry C. Strawberry 5. What flavour Cornettos do you sell? A. Strawberry and raspberry enigma B. Mint, strawberry, classic C. Strawberry, mint, classic 6. Do you only bring the van out on sunny days? A. No, everyday B. No, all year round C. No, everyday 7. Do you think there is only a market to sell ice cream when its sunny? A. Yes B. Yes C. Yes, but Cornetto sales are not affected by the weather as much as ice cream in generally, for example the ‘99 8. What age are your consumers (generally)? A. 10-16 year olds B. 2-15 year olds C. 20 years and below



Product McDonalds Monopoly Fortunes is a worldwide campaign enabling consumers the opportunity of an instant win through collecting stickers from products.  Experience Consumers purchasing an item of food from McDonalds are rewarding with a monopoly sticker, of which they peel off to discover if they have won an instant prize. Consumers are given a monopoly board which they can place their collected stickers onto; if they collect stickers to complete the street then they will win one of the illustrious prizes. Strengths Brand loyalty is redeemed through consumer rewards and prizes, consumers engage in a thrill if they win, prompting them to purchase more. This strategy taps into the aspect of consumer reward, in the economic climate consumers want tp feel their money is going further. Monopoly is a nostalgic pastime for many consumers who have been brought up playing the board game, a strategic idea to incorporate a well known and loved past time, tapping into an idea of fun and enjoyment. Weaknesses Not every consumer wins when they purchase an item and some products don’t display the stickers. Potential for consumers to become annoyed at the duplicate stickers they have collected, never quite winning the illustrious prizes


2e. Product ‘The M&M Personality Test’ a new concept launched in New York, enables consumers to find their ideal M&M flavour and personality match. Experience Consumers are scanned by the machine to find out their unique M&M personality equal. The personality test reveals your M&M match, and quotes the following: ‘Orange M&M- You are a very energetic and even hyper person. You love to act swiftly. You are brilliant and pioneering. Your ideas are outlandish but not as out there as they seem.’ Strengths Enabling the consumer the experience of discovering their unique M&M personality will in turn increase sales of each M&M flavour. Consumers feel they have purchased a personalised treat, reflecting personality. The M&M Personality test is equally sensory and interactive for the consumer, to initiate the experience consumers touch the screen to begin and whilst they stand on the platform music and colourful flash lights are beamed onto the consumer. Weaknesses The length at which it takes for each consumer to be scanned for their personality M&M leads to queue’s and excitement decreases. Potential for a mismatch of assumed personality of consumer leading to dissatisfaction. Potential for repetitive M&M flavours, leading to consumers not feeling as personalised as they could be.



Minter, N., 2013. Sainsburys Ice cream Freezer [photograph]


2g. Product London based frozen yogurt retailer, SNOG™ is a healthy snack shop found in the top end locations of London such as the Kings road, Soho and Westfield shopping center. A wide variety of toppings is offered on your frozen yogurt including freshly cut fruits, seeds and nuts, jumbo chocolate chip cookies, gluten free brownies and crunchy granola. Experience A high-end interior “experience and emotions” environment. The shops are all about bringing fashion to food retail, hence the shops being well designed spaces with beautiful light installations. The company have collaborated with the best of British designers and artists ensuring the shop atmosphere is stimulating and up to date. Cinimod Studio developed a store design concept aimed at evoking the feeling of a perfect never-ending summer. The interior is deliberately quirky, with a photographic grass floor and a ‘digital sky’ which adjusts the mood of the store perpetually throughout the day and evenings. The digitally captured and manipulated clouds move gently across the store, with their colour and speed determined by the time of the day. A contemporary and relaxed take on garden furniture has been achieved in store, suitable for the ‘captured’ summer environment. Music is important to the experience, new up-beat playlists by DJ Milan from East London are updated regularly to keep the energy in the shops vibrant.

Strengths All aspects of consumer engagement have been thought about, including what style of music they play which proves successful as the shop is always packed. A high-end interior “experience and emotions” environment that bares no resemblance to prior ice-cream parlours or cafe precedents. More than 3,000 individually controlled LED lamps behind the translucent plastic ceiling are intended to evoke a summer sky, with colour and ‘clouds’ changing according to the time of day, nothing has been done of this kind before. As SNOG is the first of its type in the UK, its paving the way for more innovative snacking shops and is a leader in this field. Came around in a time when people are looking for more experience way of purchasing with communal aspects - backlash against the online culture. The menu changes each week – keeping the brand forever changing means its a different consumer experience each time, enticing people back. Positioned the shops in high end places in London to appeal to their correct target audience - not wasted time trying to establish its self anywhere else. The public response has been phenomenal, with people delighted by the playful design and varying lighting effects. Weaknesses Some consumers have reported being overwhelmed by the choices of toppings. It is very expensive, so limiting itself to the top end consumers. The experience may become old after a while because it is so niche and people may move onto the next thing.


2h. Product The Icecreamists held a pop up café in Selfridges – named ‘God Save the Cream’, holding sixteen different flavours of ice cream for £39.99.

Experience Consumers experienced over the top furniture, neon colours clashing and the Queen driving an ice cream van, with live music. Flavours ranged from Argentine dulce de leche or Tahitian Vanilla, to Asian Spiced Ginger and Italian espresso, ranging from two scoops at £2.99 to £39.99 for all sixteen. The quality of the ice cream was described as ‘rich, creamy, full of flavour’ (the London food detective) and worth the money, despite being slightly overpriced. Strengths Sixteen different flavours that you wouldn’t get from any ice cream shop or supermarket, with a customer experience not likely to be forgotten soon. Ice cream was no longer just a pudding – now your choice of a cocktail, afternoon snack or even sit down meal. Weaknesses The pop up café ran out of ice cream on their first night, they perhaps should of overcompensated rather than run out and disappoint. Service wasn’t always on top form, and long queues were an issue.











3e. SNACKING QUESTIONNAIRE ONLINE Are you a male or female? Male 16 Female 34 When do you eat snacks? (multiple answer) Watching television 36 Between or after Meals 29 When Bored 40 Doing work/revising 31 Other (please specify) 3 Do you prefer healthy or unhealthy snacks? Healthy 12 Unhealthy 33 Both 5 What kind of snack do you buy/eat? (multiple answer) Sweets 37 Chocolate 45 Crisps 29 Biscuits 15 Fruit 6 Who do you snack with? (multiple answer) Alone 44 Friends 36 Family 18 Colleagues 10 Flat mates 23 Why do you snack? (multiple answer) Bored 36 Hungry 40 Comfort eating 17











This shows the 15 personality traits for each flavour that people can collect codes to unlock. Inspired by the scientific research of Dr Morgaine Gaye, food futurologist, and Dr. Alan R. Hirsch, M.D., neurological director of the smell and taste treatment and research foundation in Chicago, which found that preference of certain ice cream flavours and smells says a lot about a person and different flavours have been linked with distinct personality traits. Loosely based around this research we have created three distinct profiles, one each for Strawberry, Mint and Classico, using some artistic licence to link the traits with Conetto’s positive and fun tone of voice.






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