The Charlotte News Volume lVI Number 19
The VoIce of The TowN
Thursday, may 8, 2014
Rescue Suspension Leads to Tense Selectboard Meetings John Hammer
Photo by barry MossMan
The charloTTe News
CVFRS Assistant Fire Chief Dick St. George returns Lulu, an English bulldog, to her happy owner, Jennifer Blanchard, after the dog was rescued last week.
Lost on Ledge, Lulu Lifted to Safety Brett Sigurdson The charloTTe News
Members of Charlotte Fire & Rescue (CVFRS) came to the rescue of Lulu, a tenmonth-old English bulldog puppy who went missing from the Whalley Road home of owner Jennifer Blanchard April 28. Frantic, Blanchard posted on Front Porch Forum, put out signs at the Old Brick Store, notified police and contacted the American Society for the
Prevention of Animal Abuse. A few days later, Brooke Mossman heard a yelping sound from the water near her home on Popple Dungeon Road. Looking over the edge, she and her husband, Barry, saw Lulu on a slippery, rocky ledge—an “impossible location,” said Barry. Three members of CVFRS responded to the incident. After brainstorming how to reach the
Town Developing Safety Study for Route 7 Intersection The Town of Charlotte, with funding assistance from the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, is conducting a study to explore alternatives and develop recommendations to improve pedestrian safety at the intersection of Route 7 and Ferry Road. The study will focus on pedestrians crossing Route 7 to travel between Charlotte’s West Village and the CCTA stop at the former Citgo station. As part of the study, the town will hold a public work session on May 19 at 5:30 p.m. at Town Hall. Lucy Gibson, P.E. of Dubois & King, who is assisting the town with this study, will facilitate the meeting. After some initial discussions inside, the group will walk to the intersection to continue the discussion outside. Some of the topics that Gibson hopes to cover during the work session include overall intersection safety, traffic congestion and possible alternatives for establishing a pedestrian crossing at the intersection. The public is invited to the meeting to participate in the discussion and to express concerns, suggestions or ideas. Interested residents and others can call Dean Bloch, the Charlotte town administrator, at 425-3071, ext. 5, with questions regarding the study and work session. Interested individuals who are not able to attend the meeting can email comments and questions to Bloch at dean@ or to Gibson at
One week separated the Selectboard meetings of April 21 and 28, but the tension remained high between some members of the public and members of the Charlotte Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service (CVFRS). As revealed on April 21, the Rescue Service had received a three-month suspension of its paramedic license on top of what was characterized as a less-critical conditional operating license for the six-month period beginning on January 1, 2014. What was not disclosed at that meeting was a letter from the state’s District Three Emergency Medical Services Board, which oversees CVFRS, dated December 10, 2013. This letter refers to correspondence dated October 14, 2013, that raised concerns about CVFRS’s compliance with documentation requirements for reports filed after ambulance runs. Apparently, conditions had not sufficiently improved by December so District Three felt justified in imposing the sixmonth conditional operational license. The three-month suspension of paramedic service was issued by letter on April 11 on the heels of a March 25 inspection of controlled substances that found accountability wanting. Included in the April letter was mention of CVFRS’s continued shortcomings from October 2013. The combination of these events caused a number in the audience to ask how the Rescue Squad had come to this juncture. The atmosphere could be summed up in the words of Town Clerk/Treasurer Mary Mead, who said, “What’s upsetting to me is that in October and December Fire & Rescue came here with their budget and requested and got everything they wanted. We purchased a brand new ambulance. You [CVFRS] went in and signed a memorandum of understanding with the
Lulu continued on page 6
Selectboard continued on page 5
Wearing the Crown But Losing Her Hair Sera Anderson is going to shave her head for charity, but that’s not all that’s unexpected from the reigning Mrs. Vermont America. Brett Sigurdson The charloTTe News Soon after Sera Anderson was crowned Mrs. Vermont America 2014 this past March, the 37-year-old Charlotter had an idea for a charity fundraiser: she’d shave her head. It’s an unexpected decision, not the kind most beauty queens would consider. But, then again, Anderson hasn’t exactly led a predictable life. On June 23, 1977—just a month after being born in South Korea—she was discovered by police in a cardboard box. She was sent to an orphanage in Daegu for a month and then, shortly after, on to a foster family in Seoul. At eight months, Anderson was adopted by a family in Brookfield, Vt. The moment her mom decided to abandon her still weighs on Anderson, for it represents the exact point a bond
Hair continued on page 8
Sera Anderson is Mrs. Vermont America 2014.
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The Charlotte News
Syria an Omen of the Perils of Climate Change The Charlotte News PublishEd by and for CharlottErs sinCE 1958 The CharloTTe News is a nonprofit community-based newspaper dedicated to informing townspeople of current events and issues. It serves as a forum for the free exchange of views of town residents and celebrates the people, places and happenings that make the Town of Charlotte unique. Contributions in the form of articles, press releases and photographs pertaining to Charlotte-related people and events are accepted and encouraged from all townspeople and interested individuals. For submission guidelines and deadlines, please visit our website or contact the editor at The CharloTTe News is published in Charlotte by The Charlotte News, Inc., a Vermont domestic 501(c)4 nonprofit corporation. Distribution is made every other Thursday to all households and businesses in Charlotte and to selected outlets in Shelburne, Hinesburg, North Ferrisburgh, Ferrisburgh and Vergennes. It relies on the generous financial contributions of its readers, subscriptions and advertising revenue to sustain its operations. oN The weB aT:
Editorial Staff
802-425-4949 Editor in ChiEf…………………..BreTT sigurdsoN Contributing Editor…………………edd merriTT ProduCtion & dEsign Editor….liNda williamsoN intErns…………………..emma slaTer, Kim CriBari CoPy Editors………..BeTh merriTT, leslie BoTjer, viNCe CroCKeNBerg, edd merriTT
Barrie Dunsmore CONTRIBUTOR
We don’t really need United Nations climate experts to warn us. If we merely look around America, we see polar vortexes in the Deep South, record droughts in the South and West that starve crops and feed forest fires, excessive tornados churning through the country’s mid-section and once-rare powerful hurricanes and blizzards plowing up the Atlantic Coast seemingly every weekend. We know instinctively that our weather is profoundly changing— and yet far too many of us are seemingly oblivious or resigned to nature’s warnings. What will it take to shatter this indifference? What if I were to tell you that what set off the current civil war in Syria, in which 150,000 people have been killed and millions made refugees, was not initially a dispute over democracy or dictatorship or religion. It was ignited by climate change. That was the conclusion in a
Business Staff
lengthy report titled “Understanding Syria,” published last year in the Atlantic. The author is William Polk, one of America’s true Renaissance men—diplomat, academic, adventurer and Middle East specialist for more than half a century. I wrote about his analysis at the time, but in view of the latest U.N. global climate update, it’s very much worth revisiting: drought from 2006 to 2011 turned Syria into a land like the American dust bowl of the 1930s. It was the worst drought ever recorded in Syria. weather patterns dramatically reduced the arable land, the water and the crops needed to support a rapidly increasing population. dust storms caused 800,000 farmers to lose their livelihood and a quarter of them simply gave up their land. Crop failures reached 75 percent. As much as 85 percent of livestock died. Having set the scene, historian Polk then described what happened next. Tens of thousands of frightened, angry, hungry and impoverished former farmers jammed into Syria’s towns and cities, where they constituted tinder ready to catch fire. The spark was set on March 15, 2011, when a relatively small group gathered in the town of
Daraa to protest against government failure to help them. Instead of meeting with the protestors and hearing their complaints, the government saw them as subversives. President Bashar Assad ordered a military crackdown, which backfired, and riots soon broke out all over the country. What had begun as a food and water issue, had turned into a political and religious death struggle. That brief summary is a classic case study of how climate change can provoke violent breakdowns in civil order—and in Syria’s case become a full- scale civil war. Syria is an early omen. Climate change, if left unchecked, will eventually lead to water and food shortages on a global scale that will threaten the very survival of millions of people. It’s an open question if any political system will be able to contain the kinds of anarchy that could be unleashed by such a human catastrophe. This commentary originally aired on Vermont Public Radio (VPR) on April 3, 2014. Barrie Dunsmore is a journalist who covered foreign affairs for ABC News for 30 years. His columns and commentaries are featured in the Rutland Herald/Montpelier Times Argus and on VPR. He lives in Charlotte.
802-488-0757 businEss ManagEr…………………shaNley hiNge advErtising ManagEr …………...NiCK mCdougal CirCulation grouP……….gordoN BrowN, diaNe NiChols
Co-PrEsidEnt………………………...Tom o’BrieN Co-PrEsidEnt………………….viNCe CroCKeNBerg sECrEtary………………………….....johN hammer MEMbErs………….…………………...KaThy luCe, louisa sChiBli, roBiN TurNau, raChel CummiNgs, miChael hauleNBeeK, meg smiTh, NaNCy wood
Contributors sera aNdersoN elizaBeTh BasseTT haNNah ClevelaNd CaTheriNe domareKi Barrie duNsmore joe gallagher deirdre holmes jim morse
Barry mossmaN KirsTeN o’CoNNell Kerrie Pughe mary reCChia greg smiTh holly sullivaN margareT woodruff miKe yaNTaChKa
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The CharloTTe News P.o. Box 251, ferry road BusiNess ParK CharloTTe, vermoNT 05445 TelePhoNe: 425-4949 CirCulation: 3,000 CoPies Per issue. CoPyright © 2014 thE CharlottE nEws, inC. PrintEd by uPPEr vallEy PrEss
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The Charlotte News accepts all signed letters pertaining to issues of local and national interest. Letters must be 300 words or fewer, include your full name and town, and reach us by the appropriate deadline. Writers will only have letters published once every four weeks. The Charlotte News reserves the right to edit for style and length. Your submission options are or The Charlotte News, P.O. Box 251, Charlotte, VT 05445. All opinions expressed in Letters and Commentaries are those of the writers and not of The Charlotte News, which is published as an independent, nonprofit, unbiased community service and forum.
On the cover a PiCTure of daffodils growiNg iN The sPriNg suN. PhoTo By liNda williamsoN.
Next issue deadlines NexT issue daTe: Thurs., may 22 CoNTriBuTioNs: moN., may 12 By 5 P.m. leTTers: moN., may 19, By 10 a.m.
CHARLOTTE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Pursuant to Title 24 and the Charlotte Land Use Regulations, the Board of Adjustment will meet at the Town Hall 159 Ferry Road at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday May 28th, 2014 to hear the following: -The Zoning Board will review the appeal of Thomas and Denise Kessler, who are appealing The Town Zoning Administrator’s decision to deny a Certification of Occupancy Permit. The property is located at 1689 Church Hill Road. -Applications are available for review during regular Planning and Zoning office hours. Participation in the hearing is a prerequisite to the right to appeal any decision related to an application.
PUBLIC MEETINGS Selectboard Regular Meetings are usually at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Sometimes they begin earlier; check online at or with the Town Clerk (425-3071). Chair: Lane Morrison (4252495), Matthew Krasnow (922-2153), Ellie Russell (425-5276), Charles Russell (425-4757), Fritz Tegatz (425-5564). CCS School Board Regular Meetings are usually at 6:30 p.m. at CVU on the third Tuesday of each month. Chair Kristin Wright (425-5105), Clyde Baldwin (425-3366), Susan
Nostrand (425-4999), Erik Beal (425-2140), Mark McDermott (425-4860). Planning Commission Regular Meetings are usually at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall on the first and third Thursdays of each month. Chair Jeffrey McDonald (425-4429), Vice Chair Peter Joslin, Gerald Bouchard, Paul Landler, Linda Radimer, Donna Stearns, Marty Illick. Committee meetings are listed on the town website. Check times and agendas online or by phone; for the town:, Town Hall, 425-3071 or 4253533; for CCS:, CSSU office, 383-1234.
The Charlotte News
Thoughts and Thanks for Another Successful Green Up Day Joe Gallagher Contributor (Left) A truck full of metal scraps collected road-side. (Below) John Davis and his son Wolfie green up Hinesburg Road.
Another successful Green Up Day weekend under our belt. It’s a great weekend, and if you participated, you know what I mean. I love this weekend. And, of course, the thing that makes me love it most of all is the people. I tell my kids this all the time: it’s all about the people. No matter where you are, no matter where you’re going, no matter what you’re doing, it’s the people that will make it memorable, it’s the people that will make it special. I know you know what I mean. Even the people you don’t meet on Green Up Day weekend, you know they’re special, because they are out there cleaning up the roads, and that just says something about who they are. Every year there are one or two or three Charlotters whom I had not yet met, and I get to speak with them a little bit more than to simply say the quick “thank you,” and to learn a little bit about them, and I’m grateful for that. Then there’s just this incredible feeling of “wow,” people are out there taking care of business, not letting their frustrations about litter, and why people create it get in the way of doing something about it. That’s cool, that’s empowering, that’s positive.
the beauty and safety of this wonderful town we call home. Thank you to John Quinney, Elizabeth Bassett, Kate Lampton, Joe Messingschlager, Joanna Cummings, Rose Gallagher and Walter Gundel for volunteering at the Quonset Hut at CCS, grabbing trash from cars, answering questions, just being available. And thanks to Ruah Swennerfelt for orchestrating e-cycling together with Louis Cox, Arthur Hynes, Cathy Hunter and Merilese O’Connor, and Jenny Cole Thank yous Thank you, every Charlotte resident who took the for coordinating clean up at the Greenbush Road parktime to go out this weekend and helped to maintain ing area of the Charlotte Park and Wildlife Refuge, Abby Foulk for organizing the sale of compost, and to Champlain Valley Compost Co. for providing the compost, freeof-charge. Proceeds go to the CCS 4Rs Committee (reduce, reuse, recycle, rot) to finish the new Compost Shed near the school gardens. Thanks to Margaret Woodruff for coordination of the Charlotte Seed Library at Green Up Day, and Karen Vincellete and Melanie Goodman of Youth Catalytics for introducing and coordinating the recycling of old shoes. Thank you to Chris Davis of the Charlotte Volunteer Fire Department for caring about the safety of our townspeople, and educating us about how to take care of ourselves while cleaning our roads, and Bill Fraser-Harris for coordinatKate Lampton and Walter Gundel load green up bags at CCS. ing clean up of our beautiful Town Beach, and for helping me at the last minute to haul a mattress and several Green Up Day bags and trash from Route 7. Thank you to Charlie MacFadyen, a teacher at CVU for helping me with the on-line sign up on the town website, and Lisa Schold, a junior at CVU, who with other CVU students from the Environmental Action Club and Key Club, helped to clean up our roads. And thanks to Leslie and JR Lewis for their generous giving of their trucks and time to make this all happen, and because they do it so kindly, and with a smile. Thank you to those at Town Hall, the Old Brick Store and Spear’s Corner Store for giving out Green Up Day bags in advance, and to the town and the Conservation Commission for their support of this event, and to Front Porch Forum, Sheri Duff of the Citizen, and Brett Sigurdson of Charlotte News, for helping me to keep the town up-to-speed. It takes a lot of people to make something like this happen, and I thank all of you and ask in advance that you forgive me if I’ve left anyone out.
Ideas for The fuTure Many residents have shared suggestions and ideas to improve upon Green Up Day. They’re all great ideas. Let me share a couple here and perhaps some of you will share your thoughts with me. Many would
like to incorporate a recycling effort into Green Up Day. Who could argue whether that would be a good idea? There are a couple of ways we could approach this. One is that folks on the road have three bags: one for trash, one for recycling, one for returns. Another is that folks gather like they always have, and volunteers at the Quonset Hut at CCS go through their bags, sorting, cleaning and separating. There may be other ways to accomplish this. There are some challenges, for sure. This is an idea only, at this point. There is a lot of organization and resources that would need to be identified, and we would need the support of other organizations, such as GreenUp Vermont and CSWD. Are townspeople up for this? Will you support it? Another idea that has come up is allowing volunteers to leave their trash on the side of the road to be picked up by others with trucks and brought to CCS rather than having the volunteers picking up the trash on the side of the road and having to bring it to the school. What do you think of this? Sure it’s easier for the “pickers” and may cause more people to join in the effort, but do we have enough townspeople with trucks willing to pick the bags up? Maybe we do. Email me if you have a truck and would be willing to pick up bags and bring them to The Quonset Hut at CCS. A couple of other things I would like to share: there is a local group of young people who have created a Green Up Day app. I have not yet had the chance to check it out, but will, and I hope I can share more about that later. I’ve also learned recently that VT Agency of Transportation cleans Route 7 in Charlotte annually. They clean all state highways. I know there have been some very dedicated Charlotters who have been cleaning sections of Route 7 for many years, but perhaps those folks could “pick” some other roads to cover, and allow the Agency to do Route 7. If the Agency is going to clean it regardless, it seems we should take advantage of this to focus on other roads to increase the number of roads we cover. I’m just one man, and don’t have all the answers or all the ideas. Send your ideas along to me. I’m interested in your thoughts. or 734-2854. Thanks everyone for all you did this weekend. It’s a wonderful testament to the goodness of people and how much they care. Joe Gallagher is Charlotte’s Green Up Day coordinator.
The Charlotte News
An Epic Journey, Authored After School Skyler Heininger’s book Dwarvenhall is the kind of story he likes to read—and now everyone else can, too.
Brett Sigurdson The CharloTTe News As Skyler Heininger walked into the Charlotte Library last week, the CCS fifth grader’s arms were piled high with books, and it took him some effort to heave the pile into the library’s return basket. The stack in Skyler’s hands consisted of the remaining books he had checked out for CCS’s spring break the week before. Forget taking it easy—Skyler estimated he read about 400 pages a day of the six books he checked out. Not bad. His average is about 120 a day, he says. Skyler, 11—“almost 12,” he says—is a self-professed book lover. And it’s this voracious love of reading that has given him a new title: author. Since last week, his first book, a fantasy epic called Dwarvenhall, has sat among the books he loves at the Charlotte and CCS libraries. The 58-page novella takes place in a mountainous, forested fantasy kingdom called Dwarvenhall, the homeland of dwarves (the good guys) that has been conquered by surly orcs (the bad guys). The tale centers on Rugar, a human who is recruited by a band of dwarves to help reclaim their land from the ruling orcs. It’s an elaborate tale filled with valiant characters, epic battles and heroic acts—all detailed with Skyler’s hand-drawn maps and illustrations. Dwarvenhall is the kind of book Skyler likes to read, he says—a story akin to the Lord of the Rings and Ranger’s Apprentice novels he relishes, one filled with the swords and spears and arrows that fascinate him. In writing the book, he sought to emulate the stories he loves for those who also love epic fantasy stories. “I wanted to make my own book that other people could read, too,” said Skyler. Like many writers, Skyler came to Dwarvenhall after several false starts and tossed-off drafts. He began what became the novella at nine after abandoning several other stories that lost his interest. Writing longhand in a book created by folding blank paper in half and stapling the binding, Skyler pushed himself to finish the story, no matter what—even if he didn’t
Skyler Heininger holds the original draft of Dwarvenhall and a copy of the published version, which he’s donated to the Charlotte and CCS libraries.
know where the tale was going. “I just came up with it as I went,” Skyler says. After about a year he had filled the pages with Dwarvenhall in his looping script. He gave the draft to his aunt and uncle, who own a small publishing company called TMC Books—it stands for “Too Many Cats,” says Skyler, laughing—in New Hampshire. His relatives developed a system for transcribing the book in which his aunt would read the draft while his uncle would type. “They both enjoyed the heck out of it,” says Skyler’s dad, Peter. The book arrived about a month ago, complete with bound cover, dedication page and author’s bio (aside from affirming his love for reading and writing, it also tells readers Skyler has two dogs, Jasper and Banjo). Completing the professional approach to the book, Skyler signed the copies he donated to the libraries. “There’s been a lot of demand locally,” says Peter of Dwarvenhall, adding that it’s mostly from Skyler’s friends and family members. However, the book just went up for sale at the Flying Pig Bookstore. “We’re very proud of him, seeing him with the published book,” says Peter. “He got the bug on his own and he’s taken it to the next level. It’s pretty cool” Skyler has always loved writing, says Peter.
When he was younger, Skyler would grab paper and pens and just start writing. “When he’s not playing, eating, sleeping or doing school work he’s writing or reading,” says Peter. “He does enjoy the heck out of it.” Despite his love of reading and his interest in writing, Skyler says he’s not sure he wants to be a writer when he gets older. Right now he’s thinking short-term. He just started his next story, a sci-fi tale he’s co-authoring with a friend. There’s also the question of his next reading choice. As he gets ready to leave the library, Skyler makes a quick stop at the kids’ section, but finds nothing after a quick browse. “I’ve still got plenty to read,” he says.
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The Charlotte News
Selectboard continued from page 1 Selectboard. To me that is very upsetting. Clearly there is no one in charge willing to say this needs to be corrected. We have a paramedic service, we have the best equipment in all the surrounding towns, and we can’t use it [to its fullest extent]!” The current plan is to meet with Dr. Ruth Uphold, a Charlotter and retired medical doctor, to develop a strategy for opening more complete communications District Three and to come up with actions to resolve the suspension and conditional licensing issues. It has been the CVFRS position that the requirements of the District Three have not been adequately communicated and that with improved communications, they can be more easily understood and met. When Dave Nichols asked who was responsible for resolving these problems, Dave McNally, replied that it was he as president of the Corporate CVFRS Board, with Dave Stewart and the Rescue chiefs. The discussion resulted in a proposal to change the Memorandum of Agreement between the town and the CVFRS to require them to notify the Selectboard of any correspondence that would impact the level of service to the community. The proposal was not finalized. Further discussions were scheduled to take place up to and including the next regular Selectboard meeting. In a related, but not associated agenda item, CVFRS obtained permission to spend $26,815 from the CVFRS Capital Fund to purchase a defibrillator. This is one of two to be budgeted by the town while the other will be funded from internal CVFRS funds. In anticipation of the state law on universal recycling that becomes effective in 2017, the Selectboard pledged to collect compost, trash and recycling at all townsponsored events and private events held in public spaces. Further on this subject the Selectboard approved a grant application to purchase
two compost bins each for the Town Beach and Town Green. The cost to the town will be $378 should the grant be approved. In a final action, Abby Foulk was reappointed as the town’s representative to the board of the Chittenden Solid Waste District for a two-year term ending in May 2016. The Energy Committee, under Jennifer Chiodo, in continuation of its program to resolve the library’s energy needs, brought two contracts for signing. The first was granted to GWR Engineering for analysis of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and the domestic hot water systems. The analysis will determine the adequacy and aging of the systems and provide recommendations for changes. The second contract, also with GWR, will create a “building model for energy analysis” to provide a basis against which a “net zero site” may be established on which to optimize energy efficiency. The contracts were approved for $1,500 and $4,150 respectively out of Energy Committee funds. In a series of agenda items, the Selectboard agreed to go forward with investigating the drafting of an ordinance for hook-ups to the West Charlotte waste water system. A committee will have to be formed, and Selectman Fritz Tegatz will be meeting with Dave Marshall to discuss any changes to current capacity. The Selectboard met at this meeting and several subsequent working sessions over the following two weeks on amendments to the town’s personnel policies to include a pay-scale table. These will be considered for approval at the May 12 meeting. A policy requiring all employees to fill out time sheets at the conclusion of each pay period was, however, approved. The board has met numerous times in formal and working sessions to evaluate sources for community policing. The next regularly scheduled Selectboard meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on May 12.
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Davis Named Paul Harris Fellow Rotarian Chris Davis of Charlotte was honored by the Charlotte Shelburne Rotary Club recently with the presentation of a Paul Harris Fellowship, an award named for the founder of Rotary. Presenting the award, Rotarian Terrell Titus (left) of Shelburne explained that the fellowship was being made to Davis in recognition of his financial support of Rotary International and its many projects, including its successful work to eradicate polio throughout the world, and his energetic work on the many community projects of Charlotte Shelburne Rotary Club.
Comedy Night to Benefit the Charlotte, Shelburne PTOs May 9 Back by popular demand, the Vermont Comedy Divas are sponsoring a comedy show to benefit the Charlotte and Shelburne PTOs. The event will be held at the Old Lantern in Charlotte on Friday, May 9, at 7:30 p.m. The show will feature local divas Josie Leavitt, Tracie Spencer, Autumn Engroff Spencer and Sue Schmidt. The show was such a hit last year that everyone involved agreed to do it again. Leavitt, owner of the Flying Pig Book Store and one of the creators of the event, explained, “I wanted to do the comedy show again this year because working with both the Shelburne and Charlotte PTOs on a fundraiser was so much fun and so successful last year it just made sense. And to be part of a joint fundraiser for both schools means a lot to me living in Charlotte and having the store in Shelburne. These kids mean so much to me, and it’s great to help support the work of both PTOs.” This is an adult-only event. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased online at, at the Flying Pig bookstore or at the door on the night of the event.
The Charlotte News
New Nurse Practitioner Finding Home at Health Center John Hammer The CharloTTe News Tucked away on Ferry Road, down from the Old Brick Store, is one of Charlotte’s landmarks, the Charlotte Family Health Center. It’s in an old farmhouse set in the middle of a field. You’d never know that the center serves more than 3,000 patients. Just walking into the waiting room and seeing the quirky display cabinet conjures up memories of older and simpler days. Not present are the complex activities arising from modern health care programs. The staff takes its time, listening to patients’ histories and acting with care and professionalism. The Family Health Center is a legacy of Dr. Richard “Bunky” Bernstein, who started it in 1975 as a place where local residents could be seen in the old caring way. Nurse Practitioner Jennifer Allaire, APRN, joined the two current doctors, Andrea Regan and Gordon Gieg, last summer. As an adult nurse
Jenni Allaire is nurse practioner at Charlotte Family Health Center.
practitioner, she sees adolescent and adult patients 12 years and older. Allaire’s arrival coincided with Bunky’s retirement. While the newest arrival, she really is not a stranger. She was hired by Bunky back in 2006 to serve as a medical assistant in the office. Allaire moved to Vermont with her husband and young son from Brookline, Mass. A graduate of Boston College,
with a B.A. in psychology, Allaire was compelled toward a career in nursing. With a strong desire to become a nurse practitioner (NP), she pursued admission to UVM’s graduate nursing master’s entry program, a direct-entry NP program for non-nurses. She was employed at the health center for two years prior to entering graduate school at UVM. Allaire graduated from UVM’s three-and-a-half year program with an M.S. in nursing. After the initial 15 months, she became a registered nurse. She then completed the remaining two years, including various clinical rotations, spending two semesters at the Health Center. She graduated as a member of the nursing honor society, Sigma Theta Tau, and received the Vermont State Nurses Association Clinical Excellence Award in 2013. The Family Health Center’s philosophy of unhurried appointments suits her perfectly, as it allows for the personal touch so missing in today’s medical practices. While the economics of providing health care are tight and require close management of time, the center tries to keep the balance between patient time and the administrative requirements brought on by growing governmental and insurance regulations. Part of the slack is taken up with the
addition of new digital record keeping. Allaire agrees that, while there is a lot of work in bringing records up to date, it has the benefits of fewer mistakes and better tracking. Ultimately, it will result in less bureaucracy and the staff will be better able to track patients’ needs. Allaire’s background in office administration, gained in a previous position, gives her a head start in helping the three-person management team in making business decisions. Meanwhile, she continues to learn. She was quick to say that “Andy [Dr. Regan] is an amazing teacher” who challenges her and from whom she is continuing to learn a great deal. The position of nurse practitioner emphasizes the promotion of good health, disease prevention and holistic care. To this end, Allaire and all the staff in the center are focusing on getting complete health histories for their patients and developing a strong preventative health program with regular health maintenance examinations. The focus will be in screening to prevent illness or complications, and there will be opportunities to have consultations in nutrition, life style changes and exercise programs in the center. Allaire shares her life with her husband and two children, who 8 and 1½ years old. Her husband, Galen Carr, is a baseball scout for the Boston Red Sox. They live in Burlington.
Lulu continued from page 1 dog, CVFRS launched its inflatable boat to reach it from the lake shore. Upon reaching Lulu, fire department volunteers, outfitted in cold-water rescue suits, lifted her to CVFRS members waiting on the beach steps above where Blanchard was waiting. Barry Mossman is still amazed at the rescue. “It was an impossible location down there,” he said. “It was our luck that my wife heard it.” He added that it remains a mys-
tery how Lulu got on the ledge. But Blanchard is looking forward rather than back. In a Front Porch Forum post, she wrote, “Lulu is especially appreciative of the rescue team’s professionalism and kindness to her at a time of great stress.” Fire Chief Chris Davis notes that CVFRS receives a few pet-related rescues every year, ranging from animals trapped on ledges or on the ice to cats in trees and even an escaped bird in a tree. “We treat them as training opportunities for our members and a service to the citizens of our town,” he said.
The Charlotte News
CCS Celebrates Earth Week with Tree Planting
SCHIP’s Treasure is the MOM... GREAT GIFTS more... for
(From left) Deirdre Holmes, Anne Bijur and Abby Foulk shovel compost into buckets for the CCS compost sale during Green Up Day May 3. In total, nearly five cubic yards were sold, earning the 4Rs Committee $400, which will be used to complete the compost shed and allow the school to begin composting its food scraps later this month. Steven Wisbaum of Champlain Valley Compost donated the “black gold” for the fundraiser.
Photos by DeirDre holmes
Third grader Coco Eyre’s drawing was selected a winner of the annual Casella Waste Calendar Contest. Her artwork will be included in an upcoming calendar.
Photo by eDD merritt
It was a week of celebrating the earth at CCS last week. Elementary school students at CCS celebrated Arbor Day and May Day on Thursday, May 1, by planting two apple trees, a Cortland and a liberty—generously donated by Charlie Proutt of Horsford’s Nursery—on the grounds near two pear trees planted last year. Students also received a presentation on the life cycle of an apple tree and heard songs and poems during the annual event. Other events throughout the week included a presentation from John Powell of Chittenden Solid Waste Division on Waste Reduction Day, April 30, and a celebration of Green
Up Day on May 3, where the 4Rs committee sold compost to help support sustainable projects at the school. While these events were part of one week of celebrating the earth at CCS, the school had much to celebrate about its year-long earth-friendly initiatives. This year the school diverted 52 tons of biodegradable and recyclable materials from landfills, expanded its gardens and had a compost shed built. It also received a $10,000 Farm-to-School grant from the Agency of Agriculture.
Students help plant an apple tree donated by Charlie Proutt of Horsford’s Nursery. Two apple trees were planted near the two pear trees Horsford’s donated last year.
The Charlotte News the top things that make people happy is feeling part of a community,” she said. “I felt like I wanted to contribute more to my continued from page 1 community.” Anderson won the Mrs. Vermont was lost between parent and child. It is America crown, though it was by default: a moment that perhaps instilled within she was the only contestant, which disapAnderson a passion for helping improve pointed her. Still, she said, “I’m going to the lives of children. work just as hard and I’m going to be just “The separation from my mom and as passionate about it as if I was one of 50 myself happened in minutes,” she said. or the only one.” “But the emotional separation is a lifetime. And she certainly has, starting with a The bond between a mother and child $25,000 fundraiser goal for the Vermont has been taken away. Cancer It’s just been gone. Center that, I always feel like if reached, ore nforMatIon there’ll be something means missing.” What: Creating a Temporary “Buzz” Anderson At age 12, for a Lifetime of Love will shave Anderson’s adopted When: Sept. 27, 3 p.m. her head. A parents entered her Where: Arrowhead Golf Course, big part of Milton into her first pagthe fundraiser eant, the Little Miss Cost: $52.50 for adults, $10 for kids will come five and older Vermont contest, from selling which she won. After Anderson is teaming up with The tickets to a college, she entered Vermont Agency Foundation and look- benefit at the the Miss Vermont ing to raise at least $25,000 to benefit Arrowhead pageant, though didn’t the Vermont Cancer Center to support Golf Course place. Given her inter- initiatives in pediatric cancer. If she meets in Milton est in improving the the goal she’ll shave her head. Others on Sept. 27. lives of children and will be invited to as well, compliments There will be her history of pag- of Hairbuilders for Men & Women in food, music, eants, she decided to Williston. Tickets are limited to 100. drinks, and run for Mrs. Vermont For more information, visit the event activities America earlier this Facebook page at for kids and spring after receiving For tickets, go to adults. encouragement from “It’s going friends. to be a very Anderson had laid back, casual party for families and the time—an entrepreneur and business friends,” she said. “And I’m going to woman who has worked for Pfizer, the shave my head.” Burlington Free Press and owned the The move is more than just a show of Cobblestone Deli in Burlington, she’s solidarity for those with cancer, however. lately been a stay-at-home mom for her Anderson lost her best friend in college to two-year-old son, Caden—and also the cancer. Her mother-in-law also perished desire to do something for her community, from the disease. a “philanthropic itch,” as she put it. “Cancer’s just one of those things I’ve “I read somewhere that on the list of always feared,” she said. “It’s really scary
Photo by Edd MErritt
Odyssey Sale Raises Funds for Championships Green Up Day wasn’t the only thing happening on May 3. Volunteers with CCS’s Odyssey of the Mind’s Green Submarine team held a special sale at the former Citgo station along Route 7 to help send the seven-member team and three volunteers to Iowa for the OM World Finals. The team was hoping to raise $12,500 for the trip, a goal it recently met. The finals take place May 28 to June 1 at the University of Iowa. to me. It’s one of those haunting diseases.” She’s also passionate about it because she sees raising money to fight cancer as a way to support kids, a central part of her platform. Already Anderson has been involved with Building Bright Futures, served as the campaign launch ambassador for Let Kids Grow, and has been involved with the Boys & Girls Club of Burlington. “Everything I’m doing in the next year is going to involve children,” she said. “It’s broad, but I want to get my hands into a lot different things with kids.” Given her platform, it’s one reason she’s not worried about cutting her hair. “I realize there may be bad moments,” she said. “I might freak out. But what’s going to get me through that is I have a healthy child and I don’t have to deal with what some families go through. It’s hair. It will grow back.” The move is also meant to break down a perception of beauty, one meant to
Sweet Charity
break the stigma that beauty in the pageant world is what’s perceived on the outside. It’s another move in a life lived unexpectedly. Despite how fortunate her life has been, Anderson sometimes thinks about where her life could have gone. She sometimes feels disconnected from a past and a culture she never knew but longed for. “I’ve had 37 years to process a lot of that. I’ll never be healed from that. I’ll always process that,” she said. “You mourn that culture, you mourn the whole life that you could have had. You don’t even know what to mourn. There’s something missing, you don’t know what it is, but it’s there.” But she still counts her blessings, and she wants other children to have the same opportunity to do so, no matter what they’re looking back on. “I’m just so grateful— the life I could have had, the opportunities I have had. I think about that sometimes. Where would I be? Where would I be?”
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The Charlotte News
Charlotte Conservation Currents Grassland Birds: Timing Is Everything How to be bird friendly this spring Holly Sullivan Contributor Note: This is as an edited version of an article that appeared last year in the News. One of the loveliest signs of spring is the return of migratory birds. Grassland birds will soon arrive in Charlotte, if they haven’t already, to nest and breed a new generation. The eastern meadowlark’s sweet, easy whistle and the bobolink’s excited chatter have been integral parts of the warmer months. But for how long? Grassland bird populations such as the bobolink, meadowlark, savannah sparrow and northern har-
rier are declining faster than any other bird groups in North America due to loss of habitat. This is true for the grassland birds in the Champlain Valley as well. How many of this new generation will survive to return next year depends largely upon how we manage our grassland today. Historically the Champlain Valley’s pastures and fields have provided key breeding and nesting habitat. The past 50 years have seen the adoption of more intensive land management practices. Haying is more frequent, and corn and other crops are being planted in what were traditionally hay fields. More and more homeowners with grassland bird habitat mow their property for aesthetic reasons. As a result, there has been a large-scale loss of breeding habitat and a corresponding decline in bird populations. To help change this situation and make a difference in grassland bird survival, there are bird friendly practices you can employ. It is all about timing. Timing your haying and mowing activities is everything. Cutting fields in June can result in 100 percent of the active nests failing, 80 percent by machinery and 20 percent by gulls, crows and mammals that then have easy pickings. The longer you can wait, the better the survival rate of the nestlings. Waiting until two broods have been raised is ideal. To learn more about grassland birds and what you can do, visit the Charlotte Conservation Commission’s link on the town’s website, charlottevt. org. The website contains a wealth of information on grassland bird friendly practices, as well as programs that are available for farmers to offset the cost of delayed haying.
A male bobolink perches on a branch. Early mowing has led to a loss of breeding habitat for grassland birds like this.
Conservation Commission Looking for New Member It’s spring in Charlotte, and with the new season the town’s ecological assets are showing us again that we live in a place blessed with a diverse and beautiful landscape. Do you care deeply about protecting the natural landscape of Charlotte? Are you a bird buff? A salamander searcher? A lake lover? Then consider joining the Charlotte Conservation Commission and use your passion to work on behalf of the town. We are searching for a new member to join our team and help craft the commission’s work plan for the next few years. Now is the time to put in your say. If interested, please visit the commission’s website (find a link from the town website) and then contact either of our co-chairs, Joanna Cummings or Roel Boumans.
Land Trust to Host Nature Photography Workshop May 17 Celebrate the arrival of spring by celebrating the landscape with your photographs. The Charlotte Land Trust and Amazing Vermont Photography, LLC, invite beginning to advanced photographers to their spring Nature Photography Workshop on May 17 from 4–8 p.m. at Charlotte’s Town Hall. Participants will join three local professional photographers for the workshop, which will review camera functions, gear and equipment, post-production software, light and seeing the natural world. Afterward, everyone will travel to locally conserved land to practice their newfound photography skills while also learning about the uniqueness of the landscape. The workshop is $40 for Charlotte Land Trust members and $50 for nonmembers. To register, visit For more information, contact Frances Foster at frances@, Marty Illick at or Jonathan Hart at
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Charlotte News Fiction Contest Winner tiny houses by Catherine Domareki
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You’ve heard of this movement no doubt. People who live in perfectly normal housing decide to downsize. For environmental, cultural, political or boredom reasons, they divest themselves of most of their possessions and take up occupation in a home the size of a child’s playhouse. Not kidding. But this is not necessarily the money-saver it sounds like because the best Tiny Houses are constructed with correctly sourced materials and can cost up to $60K. Hmm, that’s a lot for a playhouse, but what the heck do I know? Um, more than I should. You see, I also dwell in a Tiny House. I don’t subscribe to the movement, I don’t get the monthly magazine, nor do I help others
Made for
construct their own Tiny Houses. I got here the old-fashioned way—by being poor. I don’t think other Tiny Homers would even accept me in their group— “She has to live in a Tiny Home. It’s not a choice for them...» My husband was waiting for his green card and I became pregnant, so income was not flowing as it should. Yes, I like money; I just didn’t have any. Enter a small, sort-of-winterized cabin. The kind of place a couple looking for a rustic week in the Adirondacks would consider suitable—for two days, then head to a hotel. Not quite 400 square feet. The storage space of five shoeboxes. A bathroom best not observed at close range. Home. For a few months, I thought. If we get through the winter, nine months max. Ha-ha-ha. It’s been three years now. We now share our Tiny House with two Tiny Girls. Family and friends have stopped asking when we’re moving. They don’t even register horror (to our faces) anymore. At first I had a whole spiel: “Oh, it’s cute, the view is nice, we like it for now and are moving out before the baby comes.” Didn’t happen. Then, “Yeah,
The Charlotte News it’s tight and there are mice, but we save money and we’re moving next month.” Didn’t happen. Then, “If this were Manhattan, we’d say how lucky we are! But we’re definitely buying a place before Number Two arrives—even we are not that crazy!” But apparently we are that crazy. Oh dear. I even hesitate to make friends with people of Normal House size. I know on seeing where we live they will instantly recalibrate: “Oh, they seemed kind of normal but they’re not. They’re aliens.” When my pediatrician talks about our “baby’s room” I just nod and smile. Best not to share. (She also thinks we’ve stopped giving a bottle at night, so Shhhh.....) An old and dear friend wants to visit. She hasn’t been to see me for years, and I don’t want to be unwelcoming, so I just said, “Come anytime,” thinking by then we would have moved. But of course we haven’t moved! Now when she comes, what do I say? If I tell her ahead of time we’ll put her up in a hostel, she may think I’m really saying it’s not a good time. I guess I’ll let her make the call when she sees her “room” (the rug by the door with a sleeping bag), next to my husband’s room (the rug by the bed with a sleeping bag), next to my room—the bed with two baby girls.
I sometimes wonder if I’m crazy but don’t know it because I’m coping well. Or maybe I’m not actually mentally unstable but, given our choices, dealing with this situation as well as possible (something I don’t usually accuse myself of). After all, if I got a job and put the girls in daycare, we could squeak into normal housing. I could then double my stress in a nicer place. Should I? When I look back on this time I’ll know if I made the right choice—assuming we ever get to Look Back! (“Oh, we’re definitely moving this month! I gotta get out of this place.”) But right now, I don’t know the answer…A lovely sounding person, a Real Tiny Houser who knows what the movement is actually about, placed this ad (offer? plea?) in our town’s online forum: "Looking for Kindred Souls Who Dream About Tiny Houses." I would love to connect with local folks interested in Tiny Houses and Living Off Grid-ish. So, I’m looking to connect with folks who have visions of a different way of living, folks who have building experience and would be up for some community building projects, folks who have tools, folks who have land who would be open to having a Tiny House on wheels parked on their land, folks who are open to creative ways of sharing space and land, creating a movement, being the change… So, yeah. I don’t think I’m the “folks” she’s looking for. I’m not that committed to the movement, I’m afraid. I’m not a Tiny Houser—I just live in one. Catherine Domareki is an actor, writer and teacher who lives in Charlotte with her husband and two daughters.
Illustration by Emma Slater
The Humbled Parent Sera Anderson Contributor I was sitting at a restaurant tonight observing a young couple try to finagle three kids, all relatively close in age (all under five), and it dawned on me this would be the most befitting introduction to my parenting column. I was sitting there smiling with the cognizance that someday, quite possibly, that could be me. And I remember thinking, I hope they don’t think it’s churlish of me smiling at the expense of their chaos. But I could somewhat relate to onethird of it. Only one-third. I have one child to their three. I sat there marveling in the reckless beauty of it all. The father was running after one child trying to escape into the other room. The mother was in the middle of trying to clear the table and abruptly stopped to wrestle the youngest as he was catapulting fries across the floor. Then, out of nowhere, the other child had turned around and proceeded to run full throttle toward the emergency door exit. And then my attention was redirected to the mother saying, “Rose, can you go find your shoes please?” I was exhausted. And I was just sitting there. It’s a very palpable picture and quite
Food Shelf News Kerrie Pughe Contributor Thank you for the donations that came in during our Feinstein Challenge: the Ladies of the Lake Red Hats, Charlotte Congregational Church, Lisa Boyle, Julian Kulski, James and Kathleen Manchester, Robert and Elsa Carpenter, Margaret
a reality for many families, every hour, every day, all week, 365 days a year. And that only depicts a modest portion of their lives. It’s a batty, yet jocular depiction of the choices that adults make in the partaking of this masochistic journey into the plunge of parenthood. Yet beautifully magnificent and chock full of so many invaluable life lessons— more than you could ever read in a book or be advised from a person. So it brings me to this. Each year we get older, we become more insightful. Each decade we survive, we become more learned. And regardless if you are in your 20s, 30s or 40s, you drink in a whole new set of skills when you are given the opportunity to raise a child— or three. So, as a mom of only one child, a twoyear-old boy, I wanted to share with you just a little bit about what I have humbly learned in the past two years since I entered the realm of parenthood. I did have some minimal knowledge based on what I had learned being a child once myself, mostly concerning paint chips, strangers with candy and the whole traffic thing. After two years of being a parent, this is a little of what it has brought. (I have composed it in list form, so it’s simple. Because as we all know, as parents, we need information in a cinch and to the point.) Off we go! 1. Coloring is still fun. You realize this when you have been coloring by yourself for the past five minutes because your child has left the room. 2. Your clothes. What was once used as adornment is now used as a human tissue. 3. Your pockets are not for keys, Berlin, Nancy ood helF Wood, Emile and Diane Cote, Wednesdays Beth and Edd (5 to 7 p.m.) Merritt, James and Margaret May 7, 21 Sharpe and Our June 11, 25 Lady of Mount July 9, 23 Carmel famiAug 6, 20 lies. Sept 10, 24 Four hundred and forty- four items, valued at $1 each, were donated by the families of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church toward the challenge. Thank you to Donna and Gary Pittman for the donation in honor of Shirley Bean’s 90th birthday. Thank you to Anne Marie Andriola for the 30 boxes of jelly beans that were distributed along with ham, fresh dairy and produce in April. The Food Shelf had 36 household visits in January, 31 in February, 28 in
coins or lint any more. They turn into tiny storage units for rocks, food debris and the unused tissue that was meant to replace item number two. 4. There are only two food groups: milk and crackers. 5. Golf clubs are good for the kneecaps. 6. Superglue is forever. 7. Rocks do go in tire rims. 8. Plastic toys are now stored in ovens. Oh, and don’t look in the oven before you turn it on. 9. The fire department in Charlotte has at least a five-minute response time. OK. Good to know. 10. Sleeping on hardwood floors next to the crib is very comfortable no matter what anyone says. 11. You know what it feels like to be a 24-hour milk truck with one very hungry and demanding customer. 12. The remote does belong in the toilet. 13. Tooting in public apparently is socially acceptable if you are under two. This applies to baby yoga class as well. 14. Sharing toys and food is not fair, and adults should not support this kind of behavior. 15. Socks are overrated. 16. What you throw up and across always falls down and hits whoever or whatever is in the way, whether it’s an infant, a face or a dog. 17. Screaming and yelling and crying really loud is the new way of saying please. 18. Reading a book for the third time in a row is as interesting as reading it the first time. March and 33 in April. The Charlotte Thursdays Food Shelf is (7:30 to 9:30 a.m.) run entirely by volunteers, and May 8, 22 all donations go June 12, 26 directly for food July 10, 24 or assistance to Aug 7, 21 our neighbors in Sept 11, 25 need. If you are a customer of, you may make a donation to the Food Shelf as part of your online order, otherwise checks may be mailed to:
Charlotte Food Shelf & Assistance P. O. Box 83, Charlotte, VT 05445 Donated food drop-off locations: All non-perishable food donations may be dropped off at the Charlotte Library, the Charlotte Congregational Church vestry, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church (main
The author before the birth of her son, Caden. Last but certainly not least: Probably the most important and useful life lessons that we can all learn from our children are the following: go with their gut, sing and dance, always say what you mean, get really excited, don’t discriminate, admit when you’re scared, ask for help, and always—always—try to embrace the present moment because it’s all we have. Editor’s note: This is the first of a monthly column focusing on parenting. Sera Anderson is a former business owner and is currently a stayat-home mom. She is Mrs. Vermont America 2014.
entrance) or at the Food Shelf during the distribution mornings. We request that all fresh foods be dropped off at the Food Shelf by 7:30 a.m. on the distribution mornings. The Charlotte Food Shelf is located on the lower level of the Charlotte Congregational Church vestry. We are open from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. on select Thursdays for food distribution as well as from 5–7 p.m. the Wednesday before each Thursday distribution morning. See chart. We are open to all community residents. Privacy is very respected in our mission of neighbor helping neighbor. For emergency food call John at 4253130. For emergency assistance (electricity, fuel) call Karen at 425-3252. For more information call Karen at 425-3252 or visit our website at https://
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The Charlotte News
OutTakes Commentary by Edd Merritt
Ah, the Games We Play Slapshot man, that’s who I am, put me in the game that’s your best plan. Don’t bother with the trap or man to man, ‘cause I’m a slapshot man. “Slapshot Man, ”The Zambonis Well, I have to admit this quietly, but last week was my favorite of the year for sports: the first week of the National Hockey League playoffs. Flipping between Canadian and American TV stations every night of the week, one can watch great games with a higher quality of play than that during the regular season. The players turn everything up a notch—speed, stick handling, passing, play-making deluxe. And don’t even begin to question the goal tending. Throwing their armorcovered bodies around the nets, their lower halves mimicking butterflies, their gloves opening like pitcher plants eating pucks and their fat sticks sweeping the blue carpet in front of their goals, the goalies often set the tenor of play. They can be cool as ice. When things get nasty around their creases, they skate away. When the other guys score, they head straight for their water bottles. My younger son, a net minder, loved time outs because he could go to the bench and tell anyone who would listen his latest joke. Offensive strategy? Leave that to the forwards. In the playoffs body checks are hard. However, clutching and grabbing gets one nothing but the penalty box, so the rule is eyes on the goal, sticks on the ice, look for the open man, hit him fast because someone will be on your backside before you can say “Patrick Roy.” Sixteen evenly matched teams play
best-of-seven series into June. My seasons as a player generally ended with spring thaws. If you really wanted to test your chutzpa, you replaced your skates with galoshes and hoped the ice on the lake held under you. Unlike the rest of the year, now it’s gulp down dinner and head for the tube. Our large-screen TV connects only to channels showing Lord Stanley’s Cup action. Downton Abbey is closed for the playoffs. Don Cherry’s golden jacket requires sunglasses to look at, and P.K. Subban’s winning goal for Montreal against Boston, which Canadian neighbors said moved slightly over 100 kilometers per hour, came from “Hab Heaven.” With that said about my hockey fanaticism, let me touch on a darker The author (front, second from right) was sadly not recruited by any major sportside of sports that has grown faster ing goods companies as a young member of the Bamber Valley hockey team in than those players skating for the Rochester, Minn. Cup. That darker side is its increasingly early commercialism. First, it was college sports, then high school of the report’s co-authors says that rock climbing to ultimate Frisbee—a sports, and now, according to a disturb- the general public doesn’t notice the sport, by the way, my son picked up ing article in the March 22 New York increase because these schools are “not after he decided intercollegiate lacrosse, Times Magazine, 13 year olds are being television staples.” even at his school’s Division III level, outfitted by Nike, flown from Texas One of our local colleges deserves did not leave him time to explore other to Las Vegas in private jets and put up praise for its handling of sports and rec- interests. Nor was it fun anymore. It at Caesars Palace in order to show off reation. Not too long ago, Champlain had become a job. Besides, his ultitheir basketball talents. College decided to cease fielding divi- mate team chose to wear diapers in its I thought playing 80 games in a sional, intercollegiate athletic teams. In matches—play and dispose, I guess. hockey season strained members of return, it built a multi-use student cen- Champlain’s only intercollegiate sports my son’s peewee team beyond reason- ter with gymnasium space, a wellness remain men’s and women’s rugby. able limits—that is, until I read about a center and fitness studio, which may I believe the author of the Times 6th-grade team that traveled to tourna- be used for either personal workouts or article rightly asks, “How much is too ments every other week and played 118 classes. It was a gutsy move, given the much?” games, 36 more than the Los Angeles direction in which similar schools were It’s not just sports, however. It can Clippers. The Times article quotes from heading. However, to me it contributed be music. It can be art. It can be poetry. the website “FanIQ,” which ran a head- an element to academic life that inter- It can be car mechanics. It can be kickline, “College Basketball Coaches Are collegiate sports often miss—the stu- boxing or bicycling. I think the imporNow One Step Away From Recruiting dent center provides opportunities for a tant thing to note is that early expectaEmbryos.” broader section of the Champlain Col- tions do not necessarily guarantee later Two weeks ago the Times ran anoth- lege student body to partake in exercise success. You better keep your tendons er article noting that colleges (and not, and equally competitive games than intact, because those sponsors will drop perhaps, the high-profile Division I does UCLA’s 90,000-seat Rose Bowl. you in a heartbeat. Sports are like schools one might think of) are spendChamplain lists 16 intramural and “maple water” (known for millennia as ing money on sports at a faster pace club sports on its website. These range sap until recently sold by the can)—the than they are on academics. According from basketball to floor and ice hockey, bucks are in the sales. to a study by the American Association of University Professors (granted, a group with a vested interest in the academic side), the fastest growth in athletic spending is among Division III schools without football programs, where median inflation-adjusted spending for each student-athlete more than RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL doubled between 2004 and 2012. One
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Charlotte Senior Center by Mary Recchia, Activities Coordinator
The Café Menu MONDAY, MAY 12: Spring chicken and barley soup, green salad, brownie sundae WEDNESDAY, MAY 14: Pasta salad with sugar snap peas and mozzarella, homeade dessert MONDAY, MAY 19: Cherry tomato and corn salad, roasted sweet potato and quinoa soup, fresh fruit bonanza WEDNESDAY, MAY 21: Taco salad, homemade dessert
Senior LunCheonS are held every Wednesday at noon. Reservations are necessary in advance and can be made by calling the Senior Center at 425-6345. A $4 donation is requested. Reservations are not required for the Monday Munch.
on Friday, May 30. Hope to see you there! –––– The last of our spring road hikes with Marty Morrissey will be on Tuesday, May 13, when we will head to Starksboro. This hike starts on Shaker Hill Road and continues south on Ben Roberts and Gully Hill roads Please meet at the Center ten minutes The youngest members of the Senior Center? These bird eggs prior to our 9 were recently discovered in a wreath on the Center’s front a.m. departure porch. with water, good hiking or walk–––– ing shoes and a Another birding expedition with snack or lunch. Registration required. Hank Kaestner will go out on WednesNo fee. day, May 21, from 9 a.m. to noon. –––– A new twice-a-week session of Liv- Good views will be had through Hank’s ing Strong in Vermont with Margery “Oh-my-God” telescope. Please plan to Rutherford and Dorrice Hammer begins meet at the Center, where we will then Tuesday, May 6, and runs every Tues- carpool together to the location Hank day and Friday from 11 a.m. to noon has scouted for optimal viewing of the birds. Register your interest at the host through July 25. This program helps maintain inde- desk; while we have chosen a date, we pendence by increasing strength, mus- will call you if we need to adjust the cle mass and bone density using hand day due to bird migration or weather, and ankle weights. Balance exercises Registration required. No fee. enhance agility and decrease the likeliLocally led lectures, performances hood of falls, while flexibility exerand special events cises increase joint mobility and reduce Please join us Wednesday afternoons the risk of injury. The weight-bearing beginning at 1. No registration or fee. exercises are done seated and standing May 14: Charlotte Central School behind the back of a chair. These are particularly effective for osteoarthritis musicians. Some of CCS’s finest musisufferers, who benefit from increased cians will delight you with a variety of special songs that they have been workpain-free range of motion. New participants can stop by the Cen- ing on all semester in anticipation of ter to pick up a doctor’s consent form. their spring performances. A rare treat Registration required. Fee: one-time indeed! suggested donation of $48 for new participants.
birdseye woodworking building design metal
Photo by Mary recchia
Please look for the new summer program of activities and events in the next issue of the Charlotte News. In the meantime, come enjoy a few of the remaining spring offerings. ––– Splashy florals, serene landscapes, fascinating collages—all these and more will be on display at this month’s art show by the students of Lynn Cummings; some of Lynn’s art will also be on display. –––– Save the date! Our annual plant sale, where you will find buds, blossoms and bargains, will be held on Saturday, May 31. Seedling or plant donations will be accepted at the Center
Sports Shorts by Edd Merritt Machavern wins in Virginia, heads for California Dillon Machavern headed to the podium after winning a close race at Virginia International Raceway. Driving a Mazda Spec Miata in the Sports Car Club of Americas (SCCA) Eastern Conference major competition, he held off a battle with fellow driver Andrew Carbonell and set a track record in the process. He is now on to California.
Adult Tennis, Anyone? Greg Smith Contributor
The Charlotte Recreation Commission is organizing casual adult tennis evenings for the summer season beginning in late May (specific date to be determined). We’ll begin with an evening get-together at the courts, where Charlotters from prior seasons and newcomers can join up and schedule matches on their own or plan weekly gatherings at the courts. To help gauge interest and schedule events, please send your name, general level of play (e.g. 2, 3, 4) and contact information (phone or email or both) to Greg Smith, CRC, at gbmainesmith@ gmail. com. Please indicate whether your name and email may be added to a contact list for use by other Charlotte players. Otherwise your contact information will be used only to notify you of planned get-togethers at the Charlotte courts. Greg Smith is a member of the Charlotte Recreation Commission
The Charlotte News
SPORTS CVU track teams finish among the top five twice Spring break saw the men’s and women’s track teams travel to Essex High School for its annual “Vacational Meet” on April 24. Both Redhawk teams placed fourth, the women behind Essex, St. Johnsbury Academy and Burlington, and the men back of Mount Mansfield, St. Johnsbury and Essex. Alison Kahn and Brianna Hake were individual winners in the pole vault and javelin throw, with Charlotte’s Ming Fen Congdon finishing third in the latter event. Leah Berger placed among the top finishers in both the 800and 1500-meter runs. On the men’s side, Tyler and Zach Marshall placed first and second in the 3,000-meter run with Russell Fox throwing the javelin to a second-place finish. A week and one-half later, CVU teams traveled to South Burlington, where they came in third among more than a dozen schools. Charlotte’s Burhans sisters, Naomi and Haliana, led things off taking first and third in the 100-meter sprint. Haliana rested only long enough to take another third-place at 200 meters. Two Redhawk relay teams won their events, the 4x100 and the distance medley Following in the Burhans sisters’ footsteps, Zach Akey and Tawn Tomasi finished first and second in the 100-meter dash. Tawn came back to sprint to a third-place at 200 meters. Russell Fox moved up to win the javelin and the 4x100 relay runners captured their event.
by Edd Merritt
7-6 set scores. Charlotte freshman Hadley Menk and partner Erika Barth beat their St. Johnsbury foes 6-2, 6-0. The men had a tougher battle against Essex, finally pulling out the team win four matches to three. Charlotte juniors Nathan Comai and Will HodgsonWalker both lost in singles play. Comai came back later in the week against visitors from Stowe to take his singles match in three sets 6-5, 5-7, 10-4. Charlotte underclassmen Ben Hyams and Bayard Baker lost in doubles play 6-2, 6-0. Comai teamed for doubles with David Huber, and the pair won their match 6-2, 6-1 over St. Johnsbury. CVU baseball belts them With a lone loss on its record, the Redhawk baseball team is on a fivegame win streak since late in April. Pitching from a staff led by Rayne Supple and Kyle Stanley and consistent hitting from Sam Mikell, Shea Ireland, Erik Bergkvist and others have carried CVU past opponents since its opening-day defeat by South Burlington. Most recently, the Redhawks redeemed
Despite rain, golfers hit the greens The end of April and beginning of May saw Redhawk golfers compete in two tournaments, winning the first at the Champlain Country Club over BFA-St. Albans and Burlington high schools, then placing third behind Essex and South Burlington at Vermont National. CVU’s Peter Scrimgeour shot a 77 to medal in the opening tournament. In the second, Carter Knox fell one stroke short of the leader in the nine-hole contest at the Jack Nicklaus-designed National course. Two wins apiece for men’s and women’s tennis Essex, Stowe and St. Johnsbury Academy fell to the CVU men's and women's tennis teams. The wome won by identical 6-1 scores over their first two opponents before shutting out St. Johnsbury. Co-captain from Charlotte, Mackenzie Kingston and her partners won their top-seeded doubles' matches, while freshmen Meara Heinenger and her partner Anthea Weiss scores against Rice with help from Charlotte's lost to their Essex opponents by close 7-5, Jane Baker.
themselves by shutting out the Rebels 15-0 in five innings. Mikell went 3 for 4 with a triple and three RBIs. Will Potter and Deagan Poland also drove in several runners. Shortened games seem to be CVU’s forte, as four of their five wins have been in 6 innings or less because of lopsided scores. Softball finally enters the win column Giving back what had so often been given to them, the CVU softball team scored 11 runs in the second inning to head to a victory over South Burlington, 17-15. Juniors Bronwen Hopwood and Elizabeth Boutin collected three hits each, and Natalie Gagnon earned the win on the mound, contributing a pair of hits as well Ball control becomes women’s lacrosse goal Following a loss to Rice, which saw the Green Knights control the ball with skillful stick handling and crisp passing, the CVU coaches had their players carry balls around school the following day. It has yet to be determined whether that tactic will pay off as the season progresses. Since then, the women lost to Burlington and Mount Mansfield. Charlotte co-captain Jane Baker and her attacking teammate Taylor Filardi have recorded goals for the Redhawks this season. Olivia Machanic drives around a Rice defender during a recent game at CVU.
Men’s lacrosse looks forward to tomorrow May 10 marks the Redhawks’ second meeting with South Burlington, this time on home field. A loss to the Rebels marks the only blemish on CVU’s record, which now stands at five wins and one defeat, two of the victories coming against out-of-state teams. So the Hawks are looking forward to the Rebel arrival. The DiParlo brothers, senior captain and attack, Nevin, and his sibling, sophomore middie Griffin, have been leading scorers so far, often joined by Charlotte’s Elliot Mitchell. In the most recent win over BFA-St. Albans (164) Mitchell contributed a goal and an assist as did another Charlotter, junior attack Noah Kiernan.
UpCoMing at the liBrary Mystery Book Group, Monday, May 12, 10 a.m. Our mystery chronology continues with Michael Innes’s Death at the President’s Lodging. Copies are available at the desk. Coffee, muffins and conversation.
by Margaret Woodruff
Children’s Book Week May 12 to May 18 Started in 1919, Children’s Book Week is the longest running literacy campaign in the United States. And why not? We can all remember favorite picture books read to us and the first books we got lost in as rookie readers. We hope all readers of every age have the chance to enjoy some picture books this week. At the library, we have new titles and old favorites, and if we don’t have yours, we’d love to know about it.
Arduino Club, Monday, May 12, 3:15 p.m. Break out the boards and see what you can create using Arduino circuitry and real-time engineering help from our IBM consultant. For grades six to eight. Please call or email the library to sign up: 425-3864 or charlottelibraryvt@ Lunchbox Storytime for Preschoolers, Wednesday, May 14, 21 and 28, 12:15-1:15 p.m. Spring has sprung, and we’re exploring underground, in the air and everywhere. For children 3 to 5 years old who are comfortable in a storytime setting. Please call or email the library to sign up: 425-3864 or charlottelibraryvt@ Memoir/Memory, Wednesday, May 14, 7 p.m. Jessica Hendry Nelson’s searing new book, If Only You People Could Follow Directions, was named best debut book by the Indies Introduce New Voices
Business Directory
program and the January 2014 Indies Next List by the American Booksellers Association. She joins us to share her thoughts and inspirations as a writer and a reader in this Local Literature session. Life in a Jar Presentation, Monday, May 19, 6:30 p.m. Dr. Jack Mayer shares the inspirational story of Irena Sendler, whose heroic actions saved lives and inspired hope during the Holocaust and beyond. Co-sponsored with Pierson Library, this event takes place at the Shelburne Town Hall. Kinder Story Time: Sink or Swim? Wednesday, May 21, 3:15 p.m. Fish swim, rocks sink. What’s that all about? With warmer weather, let’s head outside and make some messy discoveries. Please call or email the library to sign up: 4253864 or 6 x 6 Celebration: Wednesday, May 28. Celebrate our community’s power to read. Enjoy a cupcake and grab your reading reward! CCS & Charlotte Libraries. Library Knitters, Wednesday, May 28, 5:30–7 p.m. Join us to knit, chat and compare fiber notes. Bring a project or we can provide needles and wool to get you started.
World Watch: News Update with Barrie Dunsmore, Wednesday, May 28, 7 p.m. Veteran foreign correspondent Barrie Dunsmore returns to the library for an update on world affairs. Join him for a knowledgeable and insightful take on events around the globe. Learn About Composting Day, Thursday, May 29, 3–5 p.m. Since 2011, May 29 has been the day to add to your compost education. We’ll share the celebration with Abby Foulk, who has led the Charlotte Central School composting initiative. Stop by to pick up a free kitchen compost bucket and learn how to get started.
liBrary Board Meeting: Thursday, May 15, at 5:30 p.m. Board members: Bonnie Christie, chair; Vince Crockenberg, treasurer; Emily Ferris, vice chair; Dorrice Hammer, secretary; Jonathan Silverman, member at large.
liBrary ContaCts Margaret Woodruff, director Phone: 425-3864 Website:
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The Charlotte News
Lens the
A feature from the Charlotte Land Trust
GENTLEMAN FARM Right here in Charlotte; 134+ acres in idealic location with about 2500' of frontage on Lewis Creek. Meadows, pastures and large areas of forest. Restored barn plus several outbuildings ready for you to raise all kinds of farm animals. Small year round cabin for your use, until you build a house. Approved septic design for 5 bdrms. Call for information. Dottie Waller, Realtor, CBR 846-7849 1-800-864-6226 x7849
Desirable Hinesburg Condo I live in Charlotte and look at this gorgeous view out my backyard window. It gives me that reassuring feeling of “this is why I live in Charlotte” and why I wake up happy every morning! Just another gorgeous view in Charlotte of Camel’s Hump! —Kirsten O’Connell
Lens on the Land, sponsored by the Charlotte Land Trust (CLT), is a monthly Charlotte News feature showing the beauty of Charlotte throughout the year. CLT encourages anyone to submit photos of town to where all submissions will be judged and one selected. Please include a description of where the land is located and why it matters to you.
New to Market!
Offered At
$235,000 Hinesburg ...................................................
Beautifully maintained end unit Townhouse with wonderful pastoral views. Open floor plan with hardwood floors, central air, central vac. 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms with lots of closet space. Fully finished walk-out basement to patio & common space. Home office space too! MLS# 4350405
Lovely Charlotte Contemporary
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Real Estate for Sale
This light filled home on 10+ acres offers Adirondack views, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, an in-law apartment, and a 2 stall horse barn. Property features extensive landscaping, fenced pasture, and neighboring trails. Recently updated bath. New roof & septic installed in 2013. Easy commute! MLS# 4347535
Premium Quality, Fine Details
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$1,475,000 Charlotte ...................................................
Elegance and comfort describe this spacious 4 bedroom, 6 bath custom built home on 5+ acres. Spectacular lake and Adirondack views. Chef ’s kitchen, media room with 100” screen, master with gas fireplace and balcony, pool, sauna, multi-sport court. 25 minutes to Burlington. MLS# 4343511
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Charlotte-Six lot PRD (3 lots left) located in the southern portion of Charlotte. The entire site is 33 ac. of meadow & woods with 24.35 ac. of common land including frontage on Lewis Creek. The lots are located on a shared private road with underground electrical & telephone lines in place. Off-site septic fields and force mains to the lots are included. Call for more info.
North Ferrisburgh-Fully permitted and ready to build with easy access to US7. The last of a 4 lot subdivision and it features open, wooded, level and sloping areas. The building site is gently sloping and would be good for a walkout basement. Sandy loam soils for the gardener in the family. Estimated cost for the state approved septic system is $8-$9000. $88,500 MLS 4326163
Value Priced Lot This 100% open lot is the perfect canvas for you to build your dream home masterpiece. Suited for raising animals or crops. Close to Shelburne shopping, in ‘North’ Charlotte. $189,000 | MLS# 4336749
Living on the Water 25 minutes from Burlington and the airport, this totally upgraded and renovated family room, study, and a sun room. Ferrisburgh. $549,000 | MLS# 4229805
Chris von Trapp, REALTOR® Large, Open Lot with Pond Unique Offering (802) 343-4591 Only comes around once in a Direct view of Mt. Philo, Green generation! This fully updated Mountains & south down the and renovated four bedroom is Champlain Valley. Approved 4 bedroom septic design located on 295’ of private Lake Champlain shoreline. Call for included. All utilities right at the road. Suitable for animals & a private showing and more horticultural hobbies. Charlotte. details. In Ferrisburgh. $199,000 | MLS# 4208109 $1,075,000 | MLS# 4339031
Ferrisburgh Lakefront-One of the very few undeveloped lots left in this area of Lake Champlain, 3.2 acres and 291’ of frontage. It offers deep water access to the Lake with very good water quality. It is 10 minutes from the Basin Harbor Club with its 18 hole golf course, several restaurants and grass air strip. It is an hour from Burlington and some of Vermont’s major ski areas. $550,000 MLS 4346192
Places To Go & Things To Do THURSDAY, MAY 8 PTO Meeting, 8:30 a.m., CCS Café
St. Jude, Mass, Hinesburg, 4:30 p.m.
For more info, or to RSVP: flyingpigevents@gmail. com.
FRIDAY, MAY 9 A Night of Comedy, 7:30 p.m., The Old Lantern. Josie Leavitt and the Vermont Comedy Divas host a special benefit for the Charlotte and Shelburne PTOs. See story on page 5. Oral History: Community Memory and Passionate Listening, 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Vermont Folklife Center, Middlebury. This workshop combines discussion of the theories and methods that inform oral history research with practical, hands-on training in oral history interview techniques. Attendees will then work as teams to conduct interviews using provided digital audio recording equipment. Tuition: $85. More info: Contra Dance, 8 p.m., Shelburne Town Hall. Queen City Contras will hold a regular dance. Amelia Fontein and Guillaume Sparrow-Pepin will call. Music will be provided by Jokers Wild. All are welcome, all dances taught, no partner or experience necessary. Beginners’ session at 7:45 p.m. Cost: $8. More info: SATURDAY, MAY 10 AARP Safe Driver Course, 9 a.m., Fletcher Allen Health Care Center, Burlington. The 4.5 hour refresher course is open to all drivers 50 years and older. The curriculum addresses the normal physical changes brought on by the aging process, how these changes can affect driving ability and then offers ways to compensate for those changes. Cost: $15/members, $20/nonmembers. More info: 8472278. Talk: Finding Francis: A Search for My Scottish Ancestors, 10:30 a.m.–noon, Fort Ethan Allen, Colchester. Join a beginning genealogist as he describes the two year adventure of finding his Scottish roots. Hear about a novel immigration method, fortuitous discoveries, learning, and the help of new friends made on the way. Cost: $5. More info: MONDAY, MAY 12 Selectboard Meeting, 7 p.m. Town Hall Grow It! Garden Leader Workshop, 4–7 p.m., O’Brien Community Center, Winooski. The spring workshops will look at how to promote commitment and engagement in your garden. Participants will learn more about strategies to boost their garden program, share ideas and problem-solve together, as well as spend some time at a school garden learning about their program and gaining garden tips for the season. Cost: $30. More info: TUESDAY, MAY 13 Reading: Jon Muth, 4 p.m., Shelburne Town Hall. The Flying Pig Bookstore welcomes multiple-awardwinning, Caldecott Honor artist Jon Muth (The Three Questions, Zen Ties, Zen Shorts, Zen Ghosts, City Dog, Country Frog, and many more). Muth will read from his newest book, Hi, Koo! A Year of Seasons, a collection of 26 small poems in a journey through the alphabet, celebrating moments throughout the year and the sweet joys of friendship and nature.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 14 CCS School Board meeting, 7 p.m., CVU Screening: I am in Here, 7 p.m., Shelburne Town Hall. This day in-the-life film reveals Mark Utter’s unique observations of our world that have been trapped in his head for a long time. Mark types to communicate and has an important message to share about celebrating our different ways of being human. Free. More info: emilyandawarnesstheater@ Master Your Credit Rating—How to Become More Creditworthy, 5:30-7 p.m., New England Federal Credit Union, Williston. Have you heard contradictory information on how to improve your credit? Did you know your credit score may determine whether or not you get a loan, the interest rate you pay on a loan or insurances, if you get the job you apply for, or the apartment you want? Come learn how to become more creditworthy. Free, Seating is limited, 879-8790 or sign up at THURSDAY, MAY 15 Planning Commission meeting, 7 p.m., Town Hall. Agenda includes Town Plan work session on facilities and utilities. Mayfly CD Release Party, 8:30 p.m., Skinny Pancake, Burlington. Mayfly, performs old-time New England and Appalachian music, as well as original songwriting on fiddle, guitar, mandolin, banjo and vocals. Features Charlotter Julia Wayne and Katie Trautz of Montpelier. Cost: $10/advance, $12/door. More info: FRIDAY, MAY 16 Scriabin: Russian Visionary, 7:30 p.m., Cathedral Church of St Paul, Burlington. Moscow-born pianist Dmitry Rachmanov performs an all-Scriabin program, reflecting the composer’s 30-year stylistic development. This concert is part of a 2014-2015 tour marking the 100th anniversary of the composer’s death. Admission: $15; students and seniors $10; age 15 and under free. More info: SATURDAY, MAY 17 Charlotte Land Trust Photography Workshop, 4–8 p.m. See story on page 9. New North End Plant Sale at Bibens Ace Hardware, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Red Wagon Plants in Hinesburg will participate in the 5th Annual New North End Plant Sale at Bibens Ace Hardware. This event is a fundraiser for the Burlington Area Community Gardens Scholarship fund. Money raised will help hire interpreters and expand garden plots to assist refugees with growing their own food. More info: Concert: “A Heart for Nelson Mandela,” 7 p.m., Whallonsburg Grange Hall, Whallonsburg, N.Y. Sharon Katz and The Peace Train, a four-piece band from South Africa, will bring its infectious Afropop sound that makes audiences want to “dance, laugh, cry, shout and hug somebody” to the other side of the lake. The concert, “A Heart for Nelson Mandela” is a special tribute to the late South
Community Alliance Church, Hinesburg, Gathering Place, 9 a.m., Sunday School, 9 a.m., Worship, 10:15 a.m. Information: 482-2132. Charlotte Congregational Church, Worship, 10 a.m., Sunday School, 10 a.m. Information: 4253176. Lighthouse Baptist Church, 90 Mechanicsville Rd., Hinesburg, 10:30 a.m., Evening Service, 6 p.m. Information: 482-2588. Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Mass, 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Information: 425-2637. St. Jude, Mass, Hinesburg, 9:30 a.m. Information: 482-2290. North Ferrisburgh United Methodist Church, Hollow Road, Worship, 10 a.m., Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Information: 425-2770. Cross Roads Chapel, Relocated to the Brown Church on Route 7, Ferrisburgh. Worship, 11 a.m. Information: 425-3625. Assembly of God Christian Center, Rtes. 7 and 22A, Ferrisburgh, Sunday worship, 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., Sunday School, 9 a.m. Information: 8773903. All Souls Interfaith Gathering, 291 Bostwick Farm Road, Shelburne. Sunday Service 9 a.m., Evensong Service 5 p.m. 985-3819 Trinity Episcopal Church, 5171 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne, 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, 9:15 - 10:15 a.m. “Space for Grace” (educational hour), 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist (with child care and Sunday School). 985-2269. African leader who died in December. Whallonsburg is five miles south of Essex. Tickets: $10/advance, $12/door. More info: SUNDAY, MAY 18 Jay Parini, guest preacher, 10 a.m. Ascension Lutheran Church, South Burlington. Dr. Parini, a noted poet, novelist, and biographer, teaches literature at Middlebury College and is the author of the recent book Jesus: The Human Face of God. He will lead bible study beginning at 9 a.m. All are welcome. More info: “Historical Treasures in Your Backyard,” 4 p.m., Ethan Allen Homestead, Colchester. UVM Special Collections director Jeffrey Marshall will discuss some of the treasures in the UVM archives dealing with early Vermont, including the Allen Family. Attendees will learn how they might use these documents to do their own historical research. Cost: Free. MONDAY, MAY 19 Route 7, Ferry Road Intersection Work Session, 5:30 p.m., Town Hall. See story on front page. THURSDAY, MAY 22 CCS Grade 4,5,6 concert, 7 p.m., Multipurpose room Talk: Year of No Sugar, 7 p.m., Phoenix Books, Burlington. Year of No Sugar is the story of one Pawlet family’s 12-month no-sugar experiment and it’s sweet results—a fascinating tale that reveals just how tightly we’re all held hostage by sugar, and what it takes to kick the habit. Cost: Free
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The Charlotte News
Around Town Congratulations to Amy Henry and Michael Vincent, whose daughter Maya Henry Vincent was born April 24 at Fletcher Allen Health Care, Burlington. to Kristen and John Calcagni of South Burlington, whose son Anderson Matteo Calcagni was born April 14 at Fletcher Allen Health Care, Burlington. John is the son of Nancy and John Calcagni of Charlotte. to Adrianna and Michael LaClair, Jr. on the birth of their daughter Marissa Ellen LaClair on April 25. Marissa is the new sister of Alexis and Kierstan, as well as the granddaughter of Cindy and Rex Bradley and Cecil and Mike LaClair Sr., all of Charlotte, and Cathy and Fred Janci of Wachapreague, Va. to Tyler Bradley and Lindsay Baldwin on their engagement to be married. Tyler is the son of Cindy and Rex Bradley of Charlotte. Lindsay is the daughter of Sharon and Russell Baldwin of Wakefield, N.H. The couple plans an October wedding. to CCS 8th grader Andrew Silverman and CVU sophomore Simone Edgar Holmes, whose pieces appeared in the Burlington Free Press’ Young Writers Project recently. Responding to a prompt simply titled “rhymes,” Andrew displayed his displeasure with the notion that the “most annoying phrases of all time, All happen to be written in rhyme.” Unfortunately, he does not know how to stop rhyming himself, concluding that his poem “is about rhymes overall,” and maybe he does “like rhymes after all!” Andrew’s piece appeared in the April 17 Free Press. Simone wrote about what her senses record as she steps into a crowded room – every sense, that is, except sight. Among other feelings, her protagonist hears music, tugs on a too-tight bow tie, gets a cold dead-fish handshake. There are more senses, but you will have to read Simone’s piece to discover them. It appeared in the May 2 Free Press. to the following Charlotte students who earned degrees from Champlain College this year and were awarded them at the college’s 136th commencement held on May 3: Colin Shehadi Frost, Jobeth N.
Doug Hartwell (left) and Rowan Beck (right) with NBC's Jenna Wolfe at Big City Moms Biggest Baby Shower Ever in New York City on April 29. They were at the event promoting Bitybean, the Charlotte-based company that produces a wearable baby carrier. Manhan-Tenney, Arles Rudolf NetherwoodSchwesig and Remy Vogler. This year’s class of graduates was the largest in the college’s history. to the Lewis Creek Association, a watershedprotection group oriented toward preserving water quality, habitat quality and recreational and aesthetic qualities of water in the Lewis Creek watershed, much of which is in Charlotte. The Association was one of eight groups and individuals nominated for the 2014 GMP-Zetterstrom Environmental Award. Recipients of the award, which has been made annually since 2010, are selected by employees of Green Mountain Power in honor of Meeri Zetterstrom who worked to promote ospreys’ return from the brink of extinction in Vermont. to Charlotte’s Vermont Wildflower Farm, which received “Editors’ Choice” recognition from Yankee Magazine as one of the “Best of New England”
attractions in the Champlain region. The full list appeared on newsstands April 29 as part of Yankee Magazine’s Special Travel Guide. The guide features more than 300 “Best of New England – Editors’ Choice” selections.
Sympathy is extended to family and friends of Barbara August Hanley Ludwig of Lenox, Mass., who passed away May 1 at the age of 96. She is survived by her sister Catherine Hanley of Boston, her four children—including Carol Hanley and her husband, Richard (Bunky) Bernstein, longtime residents of Charlotte now living on Long Point—13 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. is extended to the family and friends of HelenMary Danyow of Shelburne and Ferrisburgh, who passed away May 3 at the age of 79. Her surviving family includes her son Robert and his wife, Denise, as well as their children Paul and Kathryn, all of Charlotte. The family asks that those wishing to make memorial contributions consider giving to St. Catherine of Siena Church in Shelburne.
Hannah Cleveland Performs at 4-H Regional Day On April 12, 2014, three girls from the Hinesburg 4-H Club met at 4-H Regional Day in Vergennes. Hannah Cleveland of Charlotte (right) played piano for stage presentation, Corinna Hobbs participated in the fashion show, and both Caroline and Corinna Hobbs submitted their own photographs. All girls went home with smiles on their faces and blue ribbons in their hands. Note: This caption was written by Hannah, who is the club reporter.
Classifieds The Charlotte News Classifieds: Reach your friends and neighbors for only $7 per issue (payment must be sent before issue date). Please limit your ad to 35 words or fewer. Send to The Charlotte News Classifieds, P.O. Box 251, Charlotte, VT 05445 or email your ad to
FOR SALE: Good condition above ground swimming pool. 28' around, 4' deep. Dismantle and take it away. $350. Call 425-2341. (-19)
NEW AT THE MT. PHILO INN: Overnight accommodations, spacious 2-3 bedroom suites available by the day, week or month. Adjacent to Mt. Philo State Park, with panoramic views of Lake Champlain. Each "wing" in the historic inn has a private entrance, full kitchen, laundry and porch. 802-425-3335. GARDENING: Cleaning out beds, planting, transplanting, thinning, dividing, edging, weeding and more. Designing/ redesigning. One time project or regular maintenance. Experienced, hard-working, honest, respectable, friendly. Will work independently or alongside you. Reasonable rates. 658-0003 (-19)
Don’t put off that painting project any longer. Call the professionals at Lafayette Painting. We have been transforming the homes and businesses of Chittenden County for 37 years! Visit or call us at 863-5397. (-20) PROFESSIONAL GARDENING: Spring clean up. Planning and design. Planting and weeding. Vacation maintenance. Experienced and reliable. Call Sunnyside Gardeners, 864-3268. (-22) FOR RENT: Quaint Cottage on Lake Champlain. 2+ bedrms, sleeps 5-6. Classic Long Pt cottage, dock, mooring, boats, beach. 206-829-9131 (-21)