CHARLOTTE SADAR (703) 498-0806
4608 Tarpon Lane
Alexandria, VA 22309
08 18
studies of urbanism
28 38 50 58
studies of topography
In, Of, and On the Landscape
Threshold Into the Forum
Expanding Floor Planes
Urban Collaboration
Encompassing Circulation
Revealing Mass
70 72 74 76 77 78 80 82
small works professional works
Interior Design
Logo Design
Exterior Signage
Interlocking Interior
Addressing the Corner
Sketching in the City
Mimic the Hiwghway
Elevated Circulation
revealing mass exposing circulation
Year Location Area
Fall 2019 Atlanta, Georgia 67,500 square feet
Charlotte Sadar | Fall 2019
revealing mass exposing circulation
Studio Challenge: Proposal for the Atlanta Contemporary Arts Center that will occupy a portion of the site and will replace the relocated bus hub. The North Avenue Marta Station access must be maintained. This design will consider how it ampliďŹ es, attenuates or negotiates the surrounding construction projects and landmark buildings while maintaining the mission of a public welcoming institution. Design Solution: This project was designed as an activity center for both day and night. The program is divided into two parts and circulation is emphasized. The auditorium is used as a centerpiece for circulation and a mass of gallery space rests on top. The gallery spaces fold upward to reveal this circulation around the auditorium and create a facade that displays movement. The auditorium extends through each level of the project and merges with the gallery space mass. Two light qualities are emphasized within the space. The auditorium and black box gallery are contained in the middle of the design, while the program surrounding is allowed ample light. The outdoor space is transformed into an open outdoor venue space for Atlanta’s contemporary art parties. This space is then folded upward to create the entrance for Marta.
Revealing Mass
Charlotte Sadar | Fall 2019
Revealing Mass
Form folds upward throughout each layer to reveal the auditorium
Charlotte Sadar | Fall 2019
Massing through program
Divided Light
Revealing Mass
Charlotte Sadar | Fall 2019
Revealing Mass
Whitebox Gallery
Whitebox Gallery Blackbox Gallery Staff
Education Open Work Space
Entry 2nd Floor Auditorium
MARTA ENTRANCE 1st Floor Auditorium Mechanical Support
encompassing circulation cycle hub
Year Location Area
Spring 2019 Cambridge, United Kingdom 13,248 square feet
Charlotte Sadar | Spring 2019
encompassing circulation cycle hub
Studio Challenge: How can architecture mitigate conditions of darkness? Cambridge, United Kingdom sees daylight from 9:00am to 3:00pm and every month it rains 20-25 days on average. The site is located at the edge of a public green space called Christ’s Pieces adjacent to a historic bowling green and currently houses a public rest room facility and small bowling facility. Design Solution: The design idea I tested for this project is can circulation become the architecture of the project? In Cambridge, 39% of the population cycles at least three times a week. One of the largest cycle hubs is located south of our site by the train station. A cycle hub can be considered a large parking deck for bikes. Since our site is next to Cambridge’s largest bus transportation station, having a cycle hub next to it seemed to fit within the urban context of Cambridge. The program has three components; circulation, cycle parking for 312 cycles and amenities on every level. The amenities create a holistic social gathering space. Two different types of light are used to display this project. These include ambient luminescence, which is used to emphasize the amenities and focal glow to emphasize the circulation within the project.
Encompassing Circulation
Charlotte Sadar | Spring 2019
Encompassing Circulation
Grid | Circulation | Railings
Charlotte Sadar | Spring 2019
Multi-Function Space
Practice Rooms
Community Work Space
Public Restrooms
Lawn Bowling Facility Cinema
Cycle Parking
Encompassing Circulation
Charlotte Sadar | Spring 2019
View From Circulation
View From Inside Cafe Amenity
Encompassing Circulation
Cut Through Transition | Upward and Downward Circulation
urban collaboration integrating urbanism
Year Location Area
Fall 2018 Chattanooga, Tennessee 146,860 square feet
Charlotte Sadar | Fall 2018
urban collaboration integrating urbanism
Studio Challenge: The goal of this project is to develop an architectural project as a piece of a larger urban system. This project also must incorporate a response to the city and program, form base code, and structure for a ďŹ nal integrative design. Design Solution: Innovation districts, in cities like Chattanooga, increase the chance for a more competitive and rapidly advancing economy. Collaboration is a key factor in innovation. Therefore, the purpose of this design is to further innovation at the intersection of Patten Parkway, Bessie Smith Cultural Center and the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga campus. Studio: 20 units 1 Bedroom: 95 units 2 Bedroom: 24 units
Urban Collaboration
Charlotte Sadar | Fall 2018
Existing New
Innovation Economy Generators
Connections to Chattanooga
Urban Collaboration
Displaying Collaboration Space and Main Ground Floor Experience
Charlotte Sadar | Fall 2018
Lobby Lindsay Street
Collaboration Space Lobby
E. Martin Luther King Blvd.
Dance Studio
Grocery Store
Patten Parkway
Showing Connection to Patten Parkway
Urban Collaboration Short Stay Long Stay
This design provides short and long stay resident housing within the program. Short stay housing is located within an interior courtyard with extended balconies while long stay housing is located around the exterior of the building with an inset balcony for privacy and an abundance of light. An incubator space is proposed as an innovation economy generator that populates the new development and supports retail program. This is a crossdisciplinary approach to allow urban growth within the already established innovation district of Chattanooga. Spaces for short and long stay residents provides exibility where separate professions and disciplines can converge. An open concept and amenities like cafes and lounge areas create the heart of the space which further facilitates social interactions.
Short and Long Stay Leasing
2nd oor with emphasis on short and long stay leasing
Charlotte Sadar | Fall 2018
1 Bedroom Accessible Unit
Transverse Section Through Collaboration Space
2 Bedroom Accessible Unit
Urban Collaboration 084113 aluminum window frame and mullions 079200 joint sealant 092216 6” metal stud non-structural framing 061600 OSB sheathing 072100 batt insulation 092900 gypsum board 099113 interior paint 096400 wood flooring 057313 glazed decorative metal railings
074213.19 insulated metal wall panels
072500 flashing 072500 flashing
033000 cast in place concrete structure 079200 joint sealant 088000 glazing 084413 glazed aluminum curtain wall 074213.23 metal composite material wall panel
084413 glazed aluminum curtain wall 088000 glazing 265600 LED strip 233713 aluminum vent diffuser 079200 joint sealant 233113 metal ducts
expanding floor planes concrete emphasis
Year Location Area
Fall 2017 Auburn, Alabama 16,000 square feet
Charlotte Sadar | Fall 2017
expanding floor planes concrete emphasis
Studio Challenge: This project is a mixed-use commercial building emphasizing the urban context and the use of concrete as a skin, texture and/or structure. Design Solution: The purpose of this design is to break the preconception that concrete creates heavy and rigid buildings. Therefore, concrete is emphasized only in the floor planes and they cantilever four feet out from the building. These floor planes are supported by twelve steelenforced columns and a core that is placed to the back of the building. Concrete is used as a skin, but also as an exposed structure. 1st/2nd Floor: Bank 3rd Floor: Event Space Minimum Building Area: 16,000 sf
Expanding Floor Planes
Charlotte Sadar | Fall 2017
Photo-montage Representing Scale
Expanding Floor Planes
Four Planes
Columns and Cantilever
Charlotte Sadar | Fall 2017
Transverse Section Through Event and Lobby Space
Longitudinal Section Displaying the Open Concept Floor Plan
North Elevation Displaying Layering
Expanding Floor Planes
Charlotte Sadar | Fall 2017
Viewing Area
Back of House Safety Deposit Boxes Bank Safe
Plan Displaying Relationship to Context
Expanding Floor Planes
Second Floor
Event Space
Third Floor
Interior View of Double Height Space
threshold into the forum respecting the existing
Year Location Team Members
Spring 2018 Rome, Italy Zoey Gerstner and Paige Pennington
Charlotte Sadar, Zoey Gerstner and Paige Pennington | Spring 2018
threshold into the forum respecting the existing
Studio Challenge: Select an area along the Via Papalis in Rome where urban design in an ancient city could be utilized. Design Solution: In the heart of a modern city, the Roman Forum is a fairly inaccessible archaeological area, with no clear connection to or entrance from the contemporary urban fabric. Utilizing the footprint of the underlying Templum Pacis (Temple of Peace), a sequence of transitional tiers were designed to resolve the topographic difference between the modern and ancient cities. In addition, a new threshold into the forum passes underneath the main road (Via dei Fori Imperiali) without interrupting the circulation of the modern city. Visitors are guided to the site by the Torre dei Conti (Tower of the Conti), a large medieval tower, and descend into the forum by means of a staircase designed to create intentional perspectives of both the forum and the tower. Team Members: Zoey Gerstner and Paige Pennington
Threshold into the Forum
Charlotte Sadar, Zoey Gerstner and Paige Pennington | Spring 2018
Threshold into the Forum Pedestrians Vehicles
Existing Circulation Condition
Proposed Circulation Condition
Charlotte Sadar, Zoey Gerstner and Paige Pennington | Spring 2018
Existing Condition
Proposed Materiality | Threshold
Areas of Demolition
Proposed Condition
Threshold into the Forum
Complete Proposal
Site Context
Sited Stairs Along the Via Papalis to Justify Form
Threshold Proposal
Topographical Proposal
Temple of Peace
Overview of Site to Display Scale
in, of, and on the landscape prospect and refuge
Year Location Area
Spring 2017 Auburn, Alabama 1,620 square feet
Charlotte Sadar | Spring 2017
in, of, and on the landscape prospect and refuge
Studio Challenge: Design a small pavilion, with a place of prospect and refuge, a point for observation and one of retreat. Structure should mediate between interior and exterior, structure and ground, roof and sky. Design Solution: A building in, of, and on the landscape, that emphasizes regulating lines and a contrast between a destructive cut in the earth and a naturally jointed structure. A sequence is created by digging into the ground, providing a directionality that emphasizes the two sides of the trench with an underground transition experience. Award: Honorable Mention, AFA Forestry Student Design Competition
In, Of, and On the Landscape
Charlotte Sadar | Spring 2017
In — Cutting Into the Once Inaccessible Trench
New Existing
Of — Continuation of Paths
On — Structure Resting On the Landscape
Highlighted Circulation
In, Of, and On the Landscape
Cut Through In, Of, and On the Landscape
Charlotte Sadar | Spring 2017
ce pa
rS ajo
ce pa
S or
Embedded Program
In, Of, and On the Landscape
Model Photo from Main Path of Ecology Preserve
Longitudinal Cut Through Major Space
Charlotte Sadar | Spring 2017
In, Of, and On the Landscape
Charlotte Sadar | Fall 2016
elevated circulation public and private
Studio Challenge: Auburn’s Bike Share program has several locations across campus that allow for personal use of bikes, which can be reserved or checked out on demand. This project is to design a new hub that will include a bike share station, bike parking, repair station, showers/changing rooms, hydration station and lockers. Design Solution: The goal of this project was to create a new system of circulation. An underground hub is designed into the existing elevated ground plane. This involved an extension of the sidewalk and an altering of the topography. A Danpal roofing system is created to connect the change from public to private and circulation remains vital through the archway. Bike racks: 40 — 60 bikes Roof/canopy: Covers at least 50% Lockers: 40
Elevated Circulation
Charlotte Sadar | Spring 2017
Boat Storage
Classroom 1
Studio Challenge: Design an interpretive center at a site on
Descent into River
the Cahaba river that will provide a venue for educational
Classroom 2
proportion emphasis
mimic the highway
programs and exhibits. The design of the site and sequence throughout will play a critical role in the development of a successful project. Design Solution: The goal of the project is to mimic the highway. This is done by using the proportions and directionality of the highway. A natural descent down to the river is vehicle accessible and the same dimensions of one side of the highway. This emphasizes the use of the river for multiple outdoor activities. To fulďŹ ll the program requirements, a distinction between public and private space is designed. These spaces create a distinction between indoor and outdoor access. Multi-use spaces: 3,850 square feet Outdoor classroom, boat/equipment storage, shower, and locker room: 1,150 square feet
Gallery OfďŹ ce Restroom
Multi-Use Space
Mimic the Highway
Charlotte Sadar | Spring 2018
sketching in the city rome, italy
Studio Challenge: When traveling around the historic city center of Rome we were required to sketch plans, sections and perspective views. We had class twice a week the entire four months in Rome and visited over thirty locations to sketch. These places include, Trajan’s Market, Ostia Antica, Piazza Farnese, Campo dei Fiori, Chiostro del Bramante, and Santo Stefano Rotondo.
Piazza S. Maria in Trastevere
Sketching in the City
The Pantheon
Chiesa di Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza
Cosmatesque Cloister at St. John Lateran
Pier Nervi’s Palacio Del Deporte in E. U. R. Rome
Charlotte Sadar | Fall 2016
addressing the corner
Reinforced Concrete Panels
materiality emphasis
Studio Challenge: The program for the provided site in downtown Opelika, Alabama is a print shop with a retail store front, workspace and residence. Consider relationships between living, working and selling. Design Solution: The space designed is a system of three rectangular prisms that are deďŹ ned with the materials and sequence from public to private. The most public space is the glass retail storefront with vertical steel ďŹ ns surrounding the exterior. In contrast, the workspace is surrounded by a diaphanous concrete screen that diffuses the natural light entering the interior space, making it more private. Finally, the transition into the second story consisting of the residential area and ofďŹ ce space is the most private; this portion is covered with reinforced concrete panels. The circulation throughout the residential area allows for access to a balcony while maintaining a connection to the existing height of the surrounding buildings.
Diaphonous Concrete Screen
Vertical Steel Fins
Retail program: 2,530 sf Residential program: 850 sf Section Model Displaying Three Different Materialities
Charlotte Sadar | Summer 2016
interlocking interior establishing rules
Studio Challenge: An extension containing elements of the building’s double height space and a flexible interior of Paul Rudolph’s Kappa Sigma Fraternity House in Auburn, Alabama. Design Solution: Multiple rules were created to place an emphasis on the strict interior space which is proportionally interlocked with the glass structure; every beam and mullion must be equal to one panel of the Rudolph building, solid structure must only block one panel of the Rudolph building experientially and materials and structure must interlock between the intersections of the structures. These rules create hierarchy vital to the sequence and develop a dialogue with the Kappa Sigma House.
Photomontage of Kappa Sigma House with Interlocking Addition
Charlotte Sadar | Fall 2018
exterior signage elizabeth’s gone raw
Design Challenge: To design an exterior sign that correlates to the upscale nature of the restaurant. It is a formal, five-course experience in an stately townhouse in downtown Washington D.C. The owner, Elizabeth Petty has earned many praises for her restaurant including being ranked number 6 on Big 7 Travels list of 50 Best VeganFriendly Restaurants in the World. Design Solution: Delicate and sophisticated was the design intent for this project. Elizabeth wanted a curved capital E, therefore Savoye LET Plain 1.0 became the final typeface for the sign. Lighting placed above the sign was also another request from Elizabeth, which enabled me to find the perfect style lamp to match the already
E l i z a b e t h’s
sophisticated exterior.
Elevation of Townhouse with Sign Dimensions
Exterior Signage
Photo-montage of Initial Design Ideas
Final Sign and Lighting Installed
Charlotte Sadar | Fall 2019
logo design
au rhythm dance team
Design Challenge: Create a new logo for Auburn University’s hip-hop dance team AU Rhythm. This student organization was founded in 2001 and performs at various events on and off campus. Therefore, this logo must be appropriate, while incorporating the Auburn spirit. Design Solution: The name AU Rhythm is a challenging name to incorporate when designing a logo. Therefore, after over fifty iterations, the letters AUR are used. The design intention is to capture the fluidity of dance while incorporating the values of Auburn. The typeface Hackman DemiBold creates a statement through the consistent width of its stroke. The ligature between the U and R create a more complex reading of the design. The idea of a tiger or eagle scratch is an element in many of the design iterations. The final logo was designed to incorporate the scratch of Auburn University’s mascot Aubie. This scratch connects the letters, while creating a movement that resembles Auburn.
Initial Design Ideas
AU Rhythm Logo Design
Final Design Sequence
Implemented Design
Charlotte Sadar and Trisha Truong | Spring 2020
interior design
the irritable bao design competition
Design Challenge: New interior proposal for the Irritable Bao restaurant in downtown Auburn. This restaurant is known for always having a line out the door for their food, therefore that was taken into consideration for this design proposal. Existing wooden shelving units were repurposed into other elements in our design. Design Solution: Upon entry, the space opens up with casual furniture and a custom bookshelf partition. This nook in the front exists as a space for people to linger in the restaurant in a cafe style manner. The logo of the restaurant will be displayed against the pre-existing brick wall as a mural for the social media inux. Beyond this area is the remainder of the restaurant with a number of seating variations. The shelving unit utilizes pre-existing wood as a partition. A Chinese lattice pattern is applied to the back side of the shelf to act as a natural light diffuser. The booth, with its adjacency to the shelf partition, creates an even denser separation between the front and the back. This allows it to be a focal point for community style seating. Award: 1st Place, Will Receive Free Baos for Life
The Irritable Bao Interior Design Competition
Implemented Design
EDUCATION Auburn University — Auburn, Alabama Bachelor of Architecture, May 2020
Flint Hill High School — Oakton, Virginia Diploma, 2015
EXPERIENCE Advanced Graphics — Auburn, Alabama
Completing data entry through Quickbooks to ensure all invoices have been paid and accounted for.
Insight Design, Inc. — Atlanta, Georgia
2019 — 2020
Collaborate between interior designers, architects, and graphic designers in order to create SketchUp models, space plan, adjust design development documents and choose various design elements for Insight Global’s offices.
Elizabeth’s Gone Raw — Washington, D.C.
Designed the exterior signage and lighting for Elizabeth’s Gone Raw by producing photo-montages and elevations.
The Birchmere — Alexandria, Virginia
Worked in the box office assisting customers at will-call, with merchandise purchases and buying tickets for shows.
Daniel O’Connell’s Bar and Restaurant — Alexandria, Virginia
Hostess and Server: This restaurant is two stories and contains four bars. Tasks require good communication and problem solving skills.
Jacobs Engineering Group — Arlington, Virginia Worked over 180 hours on designing an architecture school for high school students, researching the site, building the site program, sketching (floor plans, elevations, sections and perspectives) and massing models in SketchUp.
CHARLOTTE SADAR (703) 498-0806 4608 Tarpon Lane Alexandria, VA 22309
2015 — 2017
ACTIVITIES AND LEADERSHIP Teachers Assistant for ARCH 1000
Responsible for 30 students within the class, taking role, collecting and grading sketchbooks, documenting completion of assignments and answering all questions
Study Abroad Rome, Italy Took an extra class in historic preservation. Course introduced theoretical, methodological and practical issues of restoration and conservation in Italy
Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity
2016 — Current
Gamma Omicron chapter focusing on leadership, fellowship, and scholarship
AU Rhythm Dance Crew Captain of Auburn’s hip-hop dance team; choreograph dances, mix music with GarageBand, place formations, lead warm-ups and be a role model. My goal is to help everyone achieve confidence in themselves through dance
2015 — Current 2015 — Current
AIAS — South Quad Member and active participant
AWARDS Design portfolio featured as exemplary portfolio in key note lecture by Margaret Fletcher at KSU Mapping project displayed while studying abroad in a public exhibition in Rome Entered in Ischia di Castro Competition promoted by the Young Group A.D.S.I. Lazio Honorable Mention in the AFA Forestry Student Design Competition Flint Hill School Senior Project Program Honors
2019 2018 2018 2017 2015
SKILLS AutoCAD Revit Rhino Enscape SketchUp
Microstation V-Ray Adobe Creative Suite Microsoft Office Hand drawing | drafting | rendering | model making
It is clear that you have a talent for design — you conceptualize quickly and execute final representations in good order. Matthew Hall Auburn University Architecture Professor
summer 2016 10,000 Lines
Site — Space — Studio
Operative Conditions
Extrusion — El Lissitzky
Palacio Del Deporte
Research and Contrast
project chronology
fall 2016 spring 2017
Mimic the Highway
In, Of, and On the Landscape
Addressing the Corner
Effortless Circulation
Interlocking Interior
fall 2017 spring 2018 fall 2018
Aldo Rossi Painting
Urban Collaboration
Threshold into the Forum
Historic Preservation
Urban Analysis Workshop
Expanding Floor Planes
Layering Levels
spring 2019 fall 2019 spring 2020
Interior Design
Logo Design
Exterior Signage
Revealing Mass
Encompassing Circulation
Personal Works Collage
Zaha Hadid Painting
Avenir is a sans-serif typeface designed by Adrian Frutiger and released in 1988.
(703) 498-0806 4608 Tarpon Lane Alexandria, VA 22309