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Mayer & Associés
Eric Mayer, Principal
Mayer & Associés (MA) is a French and International Law Firm founded in Hong Kong in 2001. The firm specializes in the economic migration of companies from Europe to Asia Pacific, particularly China, and from Asia Pacific to Europe, particularly France. Our firm also provides expert legal advice to both corporations and individuals across a variety of dedicated practice areas.
2021 was an excellent year
The link between Hong Kong and mainland China is stronger than ever. The City’s legal system and taxes, which remain unchanged, attract Chinese investors doing cross‑border transactions. In 2021, MA has completed complex acquisitions and equity partnerships between large French groups and Chinese investors. More information on these deals can be found on the news page of MA’s website. MA is very optimistic about HK’s future as the place where Chinese investors will conclude their international deals.
A new start in 2020
MA’s new logo adopted in September 2020 reflects the Firm’s values: integrity, good governance, a responsible attitude, and a relationship with clients built on trust without compromising our independence. Our clients’ trust in us requires great attention that cannot be exemplary without a commitment to these values. We implement tactfully our KYC (Know Your Client) due diligence obligations, ensuring that our clients and their files are legitimate and deserve our dedicated attention.
Constant monitoring of new legislation
MA monitors closely any new legislation having an impact on its clients and takes any appropriate action in relation thereto. New legislation protecting directors’ personal information came into force in 2021. MA promptly informed all its concerned clients and subsequently provided tailor‑made assistance to protect their interests in accordance with their instructions.
Integrity, good governance, a responsible attitude, and a relationship with clients built on trust without compromising our independence are the values that guide us in all our actions.
Hi-tech IT tools serving clients’ interests
In 2021, MA has safely implemented electronic signatures by the directors of the companies which are the firm’s clients. MA has invested in modern and comprehensive hi‑tech tools to communicate with clients and manage their files: we protect our client’s legitimate privileged information. Each member of the Firm’s Legal Team benefits from the hi‑tech IT solutions installed in their mobile, laptop, and PC to communicate safely with clients and store safely client information.
Creativity without compromising compliance
MA’s experience and values allow us to provide quality independent legal advice in cases that are sometimes complex and require inventiveness. We are resourceful in finding legal solutions for our clients involved in cross‑border transactions. Contributing to our client’s success stories is our reward. Our management style unleashes creativity and fosters healthy competition and collaboration within the legal team making up our firm.
• MA has strong expertise in Hong Kong corporate matters with a solid team of company secretaries.
• Mr. Mayer is the Legal
Adviser to the Consulate
General of France in Hong
• MA is situated in the heart of the bustling district in
Central (Kinwick Centre, 32 Hollywood Road)
Social Responsibility
Additionally to pro bono work made from time to time for individuals in distress, Eric Mayer is involved in two charities: the French Solidarity Fund “Fonds d’Entraide des Français de Hong Kong (The FEF Trust)” and ANU Mongolia Charity, which are both recognized by the Hong Kong government as being charitable trusts of a public character.