foodowl Brand Strategy
THE BEGINNING Founded by Sanjay Singhania, in 2016
BUSINESS SPACE Launching in Metro cities like Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai and Delhi
POSITIONING All you need to be is a Taste Enthusiast
ESSENCE We deliver Taste like Home
TARGET AUDIENCE Customer Space : 20-40 years of age who are aware of their surroundings and are working
Age : 24 years Profession : College Student Interest : Gardening, Baking, Painting City : Delhi About: Radhika is doing Masters in Economics from Delhi College of Economics. She likes to hang out with friends and visit new eating joints on weekends. She travels by the metro to college and likes to do gardening. In her spare time she enjoys painting and baking.
Reason : After taking a few interviews we came to a conclusion that the age span of 20-40 are working till late , and when back home they crave home made food and are ready to order good quality food.
PERSONALITY Foodowl is a brand that delivers taste without any compromise
CORE BRAND VALUES Reliable, Healthy, Authentic, Assurance
PERIPHERAL BRAND VALUES Quality, Consistent, Fresh, Instant
APPEARANCE Minimal, Welcoming, Authentic
TONE OF VOICE Warm, Friendly, Fresh
EMOTIONAL BENEFITS Foodowl makes me feel at home
FUNCTIONAL BENEFITS Creating taste through sharing recipies, cooking tips and thus creating a stronger community
SELF EXPRESSIVE BENEFITS Foodowl makes me a taste enthusiast
DIFFERENTIATION Foodowl delivers home-made food and provides a platform to share recipies online leading to a friendly community
C:0 M: 70 Y: 95 K: 0
C : 89 M: 35 Y: 74 K: 29
C : 13 M: 36 Y: 76 K: 3
C : 100 M: 100 Y: 100 K: 100
IDENTITY Vermillion green with a dash of black, yellow and orange, keeping it fresh, warm and welcoming
AVENIR MEDIUM AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNn OoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789
DESIRED CUSTOMER REACTION Wow! Dealing with Food Owl makes me feel I will always relish taste and feel at home.