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CHIVE is a brand new project focusing on introducing students to entrepreneurialism and a new career path besides employment in a big company. Introducing an alternative career path

p. 55


p. 56

Expedition Fram책t and Mind your own business

p. 57

Johanneberg Science Park

p. 58

Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship

p. 62


CHIVE is a Chalmers Student Union venture to inspire and guide students to start their own business or join entrepreneurial firms. The CHIVE partners and Chalmers Student Union arranges events and marketing through-out the year. The project is launched in the beginning of 2013.






– Introducing an alternative career path


Student Union Building 1st floor

CHIVE is a brand new project focusing on introducing students to entrepreneurialism and a new career path besides employment in a big company. To achieve this there are different activities throughout the year. It starts at CHARM with an inspirational fair, where students can buzz with entrepreneurial stars and masterminds behind newly started companies. Once the entrepreneurial spark is ignited it is followed up with more tangible tips and guidance as well as a chance to acquire your own personal mentor. The final step as a fully developed entrepreneur is to return to Chalmers for recruitment or inspire and guide new talents. Do you have an urge to be your own or do you just want a sneak peek in the entrepreneurial world? Pay a visit to CHIVE! It is located in “Ledningsgruppen” and “Valdemar” on ­­the 1st floor ­­of Volvofoajén. The following pages introduce this year’s attending organisations and associated companies. Visit each of them at CHIVE and be inspired!


CHIVE organisation

About Drivhuset

Drivhuset helps you to further develop and realize your ideas into companies or projects. We work to create more entrepreneurial skills and frameworks. Drivhuset wants to inspire towards creative thinking and get belief in ideas through, amongst other things, practical and free business coaching, courses, and our business developing program Drivhuset Process. Drivhuset Process is a course inspired by the latest research in the entrepreneurial field and is quality assured by Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship.

We offer • • • • •

Free business coaching for entrepreneurs Drivhuset Process – a business development program Cost effective courses for entrepreneurs (e.g. sales, rhetoric, accounting, project managment) Network and help from our partners Events and inspiration


Martin Samuelsson

Drivhuset is represented at 14 colleges of higher education and universities all over Sweden. Together with our large circle of contacts - our skilled and knowledgeable staff are on hand and ready to be at your service. Drivhuset strives for you, as a student, to find and “do your thing”.






CHIVE organisation

Business development at Business Region Gothenburg enables companies to find the power to grow. We provide small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s) and entrepreneurs with the right tools and networks to start up and develop their companies.

Mind your own business

Mind your own business offer all people within Gothenburg Region who are interested in starting up a company the following services: •

The following projects are parts of Business Region Gothenburg:

Expedition Framåt

Expedition Framåt (Expedition Forward) is Business Region Gothenburg’s growth program for SME´s in the Gothenburg Region. There are approximately 600 companies today that are members in the program. Expedition Framåt has as its role to assist a company on its journey to expansion and growth. This is achieved by matching a company’s needs depending on which phase they are in through assisting with competence, networks, advice and meeting points. No matter what the goals of your company, we offer the knowledge and the tools required to succeed. Start your journey to growth with us at Expedition Framåt.





Cost free guidance on the path from idea to business Help with finding the right organizations at the right time Encourage people to learn more about the process of starting up a business “Start up a business”-course

Take the step towards realizing your business idea, it is worth it.

Contact Expedition Framåt

Björn Andersson

Contact Mind your own business Alexander Kassay


CHIVE organisation

About Johanneberg Science Park Johanneberg Science Park is a meeting point for enterprise, research and development at Chalmers Campus Johanneberg in Gothenburg, West Sweden. We strengthen the region’s attractiveness, competitiveness and ability to grow and develop. Our focus areas are Urban Development, Energy, Materials and Nanotechnology. Johanneberg Science Park was founded in 2010 by the Chalmers University of Technology Foundation and the City of Gothenburg, and is owned by the founders and industry.

We offer • • •

Open arenas for interdisciplinary idea and knowledge exchange between academia, industry and society Support to small and medium-sized businesses International co-operations within education as well as research and development


Companies associated with Johanneberg Science Park • • • • • •

Enera International AB Exibea AB Icomera AB Monator AB Unipower AB Vianova AB


Björn Westling





Enera International AB About Enera International AB Enera is an export-oriented software company. Our systems are primarily used within the areas of emergency communications and winter road maintenance. Our customer list includes ABB, British Airways, Microsoft, the Swedish National Police Board, Rolls-Royce, Shell, Vattenfall and the Swedish Transport Administration.


To provide customers with mobile operations the tools for efficiency, quality assurance, documentation and evaluation.

We are working with Internet-based systems containing mobile data communication, mobile application development, satellite positioning, route optimisation and GIS.

Exhibition day at CHARM

Do you want to be involved in every step of the development process - from idea to finished product? Do you want to be more than a small cog in a big machinery?


Employees: 15

Wednesday 6th

Established: 1995

Erik Nygren

Exibea AB About Exibea AB Exibea’s President Joakim Ottander founded the company as a result of his Master´s Thesis at Chalmers. Exibea has now grown to be an awardwinning technology company developing and marketing products for energy-saving under the brand name ELIQ. The company is manned by a young and innovative team and is growing rapidly. Exibea is on the lookout for skilled and market-oriented engineers who want to join the team in developing tomorrow’s solutions for the energy-efficient home. Exibea is currently seeking interns and Master´s Thesis students, who will be seriously considered for later employment.


Exibea is a market-driven technology company that offers the most user-friendly and inspiring products for monitoring and control of energy consumption.

Exhibition day at CHARM Employees: 16

Wednesday 6th

Established: 1991


Joakim Ottander


Icomera AB About Icomera AB Icomera launched the world’s first high-speed Internet solution for trains in September 2002 and is today the world’s leading provider of open Internet connectivity and application platforms for passenger transport and public safety. Our awardwinning products are deployed on rail, road and sea, serving Wi-Fi users in over 20 countries and providing high-speed access for fleet tracking and mission-critical on-board systems. Established in 1999, Icomera is headquartered in Sweden with office in the United Kingdom and channel partners worldwide.


To be the global leader in communications solutions for passenger and freight transportation, combining superior connectivity and innovative applications.

Exhibition day at CHARM Employees: 50

Wednesday 6th

Established: 1999


Martin Bergek

Monator Technologies AB About Monator AB With a commitment to deliver true business value, Monator helps its clients apply lean thinking and design business-driven technology solutions. Our primary technical platform is Liferay Portal the leading open source Social Web Platform. Our clients are mainly midsize to large corporations and public sector actors as Avanza Bank, Europol, Västra Götalandsregionen, Stockholms läns landsting, Skolverket, Uppsala Universitet and Nordstedts Juridik. We are looking for new Monateers for our office in Chalmers Science Park and our new office in Stockholm.


Monator provides consulting, training and advanced services based on leading open source solutions within content management, collaboration, social networking, enterprise integration.

Exhibition day at CHARM Employees: Contact


Established: 2003

Erik Andersson


Tuesday 5th

Unipower AB About Unipower AB Originating from a Swedish ABB company in the middle 80’s, Unipower has developed a competitive edge within the field of PQ, Power Quality. Product lines reach from traditional portable PQ analyzers to fully integrated and automated Power Quality Management systems for continuous supervision of the energy supply.


Unipower AB offers products and smart grid information systems for Power Quality assessment, reducing energy losses and network disturbances.

Unipower AB headquarters and development department is located in Alingsås, Sweden. Within our network of distributors and partners our products are now present in 80 countries.

Exhibition day at CHARM

Unipower systems make a significant contribution to higher grid system efficiency and reduced energy losses and by that a better world. Our sales have grown about 50% over the last 3 years and we are actively seeking for new engineers that are ready to team up with us. We do also sponsor diploma works.


Employees: 16

Tuesday 5th

Established: 1991

Peter S. Andersson

Vianova Systems Sweden AB About Vianova AB Vianova Systems have been developing planning tools for the Scandinavian market since 1988, and are currently active in 12 countries. Our planning tool Novapoint is a well-known brand name and it is today Scandinavia’s most-used software tool for infrastructure project planning. The combination of user-friendly products and highly competent staff is the platform upon which Vianova’s success rests. Today, Novapoint is used by contractors, public authorities, consultants, municipalities and universities in numerous countries. All in all there are more than 10 000 users!


To help our customers become more successful by offering the most complete information model in the infrastructure and urban development sector.

Exhibition day at CHARM Employees: 23

Tuesday 5th

Established: 1988


Jonas Wenner


CHIVE organisation

About Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship offers a unique master’s programme where students are given the opportunity to combine their creativity with tools, guidance and support that will allow them to shape a sustainable future.

Companies associated with Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship • Nimbell

We offer an action-based education where students are allowed to be in the frontier of innovation development, societal change and real value creation, and where reflection about societal challenges and about a sustainable leadership is encouraged. Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship is more than an education; it is a way for students to create real value from innovations and ideas, and a chance for them to act on the opportunities, needs and challenges of the world.


Viktor Brunnegård






Nimbell About Nimbell Nimbell is an entrepreneurial company with the mission to create sustainable city transports. Our team has passion for solving transportation problems, developing electric vehicles and serving our customers’ needs. We are always looking for people that share our passion and would like to contribute to our mission. We are open to discuss full time positions, project assignments and thesis work. We look for people with competence and interest in automotive engineering, electric powertrains, logistics, entrepreneurial sales and business development.


Nimbell develops the new generation electric utility vehicles. Nimbell Trigo offers unique performance for customers within city distribution and industrial service transports by combining robustness, high performance and driver focus.

Exhibition day at CHARM Employees: Contact


Established: 2010

Jonas MĂĽrtensson





Tuesday 5th

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