Inside 15000 April Edition

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15000 Inside

Eating away at you How bulimia changed one student's life Pgs 10-11

Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016


$1500 (single or filing separately)

In this

issue: pg. 4-5

Shout-out to

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Haymarket UPS for printing our magazine every month!

Renee Riddle - Dwyer Family - Amy EthridgeConti - Holtz Family - Laurie Payne - Licinio Garcia - Hughes Family - Michael & Nancy Barbuti - Glenn Pritchard - Nick Baker - Kate Harris

Contemporary Music Center for hosting our Open Mic Night fundraiser! and

Edited by Elizabeth Wheeler

QUIZ: How well do you know spring? How to plant a tree April Fools gone wrong What's really in your skincare? Sneeze your way out of allergies Putting the pieces together The power of makeup Unique April holidays Coachella

pg. 10-11


Edited by McKenna Roper

pg. 6-7 Edited by Heather Trowbridge

pg. 8-9

Edited by Kirsten DeZeeuw and Sydney Guyton

pg. 12-13 Edited by Jessica Kronzer and LIly Bartone

pg. 14-15 Edited by Alie Paoli

pg. 16-17 Edited by Emma Hummer 2

Eating away at you Picture Perfect Prom Importance of self respect Tail-docking and ear-cropping Upcoming exams Testing tips and tricks Seriously Shakespeare? DIY plant terrarium National Pet Owners Day Pals before gals

Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016



McKenna Roper Kirsten DeZeeuw Jessica Kronzer



Alie Paoli Emma Hummer Heather Trobridge Lily Bartone Sydney Guyton Lauren Bennett

Elizabeth Wheeler Photo by Sydney Guyton

Photo courtesy of








Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016



How well do you know Spring? By Kate Harris and Ahmad Frej March 20, officially kicks off as the first day of spring in 2016. Here is a quiz to see how much you know about this season.

1. What is the first day of spring called? A. Solstice B. Equinox C. Altostratus D. Mistral 2. Who was the first president to start the tradition of the Easter Egg Roll on White House Lawn? A. Ronald Reagan B. George W. Bush C. Franklin D. Roosevelt D. Rutherford B. Hayes 3. In ancient Greece, which Greek God/Goddess represent spring time? A. Persephone B. Dionysus C. Janus D. Tyche 4. Which type of flower is NOT correlated to the spring season? A. Tulips B. Lilies C. Roses D. Daffodils

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How to plant a tree

Celebrating National Arbor Day and Earth Day By Kathleen Dwyer The month of April marks the time when flowers bloom and trees regain their green. During April, there are two holidays that promote a clean environment: Earth Day and National Arbor Day. Earth Day is on April 22 and National Arbor Day is on April 29. There are many ways to promote these holidays. One very simple way to celebrate these holidays is by planting a tree. Freshman Brittany Fortney shared her celebration for Earth Day, 0We planted pea plot plants in elementary school.1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

The first step to planting a tree is surveying the surrounding land. The next step is selecting the right type of tree for the environment. Take into consideration the temperature, moisture, light, soil, animals, and air pollutants of the surrounding land before making a selection. After choosing a tree, dig a wide but shallow hole for the tree. The hole should be two to three times wider than the root ball and it should be the same depth as the root ball. Before planting the tree, remove all containers or wires attached to the tree. Straighten out the tree before placing it and filling the hole. Once you begin filling the hole, tightly pack the soil around the root ball and then fill the remainder of the hole. If needed, stake the tree using two stakes with a flexible, stretchy material. Apply to the lower half of the tree. Afterwards, mulch the bottom of the base. The mulch layer should be around two to four inches. Lastly, provide daily care for your tree by watering it.

5. Which direction does the sun rise from?


Answer Key: 1. B, 2. D, 3. A, 4. C, 5. C

A. North B. South C. East D. West

Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016

April Fools gone wrong April Fools pranks that went too far By Michael Barbuti

Photos courtesy of Wikimedia via Creative Commons

April Fools is a day of harmless pranks that are enjoyable for all involved. However, sometimes they can go too far and have unintended results. There are many examples of pranks gone wrong on April Fools2 Day. Last year on April Fools2 Day a woman texted her daughter that there was a shooting going on at Virginia College, where the woman worked . The woman2s next text explained that it was all just a prank. The woman was too late. Her daughter had already called 911 and police were rushing to the scene ( Similarly, in 2003, the clerk of a clothing store in Columbus, Ohio called her boss to tell say that a gunman was robbing the store. The boss immediately called the police before the employee could call back and explain the prank. Four squad cars were sent to the store. When the truth came out the clerk was arrested for inducing panic ( In 2013 Susan Hudson, a resident of Kingsport, Tennessee, was handcuffed on April Fools Day for convincing her sister that she

had murdered her husband. When Hudson called her sister, she told her, 0I shot my husband. I2m cleaning up the mess. Let2s go bury him in Blackwater1 (qtd. in Hudson2s sister notified the police and they surrounded the house, cuffing Hudson and investigating the house as a murder crime scene. Hudson tried to explain the prank but the police did not believe her. She was eventually released from the handcuffs when her husband, alive and in good health, arrived home. Also in 2013, an April Fools prank resulted in an arrest for assault with a deadly weapon for the prankster and a trip to the hospital for the prankee. Tori Wheeler, an 18-year-old living in Wagoner County, Oklahoma, told her boyfriend that she was pregnant as an April Fools joke. The prank backfired when her boyfriend became agitated. They had an argument, during which Wheeler pulled out a knife and slashed her boyfriend across the throat. She also bit him twice during the fight that ensued. Wheeler2s boyfriend reported the assault to the police and they

arrested Wheeler. Wheeler2s boyfriend was sent to the hospital and treated, but was later released ( In Hampton, Virginia in 2013 an employee at a Waffle House called 911 to report a robbery. Police arrived on the scene to find no evidence of a robbery, and they then determined that it was an April Fools prank on the police force. The caller was 20-year-old Susan Alexandria Tinker has not explained why she made the prank call. Tinker was charged with wasting police time and faced a $2,500 fine and 12 months in jail if convicted ( A lot of people prank their friends and family on April Fools Day, and most of them turn out well for all involved. Sometimes people go too far with their pranks, or just do not think of the consequences that may follow. Clear examples of this happening are listed above. When people do not think their pranks through, that is when April Fools Day tends to go wrong.

Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016


What's Really in Your Skincare? Ingredients that may be more harmful than helpful By Sidney Werth and Kelly Cooke

Acne is a huge problem that teenagers struggle with in high school; unclear skin can put a damper on one1s self esteem. Many students have elaborate skincare routines they like to use, but are unaware of how harmful some of the ingredients in their products are. Most popular skincare products contain harsh or even toxic chemicals that may clear acne temporarily but dry out the skin. This forces more oils to be made, thus producing more acne. Check the ingredients in skin care products in the store, because some ingrediants might make one think twice before buying. One of the most popular face washes that Bobcats use is the Neutrogena Grapefruit Wash. On the website, the ingredients listed did not explain the effects, but after researching on the Skin Deep Cosmetic Database website, many of the ingredients that Bobcats trust to clear their acne are actually doing more harm than good. Starting off with Salicylic Acid, which is used as a drying agent; it cures acne at first, but overtime, increases oil production causing more acne.

When overused, Titanium Dioxide has been proven to cause increased premature aging on some skin types. There was a study published by the Canadian Center of Occupational Health and Safety that found that Titanium Dioxide has been classified as "possibly carcinogenic, (to cause cancer,) to humans2. The Cosmetic Safety Database states that "In benzalkonium chloride, there is a moderate to strong evidence that benzalkonium chloride is an immune, skin, and respiratory toxicant, with laboratory tests hinting at mutative and carcinogenic, (cancer causing) effect." Fragrance (Parfum,) which can cause irritation in the skin, eyes, or lungs. It can also cause organ system toxicity. Polyethylene causes irritation on the skin and there is evidence that the ingredient is toxic. One ingredient, Citrus Grandis (Grapefruit) Fruit Extract, is banned or found unsafe for use in cosmetics in Europe, Japan, and Canada. Alumina causes persistent or bioaccumulative and moderate to high toxicity concern in humans. Red 30 Lake, used as a dye, can be toxic to the human organ system. Ending the list with Red 40, another dye, when used in animal studies, it indicates that chemicals used in the preparation of red 40 are carcinogenic and may cause cancer.

Developmental, reproductive, and general organ toxicity have also been noted in animal studies. Other brands that use these ingredients in their products are Clean and Clear, Proactiv, and Freeman Face Masks. When dealing with skin, it is very important to know what you are treating it with. There are plenty healthier alternatives that use less harmful and natural ingredients.

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Among other brands, Proactive is another popular acne medicine. Its most popular is the three step program with a face wash, toner, and spot cream. It also includes a free face lotion!

Sneeze your way out of allergies How to keep allergies under control during the spring

By Linda Tran and Destinee Clay

mind set ready for the tough road ahead. It is also important to be alert during allergy season, even though medications are being taken. School nurse Mrs. Fairbanks says, 0After being outside, showering and cleaning your face is crucial to wash away any pollen attached to your eyelashes and eyebrows.2 Daily tasks may be necessary to make sure the allergies are not prominent. Mrs. Fairbanks suggests, 0Change your pillowcase everyday. When you go to bed at night and sleep on your pillowcase, you inhale the pollen from the day and wake up feeling awful.2 Although seasonal allergies may be hard to stop, they are definitely able to be controlled.

Spring means warm weather, sun and beautiful flowers, but the sad fact is that allergies also come with that as well. Sneezing, coughing, and a runny nose are some of the negatives of spring, but people with allergies can enjoy the season if they take precaution. Before the allergy season starts, many preparations are made. Sophomore Dariana Ridings says, 0I get all my allergy medications ready in the middle of winter, before the flowers start blooming, so that I don1t feel horrible during spring allergy season. For me, eye drops are a necessity2. Preparations for the season include gathering medications, and having a mind ready for theBattlefield tough roadHigh ahead. Inside 15000 School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016 6 set


Dealing with allergies during school might be difficult, but freshman Maheen Qureshi finds a way to control them, as she says, 0I always take medications before school, or else I would never stop sneezing.2 Even though flu season has passed, the spring allergy season is here. Being prepared and staying alert to avoid allergies as described in the tips suggested above may bring a positive experience in spring, even with seasonal allergies. For more information and tips, visit Mrs. Fairbanks, the school nurse or

Putting the piectoes gether

Autism Awareness month

By Brandon Hoagland

The month of April has been named National Autism Awareness month. According to, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a complex disorder that affects the brain and how it develops. Autism can affect social skills and learning skills; but many people with ASD excel in math, art, and music. ASD at times can be hard to diagnose during childhood due to difficulty seeing symptoms such as focusing on certain objects, rarely any eye contact, and failing to engage in communicating with their parents. Freshman Cameron Hoagland who has been diagnosed with autism since he was 2 years old. He can remember specific events from a long time ago, 0It1s probably because I just see the pictures in my head, and I can remember the events." Cameron has also said the way he see1s facts as visuals like the way most people remember events. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke says the severity of Autism can vary depending on how patterns of behavior affect the daily functioning of the individual. An analysis from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention estimated that every 1 in 68 children are born with ASD. There is a higher chance of a child being born with a level of autism if they have had a previous family member that also had autism. The analysis has also shown that there is a higher chance in a boy having autism than a girl. Many people show their support for autism by wearing blue during the month of April or wearing a shirt with a puzzle piece on it. The puzzle piece was made the official

April or wearing a shirt with a puzzle piece on it. The puzzle piece was made the official symbol by the National Autistic Society, because 0the board believed autistic people suffered from a 3puzzling1 disease2 ( This puzzle piece is the most recognized symbol in the autism community, and people have put it on their shirts as a pin, magnets on cars, and even put the ribbon on their social media profile picture. People with autism usually don1t get the same privileges as most people, such as

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getting a license or living on their own. Many students with autism are allowed to stay in high school until they are 22 based on their needs. It can be hard for people with ASD to find a job since their social skills are not as strong as the average person. High schools offer enclosed classrooms for kids with ASD to help improve their communication, and social interaction skills. Mr. Suthers is a teacher at Battlefield who teaches more high functioning students with autism, and has said teaching kids with ASD can be easier or harder because 0they have the focus and the drive to 3I want to make this perfect1, but I also have students that get stuck and focus on things they find interesting like videogames or something like that2. Mr. Suthers has also said he has some students in advanced classes such as AP History classes. There is a wide range of functioning from very low to very high which is why it1s known as a spectrum disorder. Ms. DuBois teaches the students that aren1t as high functioning as Mr. Suthers1. She teaches her students to stay on task, and helps teach them learn why the work her students do is meaningful. She also leads a club after school where general education kids get to interact and hang out with some of the special education kids. Autism is a disorder, not a disease, with no proven cure. It affects the way someone diagnosed with ASD will live their life forever. April has been used as the month to spread awareness for Autism. Show your support by wearing blue throughout the month of April.

What is the Triple B Club? By Emma Hummer Triple B Club is a club where Battlefield1s student with special needs get to hangout and create friendships with other students. Many feel that this is an enriching experience for all students involved. The club meets two times a month on average after school for 2 hours. During the meetings the participants do a number of things. When the weather is nice out they often

go for a stroll outside of the school. A lot of the students enjoy this event because it gives everyone an opportunity to get some light exercise and fresh air. After the walk the students come back inside to do a variety of activities. Sometimes they do puzzles, paint or dance. Dancing to music is a well liked past time by many. Club advisor, Ms. Dubois shares that, 0It has been magical to see the way our students with

special needs relate to our mentors. It is truly heartwarming. I am so impressed with our mentors.2 Ms. Dubois has been a special needs teacher for 11 years. Throughout those 11 years she can safely say that, 0The difference the mentors will make in the lives of our students is immeasurable! If anyone is interested in joining please contact Ms. Dubois or just come visit the club!

Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 6 Febrauary/March 2016


The power of makeup Ingredients that may be more harmful than helpful By Inez Asiama and Kayla Coleman 6:00 am. Countless girls are waking up and getting ready for school, looking into their vanity mirrors: contouring, highlighting, lining their eyes, and shaping their faces to brace the long day under the florescent lights that will inevitably make them sweat off all that work they did. Whether you wear it or not, there is no denying makeup makes many girls feel confident and comfortable with themselves. Makeup, for most girls, is a daily routine that helps boost confidence. Junior Emily Surabian shares, 0I wear makeup because it makes me feel good and when other people say they don1t like my makeup, I am like oh you don1t like my face23 Not only does makeup come in handy when trying to impress others, but many do it for themselves. Some ladies find makeup to be art and treat their face as a canvas; they use makeup to express themselves. Makeup has a way of bringing out different sides of your personality. If you are the kind of person to hit up late night concerts with your friends darker and heavier makeup may be up your alley. If you are more of an adventurous one that may sweat throughout your day wearing lighter make up with a few swipes of waterproof mascara. Other girls wear makeup for the

aesthetic. Junior Carleigh Hall says, 0I just really like beauty. I think makeup brings out inner confidence and it helps you feel confident in your skin.3 Hall is also confident enough to ignore any rude remarks that may come her way about her or her makeup. 0It doesn1t really bother me when guys say mean things about girls wearing makeup because I know I slay and those boys can find a girl who1s confident in not wearing makeup.3 Waking up early to do her makeup is just a consequence she1s willing to take. When asked how long it takes to do her makeup, Hall replied, 0It takes me 45 minutes and a Red Bull !3 So no guys, do not take her swimming on the first date; she worked hard on that contour! 0I think makeup is fine as long as it1s not overdone. Too much makeup is when your cheeks are really really red and eyes are insanely dark,3 Senior Will Burdick says. 0Truthfully, you can tell some girls wear a lot of makeup because their self esteem is too low and they think that they need it to look good, when really, it1s not needed at all.3 For some people, makeup is just meant to bring out their best features. Though for others, sometimes it is used to mask their

insecurities. They begin to stress and obsess over their imperfections and go towards makeup as their first resort. Senior Sam Nfor1s advice for that is 0 Be natural.3 Makeup is not meant to cover up your face but rather to highlight your good features it is a art. At the end of the day, whatever you want to do to your own body is up to you. Put very simply and boldly, senior Jakin Thorne says, 0Do you boo!3

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Cherry Blossom Festival in full bloom By Meriam Rihani and Olivia Stickel

The Cherry Blossom Festival dates back decades; all the way to 1912! It is celebrated every year because Japan gifted the United States with cherry blossom trees to honor their long-lasting friendship. Japan brought over a whopping 3,000 of these beautiful trees to be planted on the north bank in the West Potomac Park. First Lady Helen Taft and Viscountess Chinda planted the first two trees in the March of 1912. It


became an official 0festival3 in 1927. Families will be heading down to see this exciting tradition on April 16th. D.C. will be jam-packed in only ten blocks with children and parents trying to get the best spot to watch the parade. High school marching bands from up and down the east coast will be performing in the event along with dancers, singers, celebrities, elaborate floats, and giant balloons.

Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016

Cherry Blossom photos by Olivia Stickel


More about this annual music festival By Felicity Courtright and Alex Lopez Coachella is one of the biggest music festivals on the West Coast. People from all around the world visit to experience the thrill. The festival brings out many unknown names in the music industry to show their true potential to new listeners. It is a great way to find new genres of music that interest you. Along with finding new music, you can enjoy songs from your favorite artists. Not only is there music at the festival, it is also filled with great food, attractions, and souvenirs. Many people use Coachella as a way to express new ways of fashion. There is always new trends starting up there, such as rucksack backpacks by Coach or denim dresses. They came in style last year at the 2015 Coachella.

Coachella falls in the middle of April for two weekends every year. This year in 2016, the two weekends of Coachella are April 15th through 17th, and April 22nd through 24th. Coachella has been going on for 17 years now. The first year it started was 1999. People can choose to camp out in their cars and tents during the festival, stay in hotels around the area, or utilize off-site options. For lots of people, it's 0part of the experience3 to camp out on the festival grounds. The campground amenities provide showers, cell phone charging stations, supermarket shuttles, internet cafe with wifi, and more for the campers. Bundles that include hotel costs and transportation fair are available. The cost for tickets to the festival range from

$400 to $5200 depending on the package you buy. Coachella is located in Indio, California. For this year, the lineup consists of many unique artists known across the United States and internationally. Around 579,000 people went to Coachella in 2014, with 170 arrests being made in the span of the two weekends.. In 2015 there were 191 performances total, with only 26 being fronted by women. Although the proportional representation is low for women, the number is growing every year along with the rest of the West Coast1s favorite music festival.

Photo courtesy of Creative Commons

Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016


Eating away at you How bulimia changed my life By Kirsten DeZeeuw

When I was a little girl, I knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up. I would be average height, thin, and I would have pretty eyes and I would have lots of friends. I never thought I would turn out to be five foot ten inches tall, average weight for my height, and that by the time I was 14, my entire world would be turned upside down. Many health professionals and organizations who focus on the treatment of eating disorders agree that these types of diseases are caused by biological, social, and psychological factors. For example, my family history of depression manifested in me from a young age, even though I did not know I was any different from my friends. I did not know that it was not normal for a second grader to want plastic surgery to look better, or that it was not normal for a kid in fourth grade to track every calorie she consumed. As if middle school were not hard enough, my family moved to the area when I was entering the sixth grade. I wanted to fit in more than anything, so I made a list of everything I hated about myself, and dedicated an entire summer to becoming the person I thought I wanted to be. My dorky, silly, fearless self gave way to the composed, self-conscious, vulnerable girl I decided I needed to become. But it was not enough for my all-or-nothing personality. I still felt like I needed to do more to fit in and control how others saw me. I needed to control something that I could see and feel. Because I had been dealing with depression during junior high, I was nervous about transitioning to high school where I was going to be 0at the bottom of the food1 chain yet again. I turned to one of the only things I had control over to give me a sense of security in my life; my eating. After the fall sports season ended, I did not have field hockey to keep me in


shape, so I decided to adjust my diet to match my new activity level. I was terrified my identity was going to disappear; just like the rest of my comfort zone had. What I did not realize was as I tried harder and harder to control my body through my eating, I was actually losing control of myself. I had surrendered myself to the will of my disorder, who had personified itself as 0Ana1. I was going to the gym for an hour and a half almost every day of the week, and I would avoid food during the day at all costs. To hide these behaviors from my parents, I would eat dinner, but once I was done I would purge the little food I had gotten in my system that day. I was getting so sick and so weak, but I felt like I could not stop; I had to keep losing more weight. In addition to all of the physical effects I was feeling, I also noticed a change in my personality. I was lethargic, very irritable, and reclusive. I was nothing like the person I had been just months before or the person I was trying so hard to be. Just days after I celebrated giving my life to Christ by getting baptized, I was purging once again after dinner when my mom walked in my room to hand me my clean laundry. Even though it was nearly impossible for her to believe what she just saw her baby girl doing, her suspicions about my health had just been confirmed. I was overwhelmed because the shame of my actions had caught up to me, and I knew I was going to have to pay the price. About two or three weeks after my mom found out, I started seeing a therapist and a nutritionist once a week. I was diagnosed with Bulimia Nervosa. I was one of the 4.5 percent (just over one out of every 30 people) of the female American population, who, according to, would/had developed bulimia in her lifetime. Since I proved incapable

Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016

of completing my meal plan, the last bit of control over my meals I had was taken away from me and was handed to my parents. Even though I knew it was necessary, the loss of control lowered my morale even more. Shortly after that, a cardiologist told me that because of the months of purging and low calorie intake, my heart had lost half of its mass, which meant I had to quit sports. I was lost, depressed, anxious, and embarrassed about what I was experiencing, so I isolated myself from friends, family, even my boyfriend. 0Ana1 had stolen everything from me.

Even though the beginning of recovery was the most difficult thing I have ever had to power through, within a few months of therapy and nutrition counseling, things started to get better. I started to become myself again, and 0Ana1 no longer dictated my every action or screamed abuses at me from inside my mind. The extra time in my schedule from the lack of sports proved to be a blessing in disguise. I became more involved in the yputh

Photo by Kirsten DeZeeuw and Sydney Guyton

ministry at Park Valley Church. My struggles helped me form close bonds with adult leaders as well as fellow students, and the fellowship I experienced not only strengthened my recovery, but helped others find comfort and healing in their time of need. I was even able to empathize with another individual who was

struggling with an eating disorder, and help them in the beginning of their recovery. My recovery also helped me form tighter bonds with my friends and family because it forced me to truly confide in my loved ones for the first time. Two years later, my road to recovery is a straight path, instead of the mountain it used to be. I still fight my disease every single day and have to make

conscious decisions to pursue recovery, but the coping strategies I have learned and medications I am on make each day so much easier than it used to be. Today, food is just that; food. It is not my whole life, not what I am a slave to. I am back on the field, and I feel like myself again. I know I deserve to be happy and I deserve to get better. Thanks to my supportive friends and family, and my therapist, I am able to talk about my struggle, and I am a living testament that it will get better if you just reach out and seek help. Statistically, 4 percent of those with anorexia, and 3.9 percent of those with bulimia will die from their illness, according to Getting help may be the scariest thing you have ever done, but dying because of a preventable and treatable disease is even scarier. No matter what your struggle is, you deserve to be happy. You deserve to get better. Reach out, speak up, and take the first step in your recovery journey; get help.

Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016


Perfect Prom

Photo by Jessica Kronzer

By Heather Trobridge

When prom season rolls around, it is not about the dance or the date, oh no, it is all about the dress. While many girls would rush to Nordstroms or even Bloomingdales for the perfect dress, most are not aware of the many options that await up and down I-81. From popular designers like Sherri Hill, to dresses from Macy's, the right dress can make the night.

Reflections Bridal Right across from James Madison University, in Harrisonburg, Virginia, Reflections Bridal and Prom has, and can get, any dress under the sun. Carrying popular designers like Rachel Allan and break out designers like Vienna Prom, the staff at Reflections makes the dress buying experience one to remember! After shopping with them for the last few years and speaking from experience, the owner Joy Salyards and the rest of the staff know exactly how to outfit someone in their perfect dress. Besides dresses, one can also get beautiful jewelry and select from a large collection of shoes. The glitz and glamour of the shop will certainly get you excited for shopping!

Proms Pageants and Pretty Things at the Bride s House 0

Located in Roanoke Virginia and run by a mother daughter duo, you will have no problem finding your dream dress at Proms,

Photo by Jessica Kronzer

Pageants, and Pretty Things at the Bride's House! One of my favorites, the store offers something a little different than the rest. Including MacDuggal, House of Wu by Tiffany, Johnathan Kayne, and many other designers. Not only can you snag a beautiful gown but can shop through numerous Pretty Things ; these are a collection of short boutique style dresses. Not only that, but bring along your date for the road trip, because he can get his tux at Mr. Tuxedo right in store! 1


Deja Vu Boutique

Although it is located in Mt. Airy, Maryland (which is right between Baltimore and D.C.), Deja Vu has thousands of dresses to choose from Literally! From dress designers like Sherri Hill, Terani Couture, La Femme, Jovani, Faviana, Blush, Alyce Paris and more, they have one of the largest collections in the DMV. Whether one likes a flowy chiffon dress, 3

or a sleek silk bodycon dress, Deja Vu could have the dress for you!

Online Options If you cannot find a dress that you like at any of these stores, there are plenty of other options for shopping. Located in Linwood, New Jersey, Rissy Roo s has a large collection of dresses; While taking a drive all the way to New Jersey for a prom dress may seem absurd, if you have the proper measurements and know the dress style number and size, give the store a call and they will mail it right to your home! Even through the mail, the packaging is good, the dress will come in great condition, and it is worth a shot if you absolutely love a dress that no one else has. Henri s Cloud Nine in Columbus, Ohio is the mother of all dress 0


The importance of self respect By Rebecca Cutsinger

EDITORIAL 12 defines self respect as having proper esteem or regard for the dignity of one s character. Self respect is essential to living a happy, healthy, and rewarding life. It can change how you feel about yourself and how others view you. It is a quality that no one should go without. Having self respect does not mean you are arrogant, conceited, or stuck up, it simply means you can walk through your life loving the person that you are. Loving yourself includes recognizing your flaws and accepting and expressing your talents and gifts. Self respect can be expressed in many ways, but the most common is not caring what the unimportant people in your life think. 0

Respecting yourself can be very difficult especially as a kid in high school. Outside influences and peer pressure can veer you off the path of treating yourself with love, honor and respect. A few common examples of this is continuing to love someone when they treat you badly or do not love you back, wanting to go back to past times in your life, thinking you need certain things to be happy, and keeping people around you that don t support you and only bring you down. We cannot always control the people, events, or troubles in our lives, but we can control how we deal with them, and how we treat ourselves throughout our difficulties. A great way to respect yourself throughout your life is to never settle for less than you 0

Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016

deserve. Every person deserves the best feelings, people, experiences, and rewards. Recognizing that someone or something is less than you deserve is a huge step in self respect. Everyone could benefit from knowing when to walk away from a situation that only brings them down. Realize that you deserve more in life than someone who takes you for granted, or participating in something that brings you down. Not only will you be respecting yourself, but others will be impressed with the way you can walk away from situations that are clearly beneath you. With that said, it is difficult to not settle if you are not sure what exactly it is that you want. This is where self discovery comes into play. Getting to know yourself, what

Photo by Jessica Kronzer

Tail-docking and ear-cropping

By Emily Payne

To an extent, the modern dog is manufactured. Each year in the United States, over 130,000 puppies undergo cosmetic surgery. Tail-docking, also called bobbing , involves removing part or all of a dog s tail when dogs are just a few days old when it is still soft. Docking is banned in many parts of the world, including Australia and the United Kingdom, while the U.S leaves it unregulated and available. New York and Vermont have made moves to ban them, but nothing has been passed as of yet. Many supporters of the surgery claim that the dog is not fully alert and aware of what is going on. Ear cropping involves cutting off the floppy part of a dog s ear when they are between six and twelve weeks old. Doctors tape the ears to a hard surface for several weeks while they heal so they stand upright. Freshman Kailie Scott who has a Great Dane is very against the surgery, saying, [I don t see a point in] changing an animal's natural appearance. It just doesn t seem right to me. These practices are believed to have started during the Roman era, to prevent rabies, according to theanimallaw. They carried on to the Middle Ages, where the surgeries became widely accepted. Owners of working dogs believed that 1




The outside of the glamorous Deja Vu boutique in Mt. Airy, Maryland. stores. The store itself is stunning with a large runway to model the dress you try, but if you are not feeling the drive they will ship dresses anywhere in the world; You can even order online! With hundreds of dresses, shoes, and earrings to choose from you will not go wrong!

Buyer Beware While some stores are safe for ordering online, sometimes the product can be strikingly different online than in person. To avoid becoming a fashion victim, make sure the store you are buying from is reputable. According to, one way to tell if your dress is a scam is if it is listed at a common price (ex $250.00) on four other websites but on the fifth it is listed at anywhere from ten to fifty percent off. This for sure is a knock off. Also comparing a dress style number to the one on the dress company s website is a sure way to catch a counterfeit dress. 0


you want, what you stand for, things that are important to you, these things can help you drastically with not settling. If you know exactly who you are as a person and what you want out of life, you can walk away from the things that don t match the description. It takes a long time to figure yourself out, that and the fact that you are ever changing. Your thoughts, wants, needs, desires, favorite things, will change constantly. Knowing who you are, and what you need at that point in time is crucial to keeping or leaving the different people in your life. One s past experiences and choices make up the person, but one s past does not define them. Letting go of the past is an extremely difficult thing to do, that everyone struggles with. Respecting who you are now as a person cannot happen if you are not letting go of the person, choices, and desires of who 0











you were then. Do whatever it takes to forgive yourself for the mistakes you ve made in the past, learn from them, and then move on. You can t change the past, and you can only apologize for it so many times. C.S Lewis said There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind. Honesty is also one of the best ways to respect yourself. You should be equally honest with yourself about your flaws and your best qualities. Be honest with what is good and bad for you, with what makes you happy and what brings you down. If someone makes your day better, and is fun to hang around, keep them around. If you honestly do not like the way you feel around someone or something, have enough self respect to get out of that situation or relationship. When someone hurts you, it can change you. Forgiving people that have caused

docking tails would prevent any injuries and increase speed. The American Kennel Club (AKC) says that the procedures are currently performed to preserve the breed's character in certain breeds. However the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) says the most common reason for dogs to undergo cosmetic surgery is to give a dog a certain look and it poses unnecessary risks. Freshman Grace Metcalf comments, [It seems weird to me that] people want to change the way their pet looks. I definitely wouldn t change mine. According to pets.webmd, docked tails can develop a neuroma, or nerve tumor, which causes pain and may make your dog snappy if the tail is touched. Dogs communicate emotions like excitement and anger by wagging their tails, so it can interfere with your dog s ability to communicate with other dogs, says Andy Roark, a veterinarian at Cleveland Park Animal Hospital in South Carolina. Stress is not something that many dogs react well to, so make sure you are doing what is best for the animal and not to fit society s definition of canine beauty . 1













you pain can change you more. You do not have to completely overlook the hurt and go back to the way things were, just stop carrying around that negative feeling towards that person. You don t have to be friends or like that person, but being the bigger person and realizing that everyone makes mistakes can improve your overall mood. Carrying around negativity for someone can make you a negative person. Instead move on, forgive the person that caused you pain, and show them you have enough self respect to know you don t need or want someone who causes you pain. It is not something you do overnight, but if you work at it, eventually you will feel better. Showing you have self respect can influence the people around you, and give you courage to not care what people think. Do not be tied down by negative people, and respect yourself enough to know what is good and bad for you. 2, Issue 7, April 2016 Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 0







Upcoming exams Students address AP testing stress

By Jacob Baker Photo by Matt Brandt

It is now April and AP exams are right around the corner. With these exams coming up in just a month, many students are freaking out. Teachers are now starting after school review sessions, and students are just beginning the rigorous studying process. Some will be spending the next month with their noses buried in their textbooks while others plan on winging it. For some, certain classes are easily manageable without much studying. Even if the class is an AP, studying is not a top priority for some. 0I1m just gonna go in [to the exam] with whatever knowledge I have,2 said senior Ian Capacungan. Capacungan has been taking AP Environmental Science and has been feeling ready for the upcoming exam. Though this is a rare exception, it is highly


recommended that students study hard and put in lots of effort in order to get a score of a five - the maximum score. The first opportunity students have to take an AP class is sophomore year. For students that start with APs sophomore year, they get an advantage for when they take AP classes in their junior and senior years. 0I haven1t started studying yet, but since I already have an idea of what they are like and how they are set up, I know what to expect when I go in,2 explained senior Matt Powell. To students taking their first AP exam, walking into the auxiliary gym and seeing all the desks set up can be quite intimidating. Students who have taken multiple AP exams before are going to feel more relaxed on the morning of exam day. That is not to say that students taking their first exam will fail. As long as lots of effort was put into studying, students should be a-okay. Some students are taking multiple AP exams. One student is junior Allison Kite. 0I am taking four AP1s, and I plan on going to every review session and mock exam that I can!2 exclaimed Kite. One stressful element of taking multiple AP1s is the difficulty level of each one. Students must figure out the appropriate amount of time they must spend studying for each exam. 0I am not to worried about AP

Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016

Lang and AP Psych, but I1m a bit worried about APES,2 Kite said. If there is one thing that is reassuring about taking AP exams, it is that students have plenty of time and plenty of opportunities to study. Teachers often have after-school review sessions and often give mock AP exams to prepare students. Students also have many outside of school resources, such as review books that can be purchased. 0I might go online and order some books to review,2 said senior Kelly Deuser. Another resource that students have, and always have had, is the class textbook. 0Another thing I plan on doing is using the textbook review. Sometimes in the back of the textbook they usually have review questions which I plan on looking at,2 continued Deuser. Students from all over the school are starting to get ready for their AP exams, and there are many different ways to do it. No matter how students are feeling about the class or what their grade in the class is, it is important to try hard and study for the AP exam. Students who put in all the extra effort they need are sure to pull through and get fives.

Seriously Shakespeare? Testing Uncovering the importance Tips of Shakespeare Tricks


Preparing for SOLs and AP tests By Hartley Hall and Emily Hillig

With the SOLs and AP exams quickly approaching, students seem to be stressing out more than ever to memorize all the necessary knowledge for the big test. The best advice one can give to those preparing for the exams is to actually prepare. Researcher Nate Kornell of the University of California, Los Angeles, concluded that spacing out study time was far more effective than cramming for 90% of his experiment participants. Having good study skills will not only help prepare you for big tests, but help retain and improve your overall understanding of topic. Here are some great study tips to get ready for your exam.


For exams like these, begin to study 3-4 weeks ahead and intensify as the test approaches


Make a study plan about what and when you1re going to study for and have a solid study routine


Study 30 minutes at the most, you do not want to fry your brain from studying


Use study aids such as Quizlet, they really help with memorizing important dates and key vocabulary terms


Create a study group with people who will genuinely study with you


Eat a balanced breakfast the day of the test, it helps you stay awake and focused

Photo courtesy of

By Anna Ramos

Photo courtesy of

We know what we are, but know not what we may be.1 -Shakespeare There are few students who have not


heard of William Shakespeare since his works are studied in a variety of classes. Everything from his plays to his death (April 23rd, the same as his birthday) was dramatic and mysterious, which describes the English poet and playwright perfectly. While Shakespeare was undeniably intelligent, his writing can be a little difficult to understand. It can be excruciatingly frustrating and stressful to comprehend, especially since a lot of his plays consist of old English language that is no longer used in the modern world. Many students question how his work is still applicable today. Sophomore Nick Gonzalez recalls his experience playing a part of 0Romeo and Juliet,2 in theatre, explaining that 0learning the lines was really difficult for me because I didn1t understand half of what I was saying. At one point I was really frustrated and it made me hate Shakespeare.2 Senior Kevin Calderon, who is an actor as well, noted that when he was initially reading his lines, he also could not comprehend them. When asked about memorizing his lines, he responded that 0it1s really hard [if] you don1t know what you1re saying.2 Ms. Crivelli, a ninth grade English and Pre-AP English teacher, addressed these doubts. Regarding students who disagreed with Shakespeare1s writing ability, she replied,0I think it1s okay if students don1t like Shakespeare, but it1s because they don1t understand and haven1t unlocked Shakespeare yet. [He] teaches us the beauty of the English language, a lot of the ways we express our feelings both positive and negative, he has given us.2 Shakespeare offers more than just a way to convey feelings. His work portrays

scenarios that occurs in reality to present day. Ms. Crivelli expressed that 0[His] themes are timeless and universal. Across cultures and generations the classic themes that his stories give us are still relevant to our lives today.2 Some of the phrases Shakespeare used may be outdated, but several of his original words are still needed today. In fact, when people say Shakespeare 0coined2 English, it means he practically made the English language what it is today. Without Shakespeare, phrases like 0a heart of gold2 and 0kill with kindness2 would not even exist. Ms. Crivelli advised those who had difficulty understanding phrases we do not use as often to utilize tools such as 0No Fear Shakespeare,2 a website that sort of translates what Shakespeare wrote to modern English. 0Of course I1d say the students [who dislike him] are missing out on something, the beauty of language. That1s what Shakespeare really is.2 Many students admitted that originally they disliked Shakespeare because he was difficult to follow. However, they were able to respect Shakespeare after uncovering the true meaning behind his words. Gonzalez acknowledged that the same was true for him, saying, 0Once I found out what everything meant I appreciated it because you can use Shakespeare to express yourself and your emotions as well.2 Some things just need to be understood- Shakespeare is one of them. There are many benefits to comprehending Shakespeare- valuable life lessons and an outlet for human expression. Still, of course, it is not without hardship and effort. Ms. Crivelli offers encouragement for those who struggle to understand Shakespeare1s writing. 0The only way you start to understand is by trying to fight through and understand. That1s how we learn- we hit that wall and we have to, like, go above that wall and persevere in order to understand and really learn.2

Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016


DIY Plant Terrarium Make your own cute indoor cacti and/or succulent terrarium By Lauren Kronzer and Mary Alphonse

What you will need: -Sand -Small or pebbles Small rocksrocks or pebbles -Succulent and cactus Succulent cactus potting soil pottingand soil -Succulents/Cacti in various Succulents/Cacti in various shapes and sizes shapes sizes (your (your numberand of plants needed will depend on the size of bowl are using) number of you plants needed will depend on the size of Clear glass bowl/vase bowl you are using) Spoon -Clear glass bowl/vase -Spoon Sand



First take your glass vase and fill the bottom with rocks. Fill it till there's about 1 ½ inches of rocks in your vase. This will collect the water drainage.


Add a layer of your potting soil, it needs to be deep enough for you plant roots to be able to fit securely and stand up. This needs to be about 2 ½ inches deep.


Remove your largest plant from its container and dust the extra soil off. Using your spoon make a hole big enough for the plant roots then gently and carefully put your plant in. Make sure to push down the soil around it so it stay (use a paper or gardening gloves if you are planting a cacti).


Photo by Mary Alphonse and Lauren Kronzer

This project is great to do on a warm spring day


Plant all of your plants from largest to smallest.


Once you like the way they are arranged add about ¼ inch layer of sand around your plants.


You can add pebbles or larger stones for decoration.

Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016


Now you are done with your terrarium! Place anywhere in your


Photo by Mary Alphonse and Lauren Kronzer

National Pet Owners Day The day solely dedicated to pets By Charis Hadginikitas and Mary Riley National pet owner day is a day many pet owners can come together and celebrate the one thing that they have in common: their pets! On April 18th, pet owners nationwide give their pets extra love and attention. Whether it's posting a picture, giving them extra treats or taking them to their favorite park, pet owners show their love for their best friends. Bobcats love to participate in this special holiday. Freshman Meredith Chee says she celebrates by 0posting a picture." By posting a picture, most kids do not throw

extravagant celebrations. Sophomore Zach Estrada agrees with this by saying 0I don't post on social media." Pet owners also show their pets love year round, not needing a special holiday to tell them they love them. Going on walks, giving them treats and playing with them gives their pets the attention they need. Knowing April 18th is National Pet Owner's Day, Bobcats give love back to the animals that give them love all year long. Posting pictures on social media is just a small way to show not just your pet, but the rest of the Bobcat community to much love Bobcats

have for their best friends.

Pals Before Gals Tips on how to treat your friends right By Alexander Young The Da Vinci Code, Justinian1s Code, and the Suite Life of Zack and CODE-y; These codes have all made colossal contributions to society, but none of them have touched the single code that matters the most: The Bro Code, also known as 0Pals before gals.2 According to every brotha1 worldwide, 0pals before gals2 means that your best bud comes before that lady you have been talking to. That does not mean drop any lady for your friend if he happens to be a man; this means that if you have a close friend, boy or girl, and someone you are dating does not like them, you side with your friend. Since the dawn of time, the Bro Code has been enforced numerous ways. Even the first cavemen followed this code. That 0ooogah urgahh2 they mumbled was actually 0Pals before gals2 in caveman language. It is also

said that in the Bible, the Torah, and the Qur1an, at one point 0Pals before gals2 was always mentioned. Do not believe me? Look for yourself. Ladies, do not get down on yourself; this code goes for you too. 0Pals before gals2 can be expressed for the opposite gender, and the best part is, all you have to do is reword it! 0Sisters before misters2 is a prime example of how you can change it up a bit to keep the groove going if you know what I mean. When two freshman at Battlefield High School were asked about their opinion about the Bro Code, they seemed fairly inclined to it. Dylan Carpenter voiced,0I live by that code. If someone comes into your life and wants to kick out a friend you1ve already had, nah fam, pals before gals.2 Kailie Scott also added to that when she mentioned, 0People don1t get in

the way of my friends and I. You know? Sisters before misters.2 The one exception to the Bro Code, is if your friend is just being a jerk. If he is obviously wrong on whatever the dispute is on, then you agree with your partner. All in all, no matter the gender, that thing for a special someone may only last a few months, but friendships last forever.

Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016


Staff Writers:

Colophon Cover

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Esperanza Almeda, Mary Alphonse, Inez Asiama, Katarina Ayala, Tristan Baird, Jacklyn Baker, Jacob Baker, Michael Barbuti, Isabelle Barrett, Lily Bartone, Lauren Bennet, Allison Brown, Regan Buckley, Taylor Cambell, Maggie Chi, Destinee Clay, Kayla Coleman, Kelly Cooke, Felicity Courtright, Thayer Cumings, Rebecca Cutsinger, Kyle Dean, Jake Dedekind, Tara Delaney, Caterina Deuser, Kathleen Dwyer, Grant Donaldson, Alyssa Elazar, Brendon Estridge, Kennedy Evans, Iana Fields, Taylor Fisher, Ahmad Frej, Fabi Garcia, Nicholas Gonzalez, Charis Hadginikitas, Hartley Hall, Kate Harris, Dan'Nika Hill, Emily Hillig, Brandon Hoagland, Madison Holtz, Emma Jacobs, Jay Kim, Jean-Luc Klingensmith, Lauren Kronzer, Alex Lopez, Luis Marte, Neika Manafi, Emily McCauley, Kyleigh McGinnis, Sarah McLain, Julian Moore, McCall Moran, Sydney Natysin, Anna Parsons, Rohit Netala, Tori Nguyen, McKenna Palmer, Emilene Parham, Anna Parson, Emily Payne, Bryan Plonk, Maheen Quereshi, Alexis Radun, Annabelle Ramos, Meriam Rihani, Mary Riley, Nana Ama Mantey, Margaret Ryan, Cheyenne Shifflett, Jordan Sisson, Mark Skorija, Olivia Stickel, Linda Tran, Tylin Turner, Derek Viator, Heidi Watts, Sidney Werth, Tessa Wisenbaler, Alex Young, Andrew Young, and Savannah Zambudio

A big Thank You The editors, staff writers, and photogrpahers of Inside 15000 want to give thanks to all those who participate in the making the news magazine possible. With all the dedication that has been put into the magazine, Inside 15000 won first place in a statewide compeition judged by VHSL. Thank you to Ms. Ethridge-Conti and Mr. Hintosh for proofing the content and allowing the magazine to happen. Thank you to all the generous patrons and all those who support inside 15000. Lastly, thank you UPS for printing the news magazine., 18

Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016

Letter from

the Editors

This issue: Spring is in full swing, Bobcats! Everyone is getting back into the routine after spring break and sticking it through for the final stretch of the school year. In this edition, students tested their trivia and saw just how much they know about spring. Also, the Bobcat community is gearing up to celebrate Earth Day and Arbor Day. Next, Bobcats look into what is really in skin care products, and see if their daily hygiene routine is just as proactive as they thought. The students of BHS are opening up their arms to every person in the community by raising awareness for

autism, and, and breaking boundaries with the Triple B Club. Celebrating spring, the area gets ready for the annual Cherry Blossom festival, and music lovers prepare for the famous Coachella music festival. Also, a student of BHS, who wants to encourage all who face adversity to get help, shares the story of her eating disorder and what her recovery process looked like. As prom season rolls around, we explore several of the best places to purchase a prom dress. Bobcats also discuss what self respect is and the importance it holds in everyday life. The cosmetic

processes of ear-cropping and tail-docking of dogs are brought to light. Students prepare for upcoming exams while tips and tricks to help study are given to lower stress. The importance of the poet and playwrite, William Shakespeare, in English class is discussed. Flowers are a defining characteristic of spring, so a DIY plant terrarium is perfect for the seasonal mood. National Pet Owners Day is explored while we conclude the magazine with a piece on how to treat friends.

Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016


The symbol in "hope" represents eating disorder recovery


Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016

Inside 15000 Battlefield High School News Magazine Volume 2, Issue 7, April 2016


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