9 minute read

Goal 9: Build the Health Sector to Treat with the Heart to Care

Highlights of the Discussion

• The need to restore compassion into all facets of healthcare from those at the front desk, all the support services who interact with patients and families, and up to all clinicians including our physicians, nurses, physician’s assistants, nurse practitioners, EMTs/EMSs and midwives.


• Healthcare encompasses health and mental health as well as the focus on individuals and public health which encompasses, community health, population health, the health of our environment and all that includes.

• Even caregivers to our pets, or veterinarians, need to be compassionate and to show their compassion to pet-parents and to their pet-patients.

• The complexities of healthcare and the exorbitant documentation now required appears to have wrung compassion right out of the care provided. Electronic notes and assessments are often so generic because of checked off boxes and responses that all sense of the patient and the patient’s history are lost.

• Many healthcare providers are now so focused on getting data into the computer that the healthcare provider: patient relationship is lost (or never developed) in the process

• Studies from major universities, Harvard being one, have surveyed both doctors and nurses and have identified compassion to be dwindling and a lost art.

• We need to reach professionals and paraprofessionals while they are in training, when their values and mores are forming, and instil the value and merits of compassionate care throughout the lifecycle of care to patients and their loved ones.

• We need to reach experienced professionals who have or are burning out

• We need to reach front-desk staff to address the value of compassion from the first encounter on forward, and how that can be done. (Look at your computer presence; does a person answer the phone? If you are having a medical crisis, who calls you back? How long do you have to wait for the return call or an appointment? When you have a test or lab work done, how long do you have to wait for your provider to call you back? Is your test result mailed to you with no one to explain it or discuss your options, etc.?

• Care with compassion benefits the patient, the families and loved ones of the patient, as well as the healthcare providers who are delivering compassionate care. It also benefits the bottom line of practices, facilities, and organizations (Compassionomics: The revolutionary scientific evidence that caring makes a difference; Trzeciak & Mazzorelli)

• Many feel they don’t have time to offer compassion, but actually it can take just seconds to convey compassion and to act upon it.

• Patients and families who feel their care providers and staff actually care about them are less likely to sue you or to give your practice, office, hospital or healthcare agency a negative Press-Ganey rating or a bad on-line review; they are more likely to take the time to write a positive review.

• Most healthcare providers want to do a good job, yet sometimes this fades away in practice; COVID-19 exacerbated this.

• We need healthcare providers to be speakers and mentors of the kinds of care we would want to receive and that we would want our own loved ones to receive, and why that matters.


• We need healthcare providers to be speakers and mentors of the kinds of care we would want to receive and that we would want our own loved ones to receive, and why that matters.

• Charter for Compassion could create &/or partner with other like minded groups to provide this type of Care-with Compassion training modules

• We could recognize groups, agencies and individuals who provide this type of exemplary care.

Next Steps

1. Seek big name supporters/advocates/well-known healthcare providers to promote models of compassionate care that intentionally address wholenessphysical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness - and to help create a growing segment of the population that picks their providers based on their ability to provide this type of care.

2. Create Public Service Announcements about why you should want and expect compassionate care, what it looks like, and how to recognize it when you receive it.

3. Create checklists for patients and families (multicultural & multilingual) that provide suggestions of questions to ask your care providers, identify the compassionate care techniques &/or approaches used in that office, assess such things as making appointments, responses to your health problems, phone access/etiquette, etc..

4. Create a CFC library of Powerpoints, short animated videos, short podcasts and videos, etc. on various aspects of care with compassion; why your office values it; how to deliver it at every phase of the patient experience; aimed at different healthcare segments (Does your website show care with compassion?

5. When the patient calls your office, who is on the other end of the line; balancing your need for paperwork and documentation and the patients’ need to have you present in every sense of the word; Every Member of The Healthcare Team (support staff to clinicians) Has a Role in Compassion.

Resources Required

• Volunteer program creators, presenters

• Mentoring individuals, practices, facilities and organisations for students

• People with marketing and social media skills

• People who are proficient with technology

• People who can create and distribute brief CFC surveys on healthcare providers providing care with compassion (to be sent to healthcare providers and to patients and families through social media venues &/or professional associations


Charlie Barker, and Healthcare Sector Team, Debbie Ling, Mary Ann Boe and Stephanie Paulmeno.

Measures of Success

• Monitoring the numbers requests for educational programs, presentation, patient guides on how to choose compassionate care providers and what those look like

• Increasing numbers of practices, offices, agencies, facilities and health systems joining in as partners with the Charter for Compassion

• Progressively improved results for patient surveys

• Expand the Charter’s Education Institute.

Goal 10: Expand the Charter’s Education Institute

While the issue of expanding the Charter’s Education Institute did not make it to a report status it was brought up several times throughout the four day planning session and will be central to implementing the actions of several of the goals presented in this report.

It is important to note why the Charter Education Institute exists:

1. Promotes compassion as a heart-and-head based skill.

2. Nurtures curious minds.

3. Keeps us up with tools and skills needed to act in a constantly changing world.

4. Builds new skills and improves skills we already have, but desperately need.

5. Opens minds and increases wisdom

6. Creates a path for self-and-compassion-for others.


Charter Education Institute team led by Olivia McIvor, Marilyn Turkovich, and contributing sector coordinators.

Goal 11: Work to Achieve Global Peace Through Partnership Cooperation

The background discussion for this goal needs to be flushed out more in order to arrive at the action steps and measurable outcomes. The Charter for Compassion’s Peace sector has over four hundred partners and while the group works to develop this issue, it might consider how to involve some of these resources. It is also important to consider some of the strategic partnerships the Charter has continued to work with through the last seven years: Compassion Games, Global Compassion Coalition, Parliament of World Religions, Peace Alliance. ProSocial,September Families for a Peaceful Tomorrow, the SINE network, the Vegan Interfaith Coalition, United Religions Initiative, and Voices for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons. Four of the organizations named, Parliament of World Religions, Peace Alliance, ProSocial and United Religions Initiative, have signed Memos of Understanding with the Charter for Compassion.

Highlights of Discussion

• Many synchronistic connections have already started happening.

• Individual, City wise, National, International

• We need to create a Working Model for Cooperation.

• Just meeting and talking is not enough.

• Many Influential organizations are cooperating now.

• Prosocial, Unify, David Gershon ,

• The Social Justice Sector needs to do some work first.

• Make the hidden examples visible. II should be diverse, M/F , young, old, transcend boundaries.

• Summit >>Science, Society and Human Survival >> Auroville.

• India has the ideal conditions for the renaissance >> Social, Technical,

• Living Directory, of all the Organizations in the Network

• Open Space Technology is very important

• Three shifts in Human Consciousness: Fragility of Human Life, Our Interdependence and Need for Cooperation.

• Prosocial world has collaborations happening with the G20 people.

• Science of Collaboration >>Elenor Austin >>Policy Work >> Government

• Grass roots >> Bottom Up

• There is also evidence that top down work is also happening

• Collaboration Vs Cooperation? Inner work and outer work

• Humanity can be in the drivers

• A few of Cooperating organizations docking as an organism to foster peace including Charter for Compassion


https://www.holomovement.net/ https://empowermentinstitute.net/ https://www.unify.org/ www.Unity.earth https://www.earthwisecentre.org/our-projects/ Global Kindness game https://empowermentinstitute.net/behavior-change-research/

Action Alert

Organize and connect Charter with others organizations that are experimenting with working together as an organism toward a movement toward peace this year (2023). A collaboration is forming in the coming weeks to do something toward this year’s International Day of Peace.

Resources Required

No additional resources needed at this time. All organizations will experiment with bringing their core value without requiring additional resources.

Measures of Success

Some of the organizations already have research and metrics capabilities. There will be measurable outputs such as the following.

• Behavorial change

• # of people participating

• # of groups and communities

• Measurements on groups capacity for prosocial behavior

• Qualitative and quantitative research capabilities

• # of organizations working together as an organism

• Testimonials and videos


Jeff Genung, Cristina Gonzalez, Arun Wakhlu and Pattie Williams

Goal 12: Engage Others in Our Divine Dance with Mother Earth

Highlights of the Discussion

1. One fundamental problem we have as a species is an illusory sense of separation from LIFE (Love In Full Expression). We think we are an isolated wave, whereas actually we are the WHOLE Ocean, dancing with Divine Love. This awakening affects all aspects of the work of the Charter such as Engaging with Mother Earth, Equity, Wholesome Business, Justice, Health , the Arts, Spirituality, Interfaith Harmony, Livelihoods and abundance through the Light of Compassion.

2. Healing will bloom out of our Wholeness, Holiness, and realization that We Are One! We are already whole and we need to awaken our divine hearts to this reality/truth. This is our starting place.

3. All the rest will follow as we rest in peace and equanimity while living!!

4. This will involve all our relationships Within the Charter and Outside the Charter, including embracing our Divine Dance with Mother Earth and all beings more than human.


1. By healing ourselves and each other we heal the world. When we are healed, Wholeness will be revealed.

2. Gather all the beloved Mystics in the charters together as Beloved CommUNITY: Jamal, Steve, Donna, Merida, Yaffa , Marilyn, Susan, Gard, Charles, Arun, Ole, Morgana, Pattie, all staff and volunteers, as well as Anne Stadler, Jeff van der Clute, Jeff Gerung and all other like-spirited beings.

3. Give the CALL to gather the imaginal cells WITHIN the Charter Ecosystem to heal ourselves and each other through: Honoring, Celebration, Bonding, Sharing Sparks: Quotes, Jokes, Healing, Stories, Songs, Dance and Music, Play, Poetry, Drama, Theatre,

4. Any Conclusions, Recommendations, Needs?

5. By healing ourselves and each other we heal the world. When we are healed, Wholeness will be revealed.

6. Gather all the beloved Mystics in the charters together as Beloved CommUNITY: Jamal, Steve, Donna, Merida, Yaffa , Marilyn, Susan, Gard, Charles, Arun, Ole, Morgana, Pattie, all staff and volunteers, as well as Anne Stadler, Jeff van der Clute, Jeff Gerung and all other like-spirited beings.

7. Give the CALL to gather the imaginal cells WITHIN the Charter Ecosystem to heal ourselves and each other through: Honoring, Celebration, Bonding, Sharing Sparks: Quotes, Jokes, Healing, Stories, Songs, Dance and Music, Play, Poetry, Drama, Theatre, Visual arts (Painting, Drawing, etc.). We HEAL ourselves and others when we embrace and embody COMPASSION in its many forms .


• Steve Kramer to meet Scott Wurtz in Seattle. Arun to make an introduction.

• Give out a call in the Charter for Compassion for a Gathering of the Divine Dance

• Steve does first draft.

Measures of Success

How many people are “on fire?” Peaceful, Happy, Compassionate, Seeing and feeling the Light within them and in their actions/interactions with other beings: “I feel the divinity which is beyond words.” It’s an Inner, Intuitive knowing!!

The world will be drenched, or be consummate with justice, equity, love, health, wholeness , abundance, flourishing, thriving, celebrating, dancing , joy !!

Have been you been “Goddessed ” as Jean Houston says?

(Are you Goddess in Hiding? >> Jean Houston exercise)

Are you Goodness/Love/Light/Sacredness/Joy/Peace in Hiding?

(Goddessed people are silent in this exercise. Ungodded people repeat the same question.)


Steve Kramer and Arun Wakhlu

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