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Goal 13: Act on Creating a Succession Plan

A succession plan is an important process for any organization, including global nonprofit organizations such as the Charter for Compassion. It is a proactive approach to ensure that the organization can continue to operate effectively in the future, even when key leaders or staff members leave or retire. Creating a succession plan allows for the possibility of a revamping of the organization. Here are some components that a global nonprofit organization can follow to develop a succession plan:

1. Identify key positions: The first step in developing a succession plan is to identify key positions within the organization that are critical to its success. These positions may include executive directors, program directors, or other leadership roles.


2. Develop job descriptions: Once the key positions are identified, the organization should develop job descriptions that clearly outline the responsibilities, skills, and experience required for each position.

3. Identify potential successors: The organization should identify potential successors for each key position, either internally or externally. This may involve a talent search or a development program to prepare current staff members for future leadership roles.

4. Develop training and development programs: The organization should develop training and development programs to prepare potential successors for their future roles. This may include mentoring programs, leadership training, and other professional development opportunities.

5. Implement a transition plan: When a key leader or staff member leaves the organization, a transition plan should be put in place to ensure a smooth handover of responsibilities. This may involve providing interim leadership or hiring a consultant to provide support during the transition.

6. Review and update the plan regularly: The organization should review and update the succession plan regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and effective. This may involve revising job descriptions, identifying new potential successors, and updating training and development programs.

By following these components, a global nonprofit organization can develop a succession plan that ensures the continuity of its operations and leadership, and allows it to continue making a positive impact on the world.


Members of the Philanthropy and Governance Committees and the Charter’s ED.

Goal 14: Continue to Follow Through on Existing Action Steps.

While these issues did not make their way to a “report” on day four of the planning process, the items that followed where included in the summary itemization prepared by Nitya as “Actions the Charter for Compassion is Currently Taking and Should Continue.” Some of these arose from the Appreciative Inquiry process and other items were captured in the remaining four days. Each of the recommendations noted will need to be assessed, if appropriate developed and put into action steps. This will occur first at the staff level and then weighed against the other 13 Goals listed here and finally compared to the Charter’s Resolution passed by the Board in December 2022.

1. Continue to grow the network and weave programs and partnerships smoothly into different categorical networks.

2. Connect compassion to all our networks

3. Conduct open dialogues in order to improve the Charter for Compassion.

4. Work enthusiastically.

5. Grow Circles of Trust.

6. Continue with the great graphics that are being used.

7. Continue the froth and development of sectors and share lessons between and among sectors.

8. Continue the good work of social media.

9. Focus on increasing diversity within the Charter for Compassion.

10. Focus more time and energy on Compassionate USA

11. Seek with open eyes and hearts.

12. Discover compassion together as we navigate the cause of compassion.

13. Continue the personal transformation the Charter proves. Explore how a network of organizations can work collaboratively together to create cooperation.

14. Explore educational programs for children and families.

15. Partner with activists across the globe.

16. Work to explore and reflect on the marriage of equity and compassion.

Section Five: Timeline for the Strategic Plan

On-Going 2023-24: Continue to work with ProSocial on promoting focus groups with city initiatives, provide tools and processes to measure success and help move projects forward, offer joint training programs for compassionate cities.

May 5, 2023: Worked to create site development map and select template for new website. (Goals 1 and 2)

May 6, 2023: Filled out registration to be part of the New Pluralists public database of 790 organizations and networks who see themselves as committed to action. New Pluralists are committed to uplift organizations like the Charter to a broad ecosystem of funders and practitioners who care about building a culture of belonging. (https:// newpluralists.org/)

July 2023: Revise the Volunteer and Staff Orientation course in the Ruzuku platform to reflect any changes resulting from the new strategic plan.

August 2023: Launch new FireSpring website for the Charter for Compassion.

August 2023: Follow through on the Charter for Compassion’s MOU with the Parliament of World Religions by fulfilling obligations outlined in that document.

September 2023: Train all staff and volunteer coordinators in the use of the new CiviCRM+ database that allows for sectors to maintain their own records and contacts with Charter partners. Invite the Board of Trustees to maintain their own section in the database.

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