Charters School Online Safety Bulletin
This Issue In the news
Online Safety At Charters School we recognise that new technologies have become integral to the lives of children and young people on today’s society, both within school and in their lives outside school.
We are committed to supporting parents so that they can help their children make the most of digital technologies sensibly and safely.
Common Sense Media Digital footprint
Welcome to the second Charters
information useful and any feedback or
School Online Safety Bulletin. Sadly,
specific requests for topics you would
over the summer the importance of
like us to cover will be gratefully
online safety was again brought to our
received. Please email us at
attention by the media due to the
tragic deaths of Hannah Smith in Leicestershire and Daniel Perry in Fife. Hannah is thought to have killed herself after being bullied online, and it is believed that Daniel took his own life because he was being blackmailed on the internet.
We will use this newsletter to bring you online safety tips and guidance along with relevant news and information. You can contact us for online safety advice by emailing us at:
Charters School has had an E-Safety Policy for some time. We have long recognised that the use of these exciting and innovative tools in school and at home has been shown to raise educational standards and promote student achievement. However, the use
As stated in our first Online Safety
of these new technologies can put
Bulletin (click here to download), and
young people at risk within and outside
for the benefit of parents new to
the school. The policy outlines the
Charters, we understand that for
arrangements we have in place to
many parents it can feel quite
ensure that children and young people
overwhelming to keep up with the
are able to use the internet and related
rapid development of technology and
communications technologies
online services. We intend to send out
appropriately and safely. You can find
these bulletins on an occasional basis
this policy on the Charters School
and we aim to use them to highlight
website by clicking here.
online safety issues, trends and resources that can help you and your family enjoy these new technologies. We hope that you will find the