ART AND DESIGN STATEMENT OF INTENT FOR ART AND DESIGN Charters School Art and Design students will be inspired by opportunities to make discoveries and adopt a ‘what if’ approach, using a broadening range of mediums and processes. Through research, experimentation, recording their environment and the world around them, they will be equipped to communicate through creative individual and personal outcomes; generating an increasing enjoyment and interest.
COURSE DETAILS This course provides opportunity to develop important transferable skills such as cognitive and creative skills, self-confidence, communication and self-management, problem solving and critical thinking. Component 1 – Personal Investigation. This comprises of 3 elements – supporting studies, practical work and a written personal study, which comprises 12% of the final mark. This is the coursework and represents 60% of the total qualification. Component 2 – Externally Set Examination. The examination paper is issued at the beginning of the Spring term and comprises of 2 major elements supporting studies and practical work. The external assessment of 15 hours is the final examination and is normally completed over 3 days. It represents 40% of the final grade.
COMPLEMENTARY SUBJECTS Art and Design is a versatile course which encapsulates essential transferable skills. Owing to its very nature of reflecting societal issues, it attracts students with a wide range of interests and is a great combination with many other subjects on the curriculum. Here are some examples of previous A Level art students who have combined their studies with :Mathematics and Physics to study Architecture Textiles and Business to study Fashion History and English to study Art History English and Geography to complete a teaching degree