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contents Issue 63 | March / April 2009
35 Nutritional Powerhouse
By Susan McLoughlin A unique shrub with healing properties
36 Les Stroud: Don’t Just Survive, Thrive
By Carol Crenna Interview with Survivorman Les Stroud
38 Body Alignment for WellBeing
By Dr. Christian Guenette Part III: Personal success – a function of alignment
40 Struggling with Your Mirror Image
36 18 Hydration: The Water Solution By Cory Holly
Why we need water
20 A Natural Sexual Enhancer
28 9
Editor’s Healthlines
By Carol Crenna drug bust?
Headed for a
By Carmen Mattes Consider maca to increase performance
22 The Fat Follies
24 The Spice of Life
By Michelle Kwon curcumin
12 Turning Back the Clock
28 The Brilliance of Mushrooms
14 True Fish Tales
30 Recipe for Health
16 The Best Offense is a Good Defense
32 Water – The Cornerstone to Healthy Living
By Alain Prud’homme Grow a younger body
By Jolie Martin Root The many ways that fish oil keeps you healthy
By Zane Boronowski immune system
Help for your
42 The Sunshine Vitamin
By Dr. Joseph Mercola How much vitamin D do you need?
44 What are You Putting on Your Skin?
By Dr. Michelle Kwon Organic skincare
Salt of the Earth
By Dr. Claude V. Gallant reduce salt intake
Ways to
Turmeric and
26 An Insect’s Healing Magic
By Don Gauvreau Make sure you don’t miss out on these nutrients
By Carol Crenna Steps to look years younger
By Dr Michael Colgan Part 2: Diets galore and gym workouts
10 Keys to a Healthy Vegetarian Diet
By Barrie Carlsen from the silk worm
By Maureen Fontaine Health benefits of fungi By Tracy Holly Popeye’s Wilted Spinach Salad
By Yvonne Anderson Find out how to get good quality water
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
VISTA Publisher’s M A G A Z I N E
Trent Nellis
Carol Crenna
Marketing Director & Associate Editor:
Shelly-Lynn Nellis
Copy Editor:
Dan Tidsbury
Art Director:
Cindy Hughes
Graphic Design:
Chris Hart
Vice-President, Sales:
Paul Airut tel (778) 222-7775 e-mail
Laura Bombier
Contributing Writers: Alain Prud’homme, Barrie
Carlsen , Bruce Schenum, Carmen Mattes, Carol Crenna, Chelsea Danchuk, Dr. Claude V. Gallant, Cory Holly, David Suzuki, Don Gauvreau, Franco Cavaleri, Greg Seaman, Joel Thuna, John Austen, Jolie Martin Root, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Lorna Vanderhaeghe, Matthew Tim Anderson, Maureen Fontaine, Michael Bloch, Dr. Michael Colgan, Michelle Kwon, Robbin Coedy, Susan McLoughlin, Tracy Holly, Yvonne Anderson, Zane Boronowski VISTA Magazine publishes bi-monthly issues and is distributed through the health food retailers of Canada. Send all questions, comments, and inquiries to: VISTA Magazine 13256 55A Avenue Surrey, BC CANADA V3X 3B3 Tel (604) 591-9991 or (877) 905-7771 Fax (604) 591-1989 e-mail VISTA Magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and advertisers and do not necessarily reflect those of the VISTA Magazine publisher, editors or staff. Readers are encouraged to consult with their health professional before embarking upon any exercise, medical or nutritional changes. Contents of VISTA Magazine are copyright 2009, all rights reserved. VISTA Magazine may not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means without written permission of the publisher. To subscribe to VISTA Magazine and receive delivery to your home or office bimonthly, send $39.95 plus GST = $41.95. Include your address and we’ll ship you our next issue. Single copies are also available for $6.95 plus GST = $7.37. Canadian Publications Mail Products Sales Agreement #40025872
word Happy Earth Day.
s important as it is for us to respect this planet we live on, it is in my mind more important to teach our youth to appreciate the earth. Earth Day is April 22, 2009 and should become an annual day of education for the younger generations to whom we will pass the torch of caring for our home. Today’s youth need to understand the volatility of our environment and the plight of global weather shifts. It is after all going to be their burden to bear as previous generations have shown little or no regard for the future of the planet. This year on Earth Day take the time to educate a young person on the importance of caring for their world. In this issue we are featuring some timely topics that can help better your life. Our features include hydration and how important it is to maintain optimal human performance as told by our resident advisor Cory Holly. We also give you the key components of a vegetarian diet as this lifestyle is largely misunderstood and even scorned as if people fear they will be missing out on something by becoming vegetarians. One thing we all know for sure is that the need for vitamin D is essential. There is now a way to get the vitamin D we need without any of the typically associated risks. Finally, if you have ever watched the Discovery Channel then you have seen how this man gets through what are seemingly hopeless situations. He turns his environment, however harsh it may be, into his kingdom and thrives in the process, all the while educating us how to get through almost any scenario. He is Les Stroud and he is known as Survivorman. A brilliant bit of wisdom was recently sent to me by my mother and I felt it worthy of sharing with you. Ironically, after some research, I found out that this insight has been passed down from the elders throughout Cherokee history. An elder Cherokee Native American was teaching his grandchildren about life. He said to them, “A fight is going on inside me… it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” “The other wolf stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.” “This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person, too.” They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?” The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.” This statement rings the golden truth of our mental attitudes towards life. My question to leave with you today is “Which wolf are you going to feed?”
ISSN #1715-8214 We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Magazine Fund toward our editorial costs.
Trent E. Nellis, Publisher To contact Trent Nellis via e‑mail, write to
Health Action Network Society
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
A moving story by Marianne Schneider, age 54 :
“ Silicea – for me it was like a miracle.” Marianne Schneider lives in Leverkusen, where she is employed as a secretary with a major engineering company. She relates how her battle against lifeless and dull hair first began, and how she finally came out victorious after more than 40 years. “Hello, my name is Marianne Schneider. I am 54 years old and have had hair problems as long as I can remember. At the age of 14 I started secretly using my mother’s hair styling products to improve the appearance of those thin strands of hair hanging lifelessly from my head. Mostly the success was only short-lived, though. I experimented at home with an endless array of shampoos, sprays, hair treatments, conditioners, and dietary supplements. And I spent enormous amounts of money in all kinds of hair dresser shops. But all those efforts were to no avail, for the result didn’t last more than a few hours, at best. Then I looked into the mirror, frustrated to be faced once again with the same thin, limp strands of hair. When I was 49 it got even worse: One day, I started shedding increasing amounts of hair. Not all of it, but there were always far too many hairs in the tub whenever I took a shower. I consulted doctors and had my hormone status analyzed. I went to see an alternative practitioner, tried Schuessler salts and subjected myself to a body detox therapy. I took iron and zinc supplements, stuffed myself with vitamins and siliceous earth products. None of which had any lasting effect. Sometimes a downy fluff started growing in some spots – only to be shed again soon afterwards. Finally, I had my hair cut short and only ventured into public wearing a head scarf, because by now I had so little hair left that my bald scalp was clearly visible at the front. My friends pretended not to notice and told me it wasn’t really that bad.
Still, I sometimes caught them casting surreptitious glances at my head. And those stares at the cash desk in the supermarket or at the cinema – sometimes it was simply unbearable. Finally, at a friend’s birthday party three years ago, I met a woman who took me aside at some point and asked: “You have a problem with your hair, right? Have you ever heard of silica?” “Yes, siliceous earth, that contains silica, doesn’t it?” I replied. “No, I don’t mean siliceous earth, but pure, mineral silica gel, which is more easily absorbed by your body”, she explained, and told me her own tale of woe: “I had the same problem as you. I am 58 years old. Three years ago I suffered a lot of stress, both in my job and in my personal life – my husband left me for a younger woman, and the workload at the office was more than I could cope with. To top it all, I was losing increasing amounts of hair. It was my 32-year-old daughter who suggested that I try silica gel. Though she wasn’t shedding hair, she had been under an emotional strain because of her thin hair until she started taking Original Silicea Balsam on a regular basis. My alternative practitioner also encouraged me to take this preparation. So I agreed and I don’t regret it! It took three months for the silica gel to show results, but then the success was all the more remarkable. See for yourself – not a trace left of my hair shedding problem.” And indeed: She had enviably full and shiny hair. At first I didn’t pin much hope on the silica gel, having invested too much in my hair already in the past. But then, I had nothing to lose. So I went out to buy Original Silicea Balsam and started taking 15 millilitres daily. At first nothing happened. But as my friend had told me she had taken the product over several months, I persevered. And after about three or four months my hair actually did start to grow back. The new hairs were at first thin, but in time they became thicker and
the rest of my hair also felt much stronger. After about six months an acquaintance commented that my hair had a wonderful shine and that I looked healthy and content. That was when I finally ultimately realized that taking this product had been worthwhile. I had been waiting for decades for that kind of compliment and it wasn’t to be the last – all that felt very, very good. I have now been taking Original Silicea Balsam regularly for about three years – at first on a daily basis over a period of nine months. After that length of time, I had the beautiful hair I had been dreaming of all my life. Now all I need is a three-month silica gel treatment twice a year. I now wear my shoulder-length hair, strong and shiny, with pride. Also, my skin has become much firmer and elastic in those places where it tends to quickly become flabby in us women. My friends now approach me without awkwardness and without taking that covert peep at my scalp. And my boss, too, is relieved. One day he took me aside and told me he had been worried about what impression my thinning hair might have on our customers. Of course, he was right. Our outward appearance creates a very specific impression, whether we like it or not.
My self-confidence and my zest for life have improved tremendously thanks to Original Silicea Balsam. Today, I enjoy socializing with other people. My shyness has disappeared – though I am still frequently the object of surreptitious glances. And again it’s because of my hair. But this time, I revel in those glances admiring my beautiful, healthy hair. Whenever I meet acquaintances who have problems with their hair, I am only too happy to share my experience with that wonderful gel. Some of them have already seen an improvement, and some have already sent me thank you gifts.”
There Is Hope
contents 58 Heart Healthy Cooking And Salad Oil
By Joel Thuna What healthy oil should you cook with?
Excel Hospital and Bioscience Research Institute
65 Electrolytes: The Basic Body Elements
“Integrating the Best in Conventional and Alternative Medicine”
66 Prevent Joint Disease in Your Dog
Have you been told there is no hope? There may be an effective medical alternative.
Neurological Diseases
48 Feel Relaxed, Refreshed and Revived By Lorna Vanderhaeghe SOS for stress
Complete Dentistry
From orthodontic makeovers and implants to simple crown work.
Auto Immune, Hormonal, and Chronic Degenerative Diseases
Arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus, diabetes, Chron’s, colitis, IBS, chronic fatigue, COPD, scleroderma, migraines, thyroid, sexual hormones, male & female infertility etc.
By John Austen
Help for hair loss
By John Austen A healing remedy that comes from soil
70 Amino Acids: Building Blocks of Health
By Chelsea Danchuk The vital components of protein
50 Lose Weight Faster By Michelle Kwon reduce fat
Is Obesity Killing You?
Bariatric (stomach-band) surgery, liposuction.
Help keep your
68 Cleanse and Heal: A Mineral Detox
MS, Parkinson’s, ALS, cerebral palsy, Alzheimer’s, etc. Discover the latest treatments.
Surgery and Transplants
By Franco Cavaleri pet active
67 Refuse to Lose It!
Cancer Answer?
World renowned Dr. Jose HernandezFujigaki and his team of MD surgeons can help your heart, lungs, liver, kidney, knees, hips, diverticulitis, gastrointestinal, etc.
By Matthew Tim Anderson The minerals vital to every cell
Healthy ways to
52 Protection Through Prevention
By Bruce Schenum insect repellents
Protect with safe
56 Natural Ways to Decrease Allergies
By Robbin Coedy Don’t suffer with symptoms this spring
Infections Diseases
Hepatitis, Lyme disease, candidiasis, West Nile, herpes, AIDS, etc.
61 Sustainable Seafood
By Greg Seaman The best choices while dining
Stem Cell Therapy
62 Take a Deep Look at the World’s Oceans
May be a required component to full recovery.
Breast implants, Facelifts etc.
Advoca es for Health
Excel Hospital Baja, CA Call 1-877-226-1395
By Dr. David Suzuki Google’s new plan
63 Uses for Eucalyptus Oil
By Michael Bloch A natural remedy and household cleaner
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
Editor’s Healthlines
Carol Crenna, rhn
board o f adviso r s
Headed for a drug bust?
Dr. Michael Colgan, PhD, CCN
Dr. Gloria Gilbère
Dr. Christian uenette, DC G
Cory Holly, DN
Dr. Stefan Kuprowsky, BSc, MA, ND
Tomás Nimmo
Dr. Terry Willard, ClH, PhD
Dr. Zoltan Rona, MD
ill Maher, social and political commentator and host of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher quips, “If you believe you need to take all the pills the pharmaceutical industry says you do, then you’re already on drugs.” If we don’t address the actual cause of our health problems, rather than use a bandage approach to symptoms, then we won’t find a solution to illness or to our rising healthcare crisis. As Maher states, we won’t stop being sick until we stop making ourselves sick. Maher feels that because there is no money in healthy people or in dead people, pharmaceutical companies, and the government policies that support them, focus on people in the middle. He refers to those who have one or more chronic conditions that make them reliant on prescription drugs. As a result, medical researchers have mainstreamed formerly rare diseases, and may even “come up with the pill before they come up with the disease.” We are ultimately responsible, of course. According to Julian Whitaker, MD, the primary reason our medical system is out of control is because we believe everything doctors say, taking their advice without questioning. “If you take at face value what another person says simply because he is wearing a white coat, then you are being neither responsible nor reasonable, and you must share in the responsibility when things go wrong.” He stresses that you must be well informed about the benefits and drawbacks of drug treatments to make informed decisions. Consider whether a drug really is the best option for you, or whether you should get a second opinion. Caring for people with chronic, often preventable, conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure accounts for 75 percent of medical spending. Given the huge human and financial cost of chronic diseases, trying to avoid them through preventative health seems obvious. But, like Senator Tom Harkin states in Newsweek Magazine, “We don’t have a healthcare system; we have a ‘sick care’ system. The current system is about patching things up after the fact. We spend untold hundreds of billions on pills, surgery and hospitalization, but spend peanuts, 3 percent of healthcare dollars, for prevention.” Comedian Maher reminds us that drug advertising always makes the initial disclaimer, “When diet and exercise fail…,” but diet and exercise don’t fail. It’s proven by studies like the one from Duke University revealing that exercise is just as effective for depression as Paxil and Zoloft, for example. He continues, “So ask your doctor if getting off of your butt is right for you.” In the book Ethics, the Medical Profession and the Pharmaceutical Industry, Howard Brody, MD, lays out the facts to determine whether the medical-pharmaceutical relationship is an ethical one. He says that small pharmaceutical companies in the late 19th century, formerly called “ethical” drug makers, and unscrupulous large “patent-medicine peddlers” gradually became aligned and dependent on each other. Half a century later, they courted medical researchers and doctors. According to Dr. Brody, these connections have continued to grow, evident in lucrative contracts that fuel medical research, generous financing of postgraduate medical education, and subtle manipulation of research data. They’re revealed in logo-ed promotional trinkets in doctors’ offices and “Ask your doctor…” television ads. Brody also questions the close relationship that the FDA has with physicians. These relationships keep your doctor’s prescription pad full – but also give us life-saving drugs. Drugs are vital and we owe much to their powerful benefits, but that power should be respected, not abused. Drugs are drugs, whether they are alcohol, prescriptions or cocaine; they have detrimental, addictive, sometimes dangerous side effects. One study shows that for every dollar spent on prescription drugs $1.30 is spent taking care of their side effects. Brody’s book offers ample data showing that patients’ interests aren’t always being served; they pay for expensive drugs when cheaper would do, and they risk taking questionable drugs brought to market too soon by manufacturers. “Research that is driven by marketing rather than scientific aims would seem, in the end, to be low-quality research,” Dr. Brody comments about the Vioxx scandal. “A profession is not just a way of making money; it’s a form of public trust. ...Medicine has for many decades been betraying this public trust.” Dr. Brody says prying medicine and the pharmaceutical industry apart will probably take an act of government, but will this happen? In the end, it’s not just about prevention or early detection of disease. It’s about getting people to consider that maybe the answer won’t be in the form of another pill, but in having the courage, patience, self-love and inner trust to get to the root cause of illness.
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
Keys to a Healthy Vegetarian Diet By Don Gauvreau
f you choose to follow a vegetarian lifestyle, then you need to properly plan your diet to make sure it includes all of the essential nutrients your body requires. Following a vegetarian diet shouldn’t mean simply cutting animal products out of the typical Canadian meal and just eating everything else! If you do this, certain nutrients, such as protein, could be lacking in your diet and you must take appropriate steps to ensure that you’re meeting your nutritional needs to stay healthy.
Health benefits of a well-planned vegetarian diet
Well-planned, healthy vegetarian diets are recognized by many authorities including the American Dietetic Association as being nutritionally adequate and providing major benefits in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. In fact, a large body of evidence shows that consuming a vegetarian diet and avoiding high-fat meat and animal products is consistently associated with lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, less obesity, and as a result, less heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and mortality.
Three types of vegetarian diets
There are three distinct types of vegetarian diets, which are defined by the types of animalbased foods consumed. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians are those who avoid meat, but include dairy foods such as eggs and milk. Lacto-vegetarians are those who avoid meat and eggs, but include dairy foods. Vegans are those who consume only plant-based foods and avoid all animal-based foods, even honey.
Meeting your nutritional needs
Including a greater variety of foods in your diet makes it easier to meet nutritional requirements, but it still must be well-planned to ensure that you’re not missing essentials that are particularly lacking in some vegetarians including protein, vitamin B12, and minerals such as calcium, zinc and iron, which are all found in meat.
The importance of protein
Protein is made up of amino acids, often described as its building blocks. Biologically speaking, humans actually need amino acids, not protein. Of
the twenty standard amino acids, eight are considered essential because they can’t be made by the body and, therefore, must be obtained from dietary sources. Many vegetarians find it difficult to meet their essential amino acid needs because plant-based foods don’t provide as many essential amino acids as do animal-based foods.
enriched cereals provide a good source of B12, but a supplement is also recommended.
Variety is the key
People refer to vegetarian protein sources as “incomplete” because they are low in certain essential amino acids, and it’s best to combine specific foods in order to make up a more “complete” protein source. Combining specific foods in each meal can become a complicated process. In fact, many people who would like to follow a vegetarian lifestyle are turned off by the complexity of this approach. Although there is nothing wrong with combining protein sources, a healthy vegetarian diet doesn’t have to be that complicated. Most experts believe that food combining is not necessary and that it’s more important to have a variety of protein sources throughout the course of the day. That way, if one food is low in a specific essential amino acid, another food can then make up the deficit. Unrefined whole-grains, legumes (peas, beans, lentils), seeds, nuts and certain vegetables are all excellent vegetarian sources of protein. Plant-based meal-replacement and protein supplements are also a great option. Hemp protein, for example, offers an array of health benefits.
Micronutrient deficiencies in a vegetarian diet
It can be difficult to consume adequate dietary sources of vitamin B-12, calcium, zinc and iron, particularly if avoiding all animal products, but it’s certainly not impossible.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 plays a key role in brain and nervous system function, and in the formation of red blood cells. B12 is involved in the metabolism of every cell in the body, affects how DNA is created within cells and the cell’s energy production, and is found almost exclusively in animal-based food sources. Therefore, it’s important for vegetarians to be conscious of getting enough B12 from alternative sources. Some fortified foods such as
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
photo: lise gange
Calcium is critical in the growth and development of bones and teeth and also plays an important role in neurotransmitter release and muscle contraction. Dairy products may be the best source of dietary calcium, so vegetarians who don’t eat dairy need to get it from other sources. Green vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and collard greens are excellent vegetarian sources of calcium. Legumes, sesame seeds, almonds and Brazil nuts are also good sources of calcium.
Zinc is involved in many facets of cellular metabolism. In fact, it’s a cofactor (an essential coworker) for about 100 different enzymes in the body and also plays a key role in immune system function. Seafood and red meat are the most commonly known sources of dietary zinc, but good vegetarian sources include whole grains, legumes, nuts and tofu.
Iron plays an important role in proper oxygen transport and cell growth. The most bioavailable (absorbable) source of dietary iron comes from red meat. That being said, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, legumes and some nuts provide good alternative sources of iron for vegetarians. With proper planning and supplementation, these diets can offer a healthy nutrient-rich alternative. Planning your diet properly to ensure you consume a wide variety of foods while supplementing whenever necessary is the key to a healthy vegetarian lifestyle. References available from VISTA. Don Gauvreau, MSc., BA, CSCS, is recognized in the health and fitness industry as a research expert and nutrition specialist. To contact him, visit:
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Turning Back the Clock By Alain Prud’homme
Dr. Deepak Chopra said, “Aging is a mistake.” Chronological aging is natural, but diseased biological aging is worse than a mistake, it is a calamity. Making yourself old and sick is not a sensible choice. Therefore, to live a long, happy life, it is essential to learn how to pre‑ vent and reverse disease. Research shows that you do not have to experience a slow grad‑ ual decline, and that you can stop and even reverse many typical signs and symptoms of aging. If you are in your 40s or 50s, you can effect big improvements. If you are in your 60s or 70s, you can reverse some signs you’re experiencing and prevent further symptoms.
he key is to focus not on anti-aging but on pro-active aging. One of the best ways to age-proof your body is to restore the building blocks that create it. Your body ages because changes occur in cells which result in their lesser functioning. Eventually, cells die as a normal part of the body’s processes; either they don’t divide like they should or they’re damaged by harmful substances in the environment or within the body. Whether the body can efficiently rebuild and repair itself and create new cells is dependent upon its ability to build different types of protein. This process requires collagen, which is a construction worker in the body’s building (and rebuilding) project. So, one way that can you make the most of years to come is to protect your collagen. There has been a lot of talk about collagen lately, though most people aren’t quite sure what it actually is. Simply put, collagen is a type of protein. This particular protein helps to keep skin, bone, muscles, cartilage and tendons together. Collagen is also found in blood vessels, joints, hair and all connective tissue. It plays a critical role in tissue architecture, strength, and cell to cell relationships. Collagen is both the material and the glue that holds your body together. Any time the body needs to build new cells, such as in the healing process, collagen is needed. As we age, we begin to lose the
collagen that is present in our skin, which is why the skin begins to sag and lose shape, but this is just the most visible sign of depleted collagen. The human body is made up of 25 percent collagen. If we were to lose all of the collagen, even just within our skin, we would crumble into a million pieces. Thankfully, the body does not lose all of its collagen, but it does lose enough to accelerate the aging process. Your body manufactures its own collagen every day, but since production diminishes with age, the available supply of collagen quickly becomes less than enough. As production of collagen decreases, the resource that your cells need and the catalyst to help build tissue are reduced. Deterioration of various body parts gradually follows. Things you have always done, like running or lifting, suddenly seem more difficult. Injuries that have never proven serious before begin to hurt. Other indicators of advancing age lurking within your body include decreasing muscle mass, joint pain, loss of bone density and dulling senses. With continued aging, your connective tissues and muscles break down due to collagen deficiency and damage. As a result, you experience a weakening of your skeletal structure. On the outside of the body, the slowing of the skin’s production of collagen becomes more pronounced. You develop wrinkles, ridges, furrows and brown spots, and your skin looses elasticity and moisture. To maintain healthy collagen, consider what you shouldn’t be doing in your daily activities. Lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, sugar, coffee, stress and even excessive physical training can reduce your body’s collagen production. Infections, pollution and medications deplete the body of collagen. Nutrients obtained in foods and supplements can aid collagen and enhance the rebuilding process of your body. For example, collagen fibres have large amounts of two amino acids (building blocks of protein) called hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline, which may be important for forming collagen and providing strength and flexibility. It is logical to eat foods high in lysine and proline to potentially support collagen. Animal foods are the primary source of both amino acids; egg whites and wheat germ are good vegetarian sources of proline, and low-fat dairy products, fish and legumes are significant sources of lysine. Vitamin C is a major aid in increasing collagen, and is required to change proline into hydroxyproline and lysine into hydroxylysine (their collagen forms). Vitamin C is an antioxidant, so it can help reduce skin and other tissue damage caused by free radicals. Garlic and two sulfur-containing nutrients, taurine and lipoid acid, may have the ability to support damaged collagen fibres. Phytonutrients are important in a collagen-building. Catechins found in green tea have shown to help prevent breakdown of collagen, and anthocyanidins found in cherries, blueberries and blackberries help collagen fibres link together to strengthen them. Fortunately, learning to live disease-free is not difficult. With just a little effort, you can have control over how quickly and heathily you age. While you cannot effect your chronological age, you can effect your experiences of “ageless living.”
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
FREE BOOKLET BY WEBSITE OR PHONE Genacol® is a Canadian product.
1 888 240-3002 • age for triglyceride reduction is now 4,000 milligrams daily. EPA and DHA in fish oil can also slow atherosclerosis, the development of harmful plaque on artery walls. If the plaque growth is slowed and the blood vessel walls are kept healthy, a heart attack is unlikely.
True Fish Tales Fish are some of the most unassuming and underestimated creatures on Earth. Here are several of the health benefits that they offer, and these are just the “A”s! By Jolie Martin Root Allergies
Fish oil helps athletes breathe easier. If you suffer from exercise-induced asthma, the answer to your laboured breathing may be taking fish oil. According to a study from Indiana University, taking fish-oil capsules (5.4 grams) daily decreased the severity of wheezing, chest tightness, coughing, and breathlessness by 80 percent in athletes who had experienced this before (American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2003, vol. 168, no. 10). Study suprevisor Timothy Mickleborough, PhD, estimates that 3 to10 percent of people suffer from exercise-induced broncho-constriction (EIB) without having chronic asthma. Fish’s omega-3 fatty acids may prevent respiratory allergies and airway diseases in childhood, too. According to Australian researchers at the Children’s Hospital in Westmead, omega3s reduce coughing in children at risk for allergies and may prevent allergies later in life (Jour‑ nal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2004, vol. 114, no. 4). Help children fuel up on fatty acids by eating cod, mackerel, sardines and salmon or taking 500 milligrams of omega-3 supplements in divided doses daily to improve respiratory health.
Arterial and heart health
Fish oil is important for the heart. Oil that provides at least 1,000 milligrams of combined EPA and DHA is recommended for anyone with heart disease risk or history. If you’ve recently survived a heart attack or had cardiac surgery, eating fish and taking fish oil will help heal and protect your heart. EPA and DHA don’t lower LDL (bad cholesterol), but they do make the LDL particles larger and more buoyant so they are less dangerous. Fish oils support higher HDL (good cholesterol) levels, which drastically reduces your risk of heart disease. HDL exists in a natural balance with triglycerides, which are stored fats used as energy. As HDL levels increase, triglyceride levels generally drop. Elevated triglycerides are another risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Research has shown that fish’s omega-3s can also help stabilize heart muscle cells, reducing the risk of arrhythmias, which are lethally abnormal heart rhythms that can cause sudden death. They may also help keep blood pressure levels normal. In one study of more than 11,000 heart attack survivors, daily supplements equivalent to one fatty-fish meal reduced the risk of sudden cardiac death (Lancet, 1999, vol. 354, no. 9177). It’s important to note that the recommended dos-
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
Fish oil is important for brain and vision. It is a safe way to get omega-3s for child development without risking exposure to toxins in fish. Behavioural problems, including attention deficits, have been associated with low levels of omega-3 fats DHA and EPA and minerals such as magnesium, which are common deficiencies in children’s diets. Infant studies showed that newborns supplemented with these brain boosting fats had improved brain development allowing them to process information more rapidly. Any child can benefit from fish oil to support cognitive development and immune function and lower the risk of diabetes. In addition, fish oil supplements have been shown to help children with eczema, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, behavioral and learning difficulties, and inflammatory bowel disease. Flavoured oils are now made to appeal to children, and can be added to smoothies and other cold foods. Avoid heating or adding fish oil in hot foods because this will destroy the omega-3 fatty acids.
Children’s brains aren’t the only ones to benefit, of course. Alzheimer’s patients with cognitive impairment may benefit from omega-3s, according to a study published in the Archives of Neurology (2006, vol. 63, no. 10). Researchers at Sweden’s Karolinska University Hospital treated 174 Alzheimer’s patients with omega-3 supplements or a placebo for six months. After this, both groups received omega-3s for an additional six months. Scores indicated that while omega-3 supplements had no significant effect on patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease, a subgroup of 32 patients with very mild cognitive dysfunction did show a significant reduction. Therefore omega-3 supplementation may be most beneficial in the earliest stages of Alzheimer’s, or for those at risk. Previous studies have linked diets rich in fish with a reduced risk for Alzheimer’s. The National Institutes of Health awarded a six-year grant to the Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study, a federal consortium conducting clinical trials on Alzheimer’s that will investigate DHA’s effect on cognitive function. Jolie Martin Root, NC, is a licensed practical nurse, a licensed nutritionist and a medical journalist in private practice in Denver, Colorado. She counsels and educates about the role of nutrition in integrative medicine. She has been interviewed on dozens of television and radio programmes and is one of the natural product industry’s most vibrant public speakers.
The Best Offense
Is A Good Defense By Zane Boronowski
he arrival of spring signals you to prepare for warmer mornings, early gardening and mid-school holidays. Unfortunately, it may also mean seasonal flus, allergies and other signs that your immune system is not functioning at its peak.
How can you help your immune system?
Various factors stress your immune system. Smoking, not eating balanced healthful meals, eating too much sugar, drinking alcohol, not exercising, sleeping poorly, and having increased stress and anxiety all affect how your body fights invaders and recovers from illness. You come in contact with harmful bacteria, viruses and other toxins on a weekly, if not daily, basis. Fortifying and maintaining your immune system by making healthy choices will reduce your susceptibility to infection and diseases while increasing your body’s ability to protect itself. To optimize immune function, avoid sugar (which has been proven to decrease the immune system), caffeine and saturated fat, and ensure that you get all of the nutrients that your body needs in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meat. Drink plenty of water to clear out toxins. Get daily exercise to reduce stress and strengthen your body, rest so that your body has time to heal, repair and defend itself, and take appropriate supplements which reinforce and boost immunity. In spring, supplements become an important component of health. Supporting your diet with vitamins and antioxidants such as vitamin C and beta-carotene and other immune supplements including pinecone extract can positively impact the response and performance of your immune system. Though you may not be familiar with it, pinecone extract is proving itself to be an effective herbal remedy to support your body’s defenses. Pinecones have a long history of medicinal use dating back to the Greek physician Dioscorides in 514 AD. The Japanese discovered the medicinal benefits of pinecone extract 500 years ago, and its extract is still used in Japan for illnesses ranging from the common cold to cancer (Sakagami et al, 1991). Over 20 years of research and over 35 peerreviewed scientific studies in the US reveal that pinecone extract has potent bacterial, antiviral and anti-tumour properties.
How do its substances heal?
Research has shown that pinecone extract has the amazing ability to activate a response to the development of immune cells. (Bradley et al, 2003) The active component of pinecone extract called PPC (polyphenylpropenoid-polysaccharide complex) is capable of promoting human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) into mature dendritic cells. This is important because dendritic cells are the most potent antigen presenting cells of the immune system. Their ability to uptake, process, and present antigen to T cells is central to the development of immune responses against bacterial- and viral-infected cells, cancer cells and vaccine antigens. Dendritic cells are the generals of the immune system. They interact with T cells to initiate and shape the adaptive immune response. These killer T cells (super fighters that protect the immune system) are then able to respond to foreign invaders that the immune system has not yet encountered. When dendritic cells recognize a foreign invader they also induce production of other immune cells called macrophages, which is a type of white blood cell that surrounds and “swallows up” microorganisms, in addition to removing dead cells. Pinecone extract’s PPC component has been shown to increase production of these macrophages and activate killer Tcells as a result of its very unique ability to activate dendritic cells into maturity.
Uses of pinecone extract
Pinecone extract’s PPC is a powerful flu and cold fighter. This is due to the fact that clearance of flu viruses from the body requires stimulation of an immune response, and activation of the immune system to respond to flu viruses involves the dendritic cells. The cells mature and then travel to the lymph nodes where they interact with and activate lymphocytes which are needed to destroy the invading viruses. The active ingredient (PPC) may actually affect the viruses themselves and interfere with how they attach or get into healthy cells. Optimizing the immune system so that it can respond more quickly and persistently to an attack by cold and flu viruses will help shorten the respiratory illness. Pinecone extract may also affect HIV. Its effect on HIV infected cells was shown in a laboratory
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study by Dr. Satoh (Satoh et al,1999). It reported that pinecone extract’s PPC stops HIV induced effects on cells, which is a result of its antiviral abilities. It was also stated in the study that pretreatment of mice with PPC by injection protects them from a lethal infection with E. coli bacteria. There have been several cancer studies performed using pinecone extract. In one study, Dr. Mark Jaroszeski at the University of South Florida investigated the potential benefits of PPC when used in conjunction with electrochemotherapy (applying electrical pulses to living cells which allows chemotherapy drugs to enter the cells more efficiently for treating tumours) which is used in the US and Europe. The study tested electrochemotherapy plus PPC in animals with melanoma, a particularly aggressive type of cancer. Treatment success was defined as the complete absence of the tumour at the end of 50 days. Remarkably, 50 to 64 percent of the animals that received oral PPC plus electrochemotherapy had a complete absence of their tumour versus 31 percent for animals that received electrochemotherapy alone. It was concluded that treatment with PPC therefore caused a doubling of the number of animals that were tumour free. It’s important to note that pinecone extract (and its PPC component) is otherwise safe and nontoxic to cells, and is effective at low doses. Zane Boronowski is a certified nutritionist.
Sports Nutrition Update
The Water Solution By Cory Holly
f someone you know is obese, depressed, chronically ill or just plain sick, check their water intake. Almost everyone today is dehydrated, but accepts this state as “normal.” The good news is that the solution is simple and cost effective. So how much water does a human being need? They need 30 millilitres (1 fluid ounce) of clean filtered water per kilogram of lean body mass per day. This doesn’t mean total bodyweight, but lean functional muscle mass. Fat mass is a poor retainer of water and makes zero contribution to motion. In addition, athletes or those individuals participating in regular fitness require an extra 1 to 2 litres to compensate for elevated body temperature and fluids lost by sweating in response to strenuous exercise, sports and daily workouts. The exact amount depends on room or outdoor temperature, exposure to light, altitude, intensity and length of training and urine colour. Dark urine suggests poor hydration and a need for more water. I’m 52 and weigh 99 kilograms (218 pounds). My body fat is 10 percent, so we can estimate that my lean mass is 89 kilograms. 30ml x 89kg = 2670ml. I should drink close to 3 litres of filtered water per day plus an additional 1 to 2 litres each time I work out in the gym. This drinking water would preferably have an added electrolyte antioxidant powder to compensate for fluid and electrolyte loss. Another way to estimate your water requirement is to calculate your calorie intake and convert this figure into millilitres. The body needs about 1 millilitre of water for each calorie burned. This method isn’t as accurate as the lean mass method, but still provides a useful guideline. Unlike the Body Mass Index (BMI), I don’t use this method because I never count calories. I count quality, money, weight training sets and repetitions, birthdays and good times, but never calories. Most tap water is unsuitable for drinking, even for animals, so carry filtered bottled water in your purse, briefcase, car and workout bag. Our drug-ridden society is now so loaded with pharmaceuticals and prescription drugs that toxic residues are showing up in the city water supply. Understanding water’s effect on the body is crucial to exercise performance. But rarely do you see anyone in the gym drinking clean filtered water between sets. No wonder so few people train with diligence or intensity.
Fluid loss and electrolyte deficiency can lead to fatigue, impaired glucose metabolism, muscle weakness, cramping, abdominal pain, adrenal exhaustion and headaches. Many cardiac events (heart problems) are related to chronic dehydration. During strenuous or prolonged physical activity, the water content of all body compartments decreases. This is caused by fluid loss through sweating and water loss from the lungs, especially at high altitude. A two percent loss of bodyweight via water loss can greatly reduce exercise capacity. As water loss increases, performance decreases, and risk of injury rises. Consider this: drinking filtered clean water alone does not cover electrolyte loss. Ever wonder what’s in your sweat? Electrolytes – minerals that act as electromagnetic energy conductors. The important ones include potassium, magnesium, phosphate, sulfate, bicarbonate, sodium, chloride and hydrogen. Electrolytes carry both negative and positive electrical charges that affect the bioelectrical status of cells. They regulate intracellular fluid volume (the amount of fluid within a cell), control the pH of cells and balance the exchange of fluids within the body’s fluid compartments. Electrolytes permit a constant, well-regulated exchange of nutrients and waste products between the cell and its external environment. A good electrolyte supplement should enhance fluid replacement and replenish electrolytes lost in sweat, but it should spare the sodium. The one I use provides a potassium-to-sodium ratio of 7:1, the same balance found in all natural plant and animal food from land and sea. This is nature’s perfect balance. Each serving provides 700 milligrams of potassium and 100 milligrams of sodium. The electrolyte powder I add to my workout water bottle is also reinforced with 1000 milligrams of buffered non-acidic vitamin C to help stabilize blood sugar and support adrenal function. Vitamin C improves tolerance to exercise, increases the body’s immune response to stress and decreases both healing time and risk of infection. When dissolved in water, electrolyte solutions should be absorbed faster from the intestines than pure water; rehydration is dependent on the rate of intestinal absorption. A good sport drink, therefore, must be functional and beneficial to health, not just taste good. Vitamin C is arguably the most important water-soluble antioxidant in the body. It protects cells from oxidative damage and is directly involved in the formation of collagen, cartilage and connective tissue, all of which give elasticity, resilience, strength and stability to the body. The average adult human body holds about 42 litres of water, approximately 60 percent. But like the earth itself, 70 to 75 percent water is a much better amount for health and performance. This percentage is similar to the water content of an infant born from the ocean of the womb, and our birth time is as close to healthy perfection as we’ll ever get. Keep your body well-hydrated and expect your energy, internal plumbing and exercise recovery to improve. About 28 litres of water in the body make up intracellular fluid or what’s inside the cell. The remaining 14 litres comprise extracellular fluid (outside the cells) and vascular plasma (liquids in blood and lymph). Dehydration refers to water loss leading to hypo- or low hydration; rehydration is the process of adding water from a state of hypohydration. Another hydration concept is the 3-stage glucose release system, designed to sustain energy over time to prevent fatigue. This energy system was developed to stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels. The system provides a steady continuous energy source during exercise and physical activity. It requires taking: 1. fructose sugar derived from fruits and vegetables, which has a low glycemic index and in small amounts spares glycogen (the body’s stores of sugar) during intense exercise 2. brown rice flour consisting of maltose and glucose sugars that have a medium glycemic index and provide continuous energy for long-term energy 3. dextrose or grape sugar that has a high glycemic index for quick energy needed for anaerobic training. Consuming fructose, brown rice flour and dextrose together in solution combined with electrolytes and vitamin C improves muscle cell hydration, evens out blood sugar and improves exercise performance. There is also more energy left to complete the workout all the way through to the end. If our thirst mechanism begins to fail, over time we dry up and oxidize like a fallen leaf. What was once moist and well-hydrated is now hollow and brittle. Why? Because we don’t drink enough filtered electrolyte-rich water, and we lose lean mass due to inactivity. We also eat too much “dry”
food like bread and overcooked meat protein. We smoke, drink alcohol and coffee and take medications which dehydrate. Eventually the water content inside our cells gradually diminishes. Make sure your water is topped up and your cells are well-hydrated. Add electrolytes and antioxidants to your workout bottle. The prime directive of sports nutrition is to supply your biological demand. Calculate your fluid demands and trust in the science of living well. As always, stay well…CH Join Cory and Tracy Holly as they tour all 50 American states spreading the gospel of sports nutrition, health and fitness education. Visit Tour
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A Natural Sexual Enhancer By Carmen Mattes
hile maca is often compared to the drug Viagra, it actually works very differently in regards to its sexual effects. Viagra’s effects are circulatory whereas maca’s effects are hormonal. As an energizer, maca also helps to create more vigor for sexual activity. This strength and vigor is shown in the plant’s own survival. Also called Peruvian ginseng, maca is an exceptionally hardy plant growing where no other crops can survive. At altitudes of 14,000 feet, it must endure extreme conditions ranging from freezing cold and fierce winds to intense sunlight, often all within a period of 24 hours. Herbalists believe that resilient plants are especially valuable from a medicinal perspective and in this category, maca knows no equal. The first known published human study on maca’s effect on libido and fertility in men was conducted in Peru and published in the Asian
The fertility powers of maca are highly prized by couples in the Peruvian highlands.
Maca is a root vegetable indigenous to the high Andean mountain plateaus of Peru. Maca’s abil‑ ity to help restore libido for men and women is probably what it is best known for. It is often described as an aphrodisiac for both sexes be‑ cause of its beneficial effect on testosterone, pro‑ gesterone and estrogen. Therefore, it facilitates balance in the hormonal changes of aging. In both sexes, it restores a healthy functional status in which they experience a more active libido. 20
Journal of Andrology. Study data showed that maca increased sexual desire (libido) by 180 percent and increased sperm count by 200 percent. Other benefits included increased sperm mobility, increased DHEA levels, decreased anxiety and stress, lower blood pressure and a general sense of well-being. In the prestigious medical journal Urology (April 2000), scientists studied the effects of maca on rats with erectile disorders and low testosterone levels. The maca-fed group had an amazing 400 percent more copulation than the non maca-fed group. Rodents with low testosterone levels demonstrated a significant increase in sexual activity, indicating a possibility that men with low testosterone or erectile dysfunction may experience improvement. In the studies, the more maca extract fed to the animals, the greater their strength, libido and sexual function. The fertility powers of maca are highly prized by couples in the Peruvian highlands. Men and women who fail to conceive a child often eat maca on a regular basis until conception occurs. It is the actions of alkaloids and isothiocyanate p-methyl benzyl that have been shown to increase fertility in humans. Maca alkaloids act on the body’s hypothalamus and pituitary glands and on the adrenal glands. These areas of the body produce hormones and energizing substances including adrenaline. The end result is an increase in energy, vitality and virility. There are numerous physicians’ claims that maca positively affects ovarian function in women, and sperm count and quality in men. In studies with rats, females given either maca powder, or alkaloids isolated from maca root, showed significantly increased Graaf follicles and other favourable endometrial characteristics within their reproductive organs, which indicate a higher fertility level. Male rats had significantly higher sperm production and motility rates than those in control groups. The effects were measurable within 72 hours of dosing the animals. Carmen Mattes is a Master Herbalist who has used maca personally and in her herbal practice for nearly 10 years. She lives on Gabriola Island, BC with her husband and four young children. Their entire family takes maca on a daily basis.
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
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The Fat Follies Part 2: Diets Galore and Gym Workouts
anada and the US are sagging in the grip of an overweight epidemic that has been growing rapidly for the last two decades. The US Centers for Disease Control now cite being overweight – in addition to metabolic syndrome and the long list of other diseases it causes – as the number one health problem in North America. The official US government guidelines for fat loss include a low-fat diet, calorie-restricted diet, and high-carbohydrate diet. These guidelines are tantamount to saying, “Not our problem.” In Part 1 of this series, I discussed prescription drugs for obesity and found that the best drugs are all addictive, and have been progressively banned over the last 30 years. There are now no effective weight loss drugs legally available. In Part 2, I will look at some of the alternative strategies that people adopt on the treacherous road to lean and mean.
The gym problem
Gyms are booming, but what happens in them has not improved since results were first measured in New York in 1981. The latest perusal in 2007 of gym records from one popular chain in Vancouver shows that most members turn up for workouts about once per week. A fair percentage just pay their memberships, attend a few times, and then hardly ever turn up again. They pay purely for the psychological crutch that they are doing something about their weight. What about the hardier souls who do attend regularly? My colleagues and I surreptitiously held stopwatches on people working out in our own weight room. We clocked the actual time spent lifting weights in an average one hour workout, not the time changing, chatting, setting up, having a drink, stretching, standing about or showering. The average was 18 minutes and 20 seconds — that is not going to burn much body fat. Aerobics classes are popular, but they don’t make much of an impression on fat either. We followed a group of women doing regular aerobics classes a minimum of twice per week at a San Diego gym for one year. On average, they gained 2.6 pounds. There were high hopes for another class where the women wrapped themselves in cling wrap and turned extremely pink, but the instructor fell off the stage one day and they decided to call it quits. The chemistry of the human body tells you exactly why aerobics doesn’t work. Before the body can begin to use appreciable body fat for
By Dr. Michael Colgan fuel, you have to do 15 to 20 minutes of light aerobic exercise. It is this mandatory increase in aerobic energy expenditure that enables you to make the hormonal and other biochemical changes that switch your energy system from burning mainly sugar to burning mainly fat. You can’t hurry it with greater effort because as soon as you start to feel exhausted and become anaerobic, the body gets stuck in sugar-burning mode. So, with 15 minutes to get the fat going, a one-hour aerobics class yields only 45 minutes of fat-burning. Accurate measurements of fat oxidation during exercise show that the maximum you can use aerobically in 45 minutes is about 300 calories. One pound of body fat contains 3,500 calories of potential energy. Therefore, it takes 12 one-hour aerobics classes to shed a pound of fat. If you eat before training or drink an “energy” drink before or during your aerobics class, you can forget about fat loss altogether. Your body always takes the easiest biochemical route to energy. It will preferentially use the free sugar from the food or drink in your gut before taking the more difficult route to convert body fat to energy. And propping up the juice bar and having a drink after your workout eliminates any fat loss you may have sustained during it. Gym workouts yield other health benefits, but they do little to reduce body fat.
The diet debacle
Diets are all the rage. Over the last 30 years, I have seen them all, cycling in and out of popularity every decade or so. Most of them are useless for long-term fat loss. Many of them are disastrous for your health. Some of my favourite villains making the rounds again are the Masticating Diet, the Tapeworm Diet, the Hollywood Miracle Diet, the Sleep Diet and the Lemonade Diet. The Masticating Diet was first proposed by Horace Fletcher in the early 1900s. Recent versions advocate chewing each mouthful of food, even liquids, 40 to 80 times before swallowing. How this helps anyone lose body fat is a mystery. It is supposed to relate somehow to wonderful enzymes in saliva predigesting the food, but high school biology will tell you that those enzymes do not digest proteins or fats, but almost exclusively carbohydrates. Your gut doesn’t have any trouble digesting carbs all on its own, and then rushing them straight to your hips. The Tapeworm Diet is a deliberate scam, whereby naive people are persuaded to buy live tapeworms of the species Taenia saginata or Tae‑
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nia solium and eat them, hoping that the worm will eat all their excess food. It is recorded repeatedly in the list of diet scams prosecuted by the FDA. Tapeworms are dangerous critters, growing up to 30 feet long and producing severe bloating and flatulence. The more sinister variant is to sell live tapeworm larvae, some of which may then burrow through the intestinal wall and get to the brain where they merrily eat you into insanity. The Hollywood Miracle Diet goes by a variety of names, all with an instant fat loss theme. One of the current variants promises 10 pounds of weight loss in 48 hours. It is usually a multilevel advertising gimmick to sell a fruit drink, the main ingredients of which are sugar and water. It has no effect on body fat. The Sleep Diet was made famous by Elvis Presley. When Elvis became very overweight, he turned to celebrity physician Elias Ghanem in Las Vegas. There were many facets to Ghanem’s treatment, but only the sleep part has remained buzzing around the celebrity network. Essentially, you are sedated for two weeks at a time, resting and sleeping, and fed by tube. It didn’t work for Elvis who gained 10 pounds in the two weeks. It’s not likely to work with anyone because while sleeping and resting your body turns energy use down to 50 to 60 calories per hour. Even if only body fat was lost in those calories, and you were kept unconscious the whole time, it would take three days to lose a pound. The Lemonade Diet was invented by Stanley Burroughs in 1941. The current version was made famous by Beyonce who described her use of it on the Oprah show. Also called the Beyonce Diet, it is a variant of the very low calorie juice and diuretics group of diets. It consists of watered-down lemon juice 6 to 12 times per day, plus a modicum of vegetables and diuretics. In Beyonce’s case it included diuretic tea. This will certainly work for most people but it is disastrous for health. Fortunately, like fasting, it is very difficult to stick to this type of diet, surrounded as we are by the most delicious food. When you can’t take it any more and quit, the fat leaps right back on again. If you went to Zimbabwe to do the Lemonade Diet, I’m sure it would work. But then, in Zimbabwe, you probably wouldn’t need a special diet to lose body fat. In Part 3 of this series I will examine the diets that succeed. Michael Colgan, PhD, CCN, is an internationally renowned scientist. He is acknowledged as an anti-aging expert. He formed the Colgan Institute in 1974, a consulting and research facility focused on nutrition, athletic performance and anti-aging, and has served as a consultant to the US National Institute on Aging and to the Canadian and New Zealand governments. His latest books are Save Your Brain, 2008, and Strong Bones, 2009.
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The Spice of Life By Michelle Kwon
urcumin, the natural chemical which gives the spice turmeric its yellow colour, is becoming increasingly popular as an anti-aging agent. This phytochemical’s potent anti-inflammatory powers may earn it a place in today’s aesthetic arsenal, particularly in the treatment of photo-damaged skin. Photodamage refers to the often unsightly and sometimes harmful effects caused by sun exposure.
“It’s the anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin that make it such a valuable tool,” states Madalene Heng, MD, Professor of Medicine/Dermatology at the University of California, Los Angeles, School of Medicine. “This potent botanical compound can be effectively used to treat any condition where inflammation and injury are involved. It’s also effective in scar prevention in superficial burns and surgical wounds.”
Nice spice
According to Dr. Heng, curcumin can repair sun-damaged skin, effectively treating fine lines and wrinkles, pre-lentigo malignas (slowest growing form of malignant skin cancer), pigmentation (age spots), actinic keratoses (precancerous rough patches), psoriasis, scars, and fresh keloidal scars. She explains that curcumin “short-circuits” the body’s response to assault that causes these symptoms. Every injury that damages the skin goes through the injury cycle, and by quenching this cycle, we can reverse or minimize the damage.
Here’s how it works
Injuries result in inflammation (pain, redness and water accumulation) and five minutes post-injury, phosphorylase kinase is activated (a chemical reaction in the body). Curcumin stops this activation, preventing the subsequent inflammatory symptoms which eventually lead to scarring. In Dr. Heng’s treatment, curcumin is applied topically in gel form twice a day for days, weeks or months, depending on the condition being treated. While keloidal scars are notorious for coming back with a vengeance after being surgically removed, Dr. Heng says that such lesions may not return if curcumin is applied immediately following surgery for several weeks. “Curcumin should not be used for skin cancers, which should be treated surgically,” she advises. “Even though curcumin may kill a few cancer cells by apoptosis, not all cancer cells are susceptible to it.”
Topical or oral?
Leslie Baumann, MD, Director of the University of Miami Cosmetic Medicine and Research Institute, Miami Beach, Florida, observes that there are downsides. “Curcumin is proven to be a useful weapon to stop the inflammatory cycle and can visibly tighten the skin.” She notes that other antioxidants such as green tea and ginger are more popular because they don’t have these issues. Dr. Baumann is a strong advocate of ingesting these compounds, including adding curry to the diet, for example, as a more favourable anti-aging approach. Oregano, tomatoes, green tea, vitamin C, ginger and ginseng are also effective anti-inflammatories. However, she relates that curry (which often includes the spices curry, ginger and turmeric) has the strongest and most effective anti-aging potential. Dr. Heng notes that the topical gel best harnesses curcumin’s anti-inflammatory powers. Only the topical form has the anti-phosphorylase kinase activity. Oral curcumin is not absorbed into the blood stream. Whether applied or eaten, when it comes to antioxidants, Dr. Baumann thinks that more is better. “I’m a strong believer in being exposed to as many different antioxidants as possible,” she explains, “because they can effectively neutralize free radicals which are at the root of speeding up the aging process, whether due to UV exposure, pollution or smoking. A network of different antioxidants is best because they work together, whether applied topically or from vitamins or food.”
Skin savvy
According to both physicians, curcumin works on all skin types, especially fair ones. “A cocktail of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals can help in photo-damaged and hormonally-aging skin,” Dr. Baumann states. “Curcumin is excellent for wrinkles and can curb inflammation and the formation of free radicals. And supplements of curcumin can help a patient tolerate retin-A better through its anti-inflammatory effects. Supplementing curcumin with retinoids and green tea can only be beneficial in curbing the speed at which the skin ages.” Curcumin and other similar antioxidants may not replace botox or fillers in the skin rejuvenation arena, but can surely serve a role in achieving younger-looking skin.
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
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An Insect’s Healing Magic F
ew insects on Earth are given the attention that the highly lucrative silk worm is for its luxurious and coveted silk. The silk worm carefully spins its beautifully translucent cocoon, made from a single thread that’s 900 meters long. As it does this, a natural enzyme is produced in its intestines. Now research reveals that not only is the cocoon of this mysterious moth valuable, but the worm’s enzyme holds remarkable secrets. Called serratiopeptidase or serrapeptase, the worm’s enzyme may be a powerful healing agent. It has the unique ability to dissolve dead cells and unwanted proteins without affecting living, healthy tissue. In the silk worm, serrapeptase is used to dissolve the cocoon, allowing the worm to escape the cocoon and become a moth. Scientists have discovered that this enzyme has unique properties that may help human tissue experience a type of metamorphosis, too. It is now being used for a wide range of healing applications from fibrocystic breast disease and arthritis pain to sinusitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. Scientists have long being trying to find a side-effect-free substance to reduce pain and inflammation caused by a wide variety of chronic ailments and injuries. Due to the detrimental, often frightening, effects on the body of NSAID’s such as aspirin, Tylenol, ibuprofen and prescription drugs, most doctors simply take a patient off of one drug as soon as side effects become evident and then prescribe another NSAID. But these effects, which include damage to the gastrointestinal tract (leading to ulcers and even death), suppression of bone repair (which may damage bones and joints), insulin problems (which can affect obesity and diabetes), sleep problems and depression, can deter many people from wanting to continue taking these drugs despite their pain. Some people are finding that the anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties of serrapeptase make them feel renewed. Serrapeptase has become a best-selling anti-inflammatory in Europe, with statistics showing that it outsells other forms of over-the-counter NSAIDs. And, unlike anti-inflammatory drugs but similar to other natural remedies, it is safe for use by everyone and is without negative side effects. Serrapeptase may help alleviate pain by pre-
By Barrie Carlsen venting the release of pain-inducing “amines.” (Amines are substances produced naturally by the body that play a role in pain by affecting the expansion and contraction of blood vessels.) Physicians throughout Asia and Europe have recognized these benefits and are using it as an alternative to conventional medicine. This enzyme is thought to increase healing by thinning the fluids formed from an injury (the swelling that occurs with inflammation), and by helping to drain fluid, which speeds tissue repair. Clinical studies show that it even prevents swelling and fluid retention in some types of tissue. It treats inflammatory
disorders by not only fighting the inflammation, but also by improving recovery time and stimulating the immune system. Serrapeptase has a scavenging effect: it helps chelate heavy metals (grabs hold of metal molecules and carries them safely out of the body) and, therefore, assists the immune system. It also breaks down fibrin, the protein byproduct resulting when blood thickens, which could dissolve the plaque that causes atherosclerosis without causing harm to the inside of the arteries. The late German physician, Dr. Hans Nieper used serrapeptase to treat arterial blockages in his coronary patients. It is said to protect against stroke and is reportedly more effective and quicker than EDTA treatments in removing arterial plaque. It may also dissolve blood clots and cause varicose veins to shrink or diminish. Another reported benefit is the treatment of fibrocystic breast disease. It has been shown to be effective for improving breast pain, swelling and firmness of cysts. In a double-
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
blind study, 70 patients complaining of breast engorgement were randomly divided into a treatment group and a placebo group. Serrapeptase was superior to the placebo for improving all three of these symptoms. Serrapeptase benefits sinusitis. It reduces the thickness of the mucus, helping it to be more easily eliminated from the nose, which reduces pain and sinus congestion. Traditionally, sinus drugs are prescribed to make mucus less dense to help sufferers breathe more easily. Some of these drugs, though, deplete the amount of mucus, but since it is vitally required to naturally take infection and toxins out of the body during cold, flu or allergic reactions, it should not be decreased. Serrapeptase, however, decreases the density to make it flow easier without depleting the quantity. In one study, 140 patients with ear, nose and throat problems were given either a placebo or serrapeptase. Patients taking serrapeptase experienced reduced pain, amount of secretion, difficulty swallowing and nasal obstruction after three to four days and at the end of treatment. Physicians assessed its effectiveness as excellent or good for 97.3 percent of patients treated with serrapeptase compared with only 21.9 percent with a placebo. It is being tested for a variety of other ailments including male genital infection (to restore circulation and help antibiotics become better absorbed), ear infection (as an anti-inflammatory), plastic surgery (to reduce post-operative swelling), surgery from sports injuries and other breaks and sprains (to help repair tissue faster and reduce inflammation), and even dentistry (to help heal dental infections). Like a treasure buried inside a tomb, the tiny larvae of the silk moth offers researchers a key to finding relief for inflammation, pain and disease. And due to its lack of negative side effects, it may eventually help to replace harmful synthetic drugs. Barrie Carlsen’s interest in nutrition began in the late 1950s as a competitive weight lifter. He is the contributing editor of The Nutrition Digest of Essential Nutrients. In March 1999, Barrie was inducted into the Canadian Health Food Association Hall of Fame in recognition for his more than 20 years of contributions to the growth and development of the health food industry.
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The Brilliance of Mushrooms By Maureen Fontaine
y first recollection of mushrooms is when I opened a can of sliced “buttons” to put on the pizza that my dad was making. My next memory was of movies that depicted excruciating deaths by ingesting poisonous pickings, either because of lack of proper identification or because Aunt Mary had had quite enough of Uncle Joe! And finally, as kids, we would relish breaking open the seasonal “puff pods” found in the school playground. Mushrooms have far more uses than these, of course, and the fungi’s medicinal and health benefits, particularly for the immune system, may even surpass their taste. The stresses on our immune system have reached astronomical proportions, placing extreme challenges on our vascular, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. Today’s world bombards us with invisible electromagnetic frequencies, hidden toxins and contaminants that infiltrate our food, water and air. The stark reality is that, no matter how pristine our lifestyle, we need additional support from the “functional” foods we eat, including nutritious mushrooms.
But fungus has two sides; it isn’t always good for us
Dr. Tullio Simoncini, a medical doctor from Rome, has a unique perspective regarding disease conditions. Simoncini is a strong proponent of the belief that fungus is the root of all disease and by approaching imbalance from this perspective there are greater opportunities to gain health. Many other experts concur. Dr. Hulda Clark, author of The Cure for All Diseases, is a pioneer of the parasite theory, which is closely linked to Simoncini’s theory. Further to that, The Coming Plague, written by Laurie Garret, explains that there is really very little difference between fungi, viruses, parasites and bacteria. Given these perspectives, it can be concluded that any pleomorphic development in the blood or tissue feeds the potential for disease. Dr. Otto Warburg, a two-time Nobel Prize winner, made a direct parallel with the metabolic processes associated with fungal organisms. A body out of balance gives rise to fermentation, which plays host to parasitic fungus.
Food: friend or foe?
Food is our body’s number one medicine, and our health depends on normal functioning of the digestive system where food is absorbed and used. When a food that is not properly digested enters the bloodstream, it activates the immune system’s white blood cells. Undigested debris stresses these immune cells, creating a feeding frenzy for fungus, bacteria and other harmful organisms. Fermentation of glucose (blood sugar), which occurs when food is not properly digested and absorbed, fuels diseased cells and the accompanying reactions involving lactic acid must be stopped in order to reverse disease. No matter what the disease or condition, it is likely that these processes exist, and that they promote the growth of harmful fungus in the body.
Mother Nature: the solution lies within the problem
However, fungus of all types seeks homeostasis, meaning complete healthy balance, both in nature and in the human body. This is the beautiful fulfillment of nature’s innate response mechanism to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes. Mushrooms are, therefore, both adaptogens (helping the body to adapt to changes and increase resistance to stress and fatigue) and immunomodulators (helping to balance or normalize the immune system). Mushrooms have a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine where they are known for their legendary effects on health. Studies suggest that they assist every system in our body, bringing balance, energy, tone and strength to even the weakest of cells and weakest of individuals. Each species of mushroom carries a unique signature that addresses specific parts of the immune system. Each brings a particular strength and focus; therefore, the combination of several species carries added benefits. Some normalize cell behaviour (so that they remain healthy) in the body and others reduce infection. All are compatible with other traditional treatments, not interfering with them or causing negative side effects. One of the components within mushrooms called beta-glucans is a vital health promoter. Beta-glucans consist of extremely large organic molecules, however, that are not readily absorbed by the stomach and intestines. This means that every body, even a healthy one with a good digestive system, requires assistance absorbing these therapeutic beta-glucans. Therefore, within supplements, the most advanced technology, called nanotechnology, can make the difference between a good health result and an outstanding one. In the process, mushrooms are ground to 102 nanometres in diameter, increasing the potency up to10 times. This unique process reduces beta-glucans into an absorbable and available form for the body to use. This nanotechnology is said to make the therapeutic properties of each mushroom species five times more potent than if it is not used. The mushroom’s growing conditions are crucial to quality, and close attention must be paid to selection of species. Its particular growth parameters, which include temperature, light and oxygen, need to be regulated to produce exceptional results. Proper processing produces ultimate quality, too. Mushrooms grow to full maturity in 20 to 45 weeks. If grown too quickly, much of the mushroom’s “fuel source” remains in the raw material that it is grown on, rendering the mushroom impure and weak. Mushrooms offer much more than just beta-glucans. They provide full support for a healthy immune system, and also offer nutritional support, being a good source of vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin, potassium, copper and the antioxidant selenium. Choose full spectrum mushroom supplements — meaning look on the label for those that include the mycelium, fruit, spores, primordial and extra-cellular compounds found in mushrooms. Eat mushrooms and take mushroom supplements to maintain health or to support your journey back to well-being. Maureen Fontaine, B. Ed, ECS, CN, MH, is a diet and wellness consultant.
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
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Recipe for Health
Popeye’s Wilted Spinach Salad By Tracy Holly
ike kale and Swiss chard, spinach is an excellent source of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is what gives plants their green colour and is found in all green vegetables, especially green leafy ones. Chlorophyll is one of the greatest food substances for cleansing the bowel and other elimination systems such as the liver and blood. Chlorophyll is also a very powerful source of magnesium and is regarded by the natural health industry as an incredible healing substance. Spinach salad is a great way to add this power packed substance into the body, and it tastes delicious, too. Wilted Spinach Salad is a tasty variation. It is a warm salad that is perfect when you do not want a cold meal, and is light, yet filling. I use organic virgin coconut oil for most of my cooking purposes because it is more resistant to heat compared to other oils that are liquid at room temperature. It gives the food a beautiful coconut flavour and the health benefits are tenfold. Coconut oil is often preferred by athletes, bodybuilders and other
Popeye’s Wilted Spinach Salad
9 oz. bag organic small leaf baby spinach 2 heaping tablespoons organic coconut oil 2 cups precooked chicken, chopped into small uniform pieces 2 cups sliced mushrooms (any type) 1 cup chopped onion (yellow or white) 1 cup chopped celery 1 tsp crushed red chili peppers 1/4 cup essential fatty acid blend oil (top raw spinach with it) 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons Mrs. Dash (original blend, no salt seasoning) Sea salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste
Sauté onion, garlic, celery and mushrooms in coconut oil until the onion is transparent but the celery is still crunchy. Add precooked chicken, Mrs. Dash, chilies and sea salt to taste. Heat for two minutes. In a large salad bowl add organic small leaf baby spinach. Toss with EFA oil blend or organic extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Then add the sautéed ingredients on top of the spinach. Toss and enjoy. Alternative suggestions: Add one cup of cooked yams cut into uniform pieces to the salad to make it more filling. Add a 1/8 cup of Bragg’s Liquid Aminos to the sautéed vegetables instead of sea salt to give the taste an Asian flair. Instead of crushed chilies, use ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper.
health conscious individuals to manage their body composition. Coconut oil contains fewer calories than other oils and its fat content is easily converted into energy (rather than being stored by the body). This means that it does not lead to accumulation of fat in the heart and arteries. Coconut oil helps boost energy and endurance, and enhances athletic performance. The benefits of coconut oil can be attributed to its lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid. It has antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial and skin-soothing properties. Coconut oil is comprised of mediumchain fatty acids and is nature’s richest source of these healthy fatty acids. By contrast, most common vegetable or seed oils are comprised of long chain fatty acids. With all of these high potency ingredients, you will not only be getting a nutritional charge from the food, but will gain more energy while also warding off disease.
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
Water –
Cornerstone to Healthy Living By Yvonne Anderson
ater is in the news! Is your tap water good for you? What about bottled water? Are we being eco-friendly when buying all of those plastic water bottles? What is the best type of water for drinking? What is an affordable water solution? First, let’s look at what we do know: we all need water – lots of clean, mineralized, alkaline water. Why? Because the human body is 75 percent water and the human brain 85 percent water and extremely sensitive to dehydration. Mild dehydration can slow your metabolism by as much as 3 percent; that’s a lot. Water is the body’s main source of energy. Did you know that lack of water is the number one cause of daytime fatigue? Many people live their whole life in a state of low-level dehydration. We can eat right, supplement and exercise, and still not reach optimal health unless we are effectively hydrated with good water. According to Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, MD, in his book Water for Healing, Water for Life, water increases the efficiency of the immune system and is the main solvent for all foods, vitamins and minerals. Want to increase the effectiveness of your supplements? Take them with a large glass of clean, mineralized, alkaline water. What are the characteristics of good quality water? Purity and pH are key to good water says Dr. Robert O. Young, PhD, author of The pH Miracle. He says, “By providing alkaline water to neutralize and remove acid from the tissues, you’ll stop the body from gleaning alkaline substances from other body parts to do the job – from leeching calcium from your bones.” Dr. Young explains that our body needs alkaline minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium in an easily absorbed ionic form – water – which is another great reason to get your eight glasses of clean, mineralized, alkaline water every day. How do we get clean, mineralized water? Creating ”healthy water” requires removing the harmful agents while retaining beneficial minerals. According to Dr. John Sorenson, a leading authority on mineral metabolism, “Minerals in drinking water are more easily and better absorbed than minerals from food.” Some bottled water now has labeling that gives you better information about what is in the water, but there are still the problems of all those plastic bottles and the cost.
As an alternative there are many types of water filtration systems that may or may not be suitable for your needs. The key points to look for in a filtration system are: 1. Cleaning capabilities. What will this system take out of your water? 2. Mineralization. Will this system leave the natural healthy minerals in your water? 3. Alkalinity. Your body is alkaline and your water should be, too. Look for drinking water with a pH level in the 8 range (most tap water is approximately 6).
Gravity water systems
Water flows through long contact multiple stage filtration. Often micro-filtration by a ceramic pre-filter is the first element of the process, and mineralization and pH adjustment can be part of the system. This is eco-friendly and cost effective. No electricity or plumbing is required, and it’s alkaline water, but it’s a slow process. Filters must be changed according to manufacturer’s specifications or the filtering capacity and quality will be compromised. The price range is $169 to $299.
Water ionizers
A water ionizer separates water into alkaline acid fractions using a process known as electrolysis. It does this by exploiting the electric charge of the calcium and magnesium ions present in nearly all sources of drinking water. This creates the exact level of pH water you want but it is an expensive, mechanical process. The price range is $750 to $5,000.
Distillation is one of the oldest methods of removing contaminants from water, but is seldom used for drinking water since distilled water has little oxygen and tastes flat. Water is heated to boiling, and then cooled to condense the water vapour. Impurities are filtered out by the evaporation, and condensed water is collected and stored in a glass-lined container. This removes a wide range of contaminants but it’s a slow process, it requires large amounts of water and energy, it may concentrate contaminants that have high boiling points, and it leaves water with a neutral pH 7. The price range is $300 to $5,000.
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Carbon filtration
Water is passed through an activated carbon filter cartridge in water jug systems and systems that attach directly to the tap. Carbon absorbs objectionable odours, flavours, organic compounds, and many hazardous chemicals. This removes dissolved organic compounds and some chemicals effectively and works well in conjunction with other filtration systems, but most systems will not remove heavy metals. Filters must be changed according to manufacturer’s specifications or filtering capacity and quality will be compromised, and the water pH is not adjusted for optimum health. The price range is $25 to $500.
Reverse osmosis
Reverse osmosis works on the same principle as the body’s cells – by filtering water through a semi-permeable membrane placed between a concentrated and a dilute solution. The success of reverse osmosis is dependent on the quality of the permeable membrane. This system removes nearly all types of contaminants, at least to some extent, and it requires little maintenance. However it requires large volumes of water – it may take as much as 90 gallons of water to recover 5 gallons of usable water – so the flow rate is limited to a certain amount of gallons per day, and the pH is usually neutral 7. The price range is $300 to $3,000. To get good water you need effective filtering and purification, pH control and re-mineralization. Water filtration and enhancement units are readily available, but make sure that your system removes harmful agents, re-mineralizes the water and leaves the pH of the water alkaline. Shop for effectiveness and cost since prices vary widely. And check the taste of the water before you buy the system — if you like the taste you will probably drink more water. Be good to your body by drinking lots of clean, mineralized, alkaline water. It’s the cornerstone of healthy living! At an early age Yvonne Anderson, BA (Kinesiology), MA (Leadership), was introduced to holistic health through the YMCA’s mind, body, spirit leadership programme. She then studied kinesiology at the University of Western Ontario and has been on a quest for optimum health ever since. Yvonne’s current passion is water.
Nutritional Powerhouse By Susan McLoughlin
he herb seabuckthorn, a very thorny shrub which grows two to four metres tall, has been used for land reclamation and erosion control, but it is the plant’s medicinal properties that have stimulated overwhelming interest in recent years. As Mark Blumenthal of the American Botanical Council stated, “If there ever was an herb that could qualify for the next generation of herbal luminaries, I would nominate seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides).” The plant is reported to contain over 190 nutrients. The fruit, seeds and leaves contain an impressive array of antioxidants. The concentration of vitamin C in the berries is as much as 2,500 milligrams per 100 grams of berries, depending on the specie, which is far more than many other fruits. The berries are also a rich source of vitamin E, carotenoids, flavonoids, sterols including beta sitosterol, stanols, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and polar lipids. The leaves are an equally rich source of important antioxidants including beta carotene, vitamin E, flavonoids, catechins, elagic acid, ferulic acid and folic acid and also have significant amounts of calcium, magnesium and potassium. The dried leaves also provide an important source of protein, and are 24 percent protein. The oil from its berries contains a rare and valuable fatty acid called palmitoleic acid which is known to support cell, tissue and wound healing. The seed oil has a one to one ratio of omega3 and omega-6 fatty acids, a relationship that’s critical because they self-check each other in a delicate balance to regulate thousands of meta-
bolic functions. Nearly every biologic function is interconnected with the balance between omega-6 and omega-3. Preparations from the fruit, seeds, leaves and bark of seabuckthorn have shown great promise in treating ulcers, gastro-intestinal disorders and vaginal problems. Studies have shown that seabuckthorn oils and juice have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and may lower cholesterol. Certain compounds in the bark and leaves are anti-carcinogenic (preventing or delaying cancer) and anti-tumorogenic (preventing tumours). The oils are effective to treat burns, bedsores, dermatitis, eczema, rosacea, acne, psoriasis and the effects of sun damage. The powerful properties of seabuckthorn fruit, leaves and oils support the immune system and eye health. They support muscle nourishment, strengthen cell walls, regulate endocrine (hormonal) function, regulate blood lipids (the amount of fat in the blood), and act as an anti-inflammatory and pain reducer. The oil is used in cosmetic products for anti-aging and to stimulate tissue regeneration. There is no doubt that the future holds great promise for seabuckthorn. As the beneficial effects of the seabuckthorn plant become more widely known, we can look forward to increasing interest and research into its abundant and valuable properties. References available from VISTA.
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
Don’t Just Survive,Thive Interview with Survivorman Les Stroud By Carol Crenna
From the Kalahari Desert to the Amazon jungle, Les Stroud has survived it all, and on his own terms. The producer, camera‑ man, writer, editor, theme music composer and host of the hit TV show Survivorman grew up in a typical Canadian home but made a decision not to let anything stand between him and his dream for adventure. He’s the only person in the history of television to produce an internationally broadcast series entirely written, videotaped and hosted alone. Survivorman has become the highest rated show in the history of OLN Canada and the Science Channel US and is one of the most popular shows on Discovery Channel US. Les has appeared on Larry King Live, The Ellen DeGeneres Show and The View. Here Les shares his views about surviving his real-life world. VISTA: Why do you think outdoor adventure reality shows are so popular? Les: There’s the armchair traveler who feels he can’t do it because of circumstances, so he’ll experience it by watching “this guy” instead. There are those who may become inspired, giving them a focus to try it. And there are those with a morbid fascination who watch saying, “What the heck is he doing now?” VISTA: Do you ever feel like that — what the heck are you doing now? Les: Yes, but more in societal life than in the wilderness. VISTA: How did you develop such a high comfort level in the wilderness if you were raised in suburban Toronto? Les: Pure desire. I grew up like everybody else did in the 70s, eating white bread and listening to Supertramp. But I had real passion when I watched TV shows like Tarzan and Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom. I didn’t have guidance, but in my late teens I felt within myself, “I can do more. I don’t know how but there has to be a way,” and I put my dream into a vision for
the future. I assumed that if you wanted to do it you had to be rich – specifically, if you wanted to be a National Geographic photographer, you needed rich parents to buy camera equipment. Then I read self-help books and realized that if you set your mind to it, you can do anything you want to! You continue researching to show you how, and that reaffirms the belief. My first film cost nothing. Completing it coincided with recording my first CD and, at 30, I felt the joy of completion of a dream for the first time. Since then it is very important to me to finish whatever I start. VISTA: Creating music seems a million miles away from jungle survival. Les: Though the wilderness was my first love, in grade seven I discovered Elton John and rock and roll, and for 10 years I played music. At 25 I went back to my love of adventure but music stayed with me. When doing a television show, I can tell you in a year if anyone liked it, but doing a musical performance, I know instantly whether they do or not, and since I love inspiring people, it’s great to get that immediacy. VISTA: What makes you scared?
VISTA Magazine Issue 63 Les: On a physical level, the most afraid I’ve ever been was when I was treed by a 1,550 pound moose. On a psychological level, I’m scared of mediocrity. I don’t want to come to the end of my life and say, “Yeah, that was okay.” Even now I look back at the TV shows I’ve recently done and cringe at things I did, thinking I can improve upon them.
Les: For survival, raw is best, but for palatability it’s much tastier to have a cooked scorpion than a fresh raw one. VISTA: What environmental concern has hit you when traveling?
Les: Yes, at times.
Les: Garbage. It’s everywhere. If I took you to the most remote, pristine and beautiful places on Earth, on any ocean coast you’d find garbage. In the thick of the jungle you might think you had escaped it but then you come across a native tribe with garbage all around the encampment.
VISTA: And on a personal-life level?
VISTA: Their garbage?
Les: The human species scares me more than wildlife. And I fear the loss of my kids the most.
Les: No, our garbage. It’s the plastic from missionaries, and clothes with Nike on the front that they brought to cover the natives’ nakedness which now lie in dirty tatters on the ground. Garbage should be against the law; it shouldn’t exist. I’m not an engineer to be able to tell you how that can be done, but it can be — maybe recycling is silly and there is something else that we haven’t discovered yet. I’ve witnessed deforestation firsthand and that is devastating, but the proliferation of garbage is my pet issue.
VISTA: You’re hard on yourself.
VISTA: What’s your diet like? Les: I became a nutrition freak in 1996. I was a strict vegan for a few years and it kept me healthy; I didn’t even get a cold for years. When I brought dairy back into my diet, I caught colds and other illnesses again; I don’t think that dairy is one of the healthiest food groups. I do my own vegetable juicing and carry a big jug of it with me. I eat a lot of vegetables and have chicken and fish regularly. My demon is sugar, but I feel that stress is by far the worst factor for illness, so it’s better to simply allow yourself to eat that piece of cheesecake than to have it and then get stressed about it. Though I’m a bit of a nutritional Nazi, it’s impossible to be that way when traveling. VISTA: How much do you travel when not filming? Les: Every week. Stress is my next issue to master and travel is a big part of that. Though it’s great that my work has become successful, the stress load that comes with it is wicked. I’m looking into yoga and breathing techniques. What can I do to get control when my world right now is so big? I want to be known as someone who is prolific, so I want to continue doing TV shows, concerts and writing books. VISTA: You’ve proven that you are, but maybe having time to yourself is an issue. Les: I’m working on that, and I now fill my calendar’s holes with my kids. VISTA: Are they always supportive of your career? Les: They are. And everything that I’ve done has been up for discussion with them. VISTA: Even putting your life in danger? Les: Yes. They know that everything I do is with calculated risk. I tell them, “Daddy is skilled and knows what he is doing.” The only time my son was worried was when I was shark diving. VISTA: When you’re in the middle of the wilderness without food, isn’t that scary? Les: Food, no, water, yes. Without water, in 24 hours you’ll get a headache, in 48 hours that turns into a migraine, in 72 hours your body is at low function, and in seven days you’re probably dead. But you can last much longer than you think without food, and fast for a week and not feel it. I’m struck when I come back to civilization and hear people talk about feeling starved because they haven’t eaten in a few hours. They don’t know the half of it. VISTA: You sometimes cook plants or creatures you find in the wild.
VISTA: You’re 47. How long will you continue your youthful adventures? Les: My plan is to be that nimble 84-year-old who throws the canoe across his shoulder to traverse a raging river. There’s not a chance I’m aging gracefully; I’m fighting it every step of the way. I want to be vibrant, healthy and strong physically, mentally – to keep learning, emotionally – to deal better with stress, and continue to enjoy my sexuality, to be at my optimum as long as I can. VISTA: How do you stay in shape to lug around equipment and to do everything from white water paddling to dog sledding? Les: Right now I don’t feel in shape. The irony is that the past year of filming Survivorman was so intense that most of my time was spent on the road or in airplanes. I trim down while on location but that’s usually just starvation! I discovered the benefits of fitness training in my 20s – getting to that place where you’re “over the wall,” and understand how great it is to be there, and you go from feeling that you’d rather sit and watch TV to where you’d actually rather go for a run. I train in preparation for an adventure shoot, and take my running shoes with me traveling. A lot of people – weekend warriors and vacationers – use adventures as the means to whip them into shape. But by getting into shape before an adventure, the experience becomes much better because you don’t struggle, and when you’re sweating hard it’s a feeling that you’re familiar and comfortable with. VISTA: Is it easier to survive the Canadian wilderness than the Kalahari or the Amazon? Les: One of the toughest environments to survive is the northern boreal forests of Canada. Comparing the Coastal Haida native culture in BC to the Montanier in northern Quebec, the Montanier have no structures that lasted and no artwork. Why? Because they had no time for building or art; they spent all their time surviving hand to mouth, especially in winter. Near the ocean, they caught fish easily and the moderate weather allowed time to indulge in art. VISTA: You have a new survival tips book called SURVIVE! Tactics to Get Out of Anywhere Alive. If there was an environmental disaster in Canada, what would your survival advice be? Les: Know your environment. If you get into the wilderness enough, you’ll be familiar with it and can calmly assess the situation. I’ve been in the forest and bent down to drink from a creek and others immediately say, “Aren’t you going to get sick by doing that?” I’m confident that it’s perfectly safe because I know the environment, and also know it’s much better to stay hydrated than not to.”
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
Body Alignment for Well-being Part III– Personal Success, a Function of Alignment By Dr Christian Guenette
n previous articles, I compared the body to a simple machine, and observed the effects that those similarities have on the function of its physical systems. Included in these accounts was the importance of alignment for structural integrity, energy efficiency, health and healing. In this article, I will also examine the complex nature of mind-body interactions, and how thoughts and feelings can influence your health, happiness and success.
The complexity of mind-body interactions
Human beings are more than just machines. Although our brain can function extremely well to control and maintain internal physical functions in a changing external environment, this is not its only talent. It also has the ability to ponder, to create, and to project. When we focus on thoughts about the past, present or future, we have a tendency to feel the emotions that are associated with those thoughts. If we think about the positive aspects, we will feel positive. Conversely, if we think about the negative aspects, we will feel negative. In turn, emotions have the ability to influence our physical state. When we experience pleasant emotions, we tend towards physical relaxation. This state is associated with a heightened “parasympathetic” tone, which enhances our body’s growth, repair and regulation of all of its vital processes. When we have an unpleasant experience, we move toward a more “sympathetic” state, whereby our heart rate and blood pressure rise, our muscles become taut, preparing us for a fight or to flee to protect ourselves. It is easy to see that in the latter state, we are more prone to heart disease, stroke and musculoskeletal disorders than in the former. If this is true, how can we influence this phenomenon so we can enjoy a longer, more peaceful life? The secret lies in the power of perspective, and the ability to harness the infinite potential of the mind. When we choose what we think about, we profoundly influence what we feel in our body.
A common life purpose – feeling good
In addition to survival and the propagation of our species, we all share a common life goal: happiness. Everything we do, ranging from brushing our teeth to finding a solution for world peace, is driven by the desire to feel better than we feel at this moment. Think about it. Is there any goal that you set for yourself that has, as a motivator, the desire to feel bad? I know this may sound silly, but how many of us find ourselves feeling horrible about our life choices, our relationships, our bodies, and our future? If you read further, you’ll see that our beliefs really do influence our health, and with the use of a few simple tools, we can alter our belief systems to change the way we feel.
Beliefs as powerful indicators of our reality
From the time we are born to the moment we become responsible for all of our own life decisions, we are subject to conditioning. Our values, our
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expectations and our habitual behaviour are all spoon-fed to us by our parents, siblings, teachers and the society in which we live. As a result, we learn from others how we should act and interpret our environment based upon those beliefs. This determines our attitude and becomes our “learned perspective.” Everything that we experience in life is affected by this perspective. When we act according to beliefs which are positive, we are rewarded by society, and feel good about ourselves. This contributes to a sense of inner peace, and this is reflected in a relaxed body. On the other hand, when we go against conditioning, we are punished by society, and thus learn that to disobey means we should feel bad. We are also taught to feel guilty, which contributes to negative feelings about ourselves, creates tension in our body, and leads to dis-ease and illness.
Changing our beliefs to align with feeling good
If we wish to change the way we feel, we must change the way we think. Up to 95 percent of our thoughts are a result of belief systems that are held in the subconscious mind. Therefore, in order to have a profound effect on the way we think, we must attempt to change our thoughts at the subconscious level. Is this possible? If so, how can we do it? In order to go about changing our subconscious patterns, I believe that there are three crucial ingredients for creating successful, permanent change. The first is desire. In order to feel good, we must want to feel good. Second, we must feel that we are worthy of feeling good. We must attach a perceived value to successfully achieving the results. Finally, we must have a sense of being able to feel good. Having a realistic sense that we can do what needs to be done creates an alignment between reality and our dreams. If we believe in the value of our desires, our worth in achieving them and our ability to reach them, our subconscious mind will be aligned with our conscious mind, and we are almost guaranteed to succeed in whatever we set out to do – whether our goals are related to health, happiness or success. If you feel that you need help in any one of these three areas, look for a certified coach or counselor who has experience in a technique called PSYCH-K®. Using a combination of mind-body based principles, PSYCHK® practitioners can help you modify long-standing subconscious belief patterns, sometimes in a single session. Dr. Christian Guenette is The Common Sense Coach™. For more information, contact
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Struggling with Your Mirror Image By Carol Crenna
ow do you see yourself in the mirror? According to clinical research, women view themselves as approximately 20 percent less attractive than other people see them because your brain is a tougher critic of yourself than anyone. One reason for this is that women are innately hardwired to feel that feminine beauty directly relates to success, especially with attracting and keeping a mate. Another reason is that when looking in the mirror you see yourself as a mug shot, without the expression or warmth that’s revealed when others see you, and usually with a critical eye while deciphering what needs to be remedied during your daily routine. You need to be objective to make constructive changes, of course, but it’s important to remember that what is happening on your inside is completely connected to what’s on the outside. When more time is spent on relaxation, personal fulfillment and care, you look your best. As you age, this allotted time and care needs to increase, rather than decrease. As the joke-complaint goes, “It’s taking me longer and longer just to look like myself every morning.” If you want to do what many aging women do – disregard this fact and look old before your time – these are the things that you should do.
How to accelerate the signs of age on your face:
1. Stay out in the sun during peak hours for more than 15 minutes without a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen with an SPF above 15. 2. Take lots of long hot baths and showers that expose your skin to damaging, dehydrating hot water. 3. Keep the humidity in your home very low with dry circulation, fans going when feeling warm, and no humidifier in your bedroom. 4. Avoid strenuous exercise and excessive perspiration. 5. Forgo fresh fruits and vegetables, cook everything you eat, forget to drink water, and drink an alcoholic beverage at least four times per week. 6. Get fewer than eight solid hours of sleep every night. 7. Fuss and fret about work, relationships, finances and the future until frown lines are firmly formed.
If you’re unhappy with how life, and gravity, is changing your appearance, there are anti-aging strategies to save face that don’t include the previous list. Across enemy lines: How do you fight lines and wrinkles? Fight crow’s feet by applying sunscreen around (but not too close to) the eye and wearing sunglasses. Eyelids and under-eye skin can easily become irritated so carefully remove all makeup and very gently apply moisturizer at bedtime. This skin is structured more delicately than the rest of your face and has less fatty tissue which causes it to wrinkle faster. To decrease puffy eyes; keep your day cream in the fridge (the cold helps contract the tissue), use an extra pillow at night to elevate your head (draining more fluid), drink lots of water, and consider facial toning exercises or treatments that keep this area taut. Deep wrinkles at the eyes and from nose to mouth are often caused by consistently lying on one cheek while sleeping; try to lie on your back as much as possible. Choose a natural facial scrub to slough off dead outer skin layers and add a rejuvenating glow once per week. In addition to night cream, apply a few drops of pure evening primrose oil or borage oil, available in health stores. Stamp out stress: Your mother was right when she said, “Don’t frown; your face could stay that way.” Stress and worry do cause frowning, and worry lines at your brow, and over time the muscles in the face conform to that movement.
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Worry lines on the forehead are due to contraction of the muscle when raising the eyebrows. Smile gently for 10-minute intervals to relax facial and jaw muscles. An anti-aging skin care programme should include yoga, meditation or other relaxation technique. Remember your “dynamic lines” — you tend to smile or frown more on one side than the other; smile in the mirror to see how you might consciously balance it out. Chase the Sandman: Too little beauty sleep makes you look tired almost immediately with dark circles, dullness, dryness, under-eye bags, and sallow, sagging skin. Worse yet, when you feel tired you crave sugar which, according to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, may cause the skin to age more than any other single factor. Research has shown that most adults function best with eight to nine hours of sleep each night. Do research to uncover whether your sleeping trouble is due to a physical problem (such as restless leg syndrome or snoring), an emotional problem (past trauma or current stress) or an easily changed lifestyle factor. This may simply require avoiding caffeine after 3:00 p.m., not eating at least two hours before bedtime, maintaining a regular sleep routine, and ensuring adequate fresh air and complete darkness in the room. Hormone havoc: Hormones are also to blame for skin changes. Hormones are chemical messengers produced in organs such as the ovaries, adrenal glands, and thyroid, and they have an effect on skin’s aging appearance, especially as women reach their 40s and 50s. Under-activity of thyroxin (from the thyroid) produces a dry, coarse thickening of skin with reduced ability to sweat. As menopause occurs, estrogen is reduced, which also creates significant changes in the skin. Eating whole, fresh fruits and vegetables, taking omega-3 essential fats, and getting at least an hour of exercise daily can help combat hormonal changes. Update your picture’s frame: If you’re looking your age, it may be that it isn’t just your face that gives it away but what’s around it. An updated hair style and colour, and tweezed eyebrows and any other facial hair, can take years off your looks. While some signs of aging skin are inevitable, there’s much you can do to look your best at any age. Taking daily care of yourself is the most important step in your anti-aging facial regimen.
The Sunshine Vitamin By Dr. Joseph Mercola
itamin D, often referred to as “the sunshine vitamin,” is different from other vitamins in that it influences your entire body. Receptors that respond to vitamin D have been found in almost every type of human cell, from your brain to your bones. Optimizing your vitamin D levels could help you to prevent as many as 16 different types of cancer including pancreatic, lung, breast, ovarian, prostate, and colon cancers. In fact, a previous landmark study from the Moores Cancer Center at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) found that some 600,000 cases of breast and colorectal cancers could be prevented each year, if only vitamin D3 levels among populations worldwide were increased. Beyond cancer, the researchers pointed out that increasing the levels of vitamin D3 could prevent diseases that claim nearly 1 million lives throughout the world each year! Other studies showed that you can decrease your risk of cancer by more than half simply by optimizing your vitamin D levels with sun exposure. Further, optimal vitamin D levels are also known to positively influence the following conditions: • • • • •
Heart disease Diabetes Inflammatory bowel disease Rheumatoid arthritis Multiple sclerosis and osteoporosis
How much vitamin D do you really need?
Your doctor can measure your serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) to determine your vitamin D status. Your vitamin D level should never be below 32 ng/ml (meaning nanograms – one billionth of a gram – per mililitre, a standard unit of clinical measurement), and anything below 20 ng/ml is considered a serious deficiency state, which will increase your risk of breast and prostate cancers and autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. In Canada (focusing on the lower latitudes where most cities are located), late winter 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels generally range from 15 to 18 ng/ml, so vitamin deficiency affects a very large portion of the population. The optimal value that you're looking for is 45 to 52 ng/ml, but previous research has suggested that maintaining a slightly higher level of 55 ng/ml (nanograms per millilitre) is optimal for cancer prevention. African Canadians are even more prone to vitamin D deficiencies because they produce less vitamin D3 than do Caucasians in response to usual levels of sun exposure and, therefore, have lower vitamin D serum concentrations year-round. In fact, as many as 42 percent of black Canadian women, compared to just over 4 percent of white women of childbearing age, have
serum concentrations that are deficient even during the summer months. The latest study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition points out that some North Americans simply cannot reach optimal vitamin D levels under the current recommended daily allowance (RDA) guidelines. The 1997 Panel on Calcium and Related Nutrients considers 2,000 IUs (international units) as the upper limit of intake, with a recommended daily allowance of just 400 to 600 IUs per day. In fact, the new dosing algorithm that this study proposes calls for a daily dose of 2,800 IU s for those individuals with an adequate serum level, and 4,000 IUs per day if your serum level is measured as too low. In addition to this, the study points out that given the individual variability in your response to vitamin D, the best result would be expected if your 25 (OH)D was measured and your dose of vitamin D is adjusted a second time. I also recommend you check your vitamin D levels regularly because overdosing on oral vitamin D supplements is possible. (There’s very little risk of overdosing on vitamin D from the sun, however.)
What is your best source of vitamin D?
Sun exposure (without sunscreen) of about 10 to 15 minutes a day, with at least 40 percent of your skin exposed is your best source of vitamin D. Sometimes, however (such as if you happen to live in rainy or cloudy areas), you may not be able to get enough sun exposure during certain parts of the year. In that case supplementation is an option. Obviously, it is very difficult for many of us to get adequate sun exposure in the winter, which is why I also advise using a safe tanning bed to have your own body produce vitamin D naturally. The most important thing to keep in mind if you opt for oral supplements is that you only want to supplement with natural vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), which is the type of vitamin D found in foods like eggs, organ meats, animal fat, cod liver oil and fish. Do not use the synthetic and highly inferior vitamin D2. To find out more about the crucial importance of sunlight and vitamin D for your health, my forthcoming book Dark Deception will explore this topic in detail, and expose why the conventional wisdom on the subject, which encourages you to stay out of the sun, is dead wrong. Trained in both traditional and natural medicine, Dr. Joseph Mercola is a well known US authority on holistic medicine. Dr. Mercola has been featured on CNN, The Today Show, ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS, NBC and ABC news, and on nationally broadcast radio shows. The Mercola Natural Health Center, headquartered in Hoffman Estates, Illinois, creates customized, comprehensive treatment plans designed to guide patients toward complete wellness.
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What Are You Putting on Your Skin? By Michelle Kwon
eavenly scents that transport you to tropical islands like cocoa, papaya and mango; healing and hydrating ingredients like calendula, aloe vera and vitamin E; and luxuriant, soothing textures made from shea butter and coconut oil all capture your senses and your loyalty in skin care and beauty products that some of us would feel naked without. And rightly so. Your skin needs nourishing, just like the rest of your body. If you are health conscious, you know that what you ingest into your body that is nourishing is revealed outwardly in radiant, glowing skin and hair. You also understand that what you put onto your skin to cleanse, protect and beautify is absorbed into your “largest organ,” and so you are conscious of what type of products you use. Due to this fact, many companies ride on the growing swell of consumer support for natural products. However, this causes much confusion in the cosmetic and natural skin care market. It is difficult to find a brand that doesn’t have the word “natural” or “organic” on the label, but what does it mean? Well, nothing; any product can call itself natural and organic if it doesn’t use the word “certified” before these label claims. You can buy a product that has over 95 percent synthetic components and a very small amount of an organic one and the manufacturer can still promote it as organic. Since organic personal care products are having record growth, it’s no wonder that so many companies are enthusiastically greening their offerings, but that doesn’t mean consumers buy into green-washing. They’re simply becoming skeptical of all product labels that purport the virtues of nature. Though food certification has come a long way in recent years, personal hygiene and beauty products have slipped under the radar. This has occurred even though, for decades, clinical studies have shown the relationship between synthetic chemicals and diseases, and that our body absorbs significant amounts of what we put on our skin. Well known researchers and physicians including Dr. Carolyn DeMarco (author of Take Charge of Your Body), Dr. Samuel Epstein (author of Safe Shoppers Bible), and David Steinman (author of Living Healthy in a Toxic World) report that everything from your shower gel to your lipstick has dangerous chemicals which can contribute to allergies, immune deficiencies, respiratory and nerve problems, and even cancer. Though Canada recently approved legislation for fully disclosing ingredients on skin care labels, there are still no nationally inclusive rules legislating organics. In the US, to use the USDA Organic logo, the products need to have a minimum of 95 percent certified organic content (not including water and salt). Organic Essence, for instance, is one of the few American companies with an entire product line listed as USDA Organic approved; however, most of the other well known and top selling “organic” brand names use petrochemical ingredients. The many certifiers worldwide all have different standards. For example, in Europe, Ecocert allows a lower level of certified organic content, and water and salt are allowed to be included in the calculation. Brands
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such as Stella McCartney’s Care, which is Ecocert approved, has products between 50 and 60 percent certified organic. Australia’s AQIS (Australian Quarantine Inspection Service) requires over 95 percent organic contents to call products such as the Sanctum Australia line certified organic, with no synthetic ingredients including chemical preservatives or petrochemicals permitted.
How do you differentiate between marketing hype and facts?
Do your research. Certification board websites list their legislated guidelines for organic and biodynamic product ingredients and label claims. These include stipulations that not only raw materials must be certified organic, but that preservatives can only be from natural sources. Avoid certain chemicals. The best certification prohibits petrochemicals, non-organic animal products, anti-microbial agents not produced from organic sources, fragrances, non-organic and synthetic colours, EDTA, sodium lauryl sulphate, sodium laureth sulphate, sodium coco sulphate, polysorbates, ethanolamides, and even chemically created sunscreens. Exotic raw materials used from other countries may have different standards for their organic growing practices, however, which is an issue in all products. Read labels. Several well recognized brands have selected certified organic label products, but not all products are certified. What do you look for, in addition to the certifying logo? Pure soothing essential oils and cold pressed oils with names that you recognize such as lavender, rose and jojoba; therapeutic herbal extracts like yucca cactus and chamomile; and cosmeceutical grade vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants like rosemary, vitamin C and vitamin A. Question any chemical-sounding names until you have researched their origin. It’s also important to seek out non-animal based products and products that are not tested on animals. And when considering your body’s health, you must also consider the planet’s health: does the company engage in eco-friendly, biodynamic and sustainable practices? Ethics and esthetics go hand in hand.
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Salt of the Earth By Dr. Claude Gallant
ave you ever wondered where the expression “He is worth his weight in salt” came from? This expression dates back to ancient times when salt was extremely valuable and in high demand. Roman soldiers were paid in salt and a good soldier was “worth his
weight.” Once irreplaceable, salt was widely used to preserve fruits, vegetables and meat, protecting people from serious food-borne illnesses. This valued commodity has now become the pariah of our diet. Most people consume an excessive amount of salt every day, over double the
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2,300 milligrams (1 teaspoon) maximum recommended by Health Canada. If you have a familial history of heart conditions, your intake should be even lower. A high sodium diet is linked to high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for coronary heart disease, stroke (ischaemic and haemorrhagic types) and kidney diseases. Don’t get me wrong, salt is a vital nutrient for good health. Too little salt can lead to dizziness, electrolyte disturbances and, in serious cases, death. You need salt but, like everything else in life, too much of a good thing is harmful. Your body monitors and regulates the concentration of electrolytes (minerals including sodium) in your fluids and, with the help of your kidneys, maintains a proper balance by excreting excess sodium in your sweat and urine. Limiting the amount of salt in your diet will help your body to maintain the proper fluid balance and reduce stress on your heart and kidneys. If you consume more sodium than your body can effectively excrete (as the vast majority of us do), your body will retain water in an attempt to maintain a healthy fluid balance. This balance is so important that your body will retain water to the point of expanding and stressing blood vessels, which cannot expand any further than what is naturally required to function. This extra fluid stresses your heart by forcing it to pump harder, resulting in elevated blood pressure. A study called the DASH-sodium trial demonstrated that blood pressure can be easily lowered by reducing dietary sodium. A low salt diet can also help curb obesity and health issues in children and lower blood pressure. A highlight of a study published in the medical journal Hypertension was that children on a lower salt diet drank less fluid and fewer sugar-sweetened soft drinks (salt increases thirst). While we can limit the table salt we use, the scary thing is that most sodium is hidden in processed foods, sauces and even some medication (such as antacids). Many people crave the taste of salt, so cutting back is not easy. Salt not only adds its own flavour to food, but it also heightens other flavours. The good news is that you don’t have to give up the pleasure of eating, you just have to be more creative. Here are a few suggestions: Replace salt with a healthier substitute. Be sure to choose one that is not too high in potassium since excessive potassium can also be hard on your kidneys. One example is a product like healthesalt, which tastes and bakes the same as salt, with only half the sodium and no extra potassium. Another option is to use a blend of herbs or lemon pepper.
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Don’t get me wrong, salt is a vital nutrient for good health. Too little salt can lead to dizziness, electrolyte disturbances and, in serious cases, death. You need salt but, like everything else in life, too much of a good
Feel Better Here!
thing is harmful.
Use herbs and spices to enhance the flavour (and antioxidant content) of your food. Use lemon juice and flavoured vinegars (raspberry, red wine or balsamic) for seasoning. Make your own salad dressing with oil and vinegar. For a more exotic flavour use a variety of oils including walnut, flax, healtheoil, hemp or grapeseed, and add Dijon mustard.
Gradually reduce the amount of salt in your cooking until you can eliminate salt completely. By doing this gradually, you allow your taste buds to adapt. If you go cold turkey, the taste difference will be a shock to your taste buds. Small changes in your daily routine can reduce the salt content in your diet. Try these to get you started: • Don’t put the shaker on the dinner table • When shopping, read the nutritional information on food labels and choose products that are unsalted (less than 5 milligrams of sodium per serving), low in sodium (less than or equal to 140 milligrams per serving), or reduced sodium (25 percent less sodium than regular). • Watch out for these terms on food labels: sodium, soy sauce, tamari sauce, brine, baking soda, soda, baking powder, salt, NaCl, monosodium glutamate (MSG), and sodium chloride. • Stock your kitchen with low-salt versions of sauces (soy, teriyaki, tamari, fish and oyster) because the regular versions are exceptionally high in sodium. • Try to cut back on the amount of processed and packaged foods that you buy. While convenient, they generally contain a considerable amount of sodium to make them taste addictively “good” and last longer on the shelf. • Try to limit lunch meat, canned fish, cheese and cured meat which are all high in sodium. • Whenever possible, purchase fresh or frozen vegetables. If you must use canned vegetables buy the low-sodium option. If not available, rinse the canned vegetables thoroughly in water before eating. • Pass on sport drinks (high in sugar and salt) in favour of plain water or chlorophyll enhanced water unless you are an endurance athlete who needs extra electrolytes in your diet. We have all been inundated with the negative health effects of excess salt intake, but salt has not been given a fair shake. Don't forget that a pinch of salt is worth a pound of health!
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Feel Relaxed, Refreshed and Revived By Lorna Vanderhaeghe
Canadians’ use of antidepressants has soared by more than 300 percent over the past two decades according to researchers at U of T. A study published in The Annals of Pharmacother‑ apy found a 353 percent increase in prescriptions for antide‑ pressants (from 3.2 to 14.5 million) between 1981 and 2000. More research has found that most people do not fit the criteria needed to be prescribed antidepressants, and that many with mild depression are being prescribed drugs unnecessarily. An‑ tidepressants are prescribed for menopause symptoms and for children’s bed wetting among other non-depressed states, too. Introducing Lehcare®, an important new therapeutic breakthrough for acute and chronic pain. How strong is your pain cream? Lehcare® contains highly effective botanical extracts that support healing and recovery to damaged tissue. Our proprietary extraction technology is combined with a unique delivery system that penetrates and targets deep to the source of pain for long lasting relief. The Ultimate In Pain Management. To discover more about Lehcare® visit
Purely Canadian made
ith all of the side effects associated with antidepressant medications, only those with true depression should be taking these drugs. It has been estimated that nearly 63 percent of the adult population experiences some form of stress and these numbers are continually rising. Low moods go hand-in-hand with our stressed lives. With half the population not experiencing deep, restful sleep, it is difficult for the body to deal with daily stressors. Anxiety levels are also high due to our activity-packed fast-paced days. There are certain natural and safe supplements that can be taken to reduce your symptoms of stress. For example, since ancient times it has been said that drinking green tea induces relaxation, and L-theanine is the active component found in green tea leaves that induces relaxation without drowsiness. L-theanine stimulates the production of alpha brain waves. These alpha brain waves are present during those times while awake when there is a relaxed and effortless alertness. The ef-
fects of L-theanine on alpha waves were seen in a study whereby within 40 minutes after taking 50 or 200 milligrams of L-theanine an increase in alpha wave activity was observed in the subjects. Although L-theanine helps to induce relaxation, you can be assured that it does not cause drowsiness. Suntheanine is a pure form of L-theanine, and has been researched in over 30 studies. Human clinical trials have shown Suntheanine to promote an alert state of relaxation without drowsiness. Additional research shows that it improves the quality of sleep, diminishes symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), improves learning performance, heightens mental acuity, promotes concentration, reduces negative side effects of caffeine, and supports the immune system. Suntheanine also has a significant effect on neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin which results in improved memory, learning ability and mood. This is extremely helpful for children who have hyperactivity or attention
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ask lorna
Questions & Answers with Canada’s Leading Women’s Natural Health Care Expert,
Lorna Vanderhaeghe
Elevate your mood, alleviate anxiety and get restful sleep this winter!
Q: I always get mildly depressed in the winter and I also suffer from anxiety. I don’t want to take anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications. Is there something else I can take?
A: You can use HappySense® containing 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), an amino acid used by our body to create serotonin a neurotransmitter that enhances our “happy” hormones. Numerous double-blind studies have shown 5-HTP to be as effective as antidepressant drugs, but it is better tolerated with fewer side effects than drugs. One important thing to know about 5-HTP is that not all 5-HTP is created equal. 5-HTP must be enteric-coated, which means it is absorbed in the small intestine and won't cause nausea, a common side-effect of non-enteric-coated 5-HTP. 5-HTP is derived from Griffonia seeds and it can be found in varying quality so you must choose 99% pure 5-HTP. HappySense provides both enteric coating and it is 99% pure.
deficit hyperactivity disorder, and the elderly who suffer from mood and anxiety disorders. Suntheanine paired with whey protein is a powerful combination. Whey protein naturally contains tryptophan which is involved in creating the “feel good” hormone serotonin. When tryptophan levels increase, the production of your stress hormone cortisol is reduced, depression is diminished, your mood improves and your ability to cope with stress improves. Suntheanine has been shown to improve the brain’s use of serotonin. Whey protein and Suntheanine also enhance intracellular glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that protects your liver and immune system and slows aging. Happiness and joy are feelings that are produced when our serotonin levels are elevated. 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an excellent supplement to enhance serotonin levels naturally. Tryptophan, found in protein, is converted into 5-HTP and then into serotonin. Taking 5-HTP is a safe way to enhance serotonin, and it has been extensively studied for enhancing mood, reducing anxiety, relieving symptoms of PMS and fibromyalgia, and for reducing carbohydrate cravings. The enteric-coated version of this supplement can be better digested in the small intestine for optimal absorption.If you want to improve your mood, and feel relaxed, refreshed and revived, look for products containing Suntheanine, whey protein and 5-HTP. Lorna Vanderhaeghe is a woman’s health expert who has been researching nutritional medicine for over 25 years. She has a Master of Health Studies and a degree in Biochemistry. Lorna is the author of eight books, including her newest book Sexy Hormones. She has a monthly newsletter which you can read at her website
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Antidepressants, like Prozac, Zoloft and Paxil, work by blocking the degradation of serotonin after it has performed its job of bridging gaps between nerve cells. These drugs, called SSRIs (serotonin-selective re-uptake inhibitors) produce significant adverse side effects, and cannot work well unless the body is producing adequate levels of serotonin in the first place. One controlled clinical trial has compared 5-HTP to an SSRI drug, Fluvoxamine also called Luvox, which is very similar to, but may be more effective than Prozac*. The participants receiving 5-HTP experienced better, faster, relief than those who received fluvoxamine, and a greater percentage of them had a positive response to 5-HTP. HappySense shines when it comes to relieving anxiety and insomnia. 5-HTP should be taken on an empty stomach before breakfast, dinner and bedtime.
HappySense will help you sleep better and you’ll wake up feeling refreshed, not groggy. Your nerves will improve and your depression and anxiety will lessen and you’ll notice you’re in higher spirits this winter. Go ahead, give it a try! You can read more about HappySense and ask Lorna questions live on her internet talk show at
* Poldinger et al. A functional-dimensional approach to depression: serotonin deficiency as a target syndrome in a comparison of 5-hydroxytryptophan and fluvoxamine. Psychopathology 1991; 24:53-81.
Get the Rest You Deserve
Lose Weight Faster Whether you’re trying to shed a few extra pounds, or want‑ ing to tone up in preparation for warmer weather, there are a few secrets that can help you do it faster while not forfeiting your health principles. By Michelle Kwon
Reduce Stress & Pain Naturally A good night’s sleep free from stress, aches & pains is important in helping your body recover from the days’ wear and tear. For more than 60 years Hyland’s Calms Forté has been nature’s answer to a good night’s sleep. Relieving stress, tension and occasional sleeplessness. Hyland’s Leg Cramps with Quinine will soothe the symptoms of cramps in legs and lower back, while Hyland’s Restful Legs helps to calm agitated legs so you get the rest you deserve.
hether you’re trying to shed a few extra pounds, or wanting to tone up in preparation for warmer weather, there are a few secrets that can help you do it faster while not forfeiting your health principles. Sure, we all know about calories burned versus calories consumed, but is the weight loss equation really that cut-and-dried? Why is it that there is always a “lucky” person across the table from you who doesn’t get fat from eating all of that food? You may attribute it to having a faster metabolism, but that doesn’t mean passing it off as a fluke of genetics. In fact, you can tune up and rev up your own fat-burning engine with a few basic techniques. Metabolic rate is the rate at which the body burns calories. A body that consumes 2,500 calories a day, and burns 2,500, will stay at the same weight. A body consuming 2,500 calories but burning only 2,000 will gain one pound a week (3,500 calories). But you can do quite a lot to influence your fuel burning rate. What you’re doing, when you’re doing it, and how you’re doing it can also contribute to the metabolic equation. The following easy techniques will help you to burn fat and calories. 1. Focus On Fidgeting. Purposely moving around whenever you can by tapping your feet, standing up and stretching, moving your head from side to side, changing position, pacing as you talk on the phone, clenching and releasing your muscles as you sit, using the stairs, and carrying things burns more calories than unconscious fidgeting, according to the Mayo Clinic. It found that this conscious activity (called non-exercise activity thermogenesis) can burn
an extra 300 to 500 calories daily. Make an effort to remember the “keep moving” message throughout the day. Although the average person burns around 30 percent of calories through daily activity, sedentary people only use around 15 percent. 2. Work Your Lungs Last. Some trainers believe that you should do your cardio workout at a gym last, and do your strength training first. This is because it takes your body 15 minutes to warm up enough to burn fat. If you begin the workout by warming up on the treadmill for 30 minutes, then you are only burning fat for 15 of those minutes. If you warm up for five minutes, then lift weights, and then do your cardio workout, your body will be warmed up and able to burn fat for the entire 30 minutes. 3. Eat Spicy Food. There is evidence to show that spices, especially chili, can raise your metabolic rate by up to 50 percent for up to three hours after you’ve eaten them. If you don’t eat much spicy food, but want the same effects, you can use supplements that contain chili’s active ingredient called capsaicin. They may also have other supportive ingredients like tea catechins to increase metabolism. 4. Don’t Skip Tea Time. Drinks containing caffeine accelerate the metabolism. Drinking green tea, according to results published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, burns 78 more calories per day in an average adult. The study showed that green tea’s catechins may trigger weight loss by stimulating the body to burn calories, and affect body fat accumulation and cholesterol levels. A study in the medical journal
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
photo: lise gange
Obesity following 240 men and women showed that their body mass index was significantly reduced in three months by taking green tea extract. 5. Become a Heavy Drinker. Drink lots of water, preferably cold because it’s harder to digest, which burns more calories. If your body is dehydrated, it will not burn fat efficiently and it could lead to cravings and fatigue. Drinking eight ounces of cold water can burn off an additional 9.25 calories as compared to room-temperature water, say researchers. And you’ve heard it before – at least eight eight-ounce glasses per day. 6. Eat Periodic Protein. Your body burns about 10 calories digesting every 100 calories of protein but just 4 calories for the equivalent amount of carbs. The process of digesting protein, which is harder to digest than other foods, burns a significantly greater amount of calories. One study suggests that protein’s thermogenic effect is far greater – burning close to 30 percent of the total calories of its own calorie count. If you eat a little protein three to four times a day, you’ll notice that you aren’t as hungry as often because protein also satiates the appetite longer than other foods and decreases cravings for sugar, which may be caused by a protein deficiency.
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
Protection through Prevention By Bruce Schenum
hoosing a safe, effective insect repellent is important to your family’s health. West Nile Virus is responsible for more than 1,000 deaths in the US and Canada over the past five years, according to the US Center for Disease Control. In 2007, the Public Health Agency of Canada reported 1,404 cases in Saskatchewan, 572 in Manitoba, and 318 in Alberta. BC, Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick also reported cases.
Is your insect repellent unhealthy?
Twelve million Canadians use insect repellents every year. However, there is evidence that DEET – the active ingredient in most mosquito repellents – can cause health problems. A study conducted by Duke University Medical Center pharmacologist Dr. Abou-Donia PhD, reported that the chemical DEET causes brain cell death and behavioural changes in rats after frequent and prolonged use. While the chemical’s risks to humans are still being debated, Abou-Donia says his 30 years of research on pesticides clearly indicate the need for caution. Children in particular are at risk for subtle brain changes caused by DEET because their skin absorbs it and chemicals affect their developing nervous systems. Of 17 cases of reported significant toxicity from DEET exposure in the US, 14 were in children under the age of 8. The most frequently reported symptoms of DEET toxicity in children were lethargy, headaches, tremors, involuntary movements, seizures and convulsions Compounding the difficulty is a study released by University of Manitoba warning against using DEET-based mosquito repellents in combination with sun block. The study, by professor of pharmacy Xiaochen Gu, found that when a 2.5percent solution of insect-repelling DEET was mixed with oxybenzone, a common sun-blocking ingredient, the amount of DEET absorbed into the skin went from 9.6 percent to 30.2 percent.
Essential plant oils: nature’s bug repellent
Fortunately, many essential plant oils provide adequate and safe protection from biting, stinging pests. Repellents based on these oils are gaining popularity with health conscious consumers. Why do essential oils repel bugs? “They’re very possibly the plants’ protection against predators,� stated Mark Blumenthal of the American Botanical Council. Among the oils used in natural repellents are citronella, cedarwood, lemongrass, pennyroyal, neem, peppermint and eucalyptus. However,
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some essential oil based repellents repel bugs far better than others. “Consumers should be very careful about which natural repellent they choose,� says the president of one plant-oil based repellent maker. “We’ve looked at the research and some natural repellents are very good, while others are relatively ineffective.� How do we know which alternative repellent to choose? It’s not hard to do your homework. Look for independent testing done at universities or by reputable magazines. Field studies at the University of Guelph, for example, confirm that natural repellents can be just as effective as DEET-based products. In one study, a formula based on citronella and four other essential oils was equally as effective as Off! Skintastic – a 7 percent DEET formula marketed as safe and gentle for children. Plant-based repellents are safe and effective. But use common sense, reapply the plant-oils often, and then go outdoors and enjoy yourself.
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
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Naka’s Nutri-Flex liquids now feature exciting new box designs. While the boxes have changed, the formulas remain the same for both the original Nutri-Flex and the new NutriThe official joint care formulas of the Hockey Hall of Fame. Flex liquid with Vitamin D. Nutri-Flex is the official joint care supplement of the Hockey Hall of Fame and the winning choice for both joint and arthritis pain. Discover the new LIQUID Nutri-Flex formula featuring the added health benefits of 1000 IU of Vitamin D plus Boswellia. Help to ease joint pain and inflammation, plus protect and rebuild cartilage with just one easy liquid tablespoon a day!
New from NOW is the Easy Cleanse™ Day/Night Cleansing System. A simple 15-day, 2 step detox program that is easy on your digestive system and pocket book. Easy Cleanse is a safe, easy, and effective way to eliminate undesirable compounds, while also maintaining digestive and metabolic integrity. By addressing the root causes of today’s most common gastrointestinal-related conditions, this unique combination of herbal extracts and digestivesupport compounds serves as a safe and effective way to maintain a healthy, functional digestive system.
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Natural Ways to Decrease Allergies By Robbin Coedy
Here we go again. It’s allergy season! For most people, spring means the return of longer days, enjoying the outdoors, and watching as nature comes back to life. But for millions of Cana‑ dians, spring also brings the return of aller‑ gies. Seasonal symptoms include swollen eyes, wheezing, sneezing and itchy skin and can last from early spring until the end of summer.
ost people understand that allergies are the immune system’s overreaction to a foreign substance. With seasonal allergies, airborne particles such as pollen enter the eyes, nose and lungs and cause an immune reaction. But why is that reaction called an “allergy”? Understanding this can help you determine what treatments may work best for you.
The body overreacts
When an allergen – something foreign which causes a reaction in the body – is encountered for the first time, a special type of white blood cell will produce certain messengers. These messengers tell a second type of white
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VISTA Magazine Issue 63 blood cell to make antibodies. Antibodies are usually very useful: they allow the body to raise a quicker immune response the next time the same foreign entity is encountered. That’s why you generally don’t get exactly the same illness twice. This is essential when your body is trying to protect you against bacteria and viruses. However, it becomes much more annoying when you get this response to harmless dog hair or tree pollen. With allergies, the white blood cells make a specific antibody called IgE, which helps to train the immune system to recognize these allergens the next time they arrive. But this isn’t necessarily a good thing; it’s what starts an allergic reaction. When the allergen enters the body the next time, IgE will bind to it. Then IgE tells special cells called mast cells that the foreign allergen is present and the body needs to mount an attack. The mast cells then release messenger chemicals into the area around them, including one, called histamine, that’s notorious to most allergy sufferers. Histamine works throughout the body and causes a cascade of reactions such as itching, congestion and a runny nose. A sudden overload of these chemical messengers, including histamine, causes the symptoms seen in severe allergies such as a life threatening anaphylactic reaction. Antihistamines, found in over-the-counter allergy medications, work by blocking the effect of histamine, but everything else still happens. There’s still an overblown immune reaction to the allergen, mast cells still release histamine – but the medications block histamine’s effects on the body, thus reducing the symptoms. Of course, antihistamines don’t just affect the parts of the body involved in allergies. That’s why drowsiness, headache and other side effects may occur.
the likelihood of a reaction occurring. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid found in apples, tea, broccoli and aronia berries. It shows promise as an added treatment for allergy sufferers due to its antihistamine effects. Vitamin C, too, has a good effect on allergies because it can act as a partial antihistamine while also helping the immune system. Homeopathic medicines can be extremely effective for treating allergies. The remedies containing more than one low-potency homeopathic are very safe and can be used by allergy sufferers of all ages. Clinical studies have
shown that some remedies can completely eliminate allergy symptoms, even in those who have been suffering for years.There are proven natural alternatives which will allow you to be closer to nature this season. Your health care practitioner or local health store should be able to provide a safe and effective solution that works for you. Robbin Coedy, BSc, MSc, holds degrees in nutritional and nutraceutical sciences and human biology, and is currently responsible for research and education for a naturopathic company in Toronto.
Be closer to nature
Natural solutions for allergies
Is there a way to make the body less reactive to allergens in the first place? Certainly, and this should be your first goal. In almost every case, allergies stem from some sort of immune disorder in the gut. Inflammation, overrun of bad bacteria or yeast, or improper digestive function in the gut can lead to the whole body being more reactive to allergens – even as far away as the nose. Improving gut function (by using probiotic and prebiotic supplements, and improving digestion by supporting the pancreas) can help decrease the severity of allergy reactions because the immune system will then be able to react properly. Additionally, removing pathogenic bacteria or yeast (such as candida) is very important to restoring immune function. The next thing that you can do is to alkalinize your body. Simply increasing your intake of greens may not be enough to create a more alkaline internal environment. A supplement which includes both sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate is essential for proper alkalinization. Balancing your body’s pH results in mast cells being less likely to release histamine, thus decreasing
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
effective relief from allergy symptoms reduces the body’s sensitivity to allergens non-drowsy and safe for children and adults
Heart Healthy Cooking and Salad Oil By Joel Thuna
veryone can tell you that “fats” have an impact on heart health. They can have a positive effect (for example, from fish oil), a detrimental effect (for example, from trans-fats), or a combination of both. The problem lies in ensuring that we choose the best oils for our heart, while not forgetting our taste buds. Your body needs fat to provide energy and to help absorb fat-soluble vitamins. Certain fats are essential to good nutrition and must be consumed as part of a healthy diet. It is important to choose fats wisely because some fats are healthier than others. All oils are pure fat, and they all have the same number of calories. So called “light” oils are not healthier, they just have a lighter colour and/or taste. Extra virgin oils are not better in the fact that they have the same amount of fat and calories as their regular counterparts (but are said to be less processed and, therefore, may retain more nutrients). Regardless of what omega the oils are (3, 6, 7, 9 or a combination) they also have the same amount of fat and calories as all other oils. Some of the most talked about and researched food supplements of the past 20 years have been omega-3 oils (DHA, EPA and ALA), which come from algae, seeds, nuts and fish. They have several health benefits which include reducing inflammation, lowering triglycerides, reducing (unhealthy) LDL cholesterol, and increasing (healthy) HDL cholesterol, all of which help your heart. Unfortunately, they become rancid rapidly, cannot withstand heat, and have a strong taste, which most people find unpleasant. These qualities make the oils unsuitable for cooking and baking. For an oil to be of value in cooking, baking and in salads, it has to have a relatively mild taste and be heat stable. There are several different types of fats in our foods (saturated fat, monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, hydrogenated fat, trans-fat and cholesterol). Each has a different effect on your health.
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Bad fats
Saturated fat is the main dietary cause of bad (LDL) cholesterol in the blood and has been linked to increased risk of heart disease. Hydrogenated fat is a fat that undergoes a chemical stabilizing process during food manufacturing. Like saturated fat, it increases both bad cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. Trans-fats are byproducts of hydrogenation during food manufacturing. These fats are particularly dangerous because they raise bad (LDL) cholesterol and at the same time lower good (HDL) cholesterol. These fats are so dangerous that many jurisdictions are looking to follow New York’s lead and ban them entirely from all foods. Cholesterol is found in many oils. Dietary cholesterol (rather than that which is produced within the body and vital to health) increases your bad (LDL) cholesterol which increases your risk of heart disease, stroke and arteriosclerosis.
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Good Fats
Monounsaturated fat may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by lowering bad LDL cholesterol in the blood and helping control blood sugars. Polyunsaturated fat (omega-3s are one type) reduces bad (LDL) cholesterol levels. It can help prevent clotting of blood, reducing the risk of stroke and also help lower triglycerides, a type of blood fat linked to heart disease. To understand what characterizes healthy oil, we have to delve into a little bit of chemistry.
Fat structure
Fats are classified based on their number of “branches� in the fat molecule. Fats with three branches are classified as triacylglycerol (TAG) oils, while those with two branches are classified as diacylglycerol (DAG) oils. DAG oils are made by adding vegan enzymes to TAG vegetable oils. The enzymes break off one of the branches to form the TAG molecules. The free branch is then filtered out, leaving molecules with only two branches, DAG. Your body processes DAG differently than other fats. While DAG oil is digested and absorbed like other fats, there aren’t enough branches to recombine in significant amounts. The vast majority of DAG ends up getting burned for energy rather than circulating through your body or being stored as fat. The upside to using DAG oil is that simply by substituting DAG oil for TAG oil and changing nothing else in your life you can lower your body mass index, lower your bad cholesterol, raise your good cholesterol and lower your tri-
glycerides. The most fascinating property of DAG oil is that it can actually help you lose fat. When you use DAG oil, your body thinks it is getting fat that it can store, but it isn’t. Therefore, when your body uses up the fat from the DAG oil, it begins to pull fat from your fat stores to burn for energy; in essence, using DAG oil “pullsâ€? fat from your body. From a health perspective, diacylglycerol (DAG) oil is a 100 percent natural vegetable oil which is cholesterol-free, incredibly low in saturated fat (less than 1/3 that of extra virgin olive oil) and a good source of omega-3s. Functionally, it is the only heat stable oil that has a positive impact on your heart and your waistline. To top it off, DAG oil has a clean light taste and can be used even in delicate dishes such as soufflĂŠs, quiches and angel food cakes. If you are looking for a strong yet healthy flavour, blend DAG oil with your favourite strong oil (walnut, coconut, olive, truffle) to get all of the taste you want and the health benefits you need. Healtheoil (diacylglycerol oil blended with another heart healthy oil, rice bran oil) is available in health food stores and can be used for gourmet cooking and baking. Choosing a heart healthy diet is one of the foundations of a long and active life. You can do your part by choosing to use the freshest, most nutrient packed foods and reducing the amount of unhealthy oils that you eat.
HEALTHESALT Joel Thuna, MH, is a fourth generation master herbalist with over 25 years experience in nutrition.
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
Sustainable Seafood By Greg Seaman
round the world, many traditional fisheries are threatened with collapse due to unsustainable fishing practices and habitat destruction. Some fisheries, however, remain healthy and productive due to successful management, responsible harvesting and advancements made in contained fish farming. You can help support sustainable fisheries with the choices you make at the restaurant or the seafood counter that you visit. The Sustainable Seafood Guide has been developed with consideration given to the following: 1. Status of wild populations. Native stocks should be abundant enough to sustain fisheries. 2. Fishing method. Hook and line, for example, is preferred to trawling; on-shore fish farming is safer than net pens in the open water; string and rack shellfish farming is preferred to ground culture. 3. By-catch. This refers to wasted catching of fish other than the targeted species. 4. Impact on natural habitat. Spawning grounds, sea bottom and kelp beds require protection. 5. Management initiatives, which increase the odds of fisheries remaining sustainable.
Fish tips
Try to choose shellfish grown on farms using racks, lines or nets which are suspended in the water. These methods minimize damage to bottom habitat during harvesting. Striped bass, a well-managed Atlantic coast species, can be used as a substitute for some depleted species such as black sea bass, rock cod, red snapper, grouper and roughy. Farmed crawfish make an excellent substitute for lobster which, although plentiful, is often harvested at minimum size before it has had a chance to reproduce. Seafood can be contaminated with mercury, PCBs and other pollutants. Contaminants are mostly stored in fatty tissue so grilling and broiling when cooking fish is recommended to allow fats and juices to drain away. Deep-frying can seal-in toxins which may be stored in fat. In general, cooking fish as opposed to eating it raw can reduce contaminant levels by about 30 percent. Ask your local seafood dealer or restaurateur about the source and catchmethod of your seafood choices. Consumer concern is the best promoter of sustainable fisheries. Greg Seaman is the founder of, a website focusing on environmentally sustainable living. Greg has over 25 years of off-grid living experience, which inspires much of Eartheasy’s content. has been recognized internationally for its contribution to environmental welfare, and chosen as content provider for The Weather Network, numerous publications and media outlets.
Anchovies Arctic char Bluefish Catfish (farmed) Clams Crab: blue, dungeness, king Crawfish Dogfish Hake Halibut (Pacific) Herring (Atlantic) Mackerel: Atlantic, Spanish Mussels (black, green-lipped) Octopus (Pacific) Oysters (farmed) Pacific black cod (sablefish) Pacific cod (pot or jig caught) Pollack (Alaska) Prawns (trap-caught, Pacific) Rock lobster (Australian) Salmon (wild Alaskan) Sardines (Pacific) Scallops (bay farmed) Shrimp (US farmed) Squid (Pacific) Striped bass (hybrid) Sturgeon (farmed) Tilapia (farmed) Tuna: Pacific albacore Uni (sea urchin)
Alaska king crab Atlantic cod Caviar (wild sturgeon) Grouper Haddock (Atlantic) Halibut (Atlantic) Hoki (Atlantic, New Zealand) Monkfish Orange roughy Pacific rockfish (rock cod) Pollack (Atlantic) Prawns (imported, tiger)
Red snapper Salmon (farmed) Scrod Seabass: Chilean Shark: all species Skate Sturgeon (wild) Swordfish (Atlantic) Tuna: bluefin Turbot Yellowtail flounder
some risk “Summer Flounder” fluke Lingcod Lobster (Atlantic) Mahi mahi or dorado Octopus (Atlantic)
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
Prawns Rainbow trout (farmed) Salmon (wild from WA, OR or BC) Scallops (sea, bay wild) Shrimp (domestic, trawl-caught) Snow crab
Sole (Pacific) Squid (Atlantic) Swordfish (Pacific) Tuna: yellowfin or skipjack
Take a Deep Look At the World’s Oceans By Dr. David Suzuki
e humans are air-breathing landlubbers, and that shapes the way we see and treat the world. We don’t think much about what’s underwater or underground. So we’ve been dumping garbage into the oceans and taking what we want from them for years without considering the consequences. We’ve never had to look at any of it – until now. We’re starting to see what lies below the surface and in those places far away from land, and it’s not always a pretty picture. We see massive islands of plastic and other debris swirling in gyres around the world. We see 9,000-year-old glass sponge reefs off the coast of BC that have been torn apart by trawl nets dragged across the ocean floor. We see the effects of climate change on Arctic sea ice and on the animals that live under the sea. We’ll be able to see even more, thanks to a recent initiative by Google, along with Na‑ tional Geographic, the BBC, and scientists and other partners from around the world. Google is adding the world’s oceans to its extensive earth mapping. In a phone conversation with David Suzuki Foundation staff, John Hanke, director of Google Earth and Maps, admitted, “We had really overlooked two thirds of the planet.” Partly because of prodding from oceanographer Sylvia Earle, the company has embarked on a massive project as part of Google Earth 5.0 to map the oceans using sonar imaging, high-resolution and 3-D photography, video, and a variety of other techniques and content. Although the emerging picture is sometimes bleak, there’s a positive side. “If we can just see enough soon enough to pull back and give these areas a chance to recover, that’s my greatest hope,” Dr. Earle told us. John Hanke and Dr. Sylvia Earle, who is explorer in residence at National Geographic and the founder of the Deep Search Foundation, said that the project will allow us to learn more about human impacts on the earth’s oceans. Dr.
“We have explored only about 5 percent of the ocean’s depths and protected less than 1 percent, yet the oceans cover more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface.” Earle noted that we have explored only about 5 percent of the ocean’s depths and protected less than 1 percent, yet the oceans cover more than 70 percent of the earth’s surface. The more we do explore, the more fascinating things we find: including strange and wonderful creatures, intricate corals and ancient glass-sponge reefs right off of Canada’s own Pacific coast. “Some of these treasures are being destroyed before we even know what’s there,” Dr. Earle said, adding that often as soon as people find out about an ocean resource, they exploit it. Part of the idea behind Ocean in Google Earth is to show people what we have and what we stand to lose if we don’t smarten up. “People will be aware of not only what’s there, but what’s been lost,” Dr. Earle said. “People don’t seem to widely appreciate how important it is to protect the systems that give us life.” And the oceans do give us life. Half of the world’s oxygen comes from the ocean. In the process of photosynthesis, phytoplankton release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide that would otherwise contribute to global warming. And when phytoplankton die, they sink to the bottom of the ocean and are covered by other material, storing the carbon dioxide inside them. The phytoplankton are also an important food source for ocean animals ranging from small fish to giant whales, which in turn feed other animals up the food chain, including humans.
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
That’s just one example of how important our oceans are and of how everything in nature – on land, sea and in the sky – is interconnected. We can only hope that this new endeavour will lead to more concern for the state of the oceans and of the need to protect them. The glass sponge reefs, for example, are being considered for formal protection, and public support could make the difference. As Dr. Earle noted, “You can’t care if you don’t know, and this a new way of knowing.” Part of what makes it exciting is that it’s not just a tool for scientists and academics. “It’s going to be a lot of fun for adults and kids to learn about the oceans,” Mr. Hanke said, noting that the free programme, which includes multiple layers of content and information, will continue to expand as more data from scientists, explorers and others is added. We can no longer afford to be blind to the state of our oceans. Let’s hope that this will open our eyes before there’s nothing left to see but destruction. Dr. David Suzuki is the Chair of the David Suzuki Foundation, and is an award-winning scientist and broadcaster. He is host of the television series, The Nature of Things. He founded CBC Radio’s, Quirks and Quarks and presented documentary series, From Naked Ape to Superspecies and It’s a Matter of Survival. Dr. Suzuki has received a UNESCO prize for science, a United Nations Environment Program medal and the Order of Canada.
Uses for Eucalyptus Oil By Michael Bloch
here’s nothing quite like the scent of a eucalyptus forest after an extended dry spell is broken by rain — everything smells so clean and fresh! You can’t experience this in Canada, of course, but you can smell the dried sprigs and branches used in floral arrangements. Eucalyptus, commonly known as gum trees in other countries, is the predominant genus of trees in Australia where I live. Over 600 species comprise nearly 75 percent of our flora. Unfortunately, they have become bothersome to some when planted in other parts of the world such as California, where they have been around since approximately 1853. Nevertheless, it’s an incredibly useful tree, providing timber for building, cover and windbreaks, firewood, landscaping, pulp nectar for bees to produce honey, food for animals and medicinal products for humans. One of the best known eucalyptus products is eucalyptus oil. For this product, eucalyptus oil is steam distilled from the leaves of certain species. Not all eucalyptus trees are suitable for oil production and different species have varying attributes. The oil is highly flammable and contains compounds that are natural disinfectants and pest deterrents. Australia only produces 5 percent of world requirements these days. The majority of the world’s commercial production occurs in China. However I’ve read that this is often not 100 percent eucalyptus oil, but mixed with a camphor extract (so always check the label carefully before purchasing). You can still buy fair dinkum, true-blue and ridgey-didge (Aussie slang terms for “the real thing”) 100 percent Australian eucalyptus oil from companies such as FGB Natural Products and Emu Ridge, though. While eucalyptus oil is used in many medicines; always exercise caution if you’re considering ingesting it because it can be toxic. Aside from medicinal uses, eucalyptus oil can be used around your home to replace many environmentally harsh synthetic chemicals. Penny, a professional cleaner, wrote to me with these tips: “I make a spray-and-wipe cleaner with water, eucalyptus oil and a little dishwashing liquid. The idea comes from a hospital cleaner and works well. Proportions are not rocket
science. Fill a bottle mostly with water. Add a slurp of dishwashing liquid and then a capful of eucalyptus. Shake gently to mix. It works well on all surfaces. I use it diluted in a little more water in a bucket for all of those finger marks that are hard to move from laminate finishes.” You can also make a general disinfectant for toilets, counters and tubs. Again, it’s a very simple recipe. Mix 50 millilitres of eucalyptus oil with a litre of water. That’s it. You can store it as you would a normal disinfectant. Eucalyptus oil can be used pure to remove sticker or decal residue from glass. Add 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls of eucalyptus oil to your load of washing for a fresh scent and it also offers clothes antimicrobial benefits. Use the oil pure to help remove paint, grease and ink from clothes. Use it as a stainless steel cleaner, too.
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If you have a hanging car air freshener that’s almost dead, reinvigorate it by adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil. To use it as a room air freshener, mix a quarter of a teaspoon or 15 drops of eucalyptus oil with a half teaspoon of vodka, place in an atomizer or spray bottle and add 2 cups of water. This should be quite subtle, so you may need to add more oil. Half a teaspoon mixed with half a litre of water makes for a good bug repellant for plants.
Michael Bloch publishes Green Living Tips, an online resource powered by renewable energy offering a wide variety of Earth friendly tips, green guides, advice, and environment-related news to help us reduce costs, consumption and environmental impact. Visit
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The Basic Body Elements By Matthew Tim Anderson
any health-conscious people have heard the word “electrolytes” but have no idea how necessary these are to health. Electrolytes are like the body’s spark plugs. They are minerals capable of transmitting electrical charges within our body’s fluids to create energy. This function, and the reciprocal relationship between water and electrolytes, is extremely important since 60 to 70 percent of the average human body is made up of water and other fluids. In our bloodstream, we have circulating constantly the full spectrum of all of the minerals of the earth. The basic minerals (also called elements) that are dissolved in the world’s seawater are in a ratio similar to that in our blood plasma. Electrolytes are responsible for maintaining proper fluid balance within cells. Every time one of our thousands of muscles contracts or relaxes, electrolytes are in use, transporting nutrients and waste. Every one of our trillions of cells also relies on electrolytes to transport nutrients and waste. Within our bodies, electrolytes are transmitters for the 100 million or so messages per second that are relayed within the nervous system. Electrolytes are necessary for all brain functions: without these electric transmissions, the brain could not stay in control of the body’s many processes. In short, electrolytes are responsible for the basic metabolism of every cell in the body. It makes sense, then, that we can optimize health and vitality by maintaining optimal levels of fluids and electrolytes in our diets. Our bodies normally excrete water and electrolyte solutions at an average daily rate of 1,300 millilitres through urination, 600 millilitres through perspiration and 200 millilitres through feces. Other factors that increase our need for electrolytes include pregnancy, poor diet, dehydration, use of diuretics (including coffee and other caffeinated drinks), disease, exertion, vomiting, diarrhea, trauma and excessive perspiration. When our bodies thirst for water, we almost certainly also crave electrolytes. There have been numerous high profile cases among top athletes who have suddenly died as a result of cardiac arrhythmias, usually linked to electrolyte instability (and depletion). Prominent signs of elec-
trolyte imbalance or deficiency include muscle weakness, cramps, swelling, slowed nerve conduction and muscle function, general weakness and apathy. Electrolytes are essential for life for people of all ages and all physical conditions. Deficiencies or imbalances are almost universal but are difficult to reverse by diet alone since our foods are generally over-processed and grown in mineral-deficient soils. Fortunately, electrolyte balance can be easily restored by taking quality supplements. The body’s major electrolytes are sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium as positively charged ions (cations), and chloride, bicarbonate, phosphate and sulphate as negatively charged ions (anions). Any mineral or trace element in the ionic form is capable of functioning as an electrolyte; however, it is imperative to understand that not all of the various forms of minerals (elements) or trace minerals available as supplements are capable of becoming electrolytes within the body. Minerals become electrolytes in solutions when they are completely disassociated from their compounds. In other words, minerals become electrolytes or ionic when they are truly dissolved, not just suspended, in liquid. (Dissolving something in water leaves no particles floating or sitting at bottom, whereas suspended means that particles can be seen throughout the water and haven’t been completely dissolved.) Chemically, as ions, minerals are either missing or have an extra electron, giving either a positive or negative charge. Only minerals that are already ionic (ions), or those capable of becoming ionic through digestion, can perform the vital roles of electrolytes. Since electrolytes are responsible for the basic metabolism of every cell in the body, it makes sense that we can optimize health and vitality by maintaining optimal levels of fluids and electrolytes in our diets.
Matthew Tim Anderson has been involved in mineral and trace element research for human nutritional use since 1969.
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
Prevent Joint Disease in Your Dog By Franco Cavaleri
our pet’s health hinges on multiple factors. Diet, activity level, breeding and genetics, and emotional state all play significant roles. When we say, “Health is a choice”, it really is. Every choice you make dictates the wellness of your animal companions, from your decision on a breed that suits your lifestyle to the daily food and nutritional supplements you give them. Of course some cases of disease are purely genetic, but even most of those can be mitigated with proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle – preventive measures. A large dog like a Great Dane, for example, will be more vulnerable to hip and joint degeneration than a Chihuahua might be. In addition, within the breed, the lineage might also have vulnerability, which is revealed in the animal’s parents and litter mates. In such cases, ensuring that the animal’s diet supplies sufficient glucosamine, chondroitin, vitamin D, calcium,
magnesium and copper can reduce the risk of joint problems. The addition of phytonutrients and antioxidants to the diet will also help protect tissues and preserve healthy anti-inflammatory regulation throughout the animal’s life. Nutrition plays a huge role in disease prevention and management. Research is showing that antioxidants play important roles in genetic activity. Oxidation can cause important genes to become ineffective. One example is the chondrocyte, the cell responsible for producing collagen in the cartilage tissue of the joint. Oxidation can contribute to this cell’s inefficiency, impairing its ability to use the body’s natural glucosamine building blocks to heal tissue. As a result the cell’s ability to restore collagen and cartilage as they degenerate from daily wear and tear declines. Glucosamine supplements will not be used effectively by the chondrocyte cell that is impaired
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by oxidation (when cells interacting with unstable oxygen molecules are negatively affected). Some animals may be more vulnerable to this oxidation than others and, therefore, have predisposition to arthritis and other joint problems. Oxidation and antioxidants play paramount roles in genetic activity and disease. Just like pets, humans have built-in genetic potential for disease. You also have a code that is designed to maintain health and vigor. The way these genes are expressed or interpreted depends on your chemistry. Sound complicated? It isn’t really. The foods you eat, the antioxidants you supplement with, the lifestyle you engage in, the toxins you allow into your body, and the stress you are influenced by all manipulate this chemistry in your body’s cells. Today you are exposed to more environmental pollution and oxidation than ever before. In order to allow your cells, and those of your pet, to function according to natural design, you have to stave off this oxidation by ensuring that you get enough antioxidants. Fortunately your cells and those of your companion have the capacity to manufacture endogenous antioxidants, but these internally produced antioxidants are not enough to meet the unnaturally elevated environmental assault. In addition, as you and your companion animal age, this internal antioxidant production declines, so oral supplementation of antioxidants becomes even more valuable. The right type and quantity of the extracts of boswellia serrata and grapeseed, vitamin C, chondroitin, glucosamine and MSM can help maintain the chondrocyte cells in your pets. They protect these cells from the detrimental effects of uncontrolled oxidation while supplying them with the building blocks for collagen, so it can repair and restore joint health. Waiting for the symptoms of disease to surface in your pet is not the right thing to do. Applying these joint-specific strategies proactively ensures that these specialized repair cells are maintaining cartilage on a daily basis so as not to fall behind in the process. Prevention is the best cure. Franco Cavaleri, BSc, Nutritional Biochemist, is a graduate of UBC. His research continues in the latest gene-related and insulin-related nutraceuticals. His scientific research and development have led to several awards in the Canadian health industry. He has a bestselling book, Potential Within: A Guide to Nutritional Empowerment; and is completing two books; Your Pet’s Health and Youthful Measures. Franco has won several bodybuilding titles including the pro-qualifier, IFBB North American Bodybuilding Championships.
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
Refuse to Lose It! By John Austen
lthough everybody loses from 50 to 100 strands of hair a day, and although two out of three men will experience male pattern hair loss, there are very few common conditions that are met with more anxiety than balding. Sure, it’s rarely associated with serious health risks, and the stigma surrounding male hair loss is exaggerated, but that doesn’t stop every man who starts to notice there’s not as much hair up there from trying whatever they can to slow the follicle fallout. For 95 percent of men who lose their hair, male pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia is the culprit, and usually progresses slowly from the front or apex of the scalp, or both. However, this isn’t the only cause of male hair loss, and it’s important to talk to a dermatologist to determine the cause. It can be a symptom of stress, an autoimmune disease, a body reaction following a severe illness or surgery, deficiency of protein, vitamin B or iron, thyroid problems or a reaction to medications. The average human head has about 100,000 hair follicles. However, each follicle can only grow about 20 individual hairs in a person’s lifetime. That’s all! You lose hair because a small bulb at the base of the hair follicle is highly sensitive to hormones and other chemicals secreted by the body, which impacts hair growth. The genetic predisposition to a receding hairline or hair follicle thinning over larger areas of scalp (more continued on page 69
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Available at most Health Food Stores
Cleanse and Heal:
A Mineral Detox By John Austen
n the beginning, our naturally fertile soil contained rich amounts of minerals and other nutrients that enabled plants to thrive. It also had abundant humic acid, also called humus, which you make in compost for your garden, and fulvic acid, produced by microorganisms within the soil. These two vital components of soil act as messengers to help deliver nutrients and minerals to plants, and help seeds to germinate. Today, excessive amounts of fertilizer, pesticide and fungicide are destroying the vital microorganisms that are essential in creating the fulvic acid that converts minerals to plant food. Sick soil means sick plants, means sick humans. USDA studies show that from 25 to 80 percent of minerals in the food we eat have declined. Since we have widespread mineral and vitamin deficiencies, our bodies have little chance of maintaining good health, particularly as we age, as they’re consistently deprived of the fuel needed to function. Although diseases may appear suddenly, they are the result of years of deficiency (undetected because they start at a cellular level) that could have been avoided or reversed through supplying adequate minerals and vitamins. Even when minerals are ingested from soil or supplement tablets, most are not well absorbed by the body. Taking vitamin and mineral supplements has been advocated for decades, but vitamins cannot complete their function in the cell without the presence of the appropriate mineral co-factors (absorption helpers), which include humic and fulvic acids.
What are humic acid and fulvic acid?
Humic acid is made from partially decomposed organic materials, and fulvic acid is actually a type (subclass) of humic acid. Unlike other nutrients, scientists have not been able to clearly define it or to make it synthetically because it is the smallest, most complex water-soluble substance on Earth, created over millions of years. Some scientists think that fulvic acid is tiny fragments of DNA from past generations of living organisms left behind to ensure life continues. It has the ability to make minerals and vitamins more absorbable by refining and combining them into forms that are easily transported into our cells. When humic acid (the larger class that contains fulvic acid) is taken internally, it has been found to increase energy because it is said to be one of the most powerful electrolytes, which provide the electrical energy and life force of the body. It also decreases the severity of viruses including the flu and colds, stimulates metabolism, creates deeper sleep, alleviates pain from arthritis and injuries, reduces high blood pressure, and even fights cancer. The most recent fulvic acid studies have focused on its effects on viruses. It supports the body’s natural ability to arrest the growth of most common viruses including influenza by interfering with the attacking virus’s ability to attach itself to healthy human cells. It has been used by Chinese and Indian cultures to decrease the severity of colds and other viruses for many years. As fears of flu epidemics grow and include frightening virus mutations such as avian flu (H5N1), research into using humic and fulvic acid for their relief is becoming more widespread. In studies conducted at the National Institutes of Health, the Southern Research Institute, Maryland, and University of Southern California’s medical school, the ability of humic acid to interfere with the replication of viruses and support the immune system has been shown in cases of influenza, cold, herpes simplex, West Nile virus and Hepatitis C.
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“Refuse to Lose it” continued from page 67
“Eat your way to fuller hair. Include lots of dark green leafy vegetables with zinc and iron, whole grains, lean protein and essential fatty acids in your diet. The B vitamins folate and biotin may help to support hair growth. The supplement beta-sitosterol has been shown to stop the creation of dihydrotestosterone, the hormone that shuts down hair production.”
Fulvic acid boosts the body’s immune system by stimulating the thymus gland which produces white blood cells, and by helping to increase lymphocytes, killer T-cells and macrophages, both vital to fighting viruses, infection and disease. It also helps detoxify the thyroid gland. Thyroid malfunction (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism) may be due to buildup of toxins, chlorination, viruses, harmful bacteria and pesticides. Humic acid has also been researched in its impressive results with arresting the growth of cancer. In one study, patients with esophagus tumours had a 100 percent success rate in preventing the tumours from progressing into cancer when treated for two years with humic acid. (Yuan, Shenyuan, Fuliva Acid 4, June1993.) Cancer research, supported by the US National Institute of Health, shows that antioxidants or free radical scavengers help suppress cancer (and free radicals play an important role in causing cancer). Studies, therefore, point to using antioxidants in treatment and prevention. Fulvic acid is the most powerful antioxidant known to science because it can stop all types of free radicals. It can actually rebalance free radicals, making certain ones become a type of nutrient useful to the body. If the free radical is of no benefit, fulvic acid can chelate it (pronounced kee-late, meaning to attach to) and carry it out of the body as waste. Though humic acids don’t destroy cancer cells, they may halt their growth and spread. Due to these chelating abilities, and as a refiner and transporter of organic minerals, fulvic mineral solutions have been taken by Native Americans for centuries to cleanse the inner body. Through a detoxification programme, it is used to rid the body of poisons, fungus, parasites, heavy metals and pollutants. Because it is a powerful detoxicator, those using it must be aware that the body may go through some fairly dramatic reactions (called a healing crisis) that could include headaches, diarrhea, changes in urine, skin blemishes, congestion and discharge that simply mean toxins are quickly leaving – which shows that it’s working.
common in women) results from hormonal changes caused by an enzyme called 5-alphareductase. This enzyme breaks down the hormone testosterone into another hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Over time, an overabundance of DHT causes the hair follicle to shut down hair production, leading to hair loss. For men, trying to keep your hair may have always been a losing battle but there are several ways to cut your losses. Herbal helpers have been used for over a thousand years to treat hair loss, and offer a natural and effective approach. They include extracts from fenugreek seeds, saw palmetto berries, pumpkin seeds and burdock root. The most successful are those herbal formulas that can stop the enzyme 5-alphareductase. They may be able to prevent, slow down or, in a few cases, reverse hair loss. Herbal formulas now also include an extract from flaxseed; its lignans contain high amounts of a phytoestrogen, known to help stop the enzyme 5-alphareductase’s activity. Some herbal ingredients also contain compounds that remove excess cholesterol (the building blocks of testosterone) so excess DHT cannot be produced. Eat your way to fuller hair. Include lots of dark green leafy vegetables with zinc and iron, whole grains, lean protein and essential fatty acids in your diet. The B vitamins folate and biotin may help to support hair growth. The supplement beta-sitosterol has been shown to stop the creation of dihydrotestosterone, the hormone that shuts down hair production. It should be noted that large doses of vitamin A can lead to vitamin A toxicity and eventual hair loss, so don’t overdo supplements. Saturated fats and alcohol consumption may also aggravate hair loss. Try massaging your scalp a couple of times a day to maximize circulation, which may help prevent hair loss. Press gently so as not to pull or damage hair. Starting at the hairline using both hands, make small circles with your fingers around the front, sides and back of the scalp, until your fingers touch. Repeat the process, starting one inch farther above the hairline each time, until you reach the top of your head. Be gentle with your hair when caring for it. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, dying, straightening, bleaching, excessive washing, towel drying and brushing weaken or damage your hair. Though you’ve been told that wearing a hat may cause balding, the opposite might be true. A study conducted at the University Hospital of Zurich in Switzerland found that excessive ultraviolet rays from the sun might injure hair follicles.
VISTA Magazine Issue 63
Amino Acids: Building Blocks of Health By Chelsea Danchuk
hen considering supplements, our first thoughts tend to be of vitamins, minerals and herbs. While these are all essential, they are not the only contributors to good health. Amino acids, the “building blocks” of protein (the tiny components that combine to make protein), are often overlooked when choosing supplements to restore balance in the body. Not only do amino acids produce, repair and maintain body tissues, but they also allow communication between cells and organ systems in the form of neurotransmitters. Their significance is being proven through research in nutritional medicine, with several studies published on the effect of specific amino acids on athletic performance, aging, diabetes, kidney failure and cirrhosis of the liver. Amino acids are typically grouped into two categories: essential and nonessential. By definition, those considered essential must be obtained through diet because our bodies cannot manufacture them on their own. They are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. Nonessential amino acids are considered as such based on the fact that our bodies have the capacity to manufacture them. Arginine, alanine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamine, glutamic acid, glycine, proline, serine and tyrosine are all deemed nonessential. The concern with this traditional approach is that our bodies are all unique and in a constant state of flux, meaning that although we may be capable of producing certain amino acids, we are not necessarily doing so at any given moment. This is why many health-care professionals are now considering many of the traditional nonessential amino acids to be conditionally essential, encouraging a heightened awareness of individual amino acid requirements in the body. The majority of North Americans consume sufficient protein and, therefore, enough of each essential amino acid to maintain a healthy body. However, imbalance can occur in those who practise veganism,
vegetarianism that isn’t properly balanced with protein, restricted dieting, and bodybuilding. General illness and stress can also readily deplete amino acids by breaking down the protein in muscle tissue in order to repair the organs in need. Supplementation is crucial in these con-
ditions, since dietary protein from both meat and vegetable sources may provide only limited support. Medically, amino acids are now being prescribed for a variety of ailments as an increasing number of scientific studies are proving their efficacy in treatment. L-arginine, for example, has been shown to be effective in lowering blood pressure because it causes blood vessels to dilate. Required for increased protein synthesis (to create protein), it is also known to prevent muscle wasting in the elderly. L-lysine works well in
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conjunction with L-arginine in building muscle mass. Considering that L-lysine is an essential amino acid, supplementation can be very effective for increasing strength, and rebuilding and repairing muscle tissue. In addition, L-lysine has long been used to naturally manage cold sores, since it inhibits the virus’ ability to replicate. Other amino acids, specifically L-tyrosine and taurine are rapidly gaining popularity among the masses now that there is evidence of their effectiveness in managing stress. L-tyrosine is an important component of dopamine and norepinephrine, the neurotransmitters responsible for regulating moods, with deficiencies possibly causing depression and anxiety. L-tyrosine’s role in creating thyroid hormone (essential for metabolic function) and the hormone epinephrine (created in the endocrine glands) also shows its ability to support glandular function and metabolism, both of which tend to slow as we age. Taurine is found in highest concentrations in the nervous system, regulating mood by balancing nerve transmissions. These findings are beneficial, considering the increasing number of people resorting to prescription antidepressants for mood disorders. These amino acids may offer not only support, but also a possible alternative in therapy. L-carnosine, made up of the amino acids histidine and alanine, is found primarily in the brain, acting as a powerful antioxidant. It offers protection by both chelating heavy metals (attaching to and transporting them out of the body) and by shielding the protein molecules responsible for the detoxification of brain cells. The scientific studies proving this action have prompted further research in the treatment of cognitive disorders including Alzheimer’s and autism. Whether targeting a specific health concern or simply taking preventative measures, amino acids may be effective nutrients to consider. Not only should they be consumed in the form of high-quality dietary protein, but also in naturally occurring singular or combination supplements. Chelsea Danchuk is a registered holistic nutritionist.
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