1 minute read
caPital grains
to oPerations! from orientation
an interview witH student ceo and c o-founder, david you of carnegie mellon university

David You, a senior business and computer engineering major at Carnegie Mellon University, partnered with our on-site leadership team to create a student-run and developed concept right on campus. Capital Grains combines the creativity of our student body with our expertise to create a winning brand.
What drove you to start Capital Grains?
I’ve always had a passion for cooking and management, and this was the perfect opportunity to combine those skills. There is something incredibly rewarding about making food from scratch, refining recipes, and seeing people’s faces light up when they like my food.
How can students grow their entrepreneurial skills at Capital Grains?
CMU Dining Services and Chartwells emphasized the importance of the academic component for this initiative. We got a lot of positive feedback and eventually onboarded Professor Sunkee Lee, a professor of management. We work with him weekly to improve our management practices and strategic initiatives.
What’s on the menu? Any standout items?
From the market research, I decided to focus on a grain and salad bowl concept. Many people wanted more variety and healthier options, especially for the weekend. Altogether, we have five signature bowls and a create-your-own-bowl option. We feature three bases, 10 toppings, chicken and tofu proteins and four dressings. Our two in-house dressings have been a hit with our customers. My executive team and I constantly update recipes in response to consumer feedback.

Anything else you’d like to add?
This venture is extremely unconventional, but I think that is what makes it such a great learning opportunity. Chartwells leadership has allowed me to build out this student restaurant, and I think that flexibility and ownership have been invaluable to the learning experience.
great oPPortunities