D I S C O V E R T H E S T O R Y‌ O F
At CH AS E5 4 , w e s t r i v e t o cr e a t e h i gh qual i ty gol f apparel sui ted for a hi gh q ua lit y g o l f g a m e. C H AS E 5 4 i s n’ t j ust any norm al gol f apparel brand - we d o it a ll . We r e s e a r ch . We de v e l o p. We m anufac ture. We del i ver. We k now o ur g o l f a n d w e k n o w o u r t h r e a ds, so we thought i t was onl y fai r to bri ng g o lf l o v e r s e v e r y w h e r e p e r f o r m anc e apparel that they want and trust. We th i n k a bo u t f a br i c be f o r e i t bec om es fabri c . O ur c hem i sts c reate p a t e n t s e cu r e d, l e a di n g e dg e, p erform anc e- enhanc i ng tec hnol ogy that y o u c o u l d n e v e r dr e a m p o s s i bl e. O ur fabri c trul y i s devel oped to keep y o u c o o l , dr y & f l ex i bl e, p r o v i di n g you wi th the c om fort you need to m ake y o u r be s t s w i ng that m uc h better.
Sporty story Cultural nostalgia Archived details mixed w. contemporary patterns 90’s Clubwear
Reflective detailing Anti-microbial Crease free Dirt repellent Weatherproof
Vibe Polo - $73.00
distressed print
Chill Polo - $73.00 Trekker Short - $79.00
Blaze Polo - $73.00 Pioneer Pant - $92.50
WOMENS ALTERNATE BLISS MOOD Living the moment detached from the bothers of life. An ambitious mind that searches for entertainment. Floating World.
Abstract Japanese inspired prints Practical functions Simple Blocking Understated luxury
Sustainable tech fabrics Premium fabrics Mesh inserts
Joy Polo - $60.00 Peace Skort - $84.00
Dream Polo - $68.00 Glee Skort - $84.00
cooling fabric
Euphoria Sun Shirt - $88.00 Frost Skort - $80.00
Outdoor Games
KEY POINTS Performance Details Bold color blocking Urban influence Athletic stripes
Reflective detailing Anti-microbial Heat retention Dirt repellent Authentic dazzle fabrics that feel new
Blaze Polo - $73.00 Mobile Vest - $95.00 Pioneer Pant - $92.50
Roll Polo - $73.00
crisp and clean
Slam Polo - $73.00
KEY POINTS Performance details Revealing cut-aways Futuristic direction Bold color blocking
Luxe metallics Semi-sheer lightweight wovens “Smart” fabrics that are heat responsive Embellished panels & trimming
Sublime Polo - $64.00 Frost Skort - $80.00
Prim Polo - $68.00 Frill Skort - $88.00
power mesh
Fancy Polo - $68.00 Sassy Skort - $84.00
D e s ig ne r a n d C r e a t i v e Di r e ct o r, Lul u F addi s, desc ri bes the vi si on behi nd
t he “Cho o s e Yo u r N o w ” l i n e a s “the richness and thrill of golf ’s past, and
present, as well as, the possibilities of what is yet to come. The men’s
Retro Active is a sporty, nostalgia look that features crease-free fabrics and gives nod to the first golf fashion icons. Outdoor Games is a men’s delivery displaying a symbol of golf today. Urban athletic influence is
seen more and more on the golf course. This group stands out with
ombre print effects and soft rubber print technology. Our ladies’ Fall
2018 collection moves the timeline into the future and beyond. Alternate Bliss is an escape from today, bringing you to a floating new world.
Abstract whimsical prints in cooling and technical fabrics. Power Style offers flattering cut-aways and bold color blocking with mesh inserts.
In CHASE54 Fall 2018, there is something for everyone and every timestate you want your game to reflect,” says F addi s.
Dre am Polo - $68.00 | Glee Skort - $84.00 Transit Polo - $73.00 | Meta Short - $76.00
C O N TAC T: Kar a H o o v e r | Keel y Pem ber t on co n tact@ c h a se54 .c om 8 77 718 2 1 2 1 x 80 1 1 4 0 7 B r oa dw a y N e w Yo r k, N Y 1 0 0 1 8 CONNECT WITH US
Cove r p a ge H e r: Fanc y Polo - $68.0 0 S assy S kort - $84.0 0 H im: Blitz Polo - $73.0 0 P ione e r Pant - $92.5 0