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Community Events Bulletin
Music on the Lake Planning Meeting on April 12th
Planning for this summer’s Music on the Lake is now underway. If you are an individual, organization, or business that would like to support the planning, sponsorship, or onsite delivery of the event, please join the Planning Committee’s next meeting at 6pm on April 12th at the Sunshore Golf Course. If you are unable to attend but would like to be involved, please email info@chasefestival.ca
Chase Citizens on Patrol meeting 7:00 pm Tuesday, April 11 at Sunshore Golf Club. If you have an interest in learning more about the Citizens Patrol program please join us. If you are unable to attend but wish to help, please contact us through the Chase Visitors’ Centre.
Easter Sunday, April 10th message & meal at The Light of Life Mission at the Chase
Evangelical Free Church at 3:00 pm. Everyone is welcome.
Storytime on SaturdayLearn literacy skills through stories, songs, fingerplays, and rhymes. For children and their caregivers. Saturdays. 11:30 am - 12:00 pm Drop-in. Ages 3-5.
Nerf Battle in the Stacks is Back! Capture the Flag Nerf Style, Freeze Tag, Nerf Standoff and more! Friday, April 14th
6:00 - 7:00 pm. A signed waiver from a parent or guardian is required
Registration Required. Ages: 9-12
Youth Hub- A drop-in space at the library where tweens/teens can study, chat with friends, use technology or take part in activities such as board games and crafts. Fridays. Drop-in.

3:30 - 4:45 pm
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 107 515 Shuswap Ave, Chase * For info / hours phone 250-679-3536 *
Mon. Apr. 10 - open 6pm - 9:30pm League Darts 7:30pm
Tues. Apr. 11 - open 2 pm - 6 pm, fun pool, fun darts, free meat draws
Wed. Apr. 12 - CLOSED
Thurs. Apr. 13 - open - 6pm - League darts at 7:30pm
Fri. Apr. 14 - open 2 pm - 8 pm - Burger Night 5-7pm
Sat. Apr. 15 - open 1 pm - 6 pm fun afternoon, meat draws, 50/50, lotto, pull tabs
Sun. Apr. 16 - CLOSED
Have a safe and happy Easter
The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher.
The Chase Sunflower is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher.
The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase, as well as to Pritchard, Sorrento, Squilax, Jade Mountain, and Adams Lake. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community.
With respect, I acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded traditional lands of the Secwepemc First Nation.
Chase Rotary Box 73
Pres: Patrick Herba (250-702-3677)
Meetings @ 5:30 pm on 1st & 3rd Thurs of each month at Railside Restaurant. New members welcome!
Chase Lions Club
PO Box 12, Chase, B.C. V0E 1M0 chaselions67@gmail.com
Facebook Chase & District Lions Club
President – Karen Bassett 250-318-4527
Please call for Lion projects incl pull-tab donations
Meeting at 7 pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, downstairs of community hall. Everyone welcome.
Lions RV Park Reservations 250-679-8470 For Medical equipment contact Sandra Welton 778-245-3808.
400 Club Winner
March 22nd Ellen Blackburn $100.00
March 29th Donna Ross $1000.00
At the Blessed Sacrament Parish we invite you all to Mass every Sunday at 8:00 am Tuesdays @ 1:00 pm. - Holy Hour with Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet.
For inquiries call 250679-3025 or 250-372-2581
The Light of Life Native Fellowship Pastor Joseph #1.250.457-3845
Find "Joseph Shuswap Kim" on Youtube John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
Chase Evangelical Free Church295 Shuswap Ave
Physical Gathering
Suspended in response to Provincial Health Order, Online Gatherings
Accessible at www.ChaseChurch.com
250 679 1676 or Tyler@ChaseChurch.com
Free Church Service at 10 am Sunday More Information at ChaseChurch.com 250 679 3626 Tyler@ ChaseChurch.com
Shuswap Community Church Outdoor Services
10am, Sunday @ Memorial Park
Visit www.aplacetobelong.ca for more info.
Call: (778) 824-0383
Email: Spencer@ aplacetobelong.ca
Council Highlights - March 28, 2023 Regular Meeting
Submitted by Village of Chase
The Regular Meeting of Council was held on March 28, 2023 at the Village office and via Zoom. 14 people attended in-person and 3 attended virtually.
Public Comments on Agenda Items
Various comments were stated including support for a longer lease for the Lions and Hamper Society for the use of the Community Hall; letters submitted to Council have not been included on agendas; and questions about the water and sewer rate changes that are being recommended.
Kelly McDonald, Community Health Facilitator, Healthy Communities, Interior Health. Kelly McDonald of Interior Health provided a summary of past collaborations with the Village and provided Council with an update on continued support in planning/ development implementation work related to helping build a healthy community.
Council Reports
Council members reported on their activities over the past 2 weeks. Councillor Harder in particular confirmed that the rumour in the community of him having dementia is untrue.
Water, Wastewater & Solid Waste 2023 Budget Considerations. Council passed a resolution amending the Fees and Charges Bylaw to increase water and wastewater rates effective July 1, 2023. User fees collected for water do not currently cover the costs of water and wastewater utilities and the last time user fees were increased was in 2020. The modifications include:
• Water fixed charge increase by a minimum of 8%
• Water consumption rate increase to $0.98 per m3 with a minimum usage charge of 60 m3/quarter

• Sewer consumption rate stays at $0.875 per m3 and add a minimum charge of $61.26/quarter
Development Variance Permit DVP #1-2023, 668 4th Avenue. Council approved Development Variance Permit #1-2023 to vary the size of an accessory building from 65m² to 80.3 m² at 668 4th Avenue.

Lease of Community Hall Space to Food Bank and Chase Lions. Council approved the proposed lease for Community Hall spaces for the Chase Food Bank (Hamper Society) and the Chase Lions – Schedule A will be redrawn to ensure more accurate usage spaces as per the Lease agreement.
Letter from BC Farmers’ Markets Council directed staff to write a letter of thanks to the Minister of Health, Adrian Dix, for continuing the BC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program.
Notices of Motion.
Councillor Connett provided Notice of Motion to relocate the Visitor Information Centre from the Chase & District Chamber of Commerce facility to the Chase & District Museum.
Councillor Connett also provided Notice of Motion for the Village to purchase a street sweeper.
Continued on page 5...

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