Chase Sunflower - February 24th, 2023

Page 3

2nd Annual Winterfest

submitted by Chase Lions Club

Well the 2nd annual Winterfest was a clear success. Thank you Chase for coming out and supporting all the venues, activities, and supporting the Shuswap Skating Club, and the CSS Grads. Also supporting the local businesses uptown. The 2023 Chili Champion was Mike Jackson, a tie for 2nd between Donna SmithBradley and Brad Hutton, 3rd place went to BettyAnn Harder. Hope everyone got to sample some amazing variations of Chili. The Fabulous Frannie Connett served up 180 cookies and the crafts were a big hit with the littles. The CSS Leadership students helped us out with crafts, face painting, and our Fabulous Mascots Dan-D-Lion and Winterfest Willie. We gave out 21 cakes at the cakewalk, and the new bounce Obstacle course was a big hit.

Chase Fire won the Smoosh race

but the last minute ladies entry offered them up some competition, they all had fun. The outhouse races were a big hit, drawing great crowds. Pritchard Fire Dept took home the top prize for best costume, best outhouse design, and First place in the race. Chase Fire in their Pooper 2 outhouse got 2nd in the outhouse design and Second in the race. The BC 4x4 Club got 3rd in outhouse design, and the race. The Lions Service Racer had some equipment malfunction, so came in 4th, pushed by wonderful ladies that were willing to step up, volunteer, and give it a try. Thank you Chase, A wonderful day was had by all. This event could not have been possible without the kind donations from the Lewis and Mckim families (Tru Value), Bill Long, Brenda Murray (Nationwide), and the Village of Chase (Community Hall), for all the building usages. Continued on page 5...

FREE! Take one! Chase’s community paper for over 28 years! 236-586-1766 Chase BC Delivery & Courier Services THE DELIVERY GUY Issue for the week of Friday, February 24th, 2023 • Volume 28 - Issue 08 The tagline logo is also available for horizontal applications, with the tagline positioned to the left of “official white space” present on all versions of the logo. These logos are not to be recreated, or altered . All versions are available as PMS, CMYK, Your Local Realtor is BACK! looking for advice on the local market? Looking to make a move? For all your Chase/Shuswap/Kamloops Real Estate needs ca NEW MLS#168585 N N Lakeview Your Local Realtor® Donna Smith-Bradley direct: 250-819-0551 office: 250-679-7748 Local Office: 826 Shuswap Ave, Chase Personal Real Estate Corporation Priced below assessment! Investment opportunity that allows a good return on your investment. This large commercial building that was the home of Lewis & Short/TRU Hardware for 49 years, with over 9000 sq ft of leasable space $599,000 MLS161392 Citizenship, Immigration Seniors, CPP, GIS, OAS CRA, EI and more MEL ARNOLD@PARL GC CA - 1-800-665-5040 #1 - 3105 - 29th St. , Vernon, BC V1T - 5A8 MEL ARNOLD MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT


Pritchard Ladies Group

Daffodil Tea to be held on April 1st, 2023 from 10:00 A M to 2:00 P M at the Pritchard Community Hall on Duck Ranch Road Pritchard. Crafts, bake table, lunches and in house raffles. For table rentals please call April Stewart @ 250-577-3798

GIANT CRIB- There will be a Giant Crib at the Chase Legion on Sunday, March 5, 2023, at 11:00. The cost is $12 per person. Bring your own partner. Lunch will be available for $5.00 Payout 85%.

Still snowing up at Skmana Ski & Snowshoe. 4 -5 cm of new past few days. Grooming again this week, get out and enjoy the great outdoors !

400 Club social Casino, dinner, and dance is on March 25, doors open at 4pm.

Email local community event listings

(250) 320-3050

Royal Canadian Legion Branch 107

515 Shuswap Ave, Chase

* For info / hours phone 250-679-3536 *


Mon. Feb. 27 - 6 - 10 pm league darts 7:30pm

Tues. Feb. 28 - 2 pm - 6 pm, fun pool, fun darts, free meat draws

Wed. Mar. 1 - CLOSED

Thurs. Mar. 2 6-10pm League Darts At 7:30pm

Fri. Mar. 3 1:30pm - 8 pm fun darts. Friday night dinner. Pork cutlets with mushrooms, potatoes and vegetables. 5pm-7pm

Sat. Mar. 4 - 1 pm to 6pm meat draws, 50/50, lotto, pull tabs. Appy’s From 1-5 pm.

Sun. Mar. 5 CLOSED

Please be patient with us as we work out the kinks in our Friday night dinners. Thank You!

The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher.

The Chase Sunflower is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher.

The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase, as well as to Pritchard, Sorrento, Squilax, Jade Mountain, and Adams Lake. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community.

With respect, I acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded traditional lands of the Secwepemc First Nation.

Chase Rotary Box 73

Pres: Patrick Herba (250-702-3677)

Meetings @ 5:30 pm on 1st & 3rd Thurs of each month at Railside Restaurant. New members welcome!

Chase Lions Club

PO Box 12, Chase, B.C. V0E 1M0

Facebook Chase & District Lions Club

President – Karen Bassett 250-318-4527

Please call for Lion projects incl pull-tab donations

Meeting at 7 pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, downstairs of community hall. Everyone welcome.

Lions RV Park Reservations 250-679-8470 For Medical equipment contact Sandra Welton 778-245-3808.

400 Club Winner

Larry Walker $100.00

At the Blessed Sacrament Parish we invite you all to Mass every Sunday at 8:00 am

Tuesdays @ 1:00 pm. - Holy Hour with Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet.

The Light of Life Native Fellowship Pastor Joseph #1.250.457-3845

Find "Joseph Shuswap Kim" on Youtube

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

For inquiries call 250679-3025 or 250-372-2581 Join

Chase Evangelical Free Church295 Shuswap Ave

Physical Gathering

Suspended in response to Provincial Health Order, Online Gatherings

Accessible at

250 679 1676 or

Shuswap Community Church Outdoor Services

10am, Sunday @ Memorial Park

Visit for more info.

Call: (778) 824-0383

Email: Spencer@

Page 2 • February 24th, 2023 • Chase Sunflower
Chase OFFICE: 838 Shuswap
PHONE: (250)
EMAIL: WEB: ** Alternate
at Willows Natural Foods ** MAIL: Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 Publisher/Editor: Kelsey Snelgrove
Avenue, Chase BC Hours: 10 am - 4 pm
- Thursday
drop-off location
us Sunday morning at
@ The
of Chase
Hall. Visit or more info call: (778) 824-0383 email: spencer@ Churches
Chase Evangelical Free Church Service at 10
Sunday More Information at
250 679 3626 Tyler@
or text

Local Environmental News

Green living is good for all of us—as well as the planet. While it’s hard not to despair over the state of the globe environmentally, a well known, proven antidote is action. And that’s been happening locally.

There are definite costs due to a changing climate. Hence it cannot be free to pollute. A federal price on carbon pollution was levied nationally in 2019. Country-wide greenhouse gas emissions are monitored and regulated. As well, pesticide use has been controlled and limited municipally and provincially since 2021.

In addition to its “boots on the ground” activities, the Chase Environmental Action group recently attained status as a non-profit registered organization, to be known as the Chase Environmental Action Society (CEAS). This designation will do much to enable grant application success and provide additional recognition of their undertakings and dedication.

Membership in CEAS is available for the small fee of $20 due in September of each year and includes voting privileges at the group’s Annual General Meeting to be held October 3, 2023, updates on CEAS activities, as well as following the group’s work.

Upcoming CEAS action in Chase and area includes support for a food forest and garden in Willson Park, for single use plastic phase-out this year, and with regard to hosting an Earth Day event on April 21st in the Village pocket park, in collaboration with the Chase & Area Young Learners Society and the Chase & Area Literacy Program. In addition, CEAS plans to obtain 100 hybrid

cottonwood sprouts to plant along Chase Creek in order to stabilize its banks in riparian zones.

Another key item on the CEAS agenda is the formation of a Community Climate Action Committee. In that the Village of Chase declared a climate emergency in 2022 and its Council recognizes that climate change poses a threat to the community, the province, and the country, CEAS delegates had the opportunity to make a presentation at a recent Council meeting on the importance of forming a Climate Action Committee which would focus on mitigation and adaptation measures covered in Sections 8 and 9 of the Official Community Plan.

It is anticipated that the formation of such a Committee would involve no cost to the Village. And it was suggested that Committee members consist of local citizens, youth, Indigenous delegates, as well as Council representation.

Councillor Jane Herman volunteered as Council liaison to obtain further details regarding a Climate Action Committee, and a motion was passed for this consultation with CEAS members to proceed, and to bring additional information to Council at a near future meeting.

Upcoming discussions of a Climate Action Committee could include Chase Creek hydrology, a compost programme, the BC energy step code, active transportation, emergency preparedness, renewable energy options, and funding opportunities.

It should be noted that in November 2022, the federal government announced $1.6 billion dollars over five years as part of a new climate adaptation strategy. Cont’d on page 5....

Page 3 • February 24th, 2023 • Chase Sunflower BRENDA PATTERSON PREC 778-220-1822 We live here • We work here • We know here! Your Shuswap Realtor - Experienced Professional - Community Volunteer - Local Knowledge - Dependable, Reliable - For Everything Real Estate, Call Me Today CHASE OFFICE: Open Thursdays 10 am - 4:30 pm #4-834 Shuswap Avenue Phone: 250-679-3180 Web: Wills & Estates Family Law Conveyancing Grocery 250-679-3553 8 am - 8 pm 7 days/week Pharmacy 250-679-8611 9 am - 6 pm Sundays: Closed Food & Drug 825 Shuswap Avenue, Chase BC Come in and check it out Shop local CHECK OUT OUR DAIRY DEPARTMENTS SELECTION OF LACTOSE AND DAIRY FREE ITEMS.



Gypsy Soul is looking to buy vinyl records. 638 Shuswap Ave. 250-819-3875


Fruit tree pruning - 20 yrs experience licensed and insured. Jonnie 2503185237

phone: 250-320-3050


838 Shuswap Avenue, Chase $5/20 words


Margaret Beatrice Schultz (nee Hunt)

Small engine maintenance and repairs - Certified technician Call 250-320-6082 all outdoor power equipment serviced. Lawnmower, weed whackers, rototiller, quads, motorcycle, snowmobiles, generators, boat motors etc. Ask for Jarrett.

Contact: 250-320-3050

Need to board your dog? I am a mature, pet loving lady, honest & reliable. References available. Reasonable rates. 250-679-1153.

BUYING COINS & ENTIRE COIN COLLECTIONS! Old coins, old money, Royal Canadian Mint coins, Franklin Mint, US Mint, OLYMPIC coins, and World collections WANTED! Todd 250-864-3521

BUYING UNWANTED JEWELRY, coins, 9999 bullion, Sterling Silverware, coin collections, old money, nuggets, gold, silver, platinum. Todd 250-864-3521

CASH FOR 9999 SILVER BULLION! ALSO PURCHASING COINS, BARS, INGOTS, PRE 1968 coins, coin collections, jewelry, gold, nuggets, sterling +++. Todd 250-864-3521


Electric Recliner, covered in a brown fabric, in excellent condition. $600 negotiable. Allan at 250-679-3753

It is with great sadness that the family of Margaret Beatrice Schultz (nee Hunt) announce her sudden passing on Friday February 10, 2023, at the age of 85 after a battle with cancer. She passed quietly at the Marjorie Willoughby Snowden Hospice Home, in Kamloops. Margaret will be lovingly remembered by her children, Neil Schultz (Erin), Kathy Schultz (Martin); grandchildren, Michael, Adelaine, Hunter, Evan; nieces, nephews and a great many other family members and friends.

Margaret was predeceased by her loving husband Elmer; parents, Chester and Bertha; siblings James and Edna.

Margaret was born on a cold and blustery day in Agassiz, BC in 1938. She lived on a farm and attended school until moving to Armstrong, BC in 1953. Margaret attended school and graduated in 1956. She got her first job at the CIBC Bank, where she met Elmer. They were married in November of 1962.

She worked at the Co-op grocery store, the Armstrong Dairy. She spent many years working at the Armstrong Spallumcheen Credit Union and the Price Is Right Bulk Food Store, before retiring to Chase, BC, in 1998. She enjoyed her retirement, making new friends and taking an active part in the community. Margaret was an avid bowler and loved making baby outfits and blankets, as well as numerous other knitted and crocheted articles. She always had a quick smile and a cheery hello for everyone she met.

A Celebration of Life will be held in July of 2023 in Chase, B.C. In lieu of flowers please

Page 4 • February 24th, 2023 • Chase Sunflower
Get Your Message Out Advertise Here

Continued from page 3...

Local Environmental News

This funding will jump-start the work required to improve disaster response, protect Canadians from extreme heat and health effects, and top up the disaster mitigation and adaptation fund. The strategy also calls for embedding climate change in all decisions to locate, plan, design, manage, adapt, operate and maintain infrastructure systems across their lifecycle.

Maclean’s Magazine cover story in its August 2022 edition, was entitled “The Big Burn—How British Columbia is learning to live with relentless wildfires”—and based on its factual anecdotal evidence, it read like a horror story. Researched and written by Jason McBride, its subtitle was “Burned Out—Wildfires in British Columbia are hotter, bigger, and deadlier than ever. They are also a frightening, elemental fact of everyday life—Portrait

of a Province in Flames.” This has to change!

While there is much we can do as individuals to mitigate irreparable damage to the environment, it is also important that leadership be shown, that concrete steps be taken on a broad scale, and that we collectively support preservation of this earth for those who will follow us.

References: Canada unveils new climate adaptation strategy, CBC News November 24, 2022

Contact: Chase Environmental Action Society, PO Box 1698, 462 Maple Place, Chase, BC V0E 1M0 and

Continued from page 1....


A Huge thank you to all the volunteers that made this happen. These Community events could not happen without volunteers, consider joining in and volunteering.

Kids Colouring Contest Winners:

AGES 1-3:

1st: Daya Meldrum

AGES 4-6:

1st: Noah

2nd: Seren Young-Endean

3rd: Galli

AGES 7-9:

1st: Chase Gien

2nd: Andras

3rd: Myla Mahaits

AGES 10+:

1st: Torin LeJeune

2nd: Brooklyn Gien

3rd: Mariah Mahaits

For more information or to book a tour contact us at 250-679-1512 or 250-679-4447 Ext 404 743 Okanagan Ave, Chase

Page 5 • February 24th, 2023 • Chase Sunflower Hot Water Tanks • Drain Cleaning • Furnace Boiler Service & Installs • Gas Fitting • Plumbing Repairs Installs • Renos NO TRAVEL OR OVERTIME CHARGES! Seniors Discount! Dan's Plumbing & Gas (778) 257-0572 Red Seal Journeyman Plumber Bonded B Gas Fitter 35 Yrs Exp • WCB & Liability Ins
SUITES AVAILABLE Independent and Assisted Living for Seniors
home cooked
All inclusive,
24 hr on-site staff and social calendar.


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All your Civil & Oil+Gas Inspection Needs Armstrong Inspections 778-362-1606

Todd “Gold Silver Guy”


Buying coins, coin collections, jewelry, GOLD, SILVER, BULLION +

Pete’s Pizza & Pasta

Open Tues to Sat • Closed Sun & Mon 250-679-2775

Duck Range Plumbing & Heating

Your Local Gas, Heating, and Cooling Specialist 250-214-0539

Village Fitness Gym & Tanning 630 Shuswap Ave, Chase BC (250-679-5377

ALM Mobile RV

Certified RV Tech - Gas Certified & Bonded 250-308-9022

Kalin Good Carpentry Services

Renos, Decks, Fences, Siding, Roofing & More 18+ yrs exp. Call 250-819-9335

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Chris Walker 250-572-7035

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Quick Dry Carpet Cleaning

Carpet, Upholstery, Hard Floors

250-851-8556 Chase BC

Word Search - DISNEY



I have a chicken proof lawn.... It’s impeckable.



I told my friend he really shouldn’t be using straws and he replied, “Yeah, I know, I know, it’s bad for the environment.” I continued, “Sure, there’s that…” “But it’s just a really weird way of eating spaghetti.”

Page 6 • February 24th, 2023 • Chase Sunflower

Fish and Game Club Update

Chase and District Fish and Game continues to be busy planning activities for 2023 and we have exciting news! Our club has been asked to host the Traditional Bowhunters of BC (TBBC) Provincial Championships on the long weekend in May the 19th, 20th, 21st. The Traditional Bowhunters of British Columbia is a province wide organization made up of individuals dedicated to the promotion of traditional archery and bowhunting through the teachings of proper ethics and sound wildlife management. The TBBC”s strength stems from conservation minded people who band together to form a strong unified voice in matters vital to traditional bowhunting, education and legislation.

We will be expecting around 100 shooters and their families to come to Chase and surrounding areas for the long weekend. This will be a great tourist bonus. The shooters will have the following plan. They will be attending our Chase Fish and Game 3D shoot on May 13th, 14th, their Provincials on the May long weekend, and then continue on to Salmon Arm the following weekend for Salmon Arm’s 3D shoot. Hotels, campsites, and grocery stores will be busy! More information about these shoots will follow closer to the dates. Spectators are welcome to come out and watch.

The CDFGC continues to meet we

Poppy Campaign

are and working on some grant funding projects that we would like to complete this year. Our biggest goal is to get a new, dock installed at Harper Lake, so that it can be used for fly fishers, kayakers, boat launching, bird watching, and any other things campers and park users would like. If we can get enough funding we would like to expand this type of project to other lakes in the area. This is our first attempt at trying for grant funding for a large community project so we are hopeful it will be successful. We are also hoping to upgrade our clubhouse since it has been a long time since it was refurbished with modern equipment. This will help make our events even more successful.

The CDFGC is a busy club. Besides our projects we have Trap and Skeet shooting events the second Sunday of the month and Pistol Practice on the 3rd Saturday of the month at our range at 724 Turtle Valley Road. These events are free for members. Guests are welcome for a $5 charge, so if you want to learn how to do one of these activities you should come on out. You may find out you like the club and the people who are in it and decide to join. We are always welcoming new members. Our membership has been steadily increasing the last few years which is such a positive sign. We meet the 3rd Monday of the month at Creekside senior center at 7 pm.

Shuswap Better at Home

A little extra help for seniors and elders to remain confidently in their own home

• Friendly Visit Calls

• Light Housekeeping

• Resource and Referrals

Services are subject to availability

Staff, Volunteers and Contractors have been carefully vetted & trained for your security.

Central Intake 250-253-2749

Submitted by John

Chase Legion BR # 107 would like to thank all who attended, participated & contributed to this years, Poppy Campaign & Remembrance Day Ceremony, held on Friday, 11th November 2022, in the Chase Community Hall.

The question has been asked if this money goes to the legion.

The answer is NO.

The money raised in our area, That is Pritchard – Chase – North Shore & Sorrento / Blind Bay. It is held in trust in a separate account from Legion accounts. The keepers of the poppy trust fund are;

Dave Smith – Branch Vice President 107

Novice Sudoku

Page 7 • February 24th, 2023 • Chase Sunflower 630 Shuswap Ave, Chase BC (250) 679-5377 24/7 Access with Fob Clean Environment Tanning Come Check it Out!
Funded by the Government of BC. Income based service fees may apply. EVCSS


Submitted by Chase RCMP


On February 1st, 2023 at approximately 4:00 pm, Chase RCMP received a call from staff members of a business in Chase, reporting that occupants of an SUV were yelling at staff members and appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. As Police arrived, the vehicle fled, travelling too quickly for road conditions. In the interest of public safety, Police could not pursue. With further assistance from the public, the vehicle was later located – abandoned - and was impounded.


On February 3rd, 2023 Chase RCMP were called to a disturbance in Monte Creek. The complainant reported that her nephew had cut her fence, threatened her and was trespassing on the property in a white truck. Police attended and determined that the nephew had an outstanding warrant for driving while prohibited and the white truck was a stolen vehicle. The nephew was arrested and released with future court dates.


On February 4th, 2023 at 1:22 am, Chase RCMP were called to a disturbance at a residence on Ska Cheen Drive. The complainant reported that a male guest at the residence was intoxicated, causing problems and wouldn’t leave. Police

attended and were told that the person had left. Police therefore departed from the residence.

At 2:32 am, Chase RCMP received several more 911 calls from the same residence. The caller said the same male was now smashing windows and banging on doors and requested Police attend. Upon arrival, Police noted that there was a broken window at the back of the house. The male was located, sleeping in a snow bank behind the house. He was arrested for Mischief and lodged in cells until sober.


On February 4th, 2023 at 8:26 am, Chase RCMP were advised of a suspicious circumstance at a residence in Chase. The caller reported that someone was knocking on their door, saying they were the Police. The caller refused to answer the door. In fact, a member of the Chase RCMP dressed in full uniform and driving a fully marked Police vehicle was at the door, attempting to serve documents to the occupant. The occupant refused to answer the door and swore at Police.


On February 4th, 2023 at 1:45 pm, Chase RCMP were advised of a possible impaired driver. Staff at a local business reported that a female driving a minivan had alcohol in the cup holder and smelled of liquor. Police attended but the vehicle was already gone. Police conducted patrols and located the vehicle on Shuswap Avenue. In speaking with the driver, Police noted symptoms of impairment by alcohol, including slurred speech. The driver was required to provide a sample of her breath into the roadside screening device. The breath samples produced ‘fail’ readings, which indicated the driver’s ability to drive was impaired by alcohol. She was prohibited from driving for 90 days and her vehicle was impounded for 30 days.


On February 8th, 2023 at 9:32 pm, Chase RCMP were dispatched to an address on VLA Road in Chase. The caller reported a frightened female showed up at her house asking for help because a strange man was chasing her. Police attended and

spoke with the female. She explained that she was walking alongside the train tracks because it’s safer and easier than walking on the highway in the dark. A man saw her, yelled at her and started running after her. Terrified, she ran to a nearby house for help. She had cut herself and ripped her pants trying to get away. Police conducted patrols and located the man. He said he had not intended to harm the female and was determined to protect his property from thieves. He was encouraged to phone Police in the future. The female was reminded that the train tracks are private property.


On February 20th, 2023 at 1:27 pm, Chase RCMP were advised of a suspicious vehicle at a vacant property on Hilliam Road in Scotch Creek. The caller suspected the vehicle might be stolen. Police attended and located a female in the vehicle. The vehicle was confirmed to have been stolen and the female was arrested. She was released with a future court date for possession of property obtained by crime.


On February 22nd, 2023 at 9:15 pm, during routine patrols, Chase RCMP spotted a suspicious vehicle leaving a problem property on First Avenue. Police attempted to conduct a traffic stop on Pine Street. The vehicle initially stopped but then took off again as the officer approached the vehicle. In order to protect public safety, Police were unable to pursue. Despite extensive patrols and significant efforts by concerned community members, the vehicle was not located. The vehicle is described as a small, older model motorhome with the word “security” on the back.


On February 22nd, 2023 at 11:00 pm, Chase RCMP conducted a traffic stop with a black Dodge pickup on Squilax Anglemont Road. The driver was required to provide samples of his breath into the roadside alcohol screening device. The breath samples resulted in ‘Fail’ readings, indicating his ability to drive was impaired by alcohol. He was prohibited from driving for 90 days and his vehicle was impounded for 30 days.

Page 8 • February 24th, 2023 • Chase Sunflower
Chase Sunflower Since 1996 Out Every Friday

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