Chase Sunflower - March 13, 2016

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e! Friday,

May 13th, 2016 Vol. 21, Issue 19

First Trade Show a Big Success!


he first annual Shuswap Experience Trade Show in Chase was a great success, by all accounts. About 600 people walked through the doors of the Arena last Saturday, May 7th, to check out nearly 60 vendor booths of all kinds. There were draws to enter, samples to try, and information to gain. Many attendees, from all walks of life, had big smiles as they bounded around the arena trying out the special Kangoo boots that Terra Lundy uses for her fitness class. Pete Murray’s Corn Farm delighted kids with bottle feeding sessions of adorable lambs. “Based on the success of this event, I can see it will become a highly anticipated event in the future,” said Mayor Rick Berrigan, who thanked the Chamber of Commerce and its trade show committee Chase’s Retired Royalty Kylie Schmidt and for all it’s hard work in making the event Meghan Johnston, handed out gift bags to the happen. first 300 attendees. PHOTO BY ZILLY PALAMAR The Trade Show Committee has already received inquires about next year’s event. Continued on page 8...

Chase ‘Responds’ to Pancake Breakfast Submitted by Bev Iglesias

We sold a lot of pancakes! WOW Chase did we come through for the Chase Firefighters Association. There were $1833.20 in donations at the door, but the Chase Lions were so intrigued by the “iamresponding” presentation, the club topped up the cheque with a little extra,


for a grand total of $2500.00! Thank you Chase Firemen and Chase Fire Women for all your volunteer hours in keeping our community safe! And thank you Chase for once again supporting Lions charities. Photo on Page 8....

New Listing: Beautifully reno’d throughout this 5 bdrm home is a must see with a long list of fabulous features. Marvelous wood beam vaulted ceiling in the living room, new kitchen that is a delight to cook in and a media room to enjoy!

Thanks to everyone who attended the tradeshow and entered their name in for the gift basket draw - Real Levesque of Chase was the lucky winner!!

115 Shuswap Ave

Spring Cleaning Special Exterior Wash, Vacuum and Dusting $45

Custom Built Bungalow


Custom-built bungalow! This 2 bdrm house has a beautiful kitchen with lots of cupboard space & a nice open design with 9’ ceilings opens to living room and dining room! MLS 10110548



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Donna Smith-Bradley Your Local Realtor® direct: 250-819-0551 office: 250.955.0307 ext 206

Page 2 • May 13th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower

Community Bulletin Board

Email your community event to NOTICE OF AGM - The Chase and or call 250 679-2166. We look District Museum and Archives will be forward to another great Market Season. holding its AGM Saturday May 14 2016 at Find us on Facebook.

Music on the Lake - Summer Music Series Committee are looking for LOCAL Solo/Duo Opening Acts for Tuesday nights in July and August. If interested, please contact Ali Maki at alimaki. Chase COP Coffee House May 13th. Last one until next winter. Join in for some good toe-tapping music. Door’s open at 6 pm. Music starts at 7 pm. FMI call Ella at 250-679-3375. The Annual Sun Valley Estates Garage/ Bake Sale will be held on May 28, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Tables will be available to rent at $10.00 each. Please call Mim at 250-318-1104. The Celista Coffee House Concert Series - Live Entertainment Please note our NEW date for the coffee house: 3rd Saturday of the month Oct to May at the North Shuswap Community Hall, Celista. Set up @ 5:30 Pot Luck Dinner @ 6:00 - $4 admission. Doors open at 7:00pm. Open mic - 7:30-9PM Feature Act to follow, refreshments. 250 679 2174. Chase Farm & Craft Market - Our first market day of the season will be Friday May 20th and will run every Friday until Sept in the Curling Club parking lot, 10 am to 2 pm. Vendor spots are still available. For more info email: chasefarmersmarket@ For info/hours phone 250-679-3536 May 13th, 20th, 27th TGIF BURGER 5:30 - 7 pm. $6. Kids $5. ( 6 - 12 ) Under 6 free May 18th - BRANCH GENERAL MEETING MAY 29th LEGION PARKING LOT SALE 10 am - 2 pm. VENDORS CONTACT LEGION 256-679-3536. TUESDAY, FRIDAY or SATURDAY (between 3 - 7 pm). STALLS PREPAID $10 each

Community Yard Sale - Fundraiser for Adams Lake Band Youth - ALIB Gym May 14th 8 am - 1 pm. To Book a table for $5, phone Sandy at 778-257-4123.

Wellbriety: Becoming Sober and Well in a Native American cultural way. Free Shuswap Pra event for ages 12+. may 13 - 15. Chief Alex Thomas Way, Kamloops. To Register or FMI Contact Dave Manuel @ 250-8289704 or


11 am at the Museum. Memberships can be renewed prior to 11 am. Please join us for refreshments after the meeting.

The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community. The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher. irie Publishing

Green Party @ the square - Garden demos, food, donkeys, tai chi, music, plant sale and much more. Fun for whole family. May 28th @ St Andrews on the Square in Kamloops 8:30-12:30 250-377-4232 Spotted Moose Farm in Celista - Open House/Worker Bee Events - Sundays May 15th & 22nd See story on page 6 FMI Creekside Center Activities: • Mon 8:30 - Exercise Classes • Wed & Fri - 9 am - Exercise Classes • Monday 1 pm - Canasta & Snooker. & Bridge. Try a new game. Lessons given. • Tuesday 1 pm - Bingo • Wed 1 pm - Snooker & canasta • Wed 7 pm Jam Session Call Ella at 6793375. • Thur 9 am - Wood Carving. Call Dave 6827752. • Thurs 10 am - Carpet Bowling. • Friday 1 pm - Cribbage. • 2nd Friday every month - Mini Crib. Signup at 10:30 start 11 am.

Blessed Sacrament

Churches of Chase & Area

St. Andrews & All Saints Anglican / United Church. Sunday May 15th, 10 am Holy Communion Rev. Bill Pantzer

Parish welcomes you to Sunday Mass @ 9 am. + Mass most Tuesdays @ 9 am. + Please join us every 3rd Sunday at 10 am for the K of C Breakfast

The Light of Life Native Fellowship -

Every Sun 3 pm @ Chase Evangelical Free Church (corner of Shuswap Ave & Brooke Dr). Friendly fellowship with food, family & friends after service. Everyone is welcome. Pastor Joseph (250) 679-7656

wa us

p Prairi



Kelsey Snelgrove, Editor PHONE: (250) 679-8880 EMAIL: WEB: MAIL: Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 OFFICE: 721 Shuswap Ave between 10-3 Monday - Thursday

Chase Lions Box 12

President: Beverley Iglesias 250-679-3509 Medical Equip: Rob Simpson - 250-319-6702 Eyeglasses: Patsy McKinnon - 250-679-2918 RV Park: Beverley Iglesias - 250-679-8470

Chase Rotary Box 73

Pres: Jacquie Everett 675-2574, Sec: Doug Everett 675-2574 Meeting at Chase Creekside Centre Thursday 5:30 pm


Sundays at Creekside Centre, 542 Shuswap Exploring Christianity 9:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am Email:

Page 3 • May 13th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower

55+ BC Games Invite You to Share the Excitement Submitted by Linda Haas

The 55+ BC Games promotes Men and women in many active participation in sport events compete separately. and recreation for people age For information please call 55+. A goal of the Games, held Zone 8 reps: Inky Whalley for annually since 1988 in different Chase/Pritchard/North Shore locations around (250-679-8723), the province, is Mary Jane Pakka to provide BC’s for Sorrento Seniors with the (250-835-4453), opportunity to Linda Haas, enrich their lives, President, (250keep active, stay 679-3557), all of socially involved, whom can direct and be healthier. you to sport event There are coordinators 12 zones in for detailed the province. Snuffy Clarke crib whiz from information Zone 8 extends Chase and Nina Clearwaters, and registration from Lillooet, carpet bowler from Barriere at a procedures. Lytton, Merritt, 2013 ceremony in Kamloops The next 3 Grindrod, Zone 8 meetings Revelstoke, to Valemount, and are 10 am Thursday, May 19, all points between. Zone 8 June 16, and July 21 at the invites residents to represent Chief Louis Centre, Shuswap South Central Interior by Road., Kamloops. Keep in participating in friendly mind, though, there may be competition at Coquitlam, some playoffs coming up soon, September 20-24, 2016 in so it is important to contact any one of the following the coordinator as soon as sport or recreational events: possible. Registration forms archery, badminton, social and fees must be received by and duplicate bridge, carpet the Registrar no later than July bowling, cribbage, cycling, 8. For lots of information on the darts, dragon boat racing, 5-pin 55+ BC Games, please access bowling, floor curling, golf, ice the website:, curling, hockey, lawn bowling, and Zone 8 under “Zones” pickleball, slo-pitch, soccer, for contact information of swimming, table tennis, tennis, the executive, sport event track and field,and, whist. coordinators, and area reps. Many of these events have Join us and live the motto: For multiple classes or categories Life, Sport and Friends! from which to choose. Gold, silver and bronze medals are normally awarded in each of the age groups: 55-59, 60-64, etc. unless activities have multi-aged participants. 2015 swim team, North Vancouver.


Your Local Realtor TODAY!

250-320-5472 218 Aspen Drive

86 6421 Eagle Bay

Looking to build? This awesome pie shaped lot is just a few steps to Sunshore Golf Course and a short walk to the beach. It is flat, partially fenced and has some trees on it. Quiet neighbourhood that is at the end of a cul-de-sac on a no thru road. This location is close to everything that Chase has to offer, with walking and hiking trails, biking, fishing, boating, sledding and has all the amenities that a person needs. $89,500

Lot #86 at Wild Rose Bay on the Shuswap Lake! Are you looking for a place for your boat to call home? Looking for an amazing dock that is fully registered and built to today’s standard? Well when , not “if “, you purchase this lake view lot you have access to that very dock! The great thing about Wild Rose Bay is you have can choose to build your dream home or you can park your RV here and just use it for your recreational retreat. Its your choice...Choose lot 86 at Wild Rose Bay priced below assessment for quick sale. $175,000


Here are a couple of great options!

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Looking for an affordable spotless wellmaintained home in the heart of this lakeside community, if so, then come and take a look at this home. Within walking distance to hospital, post office and shopping. 2 bedroom, 1 bath with good size separate dining and living areas. #1, 746 Thompson Ave. MLS #10111939

Page 4 • May 13th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower Village of Chase -

Calling Local Tradespeople

Are you are Chase-based tradesperson or a business that works with and in the trades?

The Village of Chase invites you to: • Submit a short written description of the services you provide • Provide confirmation that you have a valid 2016 business license with the Village of Chase

The Village will obtain quotes from the local trades people/businesses on the 2016 trades list when contract work is needed. Please address your letter/submission to ‘Village of Chase, Attention Joni Heinrich, CAO’ and submit either by mail to PO Box 440, Chase, BC, V0E 1M0, by email to or in person at 826 Okanagan Avenue, Chase, BC. Please ensure we have your submissions by May 27, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. for the 2016 trades list. (We thank those who already submitted their letters and remind you that if you do not have a valid business license, we will not be able to obtain quotes from you).

Everything for Healthy Living

Now available for a limited time

SierraSil Joint Formula 14 Bonus Bottle (7 days free) on sale $54.95 729 Shuswap Ave Chase, BC


Council Briefs: Tuesday, May 10th meeting of Village of Chase Mayor & Council by Kelsey Snelgrove

Shuswap Avenue Bridge Repair The repair of the damaged concrete post and railing on the bridge that crosses Chase Creek on Shuswap Avenue near the Legion is being repaired. The repairs were set to begin on May 9th and will take approximately 4 weeks. The railing was damaged on January 29, 2016 by a car accident. All costs including the engineering costs will be covered by ICBC.

resources for such training. Tax Rates Bylaw was adopted – Village staff are now authorized by the bylaw to prepare tax notices for all properties in Chase. Five year Financial Plan Bylaw The Village of Chase 2016 - 2020 Financial Plan Bylaw was adopted – the Village is required by Provincial legislation to adopt annually a 5 year Financial Plan.

Hysop Road Right of Way Improvements Several residents spoke on this matter, voicing concerns or expressing support on the Village’s proposed plan to improve and beautify a public access right of Stop Signs for way on Hysop Road. Pine Street Mayor Rick Berrigan The stop signs explained where the have been idea for this plan came ordered for the from: “It was brought to intersection of Council and we realized, The Hysop Road Right of Way Pine Street and ‘it is our property and it 5th Avenue. doesn’t look nice. It’s in a pretty deplorable state’. We wanted to clean it up and make 2016 Revenue Anticipation Bylaw it usable for everybody by adding some Adopted picnic tables and grass...” This bylaw exists for a situation when CAO Joni Henrich also explained part the municipality does not have enough of the purpose was to “prevent private money on hand to meet the lawful usage of the right of way”. expenditures of the municipality. It Council voted to refer this matter back would allow Council to borrow up to to Administration for further research, $2,000,000 from a financial institution. particularly regarding the issue of launching non-motorized boats from the Business License Requirements for access. Artists A letter concerning artists requiring Fire Department Training Level business licenses to exhibit their art Resolution: in local businesses was included in The bylaw concerning the minimum the agenda. Council voted to refer level of training for Chase Volunteer Administration back to review the bylaw. Fire Dept firefighters was updated. The minimum level is “Exterior Operations Parcel Tax Bylaw Level Firefighter”. Every effort will be A bylaw to repeal parcel taxes was made to ensure all firefighters be trained passed. The parcel tax will be cancelled to the minimum level within 8 months and the fees will be moved on the utility of joining. Members may subsequently billings. be trained to Interior Operations Level Continued on page 5... provided there are adequate budget

Page 5 • May 13th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower Continued from page 4...

Council Briefs

Leif Pedersen, Director Financial Services explained the parcel tax was not the most fair way to bill because for example a vacant lot could end up paying the same amount as a parcel with 10 houses on it. The new billing will reflect usage.

Hall for those wishing to donate cash. The sewer lagoon upgrade project was discussed - Phase 1 is complete, which was the installation of pipes to separate the two lagoons. Phase 2 will include the construction of a building with various equipment, instrumentation and electronics which will allow for one lagoon to be shut down while the other continues to operate so that one lagoon can be serviced. In the meantime, to mitigate the odours that are coming from the Lagoons, the plan is to oxygenate the lagoon materials to get the bacteria working well again.

Speed Limit Signs Along Hillside Drive A letter requesting additional postings of speed limit signs on Hillside Drive because the current one is small and overlooked was in the agenda. Council voted to have public works add a couple more signs. “Kids Don’t Float” Example of a “Kids Don’t Float” kiosk Initiative Donation of Council approved Goods for Residents of Fort McMurray the Village moving ahead to obtain funds The Village of Chase has offered the and build a kiosk at Memorial Park that basement of the Community Hall to use will hold children sized personal flotation as a drop off location on Thursday May devices for loan while kids are in and near 12 from 12pm to 5pm. There will also be the water-the initiative is called, “Kids a cash donation box at the Community Don’t Float”.

Canada Day Volunteers needed Submitted by the Chase Festival Society

Canada Day is fast approaching and the Chase Festival Society and Canada Day committee are seeking volunteers to assist with Canada Day festivities. The Canada Day committee is seeking volunteers for the following: Site Manager, Set up and take down, and a Master of Ceremonies If you would like to assist with any of these important jobs please contact the Village of Chase at 250-679-3238 and speak with Sue or Debi. More information regarding the Chase Canada Festivities will be published in future articles.

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Page 6 • May 13th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower

Chase LIONS 400 Club $100 WINNER

New Celista Farm - Open Houses by Kelsey Snelgrove

A group of young farmers, who have been busy turning 2 idle acres in Celista into a thriving permaculture farm, are inviting you to come check out what they have been up to at Spotted Moose Farm. The crew, which is currently a group of four friends with more expecting to join up later 6TH ANNUAL this summer, TRADITIONAL POW WOW are excited to Neskonlith Pow Wow Grounds announce and invite everyone to their two open June 24, 25, 26 2016 houses/worker FREE CAMPING & ADMISSION bee Sundays on Everyone welcome to attend! May 15th and May 22nd. “We're only at the start of a long journey on our way to becoming a demonstration farm and school for permaculture and regenerative agriculture,” explains Chris Pisesky, one of the farmers at Spotted Moose. Everyone is welcome to attend whether you have heard of permaculture, which is agricultural ecosystems intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient, or its a new concept to you! Some of the The Village of Chase will be taking Pre-Sale Orders for highlights of the Systern Rain Barrels at the office until we sell 105 units weekend will or May 27, 2016 whichever is reached first!! include: learning Benefits about and using a • Free irrigation for your lawn & garden $ • Reduces the consumption of domestic new walk behind water use tractor, learning • A water source can be available in times of water restrictions about and using ONLY 105 BEING SOLD! DONʼT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! the revolutionary MAY 11, 2016 TICKET # 315 --- $100.00 RICK JONES, CHASE, B.C.




55 Gallon Capacity

Features: •unique shape and neutral color blends into any garden scape •208 litres, 55 gallon capacity • content up to 50% recycled materials •mosquito •mosqui mesh to keep bugs and leaf debris out •easy installation with existing downspouts •contoured, easy to use spigot •overflow hose that can be linked to another SYSTERN or can be directed away from the house. di •cover included

broadfork, making a few “Hugel Kultur” beds which are amazing garden beds that will never require irrigation. There will also be small tours and workshops on the local foods and medicines growing wild on the farm, as well as animal grazing systems and how they hope to use the animals to regenerate the land. You can also explore their new greenhouse, where they are currently working out the final designs for an aquaponics system as well as an edible mushroom production project. If you are interested you can explore the initial designs and concepts for the farm itself. Pisesky, who is originally from the Vernon area, said he decided on the property in Celista because it was just perfect for their agricultural goals. “And the people I have met so far have been great too!” said Pisesky. Both Sundays the doors at 5067 Line 17 Road in Celista will be open from 10 AM to 7 PM, and the farm will be providing lunch and refreshments, and anyone wishing to stay for dinner can bring a dish for the potluck. If you can, please RSVP on their facebook page (www.facebook. com/SpottedMooseFarm) so they can plan how much food to prepare for the afternoons. Contact them if you have any questions at 250-859-6206.

Rodeo Bursary Offered

The Pritchard Community Association is offering a RODEO BURSARY of $500.00 to a student from the PRITCHARD and CHASE area that has completed grade 12 and will be pursuing Rodeo and postsecondary education. Please apply in writing NO LATER than JUNE 30, 2016, showing financial need statement (the Bursary will not be considered

without this statement). Please show a clear statement regarding future plans and goals, include a recent transcript of grades, 2 letters of reference and proof of participation in High School Rodeo. Please mail package to: Pritchard Community Association, c/o Don Swift, President, P.O. Box 78, Pritchard B.C. V0E 2P0. FMI: please call Don Swift 250-577-3461

Page 7 • May 13th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower

District committed to special needs funding

Village of Chase

written by SD73 Trustee Kathleen Karpuk

Support for special needs students in schools is usually a topic of conversation every year when school district budgets are being set. As student enrollment drops, budgets decrease and there is increased pressure on supports and services being delivered to students. School District 73 has made an ongoing commitment during the past decade to preserve the levels of service to special needs students despite decreased budgets. Funding for student support is provided through two different sets of grants. The first is learning assistance for students with learning disabilities, mild intellectual disabilities, students requiring moderate behaviour supports and gifted students, which is included in the basic per student block grant. Services that are provided from the regular block funding include basic learning assistance, speech pathologists, school counsellors, hospital homebound services and assessment. A second, supplementary grant is provided for students who require more intensive support. Special needs students who require an Individual Education Plan (IEP) are those students who require more than a minor adaptation to educational materials, instruction or assessment; are not able to work on the prescribed learning outcomes of regular curriculum or who receive more than 25 hours of assistance in a year. Over the past decade in the district, the ratio of Learning Assistance Resource Teachers (LARTs) to students with special needs has remained constant, as has the ratio to overall numbers of students. On average there is one LART for every 185 students, which would include 16-17 special needs students. The number of Certified Education Assistants (CEAs) has increased over the past decade even as the student population has dropped. This year, 771 of 1,477 classes have a CEA assigned and 790 classes have one or fewer students with an IEP.

It is important to recognize that there is a broad range of special needs. An example is the category for chronic health conditions, which could include a Kindergarten child with Diabetes who requires help monitoring blood sugar or a child with cerebral palsy who needs continuous assistance. The district recognizes that every child is different and has processes in place to support students based on their individual needs. A student who needs more help, will get more help. The level of support a child receives also changes with their needs. That Kindergarten child with Diabetes who needs help monitoring blood sugar may not need the help once they get to high school and are managing their condition on their own. Kamloops is a larger school district and because of our size is able to provide services that smaller districts cannot. We have resource teachers for the visually and hearing impaired, as well as a mental health clinician and a drug and alcohol councillor. The city of Kamloops is also home to the Chris Rose Therapy Centre for Autism. Kamloops is considered a regional hub and many families with special needs children move to the district in order to access services that cannot be provided elsewhere. Our district also provides resource rooms where students with severe impairments or behaviours are able to learn in an environment more suitable for their needs. As students move into the secondary school program, life skills and other modified classes are provided. Last year, the six year completion rate for special needs students in SD73 was 71.7% with those students receiving a Dogwood diploma. Twenty four per cent of special needs students who graduated in 2015 did so with an average of 80% or greater and received an honours designation from the province. This helps confirm the commitment the school district has made to support special needs students.

Fire Hydrant Flushing The Village of Chase will be conducting annual flushing of fire hydrants on the east side of town starting Monday, May 16th through to Friday May 20th between 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. During this time period you may notice a slight discoloration or cloudy appearance in your water. If discoloration is found, please run the taps until the water clears. Staff will be available to answer any questions. Village of Chase Ph: 250.679.3238 Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.



Chase Farm & Craft Market Every Friday, Starting May 20th from 10 am - 2 pm at the Chase Curling Club parking lot

• Very Affordable • Fenced • Water Available

621 1st Ave, Chase BC 250-679-8811

Page 8 • May 13th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower



& Board Shop 927 Shuswap Ave • 250-679-8456

Notice of Sale: Warehouse Lien Act

By the virtue of the warehouse lien act we will sell the 2013 Suzuki Grand Vitara JLX VIN#J53TD0D040100078 belonging to Kimberly Dawn Javier, for unpaid storage of $5737.92 The vehicle will be sold on or after June 10, 2016 at 7519 Trans Canada Hwy Chase, BC V0E1M1 Contact LJ’s Towing & Transport 250-679-8600.

Notice of Sale: Warehouse lien act

By the virtue of the warehouse lien act we will sell the 2009 dodge caravan VIN#2D8HN44E39R613722 belonging to Erin Ora-Jean Stavb, for unpaid storage of $3647.65. The vehicle will be sold on or after June 10,2016 at 7519 Trans Canada Hwy Chase, BC V0E1M1. Contact LJ’s Towing & Transport 250-679-8600.

Continued from page 1...

Thanks to all Shuswap Experience helpers The committee are having a meeting next week to “debrief ” and set a date for next year. They will also discuss all the success of the event and the areas where improvements can be made. The Trade Show committee would like to thank the following people and businesses for donating or jumping in to help with last minute details to ensure the success of the1st annual Shuswap Experience Trade Show May 7th: Monte Creek Ranch Winery, Terroir Cheese, Sleepless Nights, Chase Garden Centre, Gary Foster Carvings, Chase Legion Ladies Auxiliary, David Lepsoe, Retired Chase Royalty, Kylie Schmidt and Meghan Johnston, Village of Chase, Pete Murray’s Corn Farm, Leanne Endean, Allan Bradley, Wayne Davidson, Bill Davidson, Chase Auto Centre , Eagle West Cranes, Randy Trowsse, Terra Lundy, Jane Herman and Linda Kynoch, Wendy Daniels, Investors Group, Earth Mother Deity, Diana Endean, Councillor Egely, Councillor Lepsoe, Theresa Christy and concession volunteers. And most importantly for everyone who attended and participated in all that the vendors offered! Continued from page 1... Mother’s

Steve Ayres from B100, was one of many who tried out the Kangoo Jump Boots on Saturday PHOTO BY ZILLY PALAMAR Thank you from the Trade Show committee - Ali Maki Barbara Maher, Brock Endean, Darlene Trowsse, Donna Smith-Bradley, Jodi Gibson, Kerri Koskimaki. In case we missed anyone please accept this as a big thank you to all who helped out with both big and small acts of kindness.” Thank you!

Day Breakfast benefits Fire Dept

Chase Sunflower offers PHOTOCOPYING on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesdays

Office Hours: 10 am - 4 pm 250-679-8880 J.J.’S ASIAN CUISINE


Red Seal Chef on Board 213 Bell St. (250) 571-8858 Open Mon - Sat: 11 - Close We’re on Facebook!

Chase Lions Lorna Douglas and Bev Iglesias present a cheque for $2500 to the Chase Volunteer Fire Department to go towards the “iamresponding” system.

Page 9 • May 13th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower Classified deadline is Monday at 3 pm for Friday’s paper. $5 for 20 words. 20¢ each additional word (tax incl). Obituaries are $35 with photo, $30 without. Wedding, birthday, anniversary notices all welcome! Email or drop off at Sunflower Headquarters (721 Shuswap Ave) or at Willows Natural Foods.

Classifieds GARAGE SALES


Mobile Home for Sale - 250-679-4466.

Business & Services

MOVING Sale - 512 Hendry, Behind the Legion. Friday May 13, 8 - 12. Furniture, Tools, Ride on Lawnmower, For Sale - 500amp Honda R.v. Gen Table and Chairs, and more. Brand Hardly Used $180 250-679-8245 New paint - Int & Ext Full 1 gal cans. For Sale - 1500W Generator. LikeYard Sale - Saturday, May 14 @232 new. $400. Call 679-4040

Larry’s Flooring. 25 years experience installing floors. Linoleum, laminate, wood. Reasonable Rates. Call Larry 250-679-7650.


Fitness Classes. Circuit/BodyShred/ Kangoo. Tues/Thurs 7-7:45am, Sat 9-10am. Terra Lundy 250-299-5222

MOVING SALE - EVERYTHING MUST GO! - 234 ASPEN DRIVE, CHASE -Saturday, May 14 from 9AM - 3PM Furniture, cabinets for garage, dishes, lights, craft items, fabric, books, prices low as everything MUST Need a dog walker? Or a dog, cat or house sitter? I am a mature, go!!! pet loving lady, honest & reliable. Multi-family garage sale. OId References available. Reasonable Orchard Park, 566 Coburn Street (at rates. Call Paulette 250-679-1153.

SAHHALTKUM DAYCARE est.1996. Licensed facility. Certified staff. Children 3mths up to 12 years. Hot Lunch program available. Nutritious snacks provided. Daily educational programs. Part/full time or drop in available ALL CHILDREN WELCOME!! F.M.I. 6459 Hillcrest Rd, Chase (across Pine St. bridge) or ph: 250-679-2229

Brooke Dr., 9-3. Tools, Plantstomatoes, raspberries etc., Lulu clothing, Baking, plus lots more.

LOSE WEIGHT and inches, make money, drink 1 cup of coffee per day. Ask me how Maryerickson or call 250-679-0009.


Cedar Ave), in Chase on Sat. May 7th from 9 am - 4 pm. Lawn tools, fishing gear, power tools, mountain bikes, clothing, household items, hand tools and more.

Pruning Services. Power Raking & airerating. Accepting new lawn care clientele. Fully insured. Jonnie Walker. 250-318-5237.

Indoor/Community Garage Sale - Window, gutter, yard cleaning, power Lots of quality items! May 14 from 10 washing, dump runs, painting, flooring, - 2. Table $15. Contact Debbie 250- pruning. Call Ted 250-852-2754. 679-8704 or Chanelle’s Window Paintings Community Yard Sale - Adams Lake Get new customers with a colourful Indian Band Gym - May 14th 8 am - 1 painting for any occasion. Serving pm. Book a table for $5, phone 778- Chase & surrounding areas. Call for 257-4123. info at 250-257-1047 Neighborhood Garage Sale Ponderosa Pines Mobile Home Park East Trans Canada Highway, Pritchard May 14th 8:30 to 3.


Lost Container of Miracle-grow plant food (Fell out of truck from Adams Lake to Squ’lax.) 250-318-5646 Lost Dog - in area of RBC last week Aged Female boxer dog. Call 250803-3031.

Celebration of Life for

Shawn Campbell

(August 16, ‘66 October 6, ‘15) will be held this Saturday May 14 @ 1pm for Shawn Campbell. Celebration of Life will be at the Legion basement in Chase, located at 515 Shuswap Ave.

Chase Upholstery – 323 Willow St, Chase, BC. 679-3923. Furniture – Auto – Boat tops and seats – RVs

Sewing Alterations, Reasonable Rates. Lyn Paik, 250-819-2966. #229A Brooke Drive, Chase Need a small engine mechanic? I can do all your lawn and garden equipment as well as motorcycles, quads, side by sides, boats, and any other small engines you have. Work guaranteed. Call Jarrett 250-320-6082.


Canada Post Chase is currently accepting tenders for a Cleaning Maintenance Contractor. Please contact Postmaster at Canada Post Chase for specifications. Tenders must be submitted by June 3, 2016. Strawberry Pickers Needed at Golden Ears Farm - early June start for 2 - 3 weeks, 3 - 4 days per week, 6 - 11 AM. Contact Michelle @ 250-679-8421


Wanted to buy: Pre 1950s, snowshoes, scales, wood windows, doors, signs, galv. tubs, cowboy, oars, paddles, sports, furniture, farm, 250-577-3357

Page 10 • May 13th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower


PH: 250-299-1123

Craig’s Bakery & Deli & Cafe Kerrie’s cookin’ in the kitchen, come on in! OPEN: Mon - Sat 6 am • Sunday 8 am

LJ’s Towing and Transport Open 24 hrs 7 days /week




Afternoon High Tea - Sat & Sun 1 - 5 Finger Sandwiches, Scones & Baked Goods 250-675-2977

Lyle’s Concrete



Sharen’s Hair Studio

611 - 3rd Ave, Chase (rear entrance) Mon - Fri


Handyman Dave Appliances, Heating, Locks, Plumbing, Elec. PH: 250-679-2463

Underwood Liquor Store Open every day 9 am - 11 pm Open on All Holidays

Letters to the Editor Letters on any topic can be sent to the Sunflower at, or mailed to Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0. Letters may be edited for length, or not published.

Walkers, Joggers, and Cyclists Well as spring has come upon us I see more walkers, joggers and cyclists out enjoying the warmer weather, so as a person that is concerned about people’s safety I felt it necessary to take the time to remind people of a few safety tips to remember when you’re enjoying your spring activities. Walkers and Joggers: Remember to walk facing oncoming traffic when walking on streets like VLA Road that have no sidewalks and traffic is flowing above the posted speed limits. It’s important to face traffic, so you can see if the vehicle heading in your direction sees you and is paying attention to you. Cyclists: Cyclists should be driving with traffic and should stay off of sidewalks as sidewalks are for foot traffic. Riding on sidewalks makes it difficult for vehicles to predict what your next move is. Learn your proper hand signals so you can let other traffic know in advance when you plan on changing lanes. This will help protect you and help avoid collisions. Last but not least WEAR A Helmet. The fact that it is law is a good reason but the other is that a head injury would be life changing. When you ask people why they don’t wear a Helmet they’ll tell you it messes their hair, they like the wind flowing through their hair or its make them look ugly, but if you’ve ever

Grilled Radishes

Roast Beef Mondays

Ingredients 20 ounces radishes, sliced 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 tablespoons butter, cut into small pieces 1 cube ice salt and pepper to taste


ice cube on a double layer of aluminum

Underwood Restaurant 250-679-3321

met anyone that has had an accident and suffered a head injury and was not wearing a Helmet, I’m sure they would say “I wish I would have been wearing a Helmet”. We need to think about our parents, siblings, spouses and children when we make decisions, think of the impact it would have on their lives if something happened to you and tell your kids what life would be like without them when explaining why they should wear a Helmet. On that note enjoy your spring and summer activities and BE SAFE! Randy Trowsse, Chase

Sudoku PUZZLE Answers on page 12

foil large enough to wrap contents. Season with salt and pepper. Tightly seal foil around contents. Place foil packet on the grill, and cook 20 minutes, or until radishes are tender.

e to -dish recip e id s le p al Sim Directions icy, season p s is h t e includ Preheat the grill for high heat. ish g: the rad Place the radishes, garlic, butter, and offerin

Page 11 • May 13th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower

Word Search - Bicycle Week

Bike Week is a yearly international event that originated in Europe. It is typically a seven-day event that advocates bicycling for transportation.


Apparently taking a day off is not something you should do when you work for a calendar company.

Business Listings Dave’s Appliance Repair

Guaranteed Service to all Brands and Makes


Pete’s Pizza & Pasta Open at 4 pm Tuesday - Sunday


Sorrento Plumbing & Water Well Service

250-679-0001 Serving the Shuswap!

Ed's Pest Control

ALL your pest control needs 30 yrs exp. Gov. Licensed/Insured. 250-668-5902

Two friends are talking, one says: “Man, I fell off a thirty-foot ladder yesterday.” “Oh no, are you alright?!” inquires the other one. “Yeah, I’m OK, I was only on the second rung then.”

A nice old lady on a bus offers the driver some peanuts. He take some and, munching, asks her why she isn’t having any herself. “Oh, young man,” she says, “they’re too hard on my poor teeth, I couldn’t.” “Why buy them at all then?” wonders the driver. “You see, I just love the chocolate they’re covered in!”

What did the tectonic plate say to the other when they bumped into each other? Sorry, that’s my fault.

Why do teenage girls hang out in odd-numbered groups? Because they can’t even!

S E K JO Just a funny picture

Page 12 • May 13th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower

From the Archived Files of the Chase Lions Club


Written in 2003, by Frank Shelest, Charter Member

Continued from previous issue...

y Bike Mon p t ap




For the first time, Chase Lions Club sponsored the Hallowe’en Fireworks $500.00 (‘76) at the Government wharf. It cost $1,400 in October of 1982. However, every youngster who came in a costume would receive a free hot dog and a pop plus the sale to the general public. This was continued for a number of years till the pyrotechnics became too expensive. It was discontinued in 1985 and replaced with a children’s costume party at the Hall and has continued as YES! - We can repair your old bike! Community an annual activity. Furnishing the Ilahee Lounge became a reality. Table and chairs were delivered YES! - We can take your unwanted (November ‘76) with the sofa and easy bike/parts chairs to come. The final shipment YES! - We can teach you how to fix arrived January 1977 - $3,800. A piano your bike (March ‘77), a TV set and VCR were later added - the last two items to remain in the Chase Lions name. YES! - We Wheels of fortune were discussed and have been construction authorized (November ‘76). hard to get Attention was given to the collection of ahold of! used glasses (April ‘77) to be forwarded But we now to District D sight conservation chairman have a cell to be used for the needy in depressed phone so call and disaster areas. This has become an 778-220on going service project. Consideration 6709! was given to sponsoring a Lions Golf Tournament (June ‘77). The first was held September 11, 1977 with 47 Lions participating. It continues to this day with Golden Ears Farm Bike Shop maximum participation. A joint Chase Open Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Lions and Legion Casino with a 50-50 from 10 am - 4 pm. 5848 VLA Rd. split was held (September ‘77) Labour Call Paul Direct at: Day weekend ($652.18). Christmas decorations were purchased (November 778-220-6709 ‘77) for the WI Hall to be used by all groups. Ricky Hedrich The original Ilahee Riley & Associates Realty Ltd. sign was made and 250.572.0828 erected by the Lions (August ‘77). The OPEN HOUSE Immaculate family home waiting for you. Perfect location first $100 a month 521 Cottonwood St. for a young family. Watch your kids cross the road to go draw completed its to school. Three bedrooms upstairs, a very nice galley Sunday May 15 kitchen with newer appliances, great covered deck off cycle December 12, 11 am - 2 pm the dining room wrapping around to front and mostly 1977, and a new raffle updated flooring throughout. The basement offers one more bedroom, full bathroom, workshop, family room called the Club 400 and loads of storage. The single garage is a bonus, as was authorized to be well as the nice RV parking beside it with sewer hook-up. The backyard is split between beautiful lawn and very low set up (December maintenance rockscape. Large garden area with three ‘77). Our 10th year raised beds. What are you waiting for? Come take a look. $252,000 anniversary pin

arrived (December ‘77). An $800 donation was made to Chase Secondary for the purchase of a basketball score clock on behalf of our honorary member, Henry Grube. 31 smoke detectors were purchased and installed at Ilahee Lodge units by the Lions for $828 (February ‘78), later a Bingo set was donated. An application was submitted for the Second Avenue improvement project involving an estimated 7 students, one foreman and a budget of $9,000 over a period of 8 weeks. Unfortunately the application was turned down (April ‘78). A workparty was organized for the construction of a sundeck for a shut-in. This included rails, stairs, flooring, surfacing and painting (June ‘78). In subsequent years, a number of wheelchair ramps or entrance modifications have been either built or financed by the Chase Lions. The Chase Lions continued to be busy; Well Woman’s Clinic, Rape Prevention Clinic, a benefit dance, and a blood donor clinic was sponsored; donated to the Kidney Foundation, trophy for Haldane School; sold 2,319 Lucky Leo tickets; operated the Canoe Regatta concession ($304.81); and had time for a Lions Picnic and all the other ongoing annual activities. The years 1978 through 1980, aside with continuing with established projects and activities, new ideas were always considered. Here is a list of some: sponsored the “Vi I of Life” program in Chase and Pritchard; organ donor card distribution was continued for several years; purchased and installed playground equipment at the Chase Park (SummerFall ‘79); a school bus was purchased, modified and upgraded (Spring ‘80). It was transferred to the Chase Secondary School Students Council in the spring of ‘81 (May); accident, liability and loss insurance as we have it now was introduced and adopted January 22/79. Some changes have been made but the original intent remained the same. The sponsorship of Air Cadets was undertaken (January ‘79) and continued for a few years. The Club pledged $2,000 in support of a Low Vision Clinic in Kelowna, a District D project. More Lions Club History to be continued...

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