Chase Sunflower November 20th

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ke On a T ! E E FR


On December 5, proceeds from the Chase Country Christmas Pancake Breakfast will be dedicated to kick off the Chase Water Splash Park. Flyers will be circulated throughout the community with an opportunity for residents to sign up that they are in support and will be attending. This sign up is important, so that the club can anticipate the amounts of food needed. The event will run from 7:00 am to 11:00 am on Saturday, December 5 at the Chase Community Hall. Adults by donation. A water play fountain will be onsite for children to drop their toonie and make a SPLASH! Watch for further announcements.

Stay Healthy and Young

Submitted by Darcy Simpson, Skmana Club President Researchers in Sweden and at Ball State University in Indiana assembled two remarkable groups of octogenarian men. One group was composed of lifelong cross-country skiers, the other group didn’t do any formal exercise beyond the Photo by Estelle Noakes activities of daily living. Cont’d on page 5

November 20, 2015

pm Fri, November 20th - 7 VS Kamloops STORM

7 pm Tues, November 24th VS Revelstoke Grizzlies

pm Fri, November 27th - 7 VS Revelstoke Grizzlies

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Vol. 20, Issue 45

A CHASE SPLASH PARK?? Submitted by Bev Iglesias, Chase Lions

o you remember jumping in puddles, running through garden sprinklers and spraying your friends with garden hoses? Playing with water is simply fun. There is no right way to use it. Water play fosters imagination, curiosity but also brings out the experimentation factor in children. A water play park can be the catalyst for building concepts, developing language, and promoting social skills. Water play is developmentally appropriate regardless of the child’s physical condition, age, language, gender, culture, or exceptionality. (Bredeikamp 1987). Simply put...water is intriguing! The Chase Lions Club this past year, partnered with the Village of Chase to apply for a Canada 150 grant. Although the grant funding has not been announced, the Chase Lions Club dedicated $50,000.00 and want to go ahead with this worthwhile family project.







Page 2 • November 20th, 2015 • Chase Sunflower

Community Bulletin Board

St Andrews & All Saints Anglican/ United Church. 845 Thompson Ave Sunday Nov 22nd at 10 AM, Morning Prayer, Linda Fortier

Lakeview Community Centre Society – 7703 Squilax Anglemont Road, Nov. 27, 2015 – Debut Coffee House. Doors open at 7 p.m. entertainment at 7:30. Come join us for an evening of great music and socializing Nov. 28 - X-mas Craft Sale - 10 am - 4 pm Chase Country X-Mas Children’s Store - Welcoming donations new or gently used items that would be good gifts for parents or siblings. Also accepting gift bags, ribbon & bows. FMI Joey 679-7758. LIGHT UP SORRENTO Celebrate The Holiday Season with us as we turn on the Christmas Lights! Fireworks!! Live music and Santa too!!! Fri Dec 4, 2015 from 6pm - 9pm. At the Sorrento Memorial Hall Chief Atahm School X-Mas Craft Sale. Sunday Nov. 22, 9 - 2 Adams Lake Gym. $10 a table. To book a table call 679-8837. Proceeds go to year end field trips. Start collecting winter-wear for people. Drop off: Sat., Dec 05/15 from noon to 9:00 p.m. @Chase Art Holding Arena. FMI call: Zilly (250) 679-2856. Sip n Shop - Chase Village Lanes: November 21, 2015. (local home based businesses set up for shopping, ticket sales to Chase Community Toy Shop) Little Black Dress Event: Dec 5, 2015 6pm to 8 pm. Admission non perishable food donation to the food bank) Kamloops Community Band Concert December 6th, 2015 2pm to 4pm Chase Community Hall admission donation to Chase Food Bank. For info/hours phone 250-679-3536 NOVEMBER 20TH - 5:30 PM. BURGER & BEER /POP ADULTS $10. KIDS (6 - 12 YEARS) $6. NOVEMBER 29TH - DOORS @ 2 PM GREY CUP PARTY DOOR PRIZES /CHILI AT HALF TIME BY DONATION

Winter Wonderland Village - Fri., Dec 04/15 ONLY. Help needed to set up a winter scene Fri. morning. Items (artificial trees, garland, sleighs, toboggans, lanterns for show only, etc.) are needed for this Chase Country X-Mas weekend display. Your help/items to set up/take down Fri. will be very helpful. FMI please call: Zilly (250) 679-2856

The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community. The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher.

Free Catch-Up Flu Clinic by Appointment, Monday Nov. 23, 2015. 10:00am-6:00pm at Chase Primary Health Care Services, 825 Thompson Avenue, Chase. Call 250-679-1393 for more info or to book an appointment


In last week’s Sunflower (Minor Hockey News) it stated that on Dec. 6th, there was Public Skating from 5:30-6:30pm. There will be no public skating at that date/time due to the Heat Game. There was also an error in the Chase Heat Ad - there was o game on November 13th. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Chase Christmas Hamper

applications are available until Dec 17, 2015 at the Chase Employment Centre. The Chase Christmas Community Toy Shop will be open Saturdays starting now until Sat. Dec 19th, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Creekside Center Activities: • Mon 8:30 - Exercise Classes • Monday 1 pm - Canasta & Snooker. & Bridge. Try a new game. Lessons given. • Tuesday 1 pm - Bingo • Wed 1 pm - Snooker & canasta • Wed 7 pm Jam Session Call Ella at 679-3375. • Thur 9 am - Wood Carving. Call Dave 682-7752. • Thurs 10 am - Carpet Bowling. • Friday 1 pm - Cribbage. • 2nd Friday every month - Mini Crib. Sign-up at 10:30 start 11 am. • Christmas Dinner - Dec 10 at the Community Hall. Tickets available now, must be purchased by Dec 5th. FMI Call Sharron at 679-1183.

Kelsey Snelgrove, Editor PHONE: (250) 679-8880 EMAIL: WEB: MAIL: Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 OFFICE: 721 Shuswap Ave between 10-3 Monday - Thursday

Chase LIONS 400 Club $100 WINNER


Chase Lions Box 12

President: Beverley Iglesias 250-679-3509 Medical Equip: Rob Simpson - 250-319-6702 Eyeglasses: Patsy McKinnon - 250-679-2918 RV Park: Beverley Iglesias - 250-679-8470

Chase Rotary Box 73

Pres: Jacquie Everett 675-2574, Sec: Doug Everett 675-2574 Meeting at Chase Creekside Centre Thursday 5:30 pm


Sundays at Creekside Centre, 542 Shuswap Exploring Christianity 9:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am Email:

Page 4 • November 20th, 2015 • Chase Sunflower

LJ’s Towing and Transport Open 24 hrs 7 days /week


Craig’s Bakery & Deli & Cafe Kerrie’s cookin’ in the kitchen, come on in! OPEN: Mon - Sat 6 am • Sunday 8 am

Underwood Restaurant 250-679-3321

Call to book your holiday function

Awesome Ladies Fashions Available Locally

Chum ‘n’ Luba’s

826 Shuswap Ave • 250.679.3134 • Tues - Sat 10 - 4:30



Pete’s Pizza & Pasta Open at 4 pm Tuesday - Sunday

250-679-2775 Underwood Liquor Store Open every day 9 am - 11 pm Open on All Holidays


Dr. Roy Rodrigues & Dr. Melanie Keith

Chase Wellness Centre 250 679 2900

Handyman Dave

Appliances, Heating, Locks, Plumbing, Elec. PH: 250-679-2463

Sorrento Plumbing & Water Well Service

250-679-0001 Serving the Shuswap!

Sharen’s Hair Studio

611 - 3rd Ave, Chase (rear entrance) Mon - Fri



Brick, Stone, Rock, & Tile Work 679-3369

ALso Chimney & Masonry Repairs

Dave’s Appliance Repair

Guaranteed Service to all Brands and Makes


Adventures in Celebrancy Column by Susan Cairnie

What is a Celebrant anyways? Someone who gets to celebrate all the time? That is not far off! Life Cycle Celebrants creates personalized ceremonies, such as wedding and funerals, that reflect the unique beliefs and spiritual values of the individuals involved. This is a great option for those who don't feel connected to a religious body, but still want to mark their significant life events in meaningful ways. Celebrants believe in the power of ceremony and ritual to mark significant life events, and come to the table with no preconceived ideas of how a ceremony should look. Instead, through careful interviewing, they draw out what is important to the client and work together to create a meaningful ceremony. This September, I began my Foundations in Celebrancy course through the Celebrant Foundation and Institute, and I am excited to share some of what I am

learning with you in this monthly column. As a celebrant, I am studying the art of ritual, ceremony, world traditions, faith traditions, mythology and ceremonial writing and speaking. This is preparing me to officiate at all kinds of life events, including Weddings, Civil and Sacred Unions, Mother Blessings, Baby Namings, Adoption, Illness, Healing, Funerals, Celebration of Life, Animal Tributes, Work Place and Job Loss, and much more! Celebrants also create ceremonies for seasonal, community, corporate and civic events. In addition, as a Celebrant I will become an ordained InterFaith Minister who can perform legal marriage ceremonies. Last spring my sister asked me to officiate at her Sacred Union ceremony, and I had such a great time that I was inspired to take this course. I've always loved celebrating special events with my community, and this course offers me a way to share my joy for life in creative ways. For more information, check out my blog at www.joyfulcelebrationsblog.

Churchill’s Corner by Wally Churchill

I met some nice people from Saudi Arabia at the Bakery, with a beautiful daughter named Amira. I sang a song for her; her mom got jealous so I sang to her. Her dad wanted a song, so I sang a song for him. We have a Hillbilly Hootenanny Christmas coming up, on Saturday December 12th from 2 to 11 pm [God willing’ and the creek don’t rise]. All proceeds are going to the Hamper Society. Only three weeks away.... People ask what is a Hootenanny? It comes from a time when people got together and had a hoot. Wear your Halloween costume, dress as Santa, coveralls, farmer style, potato sack and have a hoot. The back stage gang will start it off at 2 pm. Ella, Rollie, Vern,

and gang. Lots of Christmas songs, singalongs, dancing is free. We need singing groups, comics like the Loonie Toonies, anything else. Remember no admission, donations of money, canned goods, etc. If you’re broke, come on down and help out. I will be there at 11 am, setting up the PA with Doug and Vern. Coffee has to be put on by noon. Phone Wally 250-318-7324 if you can help out. We could use some donations from businesses for prizes, maybe snacks. Loonies, toonies, and $100 bills gladly accepted. Last time we raised over $900 and lots of canned goods and stuff! Let’s blow the roof off this time. It would be nice to see Councillors Nancy, Ali, Steve, Dave and Mayor Rick there!

Page 5 • November 20th, 2015 • Chase Sunflower Continued from page 1...

Skiing for Health

Not surprisingly, the skiers were in better shape than the non-skiers. The results show that the skiers had approximately twice the cardiovascular and muscular fitness of the untrained group. One of the big differences between cross-country skiing and other forms of exercise, like running and cycling, is that your upper body plays a big role. The full body workout provided by cross-country skiing is uniquely effective. The untrained subjects, despite being blessed with

remarkable health, were perilously close to the inability to live independently. The message: Good genes can help you live a long life, but if you want to fully enjoy those later years, go Cross Country Skiing. The SKAMANA SKI & SNOWSHOE CLUB season opens soon, check out our web site or call Darcy 250 679 3941 for more information.


Mel Arnold, MP-elect was sworn in November 16, 2015 as the newest Member of Parliament to represent the North Okanagan-Shuswap electoral district by the Deputy Clerk of the House of Commons, Marc Bosc. The ceremony was short, MP Arnold reported, but holds significance in protocol as members are not able to enter the House of Commons until sworn in. “I am looking forward to getting down to the serious work of representing the constituents of the North Okanagan-Shuswap,” said MP Arnold. “I am happy to report that my constituency office

staff have already been able to assist with calls regarding seniors access to a Old Age Security payments, permanent resident status and Training Visas. Other priorities include forwarding the many concerns of local constituents regarding the diligent screening of all Canadian-bound refugees to ensure the security of all Canadians.” MP Arnold has yet to secure a permanent location for his new constituency office, but can be reached at 250 260-5020 or 1-800-6655040 or

Pin Chatter: News from the Bowling Alley by Cayln Buresh, Village Lanes

With the winter season rolling in, things are getting busier and busier around Village Lanes! Today, I’m going to talk to you a little bit about an event that is coming up. It is not an event run by Village Lanes. We are merely a venue for the event, but it is for SUCH a great cause, that I figured it would definitely be worth mentioning. A couple of special ladies in the community of Chase have spent countless hours preparing, organizing, and planning for this very special event. Are you ready? IT’S LADIES NIGHT! Yes, you heard me. Ladies Night! To be precise, it is the 2nd Annual Ladies Sip & Shop Extravaganza! As a lady living in Chase, it can sometimes be frustrating not being able to always shop locally. Well, that’s what this event is all about! 15 local

vendors set up shop inside Village Lanes, get together for one night of the year, and sell, sell, sell to all of the ladies in Chase and surrounding areas! Vendors range from Scentsy representatives, to Christie Mickelson Photography, and even Passion Party’s somewhere in between! The cost of tickets is $10/person, you get a door prize ticket simply for showing up, and the best part? Wine is on special! Appetizers are made available for the ladies to snack on throughout the evening while browsing the vendor stations. 100% of all ticket proceeds are donated to the Chase Toy Store. What an amazing cause. Ladies, to be a part of this special event tomorrow night, please swing by Village Lanes and get your ticket today!

Everything for Healthy Living



in stock

729 Shuswap Ave Chase, BC


Grocery 250-679-3553 Open 8 am to 8 pm

Pharmacy 250-679-8611 Open 9 am - 6 pm

Miller’s Cabin

(Naramada Downtown Chase)

Keeps GROWING! Care Section t e P Our

This Winter Keep your Canine Cozy! Canada Pooch Dog Jackets in Stock Now! GROOMING SUPPLIES: Scissors, brushes, oral care & more. Best prices around! (We checked!)



Lorine Evans Wills & Estate Family Law Conveyancing evening & weekend appointments

Phone: 250-679-3180 Email: Web:

Page 3 • November 20th, 2015 • Chase Sunflower

Organization of the Week: Chase Legion Getting to know our businesses leaders and local organizations A Service of the Chase & District Chamber of Commerce

The Chase Legion, Branch 107 has pool. As well, members and guests can been an active part of the community enjoy weekly meat draws and a variety for 85 years. Throughout that time, they of special events such as dinners, dances, have given much assistance to individuals and the annual Legion Golf Tournament. and groups in the local area. As well, The Chase Legion does much for they have provided the local members and guests community. A “Membership is open to all adults with a friendly venue in the community, not just those with large portion of in which to socialize a military connection. Currently, the the funds raised and enjoy a variety through the Chase Legion has 327 members.” of fun activities. annual Poppy Membership is open to all adults in the Campaign stays in the community to community, not just those with a military provide bursaries for local students and connection. Currently, the Chase Legion assistance for local veterans. In addition, has 327 members. As members, you are all of the revenue from gaming stays in welcome to visit not only the local branch Chase and the surrounding communities but also Legion Branches throughout in the form of financial support for local Canada and the US. fire departments and Search and Rescue The Chase Legion currently offers groups. The Chase Legion also provides members and guests the opportunity to part time employment for 2 local residents, participate in activities such as league and regularly supports other local charities or fun darts, cribbage tournaments and and community events.

Long-time Member Moves Away

Submitted by Creekside Seniors Chase Creekside Seniors in Chase since 1969. She has Organization bids a sad farewell been a storekeeper, postmistress to one of its oldest and also served members. An avid 14 years as a crib player, ninetydirector of the six year old Eunice Legion. She will Thomas has been a be missed by member since 1977. all. She will, no She was instrumental doubt, continue in obtaining the her crib playing addition of a trailer at the Shuswap to the Centre in Lodge in Salmon 1982. She has lived Arm.

More Museum Improvements

submitted by Diana Ball, Chase & District Museum The Chase Museum has a beautiful new deck connecting it’s two buildings. A huge thank you to Interfor, Adams Lake Division for the donation of the lumber. The deck was built by a wonderful volunteer by the name of John Doll with the assistance of our board member Rod Crowe.

J.J.’S ASIAN CUISINE NEW Red Seal Chef on Board

OPEN Mon - Fri 11-7 213 Bell St. (250) 571-8858

New: Smoke House Chili.

Village of Chase -

The regular Council meeting scheduled for Tues, November 24th has been moved to Mon. November 23rd at 4:00 p.m. in Council Chambers

This is an Income Earning Property!

I’d like to clear up some misconceptions that were made regarding MLS # 10094633 this lovely property on VLA that includes a 29 unit Storage facility that is in fact non-conforming, meaning it will continue to be able to be used as a storage unit with new owners in place. Please contact the TNRD for further clarification on this. Tucked in behind on this 2 acre country style property, is a beautiful 2800 sq ft, 2bdrm/2 bath rancher with full basement and 1 bdrm/1bath in-law suite. $625,000


Smith-Bradley Realtor® direct: 250-819-0551

office: 250.955.0307 ext 206

Page 6 • November 20th, 2015 • Chase Sunflower


Classified deadline is Monday at 3 pm for Friday’s paper. $5 for 20 words. 20¢ each additional word (tax incl). Lost & Found & Thank yous are pay-what-you-can/free. Obituaries are $35 with photo, $30 without. Wedding, birthday, anniversary notices all welcome! Email or drop off at Sunflower Headquarters (721 Shuswap Ave) or at Willows Natural Foods.


For Sale - Older Craftsman 10 inch table saw and accessories. On Metal stand, cast iron table. Runs perfect. 250-6798588 4 winter tires w/rims. 185/60R14 $175. WIne and beer making equip incl floor corking machine. Never used. $200. Screen door 80 x 35” $75. Call 250-8260920. Queen Sized Foam Mattress & Box Spring, very clean $35. 3 inch Hi-end Memory Foam Topper $35 Or Both $50 679-2296. Moving Sale - Call 250-679-4018

NEW at Simply De Vine

INDOOR Multi Family Garage Sale

Saturdays 9 – 2 from Nov. 7 – Dec. 19 Bring your Christmas Crafts, Art, Household Goods & more Interested in booking a table? Space is limited so don’t delay, call Laura today.

250-679-8840 leave msg.


Helen Harriet Moore

October 9, 1915 – November 12, 2015

Memorial service at Creekside Hall, November 19 @ 2:30

Jeff Smith to Kevin Coates

My Heart bleeds memories torn from my beating chest. Thoughts of my friend, of friends the best. What I would give for one more ride, smoking tires, Chevy pride. Late night builds, get ‘er done. The race is on we have to run Trouble shooting railway gear Schematics spread, the answers near Blue thunder roaring to the crowd Mud flying racing proud Slower times of fishing lines. Fish is on yours or mine? Kevin was and will be a friend of mine, this I see.... -JS


Need a dog walker, cat, dog or house sitter? I am a mature pet loving lady, honest & reliable. Refs available. Reasonable rates. Call Paulette 250-679-1153.

FOR RENT - Chase 3 bdrm upper

For rent floor duplex $825, also ground level unit 2 bdrm $625.00. Ideal Inlaw suite or single units. No pets. N/S. Ref req. 778 220-0164


George Emile Carlin

Nov 26, 1939 - Nov 14, 2015 With heavy hearts we announce the passing of our beloved George. He will be greatly missed by his wife Eileen, brother Bob, son Darwin, step daughter Laura, nine grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. Predeceased by his parents Claude & Yvonne and sister Lorraine Hobson and Louise Rafferty. George was raised in Chase Creek, went to school in Chase. He went on to work for Mattey Bros and 35 years with BC Hydro which took him to most parts of BC. His retirement years were spent on his hobby farm where he became famous for his garlic. Many hours were devoted to the Skmana X Country Ski Club and Chase & District Fish and Game Club. A memorial services will be held at the Chase Community Hall Saturday Nov 21 at 1 pm. In Lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the BC Children’s Hospital.


Leon Emmanuel Gieselman

It is with sad hearts that we announce the sudden passing of Leon Emmanuel Gieselman. Leon passed away peacefully in Kamloops, B.C on November 8, 2015. He was born in Bladworth, Saskatchewan to William and Margaret on February 6, 1920. He is survived by his wife Theresa, son Gordon D. (Judy) Calgary, daughters Brenda L. (Ron) Jasper, Judith L. (Rick) Jasper, 10 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. He was predeceased by his son Norman. Leon will be missed by his many friends and family. Leon was a decorated WWII fighter pilot, a lifetime member of the Royal Canadian Legion and a dedicated family man. He enjoyed summers with his friends, family and especially grandchildren at the Shuswap. Curling and golfing were favorite past times as well. Leon and Theresa had been retired in Celesta and Chase, and Kamloops, B.C. since 1980. A Celebration of Life was held at the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Chase, B.C. on Saturday, November 14, 2015. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to The Royal Canadian Legion.

Business & Services

Chase Upholstery – 323 Willow St, Chase, BC. 679-3923. Furniture – Auto – Boat tops and seats – RVs Interiors by Patricia - Interior Decor, Home Staging. Now with Furniture! Office: 250-679-3504 Cell 403-370-6661. • www. SAHHALTKUM DAYCARE est.1996 Licensed facility. Certified staff. Children 3mths up to 12 years. Hot Lunch program available. Nutritious snacks provided. Daily educational programs. Part time/full time or drop in available ALL CHILDREN WELCOME!! F.M.I. 6459 Hillcrest Rd, Chase (across Pine St. bridge) or phone: 250-679-2229


Kevin Bruce Coates

It is with heavy hearts and deep sorrow that we announce the death of Kevin Bruce Coates on November 2, 2015. Kevin was born March 24, 1959, the last in a line of six siblings. Kevin grew up in Chase on the family farm. Kevin had a passion for anything with a motor, the faster it went the better. Many of you will remember his mud bogging days with “Blue Thunder”. One of his other passions was fishing. He was happiest with a fishing rod in his hand. Kevin started working for CP Rail at a young age and made many friends there who still remain friends today (his CP family). He became a Heavy Duty Mechanic and continued his employment at CP Rail until he retired and opened his own mechanical repair shop at his home in Chase KC & Sons. Kevin loved his sons. They were his world. He took them on as many camping, fishing and hunting trips as they wanted. He worked hard to give “his boys” whatever they wanted to guide them through life as best he could. Kevin faced many challenges in his short life, most of which he overcame. This last one was too much. Kevin will be loved and remembered by “his boys” Devon (Daria) Coates, Matthew Coates, Braden (Kimberlyn) Coates, Chance Coates, and Shale Coates. Also mourning Kevin’s loss are his brothers Dave (Carole) Coates, Ken (Maureen) Coates, Gary (Sandra) Coates, his sisters Judy (Bert) Denault and Holly (Pete) Mintz and many nephews, nieces, and cousins. He was predeceased by his mom and dad, “Bud” & Ruby Coates, and brother-in-law Terry Hand. A memorial gathering took place on Sunday, November 8th, 2015 at the home of Gary & Sandra Coates at 4580 Kamloops-Shuswap Rd.

Page 7 • November 20th, 2015 • Chase Sunflower

Word Search - “CH”

B u y i n g








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Your Local Realtor




Did you hear about the hungry clock? It went back four seconds. • What do you call a fake noodle? An Impasta • Did you hear about the race between the lettuce & the tomato? The lettuce was a “head” and the tomato was trying to “ketchup”! • Did you hear about that new broom? It’s sweeping the nation! • What do you call having your grandma on speed dial? Instagram. • Loan Advice: Borrow money from a pessimist, they don’t expect it back!




“Play Dough”

Materials 1 cup water 1 tbsp vegetable oil 1/2 cup salt 1 tbsp cream of tartar Food coloring Saucepan 1 cup flour Directions Combine water, oil, salt, cream of tartar, and food coloring in a saucepan and heat until warm.










Remove from heat and add flour. Stir, then knead until smooth. The cream of tartar makes this dough last 6 months or longer, so resist the temptation to omit this ingredient if you don’t have it on hand. Store in an airPHOTO CREDIT: flickr. tight container. com/photos/jamieanne

466 Maple Place-

118 455 VLA Road-

3 6 1 J u n i p e r S t r e e t-

3 bdrm needs to be seen to be appreciated! Kitchen, Deck, Roof, Furnace, Flooring all new 5 years ago. Beautiful kitchen w/island & cork floor. Rich laminate flooring in rest of the upper floor. Master bdrm is on main floor with walkthru closet & O/S bathroom boasting a soaker tub and stand alone shower. Bright sunroom (currently a photography studio) has a fireplace and looks over beautiful backyard. Room for all the toys, rv, trampoline or if gardening is your thing plant away!! In a cul-d-sac close to schools and shopping with very little traffic. $299,900

Almost 1500 sq. ft. rancher with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms sits on .37 acre but also backs onto beautiful farmland and incredible views of the valley and mountains. This solid home has all the pricey upgrades completed…roof is 3 years old, hotwater tank in 2011, newer high efficiency furnace and central air conditioning. $347,500

Not your cookie cutter home...this stunning executive custom home is one of a kind. Grand kitchen & dining area with open floor plan and high ceilings looking out onto your large yard w/mtn view. Hdwd floor, main floor master bdrm, large laundry room, 2 pc powder rm & a practical mud room make this so easy to live in. Upstairs sitting area, two more bdrms and another full bathroom. Beautifully landscaped yard O/S dbl gar, lots of extra parking and covered deck in the front and the back. Outside access from full unfinished bsmt just waiting for your ideas! $425,000

Page 8 • November 20th, 2015 • Chase Sunflower

First the STORM then a Trip to the ROCKIES Right here in Chase! OPEN MONDAY • 4 - 8 PM TUESDAY - SAT • 11 AM - 8 PM SUNDAY • CLOSED LIQUOR AVAILABLE

Located: at Chase Country Inn 576 Coburn St, Chase 250-679-8822 “LIKE US”

“I love the ‘crazy boy’ and ‘crazy girl’ rolls! They’re amazing!” “Yum I love their food” • “Excellent!! I am addicted!” “Awesome! So good” • “Great prices and awesome Sushi”

Village of Chase -

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TAKE NOTICE that a Public Hearing will be held at the Village Office, 826 Okanagan Avenue, Chase, B.C., on Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. to consider Zoning Bylaw No. 6832006, Amendment Bylaw No. 813-2015.




1.The purpose of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 813-2015 is: ●To amend Village of Chase Zoning Bylaw No. 683-2006, by adding the following permitted use to Section 6.2 of the AR-1 Agricultural zone specifically pertaining to that part of District Lot 517 included in Plan B3058; KDYD Except 5776 and 15822, also known as 530 Aylmer Road, Chase, BC: (a)Second Single Family Dwelling All other provisions of Section 6.2 remain in full force and effect. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that this Bylaw may be inspected at the Village Office between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, excluding holidays, until the date of the Public Hearing. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that all persons who believe their interest in property is affected by this proposed Bylaw amendment shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard or to present written submissions on matters contained in the Bylaw. Those who are unable to attend the Hearing may make written submissions to the undersigned prior to the Public Hearing up to 3:30 p.m., during office hours as noted above. No representations will be received by the Village Council after the Hearing has concluded. All written and verbal comments will become part of the public record. Dated this 2nd day of November, 2015. T. Pretty, Deputy Corporate Officer

by Scott Koch The following is a summary of by Beaubien and Mason Palaga. a week and a half in the lives of In the 3rd Fidanza adds to his 23 plus Chase HEAT Hockey KIJHL rookie scoring lead by players. In late afternoon on popping in his second from Remembrance Day, the team Pat Brady and Kyle Riley, an travels to the Olympic size rink all rookie effort! The HEAT the Kamloops foes call home outshoot the opposition 48-28 base. Chase as they are apt to do with Bruyere only allowing one on many occasions open scoring to squeak past him. in the 1st, Ethan Buck with his So Sunday afternoon at 4:00 first of the season from Kolten pm Mountain Standard Time , Moore and Spencer Farstad. In the boys arrive in Golden to play the 2nd there is no scoring and the Rockets. This snake bitten then late in the 3rd the STORM competitor has just come from get a tally that ties things up. Off their first victory of the season to overtime after 22 attempts. 4 on 4 and Beware the coiled ho cke y rattlesnake as m a g i c one team has fails as nothing to lose Ka m l o op s and the other pops in the is walking into winner to this contest half take a 2-1 awake and clearly overtime unmotivated win, the HEAT get a point for with the opportunity. As usual the tie in regulation time. Nic Chase scores first in the 1st Bruyere stops 25 of 27 in a Fidanza from Coleton Johnson valiant effort to keep the enemy and Braden Hughes, even more at bay. reason to relax. In the 2nd the Up comes the weekend and the ROCKETS take advantage not boys hop on the bus to head east once, not twice but three times, to Invermere and Golden for a and the HEAT are dazed and couple of games of shinny. It’s confused. In the 3rd a bit of a Saturday night at the home of comeback occurs as Fournier the Columbia Valley ROCKIES, scores from Mostat and Hughes they are big and seeking revenge and then Kolten Moore from for a loss on the shores of Little Hughes and Okino ties it up. Shuswap Lake. 22 seconds into OT proves nothing and these the 1st, the injury free Tommy two “kiss their sister” as the Brown puts a frown on the expression goes as they each get faces of the locals, assisted a point. Daniel Toews plays well by Trevor Okino and Travis stopping 21 of 24 in net. Beaubien. Then on the 2nd HOT SHOTS: shot of the game for the HEAT, Veteran Hayden Orton and Logan Mostat rifles one home rookie Cale Marchuk were assisted by Zachary Fournier released to get the team down to and Beaubien. The ROCKIES the 23 men roster limit. immediately switch goaltenders The HEAT Hockey and the result changes the Organization mourn the visitors momentum. Invermere passing of Billet Dad and Team pops one in shorthanded and it’s Supporter George Carlin. The a 2-1 contest. In the 2nd Michael community minded great guy Fidanza on the powerplay will be missed. Our condolences restores the advantage assisted go out to his family and friends.

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