The Chase Sunflower

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Your FREE Community Paper • Friday, January 23rd 2015 Vol. 20, Issue 2


Water Treatment Plant Up and Running, New Fire Truck Here Soon

At the January 13th Village of Chase Council Meeting, Council heard from staff regarding: • Public works crew has been dealing with snow removal, water treatment and distribution operations and regular sewer operations tasks The Supervisor of Public Works reported that substantial completion of the water treatment plant was confirmed on December 16, 2014, that there are some deficiencies but they are being rectified, and the project is close to being on budget. He also mentioned that the dual water supply (surface water and groundwater) is a significant part of the plant’s operation – at the present time surface (river) water is being used to ensure the membrane components are working properly under the 1 year warranty period. He responded to a question from a member of Council, noting that the capacity of the new water treatment plant will handle expansion of the Village well into the future. •The Fire Chief reported that the Village’s Ladder truck has been sold to a

fire department in Kentucky, USA, and that the Village is arranging the delivery of the new pumper/tender truck for the fire department that has been purchased from a fire truck equipment dealership in Alabama. He added that the Fire Department responded to 10 road rescue calls in December and one structure fire and 3 road rescue calls had been handled so far in January. In response to a query from a Council member, the Fire Chief stated there are currenlty 14 members of the department. •The Bylaw Enforcement officer reported that he has been collecting information related to an unsightly premises complaint, has been dealing with the conditions of some dogs that are kept within the Village, and some dogs went missing during the New Year’s eve fireworks but were recovered. Continued on pg. 3

Underwear to Outerwear

January Sale!

Chum ‘n’ Luba’s Unique Boutique 826 Shuswap Avenue • 250.679.3134 Winter Hours: Tues - Sat • 10 - 4:30 pm

Win Sun Peaks Passes!

Buy or list with me and your name goes into a draw for 2 lift passes to ski or snowboard at Sun Peaks!


Smith-Bradley Realtor® direct: 250-819-0551

Have Your Say, Write a Letter! by Kelsey Snelgrove

In the spirit of community dialogue for positive change; the Sunflower will now accept Letters to the Editor. When sending a letter you must include your full name, address and phone number. Address and phone numbers will not be published. Letters may be edited for length or not published at all. Please keep the word count around 200, stick to one topic at a time, when emailing please include the letter in the body of the email

Come see us for everything from

(not in an attachment). Any topic of community interest can be discussed. Keep it classy, no insults. Email letters to info@chasesunflower. ca, mail them to Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 or drop them off at Sunflower Headquarters. The Chase Sunflower is now online! View the paper in its entirety at office: 250.955.0307 ext 206

Page 2 • January 23, 2015

Chase Sunflower

Our Community

Bulletin Board Chase Lions Bingo, Wed. Jan. 28, 2015, Chase Community Hall. WalkIns 6:30PM, Early Birds 7:00PM. Payouts based on attendance and gaming regulations. Loonie Ball $425. St. Andrews & All Saints Anglican/ United Church 845 Thompson Ave, Sunday, January 18th, 10:00 AM, Morning Worship, Linda Fortier Chase, District Fish & Game Banquet Feb 7. Music, raffles and silent auction, Adams’ Lake Indian Band Rec Centre. Tickets $25 Available at: Naramada in Chase, Sorrento (Bernie) 250-835-8205, Pritchard (Don) 250-577-3461 The Chase Curling Rink - All you can eat Pancake Breakfast on Sunday February 8th. $7.00. All proceeds continue to go directly to help pay bills for our struggling Curling Club! The Museum is looking for wedding dresses and/ or grooms suits for an exhibit this year. The wedding does not have to have taken place in Chase. Pictures and accessories are also desired. If you would be willing to loan please contact Diana 250-679-8847 C.O.P. Coffee House - Support Citizens on Patrol! Every 2nd Friday of the month– Join in for some good toe tapping music – Bring a friend have a great night out. 7 PM at our local community hall. $3 admission. Entertainers always welcome! Call Ella at 679-3375 For info or hours please phone 250-679-3536 Chase Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 107 515 Shuswap Avenue, Chase February 1st •GIANT CRIB 10:45 am

February 6th •TGIF PRIME RIB DINNER - 5:30 pm. $15/ person. Prime Rib, Yorkshire Pudding, mashed potatoes, veggies & dessert

Announce events and activities of your community organization! Deadline Monday 3 pm for Friday’s paper. Ski Trail Tour Event. Guided tour of our hill, both beginner and intermediate trails. SUNDAY, February 8, 2015 Bring a lunch if you like. Meet at the Parking Lot at 10:00 a.m. Departing at 10:15 a.m. sharp. $5.00 donation for non-members. No dogs. Check www. for updates. Coffeehouse at Notch Hill Hall - Sat Feb. 21 at 7:30 p.m. Admission $ 3.00. Desserts/ refreshements by donation. 50/50 draw and great musical entertainment! Archery Practice & Training by Chase & District Fish and Game Club - Starting Feb 4th. Children under 12 must be accompanied by adult. Admisssion by donation. Equipment supplied. in the Community Hall basement, each Wednesday except the last in the month, 7:30 pm - 9 pm. One man show (with help), “The Secret Life of Walter Churchill”, Feb 20th. More info to come. Ph Wally at 318-7324.

Creekside Center Activities • Pool - Monday & Wednesday 1 pm • Exercise class, For guys and gals. Join in, get in shape this winter. Mon 8:30 am, Wednesday & Friday 9 am • BINGO - Tuesday 1 pm • Wood carving - Thursday 9 am. ladies welcome to join; try out a new hobby this winter, lessons given. No tools? That’s OK! Call Dave at 250-6798110 FMI. • Carpet bowling - Thursday 10 am. Low impact exercise. Lessons given. • Cribbage - Friday 1 pm. Come early please to help set up tables and chairs. • 3rd Friday every month, Join in for our dinner. Door’s open at 4:30 – Happy Hour • 2nd Friday every month Mini Crib. Registration 10:30. Start at 11 am. For more information contact Sharron at 679-1183

The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community. The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed, do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher.

Shuswap Prairie Publishing Kelsey Snelgrove, Editor

PHONE: (250) 679-8880 EMAIL: WEB: MAIL: PO Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 AT HEADQUARTERS: 721 Shuswap Ave between 10-3 Monday - Thursday


Sundays at Creekside Centre, 542 Shuswap Exploring Christianity 9:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am Email:

Chase Lions Box 12

Contact: Pres Bill Riben 679-4418 Sec: Mercedes Riben 679-4418 Medical Equipment: 679-4418 RV Park: Hannelore Wiesenthal 679-7712

Chase Rotary Box 73

Pres: Jaucquie Everett 675-2574, Sec: Doug Everett 675-2574 Meeting at Chase Creekside Centre Thursday 5:30 pm

January 23, 2015 Page 3

Chase Sunflower

Continued from Page 1 - Council Highlights

Staff Research Options for Public Input, Creekside Aims for Residential Care

Council members reported their attendance at various meetings and activities, including TNRD orientation session, Adams Lake Indian Band communications protocol signing ceremony, CP Holiday Train Event, Food Hamper Open House, Chase Secondary School appreciation meal for students, Delivered hampers, TNRD orientation sessions, MLAs Todd Stone and Terry Lake’s open house. Councillor Maki added that the Chamber Board members suggested that a group of various organizations in Chase be invited to join in discussing the concerns and determining ways of mitigating vandalism. As a result of this request, Council passed a resolution to direct Administration to organize a meeting of various organizations and interested individuals such as the RCMP, the Chamber, Citizens on Patrol, School District 73 and others to begin discussions on how to reduce vandalism Councillor Maki also reported that the Chamber of Commerce had conducted a business health survey in 2014, garnering 45 responses. 56% of respondents said their businesses were healthy, 26% said their businesses were merely ‘surviving’ and 14% said they were between health and surviving. Respondents said that

barriers to healthy business operations included lack of public awareness of the businesses, the need for more networking amongst business owners, and the need for more local support. The Chamber is preparing various ways to address these issues such as workshops and other educational and communications initiative. Council heard from Mike Rinks, Owner of Parkside Community, stating that they wish to convert a portion of their facility to allow for the provision of residential care. Mr. Rinks asked for support from the Village to lobby the provincial government for operating funding to provide this service in Chase. Council passed a resolution to refer the request to Administration for the preparation of a resolution that will clarify the Village’s responsibilities in a partnership with Parkside Community in moving this initiative forward. Council passed several recommendation from the January 6, 2015 committee of the whole meeting including: • That options for community input at Council meetings be researched by Administration • That signage be obtained and erected at the boat launches to education the public about invasive fresh water mussels • That BC Assessment be asked to pro-

This past Sunday, bowler Kelly Collins was on fire. Collins averaged 271 at the Village Lanes house qualifying round for the BC Interior five pin bowling championships. In addition to Collins advancing to the tournament representing Village Lanes and Chase will be Peter VanHoof, Gene Popadynetz, Alec Deneault, Guy Alden, and Tom Horner on the men’s team. Leading the qualifying ladies team was Linda Woodford, followed by Red Manson, Kaitlyn Deleeuw, Councillor Ali Maki, Rita Carlson and Barb Lawrence. The two teams will be competing in Vernon and Kelowna March 20 and 21st against seventeen other towns at the Interior Championships. The two teams will be coached by Rod Thiessen and Manager of Village Lanes Calyn Buresh. Also qualifying for the North Okanagan

interior championships on Sunday are Sandra Dunkerly, Avis Deneault, Sandra Coats, Terry VanDeVosse, Karen Dennis and Susan Waters. The men’s team will be made up of Dwaine VanDeVosse, Wally Yachimec, Elmer Dodds, Bill Currie and long-time Chase residents Heinz and Fred Torbohm. The two teams will be coached by Red Manson and Gene Popadynetz at the North Okanagan Championships. Village Lanes will host some 150 competitors on Saturday February 7th at this event! After bowling competitors will enjoy a banquet and dance at the Chase Community Hall. Next up at Village Lanes will be the Hawaiian Pick A Partner Zone Finals. The top two teams from the zone finals will advance to the Provincial Finals in Kamloops where the first place team will win a trip for four to Hawaii.

vide information on how they determine assessed values and that the information be shared with the Chase community members • That Administration work with the Physician Recruitment Committee to obtain information from the Association of Medical Residents of BC about possible residency programs in Chase •That the application for grant funding from the Canada Summer Jobs program for the Summer Recreation Program be supported Council passed a motion to enter into a 2 year agreement with BC Hydro for the installation of a Level 2 (fast) Electric Vehicle charging station with the location to be determined and that a cost centre be set up in the Village’s budget for the costs associated with this project. Council reviewed a draft ‘Lost Wages Policy’ that would reimburse Fire Department members for wages lost as a result of attending training sessions. Next Meeting is January 27th at 4 pm

Collins Sets the Pace Submitted by Village Lanes Fun Centre

Do what you can, SHOP LOCALLY!





Page 4 • January 23, 2015


Classified deadline is Monday at 3 pm for Friday’s paper. $4.50 for 20 words. 20¢ each additional word (tax incl). Lost & Found free. Classifieds are pre-paid. Drop off at Sunflower Headquarters



Canadian Firearms Safety Course (PAL). Feb 21, 9 am - 5 pm. Feb 22, Starts at 9 am. Basement of Chase Legion. Course, manual & exams $100. Pre-Register 250-679-2758

Chase Lions 400 Club $100. Winner - Ted & Heather Wright, Chase, BC Jan. 21, 2015

Skw’lax Daycare has part-time/fulltime spaces for children ages 3 months to 12 years old. We offer qualified educators, educational programs, early literacy program, and nutritional snacks/ lunches are provided. We do accept drop-in children. Hours of operation: Monday-Friday, from 7:30 am-5:00 pm. FMI contact Dorothy @ (250) 679-8033 (13-1528 Little Shuswap Lake Road, just 1 km past Taking Rock Resort/Quaaout Lodge). Lions Bingo time again! To keep this going there must be at least the number of people that signed the petition on the Dec. 10th event. The Lions do an awesome amount of donations to Chase with the monies from bingo so lets keep it going. Peggy Pelle, avid bingo player

GARAGE SALE Inside Winter Sale - Furniture, Shelving, Tools, Odds & Ends, Refreshments. Sat & Sun, Jan 24 & 25th 1-4 pm. 1018 Hillside Ave. 10% of sales goes toward Chase Secondary’s Dry Grad.

THANK YOU The Chase Museum would like to extent a thank you to Wayne Folds for the use of his storefront for our Christmas store again this year. Thank you to Chase & surrounding communities for reaching out & giving to our winter-wear collection at our Chase Country Christmas weekend celebration. Many were blessed who needed something warm to wear. Thank you for your support & help. Our Creekside Ukrainian Dinner was wonderful thanks to our volunteers who

worked so hard. Congratulations to our lucky 50/50 winner. We look forward to seeing everyone in Feb for our next Dinner.

Chase Sunflower

OBITUARY Drezdoff, Carol Anne (Humphreys)

passed away at Shuswap Lake General Hospital in Salmon Arm, BC on Friday January 9th, 2015 at the age of 71 years. Carol was born in Tisdale, SK on June 24th, 1943 to Frank and Muriel Humphreys. As a young adult, she left Saskatchewan and eventually settled in Vancouver, where she met her husband, George Drezdoff. They lived nearly 25 years in Burnaby before retiring to the Shuswap area. They were season ticket holders of the Vancouver Canucks for 18 years, and Carol was the most dedicated of all fans. Hockey was her passion and even when she was sick in the hospital, she was still keeping tabs on her team and also on Team Canada’s up and coming hockey stars. Carol was predeceased by George, her husband of 33 years; brothers Delmar and Jack Humphreys; brother-in-law Maurice Schell and both parents. She is survived by her siblings Lois (Don Donaldson) of Nepean, ON; Orlah Schell of Tisdale, SK; Don (Anne) of Tisdale, SK; Norma (Norman Tyacke) of Oliver, BC; Betty (Gary Stoker) of Tisdale, SK; Linda (Dan Richards) of Springside, SK and numerous nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews, and three great-great-nieces. As per Carol’s request, a private family ceremony will take place in Tisdale at a later date. The family would like to thank Dr. Heunis, Dr. Main, and the staff at Shuswap Lake General Hospital for their kind and compassionate care. Carol wanted to thank her friends and neighbours in the Shuswap Lake area for their help and support over the years since George’s passing. If so desired, contributions in memory of Carol may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society, Box 3451, Salmon Arm, BC, V1E 4S2 or the Canadian Diabetes Association, Box 1056, Salmon Arm, BC, V1E 4P2. Online condolences can be sent through Keith’s obituary at Arrangements are in the care of Bowers Funeral Home & Crematorium, Salmon Arm.

Business & Services

Chase Upholstery – 323 Willow St, Chase, BC. 679-3923.Furniture – Auto – Boat tops and seats – RVs Interiors by Patrica - Interior Decor, Home Staging. Now with Furniture! Office: 250-679-3504 Cell 403-370-6661. Dump Runs Flooring Painting Windows Dry Wall Snow Removal Roofs Walks Renos Car Repairs. Call Theo 250-852-2754

Estate & Tax Planning Session Saturday, January 24th 11 am - 1 pm at Scotch Creek Fire Hall

Learn About: - planning for financial and health care matters as we age - will planning for second spouse and blended families - avoidance of common probate pitfalls Featured Speakers: Lorine Evans, B.E.D., M.Sc, LLB Epp Cates Oien Teri Young, Division Director Investors Group Financial Services


Lorine Evans

Wills & Estate Family Law Conveyancing evening & weekend appointments

Phone: 250-679-3180

Email: Web:

Chase Sunflower

January 23, 2015 Page 5

TEN questions With.... Each week we’ll ask 10 lighthearted questions of somebody different. This week we are talking to Scott Koch (pronounced COOK) known within the Sunflower sphere as the dilligent writer of the Chase HEAT articles! Q• Oops, I spelled your name wrong in the previous issue - are there any words you often misspell? A• Not really. I need to turn the autocorrect on my phone Scott Koch off though, it can really get you in trouble Q• How did you end up living in Chase? A• I grew up here. I left to seek fame and fortune, when I found neither I returned. Actually my wife Glenys and my late parents are what brought me back. Q• What did you have for supper last night? A• Steak and Cesar salad. Q• What skill or trade would you like to learn? A• I always wanted to learn the Jo h n n



Secwepemc language. Q• What do you do in your spare time? A• Golf, boat, read, drink beer... not in that order. Q• What is the last book you read? A• I just finished The Son of a Certain Woman by Wayne Johnson. It’s a Canadian book with lots of twists. It was very good. Q• If you had to rename yourself, what would you be known as? A• Cookie. Q•What did you want to be when you grew up? A• A veterinarian. Don’t ask me to spell that. A dog and cat doctor. Q• How do you like your eggs cooked? A• Basted. Q• Who should we question next? A• Shelley Van Dosen, she is a very caring, quiet, and introverted individual.

Word Search - “WINTER”

Business Listings:

! Craig’s Bakery & Deli & Cafe Special: White or Whole Wheat Bread 3/$5 OPEN: Mon - Sat 6 am • Sunday 8 am

Sharen’s Hair Studio

611 - 3rd Ave, Chase (rear entrance) Mon - Fri


Pete’s Pizza & Pasta Open Tuesday - Sunday 4 pm


LJ’s Towing and Transport Open 24 hrs 7 days /week 250-679-8600

Dave’s Appliance Repair

Gauranteed Service to all Brands and Makes


List your business here 3 lines $48/month Contact Kelsey 679-8880

G-FORCE SPORTS & Board Shop Kids To Adults Clothing, Accessories, Gear & More 250-679-8456 927 Shuswap Ave. Chase

Art Holding Memorial Arena

Public Skating:

• Mondays 5:00 - 6 pm • Fridays 3:30 - 4:30 pm • Sundays 5:30 - 6:30 pm

Drop-In Hockey: We are in the season known as winter until March 19th, so here is a word search in tribute. “Snegurochka” or The Snow Maiden, is a character in Russian fairy tales. Edgar and Johnny Winter are a pair of musical brothers turned blues/rock legends. Hockey and skating are common enough vocabulary, but don’t forget to actually put the skates on or go see the HEAT play!

$10 Sundays 7:00 - 8 pm Ice Rentals • Birthday Parties Mezzanine Rentals Text 250-318-3888

Chase Sunflower

A 1 AND A 2 AND A…CLOSE 1! Contributed by Scott Koch


January 23, 2015 Page 6 729 Shuswap Ave Chase BC


he past week that was from the hot Then Kamloops scored and Okino got that to support it! Everything for Healthy Living streak the HEAT have been enjoy- 1 back assisted by Wilde and Boyle. By periing. ods end the STORM scored 2 more to hold Wed, January 14th they travelled to Sica- a 4-2 edge. In the 2nd Kamloops scored 3 ULTIMATE FLORA (50 BILLION) mous to compete against their Division ri- in a row prior to Boyle on the powerplay “A ONE A DAY PROBIOTIC W/10 STRAINS” vals from the east end of the Shuswap. At getting 1 from Hodges and Wilde (Boyle’s BONUS BOTTLES NOW IN games end the team from the WEST took 45th all time). Kamloops now up 7-3. The 72 CAPS FOR THE PRICE OF 60’S home a 6-1 win to take over 2nd place in 3rd was all Chase as YOUR team came the Division. Local 16 year old Daniel charging back! Wilde scored shorthanded Toews stopped 29 then Hodges scored of 30 shots, some of shorthanded unthem of the spectacuassisted. With 32 lar variety. In the 1st seconds left and the EAGLES got on Toews pulled for an the board with their extra skater Okino one and only markscored assisted by er. Chase got that Boyle and Wilde to back with a powermake it close, a 7-6 play goal from Auswin for the visitors. tin Willier assisted 4 out of 6 points for by Cody Hodges and the week and SicaKaleb Boyle. In the 2nd Trevor Okino from mous and Chase remain tied for 2nd in the Hayden Orton and Alex Durbeniuk from Division, 6 points back of Kamloops. Zachary Fournier and Orton gave Chase a ICE CHIPS: Hodges is tied for 3rd in KI3-1 lead. In the 3rd Tyler Mork from Tra- JHL scoring with 52 points, Boyle is 21st vis Beaubien, Kaleb Boyle from Chad Wil- with 42 and Okino 46th with 35 points. de and Orton from Toews finished off the Boyle is 22nd all time in KIJHL scoring victory. with 182 points. BeauFriday night the 16th found the HEAT at bien who will stand up the the Revelstoke Forum for a match versus for his team mates has the GRIZZLIES. In one of the most exciting only 26 penalty minutes. games of the season the Chase crew earned The HEAT are Number a 3-2 win. Michael “Stretch” Byer was phe- 1 in the League on the nomenal between the pipes stopping all Powerplay. Next up is but 2 of the 58 shots fired his way. In front another home date at of 100 or so “Crazy Aussies” Kaleb Boyle AHMA on Friday, the Public Bowling Times showed why he is a classy record holder, 23rd at 7:00 pm versus throughout the week. What a great place scoring all 3 of the HEAT goals to earn a hat the Kamloops Storm, trick. Boyle’s followed by for your special event party! first in the 1st Byer a Saturday was phenomenal Check out our Fantasic was assisted the 24th between the pipes stopping by Chad Wilhome date Friday Special de and Kyle all but 2 of the 58 shots fired at 7:00 pm 5:00 - 7:00 pm • All you can bowl Riley and his versus the for only $5.00 2nd by Okino and Hodges. In the 2nd the Revelstoke GRIZZLIES. GRIZZLIES got 1 back. In the 3rd Boyle got Then the EAGLES from COSMIC BOWLING his 44th power play goal of his career assist- Sicamous hit town on 7:00 - 9:00 pm • $20 PER LANE PER ed once again by Okino and Hodges. Travis Wednesday the 28th HOUR • Food and Beverage service is “Boom Boom” Beaubien won a tilt 9 min- at 7:00 pm. One Quesavailable. utes into the 3rd that had the crowd going a tion: Where are all the *Shoe rental not included bit crazier than they already were. fans? The young men are For more info contact us! Then a Saturday the 17th game at AHMA playing the best hockey versus the city slickers from Kamloops. In seen in Chase in years the 1st the STORM scored on their first shot and attendance is down. 250-679-3432 19 seconds in, and then Kolten Moore scored If you love the game and unassisted on a breakaway to tie things up. want the team, you have


Get on the Ball! Go Bowling at Village Lanes Fun Centre

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