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Garage Sales
Moving Sale 914 Okanagan @ Coburn
May 20 - 21 - 22 from 9 am - 4 pm All offers considered / Everything Must Go!
Giant Yard Sale - Stove, Fridge, lots of misc items. Bannock! Every weekend for May. Friday to Sunday 9 am - 4 pm at 1018 Squilax Subdivision Road. Phone for bannock orders.
Garage sale - Moving out. Everything must go !!! 528 Hendry Ave . Across from the curling rink. Saturday, May 20 • 9 am to 4pm
Huge Yard Sale Dilworth Rd, Sorrento
May 26 • 11 -2 | May 27 • 9 - 2 | May 28 • 9 - 2 Tools, camping, household, antiques, items for everyone.
Sun Valley Estates garage sale is on Saturday, June 3, from 9 - 1. There are 3 spaces available to Chase residents who are not members of Sun Valley, the cost is $10 and you must provide your own table (s).
Come out to seek a bargain or two, have a hotdog, pop, water or coffee. Enter a free basket raffle.
To book a space please call Sue at 6798100
In Search Of
Buying Old Items - Wood Windows, Doors, Ladders, Suitcases, furniture, tools, trunks, tubs, signs, lanterns, pumps, taxidermy, advertising, barrels, scales, farm. 250-577- 3357.
BUYING UNWANTED JEWELRY, coins, 9999 bullion, Sterling Silverware, coin collections, old money, nuggets, gold, silver, platinum. Todd 250-864-3521
CASH FOR 9999 SILVER BULLION! ALSO PURCHASING COINS, BARS, INGOTS, PRE 1968 coins, coin collections, jewelry, gold, nuggets, sterling +++. Todd 250864-3521
838 Shuswap Avenue, Chase $5/20 words
Services Offered
Need to board your dog? I am a mature, pet loving lady, honest & reliable. References available. Reasonable rates. 250-679-1153.
BUYING COINS & ENTIRE COIN COLLECTIONS! Old coins, old money, Royal Canadian Mint coins, Franklin Mint, US Mint, OLYMPIC coins, and World collections WANTED! Todd 250-864-3521
For Sale
P.O..L. Egg Layer Hens - Shuswap Farm
Hand-Raised Red Island Red X Leghorn - ready to lay June - 15, 2023. Pre-Order & Deposit Guarantees Availability. E-mail shuswapchickens@gmail.com 250 - 955-6145
Estate sale May 20, 9am to 4pm
Everything must go !
*Round oak vintage table $250
*Trail Blazer Deluxe Shop Rider scooter
*China cabinet $25
Like New items
*Large wh. Claudette wardrobe w/mirror
*3 pc. Oak coffee tables $250
*Oak entertainment center $200
*Oak roll top office desk $300
*KING size bed $200
*Airbyro Air Conditioner 1 mo old $350 Contact number to view 250 319 3566 Brenda
Core Course

CORE COURSE to get hunter number. May 27/28 FMI call 250-320-6916 Terry Hudson.
Notice of Service for Dana Lee McIntyre
Please join us to honour his life, Saturday May 27th, 2023, Quaaout Lodge 1663 Little Shuswap Lake Road, Chase, BC, V0E 1M2. We will share memories, music and food. Outdoors or indoors (weather permitting). RSVP to RememberingDanaM@gmail. com if you know you will attend - and know that you are welcome, even at the last minute.
Business Listings
Gypsy Soul is looking to buy vinyl records. 638 Shuswap Ave. 250-819-3875
Small engine maintenance and repairs - Certified technician Call 250-320-6082 all outdoor power equipment serviced. Lawnmower, weed whackers, rototiller, quads, motorcycle, snowmobiles, generators, boat motors etc. Ask for Jarrett.
Community service, flexible hours, variety of duties
Help to keep Chase safe by:
• Going out on a 4-hour vehicle patrol one afternoon or evening per month.
• Patrolling at a variety of community events
FMI and an application, please call Christina at the Chase Info Centre.