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Plant Sale Block Party Schedule
submitted by CAYLS
We look forward to our 3rd annual CAYLS plant sale! This year’s sale will include the Seed to Sprout Block Party presented by Interior Savings on May 13th, in addition to many more plants than we have offered in the past. We will have hanging baskets, bedding plants, house plants, perennials, annuals, shrubs and more. We will be inviting farmers and gardeners and offering multiple educational opportunities for local residents who have an interest in gardening and/or making changes to incorporate more native, drought tolerant, pollinator friendly plants to their landscapes.
The goal of this event is both as a fundraiser and to create momentum for the Chase Pollinators
Initiative. Funds raised will go towards creating opportunities for children and families in the Chase area. Everyone is invited- we will have free entertainment and family friendly games and activities. We are looking forward to celebrating mothers on Mother’s Day!
Schedule of Events

May 12
10am-2pm Plant Sale at TRU Hardware building
May 13
10am-2pm Plant Sale at TRU Hardware building
10am-2pm Kids crafts & activities
10am-12pm Uncle Chris the Clown

12am-2pm The Dan Smith Trio
by Bike’ this Spring
submitted by Chase Environmental Action Society

Chase Environmental Action Society (CEAS) has partnered with the Village of Chase to initiate the Go By Bike campaign in our community, May 29th to June 4th.

Haldane Elementary, Chase Secondary and Chase and Area Young Learners will be some of the many groups that will be involved.

Please stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks leading up to the event. In the meantime, get those bikes out of storage, tuned up and ready to go for another season of riding!!
250-572-0828 www.chAseshuswAp.com