The All Candidates Forum will be held at the Community Hall Monday October 3rd, 7 pm. Each candidate will give a 5 minute presentation and then have the opportunity to respond to questions submitted by the public. The questions will be submitted by the public upon entry to the hall and written on cards that will be randomly drawn by the moderator.
CHRISTMAS planning has begun. Please join us at our NEW MEETING TIME of 6:00pm Wednesday Oct. 12 at the Visitors Centre. Let’s come back this year with GREAT event
Curling will be starting up in October. FMI Janice 250679-4471.
Monday October 3rd 1 - 3 pm
Monday October 17th 5 - 7 pm
Food bank days are extremely busy. With the increase of usuage at the food bank it is so important for clients to call ahead and pre-register. You will be provided a time to pick up your food hamper. Walk ins will be served last. Please call 250-682-6155. Thank you
6:00-Jack-o’-lantern Colouring Contest at the Chase Library. Runs Oct 1 to 31. Pick up a colouring sheet at the library. We will enter your picture into a draw for a fun prize and put your pumpkin on the front window of the library. All ages. One entry per person. 250-6793331
Continued on page 7...
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 107 515 Shuswap Ave, Chase
* For info / hours phone 250-679-3536 *
Mon. Oct. 3 - open 2 pm - 9:30 pm - league darts 7 pm
Tues. Oct. 4 - open 2 pm - 7 pm, fun pool, fun darts, free meat draws Wed. Oct. 5 - CLOSED
Thurs. Oct. 6 - open - 2 pm - 9:30 pmLeague Darts at 7pm
Fri. Oct. 7 - open 2 pm - 8 pm - Ladies fun darts, Burger Nite 5 - 7 pm
Sat. Oct. 8 - open 1 pm - 6 pm - fun darts, TV sports, meat draws, 50/50, lotto, pull tabs
Sun. Oct. 9 - open - 1:30 - Coffee House - Deb Foster & Shuswap Musicians Group No Monday League Darts Oct. 10. No Thursday League Darts Oct. 31 .
Flu season is coming, get your Flu Shot. Stay Safe.
The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher.
The Chase Sunflower is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher.
The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase, as well as to Pritchard, Sorrento, Squilax, Jade Mountain, and Adams Lake. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community.
Pres: Patrick Herba (250-702-3677)
Meetings @ 5:30 pm on 1st & 3rd Thurs of each month at Railside Restaurant. New members welcome!
PO Box 12, Chase, B.C. V0E 1M0 chaselions67@gmail.com
Facebook Chase & District Lions Club
President – Karen Bassett 250-318-4527
Please call for Lion projects incl pull-tab donations
Meeting at 7 pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, downstairs of community hall. Everyone welcome.
Lions RV Park Reservations 250-679-8470
For Medical equipment contact Sandra Welton 778-245-3808.
Bob McLellan $100.00
At the Blessed Sacrament Parish we invite you all to Mass on Saturdays @ 4:00 pm.
Tuesdays @ 1:00 pm. - Holy Hour with Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet.
For inquiries call 250679-3025 or 250-372-2581
Join us Sunday morning at 10am @ The Chase Community Hall. Visit
Chase Evangelical Free Church295 Shuswap Ave Physical Gathering Suspended in response to Provincial Health Order, Online Gatherings Accessible at www.ChaseChurch.com 250 679 1676 or Tyler@ChaseChurch.com
www.aplacetobelong.ca or more info call: (778) 824-0383 email: spencer@ aplacetobelong.ca
"Joseph Shuswap Kim" on Youtube
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
Community Church
Join us Sunday Morning at 10am @ Memorial Park Visit www.aplacetobelong.ca
Shuswap Community Church Outdoor Services 10am, Sunday @ Memorial Park Visit www.aplacetobelong.ca for more info.
Call: (778) 824-0383 Email: aplacetobelong.ca
Call: (778) 824-0383 Email: Spencer@ aplacetobelong.ca
Green Bell Peppers
for 15lb
Yellow Sweet Onions $15 for 25lbs
Butternut, Kabocha and Spaghetti Squash $0.75/lb
Roma Tomatoes $20 for 20lbs
$30 for 50lbs
Gone fishin’ – but not forgotten It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Frank Tarr on September 9, 2022 at the age of 57.
Frank leaves behind his children, Vanessa, Zach (Sarah), Christina (Kevin), Dean, Ellisa, Santana, Ethan, and Hanna. Frank is also survived by his former wife, Marian Debruin. He will be sadly missed by his grandchildren Ryker, Gunner and Mataya and his fourlegged companion Max, along other extended family members and friends. Frank will be lovingly remembered by his partner of 10 years, Paula.
Frank’s favorite place to be was down by the river. He was an avid fisherman and loved sharing his passion with all of his family. In addition to fishing, Frank also loved gardening and was very proud of his many plants. He was always available to help out family or friends in need, whether it be cheering them up with one of his many jokes or putting a new roof on a house.
Dad, you will be greatly missed and your legacy lives through each of us that loved your kind, generous, and joyful soul.
You are welcome to join us to attend Frank’s Celebration of Life down at the river in Chase on October 1, 2022 at 12pm.
2009 Montana 7 Seat - Low mileage 134000 km. Family owned. No rust, under coated. Remote Start. Adjustable electric drivers seat. Maintenance up to date. Asking $8,500 Neg. Ask for Allan. 250-679-3753 AM.
250-320-3050 email info@chasesunflower.ca 838 Shuswap Avenue, Chase
Need to board your dog? I am a mature, pet loving lady, honest & reliable. References available. Reasonable rates. 250-679-1153.
Buying Old Items - Wood Windows, Doors, Ladders, Suitcases, furniture, tools, trunks, tubs, signs, lanterns, pumps, taxidermy, advertising, barrels, scales, farm. 250-577- 3357.
By virtue of the Wharehouseman’s Lien act, we will sell by public auction, on Sept 30th, 2022, at 8am at Garrick Automotive, 117 Aylmer Road, Chase BC a Grey 2008 Mitsubishi Outlander Vin# JA4MT31XX8Z600838 and the affects of Toria Dawn Setka in order to recover the outstanding balance owing.
Joseph Basani is 3 months behind in storage rent at Welton’s Storage. Balance owing $405. Balance must be paid in full by September 30th or content will be disposed of on October 1st, 2022. As per Warehouse Liens Act.
Rene Lougheed is 4 months behind in storage rent at Welton’s Storage. Balance owing $420. Balance must be paid in full by September 30th or content will be disposed of on October 1st, 2022. As per Warehouse Liens Act.
Experienced Handyman: Repairs, renovations, yard cleanup. Call Aaron 250-682-5121.
Custom-made products for pain and skin management. Fireweed Wellness Products @ 632 Shuswap Avenue, Chase. 250-679-1156.
Gypsy Soul is looking to buy vinyl records. 638 Shuswap Ave 250-819-3875
Small engine maintenance and repairs - Certified technician Call 250-320-6082 all outdoor power equipment serviced. Lawnmower, weed whackers, rototiller, quads, motorcycle, snowmobiles, generators, boat motors etc. Ask for Jarrett.
Also buying coin collections, old money, 999 bullion, jewelry, Rolex & Omega watches 1-250-864-3521
Wood Kitchen Table with Leaf & 5 Chairs. Price $150 Call Allan 250-679-3753
Recliner Electric Chair - Blue material covered. Side pockets, good condition. $150.00 Neg. Call Allan 250-679-3753
4 Good year Ultra Grip Ice Tires /235 /60R18 Lots of Miles Left #300 250-7885222
The Village of Chase Council has declared a Climate Emergency in the Village of Chase.
The Earth’s climate is changing, warming at an alarming rate. There are more floods, more fires, more tornadoes, more hurricanes worldwide and these events are more extreme as time goes on.
The Village of Chase, along with the Chase Environmental Action Group, asks that everyone be a little kinder to our planet. Everyone can take small steps which add up to positive outcomes!
• Recycle everything that is recyclable
• Reduce your use of plastic bottles and throw-away cups by using re-usable mugs and cups
• Walk to your appointment or ride your bike when you can
• Turn off your vehicle while you are stopped waiting for a train, or a meal at the drivethrough
• Consider purchasing a hybrid vehicle or even an electric vehicle
• Use your golf cart for short trips around town
• Reduce your use of water wherever possible
• Plant trees that are deciduous – leafy trees like maples, oak, and black walnut
• Use reusable shopping bags
• Consider putting solar panels on your house to offset your use of grid electricity
• Plant drought resistance plants in your yard
There are many other things we can do to help our planet. If we all work together, we CAN make a difference.
My folks have lived in Chase for over 30 years and I have now lived here for over 8 years and been involved with the Lions, the Chamber, Chase Country Xmas, Fire Dept, but now my passion is to run for Council.
Let’s Move Chase forward! As my mom would say, we live in God’s Country.
Contact me at SandraDWelton@gmail.com or 778-245-3808
Authorized by Sandra Welton
Independent and Assisted Living for Seniors All inclusive, home cooked meals, housekeeping, 24 hr on-site staff and social calendar.
For more information or to book a tour contact us at 250-679-1512 or 250-679-4447 Ext 404 live@parksidecommunity.ca 743 Okanagan Ave, Chase
I bought bird seed about a month ago and I think it’s defective.
I took it home and immediately planted some. I haven’t grown any birds yet
Conversations in French - Chase Library Thu 5:00-6:30pm Oct 6, 20, Nov 3, 17 and Dec
1. Drop in. A casual time to try out, practice and learn French at the Chase Library. We will have topics and questions to get conversations going. Un moment décontracté pour essayer, pratiquer et apprendre le français à la Chase Library. Nous aurons des sujets et des questions pour faire avancer les conversations. Drop-in. For adults. 250.679.3331
Nerf Blasters - Oct 26 6:00-7:00 pm. It’s an especially spooky Nerf Blasters event just for tweens! Complete challenges and battle through the stacks after the library has closed. We supply the safety glasses, darts, Nerf Blasters, and snacks. You bring the skills! Costumes are encouraged as long as they don’t restrict movement. A waiver must be completed by a parent/guardian before the event. Children will not be permitted to play without a signed waiver. Waivers can be picked up from the Chase Library. Ages 9-12 Registration required. Chase Library 250.679.3331
Chase and District Recreation Society Learn to Skate Programs Fall 2022Online fillable registration forms are available by contacting: jherman@cablelan.net
Payment by etransfer info will be noted on Registration form. Please make the answer to the security question: skating ( ie) What will my child be doing? Phone/text 250-851-6524 FMI.
Chase Farm & Craft Market is part of the BC Farmer’s Market Association. Our market runs every Friday from 10am - 2pm. We are located at 200 Shuswap Ave between the Home Hardware and the RCMP detachment.
AGM. Thursday October 13th at 6pm in the arena mezzanine. Everyone welcome, new members needed.
Mark your calendars! The U11 Chase Chargers Hockey Team is having a Bottle Drive on Saturday October 1st
Sunday October 9th, 2022 8am to 10am $10 for 12 years and older, $5 for children 6 to 12years, Children under 6 years free. Pancakes, sausage, eggs, coffee, juice
SKMANA SKI & SNOWSHOE CLUB, requires volunteers for Oct 15 and or 16th. We have an extra heavy amount of clean up to do in preparation for the coming season. Please call or text Darcy for details. 250 319 8301
New Grab & Go meal options in the Deli every day. House made soups, Fish & Chips, Fresh baked Lasagnas, Alfredo Pastas, Maui Beef ribs, Souvlaki skewers, Bar BQ Pork Ribs, Beef Enchiladas, and Seafood specials are some of the new meal choices being offered.
Chabelos Resort members donated a car load of toys as well as a Cheque for $2500.00 for the Chase Hamper Society. Chabelos started our Chabelos Cares for Kids over 15 years ago as a way to help ensure that our members are able to give back to Chase.
Janet from the Hamper society was able to attend
our Christmas in the park fundraiser and speak to our members about the fact that Chabelos has been the number one supporter of the toy drive for years and the importance of our donation. Chabelos is proud to be actively involved in the community of Chase
am - 4:30 pm #4-834 Shuswap Avenue
Phone: 250-679-3180 Web: www.cfselaw.ca
An election by voting is to be held to elect a Mayor and four Councillors, and that the following persons are candidates for each office:
MAYOR – One (1) to be elected
FENTON ALLEN 1022 Hillside Avenue, Chase, BC
LEPSOE DAVID 910 Paquette Street; Chase, BC SCOTT STEVE 636 Hysop Place, Chase, BC
CONNETT COLIN 421 Cedar Avenue, Chase, BC
HARDER RON 4844 Gerella Road, Pritchard, BC HERMAN JANE 590 Elm Street, Chase, BC
IGLESIAS BEVERLEY 621 3rd Avenue, Chase, BC
LALUHA KRYSTAL 5958 Waterfront Lane, Chase BC
TORBOHM FRED #11-312 Arbutus Street, Chase, BC WELTON SANDRA 6377 VLA Road, Chase, BC
Between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm at: CHASE COMMUNITY HALL 547 SHUSWAP AVENUE, CHASE, BC
Between 8:00 am to 8:00 pm at: CHASE COMMUNITY HALL 547 SHUSWAP AVENUE, CHASE, BC
To register as a resident elector you must:
• be 18 years of age or older on general voting day October 15, 2022;
• be a Canadian citizen;
• be a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
• be a resident of the Village of Chase on the day of registration (at time of voting); and
• not be disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or assent voting and not otherwise disqualified by law.
P.O. BOX 440
PHONE (250) 679-3238 - FAX (250) 679-3070
• To register as a non-resident property elector you must:
• be 18 years of age or older on general voting day October 15, 2022;
• be a Canadian citizen;
• be a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
• be a registered owner of real property in the Village of Chase for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
• not be entitled to register as a resident elector; and
• not be disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or assent voting and not otherwise disqualified by law.
In addition, for non-resident property electors:
• The only persons who are registered owners of the property, either as joint tenants or tenants in common, are individuals who are not holding the property in trust for a corporation or another trust.
• If more than one person is registered owner of the property, only one of those individuals may, with the written consent of the majority of the owners, register as a non-resident property elector.
In addition, in order to register at time of voting:
To register, resident electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature). Picture identification is not necessary. The identification must prove both residency and identity.
To register, non-resident property electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) to prove identity, proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the property, and, if there is more than one owner of the property, written consent from the other property owners.
If you wish to vote by mail, you must submit the following information to the VILLAGE OF CHASE office by mail PO Box 440, 826 Okanagan Avenue, Chase, BC V0E 1M0, telephone (250-679-3238), fax (250-679-3070) or email elections@chasebc.ca no later than September 30, 2022:
(1) Full name,
(2) Residential address,
(3) Address of the property in relation to which you are voting (for non-resident property electors),
(4) Method of delivery of your mail ballot package:
• pick up at office and, if you wish, name of person you authorize to pick up package for you, OR
• regular letter mail through Canada Post to residential address, OR
• regular letter mail through Canada Post to an alternate address that you provide when requesting the ballot package, and
(5) If you are not on the list of electors, to ensure you receive the correct registration application form in your package, you must indicate whether you are going to be registering as a resident or non-resident property elector.
To be counted, your mail ballot must be received by the Chief Election Officer no later than 8 pm on Saturday, October 15, 2022.
Joni Heinrich Chief Election OfficerPO Box 440, 826 Okanagan Avenue Chase, BC V0E 1M0
Ph: 250-679-3238 Fax: 250-679-3070 elections@chasebc.ca
Sean O’Flaherty Deputy Chief Election OfficerPO Box 440, 826 Okanagan Avenue Chase, BC V0E 1M0
Ph: 250-679-3238 Fax: 250-679-3070 elections@chasebc.ca
Allen Fenton, 20 year resident of chase, we raised our family here.
Looking for growth such as an Underpass on Pine Street, bring in facilities like a 7-11 which would bring in other businesses; bring in more housing; major hotel on waterfront inclusive boat ramp, docks and boat rentals, renewed access to VLA from highway (Corn Farm).
In summary, paradise on the waterundiscovered Whistler...
David Lepsoe, now 61 years of age, has lived in Chase since 1965. After graduating from Chase Secondary School, he worked at Adams Lake Lumber for more than 14 years, retiring from the mill in 1993. Between 1994 and 2001 David and his sister opened up and successfully ran “The Willows Natural Foods” store, which is still operating Downtown Chase.
Throughout his life, David has continuously dedicated countless volunteer hours to help residents, service groups and businesses in Chase. He is also known as Chase’s historian, organizing tours for residents, tourists and school groups.
David served on the Village Council for 10 consecutive years, working with 3 different mayors. During all three terms, he was recognized for listening carefully, researching issues thoroughly, collaborating with others and making thoughtful, informed decisions. His unprecedented knowledge of the challenges and successes Chase has experienced, is what David will use as a base to collaborate with Council on developing a vision for a better future.
Some of the issues that David will address from the start of his work as a Mayor are related to the health of the community - doctor shortages, long term care, the financial health of the Village, the sustainability of the service clubs, and more.
David is committed to the community he loves and cares about.
I moved to Chase from Banff in 1992 because I took a job at Safety Mart as their Produce Manager. This was the same role I played for Safeway in Banff.
I have recently retired from that position after a successful 30 year career. This will allow me more time to golf and walk my Newfie Amble. I will be able to focus my efforts on Chase’s future.
I am an elected councillor for the village of Chase and have been for 11 concurrent years.
We were elected to make the necessary changes to move Chase forward. Most important were the modernization of our by-laws. Our new Official Community Plan will be our blueprint for our future. The development by-law will guide builders with their projects.
Once the highway expansion is complete Chase will become a viable alternative place to reside.
The lifestyle of a small community with its amenities will also attract new residents. Our infrastructure must be upgraded to meet the anticipated growth.
I am excited for Chase’s future. If you share a similar vision, I ask that you vote for me as mayor.
Let’s build something special.
Each candidate will give a 5 minute presentation and then have the opportunity to respond to questions submitted by the public.
The questions will be submitted by the public upon entry to the hall and written on cards that will be randomly drawn by the moderator.
As the summer heat subsides the fall and winter Heat hit the ice. The annual goal of all goals is to get to spring heat (playoffs). It’s a long way off, however time flies and early season points accumulated against Division rivals are huge in the end. This isn’t a normal start to one of these scribbles, must be frustration due to an inability to find a pencil with any lead in it?
The HEAT played a 4 game exhibition schedule to help discover who belongs or doesn’t, who may stick and who will remain under the microscope. They then opened the regular season this past weekend and who belongs and who sticks must still be rolling around in the minds of the team decision makers. Friday night the 23rd of September found the boys trundling down Highway 1 to the eastern Shuswap outpost of Sicamous. The EAGLES perched patiently awaiting the incoming prey from the western Shuswap outpost of the KIJHL. Out shot 31 to 24 the Chase crew were outscored 4-1 in 60 minutes of action. The lone HEAT tally in the latter part of the 2nd period came from rookie Kieran Armitage with help from
veteran Aidan Brown and rookie Jalen Davidson. Definitely not the season start staff, players, volunteers, parents and fans were expecting.
So, Day 2 and the home opener at the Art Holding Memorial Arena, Saturday the 24th of September. In front of a packed barn thanks to a clever idea or two from some volunteers full of ideas, a flashy new format program, long lineups at the Chilli Areena Cantina, splashed suds at the Red Solo Cup Emporium, everything was lined up for a splendid evening of shinny. Except the Heat were once again the second best team on the ice falling 4-1 to the Kamloops Storm. The local sole counter coming from rookie Jalen Davidson with assists from rookie Cale Nahorney and veteran Braeden Huth. Its real early in the season so let’s hope our boys don’t like the view from the basement.
The team has 11 veterans back, 4 of them 20 “bombs” in their final year of junior hockey. That leaves 14 spots on the roster for a very skilled and interesting bunch of
rookies. Extensive scouting was done in Alberta and the number of those province’s licence plates around town is an indication. The focus off ice is community involvement and a few events are already accomplished; Terry Fox Run, selling papers in support of Literacy Day as well as coaching local minor hockey teams. A shout out to those homes who have opened their doors as billet families.
Next up on the schedule is a road trip to the East Kootenays to face the Kimberley Dynamiters on Friday the 30th, followed by the Columbia Valley Rockies in Invermere on Saturday October 1st. As a fan you can catch all KIJHL games at www.hockeytv. com. Next home game is Friday the 7th of October at 7:00 pm. See you there rocking the plastic bum bruisers with your new neighbours and friends.
Hi there, I am Colin Connett. I have lived in Chase all my life. You will see me out daily walking my dogs. I had the opportunity to work for the Village of Chase for 38 years. My career with the Village of Chase gave me the chance to work hands-on from laborer to foreman. During my years with the Village of Chase, I had the privilege of really getting to know the in’s and out’s of our community. I spent many hours interacting with both my fellow community members as well as the Village of Chase staff members. This will give me the ability to problem solve and communicate it to the proper source. My experience, hard work and dedication to the Village of Chase has me wanting to improve our town even more. This is my driving force to want to run for council. I want to represent all my fellow citizens, businesses, and community programs. I believe there are many ways we can budget wisely, and save money while still growing our Village. I am looking forward to being an advocate for all of my fellow citizens. I am prepared to listen to people’s concerns, suggestions, advice, or opinions. Although it will not always be possible to change everything or please everyone I am open to try.
My name is Ron Harder. I am currently living in Pritchard and moving to Chase as soon as our modular home is ready. Chase is where my wife and I have always wanted to retire and we’re finally going to achieve our dream. People have asked me why I’m running for council before I’ve officially moved. We originally thought we would already be moved but when covid hit it delayed everything. Modular home factories are out a year and contractors are in short supply. But it’s all coming together finally. I’ve been thinking of running for sometime and I knew if I waited till we were actually there it might never happen as I’m no spring chicken! I do feel I have a lot to give to the Village in terms of my previous council experience in Williams Lake and all of my political involvements over the last 30-35 years. In 1993 former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney appointed me to the National Parole Board for 4 years. I think I have lots to add to a council and respectfully ask for your support on October 15th.
Hi, my name is Jane Herman, and I am excited to be vying for a position on Chase Village Council. Chase is my home, and I am proud of our village and the amazing people who live here. I have lived in Chase since my teenage years and have been involved in community events ever since. I have been married to my husband Merv for 41 years and have 3 adult children and 4 grandchildren. Being a “people person,” sharing ideas and collaborating with others inspires me. Tackling problems and coming up with solutions that benefit the majority energizes me!
I entered the election because I feel that the new council needs to include approachable, community minded, hardworking people. This council will work with the community to complete projects that encourage growth, revitalization, tourism, and in turn, sustain our future. Please let me know what you the citizens of Chase feel are the most important problems to tackle. Email, call or text to apprise me of your concerns.
“Let’s Talk”…… jherman@cablelan.net or 250-851-6524
Hello, I’m Beverley Iglesias, Council candidate for the Village of Chase. Life resident, successful owner businessperson…now retired. I’m passionate for the longevity and betterment of Chase. My vision and strength to initiate, coordinate and work with volunteer teams attributed to the completion of amenities, projects & sponsorships; Heat Jr. B Hockey, Skateboard Park, Memorial Waterpark, Community Hall kitchen, Tribute bandsRonald McDonald Charities, family medical support, wildfires 2003/2017, to name a few. Going forward and potentially attainable:
· Emergency Prepared Plan –for the community as a whole and renegotiate an emergency route - VLA to TCH when the two RR crossings are blocked.
· Revitalize and cleanup the downtown core in order to fill the empty buildings and encourage business/commercial growth
· Continue the Active Transportation Plan in processwalk trail from Dr. Vagyi Memorial Skate Park to 3rd Avenue Bridge and consideration for future expansion from Aylmer Road to South Thompson River with footbridge over Chase Creek to Mill Park
For the next 4 years, place your trust in me, let’s get things happening for the betterment of Chase.
I bought my first home and moved to Chase 24 yrs ago to raise my family. I opened Structures Hair studio, in 2005 and was featured in a Community Futures success story. Now as the owner of my 2nd business, Shear FX Hair studio, I understand the importance of supporting the development & success of the businesses in our community. I will work hard to bring attraction for new families and tourism to our town.
I’ve volunteered in the Christmas food drive for the last 2 yrs and it turned out to be one of the most successful food drives.
I hear your concerns including the need for a strong emergency plan, support and sustainability for our first responders, the frustration surrounding the increased rate of crime in our town, the need for a youth center or more activities where they can thrive & build healthy peer relationships, and last but not least the housing crisis & rental affordability needs to be addressed. These are just some of the concerns brought to me and it has compelled me to run for a seat on village council. I’m hearing you and It’s time for change. I would like the opportunity to be your voice for that change.
Vote Krystal Laluha for council.
I am running for the position of councillor for the Village of Chase.
I am a long time resident of Chase since 1959 and feel that I have a good handle on the pulse of this community. I went to school here from grade one through grade twelve. In my early days I worked for Holdings Lumber Company, I also ran my own business at Jade Mountain Service for a short time. In 1974
I joined the RCMP and worked there for 34 years, the last five of which were in Chase. I also worked at Talking Rock golf course for eight years. The last four years were served on Chase Council where I gained a wealth of information on Municipal Affairs. There is still a lot of ongoing work to be done with the infrastructure and other Village projects, for that reason I would like to continue in the capacity as councillor.
My hobbies have been curling where I was a member of the Chase curling club, participated in the ice making and general maintenance. Also a member of the Chase golf course where I served as captain of the men’s club. I currently bowl as well. I like to fish and camp. I like to participate in a variety of sports
My folks moved to Chase over 30 years ago, I moved here over 8 years ago. I have been in involved with community programs such as Chase Lions, Chamber of Commerce, Chase Country Christmas, Chase Fire Dept.
I am active, organized, as well as community-oriented. I am also a local business owner of Weltons Storage.
My previous background for over 25 years was in mental health and social work.
My experience in both work and volunteering also allows me to take an active team approach to problem solving.
I would like to see Chase move forward by supporting local businesses as well as trying to attract new businesses for our Village, increase tourism and improve senior services, and increase family and children’s activities.
I want to see Chase take a more unified and inclusive approach to deal with community needs HELP ME MOVE CHASE FORWARD
Each candidate will give a 5 minute presentation and then have the opportunity to respond to questions submitted by the public.
The questions will be submitted by the public upon entry to the hall and written on cards that will be randomly drawn by the moderator.
The Village of Chase Council will be holding a Public Hearing pursuant to Section 464 of the Local Government Act, to consider amendments to the Village of Chase Zoning Bylaw No. 683.
The Council will consider amending the zoning bylaw to allow up to four (4) backyard hens on low/medium density properties greater than 550m2.
If you feel your property interests may be affected by the proposed amendment and you wish to address Village Council on any matters pertaining to this bylaw, please attend the Public Hearing at the Village Office on:
Tuesday, October 11th, 2022 at 4:00 pm
Your comments/concerns may also be presented in writing, in advance of the meeting by addressing them to the undersigned, or at the public hearing in person, by petition or by attorney.
Sean O’Flaherty, RPP Corporate Officer Village of ChaseNote: This is the first of two consecutive Public Notices.
Dated this 30 day of September, 2022 at Chase, BC
submitted by Village of Chase
Council held a Regular Meeting on September 27, 2022 at the Community Hall and via Zoom. 11 people attended in-person and 3 people attended virtually.
Public Hearing. A public hearing was held for Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment Bylaw No. 915-2022 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 9172022 (see below for explanations of the bylaws).
Council members provided summaries of their activities associated with their roles as Council members including meetings and conferences recently attended.
Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment Bylaw. Council passed third reading of Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment Bylaw No. 915-2022, which changes the land use designation of property formerly owned by CP Rail that was erroneously designated as General Commercial in Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 896-2021. The OCP amendment designates the lands as General Residential.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw. Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 917-2022, which amends Zoning Bylaw No.683-2006 by removing section 8(1)(a) and adding definitions of ‘derelict vehicle’ and ‘outdoor storage’, to ensure the Zoning Bylaw and the Village’s property maintenance bylaw are consistent with one another.
Bylaw. Council adopted Property Maintenance Amendment Bylaw No. 916-2022, which amends Property Maintenance Bylaw No.731-2010 to clarify the intent to regulate the outdoor storing of vehicles and provide greater certainty in situations of unlicensed, uninsured, or derelict vehicles.
Sign Regulation Amendment Bylaw. Council adopted Sign Regulations Amendment Bylaw No. 920-2022 with
an effective date of October 16, 2022. The bylaw includes revisions to limit the amount of election signs to 30 display signs visible from public property for Mayoral candidates and 20 for Councillor candidates.
Temporary Use Permit, 425 Cottonwood Street. Council passed a resolution issuing a three-year temporary use permit that allows an existing daycare in the R-1 Low Density Residential Zone to expand beyond the limits of a ‘home occupation’ to a commercial operation for a three-year period as a ‘trial’ for both the operator and the residential neighbours.
Development Variance Permit, 424 Bay Street. Council passed a resolution to issue Development Variance Permit #2-2022, which varies the allowable maximum size of an accessory building, the front parcel setback and the accessory building height.
Development Variance Permit, 918 Sicamous Avenue. Council passed a resolution to issue Development Variance Permit #3-2022, which varies the parcel line setback and the rear yard fence height.
Development Variance Permit, 21235 Aylmer Road. Council passed a resolution to issue Development Variance Permit #4-2022, which varies the front parcel line setback to accommodate exceptional circumstances related to the misplacement of a cement foundation.
Development Variance Permit, 230/234/238 Aylmer Road. Council passed a resolution to issue Development Variance Permit #5-2022 for 230/234/238 Aylmer Road authorizing Storage and structures to be located within the ‘required front yard’ (6 m from the front parcel line), shipping containers located within 3m of the ‘interior side parcel line’ and shipping containers located within 3m of the ‘rear parcel line’.
Continued on page 9...
Chase and District Health Foundation Request for Emergency Coordinator.
Council received for information a letter from the Chase and District Health Services Foundation regarding an Emergency Coordinator for Chase. During its September 6, 2022 Special Meeting Council directed staff to proceed with a needs assessment for a new position of emergency coordinator for the Village of Chase, including the potential tasks, hours required and budgetary considerations.
Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) Funding Announcement. Council announced that funding in the amount of $23,000 has been granted to the Village of Chase to complete the Heat Event Vulnerable Population Response Plan. The grant will enable the Village of Chase to conduct a comprehensive assessment, inventory and response plan specifically targeting the vulnerable population in Chase that could be subject to extreme heat or other emergency event in which they need assistance.
Thank You Card from the Chase Creekside Seniors. Council received for information a thank you card from the Chase Creekside Seniors Organization
expressing gratitude for the financial support provided by the Village of Chase over the past few years.
Request from Chase Creekside Seniors – Grant Application Support. Council passed a resolution approving a request from the Chase Creekside Seniors Organization to provide support for a grant application to the BC Interior Community Foundation relating to the installation of a ramp and upgrading of a door.
Letter to 3 Neighbouring First Nations – Reconciliation Project. Council passed a resolution approving a letter to the Neskonlith, Adams Lake and Little Shuswap Lake Chiefs and Councils regarding a potential joint project to promote reconciliation.
With no further business, the Council meeting concluded at 6:20 p.m
For more information regarding Council’s meetings, please go to the Village’s website at https://chasebc.ca/ council/minutes-agendas/
The next Regular Meeting of Council is scheduled for Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at the Community Hall and via Zoom at 4:00 p.m.
If elected to Council in Chase my goal is to see new businesses in the downtown and to work with the province on providing more affordable housing. I have a plan of how this can be done and the contacts to achieve this.
My wife and I are currently working on making the move to Chase and hope to be in our new home by Christmas if it works like we want it to.
I want to work for a better future for us all.
I worked for the Village of Chase for 38 years.
I am now looking forward to sharing my passion for Chase in my retirement years.
I would appreciate the opportunity to work for the citizens of Chase.
Advertisement Authorized by Colin ConnettThis group is very talented & the acoustics at the Den makes for
See you there, Tammy LaFleur
The Salute to the Sockeye Festival, presented by the Adams River Salmon Society, takes place during the dominant year of the four-year salmon cycle, when salmon return from the ocean to spawn in Adams River locations. As one of the largest sockeye salmon runs in North America, it’s scheduled from September 30th to October 23rd this year. Festival activities will be held from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm each day at Tsñtswecw Provincial Park near Chase, and will feature a variety of family friendly events, educational interpretive programs, cultural activities, commemorative merchandise, local vendors, artists’ gallery, and the opportunity to watch the salmon run from the viewing platform and walking trails.
The project will have another six small fire bowl sculptures created by Tania Willard of Neskonlith First Nation, and youth artist Kel-c Jules from Tk’emlups,
As well, two large sculptures will be produced by Hop You, Tony Antoine, Jules Arnouse, Rick Arnouse and David Jacob Harder. The Project Team also hosted a youth trailhead-post-carving workshop, led by Splatsin carver and Elder Hop You. Over 30 youth carved seventeen trailhead posts to be installed on trail systems throughout the Shuswap Lakes region.
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Local First Nation communities—Skwláx, Splatsin, Neskonlith, Adams Lake and Little Shuswap Lake—will lend support to and be involved with this very special three-week celebration.
Saturday, September 30, National Truth & Reconciliation Day, will be marked with a Grand Entrance organized by the Little Shuswap Lake First Nation (LSLB) from the park gates to the water at 10:00 a.m., to be led by women and children., followed by drummers and singers. Spiritual Leaders will perform ceremonies by the water.
Hosted by the Shuswap Nation Tribal Council and held from August 26th to 28th, at Horse Fly, the gathering featured a baby welcoming ceremony, a mini pow wow and tiny tot special, cultural centre, Secwépemc princess pageant, fishing demonstration, Lahal battle of the bands, salmon cutting competition, bannock making contest, a horseshoe tournament, dancing, and storytelling.
Funded by the Government of BC. Income based service fees may apply.
Opening and welcome ceremonies, also hosted by members of LSLB, will take place on Saturday, October 1st at 1:00 pm.
Nominal admission fees will be in place during the festival, which cover the costs of operating the event and support a Legacy Fund for stewardship activities of community groups in the Shuswap. There is much to experience and learn along the park’s trails, (many of which are accessible for those with limited mobility), either through a self-directed walk or by joining a knowledgeable interpretative guide for an educational tour along the river system.
During 2022 spring and summer, the Project Team hosted six Elders’ site visits for Phase Two of the Landmarks undertaking.
During the event, Kukpi7 Tribal Chief Rosanne Casimir and Tribal Director Maryanne Yarama shared the work they have been undertaking with regard to healing and wellness.
This day honours the children who never returned home and the Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Public commemoration of this tragic and painful part of Canadian history and its ongoing impacts is a vital component of the reconciliation process. The date also marks Orange Shirt Day and “Every Child Matters,” an Indigenousled commemoration to raise awareness of the individual, family and community intergenerational trauma caused by residential schools. Orange shirts worn symbolize the stripping away of culture, freedom and self-esteem experienced by Indigenous children over many generations.
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....First Nations News to be continued in next week’s issue
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