PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE DIGSAU Architecture Philadelphia, PA, USA | August-December 2016 Intern Architect working on a brewery, charter school, and Higher-Ed facilities. Primarily worked on schematic and construction phases but also researched and compired reports for several potential university projects. Mahlum Architects Seattle, WA, USA | January-May 2016 Intern Architect serving in Higher-Ed Housing and K-12 Schools. Actively contributed to Master Planning, Interview Graphics, Construction Administration, and Model Making . Developed a Grasshopper script to optimize physical and digital site modeling using Meerkat. Cincinnati Museum Center Cincinnati, Ohio, USA | July 2014-January 2015 Grassroots Campaign Manager for Save Our Icons educational campaign and the Yes on 8 Hamilton County Sales Tax campaign, a 0.25% sales tax increase to fully restore Cincinnati’s art deco masterpiece, Union Terminal.
CHAS WIEDERHOLD PERSONAL__Charles Edward Thomas Wiederhold (Chas) CELL__937.776.6221 RESIDENCE__214 Magnolia Street | Cincinnati, Ohio, USA,45202 __@chaswied EDUCATION Masters of Architecture Candidate University of Cincinnati | College of DAAP expected Spring 2018 Bachelors of Science of Architecture University of Cincinnati | College of DAAP Class of 2013 GPA_3.8/4.0 Rank_3/64 NOTABLE DEVELOPMENTAL EXPERIENCE
AmeriCorps - Local Initiative Support Corporation Cincinnati, Ohio, USA | October 2013-August 2014 Programming Coordinator for the Santa Maria Community Services International Welcome Center. Serving with immigrant youth to enhance their social and cultural enrichment with an emphasis on community engagement. S.H.E.D. Studio Chicago, Illinois, USA | March-August 2012 Intern Architect providing technical and design assistance for mixed use developments in urban Chicago. SHED stands for Sustainable, Humane, Environmental Design. emersionDESIGN Cincinnati, Ohio, USA | June 2011-January 2012 Intern Architect providing technical assistance for construction documents, LEED documentation, DoD contracts including rendering and minor design work LEADERSHIP AND SERVICE EXPERIENCE Cardinal Land Conservancy Founding Board Member, 2015 Marketing/Communication Chairman, term 2015-17 Contemporary Arts Center Volunteer, 2013-present Public Interest Design Student Organization Founder 2012, Alumni Advisor 2013-present
2440-mile Solo Bike Tour American Midwest, July-August 2015 Public Interest Design Institute Participant, November 2012 | SEED Certified Western Europe Study Spain, Belgium, France, Italy, U.K, August-October 2012 Territory Urban Design Team Instructor, June-August 2012 East Central Africa Study Tanzania, Kenya, June 2011 Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Ohio Theta Member 2009-13 | Alumni Operations Director 2012-13 American Legion Buckeye Boys State Delegate, 2008 | Counselor, 2009-present SKILLS, PROFICIENCIES, AND INTERESTS Adobe CC | Rhino | SketchUp | AutoCAD | Revit Development | Cycling | Grasshopper | Meerkat | Research Rendering | Microsoft Office | Civic Engagement | Theory Public Speaking | Sculpting | CrossFit | Drawing | Delueze Social Media | Event Coordination | Participatory Planning Travel | Youth Programming | Marathon Running | Sharing Instagramming | Vegetarian Food | Farming | Thrifting Pizza | Cats | Dogs too | Post-Digital | Cycling again