The Chatham Voice, Aug. 21, 2014

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YOUR Independent Community Newspaper THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 2014

Vol. 2 Edition 33

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Reflecting at the Railroad Museum

By Jim Blake

It’s not an unusual sentiment for one spouse to say of another that they “saved my life.” But when Tom Heath says it, the phrase takes on a very literal meaning. Tom and his wife, Helen, were vacationing earlier this month when Tom went into cardiac arrest near Madison, Wis. For the next 25 minutes, his life hung in the balance. “We had pulled into a rest stop and I was about to take over driving from Tom,” Helen said. “I looked over at him and it was obvious he was in medical distress. I knew I had to do CPR, but I couldn’t do it until I got him out of the car.” As Helen began to move her six-foot-plus husband, a couple in the car next to them noticed something was wrong. “I gave the woman my cell phone and asked her to call 911. I started CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) right away,” Helen said. As a crowd gathered, the woman asked if anyone else knew CPR. A nurse came forward to help. Helen and the nurse alternated chest compression and breathing into Tom’s airway. Continued on page 2

Sarah Schofield/Special to The Chatham Voice

Volunteers, from left, Aaren Laprise, Elizabeth Sterling and Hannah Daudlin stand inside the Chatham Railroad Museum on Saturday. More than 250 visitors came out to the carriage on McLean Street for the 25th annual William Glassco Railroad Fun Day. Named after one of the late museum’s founders, the free event offered a chance to learn about railroad safety, have your face painted, and it served as a reminder to visitors just how much railroad life has changed. Summer curator Erika Broadbent encourages the community to stop by for a visit before the museum closes for the season after Saturday.

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