Chatham voice june 26

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Vol. 2 Edition 25

Cycling for a cause – and good health

Sarah Schofield/Special to The Chatham Voice

Cyclists embarking on the 50K ride head down Queen Street in Chatham on Saturday morning as part of the Chatham-Kent Cycle Fest. All proceeds from the event go to the Children’s Treatment Centre Foundation’s Freedom Rider Program. The program helps to fill the demand for adapted bicycles for youth with disabilities.

Hime heads back to Haiti

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.” That quote by the 19th century American author Edward Hale is as good an introduction as any to Emily Hime, an extraordinary young woman who is determined that those who cross her path in life are better for having done so. At an age (she just

Jim Blake turned 22) when many young people are finishing post-secondary education, are working or preparing to have a family, Hime, a Chatham native, has done things a bit differently.

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She’s the president of her own international firm, has 13 children and plans to head back to university “maybe this fall.” Emily is the founder and head of Hime for Help, a non-profit tax-exempt corporation that operates an orphanage and other projects in Haiti, one of the poorest nations on earth. She founded Hime for Help two years ago at age 20 when she realized she needed to be in the Caribbean nation if she

was going to do what her conscience told her she must. She had travelled to Haiti for earthquake relief the year before and became committed to helping children there. Emily put her University of Windsor studies in criminology and sociology on hold and off she went. She is now operating Maison Ke Kontan (Happy Heart House) Children’s Home in Port Au Prince where she returned recently after a

visit home to raise funds to keep the operation open. “Right now, we need to find $6,000 to pay the rent through to September,” she said. Emily left Haiti two weeks ago, planning to stay in Chatham as long as she needed to raise funds, but a last minute job offer there sent her back sooner than anticipated. “The night I was leaving, we had four children under the age of 10 –

including one newborn still covered in blood – dropped off at the home,” she said. “I didn’t know what to do because I had to leave to earn more money. I couldn’t afford to hire anyone but the one person we had on staff couldn’t handle 13 children, so I was completely torn.” Emily and a friend were speaking with a local Haitian business owner who offered her a job as soon as she could get back.

Continued on page 2

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