The Chatham Voice
Ontario Premier Doug Ford has tapped a local MPP to join his cabinet team.
Jones, handily re-elected Feb. 27, first joined the Ontario Legislature in the 2022 election.
Other key cabinet posts for the Ford government include:
Trevor Jones, MPP for Chatham-Kent–Leamington will serve as Minister of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness.
• Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health
• Doug Downey, Attorney General
• Vic Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade
• Paul Calandra, Minister of Education
• Peter Bethlenfalvy, Minister of Finance
• Rob Flack, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
• Todd McCarthy, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
The Chatham Voice reached out to Jones for comment through his constituency office, but we were told interviews were on hold at the direction of the premier’s office.
By Pam Wright Local Journalism Initiative pamwrightlji@gmail.com
When it comes to costs associated with building a new Chatham-Kent Community Hub or fixing up the Civic Centre, Michael Bondy has questions.
The Chatham councillor wants to know why he can’t get more information from administration regarding estimates for both projects –that put the cost of revamping the King Street building significantly higher.
Numbers put out by the municipality when discussing the project estimate it will cost $444 per square foot to create the downtown hub, compared to $850 per sq. ft. to bring the 49-year-old civic centre up to code.
A motion asking for a breakdown was submitted for review at a recent meeting and was on the agenda, according to Bondy. But in the afternoon, prior to the meeting, Bondy was informed by staff the motion wouldn’t be discussed as it was “repetitive.”
Bondy said he was told financial details on the hub are already being reviewed based
on a motion asking for a cost breakdown made by South Kent Coun. Anthony Ceccacci last October. The matter is expected to come back before council in May. Bondy said he can’t understand why the matter couldn’t be addressed in open council, noting “it doesn’t make sense.
“We’re heading into a massive tariff war and we don’t know how that will affect us financially,” Bondy said. “There’s a lot of information on the hub that we need before we make a decision.” In the works now for more than two years, municipal numbers indicate that a new hub can be created for a net sum of an estimated $6 million to bring the Chatham-Kent Museum and the Chatham branch of the C-K Public Library under one umbrella. This would include the sale of the current Civic Centre and the Queen Street library building.
Bondy said he brought the matter forward because he’s being inundated with questions from the community.
By Pam Wright Local Journalism Initiative
News that York1 Environmental Waste Ltd. has sold the Dresden-area property at the centre of a controversial fight has strengthened the opposition. That’s the word from members of Dresden Citizens Against Reckless Environmental Disposal (C.A.R.E.D.) following news that the dormant Dresden dump changed hands earlier this year.
According to government documents, the bulk of the property on Irish School Road a kilometre north of the town, was sold by Mississauga based York1 to Whitestone Fields Ltd. on Feb. 4 for $2,527,965. Incorporated in January of this year, Whitestone Fields is owned by Brian Brunetti, current president and CEO of York1, as well as Andrew P. Guizzetti and Daniel
G. Guizzetti. The Guizettis are founders of Empire Communities, a large North America home developer.
Premdas said the group isn’t sure what the sale means yet, but said it looks like it’s a shell game, stressing the battle against a plan to turn the dormant landfill into a 24-7 operation continues – no matter who owns it.
“We remain unchanged in our fight against this project,”
Premdas told The Chatham Voice. “Our partners remain with us, shoulder to shoulder.”
The property, a former wood disposal site, made headlines in 2024 when it was discovered that York1 had plans to expand the landfill capacity; construct a recycling building and ponding system in order to accommodate the collection of construction waste from the GTA.
The plan, that would see upwards of 6,000 trucks a day
coming to the site was vigorously opposed by citizens, leading to the formation of Dresden C.A.R.E.D.
Pressure from the community pushed government to conduct a full Environmental Assessment – a process officials say could take three to 10 that years.
Provincial documents state Whitestone Fields Ltd. was registered as a corporation Jan. 13, 2025. Its head office is located at First Canada Place in Toronto.
The information has the advocacy group doubling down.
“As Dresden C.A.R.E.D., our lawyers are sending updated letters to the Ministry of Environment and the premier,” Premdas said. “Regardless of whose
name is on that (property) we’re still opposing the dump and the soil washing.
By Mark Ribble Southpoint Sun
The efforts of three Wheatley men in commemorating the Devil’s Brigade will pay dividends with the eventual dedication of plaques placed on boulders near the future site of the Wheatley Legion.
The First Special Services Force
(FSSF) — commonly known as the Devil’s Brigade — was a joint Canadian-American military unit of 1,800 highly trained soldiers in the Second World War.
They were a group feared by enemies and were dubbed “the Black Devils” by the Germans.
Four men from Wheatley were part of the famous brigade
Your life begins as a blank canvas. From there, you make your mark.
during the Second World War. There is an annual reunion each year, which alternates between Canadian and American cities. This year’s reunion is in Helena, Montana, where the FSSF soldiers all went to train in 1942.
Roger Lamb of Wheatley, whose father Bill was a member of the FSSF, has teamed up with local military historian Bill Siddall and Wheatley Legion first vice-president Tom
Brown to bring the boulders to Wheatley and have the plaques installed.
The plaques are engraved with the 32 names of FSSF soldiers from Essex and Kent Counties.
The four men from Wheatley –Bill Lamb, Mel McCauley, Mike Cochrane and Clifford Foster –all returned from the war and spent many hours reminiscing about their experiences.
A similar commemoration was erected in Amherstburg last year and Roger Lamb was there
to see it.
“It was quite a moment,” he said. “We are just continuing the Amherstburg project with our Wheatley project.”
While the Legion is behind the commemoration, Lamb says he has to give credit to the Municipality of Chatham-Kent for stepping up with the funding.
“We knew they were upgrading the cenotaph,” he said.
“That’s when Tom Brown used his connections to get it done.”
Continued on page 5
Continued from page 3
“You can put lipstick on a pig; it’s still a pig,” Premdas noted. “It’s just the same entity with a new name.”
According to Premdas, the grassroots advo-
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cacy group became aware of the sale after it was published in a Windsor business magazine about two weeks ago. Someone alerted Dresden C.A.R.E.D. members. In turn, they passed the information onto the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, which was unaware the property changed hands.
C-K corporate communications manager Eric Labadie confirmed that the Chatham-Kent officials were made aware of the sale through a third-party.
It doesn’t change Chatham-Kent’s official opposition to the York1 project.
Because it’s a private sale, Labadie said it didn’t have to be approved by the municipality.
Even though there’s a different owner on paper, the municipality said an Environmental Assessment must still be carried out, as the EA pertains to the property itself.
Representatives from Environmental Defence Canada and the Canadian Environmental Law Association are also on board with Dresden C.A.R.E.D., helping coordinate resistance to dump expansion.
Attempts to reach York1 for comment were unanswered as of press time.
Continued from page 4
The First Special Services Force was innovative and the first of its kind, considered the forefathers of today’s Special Forces units.
It was activated in July of 1942 under the command of Lt. Colonel Robert Frederick, a highly decorated American Army officer, and recruits trained in secret at Fort William Henry Harrison in Helena, where both Canadian and American governments agreed to provide an equal amount of officers and soldiers.
The “Forcemen” would be men who were resourceful, self-reliant and could operate in extreme conditions. Many of them were lumberjacks, forest rangers, hunters and explorers. Training was quick and extensive, and they became qualified paratroopers who were experts in weapons, demolition and hand-to-hand combat.
“My dad never talked much about it,” says Roger Lamb. “But we had a lots of guys from the brigade show up and stay at our place over the years.”
The FSSF won all 22 battles they engaged in and never retreated.
A story about Wheatley’s McCauley is one of those tales that shows the tenacity of the Devil’s Brigade
ing the enemy within 100 yards, abandoned the gun with a warning to Sgt. McCauley that a breakthrough was imminent. With two riflemen, Sgt. McCauley immediately ran to the machine gun and in the face of machine gun and machine pistol fire from three sides, stripped the gun, readjusted the headpiece and brought fire to bear on the enemy, who were now within 30 yards of his position.”
handed out to a Canadian from the Devil’s Brigade. The brigade spent 99 days without relief on Anzio Beachhead before clearing the mountaintops and helping with the liberation of Rome.
The FSSF disbanded in December 1944, but their honours still continue today.
soldiers and their willingness to put themselves in harm’s way to help their fellow soldiers.
McCauley’s actions on a winter day in 1944 garnered him the Distinguished Conduct Medal, which was recommended jointly by Lt. Col. Gilday of Canada and Lt. Col. Frederick of the U.S.
“On the morning of 27th of February, 1944 on the Anzio Beachhead, Italy, the enemy opened up an all-out artillery and mortar barrage as a prelude to an attack against one of our positions along the Mussolini Canal,” said the report
from Gilday. “During the barrage, our LMG (light machine gun) covering the enemy was put out of action. The crew, see-
The report went on to say that McCauley’s exceptional devotion to duty and complete disregard of his own personal safety was an inspiration to the other members of his company and was a material factor in turning the tide of the battle.
McCauley’s Distinguished Conduct Medal was the only one
What the heck is happening north of Dresden? More than a year after York1 purchased a former landfill on Irish School Road just a kilometre out of town, no one really seems to know.
Initially, York1 stated they wanted to bring it back to life, add a recycling operation and have a steady stream of trucks hauling materials to the site from the Greater Toronto Area.
Queue the community uprising. Dresden-area residents responded very vocally and visibly. They quickly organized, forming Dresden C.A.R.E.D. (Citizens Against Reckless Environmental Disposal).
The Municipality of Chatham-Kent voiced its opposition as a host municipality for such a facility so close to Dresden and near watercourses that feed into the environmentally fragile Sydenham River.
It reached Premier Doug Ford, who stated during an interview in Windsor that if the people didn’t want it, then it wouldn’t happen.
“If the people like something, we do it,” Ford last summer. “If they don’t, we don’t do it. It’s about as simple as that.”
However, nothing was shut down. In place now is an Environmental Assessment, which could take several years, but little else.
The fact that York1 recently sold the property to a different corporation – Whitestone Fields Ltd. – means very little. After all, Brian Brunetti, current president and COO of York1, is part of the ownership team at Whitestone Fields Ltd.
A total of $2.527 million changed hands, sliding from company to company.
That’s all that has changed. There is nothing from the province on Ford’s uttered pledge that if the people didn’t want it, it would not happen.
The 8o-plus-acre parcel of land was operated as a landfill for the Town of Dresden prior to amalgamation in 1998. It was then sold and operated as a wood pallet disposal operation. Dresden residents have not parked their protest. They continue to keep the engine running, foot near the gas pedal, ready to respond as needed. They’ve got groups such as Environmental Defence Canada in their corner, and have legal support from the Canadian Environmental Law Association.
But, given the close proximity of the landfill to the community, including a school, as well as Molly’s Creek, which feeds into the Sydenham, one would think the province would take over the wheel to ensure nothing happens at the site.
The Chatham Voice welcomes letters to the editor. Our preferred method to receive letters is via e-mail to bruce@ chathamvoice.com (use “Letter” in the subject line).
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Liability for errors or non-insertion is limited to the amount paid for the cost of space occupied by the error. Claims of errors must be made prior to the next publication date.
A member of:
Editor: The Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin clubs across Canada are the only all-Canadian service clubs in the country. We were founded on Feb. 20, 1920 in Hamilton by Hal Rodgers a First World War Canadian veteran.
Over the years, the association has grown to hundreds of clubs across Canada.
Almost all of our fundraising dollars stay in Canada. Our motto is “Servicing the communities’ greatest needs.”
The Chatham Kinsmen club was chartered in August 1928, the 16th club in the association.
Some of our major contributions to the community include the gifting (for $1) of the Kinsmen Auditorium in 1948 . It was used for many years hosting major events, conventions and shows until it’s demolition.
We gave a $100,000 donation to the building of ARC Industries at the end of Park Avenue West. We built Kinsmen Pee wee baseball park in 1949.
A founding donation of $50,001 to the Active Lifestyle’s Centre helped it open. We contributed towards a major addition to the then-Northside Arena in 1986 and then major renovations in in 2005-06.
When the Thames Campus arena was built, we donated a $50,000 Zamboni. Several mini-vans were donated to the Chatham police as a safety service vehicle for Elmer the Safety Elephant.
Chatham Kinsmen took over the spring fair when the Jaycees folded in 2006. It runs today in late May or early June lately with no gate fee.
For many years we put on a pancake breakfast during Canada Day festivities and served thousands.
In 2003 during the beef embargo we cooked approximately 4,000 beef burgers along with corn, free, in Tecumseh Park thus helping to set a Guinness Book world record for the most amount
of beef products served in one day. In 1992 in preparation for Canada day we took part, as many Kin did, in taking a giant Canadian Flag to schools, the mall and events to have people sign it and it was taken to Ottawa along with many others. It was named “The Proud to be Canadian” tour.
Our organization has also been a great help in funding and promoting Cystic Fibrosis since 1964. We also support many initiatives, organizations, groups and kids sports in Chatham and have donated well over $2 million back to our community.
If you have ever thought about joining a service club , think about an all-Canadian organization. For more information, you can contact Bob at 226-626-2693 or visit our web site at Chatham Kinsmen.
Robert Hughes Chatham
By Pam Wright Local Journalism Initiative pamwrightlji@gmail.com
The numbers are in on how much Chatham-Kent’s mayor and council were paid in 2024.
All told, taxpayers forked out $1,022,110, according to a financial report that came to council recently, with councillors getting nearly a 20 per cent raise for their efforts.
Mayor Darrin Canniff led the way with a salary
of $137,476, as well as a total of $23,170 in honorarium benefits. He was also the top spender in office supplies, $6,045, in addition to $11,542 to cover allowances for items such as travel and training.
Most C-K councillors
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took home a base salary of $43,451 last year – compared to a base salary of $36,900 in 2023. However, Rhonda Jubenville was paid only $42,824 due to adjustments regarding the councillor’s three-month absence in 2023. Former East Kent Coun. Steve Pinsonneault who left council in the spring of 2024 to successfully run for the Lambton-Kent-Middlesex MPP’s seat, was paid $13,448. Morena McDonald, East Kent’s second runner up in the last municipal election, took over Pinsonneault’s position. She took home $24,534 for the year.
Total cost of honorariums for mayor and council is $870,045, with honorarium-related benefits at $77,904. Total cost for office supplies was $24,128, with other expenses such as travel coming in at
$50,033. Included in the honorarium-related benefit for councillors is a 7.4 per cent pooled benefit charge covering the cost of Canada Pension (CPP) and Employer Health Tax (EHT). Regarding remuneration for the mayoral position, the pooled benefit charge is 25 per cent.
Also outlined in the re-
port was remuneration paid to people serving on various boards and committees.
Two of the largest costs on those boards include the six-member Chatham-Kent drainage board, which cost taxpayers around $10,000 and the Entegrus board, which cost taxpayers about $50,000.
Homeowners may think they have to tear down walls or build room extensions to transform their homes with renovation projects. But small projects can yield impressive results, and that’s something homeowners working with limited budgets can keep in mind. There’s no shortage of small projects that can change the look and feel of a home. Many of these undertakings can be achieved with a modest investment.
• Front door replacement: A new front door instantly improves curb appeal and can make a home more secure and energy-efficient. Painting the existing front door is an even smaller project that still offers appeal.
• Lighting addition: Whether a homeowner enlarges a window or adds skylights, natural light can produce incredible results. Investing in new
lighting can feel like expanding a space without pushing out walls.
• Kitchen and bath fixture upgrades: Faucets and door pulls are used every day. Swapping existing fixtures for something a little more modern can unify spaces and provide subtle changes that enhance these popular spaces.
• Wood floor restoration: Scuffing and scratches can adversely affect the pristine look of a natural wood floor. Homeowners can polish a floor to restore its shine. A professional service will sand down and refinish older floors at a fraction of the cost of a new floor installation.
• Exterior lighting: Lighting isn’t just important inside. A welcoming glow in the yard is awe-inspiring. There are many energy-efficient lighting options, including ones that do not need to be hard-wired to the circuitry inside the home.
• Staircase renovation: Coordinate the staircase to the style in the home with a decorative carpet runner. A secure runner is attractive and can help reduce slipping down the stairs. Tighten shaky railings or replace them while upgrading the stair treads.
• Interior paint: Change the color of walls, doors, cabinets, or even furniture with paint. All homeowners need is a paint color that inspires them and a little bit of time.
spaces for shoes, coats, backpacks, and shopping bags can be eye-catching and functional.
• Replace outlet covers: Upgrade outlet covers with screwless options. Screwless plates for outlets and light switches can make walls look more sleek.
• Entry organizer installation: Banish clutter from the home by catching it at the door. An entry organizer with
• Carpets cleaning: Soiled carpets can look drab and dingy. Homeowners can rent carpet-cleaning machines or hire services to revitalize carpets with a deep cleaning.
Small changes around a home can create a big impact without breaking the bank.
No two homeowners are the same, and that’s perhaps most evident in the design decisions individuals make when decorating their homes. Flooring is among the first things a person notices when entering a home, and the array of options consumers have when choosing flooring materials underscores how unique each homeowner is.
Carpeting is a popular flooring option. Many homeowners prefer carpeting because they feel it helps to create a cozy, welcoming vibe in a home. Consumers considering carpet for their homes may have some common questions, and answers to those inquiries can help homeowners determine if carpeting is for them. Is carpeting expensive?
Home renovations are expensive, and the cost of a project is often the first question homeowners have. The cost of carpeting varies widely and is contingent on an array of variables unique to each home and homeowner, including square footage, materials chosen by the homeowner and the cost of labor associated with installation, which can vary significantly between locations. According to the online renovation resource HomeAdvisor, the average cost to install or replace carpet is between $782 and $2,812. That wide range illustrates how much the cost of the project will be affected by variables unique to each project. However, even home-
owners who come in around or above the high end of that estimate may find carpet installation is among the more affordable ways to give the interior of a home an entirely new look and feel.
How different are carpeting materials?
Carpeting materials differ in their look, feel and function. The home renovation experts at Angi.com note that some carpet fibers are better suited to areas in a home that attract a lot of foot traffic, while others make for better options in areas with less use, such as a bedroom or home office. For example, Angi.com notes that polyester has a luxurious, soft feel, making it a strong option for bedroom floors. Nylon carpet fiber is resistant to stains and damage and maintains its height under heavy weight, making this a good option in heavily trafficked rooms. Homeowners can discuss each carpeting material with their flooring retailer to determine which suits their budget and which is best in each room of their homes.
Is carpet padding a must?
Carpet padding is one of the costs associated with carpeting. When shopping for carpeting for the first time, homeowners may notice carpet padding costs on their estimate and wonder what it is and if it’s truly necessary. Carpet padding is necessary, as Flooring101.com notes that it keeps the underside of the carpet
from wearing against the subfloor while absorbing the impact of foot traffic and furniture. That absorption helps to reduce stress on the carpet and thus extend its life expectancy. Carpet padding also can have an insulating effect and help to reduce sound in a room. So while carpet padding might be a costly expense on an itemized estimate, it’s well worth the investment.
Carpeting can help make a home feel more cozy and welcoming. Homeowners can work with a local carpeting retailer to find a carpet that meets their needs and fits their budget.
Bathroom renovations are significant undertakings that cost homeowners sizable amounts of money. Such a large financial commitment underscores the significance that homeowners get their bathroom remodels right. Mistakes will only increase the already
substantial financial commitment homeowners must make, so it can help to keep these dos and don’ts in mind.
DO work with a certified, reliable contractor. YouTube tutorials can give a false impression of renovation projects in relation to their degree of difficulty. Renovations as significant as bathroom remodeling projects require the skills and experience of professionals.
DON’T ignore return on investment (ROI). There’s no denying certain projects provide a better return on investment than others. The upscale bathroom remodel with a nearly $80,000 price tag noted above may prove awe-inspiring, but homeowners looking to get as much of their money back at resale should know that such a renovation recovers 45 percent of homeowners’ initial investment. By contrast, the mid-range bathroom remodel yields a 74 percent return according to Remodeling magazine. Though ROI may not be the deciding factor for every homeowner, it definitely merits consideration when planning a project.
DO pay attention to the details. Planning a bathroom renovation can be overwhelming, as homeowners have many decisions to make before the project even begins. For example, homeowners will have to choose a vanity, fixtures for the vanity, light fixtures, toilet, showerhead, and an assortment of additional features when planning the project. Contractors work with clients to show them all of their options, and some will offer advice on products or materials if asked. But homeowners are ultimately the ones who will have to live with the choices they make during the planning process, so these details merit ample consideration and should not be treated as trivial.
DON’T emphasize cost over quality. Homeowners should do their best to establish a renovation budget and stay within that budget, but quality materials should take precedence over cost. Many budget-friendly furnishings and accessories are durable and aesthetically appealing, so homeowners need not enter a bathroom renovation thinking high-end products are their only options. But it’s important that homeowners recognize the conventional wisdom that buyers get what they pay for when it comes to home renovations. If homeowners try to cut costs on materials, they may need to update or redo the bathroom much sooner than they would if they invest in quality furnishings and accessories the first time around. Bathroom renovations can be costly. Remembering some simple dos and don’ts can give homeowners the peace of mind that their renovation investment will result in an impressive, durable space.
Homeowners who want to give their kitchens a new look and feel without doing a full renovation can consider kitchen cabinet projects. An understanding of kitchen cabinet projects can help homeowners decide if this undertaking is for them.
• Cabinet renovations do not necessarily require replacement. Some cabinets may not need to be removed and replaced. Refacing can be as extensive as homeowners prefer, but such projects can create a whole new aesthetic in the kitchen.
• There are many different types of kitchen cabinets. Face-frame cabinets are a traditional choice made with a frame around the door and any drawers that might be included as part of the cabinets. Some additional options include full overlay cabinets, frameless cabinets, recessed panel cabinets, and Shaker cabinets.
• Cabinet materials and finishes vary as well. Cabinets can be made from an array of materials, including wood, laminate, metal, and plastic. Cabinets also can be finished with paint, stain, glaze, and lacquer. Each finish has its own unique characteristics. For example, painted cabinets may need to be tended to with greater frequency than other options because paint can fade. However, painted cabinets remain popular because homeowners can paint them any color at any time.
• Consider the countertops when adjusting kitchen cabinets. Kitchens tend to have color schemes, and that scheme is often reflected in the color of cabinets and countertops. When tweaking just the cabinets,
homeowners should give ample consideration to the overall color scheme of their kitchens. Interior designers can be invaluable resources for homeowners who aren’t quite sure how new or refaced cabinets will fit into an overall color scheme.
• Consider replacement if necessary. A kitchen cabinet replacement project will be more expensive than refacing the cabinets. But there are instances when cabinets require replacement. Excessive wear and tear, insufficient storage, a dated appearance, and cabinets that appear to be sagging off the wall are some indicators that replacement is
• New / Old Garden Makeovers
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Shrub Trimming
Wood could be having a moment among modern home buyers. Though various components can help to create a cozy vibe inside a home, wood has long been a goto material when interior designers attempt to add warmth to a property. The home renovation experts at Houzz cite wood-infused architectural warmth among its 10 most popular home trends in the coming year. Homeowners who want to capitalize on this trend before putting their homes on the market or those who simply love the idea of adding more wood-based warmth in their homes can consider installing ceiling beams, wood wall paneling or even wood trim throughout their homes.
Backyards have undergone quite a transformation over the last decade-plus. The days when patios and decks were all a backyard living space had to offer are largely a thing of the past, as homeowners have realized just how valuable it can be to commit to a stunning backyard.
Real estate experts estimate that homes with backyard features such as outdoor televisions, outdoor showers and outdoor kitchens command 3.1 percent more than expected upon reaching the market. If 3.1 percent doesn’t sound like a lot, it actually equates to nearly $11,000 on a typical home. But there’s more to gain than money when converting a backyard space into a relaxing respite. Such spaces can provide a welcoming escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life, all the while giving homeowners and residents a comfortable space to soak in the great outdoors. With that in mind, homeowners can take the following steps to establish a peaceful backyard retreat.
• Refresh the landscape. Even if your vision is centered on outdoor furniture and a space that accommodates movie nights under the stars, it’s still best to refresh the existing landscape if it needs a little upkeep. Overgrown trees, hedges and bushes can create the same cluttered vibe that dominates interior spaces overrun with items. If necessary, work with a local tree service or landscape architect to trim, or even remove, trees and hedges that are crowding the backyard and making it feel claustrophobic or giving it an unkempt look. Aim for a landscape that affords a balance of sun and shade so the space is as comfortable as possible throughout the day.
• Set up multiple gathering spaces, if possible. Once a backyard retreat is established, everyone who calls the property home might find the space hard to resist. Keep this in mind when planning the space and aim to set up multiple gathering spaces. An outdoor
kitchen with a nearby dinner table can be a great space to enjoy al fresco dining, but a separate area to read a book or watch a movie or ballgame can make the space more versatile. Some may want to relax away from the noise of the grill area, and multiple gathering spaces ensures there’s always a peaceful spot to unwind out back.
• Add a water feature. Running water has a way of calming the nerves, and that’s good to keep in mind when planning a backyard retreat. Water features run the gamut from garden ponds to koi ponds to fountains to hot tubs. Homeowners can identify which feature best aligns with their idea of relaxation and then work with a landscape architect to ensure it’s installed in their backyard oasis.
• Don’t forget shade. Temperatures are rising in many areas of the globe, and that’s worth noting when planning a backyard retreat. Even the most ardent sun worshippers likely won’t want to be exposed to the sun at all times when relaxing in their backyards. Strategically chosen means of providing shade can make spaces enjoyable all day long. Consider umbrellas, gazebos, pergolas, and even retractable awnings to cover patios and decks when the sun is at its highest each afternoon. If you plan to spend ample time in the grass, make that more enjoyable by planting shade trees, which also can protect the grass from drought and make it more comfortable underfoot.
A relaxing backyard retreat can make for an ideal space to escape the hustle and bustle of daily life.
By Pam Wright Local Journalism Initiative pamwrightlji@gmail.com
Following a last-minute cancellation from a Michigan-based landscape company, some of the municipality’s grass-cutting contracts are going to be re-tendered.
Council made the move at its March 17 meeting, approving a motion from South Kent Coun. Trevor Thompson.
According to Thompson, who used to work as a grass-cutter, he’s been informed by local contractors that they can come up with bids at a lower cost.
Thompson’s motion came on the heels of a report from administration advising council to approve the cancelled contracts to the second highest bidder on already
approved tenders. The report stated the municipality was formally notified by BrightView that the company is ceasing operations in Canada May 1 and can’t fulfill the remaining three years in the contract.
However, Thompson believes area contractors can step up to do it more inexpensively.
“They are quite confident that they can beat them if they are going to re-tender,” Thompson said, potentially saving Chatham-Kent taxpayers “hundreds of thousands” of dollars over the next three years.
Thompson pointed out that economic times have changed since the multi-year contracts were awarded in 2023, when interest rates and inflation were higher.
The affected parcels,
equalling about 200 acres, include Maple Leaf Cemetery in Chatham, Riverview Cemetery in Wallaceburg and Dresden Cemetery for an estimated $1.5 million for the remaining three years in the contract.
At least one councillor is worried that re-tendering the contracts could delay the process, leading to a host of complaints from citizens. That took place in 2022, when long grass became a problem throughout the municipality.
Wallaceburg Coun. Carmen McGregor said that in the last year, BrightView has done a “great job” noting she received fewer complaints about the grass in 2024 than any other year during her three terms on council.
“It’s difficult sometimes when people don’t quite
understand and respect the cemeteries,” she said, adding families get “quite upset” when a cemetery isn’t cared for properly.
In response, Robert Pollock, C-K’s director of parks, fleet & facilities, assured McGregor that all new contractors hired will be schooled in the specifics of cemetery mowing.
In discussing costs of re-tendering, Pollock said there’s no guarantee that prices will come in lower.
As part of his remarks, Mayor Darrin Canniff questioned whether other contractors could step in and cover the situation until new contracts are found, noting the situation could get “ornery” if the grass goes uncut for any period of time.
Thompson said he appreciated everyone’s concerns, as “nobody wants a repeat of the great grass
debacle of 2022,” when a vast majority of the municipality’s public spaces went uncut.
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By Bruce Corcoran bruce@chathamvoice.com
Public health officials in Chatham-Kent continue to term measles an “entirely manageable situation” when they discussed it with board of health members recently.
Dr. Shanker Nesathurai, acting medical officer of health, told the board on March 17 that there were 18 people in Chatham-Kent who have been confirmed with a case of measles.
There are 20-plus sites of potential exposure around the municipality this month, including several schools and churches, the Chatham and Wallaceburg hospitals, a big-box store and a restaurant.
Across the province, more than 350 cases of the measles had been reported as of March 12.
But Nesathurai said the
vast majority of cases are in people who have not been vaccinated. Provincial numbers show that 85 per cent of cases are in people who have not been immunized against the illness, and a further 11.4 per cent are in people who have not reported their immunization status.
What concerns public health officials is how easily measles can spread. Nesathurai said one person with the illness can transmit it to 12-18 other people.
“If one person in a household has measles, everyone in that household who is not vaccinated is likely to get measles,” he said.
He added that not opting to vaccinate your children because you believe the science of vaccination is flawed is a mistake.
“When people decline the vaccine for reasons based on their understanding of
the science, overwhelmingly physicians would say vaccines are a step in helping to keep your children healthy,” he said.
“This is a miserable disease for many people. Some get hospitalized, some get pneumonia, three in every 1,000 get brain swelling and about one in every 1,000 will die from it.”
It does not help that misinformation on vaccines continues to spread on social media, including high-profile sources.
For example, Chatham-Kent Coun. Rhonda Jubenville termed vaccinations as useless on one post on Facebook.
“I had the MMR shot and I had both measles and mumps as a kid. I know a lot of people who did as well,” she wrote. “I’ve come to my own conclusion that most of these vaccines are useless and
potentially harmful.”
Nesathurai said adults who had measles as a child may not fully recall the severity of the illness as well.
“It’s not a pleasant illness. Having measles can be really miserable for a child,” he said.
Nesathurai said measles also deplete the body’s ability to hold off other infections.
“With measles, all the immunity to other diseases may be reduced,” he said. “And for a small group of people who get measles, they can get a condition where they recover from the illness and many years later they can suffer from an acute neurological disease.”
Most people aged 17 and up in C-K have been vaccinated. Nesathurai said 95 per cent of people aged 17 here have received the vaccine.
“The benefits of the vaccine so outweigh any reasonable risk assessment.
The biggest side effect (from the vaccine) is a sore arm. Some get a low-grade fever; others might get a rash,” he said.
The biggest exposure issue is among young children. Provincial figures show that 51 per cent of measles cases have presented in kids aged nine and younger. Nesathurai suggested local physicians consider offering vaccinations in children as young as six months.
“Based on the risk a child has, a child can be vaccinated today at six months. Then they need to be vaccinated again at a year and then between four and six years of age,” he said.
Carina Caryn, acting director of public health, said CK Public Health is educating the general public on measles and
working with families with a member who has measles.
“We’re working with the identified cases, educating them on how long they need to isolate and how to access medical care,” she said.
The Chatham-Kent Health Alliance has opened a Measles Information Centre as well. In all cases, health officials urge people who are showing signs of measles to call ahead before visiting the hospital, a healthcare provider or clinic. Symptoms can include a fever, runny nose, cough, drowsiness, irritability, and red eyes. A red rash appears on the face threeto-seven days after the start of the above symptoms. The rash may start from the face and progress down the body. It can take three weeks for symptoms to surface.
The Chatham Voice
Chatham-Kent Crime Stoppers is looking for volunteers to support its ongoing crime prevention efforts. They need support in running a variety of activities, including events, fundraising, community outreach, educational initiatives, and spreading awareness about the Crime Stoppers anonymous tips program.
“We are looking for more amazing community volunteers to help, especially with public events,” said Erica McIntosh, program
co-ordinator for Crime Stoppers, in a media release. “We see this as a real opportunity for people to be a part of their community and help make all of Chatham-Kent an even
better place to live.”
In 2024, C-K Crime Stoppers was able to clear 120 cases thanks to tips, leads, and information submitted. In addition, they paid out thousands of dollars to qualifying tipsters. An application to volunteer is available online through the CK Crime Stoppers website atckcrimestoppers.ca/volunteer.
Thursday, March 27, 2025:
• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1–4pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company. Donations welcome. Call 519-350-8937 for more info.
• The 63rd Annual Lenten Noon Hour Interdenominational Service will be held at Christ Church, 80 Wellington St. W., Chatham (beside the bus depot) beginning at 12:10pm until 12:35pm and will be followed by a sandwich luncheon in the parish hall. The theme this year is “The Power of Forgiveness.” The speaker this week is The Rev. Paul D. Shaw, First Presbyterian Church. Free will offering with proceeds to CK Hospice.
• Come join us at The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham from 11:00am–9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:00am–1:30pm. Come check out our daily specials. Senior Euchre starts at 1:00pm. Everyone is welcome.
• Lunch at the Chatham Moose Lodge, 850 Richmond St from 11am1:30pm. Daily specials available or order off the menu. Everyone welcome.
Friday, March 28, 2025:
• Come join us at The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham from 11:00am–9:30pm. The kitchen is open to serve lunch from 11:00am–1:30pm. Supper will be served from 4:00–6:00. No orders after 5:30pm. Tonight’s specials= are Liver & Onions, Potatoes or Fish & Chips, $14.00 (includes HST). Take out is also available by calling 519-3518733 or 519-351-5639. At 5:15pm is our weekly Catch-The-Ace draw (tickets can be purchasedm at the bar). Fun Darts start at 7:00pm. Everyone is welcome.
• Join us at the Merlin Legion for Scrumptious Perch and/or Chicken Dinner with choice of potato & coleslaw plus dessert. Served from 4:30–7pm at Merlin Legion. 5 pc
• Lunch at the Chatham Moose Lodge, 850 Richmond St from 11am1:30pm. Daily specials available or order off the menu. Everyone welcome.
• Friday night supper at the Chatham moose Lodge, 850 Richmond St is a lasagna dinner with a caesar salad and a bun. Dine ins $14 and pickups $15. All meals are served at 6pm. Call 519-352-8291 to order. Everyone welcome.
Saturday, March 29, 2025:
• Morning Breakfast Program at First Presbyterian Church (corner of Fifth St. and Wellington). A delicious and nutritious breakfast served free of charge from 9:30am-11:00am, serving indoors, no take out. Wheelchair accessible.
• Bill’s Place Community Space DropIn from 11:00am-2:00pm. Come spend some time in a 2SLGBTQIA+ safe space 48 Centre St., Chatham. Hang out, have a coffee, do your homework, ask a question, read a book, or chat about life or what we’ve been working on. Get some clothes from our Out of the Closet program, use the Community cupboard & more! No RSVP needed! Come & go as you please. All ages & allies welcome.
• Come join us at The Chatham Legion, corner of William & Colborne St. Chatham from 10:00am–9:30pm. Line Dancing lessons from 10:00am to 12 noon There will be meat draws at 3:30, 4:30 and 5:30pm. The kitchen is open from 3:00pm–6:00pm. Come check out our menu. Entertainment by -G.T.O. from 4:30-9:30. Everyone is welcome.
• Chatham Pipes & Drums Fundraiser at Mrs. Bell’s Tea Room. 2 seatings for Afternoon tea: 11 or 1:30 pm. Both begin with the playing of bagpipes, prizes, info and delicious food. $35 per person Book online at mrsbellstearoom.com/reservations or call 226 627-0248.
1925, Leacock, a Canadian, was the best-known English-speaking writer of humour in the world. Come hear three of his stories and learn about his fascinating life. There’s more info at https://theverandapresents.ca.
Sunday, March 30, 2025:
• Spring Coin show presented by Chatham-Kent Coin Club. 10am-3pm at the Everest Convention center (formerly Club Lentina’s), 250 National rd. Chatham. New location and more dealer tables. 30 Dealer tables both selling and buying coins, tokens, paper money and bullion. Free Admission and Parking. For more info contact President Paul Robb (probb1@ cogeco.ca) (289-228-2817).
• Breakfast at the Chatham Moose Lodge, 850 Richmond St from 9amNoon. All meals are cooked to order. Everyone welcome.
Wednesday, April 2, 2025:
• Join us Wednesday April 2, 2025 from 9:30am to 11:30am for a Muffin Party at Valetta Presbyterian Church, 4319 Middle Line, Merlin (near Tilbury). Come and enjoy visiting with your neighbours and have a social time.
Thursday, April 3, 2025:
• Afternoon Jamboree with all singers and musicians welcome 1–4pm at the Merlin Legion. Come out and enjoy good music and great company. Donations welcome. Call 519-350-8937 for more info.
• The 63rd Annual Lenten Noon Hour Interdenominational Service will be held at Christ Church, 80 Wellington St. W., Chatham (beside the bus depot) beginning at 12:10pm until 12:35pm and will be followed by a sandwich luncheon in the parish hall. The theme this year is “The Power of Forgiveness.” The speaker this week is The Rev. MJ Meinzinger, Much Joy Ministries. Free will offering with proceeds to CK Hospice.
Send your events to bruce@chathamvoice.com or michelle@chathamvoice.com
56. Azure
58. Doctor of Education
59. Protected oneself against loss
60. Car mechanics group
1. Pastes for filling crevices
2. Acquire
3. Heralds
4. News group
5. Exact copies
6. Particles
7. Noted 20th C. performer Lena
1. State in southwestern India
4. Pashto
10. Corpuscle count (abbr.)
11. Supervised release from prison
12. Greeting
14. Type of drug
15. __ Sagan, astronomer
16. Every year
18. Nasal cavities
22. Nova __, province
23. In an inactive way
24. Cream-colored root
26. Nervous system disease
27. Guitarist Clapton
28. Three came to see Baby Jesus
30. Lebowski’s nick name
31. Play a role
34. Not fresh
36. Where golfers begin
37. Negatives
39. Wild goat
40. Releasing hormone
41. Makes up
42. Fastens
48. Exists in large numbers
50. A connecting word
51. A phase of the heartbeat
52. Northern Ireland county
53. An independent ruler or chieftain
54. Pacific sea bream
55. Commercial
8. Tempted
9. Midway between north and east
12. Slotted, hinged metal plate
13. South American hummingbird
17. Neither
19. Walk with confidence
20. Omit when speaking
21. Imperial Chinese currency
25. A bakery specializing in French pastry
29. Talk incessantly
31. Ethnic group of Nigeria
32. Longtime NY Times film critic
33. Beginners
35. Makes a trade
38. Sleep
41. Not moving
43. Popular drink: Pina __
44. Potential benefits
45. A place you can get stuck in
46. Ancient Greek City
47. Chalcedony
49. Rover
56. Digraph
57. Investment vehicle
By Pam Wright Local Journalism Initiative pamwrightlji@gmail.com
A local councillor attempted to steer council outside its area of expertise recently.
South Kent Coun. Ryan Doyle wanted to see council send a letter to Prime Minister Mark Carney objecting to carbon tax increases Carney has said he
will eliminate. Doyle could only garner the support of four other councillors.
He failed in his bid to side with Sarnia council speaking out against a now-negated increase in the federal carbon tax.
At the March 17 meeting, a motion by Doyle to forward a letter protesting the increase that had been slated for April 1, failed in
a five to 12 vote.
Doyle was strong in condemning the effects the tax could bring.
“Currently, especially with everything going on right now, we can’t afford to be taking money out of our constituents’ pockets, so this is one more way to keep money in their pockets,” Doyle said. “I think it’s a good idea.”
But the majority didn’t
see it that way.
“We have had a recent announcement from the federal government on carbon tax, and there’s likely an election on the way, so I don’t know if our role is to step into the fray on this type of issue,” Chatham Coun. Brock McGregor said.
The carbon tax has been a highly politicized issue between the Conserva-
tives and the Liberals in Ottawa. However, one of the first acts of new Prime Minister Mark Carney was to remove the carbon tax.
In her comments, North Kent Coun. Rhonda Jubenville, reminded council the axing of the tax is not a done deal.
“I just want to confirm that there is information out in the public that
our prime minister has stepped back or paused the carbon tax, but it hasn’t passed through legislation,” Jubenville explained. “I just want to confirm that fact before we vote.”
Those voting in favour of sending the letter include Doyle, Jubenville, Anthony Ceccacci, Lauren Anderson and Michael Bondy.
Be aware motorists, work has resumed on the Queen’s Line and Merlin Road intersection.
According to a municipal media release, Huron Construction began the work on March 17. The project will see the construction of a single lane roundabout, as well as the rehabilitation of the Queen’s Line Bridge west of the intersection over Government Drain No. 1. The improvements will be carried out in three stages, the release said,
with the first phase involving construction work in the westbound lane of Queen’s Line. The road will remain open to traffic but lanes will be shifted south, however, it may at times go down to one lane.
A full closure of Merlin Road between Queen’s Line and McDougall Line is also required beginning March 24. Merlin Road south of Queen’s Line will stay open for the duration of this stage, which is expected to last six weeks. Phase 2 will begin later this spring. It involves
construction work in the eastbound lane of Queen’s Line, with traffic shifted to the north.
Expected to take five weeks, Queen’s Line will be reduced to a single land of traffic. Portable traffic signals will be installed to guide traffic. This part of the project also requires a full closure of Merlin Road between Gleeson Line and McDougall
The third phase involves construction of the middle
section of the roundabout at the realigned intersection. Lane shifts will be
involved and a short full closure of Queen’s Line will be required.
NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ROAD CLOSING Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Chatham -Kent on April 7, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 315 King Street West, Chatham , Council will consider, and if approved, may pass a by -law to stop up and close the road Merici Way in the community of Chatham:
NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ROAD CLOSING Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Chatham -Kent on April 7, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 315 King Street West, Chatham , Council will consider, and if approved, may pass a by -law to stop up and close the road Merici Way in the community of Chatham:
NOTICE OF THE PROPOSED ROAD Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Chatham -Kent on April 7, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 315 King Street West, Chatham , Council will consider, and if approved, may pass a by -law to stop up and close the road Merici Way in the community of Chatham:
• Property Identification Number 00531 1513, Part of Block 12, Plan 24M880, designated as Parts 9 & 18, 24R9227; together with an easement over Part of Block 12, Plan 24M880, designated as Part 10, 24R7721 and Part of Lot 10, Plan 24M883, designated as Part 11, 24R7721 as in LT52518, Municipality of Chatham-Kent, being all of PIN 00531 1513.
• Property Identification Number 00531 1513, Part of Block 12, Plan 24M880, designated as Parts 9 & 18, 24R9227; together with an easement over Part of Block 12, Plan 24M880, designated as Part 10, 24R7721 and Part of Lot 10, Plan 24M883, designated as Part 11, 24R7721 as in LT52518, Municipality of Chatham-Kent, being all of PIN 00531 1513.
• Property Identification Number 00531 1513, Part of Block 12, Plan 24M880, designated as Parts 9 & 18, 24R9227; together with an easement over Part of Block 12, Plan 24M880, designated as Part 10, 24R7721 and Part of Lot 10, Plan 24M883, designated as Part 11, 24R7721 as in LT52518, Municipality of Chatham-Kent, being all of PIN 00531 1513.
At this meeting, Council will hear any person or their solicitor or agent, who claims that their land will be prejudicially affected by the by-law and who provide a written submission by email to the Clerk’s office (ckclerk@chatham-kent.ca) by noon on April 7th. For further information, please contact Amy McLellan, Manager, Revenue at 519-360-1998, Ext 3185.
At this meeting, Council will hear any person or their solicitor or agent, who claims that their land will be prejudicially affected by the by-law and who provide a written submission by email to the Clerk’s office (ckclerk@chatham-kent.ca) by noon on April 7th. For further information, please contact Amy McLellan, Manager, Revenue at 519-360-1998, Ext 3185.
At this meeting, Council will hear any person or their solicitor or agent, who claims that their land will be prejudicially affected by the by-law and who provide a written submission by email to the Clerk’s office (ckclerk@chatham-kent.ca) by noon on April 7th. For further information, please contact Amy McLellan, Manager, Revenue at 519-360-1998, Ext 3185.
The Chatham Voice
The Chatham-Kent Health Alliance (CKHA) has packed up its seasonal care clinic for another year. The clinic, a joint project between the CKHA and Chatham-Kent EMS, shut its doors last Friday. This was the second year the organizations ran the clinic, which handled people with cough, cold and
WIlhelm Fehr
flu symptoms, and other minor ailments.
The clinic’s temporary operation out of a trailer outside the Chatham emergency department ran Monday to Friday during the day.
The plan was to serve people who did not have a physician/nurse practitioner or could not be seen in a timely manner by their primary health-
77, Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Kendrick Funeral Home
Barbara Paling
87, Monday, March 10, 2025
McKinlay Funeral Home
Chuck Sokoll
85, Tuesday, March 18, 2025 McKinlay Funeral Home
Francine Boucher-Garceau
71, Tuesday, March 18, 2025 McKinlay Funeral Home
Gloria Margaret Fenlon
97, Monday, March 17, 2025 Hinnegan Peseski Funeral Home
Daniel Joseph Kearns
65, Friday, March 14, 2025 Badder Funeral Home
Lorraine Anne Van Damme
78, Saturday, March 15, 2025 Badder Funeral Home
Chatham (519)
care provider during the seasonal surge of cold, flu and respiratory illness. This past flu season, the clinic served more than 1,300 people. In doing so, it helped divert people out of the emergency department, easing the pressure on that unit.
In recent weeks, the clinic also offered MMR vaccinations. That will no longer be available.
Irvine Grant Langstaff
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 Badder Funeral Home
Ted Banks
93, Tuesday, March 11, 2025 Blenheim Community Funeral Home
Garry Saunders
82, Thursday March 13, 2025 Blenheim Community Funeral Home
Kathy Gloster
77, Saturday, March 15, 2025 Blenheim Community Funeral Home
John Vleeming
73, Sunday March 16, 2025 Blenheim Community Funeral Home
Joan Drury
86, Sunday March 16, 2025 Blenheim Community Funeral Home
Sandra Lee Kyle 78, Thursday, March 13, 2025 Life Transitions
For adults and/or their children who have been exposed to the measles virus and are not fully vaccinated, call CK Public Health at 519-352-7270 ext. 5902 for further directions. As for the future of the seasonal care clinic, officials for EMS and CKHA said they look forward to continuing their partnership and collaborating again.
Evelyn Corbett
Monday, March 17, 2025 Life Transitions
Lee Foster 60, Friday, March 14, 2025 Life Transitions
Ventzislav Gradinarski Friday, March 14, 2025 Life Transitions
Robert Stirling
72, Friday, March 14, 2025 Life Transitions
Paul Sterling 74, Thursday, March 13, 2025 Life Transitions
Mary-Martha Dale 80, Sunday March 16th, 2025
Alexander & Houle Funeral Home
Sue Cobb 93, Monday March 17th, 2025 Alexander & Houle Funeral Home
Luella Leboeuf 99, Monday March 17th, 2025
Alexander & Houle Funeral Home
Cornelius “Casey” Van Der Gulik 89, Saturday, March 15, 2025 Nicholls Funeral Home
Shaun McIntyre passed away suddenly and unexpectedly the morning of Saturday, March 8, 2025, in Chatham, at the age of 54. Shaun is survived by his wife Lisa and stepson Scotty Burk. Beloved son of Ron and Cathy McIntyre and brother of Lisa (Rick) Andrechow. He will also be missed by his five nieces and nephews; Madeleine, Nico, Bramm, Finn, and Leif. After graduating from CCI, Shaun went on to Fanshawe College. He then moved back to Chatham to be closer to his family and started working at Navistar International. For the past two years, Shaun enjoyed his work at Barry Callebaut (also known as the Chocolate Factory). He would often be found puttering around in his vegetable garden. His passion was growing various types of garlic and hot peppers, and sharing his yield with family and friends. Shaun also had a passion for cooking and experimenting with new recipes. He loved watching his stepson grow up while playing sports such as football and baseball and then joining him in karate lessons. Shaun was proud to watch Scotty perform in many karate tournaments throughout the years. Spending time with his family and friends was an important part of his life, along with dinners with his father and playing Euchre at The Moose Lodge. Shaun’s parents were influential in his being a true family man. Donations may made in memory of Shaun to Chatham Outreach for Hunger. Arrangements entrusted to Life Transitions Burial and Cremation Service Inc. Online condolences may be left at www.lifetransitions.ca
Gloria Margaret Fenlon
October 15, 1927 – March 17, 2025 Gloria came into the world in North Bay, Ontario, the third of six daughters born to Wilhelmina and Emile Corbeil. She was a beautiful child who grew into a strikingly beautiful young woman. At the age of 17, she set off for Port Arthur (now Thunder Bay) to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse, living in residence and training 6 ½ days a week at St. Joseph’s hospital. In her first week, she attended Youth Club at St. Andrew’s Church, where she met 18-year-old Bob Fenlon. He decided that night that she was the only one for him. It was mutual. When Gloria graduated with her R.N., they married in 1950, raising four children in Thunder Bay, spending joyful summers at the cottage and then living in the home they built on Lake Superior until moving to Chatham in retirement to be closer to family. In the early years Gloria worked in the newborn nursery at St. Joe’s, and later at the Port Arthur Clinic, retiring in her mid forties. It was at that point she decided to learn how to drive, a skill that helped on the long trips to Sarasota, Florida with Bob over many winters. The time they spent there with family and friends was a highlight for them. If asked, Gloria would say she lived a small life, caring for her husband, children and home. But it was a life well-lived, full of countless acts of service that made the lives of everyone around her easier. Caring, loving and gracious, she was a second mother to many of her children’s friends, and a much-loved aunt. She could put her foot down, though, when pressed and when she did, everyone listened. She also had an eye for finance, understanding Bob’s business and being a partner and support to him. They were a team in all things. Gloria had the gift of being content at every stage of her life. Even after moving into long term care at age 94 (a move that separated her from her beloved Bob, who lived only two weeks without her by his side) she focused on gratitude, and loving those who cared for her. They in turn came to love her. Gloria was predeceased by her husband Bob in 2022, and by her sisters Bernice, Anita, Corrinne, Joan and Adele. She is survived by her children Shawn (Poul), Timothy (Michelle), Lauri Ann (Brad) and Ellen (Charles); grandchildren Ian, Anne, Michael, Karyn, Kate, Sean, Marc, Christopher and Brendan; and 13 great grandchildren. A woman of great faith, Gloria died peacefully, with her daughter Shawn at her side, as she had been every day over the past three years. Bob and Gloria are now reunited, no doubt talking and laughing together on the garden swing as they did so often in this life. May we all strive to be as good as Gloria always believed us to be. Friends and relatives visited at the St. Ursula’s Church (205 Tweedsmuir Ave. W.) on Tues. March 25 from 10 AM until the time of a funeral mass at 11 AM. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Arthritis Society of Canada would be appreciated. Arrangements entrusted to Hinnegan Peseski Funeral Home.
PART LOT 97, CONCESSION NORTH TALBOT ROAD HOWARD, PART 2 ON PLAN 24R11290; CHATHAM-KENT containing 51 acres more or less of which 50 acres are currently workable. The property is systematically tiled with enhanced tiling on the west side. The extra acre contains scrap materials which could be converted to another acre for 51 acres more or less. Crop rotation has been corn, soybeans (GMO and non-GMO) and wheat with healthy outputs. Fertilizer has been built up and field has been kept clean as required to plant lP soybeans. The municipal location for the property is 12119 Talbot Trail Morpeth Chatham-Kent which is on the northwest corner of McKinlay Sideroad and Talbot Trail. This property is not subject to an easement but is situated on a main road (Talbot Trail) with ease of access and proximity to utilities. There are no structures on the property. The gulley to the west provides shelter from prevailing winds. There is no rental lease on the property. For more information regarding the property please contact 519-784-4356. All tenders shall be submitted in the prescribed form, available from the undersigned solicitor, and shall be delivered in writing, sealed, to Anderson Law Group, attention Jeff A. Wesley, 44 William Street North Chatham Ontario N7M 4K1, or 619 James Street Wallaceburg, ON N8A 4X1, no later than Friday April 11, 2025 at 4:00 P.M. All tenders are to be accompanied by a certified cheque or bank draft for $5,000.00 payable to Anderson Law Group, in trust. Unsuccessful tender cheques will be returned.
The sale of the property is to close as soon as practical or such other time as may be agreed to by the Parties thereto. The Vendor is not obligated to accept the highest or any tender. HST shall be in addition to the purchase price.
To obtain the tender documentation please contact: Anderson Law Group, Att: Jeff A. Wesley Contact number 519-627-2261
Contact email: Ann@alglaw.ca (Wallaceburg) or mirandah@alglaw.ca (Chatham)
Country, R&B, Rock, Motown Band available for trailer parks and a variety of events. Call Ken 519-784-6419.
Wanted to Buy: Antiques, costume jewellery, gold, silver, coins, military, furniture, tools. We Buy All - Paid Cash. 519-7278894. Wanted
Chatham-Kent Coin Club’s 56th Spring Coin Show
Sunday, March 30 • 9am-3pm
Everest Convention Centre
250 National Rd., Chatham 30 Dealers’ Tables who BUY, SELL and TRADE Free Admission
Services Offered
Phone 519-854-1355
We are a support agency providing care in Chatham-Kent. Seniors or adults with disabilities. Companionship, homemaking, meal preparation, light housekeeping, personal hygiene, nurse medication prescriber, etc. Confidential personal assessments. Call HOMECARE ON WHEELS. We are also hiring community caregivers, homemakers, PSW’s, RN’s and RPN’s. Phone 519-854-1355.
For Sale
Silk Cemetery
Saddle Arrangements. Everyday/ Holidays. Readyto-go. Many colours available. $40. 519-3543411
Grass Cutting for Seniors! Reasonable rates, Chatham / Wallacebrug area. Call Ken 519-7846419.
This week’s puzzle answers. Puzzles on page 24
Canada, USA World Active Lifestyle Centre 20 Merritt Ave., Chatham Coins for Sale? FREE ESTIMATES
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Chatham Baptist Chapel “Come Out, Join Us” Sundays 11am and 7pm. Wednesdays 7pm, Friday 7pm. Old Hymns and KJV Preaching Go to chathambaptistchapel.com to watch
As high as the sky, as deep as the sea, me and you, you and me.
Discover a vibrant community surrounded by opportunities, where every convenience is at your fingertips, and a welcoming community awaits you at home.
Enjoy the elegance within this beautifully renovated property. It is designed to give you the sense of comfort and community you seek.
“I have really been enjoying my time here at The Maples. All the staff have been great to me, in taking care of my needs, whether it is Joel helping me with my computer or the girls serving me great meals. I really enjoy exercise time, music time and cards with Tina’s help.”
James Noulty
The Maples also offers a newly renovated Secure Memory Neighborhood, offering peace of mind for you. Your loved one will enjoy full care in a supportive environment.
“I just wanted to thank you and the attentive and caring staff for your outstanding care that you’re giving Mom. A night and day difference with her previous residence. Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas and healthy and happy New Year. Please pass our thanks on to all. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”
“Let me start off with saying how happy my family and I have been with the care my mother, Dorothy Parker, has received since moving to The Maples. Every person we have interacted with has been kind, caring and compassionate. Not living in Chatham myself, I can’t tell you the peace it brings me to know she is treated with dignity, and respect when we can’t be with her.”
Kimberly Mitchell