feel good • live simply • laugh more
Your Mouth Tells a Story Functional Dentistry Connects Oral Health to Sleep Apnea and Heart Disease
The Power of
It Sustains, Nourishes and Supports Us
Wally’s Friends
Fundraiser Aids Goal of Reducing Shelter Euthanasia
February 2016 | Chattanooga | NaturallyChattanooga.com
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contents 12
8 newsbriefs
12 healthbriefs
14 globalbrief
16 community spotlight
22 healingways
24 consciouseating
26 healthykids 28 fitbody 30 wisewords
3 1 inspiration
32 localcalendar
33 classifieds
35 resourceguide
advertising & submissions How to Advertise To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 423-517-0128 or email chattanoogana@epbfi.com. Deadline for space reservation is the 5th of the month prior to publication. News Briefs & article submissions Email articles, news items and ideas to: chattanoogana@epbfi.com. Deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month prior to publication. calendar submissions Email calendar events to: chattanoogana@epbfi.com. Calendar deadline: the 5th of the month prior to publication. regional markets Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 1-239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 1-239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com.
Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.
16 Wally’s Friends
Fundraiser Aids Goal of Reducing Shelter Euthanasia
by Judith Fertig
It Sustains, Nourishes and Supports Us
by Linda Sechrist
Functional Dentistry Connects Oral Health to Sleep Apnea and Heart Disease
22 18
24 A Mushroom a Day
Keeps the Dentist and Cardiologist Away by Kathy Scott 26
by Julianne Hale
Yoga Helps Kids Focus and Relax
28 Late Poet Continues
to Inspire
by Randy Kambic
Cross-Country Ski to Explore Winter’s Wonders
by Gerry Strauss
Her Natural Lifestyle Choices Keep Her Young
COMMITTED... To the health and well-being of our community and the earth... Using a woman’s eye and a mother’s touch.
Dr. Marie Farrar
204 W. Main St. | Chattanooga, TN 37408 423-531-4533 www.smilestudio204.com
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few years ago, a friend of ours had one of those out-of-the-blue heart attacks that many people don’t survive. At 50, he was the picture of health: he exercised regularly, watched his weight and had low blood pressure and a remarkably low resting heart rate. Fortunately, he got to the hospital in time for doctors to insert multiple stents that saved his life. Now, here’s the crazy thing: This friend had been a notorious snorer all his adult life. In college, his roommates made him announce his bedtime 15 minutes ahead of time so they could try to fall asleep before he did. Later, he became the “white noise machine” for his three daughters sleeping down the hall. (To his wife, he was just the noise machine.) After the stents, however, his snoring ceased—so immediately and completely that his wife would wake up at night, fearing that he was dead. He wasn’t and isn’t, and five years later, for reasons no one can quite explain, he still doesn’t snore. The point is that there’s clearly a connection between the health of our bodies above and below the neck. Medical scientists are still working out all the whys, but clinical studies routinely support that fact. One of the first linked periodontal and heart disease, and oral health professionals (such as Drs. Robert Gallien and Marie Farrar in Chattanooga) have often been on the leading edge of whole-body health movement. Our Healing Ways article (page 22) explains the unexpected and wide-ranging health benefits of a holistic and proactive approach to dentistry and orthodontics. (An interesting side note: some culinary mushrooms have been proven to kill the “bad bacteria” in the mouth that are linked to wider health problems. Read more in Conscious Eating, page 24.) Another unexpected health boost comes from an outside source—our friends. While it’s no surprise that friendships benefit our mental health, research has shown that our physical health benefits too. A long-term Australian study found that seniors with a large network of friends significantly outlived those with few friends. Our feature story, The Power of Friendship, offers tips for cultivating new friendships (which can be tricky for adults) and details the many ways these special relationships can add quality—and years—to our lives. Finally, let’s not forget our most loyal friends, our pets. Wally’s Friends, a local nonprofit, is holding its annual fundraiser February 20 to support its mission of providing spay/neuter services to pet owners who otherwise couldn’t afford them. This simple mission has prevented untold thousands of unwanted pregnancies in dogs and cats, which means thousands fewer animals that are neglected, abandoned or euthanized due to inadequate shelter space. To read more about this extremely worthy cause, turn to page 16. Here’s to good friends and good health!
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newsbriefs Regular Dental Checkups Boost Overall Health
here’s more to a six-month dental checkup than being told to floss more often and having your teeth poked and scraped. “It’s about taking care of your entire body,” says Dr. Robert Gallien of Smiles of ChattaDr. Robert Gallien nooga. “Patients often resist going to regular dental visits because of fear, time and other concerns,” he says. “However, they don’t always consider the dangers of bacteria and decay. Our mouths harbor millions of bacteria that feed on carbohydrates from our foods and drinks, and our gums are prone to infection due to hormone imbalances and added stress. When bacteria have a chance to grow and spread, it affects our lymph system, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart and many other systemic functions that we rely on daily. Taking care of your hygiene and removing decay plays a key role in protecting the rest of the functions in your body.” As a holistic dentist, Gallien says he’s focused on more than preventing decay and gum disease; he also educates his patients about their treatment options, allowing them to make better-informed decisions. “Every patient has a right to know the materials that will be used on them as well as feel comfortable to ask as many questions about their procedure as desired,” he says. “Be sure you know your options, and choose treatments that benefit your entire mind and body health.” Smiles of Chattanooga is located at 4620 Hwy 58. Contact the office at 423-208-9783. See ad, page 39.
Free Film Profiles “Father of Holistic Medicine”
dgar Cayce, nicknamed “the father of holistic medicine,” is the subject of a documentary film being shown February 13 at 2 p.m. by the Complementary Health Education Organization in the speaker room of Nutrition World, 6201 Lee Highway, Chattanooga. CHEO hosts a free movie screening the second Saturday of each month at Nutrition World, and the public is invited. Cayce, who lived from 1877 to 1945, was also called “the sleeping prophet” because of his ability to slip into a trance in order to provide advice and healing information to anyone who asked for it. As his reputation grew, all sorts of people sought out his wisdom—from anxious parents to those battling illnesses of the body or mind to politicians,
corporate executives and entertainers. He was said to have taken an “out-of-body journey” almost every day for 42 years, sharing wisdom regarding humans’ relationship to God, humankind’s past and future and individuals’ past lives, and making prophecies that bore out decades later. Edgar Cayce: The Beautiful Dreamer was released in 2004. According to a review of the film on TopDocumentaryFilms.com, “Cayce was a wonder to the medical community because of his ability to diagnose and specify a treatment for gravely ill people often hundreds of miles away through his out-of-body journeys.” For more information, visit 4CHEO.org.
It All Begins with Alignment
eople seek out massage therapy for many reasons, ranging from relaxation to pain relief from an injury or even from poor posture. Whatever the reason, an effective massage must begin with an assessment of how the body is aligned, says Tracy Hilliard, owner of Four Bridges Massage and Bodywork. “Often, complaints of muscular Tracy Hilliard tension, headaches and even weakness can be traced back to skeletal structure that is off-balance,” Hilliard says. “Muscles respond to the skeletal structure that they are connected to.” The ideal posture results in muscles that are neither too taut nor too stretched, she says. However, people who spend hours at a computer often have rounded shoulders, causing tension in the neck, shoulders and chest as well as low-back pain from pelvic tilt. “Over time, muscles may begin to maintain this tighter or shortened length without fully relaxing. Therapeutic massage can target these muscle groups to elongate tight muscles, providing relief as well as restoring full movement in the body.” After a massage, Hilliard tells her clients about any postural patterns she found and offers tips for maintaining good alignment in their working, playing and sleeping habits. “A few focused sessions are usually enough to begin to see marked changes in tension,” she says. “Exercise and stretching are also very helpful, but this intervention of softening the muscle tissue, breaking up adhesions and dissolving trigger points is key to renormalizing the muscles themselves and bringing about good alignment.” For more information, call Hilliard at 423-322-6974 or visit FourBridges.MassageTherapy.com. See ad, page 21.
Do you feel like your doctor doesn’t listen to you or take time with you? At each appointment, do you see a different practitioner and never see the doctor or see a different doctor every time?
Students, green|light Partner to “Green” UTC
magine being asked to change the entire culture of a state university with more than 12,000 students and 500 faculty members. The task sounds daunting, but that’s precisely what a small group of college students achieved in less than three months at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Students in UTC’s Innovation Lab Course along with green|light, a green|spaces program, worked with the faculty and staff to create and strengthen the university’s policies regarding recycling, wellness, energy use, water conservation, landscaping, purchasing, transportation and cleaning. The Innovation Lab Course is a new type of class that is a part of the Honors College. It consists of mostly sophomores and juniors and lasts for a full year. One example of their success is that all “E-waste” is being now being collected around campus, allowing students and staff to recycle old phones, pagers, printers, calculators and computers, says Dawn Hjelseth of green|spaces. The students took a field trip to West Rock recycling (formerly Rock-Tenn) to see recycling on a large scale and the impact that can be made from diverting this waste from the landfill. “green|spaces was honored to have been chosen as the community partner for this class,” Hjelseth says. “This is a true testament to the effectiveness and usability of the green|light program. Not only did this group of students embrace the program, they mastered it. This coming semester, the students will be encouraging other universities and community businesses to participate in the program.” Visit GreenLightChattanooga.com to learn more about green|light and green|spaces. See ad, page 17.
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newsbriefs Orthodontics About More than a Pretty Smile
othing makes Dr. Marie B. Farrar happier than watching her patients’ confidence and self-esteem grow as their smiles are transformed. But orthodontics is about far more than just a pretty smile, she says. “Our teeth are perfectly designed to fit together and function to support the normal stresses of a lifetime of chewing and talking,” she says. “But poorly fitting teeth— Dr. Marie Farrar and even properly fitting teeth subjected to abnormal stresses—will eventually break down tooth enamel, the periodontal bone and gums around the teeth, or the jaw joints, ligaments and muscles. Any of these will adversely affect quality of life, which is ultimately why we’re hardwired to find a healthy smile attractive.” Ironically, malocclusion—poorly fitting teeth—is a disease of civilization, Farrar says. “Most ancient skulls and indigenous populations have perfectly aligned teeth on broad jaws. But within a generation of transitioning to modern society, indigenous people develop tooth decay, gum disease and malocclusion.” The culprits? Baby bottles and pacifiers. Refined and processed foods. Allergies that cause us to mouth-breathe and snore. Stress that makes us clench our teeth, chew gum, purse our lips and bite our cheeks. Abnormal mouth movements due to poorly fitting teeth. “My goal is not just straight teeth, but also balanced faces and bites and improved overall health and well-being, so my patients can smile confidently and chew effectively for the rest of their lives,” Farrar says. Farrar practices at 204 W. Main St., Chattanooga. Contact her at 423-531-4533 or DrMarie@smilestudio204.com, or learn more at SmileStudio204.com. See ad, page 5.
CHEO Hosts Essential Oils Presentation
inda Battani, a Reiki and Quantum Touch practitioner who uses essential oils as part of her “healing arsenal,” will give a presentation on their practical application at the February 21 educational meeting of CHEO, the Complementary Health Education Organization. The presentation, which is free and open to the public, will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. in the speaker room of Nutrition World, 6201 Lee Highway, Chattanooga. Battani calls essential oils “gifts of the earth” for preventing illness and supporting our bodies. Her presentation will cover the basics of essential oil use and how to incorporate the oils into our daily lives, both for prevention and for treating acute and chronic health issues. “As a bioenergy facilitator, Linda has an understanding of the benefit of frequency and its healing effect on the body,” says CHEO’s Tami Freedman. “Essential oils, properly sourced from plants grown in their indigenous culture, provide the most pure and potent oils with profound healing frequencies. They provide a noninvasive environment in which the body can heal itself. Linda says that essential oils have been in her healing arsenal for more than 12 years. She has used them for the last three years as her predominant go-to for all emotional and physical healing and for prevention.” CHEO holds it free educational meetings the third Sunday of each month at Nutrition World. For more information about this or upcoming events, visit 4CHEO.org.
Eco Pest Solutions Blends Local, Organic
hether he has to remove a mother raccoon and her babies from a 102-degree attic or extricate a decaying rat from an air duct in a damp, 36-degree crawlspace, one thing is for sure: Michael Burks, owner of Eco Pest Solutions LLC, won’t leave until his customer is happy. After working in the pest control industry for 10 years, Burks says, he’d heard various safety questions and concerns from homeowners and noticed the negative image the pest control industry had earned over the past 50 to 60 years. He says he decided to address these issues by creating a company that is local but offers a full line of services for customers in Hamilton, Bradley, Polk, McMinn, Meigs and Rhea counties in Southeast Tennessee. Eco Pest Solutions LLC is open seven days a week. “I did not want Eco Pest Solutions to be just another pest control company,” he says. “I wanted to do something different. So it’s the first and only company in Tennessee to treat the interior and exterior of homes and businesses with a 100 percent organic product. I’ve found that my treatments really give consumers peace of mind knowing the property is not being sprayed with an EPA-registered pesticide, like all of the other companies in the area.” To learn more about Eco Pest Solutions LLC, call or text 423-432-6264, email EcoPestSolutionsLLC@yahoo.com or like the company on Facebook.
Kids Get Fewer Cavities High-Fructose Sweetener When Mothers Chew Xylitol Gum Aggravates Asthma R and Bronchitis
large study from the New York Medical College and the University of Massachusetts found that high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is linked to a greater risk of asthma and chronic bronchitis. The research included 2,801 people between the ages of 20 and 55 years old. The scientists utilized health data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of 2003 to 2006 to compare people with a history of chronic bronchitis. The study measured the types of soft drinks consumed, eliminating risks related to known asthma relationships such as smoking. The researchers found those that drank five or more HFCS-containing sodas per week had an 80 percent increased incidence of chronic bronchitis. Greater intake of HFCS has also been linked with higher risk of other health conditions, including diabetes and obesity.
esearch published in the International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry has concluded mothers that chew natural xylitol gum regularly will significantly reduce oral infections of mutans streptococcus bacteria in their infants. Five research teams and 11 randomized studies of 601 mothers and their children showed 46 percent fewer infections of the bacteria, which is the central species responsible for dental caries and periodontal disease. The studies included children that were 6, 9, 12, 18 and 24 months old. Other research supports the claim of xylitol’s beneficial nature. A study from the University of Manchester, in England, analyzing data from 4,216 schoolchildren, showed that using toothpaste containing xylitol with fluoride resulted in 13 percent less tooth decay than using toothpaste with fluoride only. Note: Xylitol is toxic to dogs; if ingested, consult a veterinarian.
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Olive Oil Compound Kills Cancer Cells
Mediterranean Diet Sustains More Youthful Brain Sizes
s we age, our brains shrink, a condition linked to cognitive impairment. According to a study from Columbia University, a healthy diet can help reduce such occurrences. The researchers studied 674 adults with an average age of 80. They were divided into two groups, depending upon their diets, and given magnetic resonance imaging scans to measure total brain volume and thickness. It was found that those following diets that most closely resembled the Mediterranean diet—less meat and more vegetables and fish—had larger brain sizes with less shrinking. The researchers equated the average size difference between the groups to about five years of aging. Dr. Yian Gu, a neuropsychology professor at Columbia University, says, “This is another study consistent with previous studies that indicate the Mediterranean diet is an overall healthy diet.”
esearchers from Rutgers University have found that an ingredient in olive oil will kill cancer cells in under an hour. The researchers tested a compound called oleocanthal, a central component of extra virgin olive oil, and found that it caused the premature death of cancer cells in the laboratory by puncturing cancer cell vesicles, called lysosomes. “We needed to determine if oleocanthal was targeting that protein and causing the cells to die,” says Paul Breslin, Ph.D., a professor of nutritional sciences in the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences at Rutgers and co-author of the study, published in Molecular and Cellular Oncology. The research also found that the olive oil compound didn’t damage healthy cells. Breslin states that the compound merely “put them to sleep” for a day, after which they resumed their normal, healthy functioning. Senior author David Foster, Ph.D., of Hunter College, points out that additional studies are necessary to determine if the compound halts tumor growth. “We also need to understand why it is that cancerous cells are more sensitive to oleocanthal than non-cancerous cells,” he says.
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globalbriefs News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.
Green Goalposts
Super Bowl Eco-Stadium Gains National Spotlight The 50th Super Bowl will take place February 7 at the brandnew Levi’s Stadium, in Santa Clara, outside San Francisco, and the anniversary isn’t the only thing that’s historic. As part of a trend toward sustainability in athletic facilities, it’s the greenest and most technologically advanced professional football stadium in the U.S. The structure is designed to support sustainability, located on a site with accessible public transportation plus a bike path to encourage fans to pedal to and from games. Its predominantly open and airy, environmentally friendly building plan also takes advantage of the Silicon Valley climate. One outstanding feature is the green roof atop the suite tower on the west side of the stadium. Another is the three solar bridges connecting the main parking area to the stadium that generate energy from hundreds of solar panels. All of the wood used was repurposed from a local airplane hangar at Moffett Field, in Mountain View, California, and other reclaimed building products were used where possible. Reclaimed water sources serve potable and non-potable uses, including playing field irrigation. The local suppliers providing farm-to-table food menus also are required to practice composting and recycling to the greatest extent possible. For more information, visit LevisStadium.com.
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Nice Spice
McCormick Going Non-GMO McCormick, the world’s largest spice company, plans to eliminate almost all genetically modified (GMO) ingredients from their product line by 2016. In response to increased consumer demand for healthier options, 80 percent of its overall gourmet herb and spice business in the U.S. will be both organic and non-GMO by 2016, as well as all McCormick-branded herbs, spices and extracts sold in the U.S. They will voluntarily label the updated products to inform consumers as part of a commitment to transparency and consumer education. The first product introduced, a non-GMO vanilla extract, is already available. McCormick also uses steam treatments in its processing to preserve the health benefits of spices instead of the ionizing irradiation used by competitors. Although food radiation is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, some studies link it to significant health problems. “Our consumers are increasingly interested in quality flavors with pure ingredients in their food,” says McCormick President and Chief Operating Officer Lawrence Kurzius. “Our efforts prove that we are listening to consumers and are committed to continuing to evolve.” Source: NaturalNews.com
Global Outlook
Ocean Wear
Weather Website Tracks Climate Change A new website, WXshift.org, published by the hybrid science and journalism nonprofit Climate Central, provides climate projections for a specific location along with the day’s weather. In addition to a typical forecast of highs and lows, UV (ultraviolet rays) index, wind and times of sunrise and sunset, it graphically shows if the area indicates a warming uptick and by how much. A 40-year-trend-to-date display offers a projection to 2050 and what the weather will be like for the next generation. Geoff Grant, director of digital media for Climate Central, says, “This is just putting weather and climate data together. There’s no spin to it. The weather is how everyone experiences climate.” WXshift draws from 2,000 weather stations across the country and 100 years of temperature, rain and snow data to create customized climate graphics. Tutorials explain such topics as the difference between dew point and humidity, along with news and information about relevant issues. Source: DailyClimate.org
Pioneering Aspen
Ski Town Runs Entirely on Renewables Aspen, Colorado, with a population of 7,000, has become the third municipality in the country, along with Burlington, Vermont, and Greensburg, Kansas, to receive all of its power from renewable sources. Its energy portfolio now consists primarily of wind power and hydroelectric, with smaller contributions from solar and geothermal. The development reflects a decade-long effort made possible in part by a significant drop in the price of renewable energy and new government regulations that internalize some of the pollution costs of fossil fuels, making energy sources like coal increasingly uncompetitive. More than one-third of American coal plants have been shut down in the past six years and new carbon rules make it possible that no new coal plants will ever be built in the U.S.
Adidas Using Plastic Ocean Debris to Make Shoes Athletic shoemaker Adidas has teamed up with New York-based Parley for the Oceans, a multidisciplinary organization with a passion for protecting the oceans, to make footwear out of garbage. Available soon, the soft upper part of the shoe is knitted entirely from waste and debris pulled from the ocean, including yarn and fibers—just some of the estimated 5.25 trillion pieces of trash in the sea. With no extra material left over, nothing goes to waste; the shoes also incorporate illegal fishing nets taken from poachers. Adidas executive Eric Liedtke suggests the technology could move beyond shoes and find its way to T-shirts, shorts and other apparel. A full line of similar consumer-ready products will be integrated into the Adidas line this year. The larger issue goes beyond recycling and repurposing to avoid waste altogether. Plastic takes more than 450 years to decompose, so conservationists and researchers at Parley for the Oceans hope to re-imagine plastics by designing a renewable solution. In cleaning up our oceans, we protect ecosystems, food sources, jobs and local economies.
Source: Upworthy
Source: ThinkProgress.org
Vintage Wine & Spirits
Lions Untamed
Shrine Circus Ends Wild Animal Acts Bill Cunningham, CEO of Dallas-based Fun Time Shows, the largest Shrine Circus producer in the country, says he’ll no longer produce shows featuring elephants, tigers, lions or other wild animals. Cunningham says, “These animals are very special; we cohabit the Earth with them and they are deserving of our respect and awe. They’re not here to perform tricks for our entertainment.” He says, “I’ve tried to listen to the mothers that said they didn’t want their kids to grow up and learn that the animals they saw had been probed, poked, prodded and chained to a floor.” The move has received an outpouring of support from outside the industry, including People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Cunningham’s Shrine Circuses will still feature high wire acts, human cannonballs, trapeze artists and motorcycle tricks, along with performing horses and dogs. “The horses and dogs act in true collaboration with their owners,” says Cunningham. “We feel the audience still wants to see domestic animals.” Source: GreenSourceDFW.org
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natural awakenings February 2016
Wally’s Friends Fundraiser Aids Goal of Reducing Shelter Euthanasia
“We believe that making ally’s Friends Spay Neuter spay-neuter services and prevenClinic will celebrate World tive veterinary care affordable and Spay Day on February 20 accessible improves the lives of Sally's from 6 to 9 p.m. with its Spay-Ghetti No Story : animals and the people who love Meat Balls Dinner and Silent Auction. Sally was cut off a c them,” says Wally’s Friends DirecThe annual event raises funds to provide hain in th rain, extr e freezin emely p tor Eileen Price. “We now know spay or neuter services to families and g re chain wra gnant w p ith the p e it is the primary strategy to end d individuals who cannot afford to pay for around h was no er legs. T shelter. unnecessary euthanasia of homehere this simple but important surgery. A good brought Samarita her to Wa On World Spay Day—which is actu- less pets in the United States.” n lly’s Frien ds. Every year, only about half ally on the third Tuesday each February— the homeless and lost pets in animal advocates shine a spotlight on the United States are adopted into new the issue of dog and cat overpopulation, movement of high-quality spay-neuter and of spaying and neutering as a proven homes or returned to their owners, Price clinics under the Humane Alliance says. The other half are killed, making means of saving the lives of companion Model has grown tremendously, with shelter euthanasia a leading cause of animals, feral cats and street dogs and all clinics following the same excelcats that might otherwise be put down in preventable death for dogs and cats in lent standards of care. We will always this country. “Our goal is to reach out to a shelter or die on the street. those who are not seeking spay and neu- struggle with pet overpopulation, but a The Spay-Ghetti No Meat truly humane community must offer and ter to create true social Balls Dinner and Silent Auction will take assertive action to give our innocent change,” she says. be held at The Venue, a friends the best opportunities possible.” Until individual groups new event Price says that while living in other in the 1990s began agspace located areas of the United States, she witnessed gressively pursuing the minutes from concept of spay-neuter the tremendous impact spay and neuter downtown programs had on euthanasia of adoptclinics performing Chattanooga at able, abandoned cats and dogs. “I estabhigh-volume, high4119 Cummings lished Wally’s Friends in 2005 to help quality surgeries, Highway. The Hamilton County shelters and nearby thousands of shelter fundraiser will rural areas reduce euthanasia due to lack animals were killed be catered by Lee of space where random reproduction to make room for Towery, with coand lack of information is responsible more homeless and median Karen Mills for severe suffering,” she says. In 2006 unwanted animals, providing entershe opened a clinic to facilitate affordshe says. tainment. Proceeds able spay-neuter services and preven “Local-level will benefit Wally’s tive veterinary care to pet owners in the change by means Friends, which since Chattanooga area. of prevention, its founding in 2006 r ory: o t f S s The numbers of lives saved by this d 's n not destruca has faciliated the spay Frie Keev Wally's ten with o simple procedure in a single month is t e tion, has turned m or neuter of more a a Keeva c had been be former astounding, she says. “Using a conservainto a national than 95,000 animals, e e h spay. S ll bat by som r could tive model of five offspring per litter, if movement,” with two veterinarians e a own baseb w e a n d a each animal produced only one litter e h she says. performing up to 60 rs. Th her. We g a eighbo lp n e h in its life span, more than five thousand o “This national vin surgeries each day. ord t She's li . d not aff e t a t ampu her leg now. e f good li
“There is no disease or condition of companion animals that takes more of their lives than euthanasia.”
Making Chattanooga a more sustainable place to live, work, and build
Dr. Janet M. Scarlett, Professor of Epidemiology at Cornell University
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more animals would have been born into a world with no place for them, in a few short months, from the thousand animals Wally’s Friends alters each month.” Large dogs are especially difficult to adopt out, she adds, as are their puppies—typically 10 to 15 per litter. While local shelters spay or neuter before adoption, the problem of overpopulation stems from irresponsible pet owners, Price says. The goal of Wally’s Friends is to reach out to those pet owners in order to create social change. “True social change needs patience and time,” she says. “We believe people will choose to be responsible pet owners, given a chance to do so with affordable care.” While the problems that Wally’s Friends seeks to solve are complex, Price says a big part of the solution is obvious: “Spay-neuter is the number one answer to pet overpopulation.”
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natural awakenings February 2016
THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP It Sustains, Nourishes and Supports Us by Judith Fertig
For a reason, a season or a lifetime, friends help us cope with challenges, motivate our best work and celebrate life. Friendships take many forms, crossing generations and self-imposed boundaries, and even spring up between unlikely confidants.
hildhood friends Matt Damon and Ben Affleck collaborated on the Oscar-winning screenplay for Good Will Hunting. Fierce tennis competitors Serena Williams and Caroline Wozniacki like to get together for a gal-pal getaway after a major match. Country music artists Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood married following an 18-year friendship; “We had a lot more in common than I ever dreamed we did,” says Brooks. Rafts of research confirm how friendship enriches us. Carlin Flora, of New York City, spent years as a Psychology Today writer and editor before penning Friendfluence: The Surprising Ways Friends Make Us Who We Are. She notes that among the varied and perhaps unforeseen benefits, friendships can help us “shed pounds, sleep better, stop smoking and even survive a major illness.”
An ongoing, two-decade-plus study of nearly 1,500 seniors by the Flinders University Centre for Ageing Studies, in Australia, found those with a large network of friends outliving others with the fewest friends by 22 percent. The University of Chicago National Opinion Research Center also reports people with five or more close friends as 50 percent more likely to describe themselves as “very happy” than those maintaining fewer confidants. “Friends past and present play powerful and often unappreciated roles in determining our sense of self and the direction of our lives,” says Flora. “Even in a supposedly meritocratic society, friends give jobs and assignments to each other, so having friends that share your career interests and aspirations can get you much farther than you could ever get on your own.”
Make New Friends, Keep the Old Today, making and keeping friends can be challenging, due to distance, frequent life changes, overprotective parenting and substituting social media for more intimate face time. It all makes friendship more fluid than we might realize, says Shasta Nelson, the San Francisco founder of GirlFriendCircles. com, a women’s friendship matching site and author of Friendships Don’t Just Happen: The Guide to Creating a Meaningful Circle of Girlfriends, plus the upcoming book, Frientimacy, about deepening such relationships. “Most of us replace half of our close friends every seven years,” says Nelson. Although this might seem alarming, she considers it a natural ebb and flow. “We all need a couple of very close friends, while others that come and go might just be what we currently need—at work or school, among firsttime parents, in a new neighborhood, starting a job, in retirement or during some other life change,” she says. Canadian Greg Tjosvold, a married middle school teacher in Vancouver, Canada, has enjoyed great friendships with women, including his wife, partly because he doesn’t relate to men’s generally competitive nature and interest in sports. But when a close female friend moved away, he wanted to expand his circle to include men. He joined a group called The Barley Brethren that sample craft beers and talk about life. Although not into suds, he values “having a safe and enjoyable place to discuss deep issues, victories and temporary setbacks.” He admits, “That’s over-simplification, though.” Finding a group of men he can feel a part of has validated him, making this unique man still feel like one of the guys. Nelson categorizes the concentric circles of developing friendship as starting with a mutually agreeable acquaintance or contact, and then moving emotionally closer with someone that we find similarities with. Then the original bond can enter the confirmed friend category. A group of friends, like a longtime book club, can constitute a community. The highest level is the committed friend that has evolved into a trusted and valuable life companion.
How to Make Good Friends by Shasta Nelson
Three Necessary Ingredients
Both friendship and romantic bonds are developed when three things occur: We feel satisfied, which happens when an interaction has more positivity than negativity. We feel safe, which comes when we commit to consistent time with each other. We feel seen, which we experience when we practice revealing ourselves and expressing vulnerability. Here’s a formula for creating meaningful connections: Positivity + Consistency + Vulnerability = Frientimacy.
Two Steps
It usually takes most people six to eight interactions with someone new before they start feeling like friends. The sooner they schedule such occasions, the sooner the rewards. c Be open to making new friends. c Make the first move; repeat.
One Ratio
To keep a friendship going, remember that it has to have a positivity-to-negativity ratio of at least five-to-one. That means sharing five times more fun and feel-good moments than stressors that can range from disappointments and frustrations to jealousies. By definition, to be and keep a good friend requires that both parties bring satisfying positivity to the relationship. Source: Adapted from Frientimacy: How to Deepen Friendships for Lifelong Intimacy by Shasta Nelson; scheduled for release in March.
Sarah Huntsman Reed, a medical counselor in Kansas City, Missouri, has such a lifelong friend. She met Doug Reed, now a pharmacist, when both were in their high school musical, Once Upon a Mattress. Reed had a great sense of humor, Sarah remembers. “He’s still the most honest yet kindest person I’ve met,” she says. Soon, their mothers became friends, too, and the two teens would pair up for family weddings. Then she went to college and married and he moved away; yet they stayed in touch through mutual friends and their moms, catching up in person when he returned to his hometown. Seventeen years after they first met, by which time Sarah was divorced, the two discussed taking their friendship to the next level and soon married. “It was a big decision to commit, because we knew so much about each other,” she says. “But we prefer each other’s company, and it was the best thing we ever did.”
Safety Net In trying times, friends can surround us with positive energy, says Madisyn Taylor, co-founder and editor-in-chief of the spiritual blog DailyOm, in Ashland, Oregon. “The people we love form a protective barrier that buffers and shields us from many of the world’s more crippling blows,” including receiving hurtful slights from others. How we make friends has been altered by today’s social landscape, which includes working parents and Amber Alerts. The days of children freely roaming their neighborhood discovering friends to play with are, unfortunately, over, says Jennifer S. White, a Toledo, Ohio, blogger and author of The Art of Parenting: Love Letters from a Mother. “My long-term friendships from childhood were all built around being neighbors and playing together just because we wanted to,” recalls White. With today’s safety concerns and work-life challenges, parents now set up playdates, a more structured, less organic way of fostering childhood friendships, and they must be proactive to ensure success. White has some misgivings about this modern-day approach. “When I think about that one little gleaming seed of truth at the heart of why, it’s often because I don’t think it’s fair that I have to be a
popular ‘playdate mom’ for my kid to have some friends.”
Besties and Buddies Automatic playdates—with siblings—often enhance family ties through lifelong friendships. Sally Ekus is a culinary talent representative in Florence, Massachusetts. Her younger sister, Amelia, is the general manager of Twitter Cafe, in New York City, and lives in Brooklyn. Both foodies have knife-and-fork tattoos. Sally is more into meal ingredients and preparation, while Amelia loves pouring wine and making sure everyone is comfortable. “Together,” says Sally, “we create total hospitality, from lavish Passover seders to Friday nights with friends.” She notes that her sister is the only other person who understands what the world looks like through the Ekus girls’ perspective. Some adults might never meet face-to-face, but become friends via social media. American Jamie Schler, coowner of the Hotel Diderot, in Chinon, France, with her native-born husband, says, “Social media [especially Facebook posts] is how I meet and make personal friends and keep in touch on a daily basis. As an expat, this is important because I often feel far from family and friends that understand me, share common interests and ideas and speak the same language—and I don’t necessarily mean English.” Her high-tech circle ranges from hometown pals to new friends in the food community and political forums. She raves, “It’s a place where I find them all at the same time!” Nelson remarks, “No one is saying Facebook should replace visits, nights out and phone calls, but in a world where most of us wish we felt closer to a few more people, it doesn’t hurt to use every tool at our disposal for creating connections.” Differences in age needn’t be a
Everyone from contemporary scientists to ancient philosophers agrees that having strong social bonds is probably the most meaningful contributor to happiness.
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~Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project hurdle in forging friendships. Candelaria Silva-Collins, an arts marketing professional in Boston, attended area social gatherings where she regularly encountered a museum director and his wife. “They seemed like a fantastic couple,” she says, and began a friendship with the older woman, despite their being from different generations. “My friend teaches me a lot about being vital and vibrant,” she says.
Expanding Circles
Becoming friends with people of different ages, languages and social standing gives us a spiritual workout, advises Nelson. With a master’s degree in divinity, Nelson views friendship as a type of health club in which we develop our empathy, forgiveness and compassion muscles through practice. “Friendships are the way we become better people,” she says. Furthermore, the process, especially with people unlike us, leads to a better world. “Being able to inherently care for people we know makes it easier to do the same for people we’ve not met yet,” says Nelson. World peace happens one friend at a time. Freelance writer Judith Fertig also blogs at AlfrescoFoodAndLifestyle.blogspot. com from Overland Park, KS.
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natural awakenings February 2016
Functional Dentistry Connects Oral Health to Sleep Apnea and Heart Disease by Linda Sechrist
he focus of functional medicine—whole person health care—easily expands to include dentists trained in oral systemic health. Currently embraced by a small percentage of today’s farsighted dentists and doctors, this relatively new field of prevention and wellness views the mouth as a key portal when considering the status of the whole body. Similar to the way doctors of Oriental medicine assess the heart’s pulse to help diagnose health issues throughout the body, these systemic health dentists consider the gums, tongue, teeth and throat to be key signals of overall health. American Academy for Oral Systemic Health (AAOSH) Executive Director Bobbie Delsasso was a periodontal hygienist for more than 30 years before becoming a consultant and public speaker on the larger perspective. “I taught patients about the importance of good nutrition and alerted them to consult their physician regarding what their mouth health might indicate about their body’s health,” she says. While the academy educates dental professionals to understand the internal workings of nutrition and what the mouth reveals about overall well-being, “Less than 6 percent of physicians even learn adequate basics of nutrition in medical schools,” she notes.
by physician Bradley Bale and Amy Doneen, an advanced registered nurse practitioner, co-founders of the Bale/Doneen Method for the prevention of heart attack, stroke and diabetes. Mike Milligan, a doctor of dental medicine, founder of Eastland Dental Center, in Bloomington, Illinois, and AAOSH president, explains that heart attack and stroke are triggered by an inflammatory process which can be initiated or exacerbated by periodontal disease and abscessed teeth. Thomas Nabors, a doctor of dental surgery and an authority in molecular analysis and genetic risk assessment for periodontal diseases, provides clinical proof that supports the growing association between medicine and dentistry. “Since our inaugural
Cardiovascular Health Links
Beyond nutrition, academy curricula for dentists now include such titles as Arteriology and Vascular Inflammation – The Oral/Systemic Connection, based on a course designed for medical professionals
AAOSH conference [in 2010], Bradley, Amy and Tom have continued to provide the current science and clinical backdrop to the oral/systemic connection to cardiovascular wellness,” says Milligan.
Respiratory Health Links
Other vital advances in oral systemic health involve treating airway concerns such as snoring and sleep apnea. “Snoring is typically caused by muscles and tissues relaxing in the throat and mouth, resulting in decreased space in the airway passage and vibration of tissues. Eventually, individuals can develop sleep apnea, which can also result in hypertension and other problems,” advises Milligan. In sleep apnea, the sleeper’s breathing pauses often or produces hypopnea, slowed or shallow breathing for 10 or more seconds at a time. Fewer than five episodes per hour is normal, with five to 15 considered mild apnea, 15 to 30 moderate and more than 30 severe. Although 20 percent of Americans may have sleep apnea—typically associated with insomnia, tiredness and less oxygen in the body—95 percent of affected individuals go undiagnosed. To help, Milligan suggests that before going to bed we lower the thermostat in the bedroom and avoid drinking alcohol, smoking, watching television or working on a computer. Improved breathing helps assuage snoring, sleep apnea, asthma, hay fever and nasal congestion. Milligan cites Patrick McKeown’s work, explained in his book The Oxygen Advantage. An authority on the Buteyko Breathing Method, McKeown explains how improved breathing dramatically improves oxygenation, releases more energy and supports lifelong health and well-being. Muscle retraining using orofacial myofunctional therapy can help prevent sleep apnea and also abate temporomandibular joint disorders. This new field is concerned with orofacial functional patterns and postures when teeth are apart, their status 95 percent of each day and night. It also retrains muscles to keep the tongue at the roof of the mouth and the lips together to prevent breathing through the mouth, correct swallowing function and eliminate poor oral habits such as thumb sucking. Three mechanical treatments
for sleep apnea include mandibular advancement oral devices used to move the lower jaw forward, a continuous positive airway pressure machine to aid airway functioning, or surgery, which is the last resort. “The real opportunity for catching and preventing this is with children 5 to 10 years old, when their jaws are developing,” says Milligan. He further cites links discovered between the mouth and brain. “Oral spirochetes, which normally live in the mouth, have been found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Dr. Judith Miklossy, from the International Association for Alzheimer’s, spoke at an AAOSH conference about the link between oral bacteria and dementia, and Garth Ehrlich, Ph.D., professor of microbiology, immunology and otolaryngology at Drexel University College of Medicine, addressed rheumatoid arthritis and certain types of cancers. All of these links are more than enough reasons why good oral hygiene is essential to good health,” e says ditMilligan. a
Local Orthodontics and Holistic Dentistry Dr. Marie Farrar brings a woman’s eye and a mother’s touch to orthodontics. She treats children and adults at her practice, Smile Studio, located at 204 West Main Street on Chattanooga’s Southside. Farrar is a diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics and a member of the American Association of Orthodontics. Contact her at DrMarie@smilestudio204.com, 423-531-4533, or visit her practice online at SmileStudio204.com. See ad, page 5. Dr. Robert Gallien is a holistic dentist at Smiles of Chattanooga. Catering to patients’ personal needs with a whole-body approach, Dr. Gallien offers tests for sensitivities to commonly used dental materials and uses only biocompatible materials to restore beautiful, naturallooking teeth. He offers removal of mercury-silver fillings. Contact him at Smiles of Chattanooga, Robert J. Gallien, DDS, 423-208-9783, or online at SmileChattanooga.com. See ad, pagee39. n you and your
te, rem al, m e ove the bou H Linda Sechrist is a senior staff writer ndaries etwe b for Natural Awakenings. Connect at ItsAllAboutWe.com.
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A Mushroom a Day Keeps the Dentist and Cardiologist Away by Cathy Scott
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oming to a store near you … cavities or gingivitis. Biofilms actually mushroom cookies! change the environment on the surface In the last few years, several of your teeth, making it a home where mushroom extracts have been patented bad bacteria like Streptococci or Neisfor use in “dental health foods.” Imagseria can thrive and dig into your tooth ine eating all the confections you want enamel and gums. and never getting a cavity because the Biofilms are nothing new to dencookies are laced with mushrooms. tistry. Back in the 17th century, Antonie Not only will mushrooms make cookvan Leeuwenhoek, “the father of miies tooth-friendly, they also can be crobiology,” first used a microscope to added to any other refined carbohysee aggregates of bacteria he’d scraped drates, which are so bad for our teeth. off his teeth. But only recently has it (Yay, science!) come to light that biofilms have other Cavities and gingivitis start off as effects on our health. a microbial community embedded in Bacteria in biofilms are now an organized matrix of bacteria, food thought to cause up to 65 perand your own saliva, forming a cent of human infections. biofilm. Your mouth is In an impenetrable a delicate balance of biofilm, the hundreds of “good” inaccessibility and “bad” bacteria. of the bacteria Most of these mimakes them more crobial inhabitresistant to the ants are harmless, immune system but certain drinks and antibiotics. (sodas and fruit Several systemic In studies, several juices) and foods diseases, includmushrooms have been (processed sugars ing cardiovascular and starches) can shown to prevent bacterial disease and diashift the balance betes, are thought adhesion, biofilms, in favor of the few to be linked to bad bacteria that gingivitis biofilms. cavities, periodontal form biofilms, Studies have disease and inflammation. revealed coronary which can lead to
NA_October 2015:Layout 1
artery plaques that contain some of the same species of bacteria as periodontal biofilms. Most biofilms can be easily removed with good dental hygiene. Even so, people who brush their teeth regularly still get cavities and gingivitis. That’s because the biofilms can calcify, making them difficult to remove.
Strong mouthwash can kill most bacteria, which means it can also throw off the balance of good bacteria, leaving your mouth an empty niche where bad bacteria can easily move in and start up a biofilm residence. Functional foods like mushrooms, on the other hand, can kill the bad bacteria and remove biofilms while leaving the good bacteria. Biofilms can form on almost any surface, including deep in soil. So it would make sense that fungi, which live in soil, have evolved mechanisms to kill pathogens while preserving good bacteria. In studies, several mushrooms have been shown to prevent bacterial adhesion, biofilms, cavities, periodontal disease and inflammation. Those include lion’s mane, pearl oyster, shiitake and reishi—all varieties that can be easily grown on kits. So if you want to stay healthy, you can start by regularly eating mushrooms. Cathy Scott is chief science officer for Everything Mushroom, which has a showroom in Knoxville and an online catalog of culinary mushrooms and mushroom growing kits and supplies. Visit EverythingMushrooms.com for info and recipes. See ad, page 13.
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natural awakenings February 2016
and violent solutions are modeled, yoga empowers children to pause and take a breath so they can own what’s happened, move through it and move on.” “I like yoga because it makes me feel like there is calm all around me,” says 8-year-old Biko Cooper. Dee Marie, the Boulder, Colorado, founder and executive director of Calming Kids, a nonprofit program that integrates yoga into the classroom to foster a nonviolent atmosphere, says, “When a child learns through yoga how to feel a sense of themselves and begins to understand their self-worth and stand tall in their power, they can begin to regulate their breath and their emotions.” These invaluable skills stay with children through adulthood.
Mindful Minutes for Little Ones Yoga Helps Kids Focus and Relax by Julianne Hale
merican kids’ school, after-school and weekend schedules now rival the hectic pace of their multitasking parents. Like their adult counterparts, youngsters need time to decompress from the pressures of life and be present in their own skin, and yoga provides the tools to accomplish this. Most adults take to their yoga mat to create harmony in their body and mind, increase flexibility and balance, build muscle tone and strength, and because it makes them feel great. These same benefits apply to children as their developing bodies and minds respond to yoga on a deep level, both on and off the mat.
Start with Watching Breath “Breathing and mindfulness practices are important for children,” explains Mariam Gates, the Santa Cruz, California, creator of the Kid Power Yoga Program and author of Good Morning Yoga and the upcoming Good Night Yoga. “There is so much that children are not in control of in their everyday lives; to give them a way to physically
process their experience, to self-soothe and find their own internal source of strength, is crucial.” “Having kids experience simply paying attention to their breath as it comes all the way in and moves all the way out can serve them well in every area of their lives going forward,” says Gates. In the classroom, it transfers to learning skills benefited by the ability to focus. From toddlers to teens, children can have a difficult time processing and controlling their emotions, which are vital life skills. Carla Tantillo, founder of Mindful Practices, a Chicago-area wellness organization, has found that yoga and the practice of mindfulness help children express themselves in constructive ways. She observes, “In any situation, especially in communities where reactivity, impulsiveness
Step into Yoga Together
Educators are starting to take notice of yoga’s benefits for children, including those with attention deficit disorders or autism, but yoga practice is still rare among school-age children. As encouragement, “Make it fun,” advises Gates. “It’s essential to create experiences that feel accessible and enjoyable for kids. They must feel empowered to do it themselves and take over the experience.” Six-year-old Carmen Wheeler likes doing yoga with her dad. “Yoga gets me feeling strong and it really calms me down,” she says. Music can help children relax and focus during their practice. Soothing basic instrumentals are good to start; an Internet search for yoga music for kids reveals many options. Parents can assist by incorporating yoga into a child’s daily bedtime ritual. “Do whatever they are willing to do with them,” counsels Marie. “Start by lying on the bedroom floor, doing stretches and focusing on breathing. Then move to the bed and teach some relaxation and visualization techniques.” Marie cautions parents against insisting that their child’s yoga practice mirror their own. “We have to meet children where they are.” Adults think that yoga has to look a certain way, but sometimes children
don’t necessarily want to do the postures we’re familiar with. The best teaching reaches each individual child in a way that resonates with them because yoga is a lifestyle, not an exercise regimen,” she says. Yoga novices and parents that prefer specific guidance can take advantage of local studio classes for children and families or use DVDs, online streaming services and instruction books. Kevin Day, age 5, regularly starts his days with a Boat pose. “I like it because you can do it with a friend,” he says. Lisa Flynn, the Dover, New Hampshire, founder and chief executive officer of ChildLight Yoga and Yoga 4 Classrooms, is optimistic about the future. “In 10 years, I envision social and emotional learning, yoga, and mindfulness integrated at every school and mandated by educational policy,” she says. In addition to improved physical, social, emotional and cognitive health and wellness of the students, teachers and parents, she foresees “a positive shift in the overall school climate.” Julianne Hale is a freelance writer and Natural Awakenings franchise magazine editor in Cleveland, TN.
Cultivating Mindfulness in the Classroom by Julianne Hale
hen Scott Frauenheim, director of the Chicago International Charter School (CICS) West Belden, noticed that some students in his kindergarten through eighth grade urban classrooms were not fully engaged, he decided to focus the 2014-2015 school year on mindfulness for both students and faculty. He enlisted the help of Mindful Practices, a Chicagobased school wellness organization founded by Carla Tantillo. Using the strategies Tantillo recommends in her book Cooling Down Your Classroom, teachers were taught to involve students in mindful minutes—short bursts of simple yoga poses, breathing exercises and other techniques—to
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cultivate mindfulness. The initiative proved to be powerful and helpful, explains Frauenheim. “Soon students were able to identify areas of personal need throughout the day and cultivate mindfulness within themselves using what they learned.” The program concluded last year, but CICS West Belden teachers and students continue to use designated time to practice mindfulness in the morning and as a classroom mental reset when they notice that students are distracted or unfocused during the day. Mindful Practices’ innovative programs have achieved similar success in other elementary, middle and high schools in the Chicago area.
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Late Poet Continues fitbody to Inspire
mong the authors whose works inspire the teachings at Christ Unity Church in Chattanooga are the late James Dillet Freeman (1912-2003), a poet and a minister of the Unity Church, a New Thought denomination. According to Christ Unity member Marilyn Arnemann, Freeman was sometimes referred to as “poet laureate to the moon” because he’s the only author whose poems were twice brought to the moon. His 1941 poem “Prayer for Protection” was taken aboard Apollo 11 in July 1969 by Lunar Module pilot Buzz Aldrin, and a microfilm of Freeman’s 1947 “I Am There”—inspired by the death of his first wife, Katherine—was left on the moon by James B. Irwin on Apollo 15. Here are some of Freeman’s best-loved quotes: • For above all, love is a sharing. Love is a power. Love is a change that takes place in our own heart. Sometimes it may change others, but always it changes us. • May you have happiness, and may you find it making one another happy. • We have the power, knowledge and equipment to build a world beyond our wonder. Only loss of nerve can defeat us. • Listen to life, and you will hear the voice of life crying, Be! • And the faith that grows out of questioning is stronger than the faith born of blind acceptance. It can withstand the shocks of circumstance. Only he who questions the universe and questions it in utter honesty can grow in his comprehension of the truth.
Christ Unity Church is located at 105 McBrien Rd., Chattanooga. See ad page 29.
Gliding Across Snowscapes
Cross-Country Ski to Explore Winter’s Wonders by Randy Kambic
hile downhill Alpine skiing offers spurts of intense action in-between times spent driving to and from resorts and standing in line at lifts, all that’s needed for Nordic cross-country skiing is a few inches of snow and strap-on skis to transform any nearby park, wooded trail or spacious backyard into a quiet, serene eco-playground. The similar dry-land recreation of Nordic walking that uses poles can be enjoyed year-round.
Ski Season Techniques
Both the standard Nordic form of what’s also known as free-heel skiing and the more challenging Telemark style, able to incorporate hilly terrains, have northern European roots. Cross-country skis are longer and thinner than downhill versions. Instead of placing the entire foot in a bulky, stiff boot affixed to an alpine ski, only the toe section of a sneakerlike boot adheres to a cross-country ski, enabling a fuller gliding motion. Gliding over relatively flat terrain while leaning slightly forward, it’s important to keep weight evenly distributed over both skis. Continuously moving
ahead in a left-right-left-right motion with a long gait creates a full-body workout as each opposing arm plants a pole and pushes on it to carry the skier into the next step. Cross-country skis aren’t made for sudden stops, so stay alert; gentle, sideto-side skidding employing both legs or turning the front of both skis inward to form a triangle effects stopping. With experience, the skis can be used more like long ice skates, pushing both ahead and outward on them to move slightly faster on wide, groomed, flat surfaces. Vermont native Bill Koch, the only American to win an Olympic crosscountry ski medal—silver at the 1976 Innsbruck Games—helped popularize the recreational sport in America. On February 20, the 2016 Slumberland American Birkebeiner, North America’s largest annual cross-country ski race, is expected to attract about 10,000 participants on a 55K course from Cable to Hayward, Wisconsin (Birkie.com).
Any Season Warm-ups
“Many of the movement patterns of Alpine and Nordic skiing are similar,”
explains Michael Wood, chief fitness officer of Koko FitClub (KokoFitClub.com), which is reflected in a new eight-week Snow Sports program at many of its 130 locations in 30 states. “Our Smartraining equipment offers more than 100 different exercises, many of them ideal for preparing for cross-country skiing, like the squat, hip extension, and trunk and hip rotation.” For post-ski stretching, he and club coaches often recommend yoga-type flows like downward dog, child pose and the one-legged pigeon move. “We like to customize programs to enhance dynamic stretching, intensive knee analysis and specific routines to improve individual performance,” says Wood.
Winter Weight Loss
Outdoor winter recreation can help shed pounds. Harley Pasternak, a celebrity trainer, nutrition expert and author, recently reported in Health magazine, “Being outdoors in the cold air enables your body to burn more
calories as it makes an effort to warm up. When you’re chilled, you shiver and shake, which is your body’s way of warming itself by increasing its resting metabolic rate.” Pasternak says that spending time outdoors in cold weather can increase calories burned by as much as 30 percent and advises, “Take up ice skating, crosscountry skiing or snowshoeing.”
Anytime, Anywhere Walking
Nordic walking, launched in Finland in the late 1990s and since spread throughout Europe, incorporates some motions similar to cross-country skiing. Walking while using special poles on dry land or at the beach extends associated health and fitness benefits year-round. Initiated 11 years ago, the American Nordic Walking Association (anwa.us), based in Palisades, California, conducts classes and other events nationwide. Founder, president and master coach Bernd Zimmerman reports sig-
nificant growth in its popularity in recent years. “Both cross-country skiing and Nordic walking are great full-body workouts that use 90 percent of your muscles and treat both the upper and lower parts of the body like machines.” Suitable for all ages, including those that have balance or health issues or can’t run anymore, the walking poles act as extensions of the hands. Their rubber or metal tips work on any surface, such as streets, sidewalks, gravel, sand, dirt or grass. Compared to regular walking, Zimmerman says the Nordic style burns up to 40 percent more calories, tones the arms and upper body, reduces stress on knees and joints, and safely boosts the intensity of exercises to yield additional heart and lung benefits. Ski and general sports equipment retailers that sell and rent equipment also host informative clinics. Check out local retailers for local ski club group outings. Randy Kambic is an Estero, FL, freelance writer and editor, including for Natural Awakenings.
Winter Trips for the Intrepid
nthusiasts that have built up stamina might consider taking a multi-day backcountry or mountainous trek along marked trails. Overnight stays are offered in lodges, huts or cabins, with many providing cross-country equipment and showshoes. Here are some examples of the awaiting adventures. California and Nevada Many clubs in Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco and Las Vegas offer overnight bus trips to cross-country trails in the Lake Tahoe and Sierra Nevada areas. (BackcountrySkiTours.com) Colorado The nonprofit 10th Mountain Division Hut Association was one of the first to establish a hut-to-hut system, encompassing 350 miles of trails in the Rocky Mountains. (Huts.org) Minnesota Boundary Country Trekking offers stays at various lodges along cross-country trails in northern Minnesota. (BoundaryCountry.com) Quebec A few hours’ drive from New England borders lies plenty of ungroomed backcountry terrain with stunning views along the 78-mile, 15-hut network in the Chic-Chic Mountains, near the Gaspé Peninsula Gaspésie Park. (sepaq.com) Vermont Try Blueberry Lake Cross Country Center, in East Warren. (BlueberryLakeSkiVt.com) Wisconsin Visit Seth Peterson Cottage Conservancy, in Reedsburg. (SethPeterson.org)
Looking for Fellowship?
Liberal minded congregation Open & welcoming – all races and backgrounds Sunday Spiritual Service 11am guest speakers with various views and areas of expertise
Saturday Live Acoustic Music 8pm Charles & Myrtle’s Coffeehouse
105 McBrien Road Chattanooga, TN 37411 423-892-4960 ChristUnity.org
natural awakenings February 2016
Alyssa Milano’s Anti-Aging Secrets Her Natural Lifestyle Choices Keep Her Young by Gerry Strauss
lyssa Milano has grown up, and most of us have grown up with her. From her days as preteen tomboy Samantha Miceli on Who’s the Boss? to witchy woman Phoebe Halliwell on Charmed, the actress has been a vibrant, relatable and beautiful persona we’ve come to know via television. She was even named a UNICEF ambassador in 2004. Today, with a young family, her Touch licensed sports apparel line, and the wisdom that accompanies adulthood, her commitment to a natural, eco-friendly lifestyle has become another hallmark of her life.
What connection do you see between eating organic foods and maintaining the energy level that your busy life requires?
I think everything that you put into your body has a connection to how well we function in daily life. As a mom of two, eating organic is a priority; when organic is not an option, it’s about finding the healthiest accessible choices. I eat tomatoes like other people eat fruit and love papaya. I would put avocado on anything. I also like to cook with healthful herbs and spices like garlic and onions, which is natural for an Italian like me. We keep genetically modified foods out of our house.
Which fitness habits embodied by others have you made your own?
In my Who’s the Boss? days, Tony Danza and Judith Light were always active
and athletic. Tony would bring in a tap dance teacher and Judith a private trainer during lunch breaks. Being tutored on the set, I had no physical education classes or sports activities, so it was super-important for me to see how self-motivated they were to stay fit and in shape. Their example instilled a desire to take care of myself as an adult.
What role does nature play in your daily life?
I love being outside in my organic garden three or more times a week. Also, the kids and I regularly head outside, which is an easy place to keep them happily and healthfully occupied without my having to jump through hoops.
As an advocate of breastfeeding, which benefits do you think are especially good for mother and child?
In the beginning, a primary benefit is giving your child quality nourishment, including healthy antibodies and other goodies to support health. As they start eating solids, it’s still about maintaining that intimate connection until they’re ready to be weaned and you’re ready to surrender this last physical bond.
moment, doing the best I can every day. I’ve also learned to be kind to myself when I’m failing to do so or something is annoying me due to some unfortunate imbalance.
How do you and your husband keep both your friendship and love vibrant? We work hard at maintaining a good and healthy marriage, which can be tested in tough times. I believe that it’s vital to have the ability to laugh; you have to find humor in things, reminding yourself and each other that there is something funny in every daily activity, no matter how mundane or hard. When there’s no time to eat together or be intimate, shared laughter is an easy thing to achieve together. Done daily, it can only make the marriage stronger. We enjoy date nights once or twice a week when my parents take care of the kids. I’ll put on mascara and change out of yoga pants, even if we’re just hanging out together. Then we do little things like asking how each other’s day went and caring about the answer. We also look for ways we can help each other throughout the week.
What actions does your family emphasize in being stewards of the Earth? We try to be as eco-friendly as possible, including having lights on timers, conserving water and being kind to animals. I cannot stress how important it is to visit a farm and organic gardens and orchards with children so that they see where their food comes from. We can’t take good food for granted.
In addition to a naturally healthy lifestyle, what else do you credit for your enduring youthfulness?
How do you balance family life with your acting career?
My secret is happiness. I’ve always said that as long as my laugh lines are deeper than my frown lines, I’m living a good life.
It’s a hard balance for anyone, especially one who’s detail-oriented and a bit of a perfectionist, like me. The most important thing is to be in the
Gerry Strauss is a freelance writer in Hamilton, NJ. Connect at GerryStrauss@aol.com.
DEEP LISTENING Our Wholehearted Attention Is Our Greatest Gift
by Kay Lindahl Pay attention to the environment. Stop other activities to listen. Clear your desk. Turn off background noise or move to a quiet corner.
by Kay Lindahl erhaps one of the most precious and powerful gifts we give another person is to really listen to them with quiet, fascinated attention and our whole being; fully present. Deep listening occurs at the heart level, and we must ask ourselves how often we listen to each other so completely. Such listening is a creative force. We expand, ideas come to life and grow and we remember who we are. It brings forth our inner spirit, intelligence, or true self, and opens up the space for us to thrive. Sometimes we have to do a lot of listening before another’s inner being feels replenished. Some people just need to talk and go on and on, usually in a superficial, nervous manner. This often happens because they have not been truly listened to. Patience is required to be a listening presence for such a person long enough that they get to their center point of tranquility and peace. The results of such listening are extraordinary. Some would call them miracles. Listening well takes time, skill and a readiness to slow down to afford time for
Effective Listening Practices
reflection and to let go of expectations, judgments, boredom, self-assertiveness and defensiveness. When two people listen deeply to one another, we sense that we are present not only to each other, but also to something beyond our individual selves; something spiritual, holy or sacred. Once we experience the depth of being listened to like this, we naturally begin to listen to be present with another. We notice what occurs when we interrupt someone and when we don’t. We watch what unfolds when another stops speaking and we ask, “Is there anything else?” Listening is an art that calls for practice. Imagine if we all spent just a few minutes each day choosing to practice the art of listening; of being fully present with the person we are with. Being truly listened to and understood yields a sigh of contentment and joy. Kay Lindahl, of Long Beach, CA, is the author of The Sacred Art of Listening, from which this was adapted with permission from SkyLight Paths Publishing.
Be present. Listen with an open, appreciative and curious mind rather than evaluating what’s being said. Put your own agenda aside. Stop talking. One person speaks at a time without interruption. Listen for understanding. No one is required to agree with or believe what they hear. Let empathy and compassion take the lead; put yourself in their shoes. Ask for clarification. It can help a listener understand what’s being expressed. Pause before speaking. Allow the speaker to complete their thought, and then wait a few seconds before responding. Also ask, “Is there anything else?” There almost always is. Listen to yourself. Inquire of your inner voice, “What wants to be expressed next?” Signal that they’ve been heard. Encouraging body language includes empathetic facial expressions, nodding and sympathetic postures. Adapted from The Top Ten Powerful Listening Practices on the author’s website SacredListening.com.
FOOD CHOICES MAKE A DIFFERENCE Cultivate a healthy business by advertising in Natural Awakenings’
March Food Matters Issue To advertise or participate in our next issue, call 423-517-0128 natural awakenings February 2016
calendarofevents NOTE: All Calendar events must be received by February 5 (for the March issue) and adhere to our guidelines. Email ChattanoogaNA@epbfi.com for guidelines and to submit entries.
Stretch & Breathe Gentle Yoga – 10-11am. Ongoing Mondays. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd., Chattanooga. Info: 423-401-8115 or MovementArtsCollective.com.
Christ Unity Sunday Service – 11am. Julie Rust, speaker. Julie Rust is an accomplished singer, pianist and songwriter sharing a message celebrating life and healing. The first Sunday of each month we have lunch together. Bring a dish and enjoy this time for fellowship. Christ Unity Church, 105 McBrien Road, Chattanooga, 37411. Info: 423-892-4960 or ChristUnity.org.
Learn to be a Massage Therapist – Ongoing Mondays. 28-week class at East Tennessee’s oldest massage school. Massage Institute of Cleveland, 2321 N. Ocoee St., Cleveland. Info: 423-559-0380.
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 YOUR Yoga Body – 7:15pm. Ongoing Wednesdays. Longtime yoga instructor Amy Bockmon launches this new class based on the “body positivity” movement. Poses are modified to suit individual body types and physical abilities. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd. Red Bank, TN. Info: MovementArtsCollective.com.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 Who Done It? Mystery & Fiction Book Sale – Feb.4-6, 10am-7pm. Mystery and fiction books (hardback and paperback) $1 each. Friends of the Library members may fill a standard plastic grocery bag with books for $5. (Limit 2 per membership per day.) Chattanooga Public Library, 1001 Broad St., Chattanooga. Signal Mountain Farmers’ Market – 4-6pm. Ongoing Thursdays. Seasonal produce, eggs, meats, body products, coffee, crafts, baked goods, dog treats, boiled peanuts, plants, flowers, all from local farms. Front lot of Pruett’s Signal Mountain Market. Info: signalfarmersmarket@gmail.com. Body Massage – Ongoing Thursdays. One fullhour body massage for $25. The Massage Institute of Cleveland, 2321 N. Ocoee St., Cleveland. Info: 423-559-0380.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6 Daily Zen Meditation Group – 6:30-8am. Ongoing Saturdays. Led by Rev. Travis Suiryu Eiseman. Donation-based; sitting cushions provided. Newcomers are encouraged to attend an evening session (Wed, Thus or Sun) for Zen meditation instruction. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd., Chattanooga. Info: 619-820-6832, TravisEiseman@ yahoo.com, MovementArtsCollective.com. Prenatal Yoga – Noon-1pm. Ongoing Saturdays. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd., Chattanooga. Info: 423-401-8115 or Movement ArtsCollective.com. Wyatt Espalin at Charles and Myrtle’s Coffee House – 8-10pm. Chattanooga’s only smoke-free, alcohol-free venue for original acoustic music. Kids welcome. Espalin won the New Song Songwriters Competition at the 2014 L.E.A.F. Festival. 105 McBrien Rd., Chattanooga. Info: 423-892-4960 or ChristUnity.org.
Wish Bowl XII Benefiting Make-A-Wish East Tennessee – 6-11pm. Spend Super Bowl Sunday with dinner, a silent and live auction and the Big Game shown on the big screen. All proceeds benefit Make-A-Wish East Tennessee. Stratton Hall, 3146 Broad St., Chattanooga. Info: 423-629-9474.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Stretch & Breathe Gentle Yoga – 10-11am. Ongoing Mondays. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd., Chattanooga. Info: 423-401-8115 or MovementArtsCollective.com.
(Wed, Thus or Sun) for Zen meditation instruction. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd., Chattanooga. Info: 619-820-6832, TravisEiseman@ yahoo.com, MovementArtsCollective.com. Prenatal Yoga – Noon-1pm. Ongoing Saturdays. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd., Chattanooga. Info: 423-401-8115 or Movement ArtsCollective.com. Edgar Cayce: The Beautiful Dreamer – 2pm. CHEO hosts free showing of this 2004 documentary on “the father of holistic medicine,” who used a trance-like state to heal and give guidance to people including politicians and entertainers. Speaker room of Nutrition World, 6201 Lee Hwy., Chattanooga. Info: 4CHEO.org. Singer-songwriter Buddy Mondlock at Charles and Myrtle’s Coffee House – 8-10pm. New Folk Award Winner. Chattanooga’s only smoke-free, alcohol-free venue for original acoustic music. Kids welcome. 105 McBrien Rd., Chattanooga. Info: 423-892-4960 or ChristUnity.org.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14 Christ Unity Sunday Service – 11am. Speaker: Jesse Herriott. Jesse Herriott is a spirituality teacher and writer whose work explores the nature of the soul. 105 McBrien Rd., Chattanooga 37411. Info: 423-892-4960 or ChristUnity.org.
Learn to be a Massage Therapist – Ongoing Mondays. 28-week class at East Tennessee’s oldest massage school. Massage Institute of Cleveland, 2321 N. Ocoee St., Cleveland. Info: 423-559-0380.
Stretch & Breathe Gentle Yoga – 10-11am. Ongoing Mondays. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd., Chattanooga. Info: 423-401-8115 or MovementArtsCollective.com.
Learn to be a Massage Therapist – Ongoing Mondays. 28-week class at East Tennessee’s oldest massage school. Massage Institute of Cleveland, 2321 N. Ocoee St., Cleveland. Info: 423-559-0380.
YOUR Yoga Body – 7:15pm. Ongoing Wednesdays. Longtime yoga instructor Amy Bockmon launches this new class based on the “body positivity” movement. Poses are modified to suit individual body types and physical abilities. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd. Red Bank, TN. Info: MovementArtsCollective.com.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11 Signal Mountain Farmers’ Market – 4-6pm. Ongoing Thursdays. Seasonal produce, eggs, meats, body products, coffee, crafts, baked goods, dog treats, boiled peanuts, plants, flowers, all from local farms. Front lot of Pruett’s Signal Mountain Market. Info: signalfarmersmarket@gmail.com. Daily Zen Meditation Group – 8-9pm. Ongoing Thursdays. Led by Rev. Travis Suiryu Eiseman. Donation-based; sitting cushions provided. Includes Zen meditation instruction. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd., Chattanooga. Info: 619-820-6832, TravisEiseman@yahoo.com, MovementArtsCollective.com. Body Massage – Ongoing Thursdays. One fullhour body massage for $25. The Massage Institute of Cleveland, 2321 N. Ocoee St., Cleveland. Info: 423-559-0380.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Daily Zen Meditation Group – 6:30-8am. Ongoing Saturdays. Led by Rev. Travis Suiryu Eiseman. Donation-based; sitting cushions provided. Newcomers are encouraged to attend an evening session
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Yoga in Japanese with Mina Chong – Noon-1pm. Ongoing Wednesdays. $8 per class. Nutrition World, 6201 Lee Hwy., Chattanooga. Info: 423-503-9351. Mindful Yoga with Annie Harpe – 5:30pm. Ongoing Wednesdays. $10 per class. Nutrition World, 6201 Lee Hwy., Chattanooga. Info: 423-598-8802. YOUR Yoga Body – 7:15pm. Ongoing Wednesdays. Longtime yoga instructor Amy Bockmon launches this new class based on the “body positivity” movement. Poses are modified to suit individual body types and physical abilities. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd. Red Bank, TN. Info: MovementArtsCollective.com.
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Signal Mountain Farmers’ Market – 4-6pm. Ongoing Thursdays. Seasonal produce, eggs, meats, body products, coffee, crafts, baked goods, dog treats, boiled peanuts, plants, flowers, all from local farms. Front lot of Pruett’s Signal Mountain Market. Info: signalfarmersmarket@gmail.com. Daily Zen Meditation Group – 8-9pm. Ongoing Thursdays. Led by Rev. Travis Suiryu Eiseman. Donation-based; sitting cushions provided. Includes Zen meditation instruction. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd., Chattanooga. Info: 619-820-6832, TravisEiseman@yahoo.com, MovementArtsCollective.com.
Body Massage – Ongoing Thursdays. One fullhour body massage for $25. The Massage Institute of Cleveland, 2321 N. Ocoee St., Cleveland. Info: 423-559-0380.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20 Daily Zen Meditation Group – 6:30-8am. Ongoing Saturdays. Led by Rev. Travis Suiryu Eiseman. Donation-based; sitting cushions provided. Newcomers are encouraged to attend an evening session (Wed, Thus or Sun) for Zen meditation instruction. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd., Chattanooga. Info: 619-820-6832, TravisEiseman@ yahoo.com, MovementArtsCollective.com. Okuden (Reiki II) Plus Animal Reiki – Feb20-21, 10am-6pm each day. Margaret Dexter, PhD, Reiki Master/Teacher. Prerequisite: Reiki I. Learn meditation techniques for continued spiritual growth, three mantras and symbols and remote healing for people and pets. Training to work as a Reiki Practitioner. $350 includes class, manual and certificate. $175 deposit by 2/6. North Chattanooga. Info: 423-2666006 or MargaretDexter.com/reiki-workshops. Prenatal Yoga – Noon-1pm. Ongoing Saturdays. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd., Chattanooga. Info: 423-401-8115 or MovementArtsCollective.com. Chattanooga Flute Circle – 1pm. Initial meeting of Native American Style flute enthusiasts to support all players, any level of ability and interest. Not yet a flute player, but want to learn more? Join us. Purple Sky Healing Arts, 625 E. Main St., Chattanooga 37408.
valuable sources of water in Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama. Free. green|spaces, 63 E. Main St. Chattanooga. Info: GreenSpacesChattanooga.org. Learn to be a Massage Therapist – Ongoing Mondays. 28-week class at East Tennessee’s oldest massage school. Massage Institute of Cleveland, 2321 N. Ocoee St., Cleveland. Info: 423-559-0380.
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Green Drinks with Botanica Chattanooga – 5:30-7:30pm. Green Drinks offers an opportunity for eco-minded to network and idea share each month. This month hosted in conjunction with Botanica Chattanooga, offering fine garden design, ecological restoration, native gardens and consulting. Free. Info: GreenSpacesChattanooga.org or 423-648-0963. YOUR Yoga Body – 7:15pm. Ongoing Wednesdays. Longtime yoga instructor Amy Bockmon launches this new class based on the “body positivity” movement. Poses are modified to suit individual body types and physical abilities. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd. Red Bank, TN. Info: MovementArtsCollective.com. Daily Zen Meditation Group – 8-9pm. Ongoing Wednesdays. Led by Rev. Travis Suiryu Eiseman. Donation-based; sitting cushions provided. Zen meditation instruction is offered. The Center for Mindful Living, 400 E. Main St., Chattanooga. Info: 619-820-6832 or CenterForMindfulLiving. WildApricot.org.
Spay-Ghetti No Meat Balls Dinner and Silent Auction – 6-9pm. Benefits Wally’s Friends Spay Neuter Clinic, which provides spay-neuter services to Chattanooga pet owners who can’t afford it. Catered by Lee Towery, with comedian Karen Mills providing entertainment. The Venue, 4119 Cummings Hwy. Chattanooga. Info: 423-877-9966 or WallysFriends.com.
Americana duo Mountain Creek House Fire at Charles and Myrtle’s Coffee House – 8-10pm. Featuring Pattee Wilbanks and Robert Lovett. Chattanooga’s only smoke-free, alcohol-free venue for original acoustic music. Kids welcome. 105 McBrien Rd., Chattanooga. Info: 423-892-4960 or ChristUnity.org.
Daily Zen Meditation Group – 8-9pm. Ongoing Thursdays. Led by Rev. Travis Suiryu Eiseman. Donation-based; sitting cushions provided. Includes Zen meditation instruction. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd., Chattanooga. Info: 619-820-6832, TravisEiseman@yahoo.com, MovementArtsCollective.com.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21 Christ Unity Sunday Service – 11am. Gregory Fisher, speaker. Gregory Fisher is a dynamic speaker and musical performer who delivers a service that is open and welcoming. He helps people discover an authentic identity. Christ Unity Church, 105 McBrien Road, Chattanooga, 37411. Info: 423-892-4960 or ChristUnity.org. Free essential oils presentation – 2-4pm. CHEO hosts Linda Battani, a Reiki and Quantum Touch practitioner who will explain the basics of essential oils and how to incorporate them into our daily lives for preventing and treating acute and chronic health issues. Speaker room of Nutrition World, 6201 Lee Hwy., Chattanooga. Info: 4CHEO.org.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Stretch & Breathe Gentle Yoga – 10-11am. Ongoing Mondays. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd., Chattanooga. Info: 423-401-8115 or MovementArtsCollective.com. Clean Caves, Clean Water – 7pm. Anne Grindle discusses work being done to clean caves that are
Signal Mountain Farmers’ Market – 4-6pm. Ongoing Thursdays. Seasonal produce, eggs, meats, body products, coffee, crafts, baked goods, dog treats, boiled peanuts, plants, flowers, all from local farms. Front lot of Pruett’s Signal Mountain Market. Info: signalfarmersmarket@gmail.com.
Body Massage – Ongoing Thursdays. One fullhour body massage for $25. The Massage Institute of Cleveland, 2321 N. Ocoee St., Cleveland. Info: 423-559-0380.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27 Daily Zen Meditation Group – 6:30-8am. Ongoing Saturdays. Led by Rev. Travis Suiryu Eiseman. Donation-based; sitting cushions provided. Newcomers are encouraged to attend an evening session (Wed, Thus or Sun) for Zen meditation instruction. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd., Chattanooga. Info: 619-820-6832, TravisEiseman@ yahoo.com, MovementArtsCollective.com. TEDxChattanooga – 9am-4pm. A day of discussing ideas worth spreading that sound crazy but … aren’t. This is the spirit of TED and TEDx talks around the world. Roland W. Hayes Concert Hall, 752 Vine St., Chattanooga. Info: TedXChattanooga.com. Prenatal Yoga – Noon-1pm. Ongoing Saturdays. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd., Chattanooga. Info: 423-401-8115 or MovementArtsCollective.com.
Singer-guitarist Dana Cooper at Charles and Myrtle’s Coffee House – 8-10pm. Cooper’s mixture of flat picking, finger picking percussive strumming style is legend among other guitarists. An expressive singer his voice is ageless, evoking a rich lifetime of experience. Chattanooga’s only smoke-free, alcohol-free venue for original acoustic music. Kids welcome. 105 McBrien Rd., Chattanooga. Info: 423-892-4960 or ChristUnity.org.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Christ Unity Sunday Service – 11am. Speaker: Jesse Herriott. Jesse Herriott is a spirituality teacher and writer whose work explores the nature of the soul. 105 McBrien Rd., Chattanooga 37411. Info: 423-892-4960 or ChristUnity.org.
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29 Stretch & Breathe Gentle Yoga – 10-11am. Ongoing Mondays. Movement Arts Collective, 3813 Dayton Blvd., Chattanooga. Info: 423-401-8115 or MovementArtsCollective.com. Learn to be a Massage Therapist – Ongoing Mondays. 28-week class at East Tennessee’s oldest massage school. Massage Institute of Cleveland, 2321 N. Ocoee St., Cleveland. Info: 423-559-0380.
save the date SATURDAY, MARCH 5 Plant Natives 2016 Symposium – 8am-4:30pm. Sponsored by the Tennessee Valley Wild Ones and the UTC Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences. Speakers, native plant vendors, exhibits, student project displays. Advance registration $60 online. UTC University Center. Info: TenesseeValley.WildOnes.org.
FRIDAY, MARCH 11 Shinpiden (Reiki III / Reiki Master Training) – March 11-13, 10am-6pm each day. Margaret Dexter, PhD, Reiki Master/Teacher. Prerequisite: Reiki II. Reiki teacher training and meditations for continued spiritual growth in Usui Reiki Ryoho tradition. Learn to introduce others to Reiki. Cost: $950 ($500 deposit by 2/26). North Chattanooga. 423-266-6006 or MargaretDexter.com/reiki-workshops.
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natural awakenings February 2016
Pamper Your Skin With Natural The Awakenings Best Nature Has To Offer Advanced Healing Skin Cream
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Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream is a wonderful product. The skin cream goes on smooth and absorbs into the skin quickly - it is not “greasy”. I have been plagued with dry skin around my ears, belly button and scalp for over 20 years and this product
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The cold, damp winter days are upon us. Don’t let chapped or dry, flaky skin get in the way of your daily life. Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream, a soothing therapeutic balm made with exclusive Manuka Honey from New Zealand, is the ultimate skin moisturizer for everyone in your family. Order one for the office, too!
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Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream combines botanicals and a unique blend of essential oils for a deep moisturizing therapy. It soothes and relieves dry, itchy or cracked skin quickly while restoring moisture and provides ultra-hydration protection and soothing comfort to wounds, sores, cuts and burns. Manuka Honey also relieves the pain and itch of psoriasis and other skin conditions. Besides its potent antibacterial properties, honey is also naturally extremely acidic, and that will eliminate organisms that decides to grow there.
Our Skin Cream Contains:
Restore Your Skin to Natural Youthful Beauty You’ll love Natural Awakenings’ therapeutic cream’s clean, fresh botanical fragrance. Discover what our amazing skin cream can do: • Provides Ultra-Hydration of Skin • Enhances Anti-Aging and Skin Renewal • Soothes Dry, Itchy, Cracked Skin • Relieves Most Burns, Including Sunburn • Comforts Wounds and Sores MANUKA HONEY is produced by bees that pollinate New Zealand’s Manuka bush. Advocates cite its antibacterial properties.
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Manuka Honey is gathered in the wild back country of New Zealand from the native Manuka tree (Leptospermum scoparium). The bees don’t use the pollen from a variety of other flowers or plants, so the content of the honey is very consistent. A 2013 study in the European Journal of Medical Research used active Manuka Honey under dressings on postoperative wounds for an 85 percent success rate in clearing up infections, compared with 50 percent for normal antibiotic creams.
Connecting you to the leaders in natural healthcare and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in this directory each month, email ChattanoogaNA@epbfi.com or call 423-517-0128.
ANIMAL HEALTH CHATTANOOGA HOLISTIC ANIMAL INSTITUTE Colleen Smith DVM, CVA, CVCP Katie Smithson DVM, CVA 918 East Main Street Chattanooga, TN 37408 ChattanoogaHolisticVet.com
Holistic veterinary facility. Certified Veterinary Acupuncturists integrating conventional and alternative therapies for small animals. Offering Acupuncture, Stem Cell therapy, laser therapy, Prolotherapy, Reiki, Tui-Na, general medicine, surgery, Certified Veterinary Chiropractic, allergy testing, nutrition consultation and food therapy.
Chattanooga’s holistic house call vet 423-779-7467 MobileVetChattanooga.com We come to you! Wellness, acupuncture, nutrition, herbal therapies, geriatric care, labwork, therapeutic laser and more. Exotics welcome. Book your house call online or via phone, text or chat. Hablamos español.
Chattanooga Holistic Animal Institute 918 East Main St. Chattanooga, TN 37408 423-531-8899 Offering green grooming, including relaxing hydro-massage baths with all-natural EarthBath products. Certified grooming for all canine breeds, as well as cats.
WALLY’S FRIENDS SPAY NEUTER CLINIC 155 Unaka St. Red Bank, TN 37415 423-877-9966
For eight years, the clinic has provided low-cost, high-quality spay and neuter and wellness to drastically reduce unwanted litters of puppies and kittens. Affordable spay and neuter is absolutely necessary to end shelter euthanasia. . See ad, page 19.
900 Riverfront Pkwy. Chattanooga, TN 37402 KellySubaru.com Your hometown dealer since 1939. Located at the riverfront in downtown Chattanooga. See ad, page 11.
Eco-Friendly Home Improvement GREEN’S ECO BUILD & DESIGN 1510 Riverside Dr. Chattanooga, TN 37406 423-551-8867 Greens.Build
Chattanooga’s one-stop shop for eco-friendly home improvement products. We sell paint, lumber, cabinetry, countertops, flooring, cleaners and much more for all project types. Responsibly sourced, American-made products with no toxic fumes. Build healthy. Breathe easy.
Environmental Education GREEN|SPACES
Cindy Surrena, BSDH, Registered Dental Hygienist Licensed in TN, GA, IN, IA 7613 Shallowford Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37421 423-855-4212 ShallowfordSmiles.com Thirty-two years providing knowledgeable, gentle dental cleanings to patients. We provide comprehensive exams, low-radiation digital x-rays, dental cleanings, periodontal therapy for gum disease, dietary counseling. We consider patients’ total health using the latest therapies/equipment. See ad, page 3.
SHALLOWFORD DENTAL CARE Donna Booker, RDA 7613 Shallowford Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37421 423-855-4212 ShallowfordSmiles.com
I have 18 years’ experience as a dental assistant making patients comfortable; learning new dental products and equipment, such as the Wand anesthesia machine; and making sure patients have the excellent, ethical care they deserve. See ad, page 3.
63 E. Main St. 423-648-0963 greenspacesChattanooga.org green|spaces is a nonprofit promoting sustainable living, working and building in Chattanooga. Projects include net zero homes in North Chattanooga, green business certifications, monthly educational classes, networking opportunities with green drinks, and free community resources. See ad, page 17.
TENNESSEE RIVER GORGE TRUST 1214 Dartmouth St. Chattanooga, TN 37405 423-266-0314 TRGT.org
For more than 33 years, TRGT has worked to protect the Tennessee River Gorge as a healthy and productive resource for our community through land protection, education, community engagement and good land-stewardship practices. See ad, page 17.
Fitness YMCA OF METROPOLITAN CHATTANOOGA 301 West 6th St. Chattanooga, TN 37402 423-265-8834
Serving Chattanooga for 143 years. YMCA programs focus on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility—because a strong community can only be achieved when we invest in our kids, our health and our neighbors.
natural awakenings February 2016
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Health Foods and Nutrition EVERYTHING MUSHROOMS
1004 Sevier Ave. • Knoxville, TN 37920 865-329-7566 Info@EverythingMushrooms.com EverythingMushrooms.com Complete mushroom s u p p l y, g i f t s a n d r e s o u r c e c e n t e r. Gourmet mushroom foods, mushroom logs, books and much more. For workshops, check website or call for current schedule. See ad, page 13.
Ed Jones 6201 Lee Hwy. Chattanooga, TN 37421 423-892-4085 NutritionW.com Located at Lee Highway and Vance Road, Nutrition World offers Chattanooga’s most complete selection of vitamins, herbs, proteins, weight-loss and joint-support products, athletic supplements, alkaline products and other natural health products. See ad, pages 2 & 40.
THE FAMILY HERB SHOP Alison Campbell 6462 Hixson Pk. Ste. 101 Hixson, TN 37343 423-843-1760
Family owned and operated for the last 21 years, we provide a wide selection of vitamins, herbs, essential oils, weightloss products, Advocare and many other natural health products for the entire family. See ad, page 25.
5002 University Dr. Collegedale, TN 37315 423-236-2300 VillageMarketCollegedale.com Over 50 years providing natural foods, bulk items, herbs, vitamins and vegan products along with the area’s largest selection of vegetarian meats. Excellent produce, fresh-baked goods and 20,000+ grocery items create a complete shopping experience. See ad, page 12.
Robert J. Gallien, DDS 4620 Hwy. 58 Chattanooga, TN 37416 423-208-9783 SmileChattanooga.com
Carol Bieter, LMT, CKTP 243 Signal Mountain Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37405 423-605-4855 RestorativeBodyTherapies.com
Catering to patients’ personal needs with a whole-body approach. Dr. Gallien offers tests for sensitivities to commonly used dental materials and uses only biocompatible materials to restore beautiful, naturallooking teeth. Offering removal of mercury-silver fillings. See ad, page 39.
Integrative Medicine PERSONAL INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Charles C. Adams, MD 4085 Cloud Springs Rd. Ringgold, GA 30736 O: 706-861-7377 F: 706-861-7922 DrPrevent.com
Personal and integrative care for you and your family. Same/ next day unlimited appointments. Communicate with your doctor by cell, text or email. Deep discounts for integrative therapies. PRP, ozone, chelation, Meyer’s, HBOT, IASIS. See ad, page 9.
Intuitive Guidance MARGARET E. DEXTER, PhD Akashic Record Practitioner, Reiki Master/Teacher 1175 Pineville Rd., #124 Chattanooga, TN 37405 423-266-6006 MargaretDexter.com
I help lightworkers remember. I offer Akashic Record soul readings, teleconferences, Reiki workshops and private sessions to support you as you awaken to the truth of who you are. See calendar or website for details.
Carol Bieter is a certified Kinesio Taping practitioner, having completed all three levels of training and passed the CKTP exam. Currently one of the only certified Kinesio Taping practitioners in the Knoxville and Chattanooga areas. See ad, page 27.
Massage school MASSAGE INSTITUTE OF CLEVELAND 4009 Keith St. Ste. 207 Cleveland, TN 37311 423-559-0380
Massage Institute of Cleveland, East Tennessee’s oldest continuously operating massage school. 28-week-long day or evening program. $3,400 tuition includes books. No-interest payment plans. VA-approved. Discount massage clinic open to public.
Massage Therapy FOCUS 4 MASSAGE
423 855-4888 Focus4Massage.com On Facebook @ Focus 4 Massage Since 1993, our focus has been helping others with chronic muscular pain in a clinical setting. Several great therapists have joined our team, and we’re growing like crazy. Incredible therapists ~ Great value ~ Let us focus on you. See ad, page 9.
RESTORATIVE BODY THERAPIES Carol Bieter, LMT, CNMT 243 Signal Mountain Rd. Ste. E Chattanooga, TN 37405 423-605-4855 RestorativeBodyTherapies.com
Licensed massage therapist and certified neuromuscular therapist offers a wide range of relaxation and treatment massage techniques including neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release and Reiki. Certified and extensively trained in sports massage. See ad, page 27.
natural awakenings February 2016
Marie Farrar, DDS MS 204 W. Main St. Chattanooga, TN 37408 423-531-4533 info@smilestudio204.com SmileStudio204.com
Kenda Komula 207 Woodland Ave. Chattanooga, TN 37402 423-400-9175 Experienced; certified in Original Ingham Method. Works on the hands and feet. Reflexology increases nerve and blood supply and circulation to the whole body, balancing and helping it normalize. Calming sessions designed for individual needs.
LEED silver-certified and EcoDentistry gold-certified orthodontist. Dr. Marie Farrar brings a woman’s eye and a mother’s touch to minimize the costs of orthodontic treatment in terms of time, money, discomfort and overall life energy while maximizing outcomes in terms of esthetics, function and stability. See ad, page 5.
Primary Care PERSONAL INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Charles C. Adams, MD 4085 Cloud Springs Rd. Ringgold, GA 30736 O: 706-861-7377 F: 706-861-7922 DrPrevent.com
Angela Oliver 1309 Panorama Dr. Chattanooga, TN 37421 423-553-6773 BananaTreeSalon.com Facebook.com/BananaTreeSalon
Healthy, vibrant hair color without the chemicals! Only at Banana Tree Organic Salon. Enjoy relaxation time in the massage chair during your visit and complimentary drinks.
Personal and integrative care for you and your family. Same/ next day unlimited appointments. Communicate with your doctor by cell, text or email. Deep discounts for integrative therapies. PRP, ozone, chelation, Meyer’s, HBOT, IASIS. See ad, page 9.
1405 Cowart St. Chattanooga, TN 37402 423-903-4138 LucidityChattanooga.com Facebook.com/luciditychattanooga Twitter.com/luciditychatt
Improve your health on the psychological and physiological levels at Lucidity. Experience deep relaxation through floating in state-of-the-art sensory deprivation tanks. Achieve deep cellular healing and prevent illness through hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Reach new levels of health, happiness and satisfaction. See ad, page 23.
Stacey L. Nolan, MEd, Bellydance Director Tara Philips, MSW, Med, Yoga Director 3813 Dayton Blvd. Red Bank, TN 37415 423-401-8115 MovementArtsCollective.com Movement Arts Collective, a studio for dance and yoga, offers classes and workshops in movement, dance and other wellness arts. Also the home of Body Positive Chattanooga, a grassroots organization that promotes body acceptance and self-love through education and activism. Visit MovementArtsCollective.com for more information.
advertisersindex Company
Christ Unity..............................................................................29
Personal Integrative Medicine............................................... 9
Everything Mushrooms.......................................................... 13
Restorative Body Therapies................................................. 27
Family Herb Shop....................................................................25
Shallowford Dental................................................................... 3
Focus 4 Massage....................................................................... 9
Smile Studio............................................................................... 5
Four Bridges Massage & Bodywork..................................... 21
Smiles of Chattanooga..........................................................39
Green Spaces............................................................................ 17
Tennessee River Gorge Trust................................................ 17
Humane Educational Society...............................................24
TradeBank of Chattanooga..................................................... 9
Kelly Subaru............................................................................... 11
Village Market........................................................................... 12
Lucidity Float Center of Chattanooga............................... 23
Vintage Wine and Spirits........................................................15
Memorable Events................................................................... 21
Wally’s Friends..........................................................................19
Nutrition World................................................................ 2 & 40
Window World............................................................................ 7
Natural Holistic Dentistry Experience the Difference Have Questions? Redeem for a
Robert J. Gallien, DDS, FAGD
FREE Consultation or a Second Opinion New Patient Special
4618 Hwy 58 • Chattanooga, TN 37416
Digital Images & Consultation $352 value. Coupon must be present for redemption.
• Full service dental care • No mercury fillings; safe and effective amalgam removal • Chemical free dental products • State of the art imaging technology to limit radiation exposure
Over a decade of experience
423-208-9783 • SmileChattanooga.com
Trim from within! Available now at Nutrition World! 6201 Lee Hwy., Chattanooga NutritionW.com 423.892.4085