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Natural Living Directory 2016
Dance for Body, Mind and Spirit
Doctor’s Orders
GMO Labeling Endorsed by Physicians
It’s Easy to Be Green At Home and On the Road
January 2016 | Chattanooga | NaturallyChattanooga.com
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Kevin Livingood
We can protect this.
Indigo Bunting
What is the Tennessee River Gorge? The Gorge consists of
Kentucky Warbler
27,000 acres of land carved through the Cumberland Mountains by 27 miles of the Tennessee River. It begins approximately five miles downstream from downtown Chattanooga at Williams Island and ends at Hales Bar Dam Marina in Marion County. The Gorge is the only large river canyon bordering a mid-sized city. More than 17,000 acres of the Gorge are protected by the Tennessee River Gorge Trust through fee simple ownership, conservation easements and MOUs with state and federal partners. This map shows lands protected by the Trust and its supporters.
Guided Winter Hikes
Saturdays: January 9 and March 12 Enjoy the wintry beauty of the Gorge with a hike led by Trust Executive Director, Rick Huffines. Hikes are scheduled at 10 a.m. with different departure locations.
Lunch and Learn
Please join us for FREE lunch while you learn how to get involved with the Trust and the best ways to explore the Tennessee River Gorge.
Save the Date: May 12!
Don’t miss the best party in town! ‘Another Gorgeous Evening’ is a night to celebrate the conservation of the Gorge at the Tennessee RiverPlace. Sponsorships, tables and individual tickets are available. Contact Sarah Quattrochi at sarahq@trgt.org.
Tennessee River Rescue Saturday, October 1: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Volunteer with the Trust and help clean up the Tennessee River. Do great work and meet your neighbors!
Learn more at: www.trgt.org/events Birds banded at the Trust’s Bird Observatory – learn more about our research at www.trgt.org/birds.
Explore Volunteer Donate www.trgt.org
COnneCTICuT WarBler
Our mission is to preserve the Tennessee River Gorge as a healthy and productive resource through land protection, education, community engagement, and good land stewardship practices.
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e’re in our tenth year of publishing Natural Awakenings in Chattanooga, and our relative longevity in the mercurial world of magazines has allowed us to make a couple of interesting observations. First (and with apologies to Mark Twain), reports of the death of print media have been greatly exaggerated. We are constantly encouraged and delighted by reader and advertiser response to Natural Awakenings. Since we’ve begun publishing, we’ve increased our page count and gone to full color to accommodate the advertisers who believe we have a worthwhile message that people in Chattanooga want to hear. We attribute our success to those advertisers, who are as passionate as we are about the health of people and the planet. We also owe a lot to our parent company, Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation, which had the vision to turn one small, forward-thinking magazine in Naples, Florida, into a growing family of print publications in 90 American markets, with a coast-to-coast readership of some 3 million. (Of course we’re online, too: you can read this and every issue of Chattanooga Natural Awakenings at NaturallyChattanooga.com.) Second, the natural approach to life and health is here to stay. Just since we launched Natural Awakenings in Chattanooga in 2006, we’ve seen exponential growth in businesses born from the philosophy that we can and should become proactive, responsible stewards of our bodies and our earth. And the ways in which we can accomplish that goal are myriad—you’re holding the proof right in your hands, with our seventh annual Healthy Living Directory (pages 24-36). When we published our first directory in 2010, we based it on a template used by Natural Awakenings magazines across the country, including their categories for green and sustainable products; holistic and integrative health care; yoga and other mind-body practices; massage therapy and other types of bodywork … you get the idea; it was a very comprehensive list. And it worked great for one year. Since then, however, we’ve steadily added our own categories—like gluten-free foods, animal health, environmental education, eco-friendly home improvement and holistic dentistry—to reflect Chattanooga’s unique and burgeoning green- and healthy-living economy. Browse through the directory and you’ll probably be surprised to see just how many paths there are to a more natural, less stressful—and therefore healthier—lifestyle. This is one issue of Natural Awakenings that we’d encourage you not to recycle—at least, not yet. Keep it handy until this time next year, so you’ll have at your fingertips information for products and services that will help you be the best you can be, all year round. We wish all our readers and advertisers a happy New Year and a peaceful, fulfilling 2016.
Natural Awakenings is printed on recycled newsprint with soybased ink.
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Natural Awakenings is your guide to a healthier, more balanced life. In each issue readers find cutting-edge information on natural health, nutrition, fitness, personal growth, green living, creative expression and the products and services that support a healthy lifestyle.
How to Advertise To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 423-517-0128 or email chattanoogana@epbfi.com. Deadline for space reservation is the 5th of the month prior to publication.
12 healthbriefs
15 globalbriefs
At Home and On the Road
by Avery Mack
Creative Movement Connects Body, Mind and Spirit
News Briefs & article submissions Email articles, news items and ideas to: chattanoogana@epbfi.com. Deadline for editorial: the 5th of the month prior to publication. calendar submissions Email calendar events to: chattanoogana@epbfi.com. Calendar deadline: the 5th of the month prior to publication. regional markets Advertise your products or services in multiple markets! Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp. is a growing franchised family of locally owned magazines serving communities since 1994. To place your ad in other markets call 1-239-449-8309. For franchising opportunities call 1-239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakeningsMag.com.
by Gail Condrick
24 Healthy Living
Directory 2016
. 1979
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Feel Young, Live Long
esearch published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has found people that feel younger than their years have a lower incidence of earlier mortality. Conducted by scientists from the UK’s University College London, the research analyzed data from 6,489 people and measured their self-perceived age with the question, “How old do you feel you are?” Then, over more than eight years, the scientists tracked the number of deaths from all causes. Almost 70 percent of those that averaged a little over 65 reported feeling at least three years younger than their chronological age. Only a quarter said they felt close to their age and about 5 percent said they felt more than a year older. The research found that deaths among those that felt younger were 14 percent, while more than 18 percent of those who felt their own age and more than 24 percent of people that felt older died during the follow-up period. The research further found that individuals that felt at least three years younger were less likely to die later from heart disease or cancer. These relationships prevailed even when other health and lifestyle factors were eliminated. Co-author Andrew Steptoe, Ph.D., says, “We expected to find an association between self-perceived age and mortality. We didn’t expect that the relationship would still be present even when wealth, other socio-demographic indicators, health, depression, mobility and other factors were taken into account.”
Vitamin E and D Supplements Hinder Alzheimer’s and Falls Among Elderly
wo common vitamins are making headlines in medical research. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that supplementation with vitamin E may reduce the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. The five-year study followed 561 Alzheimer’s patients and included a placebo and the pharmaceutical drug memantine. Those that took vitamin E had a reduced progression of the disease compared to both a placebo group and the memantine group. Also, researchers from the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center found that vitamin D supplementation reduced the risk of falling for elderly folks. The study had a vitamin D supplement or a placebo delivered through a Meals-on-Wheels program to 68 people. The subjects were given blood tests and their history of falls was measured. Diaries revealed that the individuals taking vitamin D supplements fell less than half the number of times than the placebo group.
Leave Them at the Door: Shoe Soles Harbor Risky Bacteria
esearch from the University of Houston has determined that a species of bacteria that has become resistant to many antibiotics might be tracking into homes on the soles of shoes. More than a third of randomly tested homes were contaminated with Clostridium difficile bacteria, and 40 percent of doorsteps were also infected with the bacteria. Depending upon the strain, C. difficile can cause intestinal infections, inflammation and severe diarrhea. Study author M. Jahangir Alam, Ph.D., comments, “Shoes are contaminated from diverse sources, and we are regularly contaminating our doorsteps by shoes.” The researchers tested three to five household items within 30 houses in Houston, Texas. They collected 127 environmental samples— from 63 shoe bottoms, 15 bathroom surface samples, 12 house floor dusts and 37 other household surfaces They found that 41 of them harbored C. difficile and nearly 40 percent of the shoes were positive for the bacteria. They also found that a third of the bathroom surfaces harbored the bacteria, a third of house dust and 19 percent of other surfaces maintained the bacteria. The cause of many intestinal disorders, this bacteria species has become increasingly resistant to antibiotics and many household cleaning products.
NA_October 2015:Layout 1
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esearchers from Brigham Young University and Cornell University have determined that simply moving recess to precede lunch significantly increases students’ consumption of fruits and vegetables at lunch. The researchers tested first- through sixth-graders from seven schools in Utah for 14 school days. In three schools, recess was switched from after to just before lunch. In the other four schools, recess still followed lunch. Published in the journal Preventative Medicine, research found that when recess was just prior to lunch, students ate 54 percent more fruits and vegetables. Moving recess also resulted in 45 percent more kids eating at least one serving of fruits and vegetables during school-provided lunches. The researchers concluded that results show the benefits of holding recess before lunch and suggest that if more schools did this, there would be significant increases in fruit and vegetable consumption, particularly among students that eat school lunch as part of the National School Lunch Program.
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January 2016
Autism Spurs Creative Thinking
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When deeds speak, words are nothing. ~Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
he UK’s University of East Anglia and the University of Stirling conducted a study of individuals with autistic traits among 312 people recruited through social media, including 75 diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder. Each of the subjects completed a series of creativity tests in which they determined uses of mundane objects. Published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, the study found that while the autistic people chose fewer uses for each object, their choices were significantly more original and creative. The subjects developed a greater range of “divergent thinking”. Martin Doherty, Ph.D., co-author of the study, confirms, “People with high autistic traits can have less quantity, but greater quality of creative ideas. They are typically considered to be more rigid in their thinking, so the fact that the ideas they have are more unusual or rare is surprising. This difference may have positive implications for creative problem solving.” The researchers found that while the average person will utilize simple mental strategies to produce more obvious answers first, autistic people tend to first utilize more demanding strategies during their processing, thus producing the more creative result.
Sunlight Reduces Risk of Pancreatic Cancer
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esearchers from the University of California (UC) School of Medicine at San Diego have determined that regions with greater exposure to ultraviolet (UV)-B radiation from the sun and reduced cloud cover have significantly lower incidence of pancreatic cancer. In an analysis of global rates of the disease, the research, published in the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, demonstrated that areas with more sunshine had only one-sixth of the pancreatic cancer rates of areas with less sunshine. The farther from the equator, the less is the exposure to UV-B radiation, leading to less body production of vitamin D. Study author Cedric F. Garland, doctor of public health, a UC professor and member of the UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center, says, “If you’re living at a high latitude or in a place with a lot of heavy cloud cover, you can’t make vitamin D most of the year, which results in a higher-than-normal risk of getting pancreatic cancer.” According to World Cancer Research Fund International, 338,000 new cases of pancreatic cancer are diagnosed annually, and it is the seventh most lethal form of cancer.
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All great achievements require time. ~Maya Angelou NaturallyChattanooga.com
Doctor’s Orders
News and resources to inspire concerned citizens to work together in building a healthier, stronger society that benefits all.
Drive-Thru Vegan
Amy’s Opens Organic Fast Food Restaurant California now hosts the nation’s first Amy’s Organic Drive-Thru restaurant, in Rohnert Park, with a vegetarian menu sporting veggie burgers, salads and dishes served in both regular and vegan varieties. Ingredients are sustainably grown and GMO-free (no genetically modified ingredients). The company’s signature frozen pizzas have been popular for years in health food and grocery stores nationwide, and now Amy’s first restaurant is serving them hot, with toppings ranging from spinach and diced tomatoes to a choice of mozzarella cheese or vegan “cheeze”. While some other fast food restaurants import almost all of their products from factory farming operations and give nothing back to the community, Amy’s Drive-Thru grows produce sustainably on its own roof. Amy’s Kitchen, a familyowned, privately held organic frozen food company, reportedly pays workers a living wage with health benefits. On the inaugural restaurant’s popularity, Manager Paul Schiefer remarks, “It’s given us a lot of hope that this is a concept that works.”
Sci-Fi Solution
Beaming Solar Power to Earth from Space A great deal of solar power falls on our planet, but a lot more misses us and goes off into space. Scientists at JAXA, Japan’s space administration, have made a major breakthrough in accurate wireless power transmission on Earth that bodes well for solar space technology. The team beamed 1.8 kilowatts of power, enough to power an electric tea kettle, more than 50 meters to a small receiver without any wires whatsoever. The researchers were able to accomplish this task by first converting the electrical energy to microwaves, and then beaming them to a remote receiver before converting them back into electrons. The program’s goal is to harness a constant supply of solar energy directly from space using orbital solar farms, and then beam that energy for use on Earth. Solar power generation in space has many advantages over current technology, including the constant availability of energy regardless of the weather or time of day. Source: Global.jaxa.jp
GMO Labeling Endorsed by Physicians Even as the federal government pursues H.R. 1599, aka the “Deny Americans the Right to Know” (DARK) act, mainstream medicine is urging the government to abandon its resistance to GMO (genetically modified organism) labeling. They are bolstered by a recent announcement by the World Health Organization that glyphosate (the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer) is probably carcinogenic in humans. The genetic engineering ends up making crops resistant to the herbicide so more must be applied. According to contributing doctors from Harvard, Mt. Sinai Medical Center and the University of Wisconsin reporting in the New England Journal of Medicine, “GM crops are now the agricultural products most heavily treated with herbicides, and two of these herbicides may pose risks of cancer.” A recent notice in the same journal, “GMOs, Herbicides and Public Health,” reports: “The application of biotechnology to agriculture has been rapid and aggressive. The vast majority of the soy and [feed] corn grown in the United States are now genetically engineered. Foods produced from GM crops have become ubiquitous.” Sixty-four countries, including Russia and China, have already adopted transparency in labeling laws, but U.S. Big Food and Big Ag lobbyists have stonewalled efforts domestically. For more information and petitions, visit OrganicConsumers.org.
natural awakenings
January 2016
globalbriefs Sentient Beings
New Zealand Enacts Bill Recognizing Animal Intelligence The New Zealand Animal Welfare Amendment Bill that passed into law this year states that animals, like humans, are sentient beings. Dr. Virginia Williams, chair of the National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee, says this acknowledges, “Animals can experience both positive and negative emotions, including pain and distress.” The bill thus bans the use of animals for testing cosmetics. Williams says the legal recognition of animal sentience provides a stronger underpinning of the requirements of the existing Animal Welfare Act. The bill also provides for penalties to enable low-to-medium-level offenders to be punished more effectively and gives animal welfare inspectors the power to issue compliance notices, among other measures.
Find a link to the legislation at Tinyurl. com/NewZealandSentienceBill.
Sci-Fi Solution
Beaming Solar Power to Earth from Space A great deal of solar power falls on our planet, but a lot more misses us and goes off into space. Scientists at JAXA, Japan’s space administration, have made a major breakthrough in accurate wireless power transmission on Earth that bodes well for solar space technology. The team beamed 1.8 kilowatts of power, enough to power an electric tea kettle, more than 50 meters to a small receiver without any wires whatsoever. The researchers were able to accomplish this task by first converting the electrical energy to microwaves, and then beaming them to a remote receiver before converting them back into electrons. The program’s goal is to harness a constant supply of solar energy directly from space using orbital solar farms, and then beam that energy for use on Earth. Solar power generation in space has many advantages over current technology, including the constant availability of energy regardless of the weather or time of day. Source: Global.jaxa.jp
Puppy Cuddles
Students De-Stress by Petting Dogs At least three universities in England have offered puppy rooms to stressed students. More than 600 students signed up last year in Bristol alone. Gordon Trevett, from the University’s Centre for Sport, Exercise and Health, says, “Every year I see students fretting about their exams, and I thought this would be a great way to ease the stress and take their minds off it. People with dogs have lower blood pressure in stressful situations than those without a dog, and we know that playing with a dog can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, which calm and relax.” Jo Woods, from the Bristol Students Union, says, “It’s important to do fun and different things to de-stress during exams, and cuddling a puppy is a perfect way to release some endorphins.” Source: BBC
Unique Character
Sesame Street Addresses Autism
NA Fun Fact: Natural Awakenings is published in 95 U.S. markets and Puerto Rico. To advertise with us, call 423-517-0128.
After working with organizations such as Autism Speaks and the Autism Self Advocacy Network, Sesame Street has been aiming to help reduce the stigma associated with autism spectrum disorder. A new autistic character, Julia, already has her own digital storybook, We’re Amazing, 1,2,3 as part of the campaign See Amazing in All Children. According to Dr. Jeanette Betancourt, senior vice president of U.S. social impact at Sesame Workshop, Sesame Street producers are waiting to hear back from the autism community before introducing Julia to the TV show. For more information, visit Autism.SesameStreet.org/storybook-we-are-amazing and Tinyurl.com/MeetJuliaVideo.
Eastern Practices Penetrate U.S. Corporate Culture Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini has introduced free yoga and meditation classes for employees of the health insurance giant, and more than 13,000 are participating. On average, they experienced a 28 percent reduction in their stress levels, 20 percent improvement in sleep quality, 19 percent reduction in pain and 62 minutes per week of extra productivity. “We have this groundswell inside the company of people wanting to take the classes,” says Bertolini. “It’s been pretty magical.” He sells the same classes to businesses that contract with Aetna. Google now offers emotional intelligence courses for employees and General Mills has a meditation room in every building on its Minneapolis corporate campus. Even conservative Wall Street firms such as Goldman Sachs are teaching meditation on the job. Some programs, from yoga sessions for factory workers to guided meditations for executives, are intended to improve overall well-being; others to increase focus and productivity. Most aim to make employees more present-minded, less prone to make rash decisions and generally nicer people to work with. More than 21 million individuals now practice yoga nationwide, double the number from a decade ago, and nearly as many meditate, according to the National Institutes of Health. Source: MindfulYogaHealth.com
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January 2016
10 to 15 times longer. A 20-watt compact fluorescent light (CFL) uses 550 fewer kilowatt-hours than a 75-watt incandescent bulb. For additional information, check Tinyurl.com/Energy InfoLightBulbs. For a free app showing the best buy, visit LightBulbFinder.net.
It’s Easy to Be Green At Home and On the Road by Avery Mack
iving green means living well, using what you create with minimal waste,” says Mike Bond, an ecologist and bestselling activist author in Winthrop, Maine. Here, he and other savvy sources share tips to go ever greener in ways that are painless and affordable.
Start Small 4 Choose the best bulb for the job. Light bulbs can confuse even informed shoppers. Incandescent bulbs last more than 750 hours, but aren’t energy-efficient. Fluorescent bulbs use 75 percent less energy than incandescent and last
4 Use appliance thermometers. Widely available, this useful tool will confirm a correct operating temperature of 37 to 40 degrees in the refrigerator and zero degrees in the freezer. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, a warmer fridge allows bacteria to grow, while 10 degrees cooler than the ideal range increases energy use 25 percent. Chiller units work harder if the room temperature exceeds 70 degrees, so keep appliances out of direct sunlight and away from the stove. 4 Find the right seeds and plants. Then get quick advice on how many to buy and how and when to plant using the SmartGardener.com step-by-step app. It encompasses more than 3,000 organic, GMO-free, edible varieties. 4 No dishpan hands. A full load of dishes in a water-efficient dishwasher uses four gallons of water versus 24 gallons for handwashing them, according to Seametrics, which manufactures flow meters. 4 Test the toilet. If a few drops of food coloring added to the toilet tank colors water in the bowl, replace the flap. It’s an easy and inexpensive DIY task. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
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reports that one in 10 homes leaks a cumulative 90 gallons a day. 4 Fix the faucet. One drip per second equals 3,000 gallons a year wasted, Seametrics calculates. 4 Reset the hot water heater to 120 degrees. This safe and efficient setting also reduces corrosion and mineral buildup. 4 Discover soap nuts and wool dryer balls. Dried soapberry fruit shells contain saponin, which works like most detergents and soaps. Toss five or six whole shells (one-half ounce) in a wash bag with the laundry. They’re good for five to eight reuses. All-natural sheep’s wool dryer balls shorten drying time, soften and fluff fabric, reduce static and help keep pet hair off of clothes. 4 Change the car’s air filter. Maintain a clean filter according to manufacturer’s guidelines and visual inspection, about every 30,000 to 45,000 miles.
and trash as a major groundwater pollutant. Earth Talk reports that one quart can create a two-acre oil slick; a gallon can contaminate a million gallons of fresh water. While the more costly chemicals in synthetic oil create the same amount of pollution as traditional oil, it doesn’t need to be changed as often.
Go-Green Apps Here are three apps we suggest among the many available.
4 Carpool. The Green Living Ideas media network condones Uber, Lyft and Sidecar apps for making ridesharing ultra-accessible.
Go Greener
n Recycle offers a free national database of 100,000 recycling and disposal locations for 200 products. Specify the item and find local options with contact information. Earth911.com/ eco-tech/irecycle-now-on-android
4 Replace old appliances with energyefficient models. Check out a unit’s Energy Star rating. Consider a tankless heater for hot water on demand, rather than 24/7 heating.
4 Choose eco-tires. Low rolling resistance improves gas mileage and reduces emissions. Keep tires properly inflated and periodically rotated for 4 Use an oil-change service. In Connect- longer wear. Watch for future innovaicut alone, do-it-yourselfers change 9.5 in sustainable materials currently tateand , remotions l, moileda iyear, million gallons ofemotor a in research ve the band oudevelopment. 85 percent of itHends up in sewers, soil nda en
ries betwe
n Green You is a free app. It calculates our eco-friendliness and suggests steps toward a deeper shade of green. ItAnyPlace.com/support/ greenyou
n eEcosphere helps users discover, adopt and share the best sustainable living ideas and makes it easy to share specific actions and ideas with friends via social media.eEcosphere.com
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4 Ban idling. Don’t idle an electronic fuel-injected engine for more than 30 seconds when parked in cold weather; it warms up faster by being driven, explains the U.S. Department of Energy. Fuel injection engines took over in the 1980s and early 90s. Only older carburetors need a couple of minutes’ warm-up. The Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory further advises, “Idling for more than 10 seconds uses more fuel and emits more CO2 than engine restarting.” 4 Ask for pet- and eco-friendly antifreeze. Choose less toxic red-orange propylene glycol antifreeze instead of green ethylene glycol antifreeze, which is poisonous to pets and people. Dispose of both types properly, as they are toxic to wildlife and fish via groundwater, as well. 4 Green-clean car windows. Choose a brand like EvergreeN Windshield Washer Fluid, which is plant-derived, eco-friendly, non-toxic and biodegradable. Traditional blue fluid is methanol, combined methyl alcohol and wood alcohol, and extremely poisonous, especially to children and pets.
Go Big 4 Switch to a heat pump. “A heat pump works the reverse of a refrigerator; it takes cold air from the outside and turns it into warm air inside, and uses no oil or gas,” explains Bond. 4 Go solar. It’s the eco-alternative to conventional electricity generation. “Solar means that you’re creating your own power,” says Bond, who has used solar for years. “It works on an elegant cycle—create energy, use energy.” Leased solar panels reduce the cost of equipment, which has dropped dramatically in recent years. 4 Get a hybrid car. In combination with solar power, a hybrid vehicle can reduce or eliminate daily energy costs. “An electric car is perfect when commutes are not long,” Bond discloses. “If charged in the day, it can serve as the battery for a solar home at night, when no power is being created.” Connect with freelance writer via AveryMack@mindspring.com.
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Are You Passionate about Natural Health & Wellness? Natural Awakenings is expanding and looking for a part-time Salesperson. 3 Choose your own flexible hours. 3 Base salary plus commission. 3 Must have sales experience.
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To schedule an interview, contact us at 423-517-0128 or chattanoogana@epbfi.com natural awakenings
January 2016
Restorative Body Therapies
Carol Bieter LMT, CNMT, CKTP
Seeking to Honor, Respect, Nurture, and Restore the Body
Specializing in Sports Massage, NeuroMuscular Therapy, and Kinesio Taping Hours by Appointment
(423) 605 4855
www.restorativebodytherapies.com 243 Signal Mountain Rd., Suite E Chattanooga, TN 37405 Located across from the entrance to Baylor School in Signal Office Plaza
HEALTH Conscious? With their qualification and experience our advertisers are ready to support you in leading a healthy, happy, active and eco-consious lifestyle.
Creative Movement Connects Body, Mind and Spirit by Gail Condrick
A growing tribe of movers and shakers are discovering and unleashing their power in conscious dance, a combination of moving meditation, soul-stirring music, self-expression and sweat.
Contact our advertisers today! And let them know that you saw them in Natural Awakenings. 22
The Power of Conscious Dance
ost are familiar with the performance or competitive dance world of learned steps. Conscious dance is a non-competitive, body-based way of raising consciousness. There’s no wrong way to move and your shape and measurements don’t matter,” says Mark Metz, of Berkley, California, founder and executive director of the Dance First Association (DFA) and publisher of the Conscious Dancer Magazine and UpShift Guide. The group identifies more than 100 forms of conscious dance, ranging from ecstatic dance to somatic movement therapy. Commonalities include body awareness, barefoot movement, inspiring global music and minimal structure facilitated by leaders. With 1,000 DFA studio locations, many are finding the power of conscious dance suits their search for movement with purpose beyond improved fitness as it’s practiced in drug- and alcohol-free club-style events and ecstatic dance experiences, as well as dance fitness programs. “It’s about honoring body intelligence and paying attention to the body and mind-body connection,” says Metz.
“The modalities mentioned most often are 5Rhythms, Soul Motion, Open Floor, JourneyDance, and the Nia Technique,” says Metz. A brief look at three of them shows how each has its own style.
In St. Petersburg, Florida, 22 women have gathered to seek the bliss promised by 5Rhythms, one of the original conscious dance forms, founded by the late Gabrielle Roth. “Find your flow. Feel your connection to the Earth through your feet and release your head,” guides facilitator Amber Ryan, of New York City, who travels the world for dance sessions. “Use your body as a gateway into the now.” For two hours, dancers move freely and individually, swaying, sensing and interacting in an experience called “the wave”, intended to move energy through the body, release emotions and heal the psyche. It’s based on Roth’s premise that, “Each of us is a moving center, a space of divine mystery. Though we spend most of our time on the surface in daily ordinary existence, most of us hunger to connect to this space within, to break through to bliss, to be swept into something bigger.”
Toni Bergins, from the Massachusetts Berkshires, is a frequent presenter at the Kripalu Center and Omega Institute for Holistic Studies. After years of studying and teaching movement, drama, creative visualization and gestalt techniques, she combined them in creating JourneyDance. More than 400 trained facilitators now offer it in 60- or 90-minute classes worldwide based on the philosophy, “Move into a new story!” Every class includes visualization, creative movement, affirmations and evocative music, all working together to release emotions and connect with spirit. “You learn to love your body, expand your emotional intelligence, clear your mind and connect with your inner source,” explains Bergins. “You express yourself, infuse life with creativity and connect with a dancing community.” Participants engage in a ritual journey of physical transformation, cleansing the body through breath, sweat and expression. In this safe space, “Dancers discover their power and personal
heart medicine, their true essence,” says Bergins.
Nia Technique
For those that prefer more structure, the Nia Technique is the original barefoot mind-body-spirit fitness practice, activating sensation and awareness in a workout adaptable for everybody. More than 2,600 instructors in 51 countries offer 60-minute classes where enthusiasts move the way the body is built to move, reaping cardiovascular fitness and therapeutic benefits while having joyful fun. Dancers, guided by instructor’s moves, feel the rhythm of the music and ground themselves in spirit, equipping themselves to take the self-healing experience into everyday life. “Nia has always blended form and freedom,” says Debbie Rosas, of Portland, Oregon, co-founder and creator of the technique. “We are now introducing new FreeDance classes to bring what we have learned through Nia to embody consciousness in new ways, conditioning the whole body and nervous system. It’s an invitation to move in free, unbound, unstructured ways to offset the tendency we have to move less as we age.” Dancers move to music designed to animate each chakra through an eight-stage process via a Nia DJ. They’re guided to listen to body feedback through sensation, release emotions and relish being in the present moment. “Regardless of how you act, dress or think, the way you feel inside reveals the most accurate truth of oneself and this is reflected in dance,” says Rosas. “Moving without interference allows your unconscious creative self to shine. You can connect to the sacred artist within; the one that holds a palette with endless colors, shapes and possibilities.” She sees life as ultimately a free-style dance into the self that supports a philosophy of “Love your body, love your life”. “Dance is in everyone’s family tree, a universal message,” says Metz. “In conscious dance, you disconnect from gadgets and reconnect with yourself and others around you. People need that.” Gail Condrick is a Nia faculty member, retreat leader and archetypal soul coach in Sarasota, FL. Connect at GaelaVisions.com.
Red Bank, TN
Yoga, Adults and Children Bellydance, Modern Dance Wellness Workshops Beginners Welcome! 423-401-8115 www.movementartscollective.com
Whatever you are, be a good one. ~Abraham Lincoln
Vintage Wine & Spirits 800 Mountain Creek Rd. 423-877-9474
Wine with body, heart and spirit. Feel good about the wine you drink. Natural source of antioxidants & resveratrol. Organic wines available.
natural awakenings
January 2016
Healthy Living Index Acupuncture......................................26 Animal Health....................................26 Automotive.........................................26 Bodywork............................................26 Dentistry.............................................27 Eco Friendly Home Improvement......................................27 Eco Friendly Pest & Wildlife Control..................................27 Education............................................27 Emotional Freedom Technique...........................................28 Environmental Education................28
Healthy Living Directory 2016
Essential Oils......................................28 Farmer’s Market................................28 Fitness.................................................28 Gluten-Free Foods.............................28 Grass-Fed Beef...................................28 Health Foods and Nutrition........... 30 Holistic Dentistry............................. 30 Holistic Health Care......................... 30 Homeopathy...................................... 30 Insurance........................................... 30 Integrative Medicine.........................33 Intuitive Guidance.............................33 Kinesio Taping...................................33 Massage School.................................33 Massage Therapy..............................33 Mindfulness........................................33 Natural Products . ............................34 Nutritional Counseling.....................34 Orthodontics......................................34 Primary Care......................................34 Recycle/Reuse...................................34 Reflexology.........................................35
Throughout the year Natural Awakenings strives to bring you the latest information and resources available for natural health, nutrition, personal growth, green living, fitness, parenting, pet care and creative expression. We are pleased to offer this special edition of our extensive Chattanooga Healthy Living Directory to support you in leading a healthy, balanced lifestyle. 24
Restaurants........................................35 Salons..................................................35 Skincare..............................................36 Supplements......................................36 Vegetarianism....................................36 Wellness Centers...............................36 Yoga.....................................................36
TOGETHER, WE Can CREaTE a BETTER US. GETTInG BETTER EVERY DaY People need certain things to thrive. We need to eat well, stay safe, be active, spend time together, learn and grow. Sadly, in an increasingly technological and polarized world, it’s not always easy to get what we need. Playing outside has become a rarity. Face time happens through a phone. And instead of seeing the income gap shrink, it seems all we do is watch it grow. But where society falls short, the Y steps in. Because, after 160 years of serving communities, the Y knows what we need to be our best selves. So, it gives us a place to play, to learn, to be healthy, to eat well and give back. It gives parents child care, young adults job training and children a safe place to go. Everything the Y does is in service of making us better. For a better you. For a better community. For a better country. For a better us.
Youth Development All kids deserve the opportunity to discover who they are and what they can achieve, under the guidance of caring adults who believe in their potential. We see every interaction with young people as an opportunity for learning and development - all grounded in the Y’s core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility.
Healthy Living We help people and families build and maintain healthy habits for spirit, mind and body in their everyday lives. By helping kids, adults, families and seniors from all walks of life improve their health and well-being, we build a stronger community.
Social Responsibility With our doors open to all, we bring together people from all backgrounds, and support those who need us most. We take on the most urgent needs in our community and inspire a spirit of service in return. Our members, volunteers, supporters and staff demonstrate the power of what we can achieve by giving back together.
An ancient Oriental technique that stimulates the body’s ability to sustain and balance itself, based on the theory that an electromagnetic life-force (qi or chi, pronounced “chee”) is channeled in a continuous flow throughout the body via a network of meridians. Disease is understood as an imbalance in the meridian system. Diagnosis of an imbalance is made by “reading” the pulse, face, tongue and body energy. To correct it, a practitioner inserts acupuncture needles at specific points along the meridians to stimulate or disperse the flow of life-force. Acupuncture principles include the yin and yang polarities and the associations of the five elements of fire, earth, metal, water and wood with bodily organs.
SUSAN MOSLEY, LAc, DiplOM, CPT Acupuncture on the Spot 318 Broad St. Rome, GA 30161 770-548-0172 AcupunctureOnTheSpot.com
Full-service acupuncture office with private sessions by appointment plus a low-cost walk-in group clinic. qigong classes, Chinese herbs, Reiki. Nutrition and exercise prescriptions specifically tailored for your complaints.
CHATTANOOGA HOLISTIC ANIMAL INSTITUTE Colleen Smith DVM, CVA, CVCP Katie Smithson DVM, CVA 918 East Main Street Chattanooga, TN 37408 ChattanoogaHolisticVet.com
Holistic veterinary facility. Certified Veterinary Acupuncturists integrating conventional and alternative therapies for small animals. Offering Acupuncture, Stem Cell therapy, laser therapy, Prolotherapy, Reiki, Tui-Na, general medicine, surgery, Certified Veterinary Chiropractic, allergy testing, nutrition consultation and food therapy.
900 Riverfront Pkwy. Chattanooga, TN 37402 KellySubaru.com Your hometown dealer since 1939. Located at the riverfront in downtown Chattanooga.
Chattanooga’s holistic house call vet 423-779-7467 MobileVetChattanooga.com We come to you! Wellness, acupuncture, nutrition, herbal therapies, geriatric care, labwork, therapeutic laser and more. Exotics welcome. Book your house call online or via phone, text or chat. Hablamos español.
WAYNE STEPHENS, LAc, LMT The Wellness Tree 2805 Dayton Blvd. Chattanooga, TN 37415 423-877-3770 ChattanoogaWellnessTree.com
Bodywork Massage and the physical practices of yoga are perhaps the best-known types of bodywork; both have proven successful in relieving tension and stress, promoting blood flow, loosening stiff muscles and stimulating the organs. Other types of bodywork include Alexander technique, Rubenfeld synergy and Trager. Finding bodywork that improves mental and physical health is a highly individual process. Several types may be combined for the greatest benefit.
My goal is to help create optimal conditions for wellness using specific needle placement. I work with clients to help prevent disease, restore health and establish optimal fitness by supporting the inherent self-healing process.
Chattanooga Holistic Animal Institute 918 East Main St. Chattanooga, TN 37408 423-531-8899 Offering green grooming, including relaxing hydromassage baths with all-natural EarthBath products. Certified grooming for all canine breeds, as well as cats.
4009 Keith St. Ste. 207 Cleveland, TN 37311 423-559-0380
Massage Institute of Cleveland, East Tennessee’s oldest continuously operating massage school. 28-week-long day or evening program. $3,400 tuition includes books. No-interest payment plans. VA-approved. Discount massage clinic open to public.
For eight years, the clinic has provided low-cost, high-quality spay and neuter and wellness to drastically reduce unwanted litters of puppies and kittens. Affordable spay and neuter is absolutely necessary to end shelter euthanasia.
Carol Bieter, LMT, CNMT 243 Signal Mountain Rd. Ste. E Chattanooga, TN 37405 423-605-4855 RestorativeBodyTherapies.com
Licensed massage therapist and certified neuromuscular therapist offers a wide range of relaxation and treatment massage techniques, including neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release and Reiki. Certified and extensively trained in sports massage.
Cindy Surrena, BSDH, Registered Dental Hygienist Licensed in TN, GA, IN, IA 7613 Shallowford Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37421 423-855-4212 ShallowfordSmiles.com Thirty-two years providing knowledgeable, gentle dental cleanings to patients. We provide comprehensive exams, low-radiation digital xrays, dental cleanings, periodontal therapy for gum disease, dietary counseling. We consider patients’ total health using the latest therapies/equipment.
SHALLOWFORD DENTAL CARE Donna Booker, RDA 7613 Shallowford Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37421 423-855-4212 ShallowfordSmiles.com
I have 18 years’ experience as a dental assistant making patients comfortable; learning new dental products and equipment, such as the Wand anesthesia machine; and making sure patients have the excellent, ethical care they deserve.
Eco-Friendly Home Improvement GREEN’S ECO BUILD & DESIGN 1510 Riverside Dr. Chattanooga, TN 37406 423-551-8867 Greens.Build
Chattanooga’s one-stop shop for eco-friendly home improvement products. We sell paint, lumber, cabinetry, countertops, flooring, cleaners and much more for all project types. Responsibly sourced, Americanmade products with no toxic fumes. Build healthy. Breathe easy.
Nonprofit CHEO educates the public about holistic health practices. Free meeting third Sunday each month, 2-4 pm. Website includes meeting information, practitioner member directory, event calendar, information on membership and print directory.
Eco-Friendly Pest and Wildlife Control ECO PEST SOLUTIONS LLC
423-432-6264 ecopestsolutionsllc@yahoo.com On Facebook @ Eco Pest Solutions, LLC Eco Pest Solutions LLC is an eco-friendly local company that provides green termite and organic pest control and wildlife removal. We currently service residents and businesses in Bradley, Polk, Hamilton, McMinn, Meigs and Rhea Counties. Contact us seven days a week for free estimates.
natural awakenings
January 2016
GRASS-FED BEEF Emotional Freedom Technique ¬
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) A self-help procedure founded by Gary Craig that combines fingertip tapping of key acupuncture meridian points while focusing on an emotional issue or health challenge. Unresolved, or “stuck,” negative emotions, caused by a disruption in the body’s energy system, are seen as major contributors to most physical pains and diseases. These can remain stagnant and trapped until released by the tapping. EFT is portable and easy to memorize, so it can be done anywhere.
TENNESSEE RIVER GORGE TRUST 1214 Dartmouth St. Chattanooga, TN 37405 423-266-0314 TRGT.org
For more than 33 years, TRGT has worked to protect the Tennessee River Gorge as a healthy and productive resource for our community through land protection, education, community engagement and good land-stewardship practices.
Essential Oils
423-355-9205 lyorkeft@icloud.com Tapping Through is an Emotional Freedom Technique and is a mind-body therapy that helps dissolve negative thinking and claim freedom from worry, anger, psychic pain and other emotional angst. Call Lucille at 423355-9205 for more info or to schedule an appointment.
423-667-3393 doterraworks1@gmail.com MyDoTerra.com/doterraworks1
Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils. Learn how to use doTerra essential oils. Educate yourself by attending classes and talking with others who are sharing the power of the oils in their daily lives.
In front of Pruett’s Signal Mountain Market 1210 Taft Hwy. Signal Mountain, TN 37377 423-902-8028 signalfarmersmarket@gmail.com SignalMountainFarmersMarket.com
Environmental Education GREEN|SPACES
63 E. Main St. 423-648-0963 greenspacesChattanooga.org green|spaces is a nonprofit promoting sustainable living, working and building in Chattanooga. Projects include net zero homes in North Chattanooga, green business certifications, monthly educational classes, networking opportunities with green drinks, and free community resources.
A year-round, producersonly market offering fresh vegetables, fruit, pastured meat, eggs, baked goods, fresh-cut flowers, handcrafted items, more. Open Thursdays 4-6pm during the regular season and 3:305pm December-March. For more information, visit our website, email us or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
423-718-5009 CherokeeGroup@gmail.com Tennessee.SierraClub.org/cherokee
Nonprofit Sierra Club group educates with free monthly meetings, event booths, e-newsletter and actions (local/state/ national) to protect the environment. Similar to holistic, it promotes organic, non-GMO, local farming, clean air/water, wilderness preservation, energy efficiency, more.
423-355-9205 lyorkeft@icloud.com Ageless Grace is a sit-down dancefest offering great physical exercise with breathing and body-mind exercise. Almost anyone can do these movements and at the same time have fun to improve health. It is a daily exercise, with one day of the week being a class.
YMCA OF METROPOLITAN CHATTANOOGA 301 West 6th St. Chattanooga, TN 37402 423-265-8834
Serving Chattanooga for 143 years. YMCA programs focus on youth development, healthy living and social responsibility—because a strong community can only be achieved when we invest in our kids, our health and our neighbors.
Gluten-Free Foods Gluten is a protein composite found in most breads, but also sometimes in unexpected places like ketchup or ice cream. Those with gluten sensitivity, gluten allergy or Celiac disease can experience a variety of symptoms, from gas and diarrhea to malnutrition, skin rashes and fatigue. Gluten-free foods have become a popular choice for people who cannot tolerate traditional breads, cereals and other gluten-containing products.
Ed Jones 6201 Lee Hwy. Chattanooga, TN 37421 423-892-4085 NutritionW.com Located at Lee Highway and Vance Road, Nutrition W o r l d World offers Chattanooga’s most complete selection of vitamins, herbs, proteins, weight-loss and joint-support products, athletic supplements, alkaline products and other natural health products. ES
Jo Colmore 402 Woodfield Ln. Rising Fawn, GA 20738 ColmoreFarms.com
Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it. ~Charles R. Swindoll
Locally grown, grass-fed and grain-finished natural beef. Dry-aged and cut and packaged to your specifications. An exquisite beefeating experience.
HEALTH FOODS and nutrition ¬ insurance
Health Foods and Nutrition THE FAMILY HERB SHOP Alison Campbell 6462 Hixson Pk. Ste. 101 Hixson, TN 37343 423-843-1760
Family owned and operated for the last 21 years, we provide a wide selection of vitamins, herbs, essential oils, weight-loss products, Advocare and many other natural health products for the entire family.
5002 University Dr. Collegedale, TN 37315 423-236-2300 VillageMarketCollegedale.com Over 50 years providing natural foods, bulk items, herbs, vitamins and vegan products along with the area’s largest selection of vegetarian meats. Excellent produce, freshbaked goods and 20,000+ grocery items create a complete shopping experience.
Holistic Dentistry LIFE LINE FOODS, LLC
A holistic dental practice considers all aspects of a patient’s health and often includes a wider variety of treatment options than traditional dentistry.
Lester G. Burks, CMO 4390 Big Spring Gap Rd. Pikeville, TN 37367 800-216-3231 BuriedTreasureLN.com
Our goal is to motivate and enable as many people as possible to achieve and maintain good health. Buried Treasure offers the most effective line of liquid nutritional supplements available, formulated for supporting our customers with products that produce results.
Ed Jones 6201 Lee Hwy. Chattanooga, TN 37421 423-892-4085 NutritionW.com Located at Lee Highway and Vance Road, Nutrition World offers Chattanooga’s most complete selection of vitamins, herbs, proteins, weightloss and joint-support products, athletic supplements, alkaline products and other natural health products.
SMILES OF CHATTANOOGA Robert J. Gallien, DDS 4620 Hwy. 58 Chattanooga, TN 37416 423-208-9783 SmileChattanooga.com
Catering to patients’ personal needs with a whole-body approach. Dr. Gallien offers tests for sensitivities to commonly used dental materials and uses only biocompatible materials to restore beautiful, natural-looking teeth. Offering removal of mercury-silver fillings.
A health care practice that considers and treats all aspects of a patient’s needs— psychological, social and physiological. Holistic health care generally includes a variety of alternatives to traditional Western medicine, which tends to be reactive rather than proactive, and which often relies on pharmaceutical treatment of symptoms. Charles C. Adams, MD 4085 Cloud Springs Rd. Ringgold, GA 30736 O: 706-861-7377 F: 706-861-7922 DrPrevent.com
Personal and integrative care for you and your family. Same/next day unlimited appointments. Communicate with your doctor by cell, text or email. Deep discounts for integrative therapies. PRP, ozone, chelation, Meyer’s, HBOT, IASIS.
A therapy that uses small doses of specially prepared plants and minerals to stimulate the body’s defense mechanisms and healing processes in order to cure illness. Homeopathy, taken from the Greek words homeos, meaning “similar,” and pathos, meaning “suffering,” employs the concept that “like cures like.” A remedy is individually chosen for a person based on its capacity to cause, if given in an overdose, physical and psychological symptoms similar to those the patient is experiencing.
The Wellness Tree 2805 Dayton Blvd. Chattanooga, TN 37415 423-877-3770 ChattanoogaWellnessTree.com My goal is to help create optimal conditions for wellness using nutritional counseling, homeopathy and botanical medicine. I work with clients to help prevent disease, restore health and establish optimal fitness by supporting the inherent self-healing process.
Holistic Health Care
Insurance STATE FARM INSURANCE Larry Pyatt, Agent 241 Signal Mountain Rd. (across from Baylor School) Chattanooga, TN 37405 423-265-8580 Larry@LarryPyatt.com
For 28 years helping Chattanooga clients manage the risks of everyday life and recover from the unexpected. Leadership built on quality service, mutual trust, integrity and financial strength. Coverage for home, auto, boat, life, health.
Exceptional Quality
Color Palette CMYK: 0, 100, 36, 37
CMYK: 0, 8, 22, 56
RGB: 147, 22, 56
Made in USA
Exceptional Quality
Seal applies to windows only
1955 C
Hex #: 931638
RGB: 140, 127, 112
Warm Grey 9 C
Hex #: 8C7F70
Pamper Your Skin With Natural The Awakenings Best Nature Has To Offer Advanced Healing Skin Cream
Satisfied Customer
Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream is a wonderful product. The skin cream goes on smooth and absorbs into the skin quickly - it is not “greasy”. I have been plagued with dry skin around my ears, belly button and scalp for over 20 years and this product
has healed those areas in just 3 days of use. The Manuka Honey that is in this product, I was told repairs damaged skin - now I am a believer!!! I continue to use this skin cream to keep my skin soft. I have to mention the product has a wonderful aroma, like peppermint, and when applying the cream one can feel a slight warming sensation and I know it is working into the pores to do it’s work! Glad I tried this product! ~ Jim
The cold, damp winter days are upon us. Don’t let chapped or dry, flaky skin get in the way of your daily life. Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream, a soothing therapeutic balm made with exclusive Manuka Honey from New Zealand, is the ultimate skin moisturizer for everyone in your family. Order one for the office, too!
Restore Your Skin to Natural Youthful Beauty You’ll love Natural Awakenings’ therapeutic cream’s clean, fresh botanical fragrance. Discover what our amazing skin cream can do: • Provides Ultra-Hydration of Skin • Enhances Anti-Aging and Skin Renewal • Soothes Dry, Itchy, Cracked Skin • Relieves Most Burns Including Sunburn • Comforts Wounds and Sores MANUKA HONEY is produced by bees that pollinate New Zealand’s Manuka bush. Advocates tout its antibacterial properties.
Therapeutic Qualities
Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream combines botanicals and a unique blend of essential oils for a deep moisturizing therapy. It soothes and relieves dry, itchy or cracked skin quickly while restoring moisture and provides ultra-hydration protection and soothing comfort to wounds, sores, cuts and burns. Manuka Honey also relieves the pain and itch of psoriasis and other skin conditions. Besides its potent antibacterial properties, honey is also naturally extremely acidic, and that will eliminate organisms that decides to grow there.
Our Skin Cream Contains: Essential Oil of Rosehip Peppermint Nutmeg, Clove Black Pepper Lavender
Manuka Honey
Oat Flour Aloe Vera Flower Essence of Self-Heal Oak Sunflower Pine Vervain There are no parabens, dyes or fragrances, and no animal products or testing.
Hydration is a Must
The skin has a water content of 10 percent to 30 percent, which gives it a soft, smooth and flexible texture. The water comes from the atmosphere, the underlying layers of skin and perspiration. Oil produced by skin glands and fatty substances produced by skin cells act as natural moisturizers, allowing the surface to seal in water. Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream, applied after a shower or bath as daily maintenance, will improve the appearance of skin and heal unwanted conditions. Natural Awakenings Advanced Healing Skin Cream also combines pure botanicals and a unique blend of essential oils for a deep moisturizing therapy.
What Is Manuka Honey? 4-oz jar $21.99 • 8-oz jar $39.99 + ONLY $5 for shipping Order today, available only at
ShopNaturalAwakenings.com or call: 888-822-0246
Like us on Facebook at Natural Awakenings Webstore
Manuka Honey is gathered in the wild back country of New Zealand from the native Manuka tree (Leptospermum scoparium). The bees don’t use the pollen from a variety of other flowers or plants, so the content of the honey is very consistent. A 2013 study in the European Journal of Medical Research used Active Manuka Honey under dressings on postoperative wounds for an 85 percent success rate in clearing up infections, compared with 50 percent for normal antibiotic creams.
Th i s h o l i st i c a p p roa c h co m b i n es conventional Western medicine with complementary alternative treatments in order to simultaneously treat mind, body and spirit. Geared to the promotion of health and the prevention of illness, it neither rejects conventional medicine nor accepts alternative therapies without serious evaluation.
A therapeutic form of taping designed to help speed recovery from injury, aid in retraining over- or underworked muscles, decrease pain, and help alleviate chronic muscle tightness.
PERSONAL INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Charles C. Adams, MD 4085 Cloud Springs Rd. Ringgold, GA 30736 O: 706-861-7377 F: 706-861-7922 DrPrevent.com
Personal and integrative care for you and your family. Same/next day unlimited appointments. Communicate with your doctor by cell, text or email. Deep discounts for integrative therapies. PRP, ozone, chelation, Meyer’s, HBOT, IASIS.
MARGARET E. DEXTER, PhD Akashic Record Practitioner, Reiki Master/Teacher 1175 Pineville Rd., #124 Chattanooga, TN 37405 423-266-6006 MargaretDexter.com
I help lightworkers remember. I offer Akashic Record soul readings, teleconferences, Reiki workshops and private sessions to support you as you awaken to the truth of who you are. See calendar or website for details.
Offering customized evaluation and massage to suit the particular need of each client. Certified in Maya Abdominal Therapy to assist clients with reproductive health, fertility and digestive concerns. Also specializing in neuromuscular and prenatal massage.
Carol Bieter, LMT, CKTP 243 Signal Mountain Rd. Chattanooga, TN 37405 423-605-4855 RestorativeBodyTherapies.com
Carol Bieter is a certified Kinesio Taping practitioner, having completed all three levels of training and passed the CKTP exam. Currently one of the only certified Kinesio Taping practitioners in the Knoxville and Chattanooga areas.
RESTORATIVE BODY THERAPIES Carol Bieter, LMT, CNMT 243 Signal Mountain Rd. Ste. E Chattanooga, TN 37405 423-605-4855 RestorativeBodyTherapies.com
Licensed massage therapist and certified neuromuscular therapist offers a wide range of relaxation and treatment massage techniques including neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release and Reiki. Certified and extensively trained in sports massage.
Massage school MASSAGE INSTITUTE OF CLEVELAND 4009 Keith St. Ste. 207 Cleveland, TN 37311 423-559-0380
Massage Therapy A general term for various methods of divination, including numerology, psychic and tarot reading and others. Individuals may consult practitioners to gain insights into personal concerns, seek information about a suppressed memory of a past event or to foretell the future.
Tracy Hilliard, LMT, RN 423-322-6974 3894 Dayton Blvd. Ste. B Chattanooga, TN 37415 FourBridges.MassageTherapy.com
Massage Institute of Cleveland, East Tennessee’s oldest continuously operating massage school. 28-week-long day or evening program. $3,400 tuition includes books. No-interest payment plans. VA-approved. Discount massage clinic open to public.
Intuitive Guidance
A general term for the manipulation of soft tissue for therapeutic purposes. Massage therapy incorporates various disciplines and involves kneading, rubbing, brushing and tapping the muscles and connective tissues by hand or using mechanical devices. Its goal is to increase circulation and detoxification in order to reduce physical and emotional stress and increase overall wellness.
423 855-4888 Focus4Massage.com On Facebook @ Focus 4 Massage Since 1993, our focus has been helping others with chronic muscular pain in a clinical setting. Several great therapists have joined our team, and we’re growing like crazy. Incredible therapists ~ Great value ~ Let us focus on you.
WAYNE STEPHENS, LAc, LMT The Wellness Tree 2805 Dayton Blvd. Chattanooga, TN 37415 ChattanoogaWellnessTree.com 423-877-3770
My goal is to help create optimal conditions for wellness using a system of therapeutic manual therapy. I work with clients to help restore health, reduce stress and establish optimal fitness by supporting the inherent self-healing process.
Mindfulness CENTER FOR MINDFUL LIVING 400 East Main St. Ste. 150 Chattanooga, TN 37408 423-486-1279 CenterMindfulLiving.org
A nonprofit organization dedicated to educating people about the benefits of mindfulness and teaching a variety of practices to support mindfulness in daily life. Weekly yoga, tai ji, qigong and meditation classes and special workshops including Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction.
natural awakenings
January 2016
Integrative Medicine
Natural Products
(also see Health Foods and Nutrition)
Ed Jones 6201 Lee Hwy. Chattanooga, TN 37421 423-892-4085 NutritionW.com Located at Lee Highway and Vance Road, Nutrition W o r l d World offers Chattanooga’s most complete selection of vitamins, herbs, proteins, weight-loss and joint-support products, athletic supplements, alkaline products and other natural health products. ES
5002 University Dr. Collegedale, TN 37315 423-236-2300 VillageMarketCollegedale.com Over 50 years providing natural foods, bulk items, herbs, vitamins and vegan products along with the area’s largest selection of vegetarian meats. Excellent produce, freshbaked goods and 20,000+ grocery items create a complete shopping experience.
Nutritional Counseling
You try so hard to fit in but it just doesn’t work. You have a sense of mission and can’t remember what it is. You are searching for your soul purpose.
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wakinguponplanetearth.com 34
Embracing a wide range of approaches, nutrition-based, complementary therapies and counseling seek to alleviate physical and psychological disorders through special diets and food supplements. These will be either macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins and fiber) or micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements that cannot be manufactured in the body). Nutritional therapy/counseling often uses dietary or food supplements, which can include tablets, capsules, powders or liquids.
Ed Jones 6201 Lee Hwy. Chattanooga, TN 37421 423-892-4085 NutritionW.com Located at Lee Highway and Vance Road, Nutrition World offers Chattanooga’s most complete selection of vitamins, herbs, proteins, weightloss and joint-support products, athletic supplements, alkaline products and other natural health products.
Orthodontics SMILE STUDIO
Marie Farrar, DDS MS 204 W. Main St. Chattanooga, TN 37408 423-531-4533 info@smilestudio204.com SmileStudio204.com LEED silver-certified and EcoDentistry gold-certified orthodontist. Dr. Marie Farrar brings a woman’s eye and a mother’s touch to minimize the costs of orthodontic treatment in terms of time, mon ey, dis c omf or t and overall life energy while maximizing outcomes in terms of esthetics, function and stability.
Primary Care PERSONAL INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE Charles C. Adams, MD 4085 Cloud Springs Rd. Ringgold, GA 30736 O: 706-861-7377 F: 706-861-7922 DrPrevent.com
Personal and integrative care for you and your family. Same/next day unlimited appointments. Communicate with your doctor by cell, text or email. Deep discounts for integrative therapies. PRP, ozone, chelation, Meyer’s, HBOT, IASIS.
423-933-4361 Info@ScenicCityRecycling.com ScenicCityRecycling.com
Scenic City Recycling offers commercial, residential and event collection in the greater Chattanooga area. Accepts glass, plastics 1-7, paper, tin, aluminum, cardboard, electronics, clothes, more. Receptacles supplied free. “Helping the Earth without the Hassle.”
THERAPEUTIC REFLEXOLOGY Kenda Komula 207 Woodland Ave. Chattanooga, TN 37402 423-400-9175
Experienced; certified in Original Ingham Method. Works on the hands and feet. Reflexology increases nerve and blood supply and circulation to the whole body, balancing and helping it normalize. Calming sessions designed for individual needs.
Restaurants LUPI’S
Downtown Chattanooga: 423-266-5874 Hixson: 423-847-3700 East Brainerd: 423-855-4104 Cleveland: 423-476-9464 Lupi.com By-the-slice, monster calzones, lasagna, garden salads, traditional and whole-wheat dough made daily, local ground beef, ground sausage and whole-wheat flour. Locally owned for 16 years. Voted Chattanooga’s Best Pizza over and over again.
Salons BANANA TREE ORGANIC SALON AND SPA Angela Oliver 1309 Panorama Dr. Chattanooga, TN 37421 423-553-6773 BananaTreeSalon.com Facebook.com/BananaTreeSalon
Healthy, vibrant hair color without the chemicals! Only at Banana Tree Organic Salon. Enjoy relaxation time in the massage chair during your visit and complimentary drinks.
Reflexology A natural healing art based upon the principle that there are reflexes in the feet and hands that correspond to every part of the body, and that correctly stimulating and applying pressure to the feet or hands increases circulation and promotes specifically designated bodily and muscular functions.
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Non-invasive Alternatives to Common Pelvic Concerns Fertility • Pelvic Pain • Digestive Disorders Menstrual Irregularities • Prolapsed Uterus Neuromuscular • Pregnancy Massage
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natural awakenings
January 2016
Skin Care
5002 University Dr. Collegedale, TN 37315 423-236-2300 VillageMarketCollegedale.com
ELEMENTS SPA AND SALON Atifa-Licensed Aesthetician 122 Lee Pkwy. Dr. #101 Chattanooga, TN 37421 423-558-0446 MyElementsSpa.com
You have the choice to look your best. Our goal is for you to achieve healthier, younger-looking skin. Exclusively offering Synergie Microdermabrasion and AMS cellulite treatment; providing comprehensive skin analysis, customized facials and specialty chemical peels. Gift cards available.
Ed Jones 6201 Lee Hwy. Chattanooga, TN 37421 423-892-4085 NutritionW.com Located at Lee Highway and Vance Road, Nutrition World offers Chattanooga’s most complete selection of vitamins, herbs, proteins, weightloss and joint-support products, athletic supplements, alkaline products and other natural health products.
In a universe
made out of energy, everything is entangled; everything is one. ~Bruce Lipton
Over 50 years providing natural foods, bulk items, herbs, vitamins and vegan products along with the area’s largest selection of vegetarian meats. Excellent produce, freshbaked goods and 20,000+ grocery items create a complete shopping experience.
Vegetarianism The voluntary abstinence from eating meat and/or other animal products for religious, health and/or ethical reasons. Lacto-ovo vegetarians supplement their plant-based diet with dairy (lactose) products and eggs (ovo). Lacto vegetarians eat dairy products, but not eggs; ovo vegetarians include eggs, but no dairy; and vegans do not eat any animal-derived products.
5002 University Dr. Collegedale, TN 37315 423-236-2300 VillageMarketCollegedale.com Over 50 years providing natural foods, bulk items, herbs, vitamins and vegan products along with the area’s largest selection of vegetarian meats. Excellent produce, freshbaked goods and 20,000+ grocery items create a complete shopping experience.
1405 Cowart St. Chattanooga, TN 37402 423-653-7484 LucidityChattanooga.com On Facebook @ luciditychattanooga On Twitter @ luciditychatt Improve your health on the psychological and physiological levels at Lucidity. Experience deep relaxation through floating in state-of-the-art sensory deprivation tanks. Achieve deep cellular healing and prevent illness through hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Reach new levels of health, happiness and satisfaction.
Yoga Practical application of the ancient Indian Vedic teachings. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj which means “union” or “to join,” and refers to the joining of one’s physical, mental and spiritual elements. The goal of good health is accomplished through a combination of techniques, including physical exercises called asanas (postures), controlled breathing, relaxation, meditation, and diet and nutrition. Although yoga is not meant to cure specific diseases or ailments directly, it has been found effective in treating many physical ailments.
17 N. Market St. Chattanooga, TN 37405 423-266-3539 ClearSpringYoga.com Chattanooga’s original studio since 1999, offering a range of classes seven days a week for all ages and abilities. Small class size, personalized attention, beginner-friendly. Come be a part of this vibrant yoga community.
Stacey L. Nolan, MEd, Bellydance Director Tara Philips, MSW, Med, Yoga Director 3813 Dayton Blvd. Red Bank, TN 37415 423-401-8115 MovementArtsCollective.com Movement Arts Collective, a studio for dance and yoga, offers classes and workshops in movement, dance and other wellness arts. Also the home of Body Positive Chattanooga, a grassroots organization that promotes body acceptance and self-love through education and activism. Visit MovementArtsCollective.com for more information.
Please note: The contents of this Healthy Living Resource Guide are for informational purposes only. The information is not intended to be used in place of a visit or consultation with a healthcare professional. Always seek out a practitioner who is licensed, certified or otherwise professionally qualified to conduct a selected treatment, as appropriate.
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Acupuncture On The Spot....................................................26 Banana Tree Organic Salon and Spa.............................. 9,35 Buried Treasure................................................................... 11,30 Center For Mindful Living..................................................... 33 Chattanooga Holistic Animal Institute...............................26 CHEO.......................................................................................... 27 Christ Unity...............................................................................14 Claws and Paws Mobile Vet.............................................18,26 Clearspring Yoga.....................................................................36 Colmore Farms........................................................................28 Dexter/Margaret................................................................ 33,34 doTERRA...................................................................................28 Eco Pest Solutions.................................................................. 27 Elements Spa & Salon............................................................36 Family Herb Shop............................................................... 13,30 Focus 4 Massage................................................................ 15,33 Four Bridges Massage & Bodywork.............................. 33,35 Green Spaces...................................................................... 19,28 Green’s Eco Build and Design.......................................... 21,27 Humane Educational Society...............................................34 Jo Mills Pet Grooming............................................................26 Kelly Subaru....................................................................... 26,29 Lucidity Float Center of Chattanooga.........................20,36 Lupis Pizza Pies................................................................... 4,35 Massage Institute of Cleveland...................................... 26,33 Memorable Events................................................................... 17 Movement Arts Collective.............................................. 23,36 Natural Awakenings Webstore............................................. 32 Nutrition World............................................ 2,28,30,34,36,40 Personal Integrative Medicine.............................13,30,33,34 Randy Wilson Paiting............................................................. 27 Restorative Body Therapies......................................22,26,33 Scenic City Recycling.............................................................34 Shallowford Dental..............................................................3,27 Sierra Club................................................................................28 Signal Mountain Farmers Market...................................14,28 Smile Studio......................................................................... 5,34 Smiles of Chattanooga....................................................30,39 State Farm/Larry Pyatt.........................................................30 Tennessee River Gorge Trust........................................... 6,28 Therapeutic Reflexology.......................................................35 TradeBank of Chattanooga...................................................35 Village Market........................................................... 7,30,34,36 Vintage Wine and Spirits....................................................... 23 Wally’s Friends.................................................................... 10,26 Wellness Tree............................................................... 26,30,33 Window World........................................................................... 31 YMCA.........................................................................................25 York/Lucille........................................................................ 25,28
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you CAN get here from there 29 Mins
Signal Mountain
Lee Highway
6201 Lee Hwy.
17 Mins
East Ridge
11 Mins
17 Mins
Ft. Oglethorpe Ringgold
17 Mins
6201 Lee Hwy., Chattanooga NutritionW.com 423.892.4085
25 Mins