The intriguing concept of Coworking is relatively new but is growing at an enormous rate of more than 40% each year. It is fast becoming an “industry” transforming the 41.6 million sqft of traditional leased office space market. As the concept is gathering main stream attention, rapid commodification is becoming indispensable. The core essence of a community driven cohesive work-space is facing a difficult time to differentiate itself from the business of merely renting desks .
Is your Coworking ready to emerge out successfully from the commodity trap that is rapidly setting in?
Chaukor Studio is an office design firm that aims to generate user-centric environments that are Unique, Experiential and Sustainable specific to your company and its culture! We also provide consultancy in office interior design, residence design, school design, resort design, coworking office design, house design. Contact Details: Address: Sector 65, C -15, C Block, Noida - 201301 Phone : +91- 7835000239