Report vietnam Y2B january 2014

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Event Report Vietnam Youth to Business Forum HANOI, 12th, January, 2014 Hanoi Amsterdam Highschool for the Gifted

National Partners

Event Gold Partners


Table of content 1. Introduction 03 2. Agenda 04 05 3. Audience Profile 4. Keynote speech ………………………....06 10 5. Workshops 5. Panel Talk 23 6. Key moment 26 7. Media 28 8. Next Edition – Hanoi 29 30 9. Contacts

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4.1 – Social Entrepreneurship 4.2 – Business Innovation 4.3 – Business Innovation

07 08 09


Introduction “Youth to Business forum” (Y2B) is empowered by AIESEC International. AIESEC countries every where in the world are organizing this event to connects top young leaders, global business and social leaders. Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), British Council and AIESEC Vietnam are proud to organize the 5th Vietnamese edition in January 2014 “Vietnam Youth to Business forum”, as a highlight of AIESEC Vietnam annual conference “Vietnam Youth to Business forum” connects 500 most talented youths and 50 business and social leaders across sectors in Vietnam and facilitates their conversations around the most relevant topics today. By that, we aim to explore the impacts we can have on the future of Vietnam through positive actions of youth and business.

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8:15 – 9:00

Check in

9:00 – 9:40

Opening Plenary

9:40 – 10:55

Keynote Speeches

10:55 – 12:15

Topics Space

12:15 – 13:15


13:15 – 14:40

Business Case Competition

14:40 – 15:10

Networking time

15:10 – 16:20

Panel Discussion

16:20 – 17:00

Closing Plenary

Audience Statistics

485 Students 28 Business Partners University Background •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Foreign Trade University National Economic University Banking Academy Hanoi University Thang Long University Vietnam National University International University RMIT University of Economics Ho Chi Minh city University of Economics and Law Ho Chi Minh city of Technology Danang University

30 Event organizers 25 Business Guests and Journalists Business Background •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Government FMCG Education Banking Auditing Advisory Technology Media Food & Beverage Entrepreneur


Audience Profile Studying Background Background University

Year of Study 1st – 10% 2nd – 17% 3rd – 46% 4th – 26% 5th – 0.1% Graduated – 0.8% Others – 0.1%

Finance- Banking – 23.7% Business Administration – 18.4% Economics – 24.5% Language– 9.7% Accounting – 6.4% Media – 3.5% Marketing – 3.1% Others – 10.7%



Male 29% Female 71%

A big part of audience has background related to business management (42.9%). Besides that, major related to finance and accounting also reach to 30.1%. Background from Language major increased to 9.7% - highest rate compared to previous Y2B editions. 73% of total attendants are 3rd year, last year and recent graduates. Y2B also attracts 1st and 2nd year students, which counts for 27%.


Opening Ceremony Representatives of Organizing Board: AIESEC, VCCI and British Council shared thoughts why Y2B is relevant to youth and Vietnam society.

National Partners

Event Gold Partners


Keynote Speeches Three Guest Speakers share their ideas or experience around three main topics with the flow: what-why-how to give main ideas about those topics based on current issues in Vietnam.

Silver Partners


Social Entrepreneurship Speaker

Content Entrepreneurial leadership with the consistent social responsibility and USLP General Concept

Mr. Tran Vu Hoai Vice president of Corporate Relations Manager, Unilever Vietnam

Are you satisfied with this speech?

Audience Feedback

Ranking (%) “This is the first time I’ve had the opportunity to deeply understand how a business like Unilever is demonstrating its responsibility towards environment and society via its entrepreneurship. It would be even greater if we could discuss further how to create the mindset of responsible entrepreneurship for each employee at Unilever.”

50 40




20 10 0 Score Score Score Score Score 1 2 3 4 5


Business Innovation Speaker

Content How Suntory PepsiCo apply Innovation and Change Management in collaboration between PepsiCo and Suntory

Mr. Hariharan Kannan Senior Vice President HR – SPVB Director HR – PepsiCo International

Are you satisfied with this speech?

Audience Feedback “Thank you for giving me the chance to join this event. I was surprised to know the long-term plan of Suntory PepsiCo in cooperation and the challenges they have to face as business”

Ranking (%) 45.00% 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00%

Yes Score Score Score Score Score 1 2 3 4 5




Business Innovation Speaker

Content How Technology Innovation can influence the society and shape the future trend

Mr. Jeremy Showalter Marketing Director Microsoft Vietnam

Would you like to use Deya Tech Are you satisfied with this speech? products?

Audience Feedback

Ranking (%) 60.00%

“I feel motivated and inspired by the presentation delivery. I learnt about Innovation which is developed by filling the gap of current need and vision to the future�

50.00% 40.00% 30.00%


20.00% 10.00% 0.00%

Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4 Score 5




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Workshops Bronze Partners


Speaker Workshop Theme

Ms. Trinh Mai Phuong

“Gaining sustainable development by bringing Unilever closer to rural area and raising their mindset about the society ”

HR Business Partner Director Unilever Vietnam

Audience Feedback “I had chance to understand more and raise quite a lot questions toward Unilever’s activities to help people in the rural area. Impressive – that’s how I would describe my feeling right now. Unilever helps me to realize that just one small action can have greater effect on the community” “ The fact that Unilever gives us the chance to develop one of their current product and take our opinion very seriously had wowed me the most.”

Attendant satisfaction with Speaker (ranking 5)


4.2 Attendant satisfaction with Content (ranking 5)




Speaker Workshop Theme

Mr. Hariharan Kannan Senior Vice President HR – SPVB Director HR – PepsiCo International

Audience Feedback

“Change Management”

Attendant satisfaction with Speaker (ranking 5)

Average “I gained the insight as a firm leader foreseeing what are the opportunities and the threat, even failure of rapid change within the company” “Understanding the Change process of PepsiCo and how to transform failure caused by changing into successful Change are my learning points after joining this workshop”

4.0 Attendant satisfaction with Content (ranking 5)





Workshop Theme

Ms. Dang Tuyet Dung Head of Wholesaler Banking

The story of “We change- We lead” which refers to Innovation concept in banking industry. Techcombank produces products and services basing on customer’s needs and aims to be the most customer-centric company in the industry.

Audience Feedback “ I was surprised with the Innovation in banking industry. There are lots of knowledge I don’t know but the workshop motivates me to learn more and be well-prepared after graduation” “At first, I want to admit that the presenter is a quite inspiring person. Her advice about ways of changing yourself really widen my mindset. However, her presentation is a little bit long and sometimes is lack of the sums up for us so it's sometime a little bit difficult to catch up with her. There's also one problem that in Tech's workshop, they use many professional words of banking and their cases focus too much on banking problem so that it's very hard for people not studying Banking to understand and solve”

Attendant satisfaction with Speaker (ranking 5)


4.0 Attendant satisfaction with Content (ranking 5)





Workshop Theme

Mr. Jeremy Showalter Marketing Director- Microsoft Vietnam

“Define the difference between Innovation – Invention. Introducing the technology trends and how they influence the society today and in the future”

Audience Feedback “The workshop is very useful to me. I was inspired by Jeremy through his speech. Time is suitable for delegates. Jeremy answered question in the very direct way. Information from Microsoft and internship are extremely interesting but I can not apply for the position because of my personal stuff.” “Case competition gave us an opportunity to interact and cooperate with each other. The case is challenging. Honestly I do not satisfy with the time because we do not have a good preparation to spread the idea and present it to Jeremy.” “The chairman is fine to me but time is too short. My team can not spread idea good enough to have a perfect presentation. “

Attendant satisfaction with Speaker (ranking 5)


4.1 Attendant satisfaction with Content (ranking 5)





Workshop Theme

Ms. Dinh Thi Quynh Van General Director Tax and Legal Services PwC Vietnam

“Innovation concept in daily life and in accounting industry. 3 important elements for Innovation: Environment –Adaption –Network”

Audience Feedback “Information about Innovation and PwC are transferred lively through video and real stories from the company. The speakers are willing to listen to youth and create a interactive environment for discussion. Each group are also appointed a person from the company to observe and guide the whole conversation. However, sometimes the speaker doesn't go straight into the point which make the audience confused.” “PwC helps me understand deeply what Innovation is. We are encouraged to contribute ideas of how to work better everyday. However, I expect to know more about business reality, not just branding”

Attendant satisfaction with Speaker (ranking 5)


4.2 Attendant satisfaction with Content (ranking 5)





Mr. Obata Hironaro General Manager of Personnel and Admin Group, Panasonic Vietnam

Workshop Theme “Panasonic Business Innovation in dealing with market’s challenges”

Ms. Bui Thi Uyen Nhi HR Assistant General Manager Panasonic Vietnam

Audience Feedback “Through the workshop, I was very impressed with Panasonic’s focusing on developing people, as Mr.Obata has said: “Panasonic always put people first.” “Ms. Nhi has said: “Every person has 3 boxes: your heart, your mind and your stomache. When doing anything, if you focus on the 3 boxes, you can "always be the expert of your field.””_ I find this very true and familiar to me but I could not put it into words before.”

Attendant satisfaction with Speaker (ranking 5)


3.6 Attendant satisfaction with Content (ranking 5)




Speaker Workshop Theme “Sustainable Development – An open opportunity for business”

Mr. Truong Phan Viet Thang Head of the Secretariat of Vietnam Business Council for Sustainable Development (VBCSD), VCCI

Attendant satisfaction with Speaker (ranking 5)

Audience Feedback “I am more aware of Sustainable Development and how it can affect business.” “Never before had I ever thought of such great opportunities that sustainable development can offer to business sectors!”


4.0 Attendant satisfaction with Content (ranking 5)





Mr. Luu Duc Hiep

Workshop Theme

CEO & Founder GreennoCom

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Nam CEO & Founder

Concept of Social Entrepreneurship, how is it important to society and the the role of Vietnam youth in this concept.

Audience Feedback “ I feel very interesting when I come to this workshop. The afternoon is really great. It helps me to understand more about the differences between SE and CSR. I understand more what I could do to make impact on social issues” “ The discussion in the afternoon is really great. But in the morning, the speech is quite theory. I want to know more some instructions to take actions not just simple knowledge.” “ I feel really inspired with Greeno’s speech. He shows us how to believe in what we can do and just finish what we have done. Please send him my appreciations.”

Attendant satisfaction with Speaker (ranking 5)


3.9 Attendant satisfaction with Content (ranking 5)




Speaker Workshop Theme

Mr. Huynh Minh Viet

“Innovate yourself - Key to a successful transition from school to business”

Vinausteel.,Co Ltd

Audience Feedback

“ Thanks to the workshops, I am now eager to write to myself a letter of reflection, resolution and encouragement. Thanks Mr.Viet for a very interesting speech!” “ I have learnt more on how to reflect myself, what are my strengths, what are my weaknesses and how to capitalize on them.”

Attendant satisfaction with Speaker (ranking 5)


4.4 Attendant satisfaction with Content (ranking 5)





Workshop Theme

Ms. Nicola Connolly General Director Adecco Vietnam

“We unlock potentials for individuals, business & economies reinforced by own CSR strategy”

Audience Feedback “ I am totally impressed by the spirit of Ms. Nicola and Adecco people. They break the gap between students and business that I thought before” “There are lots of knowledge that I haven’ known before. Sometimes, it’s hard to understand but I know it’s useful for me. Thank you Adecco so much!”

Attendant satisfaction with Speaker (ranking 5)


4.1 Attendant satisfaction with Content (ranking 5)




Speaker Workshop Theme

Mr. Do Viet Anh CEO – Boo Company Limited

“Startup with Social – Entrepreneurship. The challenges as well as opportunities when fresh graduates want to start up in Vietnam market.”

Audience Feedback “Listening to different stories of Mr.Viet Anh, I saw and felt passion, determination and risk taking attitude. That’s what an entrepreneur needs.” “Case competition was very interesting. Not only I’ve got to wear my own design but also showcasing my society orientation.”

Attendant satisfaction with Speaker (ranking 5)


4.0 Attendant satisfaction with Content (ranking 5)





Workshop Theme “Define and construct a steady evaluating system for each department in the firm. Practical case studies and what kind of skill and mind-set fresh graduates should have for better business adaption”

Mr. Linh Bui COO - TalentPool

Audience Feedback

“The case competition was quite interesting. I have chances to build JD, structure and requirements for a specific department, which I have never been experienced before.”

Attendant satisfaction with Speaker (ranking 5)


4.3 Attendant satisfaction with Content (ranking 5)




Panel Talk Six invited speakers shared different opinions in a “Round Table” discussion. Ignited by the event’s theme, the speakers had a deep discussion about the significance of the gaps between university and business from perspectives of both business and youth



Panelists Ms. Trinh Mai Phuong

Mr. Le Mac Linh

HR Business Partner Director Unilever Vietnam

Senior Director – Commercial North Suntory PepsiCo

Ms. Dinh Thi Quynh Van

Ms. Dang Tuyet Dung

General Director Tax and Legal Services PwC Vietnam, Hanoi Office

Head of Wholesales Banking TECHCOMBANK

Mr. Nguyen The Kha

Mr. Bui Anh Quang

Former Vice President of Business Development AIESEC Hanoi

4th year student in FPT University

Topics discussed:

• Pioneer or Trend Follower • Employer or Employee • Gap Year • Best Student or Best Employee • Attitude or Capability


Panel Evaluation Ranking per 5

Panel Theme

4.0 Is the ratio delegates evaluated theme as

excellent or good. Panel Content

3.9 Is the ratio delegates evaluated discussion content as

excellent or good.


Key moments “I am a student who has spent 3 years studying abroad, thus, coming back to Vietnam, I am very surprised with all the change and improvement here, and Y2B is one of the biggest surprises, totally satisfied with its concept, speakers and the attendants here”

“When our team have lunch together, during the lunch, we were discussing about our study case, sharing our idea with the others, it was a great time. I had the chance to meet the new people, and they are awesome, I had been learnt a lot from them. I am very satisfied with what I have learnt from this forum, thank you!”


Key moments “I feel very interesting when I come to this workshop. The afternoon is really great. It helps me to understand more about the differences between SE and CSR. I understand more what I could do to make impact on social issues”

“The workshop is very useful to me. I was inspired by Jeremy through his speech. Time is suitable for delegates. Jeremy answered question in the very direct way. Information from Microsoft and internship are extremely interesting”


Media Information Seminar Date: 10th December, 2013 Venue: Hilton Garden Inn Hanoi, 20 Phan Chu Trinh, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi Attendance: - 30 students from 25 clubs of 11 universities -  4 main media partners -  10 journalists -  Representatives of British Council, AIESEC and Microsoft Vietnam.

Press Release •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Vietnam Youth to Business Forum’s photos: Flickr Media Partners

Next Edition Ho Chi Minh city July 2014

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Contacts Nguyen Xuan Quynh National Business Development Manager Mobile: +84 166 909 2424 Email:

Doan Huong Giang Vietnam Youth to Business Forum Jan 2014 Manager Mobile: +84 936 812 791 Email: Powered by

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