Live from the NICU 3 Providence St. Joseph rebrands 7 Executive changes 7 PERIODICAL RATE PUBLICATION
St. Louis hospitals unite in hopes of breaking cycle of violence
Ascension brings more intentionality to building solidarity with the poor
Continued on 4
Whitney Curtis
ST. LOUIS — One of the young victims Melik Coffey has worked with in recent SSM HEALTH months was shot as he was walking to a bus stop. The bullet caused internal injuries so severe that the teenager spent weeks at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital in St. Louis, where Coffey met him. Coffey is a licensed clinical social worker and a key player in a new program the teenager enrolled in that is focused on changing the life trajectory for the hundreds of children and young adults from St. Louis and St. Louis County who are shot, stabbed, beaten, brutally bullied or otherwise traumatized every year. So far this year, city police reports alone show 23 homicide victims age 19 or younger.
Tracy Wafford stands next to a memorial for her 3-year-old granddaughter, Kennedi Powell, outside the home in south St. Louis where the child was killed in June in a drive-by shooting. Another bullet injured a 6-year-old neighbor. Kennedi is one of the 23 homicide victims age 19 or younger in the city so far this year.
When a health crisis abates, patients may continue to suffer UPMC Mercy’s Critical Illness Recovery Center cares for ICU patients with persistent mental or physical impairments
pressure at an alarming 220/180. Fearing she had suffered a stroke, they rushed her to UPMC Mercy, where she was diagnosed with a subarachnoid hemorrhage and placed in intensive care. Fabian claims she has only one vivid memory of her eight-day stay in ICU. “I awoke at one point, saw a crucifix in my room and said, ‘Dear Lord, if this is my time to come be with you, then it’s my time,’” she says. “Other than daily visits with a priest, I have only vague snippets of recollections — my family being around me or a nurse giving me something in an IV.”
Fran Fabian, 71, was admitted to a Pittsburgh-area hospital in August 2018 for routine gallbladder surgery. Following the procedure, she awoke with a horrible headache, and began sweating profusely and vomiting. Medical staff assumed she was just having a bad reaction to drugs and sent her home to sleep off lingering effects when the post-anesthesia care unit closed at night. The next day, when she was unable to stand or feel her feet, her son called paramedics. They arrived to find her blood
Hillery Ross-Furse never knows what challenges she will encounter as she begins work each day as a community health worker for Mercy Health Muskegon’s Pathways to a Healthy Pregnancy program. It might be a mother so Ross-Furse desperate for money that
Why is this work around solidarity with the poor important for Ascension at this time? We are in an era of transformation of health care and transformation of our organization. As we engage these efforts, it is essential to connect this call to action with Continued on 2
Fran Fabian got help at the Critical Illness Recovery Center at UPMC Mercy hospital in Pittsburgh after a lengthy hospital stay, including eight days in intensive care, left her frustrated, frightened and out of touch with herself.
Lingering brain fog Fabian spent a total of 34 days in the hospital and at a rehab facility, where she coped with weakness in her right leg, a partial face droop, severe speech problems and bowel and bladder issues from prolonged catheterization. When she finally went Continued on 8
Mercy Muskegon reaches deep into community to aid patients Community benefit program embeds community health workers with social service agencies, medical settings
Ascension is strengthening its commitment to address the structural causes of poverty, a significant factor in an individual’s health span and life span. This system-wide effort involves working to understand the needs of the poor, responding to those needs appropriately and ensuring a culture that promotes “communion and relationship with persons who are poor and vulnerable.” Mary Paul, Ascension vice president of mission integration, leads a practice area with efforts to build soliMary Paul darity with the poor throughout Ascension, a St. Louis-based system of more than 2,600 care sites, including its 150 hospitals. She spoke to Catholic Health World about that work.
she is selling her breast milk. It might be a woman with a drug dependency disorder whose pregnancy is threatTRINITY ened by her return to jail. It HEALTH might be a pregnant teenager who simply needs help navigating the maze of paperwork necessary for her to get the government assistance for which she and her child are eligible. The key, Ross-Furse said, is to “understand the true life and nature of the people we are able to reach so that we can move them and motivate them” toward healthier lives for themselves and their babies.
Bonds that last Tressa Crosby, lead community health worker for the program, recalls one of her first patients — a pregnant woman Continued on 3
PeaceHealth, Mercy promote life balance for caregivers SelfCare for HealthCare aims to improve employee engagement, staff retention and patient safety By KATHLEEN NELSON
Dalton Cheshire and Britney Johnson learn how to interact with a newborn during a Baby 101 class organized by the Health Project, a Mercy Health Muskegon program.
With two youngsters, staffing challenges and the constantly shifting regulations of health care, Heather Wall shares the struggle to find balance in her life with her nursing staff at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend in Springfield, Ore. “As a young mother, I’m trying to lead by example,” said Wall, chief nursing officer at RiverBend. “I have 30 more years left in health care. I want to stay here and be the best I can be.” To help herself and her staff, Wall successfully advocated for implementing SelfCare for HealthCare, a yearlong program Continued on 6