Execs build spiritual muscle, physical fitness 4-5 PERIODICAL RATE PUBLICATION
Joby Brown, a staff chaplain at Ascension Columbia St. Mary’s Hospital Ozaukee, visits Elroy Knepprath in that Mequon, Wisconsin, facility. Oncology nurse Shana Risse is at left. A focus of Brown’s role is to provide spiritual care to patients.
Providence partners maximize outreach to the poor through collaboration Health and social service providers team up to improve wellness of individuals and groups in Pacific Northwest
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June Husted cooks a meal with fresh ingredients purchased with her Veggie Rx vouchers. Providence Hood River Memorial Hospital, other health providers and local farmers in the Columbia Gorge region in Oregon and Washington launched the program.
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According to a sampling of chaplains in the Catholic health ministry, a growing number of patients say they either don’t believe in God, or they selfidentify as spiritual people who believe in God but are not affiliated with any particular religion. To make sure that patients can get spiritual comfort to lessen their suffering, should they so desire, no matter their level of religiosity or spirituality, chaplains said they have been tailoring their word choice, communications style and pastoral care services to
the individual. “We meet people where they are, not where we think they should be,” said Art Maddock, manager of pastoral services for Mercy Northwest Arkansas, part of the Chesterfield, Missouri-based Mercy system. Ministry chaplains who spoke to Catholic Health World said while Catholic patients may be spiritually fortified by attending Mass or participating in the sacraments, people with no formal faith tradition may find transcendence in
Josh Kohanek /© Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Ministry chaplains reach out to nonreligious patients
Amber Arnold/Wisconsin State Journal
LOOKING GOOD INSIDE AND OUT Spencer Johnson styles Jeremiah Edwards’ hair at JP Hair Design in Madison, Wisconsin. Edwards faces the entrance to the Men’s Health & Education Center, which opened inside the barbershop in 2016. The center, funded through grants from SSM Health, provides health information and convenient health screenings to black men in a setting where they feel relaxed and welcome. Story PAGE 8.
An elderly woman faced foreclosure because of unpaid property taxes in rural Hood River County, Oregon. A county commissioner told the county’s health department director about the risk of eviction. The health department passed word to the nonprofit Columbia Gorge Health Council. Among its many services, that council’s Bridges to Health Pathways program coordinates access to health care and other services for vulnerable people in the sprawling Columbia Gorge region about 60 miles east of Portland, Oregon, said Coco Yackley, the council’s executive director. Columbia Gorge encompasses five counties in north-central Oregon and two counties in south-central Washington state that all straddle the Columbia River. The Continued on 6
The medical professionals of Providence are the stars of Future of Health Radio, the health care system’s new streaming radio station. Doctors, nurses, therapists and dietitians take turns behind the microphone answering questions from people who tune in for advice from trusted experts: Will the flu shot give you the flu? Is diet soda worse for you than regular soda? What’s the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes? “What we’re hearing is not just ‘I have questions,’ but ‘I have questions, and I want the answers from somebody I trust,’” said
Mary Renouf, who helped develop the concept for Providence. “We have such a deep roster of clinical experts — our doctors, our nurses, our fitness experts, our dietitians — we could cover a new topic every hour of every day.” Providence partnered with Dash Radio, a digital broadcasting platform, to create Future of Health Radio. Listeners can access it online at DashRadio.com/Future ofHealth or through the Dash Radio app. Programs cover all facets of health care — from emergency care to pregnancy to timely topics trending on social media like fasting or the keto diet. After programs air, they remain available as podcasts. Continued on 2
Mary Renouf
Providence’s Future of Health streaming radio station tunes into receptive audience
Dash Radio founder Scott Keeney, also known as DJ Skee, interviews Providence’s Dora Barilla, center, and Dr. Karen Boudreau for Future of Health Radio. Barilla is vice president, Community Health Investment, and Boudreau is senior vice president of Enterprise Care Management for the health system.