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APRIL 2022
Relief groups rally For long COVID patients, treatment spans specialties Doctors say symptom to help those cluster differs by patient, so care must be customized sheltering in Ukraine, fleeing the country
Caritas International/Marijn Fidder
Refugees from Ukraine pick up supplies just across the border in Palanca, Moldova. Groups within the Caritas International confederation are helping stock and staff sites inside Ukraine and in bordering nations that provide shelter and necessities for people displaced by the Russian invasion. By LISA EISENHAUER
The COVID-19 virus had been circulating for only a short time when Dr. Nilam Srivastava and her colleagues at Saint Peter’s Healthcare System recognized that some hospitalized patients would require extensive management of medical complications from the infection after discharge. “We had already started identifying their Srivastava needs while they were in the hospital, I would say from late May (2020),” said Srivastava, chief of the New Brunswick, New Jersey-based system’s division of general internal medicine.
Dr. José Biller, professor and chair of the department of neurology at Loyola University Medical Center in suburban Chicago and Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, co-leads a specialty neurology clinic for long COVID patients that opened in January 2021. Through mid-February, the clinic had evaluated 113 patients. The most common symptoms were chronic fatigue and brain fog.
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Colleagues offer practical aid to overstretched hospital units This type of employee volunteerism didn’t happen widely pre-pandemic Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Beth Keehn never would have dreamed she’d be assisting in clinical units at Mercy Health — St. Rita’s Medical Center in Lima, Ohio. But the director of community and government affairs for Mercy Health — Lima wrote in a December blogpost, “In this moment, what my community needs from me most is to don the scrubs and do whatever I can for those who need us most.” Keehn is among the many Mercy Health associates who have been stepping up when their system’s hospitals ask for employee
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Joe Poelker/Mercy Hospital South
Catholic relief groups and other organizations providing humanitarian support to Ukrainians who are fleeing or sheltering in place amid the invasion by Russian forces say the need for assistance is great. The effort to meet that need is hampered by the closure of major highways as military forces position themselves and by active combat including rocket and missile strikes in urban centers and residential neighborhoods. Relief organizations also face challenges accessing cash inside Ukraine as other nations respond to Russia’s aggression by closing off financial networks.
Mercy talent selection manager Katie Horton stocks supplies at Mercy Hospital South in suburban St. Louis. She volunteered for nonclinical support tasks to ease the COVID-related pressure on colleagues, including those giving direct patient care on COVID units.
Nursing schools graduate more students than ever —but it's not enough An abundance of well-qualified applicants compete for too few slots This much is evident: There is a significant and long-running shortage of nurses; the pressures of the pandemic worsened the problem; and shortages are expected to grow. Some administrators of Catholic nursing schools say there are intractable reasons that schools can’t keep up with demand including a shortage of teaching faculty, which limits student enrollment. Generally speaking, nurse faculty members can earn significantly more money nursing than teaching. In 2020, 80,521 qualified applications were not accepted at schools of nursing due primarily to a shortage of clinical
Jeff Rhode/Holy Name
Nursing student Emily Guttierrez checks vital signs on a medical manikin as students learn to hang medication on an IV pole last year. They were in a simulation classroom at the Sister Claire Tynan School of Nursing in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. The nursing school is affiliated with Holy Name hospital.
sites, faculty and resource constraints, according to results of a survey conducted by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. The association of nursing colleges says the nation’s nursing schools are graduating more nurses than ever before, but it’s not enough. What is more, nursing shortages in hospitals have a cascading impact. Overworked and overwhelmed nurses are calling it quits at alarming rates, others near retirement have taken that option during the pandemic. The nursing colleges association report warns: “Insufficient staffing is raising the stress level of nurses, impacting job satisfaction, and driving many nurses to leave the profession.” It adds that nurse retirement and turnover rates are negatively affecting the quality of health care. For instance, a Continued on 6