Catholic Health World - August 1, 2022

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Catholic Health helps a grieving Buffalo 3 CHA board execs brief Vatican 7 Cupboards run bare 8 PERIODICAL RATE PUBLICATION

AUGUST 1, 2022


Health systems find plenty of reasons to play ball with pro franchises Mercy, Trinity Health Michigan, Providence St. Joseph say alliances boost brands

This relationship


has been much more

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valuable than just visibility at an arena. It’s really been a kind

Portland Timbers and Thorns

When he became head sports physician at Missouri State University in his hometown of Springfield and where he had been a standout slugger and infielder in his college years, Dr. Brian Mahaffey says he met his career aspirations. “I was able to do that for 16 years and would’ve been very happy doing that for the rest of my career,” Mahaffey says. “I’m fortunate in that I got a second dream job.” In 2013, when St. Louis-based Mercy signed its first contract to provide mediMahaffey cal services to the Cardinals, Mahaffey was called up to the big leagues. The sports medicine specialist was drafted to lead a team of physicians overseeing the care of the players for one of professional baseball’s

Providence Health & Services in Oregon has naming rights to the home stadium of the Portland Timbers and Thorns pro soccer teams and its doctors take care of the athletes, team staffs and their families. The high-profile sponsorship attracts patients with sports injuries or athletic aspirations to Providence’s sports medicine physician practices.

of a foundational point where we get our wellness message across to a greater community.” — Rob Casalou, Trinity Health Michigan and Southeast Regions

Ministry clinicians help new parents navigate baby formula shortages Truveta says its Impact of scarcity is falling hard on Black, low-income and rural families platform could speed medical research, inform treatment decisions By JULIE MINDA

National baby formula shortages that began early this year have abated slightly but remain a concern for new parents across the U.S. Pediatricians and a lactation consultant from the Catholic health ministry say they’ve been particularly attuned to the amplified challenges low-income, rural and minority families have been facing in securing sufficient formula to feed their infants. A June report by Kaiser Family Foundation on the impact of the formula shortage states that infants from low-income households, infants living in rural areas and infants of color are more likely to be fed formula diets exclusively or as a supplement to breastmilk than are white babies born to higher-income families. “In addition to being more likely to use formula, low-income families also may have less resources to search for and purchase in-stock formula,” and those living in Continued on 5

Courtney Elliott feeds her newborn daughter as her 3-year-old son gives the baby a pat at Mercy Hospital Oklahoma City. Elliott contracted COVID-19 toward the end of her pregnancy and, after an emergency cesarean delivery to relieve her breathing, she developed a lifethreatening blood clot. She credits the hospital’s clinicians with saving her life.


Mackey Roberson, the lactation consultant at CHRISTUS Highland Medical Center in Shreveport, Louisiana, shows a breast milk pump to a new mother. Roberson says a recent slight uptick in moms choosing to breastfeed may be related to concerns with baby formula shortages.

“Saving Lives with Data.” It is a bold vision statement. Truveta, a health system-led company, says the integrated health data platform it is building will help save lives. It will enable researchers to find treatments faster, clinicians to ferret out root causes of disease and families to make better health care decisions. Dr. Nick Stucky, Truveta vice president of research, says that the company and its 20 member health systems have prioritized health equity as a top focus area. Stucky says Truveta’s data bank and data analysis tools hold the potential to give researchers a solid grasp of why certain marginalized Continued on 2

All-out effort at Mercy Oklahoma City saves mother of newborn By LISA EISENHAUER


eeping Courtney Elliott alive during a COVID-19 nightmare that started just after New Year’s Day and stretched into mid-March took an all-hands-on-deck effort at Mercy Hospital Oklahoma City. “Basically every service in our hospital had some degree of interaction and care with Courtney, because that’s what was required,” said Dr. Jennifer Strebel, one of three physicians who shared their memories of the colossal lifesaving effort in a press release and YouTube video. Continued on 6

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