JULY 1, 2020 VOLUME 36, NUMBER 7
A threshold moment requires trust in God, letting go of what has been
Racial disparities in health brought to fore by COVID-19 By LISA EISENHAUER
By SR. MARY HADDAD, RSM CHA president and chief executive officer
The coronavirus pandemic, which is the greatest public health crisis that most of us have faced in our lifetime, has presented Catholic health care with immense and unprecedented challenges in the span of just a few months. It has also demonstrated once again how our healing ministry steps up and rises to the call to care during a crisis. While the challenges of responding to COVID-19 will remain with us for the foreseeable future, we have already seen the same unwavering commitment by our caregivers that Continued on 2
Martha Simmons, the first COVID-19 patient admitted to CHRISTUS Ochsner St. Patrick Hospital in Lake Charles, Louisiana, is discharged with a celebration on June 12 having spent almost three months in the hospital. The pandemic has taken an especially harsh toll on African Americans.
In the view of futurist Jamie Metzl, the world will never be the same after the pandemic — it will be transformed either for the better or for the worse. Speaking as the keynote for CHA’s virtual Catholic Health Assembly June 8, he said that it is incumbent upon the Catholic health ministry to advocate rebuilding that is done for the better — that is, in the name of the common good. The world that existed before the pandemic “is not coming back, at least not in the same way it was,” Jamie Metzl said Metzl. “And the question for all of us now is: Can we — while we fight this pandemic — can we begin to lay the foundation for the kind of world we would like to live in?” He said the pre-pandemic world was replete with inequity and injustice, and society’s most vulnerable were not protected. The nation and the world can come back from the pandemic with a much better system that provides protections for everyone, not just the advantaged. Continued on 10
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CHA lauds frontline health care workers at virtual assembly By LISA EISENHAUER
Assembly keynote speaker says ministry must help lay just foundation for nation’s rebuilding
Pamela Mitchell-Boyd remembers exactly when the breadth of the racial disparities of the coronavirus pandemic hit her full bore. It was April 6 and she was listening to a press conference on the coronavirus by Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot. Among the statistics the mayor cited, Mitchell-Boyd recalls, was that more than half of the Chicagoans who had tested positive for COVID-19 and 72% of those who had died from the virus were black, and that’s in a city where African Americans make up 30% of the population. “When these numbers presented themselves it just became astounding and I knew that our health system needed to address our patient population and understand how the disease was affecting the people that we care for,” said Mitchell-Boyd, system director of diversity, inclusion and language services for Ascension’s AMITA Health. She reached out to colleagues within the Chicago-based system. They quickly set up a team with executives, advocacy leaders, and analytics and research specialists to compile demographic data from AMITA’s 19 hospitals and 200 other care facilities about patients who had tested positive for the coronavirus. The team hopes to use data on
Although the pandemic kept health ministry leaders from gathering in person at CHA’s annual Catholic Health Assembly for the first time in 105 years, hundreds convened online June 8 for an inspiring and forward-looking virtual version of the event. At 90 minutes, the online gathering was a much-shortened stand-in for the planned 2½-day meeting in Atlanta. Nevertheless, it served to rally senior leaders of Catholic health systems and hospitals across the U.S. who along with health care workers everywhere have spent most of the year fighting the spread of the deadly novel coronavirus and grappling with the pandemic’s toll on lives, communities and economies. “The founders of our health ministries had the courage to move beyond their known reality. They responded to God’s call and trusted in God’s abiding presence,” Sr. Mary Haddad, RSM, CHA’s president and chief executive officer, said in her opening remarks. “Today, we, too, are called to trust God; to embrace what is emerging in Catholic health care; and to have the courage to step through the threshold into a new reality.”
Workers at risk sionate care for patients and families; its “I’d like to begin by recognizing all the demand for an ethical allocation of coroheath care workers who have given so navirus tests, medical supplies and other much in service to those resources; and its advoimpacted by COVID-19,” cacy for funding to supSr. Mary said in her comport Medicaid, long-term ments, which followed a care, safety net hospitals video homage to the staff and affordable health of Catholic hospitals and insurance. nursing homes caring for The assembly’s openpatients with COVID-19. ing reflection was given “On behalf of the entire by Archbishop José H. ministry, I offer our heartGomez of Los Angeles, felt appreciation and president of the United gratitude.” States Conference of CathShe compared their olic Bishops. Before offerselfless service to that of Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los ing a prayer for all those the religious women who Angeles, president of the United suffering from the panfounded and sustained States Conference of Catholic demic, he addressed those Catholic health care dur- Bishops, gave the opening reflection health care workers on the ing times of national cri- at CHA’s virtual assembly. He thanked front lines saying, “I hope sis, including the Civil War health care workers on the front lines you know how grateful we and the Spanish flu pan- of the pandemic. are and how much we are demic of 1918. indebted to you.” “Our response to this pandemic demonstrates that the mission of Catholic health Disparities and protests care has never been stronger,” Sr. Mary said. Sr. Mary said that COVID-19 has underShe added that the Catholic ministry scored the disparities in health outcomes continues the healing ministry of Jesus in based on race and economic status. She many ways, including through compasContinued on 7
Rural hospitals work to stave off financial hit of pandemic By LISA EISENHAUER and JULIE MINDA
While some organizations are warning that the COVID-19 pandemic could spell doom for many rural hospitals that were already on shaky financial ground before the crisis, several executives with rural Catholic hospitals say they expect their organizations to withstand the health emergency with government help. In April, the National Rural Health Association warned of more trouble ahead. The
organization said nearly half of rural hospitals were losing money before they added to their financial precariousness by canceling nonemergency services because of the pandemic. “The rate of rural hospital closures, already at crisis levels preCOVID-19, will soon escalate to cataclysmic rates,” the association said. Twelve rural hospitals closed in the first five months of the year, eight of them in March and April, and 18 closed last year, according to the North Carolina Rural
Health Research Program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Many hospitals and health systems have gone public about their financial woes related to the national emergency. Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, said in a press release in mid-April that it expected its net revenue losses for April and May to be about $120 million. Rene Ragas, president of FMOL’s Our Continued on 11