Catholic Health World - September 1, 2021

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Introducing ‘At Work’ 3 Executive changes  7 PERIODICAL RATE PUBLICATION


PACE providers help keep fragile seniors safe during pandemic Providers flip their operating model to provide more services at home By JULIE MINDA

During the worst of the pandemic and prior to being vaccinated against COVID-19, Vivian Collick, 79, of Philadelphia, was afraid to venture out of her senior living apartment complex for supplies or medical care. Thankfully, as a participant in the Mercy LIFE Program of AllInclusive Care for the Elderly, she had a safe and reliable lifeline. Staff of that Trinity Health PACE program called frequently to check in on her and ask her what she needed. They delivered medications so she wouldn’t have to go to a drugstore, and they sent

PACE participants Lee Rice and David Ahselm enjoy a rose parade event that Providence ElderPlace – Cully in Portland, Oregon, held in June. This PACE program is one of the few in the country with a residential component.

nurses to her apartment for health checks. “It put my mind at ease, not having to go out to go to the (PACE) center and not having to go out where I could get COVID,” Collick says. She is one of more than 55,000 PACE participants nationwide, the vast majority of whom have stayed safe and healthy in their residences during the pandemic through the support of PACE, according to the National PACE Association. At the pandemic’s chaotic start, PACE providers from the Catholic health ministry pivoted quickly from providing services from a central hub to providing most services in clients’ homes or by telehealth. A study by the National PACE Association says most PACE clients have fared better in terms of COVID case rates and Continued on 8

Clinic delivers on Mercy’s promise to invest in Ferguson, Mo.

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Lisa Eisenhauer/© CHA

FERGUSON, Mo. — One of the people who stopped by the Mercy Clinic Primary Care – Ferguson within the first few weeks of its opening in late July was a Black man who couldn’t find a doctor who would accept his insurance. “He felt right off the bat, he’s been incarcerated, he’s diabetic, he’s not going to get any medical attention, any medical help,” recalled Sophia Easterling, the practice manager of the clinic in suburban St. Louis. “I’m like, ‘We definitely can help you. We can figure something out. Don’t just give up.’” She made him an appointment to see one of the clinic’s clinicians to assess his health. When he came to his first



People enter the Mercy Clinic Primary Care – Ferguson in Missouri for a tour after the ribbon cutting and blessing in July. The clinic is part of a revival underway in the footprint of the sometimes-violent protests against racism and police violence that followed the 2014 fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

Program treats needy for substance abuse that costs them dearly By COLLEEN SCHRAPPEN

Jamie George had been through eight drug treatment programs for heroin dependency when he checked into PROVIDENCE Wa t e r f r o n t Recovery ST. JOSEPH Services on HEALTH Dec. 5, 2018. The date is now imprinted in his memory forever, he says. It was the start of a seven-day detox, followed by two months of residential care, and the first time since he was 19 that George, now 55, felt like his life was his again. “It was a game changer for me,” he said. Continued on 6

Wanda Warmuth credits Waterfront Recovery Services in Eureka, California, with halting her downward spiral due to alcohol dependence. Support from the Well Being Trust and Providence St. Joseph Health’s St. Joseph Hospital helped launch and stabilize the program’s finances. Warmuth shares her story in a video on the treatment program’s website.

Ministry systems commit to spend more with minority- and women-owned vendors By JULIE MINDA

About 20% of small businesses have closed either temporarily or permanently during the COVID19 pandemic. And small businesses that were owned by immigrants, women, and Black, Latino and Asian people experienced sharper cash balance declines and higher closure rates during the pandemic than those owned by white nonimmigrants. That is according to the Healthcare Anchor Network organization, which in June announced that a dozen of its member health systems have committed to increase their spending with minority- and women-owned businesses, to the tune of at least $1 billion collectively through 2026. Bon Secours Mercy Health, CommonSpirit Health and Providence St. Joseph Health are among the systems

that have signed the “Impact Purchasing Commitment.” Signatories also will increase their spending with small businesses that are locally based, employee-owned, cooperatively owned or that are nonprofit. The signatories commit to working with their vendors to create hiring pipelines in low-income communities. And participating health systems will increase environmentally sustainable purchasing. The extent of the changes the systems will be making as part of this commitment “is a big lift, but the work is grounded in our mission, vision Santore and values,” says Ali Santore, senior vice president of government affairs and social responsibility for Providence Continued on 2

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