Catholic Health World - March 15, 2021

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Telehealth for gestational diabetes  6 Executive changes  7 PERIODICAL RATE PUBLICATION

MARCH 15, 2021  VOLUME 37, NUMBER 5

Advocates work on acute and structural causes of food insecurity As employers have shut down or scaled back their businesses because of pandemic impacts, job insecurity has increased, with low-wage, hourly workers impacted most. Lacking money for food, high numbers of people have been seeking emergency food aid. While government and private aid has helped address food insecurity in the U.S., food demand remains high, according to a sampling of leaders from the health care, social service and academic fields. Those leaders said the needs of the hungry — needs that go well beyond sustenance — highlight the necessity for broad systemic change that involves partnerships between governmental and private agencies to address root causes of food insecurity.

Neil Blake/The Grand Rapids Press via AP


Cars line up in the parking lot at a drive-thru food pantry at Woodland Mall in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in April 2020. There has been a high demand for food aid since the outset of the pandemic.

“We need to make sure that our systems are fair,” Michele Sumilas told the participants in “The Face of the Person Who is Hungry,” a virtual conference convened by Pittsburgh’s Duquesne University School of Nursing in the fall. She was executive director of the Washington, D.C.-based Bread for the World advocacy organization when she spoke at the conference. She is now assistant to the administrator of the bureau for policy, planning, and learning at the United States Agency for International Development.

Spiked demand Jane Stenson is vice president of food and nutrition and poverty reduction strategies at Catholic Charities USA. Food aid is the agency’s biggest service. Stenson Continued on 4

Hospice patients Health ministry, partners help contain virus spread among homeless maintain the bond with Providers want homeless people their furry or feathered prioritized for vaccination By JULIE MINDA friends through Pet When the coronavirus began its rapid spread about Peace of Mind a year ago, public health agencies quickly recognized how dangerous it would be if the virus were to infect people in crowded encampments and homeless shelters, putting this highly vulnerable population — and the broader community — at great risk. The public health threat and humanitarian concerns spurred federal, state and local government agencies and homeless services organizations and their partners including members of the Catholic health ministry to undertake a massive effort to mitigate the risk. Together, coalition members supplied the funding and resources needed to depopulate homeless shelters by offering temporary housing such as hotel rooms, and otherwise tending to the health and socioeconomic needs of people without permanent housing. The coordination between public and private efforts kept things moving with urgency. For example, the Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland contributed to the Greater Cleveland COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund, a collective pool of philanthropic Continued on 3

Lulu found a new home through Pet Peace of Mind. The service gives hospice and palliative care patients the gift of knowing their pets will be well cared for as their health declines.

Karen Otto, a member of the Mount Carmel Health System Street Medicine team, meets with a man experiencing homelessness in Columbus, Ohio.

Playbook perfect: SCL Health vaccinates 5,000 at one event By LISA EISENHAUER


For a hospice patient living alone, the companionship and unconditional love of a pet can add a layer of comfort and emotional support at a trying time. Yet, caring for a dog, cat, bird or other animal can become increasingly difficult or impossible for a person in declining health. And when end of life approaches, worrying about who will take care of a furry or feathered friend can increase stress and anxiety — exactly what hospice is designed to relieve. “Pets are family members,” said Dianne McGill, president of Pet Peace of Mind, which helps hospice patients maintain the bond with their pets. “Since hospice is a Continued on 2

One relative arranged vaccine appointments for 11 of her family members age 70 and older, including these three individuals resting after getting vaccines at a mass vaccine event run by SCL Health at the National Western Complex in Denver on Feb. 6.

When Colorado Gov. Jared Polis asked SCL Health in January to lead a one-day mass vaccination event for some of the residents of the state who were most vulnerable to COVID-19, Lydia Jumonville, the system’s president and chief executive, says there was no hesitation. A team within the system chose a date, secured a site, set up an online registration process, crafted a communications strategy, coordinated with community groups to arrange transportation and recruited hundreds of volunteers, all within a few weeks. The Feb. 6 vaccination drive at the National Western Complex, a convention space in Denver, got shots into 5,000 arms within 10 hours. If SCL Health had had enough vaccine, Jumonville is confident 10,000 people could have gotten shots. “I think the efficiency of what we Continued on 8

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