Pandemic exacerbates dementia 2 Executive changes 7 PERIODICAL RATE PUBLICATION
Catholic health care works to reverse worrisome dip in children’s health insurance coverage By LISA EISENHAUER
Statistics show a troubling trend for children nationwide: more of them have no health insurance. After falling to 4.7% in 2016, the percentage of children without health coverage ticked up to 5.7% by 2019, according to an annual analysis of census data done by the Center for Children and Families at the Health Policy Institute at Georgetown University. The change means that the number of children on public or private insurance rolls shrunk by about 726,000 children over three years. Experts like those who do the analysis for Georgetown fear that the number for 2020, which won’t be known before this fall, could show a sharp spike because of the loss of jobs and employer-provided
insurance due to the coronavirus pandemic. “It’s extremely troubling. We knew the number was going in the wrong direction,” said Joan Alker, who co-authored the analysis. “We’ve known that for a couple of years, and of course the pandemic has so many negative consequences for children and everybody in our society.”
Dr. Heidi Sallee, a pediatrician at SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children’s Hospital in St. Louis, talks with a young family. The family is featured in a video that is part of CHA’s Medicaid Makes It Possible campaign.
Impact beyond families As executive director and a co-founder of the Center for Children and Families, Alker has spent years documenting how factors like access to health care improve the lives of children and families. Children without insurance, for example, are more likely to suffer from chronic but treatable conditions like asthma. Continued on 4
In-house entrepreneurs CHA leads, members drive effort to end racism, health disparities ready Providence’s A membership-driven initiative being third incubated led by CHA is addressing systemic racism and its effects, both within Catholic health company for spin-off care and throughout the communities that By LISA EISENHAUER
This quarter, Providence St. Joseph Health’s digital innovation unit is launching DexCare, the third company that it has incubated for spin-off. Under its Entrepreneurs-In-Residence program, the notfor-profit Catholic health system employs businesspeople who shepherd some Providence start-ups to independence and continue to lead those companies as they find their legs in the marketplace. Aaron Martin, Providence executive vice president and chief digiMartin tal officer, says employing entrepreneurs in this way is part of the health system’s nearly decade-long acceleration of its digital technology strategy. The Providence Digital Innovation Group Martin heads buys or develops from scratch, nascent technologies with the potential to significantly enhance health care delivery. It refines the products and field tests them at Providence health care sites. If a technology platform shows broad commercial promise, the digital group creates a start-up company to move the product along to a wider market. It may hire entrepreneurs with a proven track record to position the start-up to eventually leave the incubator and secure first-round financing from private venture capitalists. Providence will receive founder’s shares in DexCare by virtue of its role as creator of the company. Separately, Providence’s venture capital arm, Providence Ventures, will evaluate DexCare as a potential investment.
Proof of concept Created and then scaled by the Providence Digital Innovation Group since about 2016, DexCare is a technology platform that the health system uses to make it easier for people who are searching for an ambulatory care provider to find a clinician Continued on 6
Catholic health ministries serve by taking steps to end health and social disparities. The effort includes ensuring that testing and treatments for COVID-19 are available and accessible in minority communities and advocating for better schools, safe housing, economic opportunity and criminal justice reform. The initiative, Confronting Racism by Achieving Health Equity, was rolled out to the public on Feb. 4 with the pledged support of 23 of the nation’s largest Catholic health care systems. The systems together employ nearly a half million people across 46 states and the District of Columbia and care for almost 4 million patients annually. Sr. Mary Haddad, RSM, Sr. Mary CHA president and chief executive officer, said during a press briefing announcing the initiative that Catholic
Saint Agnes Health Institute staff set off to knock on doors in Baltimore in August to promote participation in the census, which determines how much federal assistance communities receive. Saint Agnes Hospital, part of Ascension, started the institute in 2018 to partner with the community to promote wellness and disease prevention.
health ministries’ efforts to end racism go back to their founding by congregations of women religious who cared for the poor and vulnerable. Those congregations led efforts
to integrate care for patients of color in the last century and lent their voices on behalf of justice during the civil rights movement. Continued on 3
In ministry affinity groups, women build up their careers, capabilities By JULIE MINDA
Debra Rockey, right, Trinity Health senior consultant for human resources and organization effectiveness, chats with a participant at the Women's Empowerment Fall Event in October 2019, held at St. Mary Mercy Livonia Hospital in Livonia, Michigan.
When employees are more engaged in their workplace, they are more productive, deliver better outcomes and are more likely to stay with an organization. One way that some Catholic health systems are deepening employees’ engagement is by hosting affinity groups for employees who share common interests, and multiple ministry systems have established such groups for women. The groups aim to help women build connections with their colleagues, establish mentor relationships, advance their careers, build their skills and nurture their souls. Representatives from a sampling of systems say the groups’ work has a direct impact on the mission. “When people are more engaged there is less turnover and greater employee Continued on 8