Catholic Health World - November 15, 2020

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Catholic care providers intensify efforts to elevate inclusion and racial justice Catholic health care Focus on social justice, uses dialogue, therapy, health equity energize education to advance ministry’s outreach racial equity efforts By JULIE MINDA and LISA EISENHAUER


This spring, when a video of the homicide of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer went viral, employees of CHRISTUS Health were among the countless people who were stunned and heartbroken by what they saw. To acknowledge the horror of that death along with the deaths of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and many others, and to help employees begin to process their emotions, CHRISTUS held a virtual memorial service. CHRISTUS has since been encouraging conversation about racial inequity among employees and building awareness of employee assistance programs for mental health for those distressed

Leaders within Catholic health care systems say that amid the push for racial justice in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd and for health equity as the heavy toll the pandemic has taken on Black, Hispanic and Native American communities has come into focus, their ministries have recommitted to and expanded their outreach and community programs that promote racial justice, equity and inclusion. Among their areas of focus are investing in marginalized communities, increasing the pipeline of people of color seeking jobs in health care and identifying racial disparities in health outcomes to improve care delivery and access.

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As part of CHRISTUS Health’s racial justice education campaign for employees, the system built a web portal populated with information about health equity, diversity and inclusion.

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Caring for patients by caring for the planet, nurses are up for the challenge Age-friendly care

Carrie Berquist, an Ohlone Indian shown here surveying her ranch in Santa Barbara County, inspired her granddaughter Erin Berquist’s commitment to environmentalism. The younger Berquist, a nurse at Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital in Grass Valley, California, is a Nurse Climate Champion within the CommonSpirit Health system.

Erin Berquist grew up in Santa Barbara, California, spending much of her time at her grandmother’s 160-acre ranch in the mountains nearby. The ranch has no electricity; her grandma, 85, an Ohlone Indian (formerly known as the Costanoans), lives by lamplight and woodburning stove. That lifestyle, and its deep connection with nature, impacted Berquist profoundly, she says. “It’s my spiritual spot — the reason why I think I’m so passionate about environmental issues,” says Berquist. Now 39, Berquist has been a registered nurse at Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital in Grass Valley, California, for 15 years, first as a floor nurse and, for the last five years, working in wound care. Since 2008, she’s also been a charter member of the

framework finds wider embrace By LISA EISENHAUER

Providence St. Joseph Health, Ascension and Trinity Health, the three Catholic health systems that were among the first to test the concepts behind an initiative to make care for older adults more agefriendly, have since made the framework their own by adding local adaptations.

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ArchCare’s Calvary offers grief support in the time of COVID-19 By JULIE MINDA

Joanna Mills says she is not sure how she would have gotten through the last five months, were it not for Melanie Rae Pappalardi and the virtual bereavement support group Pappalardi runs every Thursday evening on Zoom. Pappalardi is a social worker providing bereavement support under an expansion of services by New York’s ArchCare long-term care system and its Calvary Hospital, an acute palliative care hospital in the Bronx. The Archdiocese of New York sponsors ArchCare. Mills, of Yonkers, New York, had been one of the main caregivers of her mother, Nora Mills, who had a degenerative heart condition and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A massive stroke in March caused a profound deterioration in Nora Mills’ condition, and she spent much of the spring on hospice care at home — with some of her care delivered by ArchCare staff. By Continued on 6

Dr. Cara Ellis discusses fall risk factors with Larry, a volunteer older adult patient, as part of the geriatric mini fellowship at Providence St. Joseph Health in 2018.

Joanna Mills, right, is shown here with her mother, Nora Mills, during one of the many hospitalizations before her death. Mills attends ArchCare at Calvary Hospital’s virtual bereavement group.

Photo courtesy of Providence St. Joseph Health


The framework that is at the core of the Age-Friendly Health Systems initiative is called the “4Ms” for what matters to the patient, mentation, mobility and medication. (See Page 2 sidebar.) Providence Oregon put it in practice in outpatient care at the regional system, part of Providence St. Joseph Health, in 2017. The idea, says Colleen M. Casey, associate cliniCasey cal director of Providence Oregon’s Senior Health Program, was to Continued on 2

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