heat as an overabundant
MILWAUK JOURNAL SENTINEL, JANUARY 1ST, 2075 *CONTACT THE JOURNAL SENTINEL FOR INQUIRIES* CA ING HUMBLE CITIZENS OF MILWAUK YOU WHO MIGRATED HERE WHEN YOUR HOME WAS SWELTERING, WHO CAME WITH A DREAM! WHERE IS YOUR DREAM NOW? YOU, WHO MOVE SUBCONCIOUSLY TO THE MORE DESIRABLE PARTS OF THE CITY STI REMAINING, ONLY TO S THEM SLIP FROM YOUR FINGERS WITH EACH PA ING YEAR. YOU, WHO FEAR EACH DAY THAT OUR ENERGY RESOURCES WI ONE DAY NOT M T THE DEMANDS REQUIRED TO COUNTERACT THE VICIOUS HEAT. THE MILWAUK DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CA S UPON THOSE BOLD ENOUGH TO PURSUE THE DREAM OF A VIABLE FUTURE FOR THEIR CHILDREN AND IS PREPARED TO PROVIDE AN INITIAL $20,000 STIPEND ALONG WITH A YEARLY SALARY STARTING AT $80,000 FOR THOSE WHO EMBRACE THE CAR R OF A HEAT FARMER. JOIN A CAR R THAT INFUSES MEANING INTO YOUR LIFE, THAT YOU CAN WEAR PROUDLY AS A BADGE OF HONOR. JOIN THE MOVEMENT TO HARVEST A OF THE HEAT AND CARBON DIOXIDE OUR PREVIOUS GENERATIONS HAVE LEFT US, AND TRANSFORM IT INTO BEAUTIFUL HOMES AND LANDSCAPES IN WHICH YOU WI LIVE AND THRIVE. CU ENT OPENINGS IN HORTICULTURE, LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, ARCHITECTURE, ELECTRICAL ENGIN RING, CIVIL ENGIN RING, EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE, AND MORE! REALIZE YOUR DREAM. BE A PION R. TAKE ACTION. JOIN THE HEAT FARMER MOVEMENT. It is the year 2075. Droves of climate migrants have made their way to Milwauk from warmer regions. 1 2 3 But upon iving, they have not se led in of what we consider Milwauk today. While the climate here is more temperate than regions further south, it sti reaches uncomfortably hot temperatures during the su er season, which lasts longer and longer due to tra ed carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The shoreline has moved inward due to rising water levels, and the co ercialized areas of the city today – vast concrete stretches of what were once big box stores and parking lots where it was once safe to leave parked cars have but abandoned. Even the friendlier temperatures of future Milwauk do not ly to these spaces, as their heat island ect already today, especia in redlined areas, has further exacerbated to the point of uninhabitability. Not only has the population of Milwauk increased significantly, but faces density ues as people cram into areas away from the shoreline and previous development, prompting over-development of new housing in select areas, which leads to further heat island ects, which now come about more easily. The new inhabitants then disperse only to repeat the damage elsewhere, desperate and unsure of how to solve the ue. is hard to halt the domino ect after so much damage has already done. That said, inhabitants are natura motivated to move into gr ner areas where temperatures wi be lower, even if means risking damaging those areas through over-development with traditional construction methods until they become uninhabitable. Why, logica would anyone want to se le abandoned areas of the city that are no longer inhabitable to begin with? Although public sentiment on the whole has yet to shift, handful of radical inhabitants of Milwauk – “pion rs” have su fu designed and implemented aspects of “regenerative biogenic colonies” on abandoned co ercial parking lots. They have omplished this by harvesting heat. The Milwauk Department of Public Works has recognized that the heat island ect on abandoned stretches of concrete in the city reducing the amount of land available for sustainable development incrementa each year as temperatures continue to rise. Since the heat farmers have utilizing ways to actua reduce carbon dioxide in the air and lower air temperatures while rese ling these stretches of land, the Milwauk Department of Public Works had decided to provide an economic incentive program for inhabitants of Milwauk living in traditiona y-constructed areas to take on the car r of the heat farmer and move to new regenerative biogenic colony the city. What’s the catch? The catch is that they are charged with cultivating intentional co unities based on we ne through the catalyst of heat, through model that is now nece ary for the continued existence of the human race. As such, the heat farmers and their families are now compensated for doing their job. And they get to live beautiful biogenic homes amidst lower temperatures as they their co unities expand. This project explores the year-round tasks of the heat farmers, their biogenic structures, and the form and function of the co unities they sculpt. They consider the exce heat and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to be an overabundant crop, and transform in ways that regenerate net-positive output of electricity, along with organic building and landscaping materials such as timber, compost, biochar, and ra ed earth which then serve to expand their colonies of clean living on these abandoned lands. Their regenerative orts have even lowered the average air temperatures within their colonies by creating new gr oases by transforming heat and byproducts from chemical conversions of carbon dioxide into new landscapes. Slowly but surely, few of these new regenerative biogenic colonies have gained traction, although in sma numbers, and some have begun to su ly exce electricity to the desperate co ercial entities traditiona y-developing areas of the city. The daily tasks of heat harvesting, read: transformation, are time-intensive and year-round, so without intervention only people with means could adopt this lifestyle, which is entia fu car as heat farmer. Heat farmers as these pion rs like to ca themselves –may take on any subset of tasks within the co unity, including but not limited to landscaping, maintenance of carbon dioxide extraction and conversion equipment, gr nhouse maintenance, timber proce ing, design, and construction. In turn, they merit to live healthy lifestyle whose benefits extend to the city around them. CONDUCTIVE CONVECTIVE promotes we ne - TRANSFER HIGH INTENSITY MEDIUM INTENSITY MEDIUM INTENSITY LOW INTENSITY SHOULD BE AVOIDED - TRANSFORM SHOULD BE AVOIDED - TRANSFORM RADIANT 4 5 6 7 8 HEAT FARMERS DIVISION 1 HEAT TRANSFERENCE; SELECTIVE ENTRY HEAT FARMERS DIVISION 2 HEAT TRANSFERENCE; AVOIDANCE HEAT FARMERS DIVISION 3 HEAT TRANSFORMATION HEAT FARMERS DIVISION 4 SYSTEM: DIRECT AIR CAPTURE WITH AMINE SOLUTION CHEMICAL CONVERSION TO OXYGEN SODIUM CARBONATE WITH SODIUM PEROXIDE SOLUTION REDIRECT AND USE LIQUID CO2 IN GREENHOUSES STORE CAPTURED CO2 IN NEWLY-MIXED CONCRETE BETWEEN EXISTING PAVEMENT AND NEW RAISED FOUNDATIONS SEEBECK GENERATORS CONNECTED TO SOLAR COOKERS AND BIOMASS MATERIALS SUCH AS CONCRETE AND MASONRY SEEBECK GENERATORS CONNECTED TO HOT/COLD COMPOST SLABS, WHICH FORMA SEASONAL KINETIC ENERGY LOOP WITH THE SOLAR COOKERS HEAT FOR DECOMPOSITION (BIOCHAR AND COOKING) DOUBLE MEMBRANE PLANT WALLS RAMMED EARTH WALLS/FLOORS BRICK MASONRY WALLS/FLOORS GLAZING, INTERIOR BIOMASS, AND REFLECTIVE PANELING/SOLAR COOKERS COMMUNITY CHEFS BIOCHAR PRODUCTION WORKERS SPA WORKERS OUTDOOR COOKING, BIOCHAR PRODUCTION & STORAGE SAUNA MAINTENANCE, ONDOL MAINTENANCE, INDOOR COOKING HORTICULTURIST ARCHITECT TEST AMOUNT AND VARIETY OF PLANTINGS TO ENSURE THAT PROPER AMOUNTS OF CO2 ARE ABSORBED AND TEMPERATURES DROP ACCORDINGLY TEST LIGHT PROPERTIES OF PLANT DENSITY HEAT IS ABSORBED BY MATERIALS, CO2 IS STORED IN PLANTINGS, HEAT IS REDUCED INDOORS BY SUN-BLOCKING WITH PLANTS SAME AS ABOVE PLUMBER/WATER TECHNICIAN COMPOST MANAGERS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS ENSURE COMPOST SLABS KEEP SLOWER METABOLISM (COLD COMPOST) TO CREATE A TEMPERATURE GRADIENT BETWEEN THEM AND THE SEEBECK GENERATORS ON THE HOT SOLAR COOKERS ENSURE COMPOST SLABS KEEP FASTER METABOLISM (HOT COMPOST) TO CREATE A TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM AND THE SEEBECK GENERATORS ON THE COLD OUT-OF-USE SOLAR COOKERS YEAR-ROUND TEMPERATURE GRADIENT TO CREATE CONVECTIVE FLOWS FOR WATER AND ELECTRICITY LIQUID CO2 STORAGE MAINTENANCE GREENHOUSE WORKER DIRECT AIR CAPTURE PLANT MANAGEMENT INDUSTRIAL CHEMIST ENSURE CO2 REDUCTION IN ATMOSPHERE ALLOWS FOR OPTIMAL TRANSITION OF SEASONS; I.E. REDUCE IT BUT NOT ENOUGH TO PREVENT SUMMER FROM HAPPENING ENSURE AMINE AND SODIUM PEROXIDE SOLUTIONS ARE ADJUSTED TO HIGH BUT DECREASING LEVELS OF CO2 IN THE ATMOSPHERE ROUTINELY MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT SO AS NOT TO BE AFFECTED BY INCLEMENT WEATHER ENSURE AMINE AND SODIUM PEROXIDE SOLUTIONS ARE ADJUSTED TO LOW BUT INCREASING LEVELS OF CO2 IN THE ATMOSPHERE GREENHOUSE MAINTENANCE YEAR-ROUND LOWER CO2 IN THE ATMOSPHERE ALSO LOWERS THE AMOUNT OF HEAT THAT BE BE TRAPPED IN THE ATMOSPHERE AND LOWERS TEMPERATURES POSITIONS AVAILABLE: SUMMER DUTIES: WINTER DUTIES: RESULTS: SYSTEM: POSITIONS AVAILABLE: SUMMER DUTIES: WINTER DUTIES: RESULTS: SYSTEM: POSITIONS AVAILABLE: SUMMER DUTIES: WINTER DUTIES: RESULTS: SYSTEM: POSITIONS AVAILABLE: SUMMER DUTIES: WINTER DUTIES: CO STORAGE AND TRANSFORMATION WILLIAMSBURG HEIGHTS, MILWAUKEE, WI - AVERAGE DAILY MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE, ANNUAL (F) CRT-CLIMATE-EXPLORER.NEMAC.ORG 1950 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 1960 AVERAGE DAILY MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE (F) DIFFERENCE FROM OBSERVED AVERAGE (F) 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 2080 2090 0 5 10 15 HEATING DEGREE DAYS PROJECTED 2070-2075 COOLING DEGREE DAYS PROJECTED 2070-2075 OBSERVATIONS MODELED HISTORY LOWER EMISSIONS HIGHER EMISSIONS HDD 65 % EST I MAT ED AN 400 0 05 FEB 600 0.1 MAR 350 0 008 APR 200 0.5 MAY 100 0 003 UN 28 0 002 UL 0 0 08 AUG 0 0.15 SEP 15 0 01 OC T 75 0 004 NOV 285 0 005 DEC 520 0 TOT AL 2573 0 07 CDD 65 % EST MAT ED AN 300 0.50 FEB 400 0.05 MAR 150 0 018 APR 50 0 4 MAY 115 0.080 UN 300 0 091 UL 600 0.05 AUG 500 0.02 SEP 250 0.04 OC T 80 0.023 NOV 30 0 034 DEC 5 0.08 TOT AL 2780 0.06 CHANGE IN ANNUAL HEATING DEGREE DAYSWISCONSIN, 1958-2020 VS 1895-1957 WISCONSIN AVERAGE ANNUAL HEATING DEGREE DAYS HAVE DECREASED BY 255.17 DEGREE DAYS IN 1958-2020 AS COMPARED TO 1895-1957. -500 -350 -250 -150 -50 50 150 250 350 500 YEAR 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 1890 1910 1930 HEATING DEGREE DAYS (COLDER THAN 65 F) COOLING DEGREE DAYS (WARMER THAN 65 F) 1950 1970 1990 2010 2030 2050 2070 2090 0 DEGREE DAYS INFERENCES MADE BASED ON DATA FROM UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS AGENCY