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Salvador Pati単o


05 01,02,03 04




Sustainable Inspiration Re-inhabit Urban Pioneer

01 02 03


Neighborhood Catalyst Landscapes of Dance

04 05


Woliatta Village Urban Assemblage

06 07

Sustainable Inspiration

Desert Monarch Library Tempe, Arizona

The Desert Monarch Library strives to create a sustainable learning environment for the community. The project draws inspiration from the saguaro and its adaptation to survive in the desert. The library uses the saguaro’s attributes to inform its design. These attributes include the saguaro’s ability to create shelter in the desert, its nourishing of the desert around it, its ability to shade itself, the idea that its roots spread over a large area, the landmark precence it has, and the fact that it expands and contracts depending on the conditions. The library is built using local site sensitive materials; the mjority of the structure being composed by load-bareing rammed-earth walls. While the landmark feture of the library, its observatory tower, is cladded by translucent photovoltaic panels. The panels allow for visitors to view through them the surrounding area, as well as filtering sun light and producing electic power for the library. The library also has a living-machine system which collects the waste water produced within the building and treats it through a sereis of natural processes. The water is initailly treated within a series of tanks in one of the libraries rooms, but later it is allowed to run into the man-made wetland that surrounds the western and southern edges of the library. The wetland provides a home for migratory birds and local wildlife.

model: overall view

view of library courtyard

master site plan

library courtyard

floor plan


library atrium

Re-inhabitation El Barrio de la Fabrica Phoenix, Airzona

in collaboration with Paul Marquez

El Barrio de la Fabrica is an urban design proposal consisting of the conversion of a previously failing industrial site into a residential community. The reason for this measure is the industralization of de Amigo Barrio west of Sky Harbor International Airport; a situation that is displacing hundreds of families without giving them a vaible option for relocation. The project was separted into two sections that work in unison, the housing component by Paul Marquez and the community and public space developed by Salvador Pati単o. The 60 acre master plan includes housing, commercial nodes, a community center, a Mexican mercado, and a 40 acre community park. The proposal looks at creating a sustainable system, where all of the aspects of the projects are interlaced; for example, the residents benefit fom the park and the park benefits from the residents (through the use of grey water harvesting and living machine systems). Similarly, the mercado not only provides a source of groceries for the community and the downtown area, but also sell goods produced within the barrio. El Barrio de la Fabrica therefore becomes an imediate solution for the displacement of the communities in southern phoenix, while also creating an infrastructure for future smart growth.

movement of the Amigo Barrio towards the industrial district

view of commercial node and Mercado

master plan

projected growth of residence type yp A ((allowing for development by residents)

the park weaving into residential area

use of existing industrial walls for future development

hierarchy of paths, larger paths connect distrct to exiting urban fabric; including abandned rail line (curved path)

commercial nodes occur at the intersection of paths

landscape representation of existing neighborhood fabric

Mercado plan

view of Mercado

diagram of living machine system

Urban Pioneer

Lothner Residence Phoenix, Airzona

in collaboration with Saori Yamane

The Lothner Residence, presented the first oportunity to design a real-world project. The project had to therefore deal with issues such as codes, city regulations, and budget. The residence was to become the first home for a recently-graduated landscape architect. The limited budget led to different challenges than those faced during academic projects. Four monolithic concrete block walls act as the frame for the house, with typical wood frame construction filling the space in between them. The house allows for change. allowing the current carport to become an office in the future (the client wanted to eventually open his own practice and operte out from his home). The project also responds to the harsh Phoenix climate. The southern side of the house is composed by three of the four monolithic CMU walls; the walls have few openings and act as shields from the sun. On the east and west side, overhangs allow for minimal direct sunlight during the summer months. The north side of the house has the most openings , allowing the residents to take advatage of the great natural light that is present almost year round in the area.

second floor

wall section

first floor

north elevation

east elevation

west elevation wall section

Neighbrhood Catalyst

Le, Grande Rose New Orleans, Louisiana

Le Grande Rose is located in the Central City neighborhood, near dowtown New Orleans. The project provides housing in Post-Katrina New Orleans, but also begins to mend problems that date back several decades before the devastating storm. Central City was once a lively neighborhood, one of the commercial centers for the city; yet white-flight in the 50’s and 60’s led to an avandonment of the communitiy. Deterioriation and disintrest from the government converted Center City into one of the most dangerous areas of the city. Unlike other areas of New Orleans, flooding remained rather low after Katrina (2’ in the lowest lying areas); making Center City one of the prime areas for the rebirth of the city. LGR intends to create a catalyst for the revival of the Center City neighborhood. The project brings the much needed housing the community needs. The complex also has a multi-use retail space facing O.C. Haley, which will help the economic growth of the area. Within the project, shared communal spaces encourage the creation of a community. The connection to the existing community is of great importance; the color and name of the project being shapped by the series of pink houses within the block. The local conditions where also of great importance, a moveable louvered system allows for the residents to shade the building during the hottest months. Materials were chosen thinking about ease of construction and local techniques.

axonometric view of construction

view of elevated shadding louvers



view towards O.C. Haley

site plan

view of elevated walkways

Landscapes of Dance

Russian Hill School of Dance San Fransisco, California

The Russian Hill Dance Center looks at creating a space that opens up to the site, the community, and the city to create performance. The classroom therefore becomes the epicenter for the action, but not its limit. The dancer can move in and out of the building envelope, and is therefore only bound by his or her own creativity. The new Dance School looks to draw inspiration from its context. Perched on a hill overlooking the San Fransisco Bay, the center optimizes the spectacular views. Furthermore, the center is inspired by the history of the site. The location of the project used to be a water retention tank built by the city during the 1950’s. The concrete box topped by a large wood structure has since falled into great disrepair. The center takes the concrete box and uses it as its foundation, yet opening up the hill side to allow view towars Russian Hill Park and the San Fransisco Bay. The levels above are covered with a wood skin, recalling the old wood structure. The project also looks to replicate the service done by the privious structure; gathering the water coming down from the hillside and filtering it into storage tanks. The process is dramatized by the large sunken plaza on the western side of the campus; here dancers can take advantage of the continous changes and dance within the pools of water. The water collected is used to water the project’s green roofs, landscapping, and Russian Hill Park bellow.


second floor

first floor





site plan

ground level

view of courtyard

existing concrete retention tank, cover with wood planks

proposed new retetion basin

dance studio

ground level and infill

1st and 2nd floors with green roofs

wood skin

radiant heating and cool slab diagram

detailed section

Woliatta Village EthiopiaStudio Soddo, Ethiopia

in collaboration with EthiopiaStudio

Woliatta Village is a collaborative project designed by EthiopiaStudio, eleven ASU graduate students led by a practicing architect. The project includes an orphanage, chapel, medical clinic and guest house for the community of Soddo, in Ethiopia. The focus of this collaborative design studio is to emphasize reality, survival and hope through design; synthesizing and shifting the typical traits of academic work. The EthiopiaStudio fundamentally functioned like a real-world project team where team members had varied, integral and necessary responsibilities that served the team as a whole, and ultimately the needs of the client. The project, Wolaitta Village, will be built with local materials in a manner that honors the indigenous culture of the Wolaitta region. Construction will be performed by Ethiopian builders and artisans; the facilities will be staffed by local Ethiopians and will provide employment for many people in the community; thus creating hope and opportunity through meeting the desperate needs of the children and community.

diagram : orphan to community serving member





diagram : ripple effect of Wolaitta Village

master plan

children’s home floor plan

exploded axonomentric of building components


modular infill panels: half eucalyptus pole/half stack bond CMU block

modular infill panels: stack bond CMU block (top open)

B D10 16





D13 20






rendering of entrance



interior wall section

exterior wall section

detail of door hinge

Urban Assemblage

Mercado de Ruka Che Neuquen, Argentina

In order to create community cohesion among varying socioeconomic pockets with unique characteristics, the Ruca Che Market allows for an assemblage for community connectivity and reciprocal contribution. The Ruca Che Market holds 3 different functions within its walls. The first level of the building, holds a large warehouse; which receives, washes, packages, and exports the agricultural products of the region. The warehouse provides a fromal source of employment for the Ruca Che neighborhood, something that is greatly lacking. The second level houses the market, with a coustumizable system of stalls allowing for individuality within regularity. The third level, a bridge connecting the community across a major road to a new paleotological museum, holds a community center and management offices. The community center holds many services which are lacking in the area, such as classrooms for adult education, sports facilities, community meeting rooms, and counseling services. Furthermore, from the market extends a network of paved and lit pathways, which offer not only a secure way to walk throughout the community, but also expand in areas to allow for informal businesses to connect to electric and water services; allowing the existing culture not only to cotinue, but improve.

existing disorganized agro-industry

reorganization of agro-industry

market level (orange) and paved network (red)

arrival and export


cleaning waste

agricultural export process

storm water grey water wetland


warehouse level

rainwater harvesting and aquifer recharge

market stall ssystem

market level

roof-top basketball court

community center level


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