Department of Biology, Biomedical Lecture Series
Nobel Laureate Harald Zur Hausen, M.D. Nobel Laureate Michael S. Brown, M.D. Nobel Laureate Stanley B.Prusiner, M.D. Keynote speaker: 2016 Keynote speaker 2013 Keynote speaker 2004
Distinguished Speakers 1994-2016
Department of Biology/Division of Natural Science Biomedical Distinguished Lecture Series
Goals and Vision To provide a forum for learning recent advances in biomedical research. To expose our students and community to prominent scientific and medical professionals. To foster meaningful interactions and collaboration among our neighboring institutions. To develop new contacts for our students who are interested in pursuing careers in biotechnology, basic research, Health & medicine. To promote a new interest in the field of nanotechnology & nanomedicine. __________________________________________________ Dr. Lakshmi Atchison Professor of Biology Biomedical Lecture Series Director
Office of the President Since 1994, Chestnut Hill College has been enhanced and broadened by the Biomedical Seminar Series sponsored by the Biology Department. This series presents students with an opportunity to meet, interact, listen, and learn from some of the most prestigious scientists in the country. Over the years, these encounters have opened the doors of research laboratories to our students to provide them with stellar internships and incomparable mentors. It is no exaggeration to say that through these encounters lives have been changed, careers launched, and horizons expanded. This program of lectures is genuinely unique; unique because, unlike similar series at large universities, it is neither endowed nor funded by an external source. On the contrary, prominent scientists spend a day of their precious time with Chestnut Hill students out of the generous bounty of their hearts. Among them are Presidents of institutions, two Nobel Laureates, Directors of Centers, Senior Administrators, elected members of the National Academy of Sciences, Department Chairpersons, Distinguished Scholars, and Lasker Award recipients. These women and men, who are among the best in their respective fields, exemplify for students the dedication and tenacity, the determination and perseverance, the innovation and creativity that underlie and vitalize scientific inquiry and research. To have them among the College Community even for a day is both an honor and a privilege. I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the superlative contribution of Lakshmi Atchison, Ph.D., Professor of Biology in establishing and continuing to oversee this program. To consistently bring to campus, twice each year, women and men of the caliber of these lecturers is a phenomenal feat that requires not only an enormous commitment of time, but also a dedication to the endeavor that is truly singular. All of us are indebted to Dr. Atchison for her work in founding a seminar series that sets Chestnut Hill College apart from its competitors and offers to students in the sciences an opportunity to learn from some of the finest minds of our time. While we learn a great deal from textbooks and glean important lessons from experiments, nothing teaches us as well as the example of great teachers who are also great human beings. Chestnut Hill College students touch and are touched by such greatness through this incredibly valuable lecture series. In years to come, many of them will look back and marvel at the people who populated the stage of their undergraduate experience at this Liberal Arts College on two hills.
Carol Jean Vale, SSJ, Ph.D. President
This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the Biomedical Lecture Series. As a College community we celebrate in a special way the success and the vital contribution these lectures have made to the academic life of our campus. We have been blessed to have such a distinguished group of researchers, scholars and practitioners in our midst. The College has a long history of excellence in educating students in the natural sciences. The Biomedical Lectures form an important bridge between the academic experience of our students and their understanding of knowledge-in-action through the research and professional practice of our presenters. Experiential learning from scholar practitioners is a cornerstone of holistic and progressive education. As the father of a physician, I remember how influential presentations, lectures and mentoring by biomedical experts were in shaping my son’s career. While it may be a challenge to precisely measure the influence of role models, we know for certain that through our Biomedical Series we are exposing our students to the very best. Beyond the presentations, the series provides the time for students to meet and talk informally with the presenters. This type of opportunity for dialogue and networking expands our students’ perspective well beyond the classroom into career pathways in biomedical science. In keeping with the series tradition of excellence, this year we are privileged to have our second Noble Laureate presenter, Michael S. Brown, MD. Dr. Brown is currently Director of the Jonsson Center for Molecular Genetics at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. Dr. Brown’s research, along with his long-time colleague Dr. Joseph Goldstein, provided the foundation for the development of life-saving drugs to lower blood cholesterol. Their Noble Prize winning work exemplifies the critical link of research to clinical application. We know that producing a series like this does not happen on its own. I wish to extend the College’s gratitude and thanks to Dr. Lakshmi Atchison, Professor of Biology for her leadership and tireless effort on behalf of the Biomedical Lecture Series for these past twenty years. Dr. Atchison’s dedication and success is reflected in the outstanding presenters she has brought to the College and the flawless organization that goes into planning, promoting and delivering these lectures. We hope you all enjoy this twentieth anniversary lecture.
Steven Guerriero, Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty and the Graduate School
Department of Biology Biomedical Distinguished Speaker list 1994-2016
The distinguished series includes Nobel Laureates in Medicine, elected members of the National Academy of Sciences, Lasker Award winners, awardees of Benjamin Franklin Medal in Life Sciences and General Motors Cancer Research Foundation. In addition, the list includes institute presidents, vice presidents, directors and variety of deans, section chiefs, endowed professors, department chairs and highly successful medical practitioners. [Lecture Series Director: Dr. Lakshmi Atchison]
Carlo M. Croce, M.D, Opening Speaker: March 29, 1994 (Opening speaker) Director, Kimmel Cancer Center, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "Genetics of Human Cancer”
Anna M. Skalka, Ph.D. April 6, 1994 Scientific Director & Senior Vice President, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia Seminar Title: "AIDS Virus: Retroviral DNA Integration, Anatomy of a Hostile takeover”
Alfred G. Knudson, M.D., Ph.D. April 27, 1994 Elected National Academy Member, Senior Member, Fox Chase Cancer Center, PA Seminar Title: "Human Cancer and Genes”
Robert P. Perry, Ph.D. October 26, 1994 Elected National Academy Member, Senior Member, Fox Chase Cancer Center, PA Seminar Title: "Regulation of Ribosome Biosynthesis
Chestnut Hill College’s Biomedical Distinguished Lecture Series
E. Premkumar Reddy, Ph.D. November 16, 1994 Director and Professor, Fels Research Institute, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: Cancer causing Genes "Myb” gene family: Structure and function. Key Huebner, Ph.D. February 15, 1995 Professor, Microbiology and Immunology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia Seminar Title: "Closing in on a Kidney Tumor Suppressor Gene”
James Wilson, M.D., Ph.D. April 5, 1995 Director, Gene Therapy Program, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "Prospects for Human Gene Therapy”
Robert L. Comis, M.D. April 19, 1995 Clinical Director, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "Advances in Therapy and Biology of Lung Cancer”
Timothy R. Tomlinson, October 4, 1995 Associate Director, Morris Arboretum, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: Part I "Botanic Gardens and Contemporary Research in Plants as Medicine” Rick Lewandowsky, October 4, 1995 Director of Horticulture, Morris Arboretum, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: Part II "Botanic Gardens and Contemporary Research in Plants as Medicine”
Chestnut Hill College’s Biomedical Distinguished Lecture Series Shirley M. Tilghman, Ph.D. November 1, 1995 Princeton University’s 19th President Howard A. Prior Professor, Princeton University, NJ Seminar Title: "The importance of Genome imprinting for Mammalian Growth & development” Beverly S. Emanuel, Ph.D. November 15, 1995 Chief, Human Genetics, The Charles E. Upham Professor, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, PA Seminar Title: Gene Mapping and Disease Genes on Human Chromosome 22” Alan M. Kelly, B.V.Sc. M.R.C.V.S. Ph.D. April 24, 1996 The Gilbert S. Kahn Dean of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, PA Seminar Title: "Opportunities for the Veterinarian in Basic research and Clinical Medicine” Arthur C. Upton, M.D. October 16, 1996 Director, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. [Former NCI Director] Piscataway, New Jersey Seminar Title: "Radiation, Genes and Cancer: Issues in Risk Assessment” Marylin J. Manco-Johnson, M.D. February 17, 1997. Director Hemophilia Treatment Program, University of Colorado, CO Seminar Title: “Perspective on Hemophilia Res. from the Gene to the Clinical Application” David Kritchevsky, Ph.D. October 15, 1997 Professor and Caspar Wistar Scholar, The Wistar Institute, Philadelphia Seminar Title: "Diet and Atherosclerosis” Everything Counts. Alumna Stephanie A. King, M.D. April 22, 1998 Associate Professor OB-GYN Drexel University, Philadelphia Seminar Title: "Diagnosis and Treatment of Gynecological Malignancies”
Chestnut Hill College’s Biomedical Distinguished Lecture Series Robert F. Ozols, M.D. Ph.D. November 11, 1998 Senior Vice President of Medical Oncology Fox Chase Cancer Center Seminar Title: "The Biology and Treatment of Ovarian Cancer” Vincent J. Cristofalo, Ph.D. April 4, 1999 President Lankenau Institute Medical Research & Professor Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia Seminar Title: "Journey’s in Cellular Aging” Peter C. Nowell, M.D. October 16, 1999 Director Cytogenetic Laboratory (1998 Lasker Award winner) University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center, PA Seminar Title: "Cancer Research: Promise and Paradox”
Michael L. Atchison, Ph.D. April 26, 2000 Professor & Director VMD/Ph.D. Program, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "Genetic Testing for Diseases: A Judeo Christian Perspective” Robert C. Young, M.D. October 4, 2000 President, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "Cancer Medicine in the 21st Century” Mary, B. Daly, M.D. April 18, 2001 Director, Cancer Control Science Program, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "Breast Cancer: Moving Toward Prevention” Thomas W. London, M.D. October 24, 2001 Senior Member and Professor of Epidemiology, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "The Global Health Crisis” Paul F. Engstrom, M.D. February 20, 2002 Medical Director, Fox Chase Network Hospitals, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "Cancer Chemoprevention: Are you Ready for Prime Time?”
Chestnut Hill College’s Biomedical Distinguished Lecture Series Kelly A Robinson, M.D., F.A. A. E.M. April 16, 2002 Medical Director & Chairman Emergency Medicine, Jeans Hospital Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "Emergency Treatment of Cerebrovascular accidents and other new Medical Procedures”
Michael J. Behe, Ph.D. March 19, 2003 [Author of Best Seller "Darwin’s Black Box”] Professor of Biochemistry, Lehigh University, Lehigh Valley, PA Seminar Title: "Evidence of Design in Biochemistry”
Robert L. Quigley, M.D. October 15, 2003 Chairman, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "How do you mend a Broken Heart?”
Nobel Laureate Stanley B. Prusiner, M.D. March 16, 2004 Director, Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases & Professor of Neurology & Biochemistry, University of California, CA Tenth Anniversary of the Biomedical Distinguished Lecture Series 10th Annual Keynote address: "The Mad Cows That Changed America” Dr. Eric Lee Vey, M.D. November 10, 2004 Forensic Pathologist & Medical Laboratory Director, Erie County. Department of Juvenile Probation, Erie, PA Seminar Title: Forensic Pathology: A "Dead Science” Marcia Boraas, M.D. April 27, 2005 Surgeon and Associate Professor of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "Evolution of Breast Surgery” Gary Smith, M.A. M.S... D.Phil. November 30, 2005 Chief of Epidemiology & Public Health, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, New Bolton Center, PA Seminar Title: "Foot and Mouth Disease: "Catastrophic Infectious Disease Epidemics in Domesticated animals”
Chestnut Hill College’s Biomedical Distinguished Lecture Series Joan C. Hendricks, VMD, Ph.D. April 18, 2006 The Gilbert S Kahn Dean of School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "Lessons from many species about how and why we sleep”
Carole Muto, RN, BSN, CPAN. October 4, 2006 Chair, Staff Nurse Council, Staff Nurse PACU/Jefferson Hospital for Neuroscience, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "Perioperative Nursing care of Patients undergoing Neurosurgical procedure”
Richard D. Lackman, M.D. F.A.C.S. March 14, 2007 Surgeon and Chair, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Pennsylvania Hospital, Penn Orthopedic Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "Design Evolution in Orthopedic Devices” Sheldon L. Gerstenfeld, VMD. September 26, 2007 Veterinary Hospital Owner Author, Columnist, Host of Radio and Television Shows, Inventor, and Entrepreneur, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "How to Balance your life for Physical and Mental Health - A Veterinarian Journey” Dr. Dean W. Richardson, VMD, Ph.D. April 2, 2008, Surgeon to Kentucky Derby Winner Barbaro Chief, Section of Surgery Charles W. Raker Professor of Equine Surgery, The University of Pennsylvania. New Bolton Center, PA Seminar Title: "Mechanical and Biological Challenges in Equine Orthopedics” Alumna Anna C. O’Riordan, M.D. September 10, 2008 Department of Pediatric Cardiology, St. Christopher Hospital, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "Pediatric Cardiology 1960-2008”
Randall W. Culp, M.D. March 11, 2009 Professor of Orthopaedic Hand & Microsurgery, Jefferson Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "Hand Surgery Challenges in 2009”
Chestnut Hill College’s Biomedical Distinguished Lecture Series C. Lowell Parsons, M.D. October 7, 2009 Professor of Surgery, Urology Division of the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine. San Diego, CA Seminar Title: From Basic laboratory research to the Patient: One Physician’s Search for Answers to Bladder Disease.
Mary E. Brandt, Ph.D. April 21, 2010 Chief, Mycotic Diseases Branch, Division of Foodborne, Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA Seminar Title: "The Fungus Among Us: An Introduction to Public Health Mycology” Thomas W. Yun, MD. October 27, 2010 Medical Director, Department of State, Washington D.C. Seminar title: "Medicine in the Foreign Service” Anthony P. Green, Ph.D. April 6, 2011 Ben Franklin Director, The Nanotechnology InstituteTM Vice President of Technology Commercialization: Life Sciences, BFTP/SEP The Navy Yard, Philadelphia, PA. Seminar title: "Nanotechnology”
Michael V. Seiden, M.D., Ph.D. Sept. 28, 2011 President and Chief Executive officer Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "The Evolution of Cancer Care: Past, Present and Future” Dawn Bonnell, Ph.D. February 15, 2012 Trustee Professor of Materials Science & Director of the Nano/Bio Interface Center The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: Probing Biosystems at the Nanoscale.
Chestnut Hill College’s Biomedical Distinguished Lecture Series Charles J. Yeo, MD, FACS, October 24, 2012 Samuel D. Gross Professor of Surgery, Chair, Department of Surgery Co-Director: Jefferson, Pancreas, Biliary and Related Cancer Center Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: "The New Faces of Pancreatic Cancer Surgery and Treatment” M. Celeste Simon, Ph.D. March 20, 2013 Scientific Director & Investigator, Abramson Family Cancer Res Institute Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Professor, Cell and Developmental Biology University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: Hypoxia, Hypoxia Inducible Factors and Tumor Progression.
Nobel Laureate Michael S. Brown, M.D. September 11, 2013 [Biomedical Twentieth Anniversary speaker] Regental Professor Director of the Jonsson Center for Molecular Genetics Co-Director of the MD/PhD Molecular Genetics and Internal Medicine Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences The University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX 20th Annual Keynote address: "Why Hearts Attack”
Kevin Petti, Ph.D. February 12, 2014 Professor of Science & Health, President-Emeritus, Human Anat & Phys. Society San Diego Miramar College, San Diego, CA Seminar Title: Anatomia Italiana: From the Renaissance Dissection Theater to the Sistine Chapel.
Jack Goldberg, MD., F.A.C.P. October 1, 2014 Chief, Division of Hematology and Medical Oncology, Penn Presbyterian Medical Center Abramson Cancer Center at Penn Presbyterian Philadelphia, PA 19104 Seminar Title: E. Pluribus Unum: Leukemia from Patients to bench and back again.
Chestnut Hill College’s Biomedical Distinguished Lecture Series
Gerald A. Isenberg, M.D., FACS, FASCRS, March 18, 2015 Professor of Surgery, Vice President of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Chairman, Curriculum Committee Director, Surgical Undergraduate Education, Program Director, Colorectal Residency Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: Thinking Out of the Box and into the Colon.
Stephen P. Hunger, M.D. October 21, 2015 Chief, Division of Pediatric Oncology Director, Center for Childhood Cancer Research Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Colket Translational Research Building, Room 3060 3501 Civic Center Blvd Philadelphia, PA Seminar Title: Precision Medicine in Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Nobel Laureate Dr.Harald Zur Hausen M.D., D.Sc. (Hon), M.D.s (Hon) 2016 German Cancer Research Center Im Neuenheimer Feld 280 D-69120 Heidelberg University of Dusseldorf, Germany 23rd Annual Keynote address: March 21, 2016
______________________________________________________ For information, contact: Dr. Lakshmi Atchison, Professor of Biology, Biomedical Lecture Series Director, Chestnut Hill College, 9601 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19118, Office; SJ #478 West Wing, Tel: 215-248-7159; email:
Reflections from the Previous distinguished speakers
Dear Lakshmi, It is indeed a great honor to have been the very first speaker in this impressive seminar series. I was followed by some of the finest scientists as speakers; their willingness and your dedication in establishing and supporting this impressive roster of scientists, illustrates the value we all place on encouraging the next generations of young scientists. Kudos to you and Chestnut Hill College!! Carlo, Carlo M. Croce, M.D. Chair/Professor, Molecular Virology, Immunology & Medical Genetics at Ohio State University Medical Center, OH
Dear Lakshmi Congratulations on such a successful series. It was a pleasure to participate in the Biomedical Lecture Series. The enthusiasm of the faculty and especially the students for new ideas is inspiring. To be included in a series with such distinguished list of speakers is an honor. Sincerely, Dawn, Dawn, Bonnell, Ph.D. Trustee Professor of Material Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, PA
Hi Lakshmi, I remember clearly the day I spoke at Chestnut Hill College as part of your wonderful lecture series, but did not truly appreciate what distinguished company I was in until I saw the attached speaker list! Marcia, Marcia C. Boraas, M.D. Associate Professor, Department of Surgical Oncology, Fox Chase Cancer Center, PA
Dear Lakshmi, Congratulations to Dr. Atchison and to Chestnut Hill College on the 20th anniversary of the Biomedical Lecture series. As an alumna of CHC, I take particularly keen interest in seeing the progression of this lecture series. The depth and breadth of the lectures and the quality of the speakers make the series a most notable way for CHC students to be exposed to the great diversity of career pathways in biomedical science. From my perspective as a practitioner of public health, the series is also a way to educate our next generation in the challenges presented by infectious diseases, cancer, and other threats to health. At a personal level, having myself been a CHC student listening to various speakers, I smile at the fact that we now have PowerPoint presentations in the East Parlor! Dr. Atchison is to be congratulated for all her hard work in planning such interesting programs and recruiting such a wide range of speakers. I send my best wishes to Dr. Atchison and the Biology Department, and my hopes for many more years of exciting and stimulating talks. Best wishes, Mary, Mary E. Brandt, Ph.D., Chief Mycotic Disease Branch, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta,
Dear Lakshmi: Congratulations on your impressive Biomedical Seminar Series at Chestnut Hill College. The list of speakers is extremely impressive and would represent an enviable list at any of the top universities in the world. Recruiting such outstanding speakers is difficult, and to accomplish so much is quite impressive. It was an honor to participate in this series. Michael, Michael L. Atchison, PhD. Professor of Biochemistry Director, VMD-PhD Program University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, PA
Congratulations Lakshmi!!! What an achievement and great gift to your students and College. Bob, Robert L Comis, M.D. Chairman, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG)
Reflections from the Previous distinguished speakers
Dear Lakshmi, Although it has been some years since I was a speaker in this extraordinary lecture series, I remember my visit to Chestnut Hill College with great fondness. You have created an impressive and inspirational series in which I am honored to have been a participant. May this series continue to provide stimulating insights into science, technology and medicine for your students. Congratulations on this achievement!...Beverly Beverly S. Emanuel, Ph.D., Charles E.H. Upham Professor of Pediatrics, The Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Lakshmi: What a wonderful accomplishment. Your lecture series has not only ennobled the faculty and students at Chestnut Hill College but the scientific community of the Delaware Valley. The 2013 program promises to build on the 20 years of lectures. Congratulations. PFE, Paul F. Engstrom, M.D, Medical Director for Fox Chase Network Hospitals, Senior Vice President, Populations Science, Fox Chase Cancer Center, PA
Lakshmi, I was so impressed by the dedication and passion of all the science teachers that I met. I found the Biomedical Lecture series very thoughtfully created to expose students, faculty, and the community to the wonderful world of science and technology. I tell everyone what a warm and caring environment Chestnut Hill College provides for learning. Best Regards, Sheldon, Sheldon L. Gerstenfeld VMD. Veterinary Hospital Owner, PA
Lakshmi: I was honored to be invited to Chestnut Hill College to talk about my work in nanotechnology among the region’s research institutions. But the real pleasure was to see the vibrant environment of the campus and its students. My last visit was in 1971 as a high school student to hear Isaac Asimov and the transformation and growth at the College was remarkable. I most enjoyed the hour before the lecture meeting with the students; each motivated and engaged to make a difference: now at the beginning of their careers, they recognize the importance of contributing not only to the scientific community, but to the community at large. For this alone, they and the College have much to be proud. Tony, Anthony P. Green, Ph.D, Vice President, Technology Commercialization Group: Life Sciences, Ben Franklin Director, The Nanotechnology and Energy Commercialization Institutes.PA
Hello Lakshmi, Congratulations to Chestnut Hill College and Dr. Atchison on 20 years of a top notch scientific seminar series— May be the best in Philly! As Dr. Atchison knows, I was very sorry to lose her as a chromosome 3 research collaborator, when she decided to take her career to Chestnut hill College and education of young scientists. It was a pleasure for me to be included as a speaker in this prestigious seminar series. I still fondly remember my visit to the college and wish you great success in the continuation of this seminar tradition for another 20 years. Kay, Kay Huebner, Ph.D., Professor of Microbiology & Immunology, Department of Molecular Virology, Immunology and Medical Genetics, Ohio State University Medical Center. OH
Lakshmi, It was a pleasure to visit with your committed and thoughtful students for my lecture in the series. I particularly enjoyed the opportunity speak with them informally during dinner after the lecture. You should be very proud of what you have achieved. Joan, Joan C. Hendricks, V.M.D., Ph.D. The Gilbert S. Kahn Dean of Veterinary Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, PA
Reflections from the Previous distinguished speakers
Dear Lakshmi: Congratulations on such an outstanding lecture series. It is truly an honor to be included in this list of outstanding researchers. The thing that I still remember from my lecture was the enthusiasm of the students who were so well prepared and understood that clinical progress was dependent upon basic science discoveries. They understood that scientists and clinicians needed to work together--the students knew even then in 1998 that "translational" science was the wave of the future even though the term was not in vogue back then. Best wishes, Bob, Robert F. Ozols MD, PhD. Chief Clinical Officer, Emeritus Fox Chase Cancer Center, PA
For the 2004 Chestnut Hill College Biomedical Lecture Series, I was honored to present a talk entitled, “The Mad Cows That Changed America.” In the 10 years that have transpired since my lecture, mad cows continue to alter the landscape of neuroscience—Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, the frontotemporal dementias, amyotrophic-lateral sclerosis and Huntington’s are now all thought to be caused by prions. This remarkable breakthrough represents a profound leap forward in our understanding of these dreaded illnesses. Lecture series capture a moment in the process of discovery, but they also propel science through intellectual exchange and collaboration. It is with much gratitude and esteem that I offer my very best wishes for the CHC Biomedical Lecture Series 20th anniversary. Stanley B. Prusiner, M.D. Professor of Neurology Director, Institute for Neurodegenerative Diseases University of California, San Francisco, CA, 1997 Nobel Laureate in Medicine or Physiology
Dear Lakshmi, It’s difficult to imagine that 10 years have elapsed since I served as your invited guest speaker! The longevity of this unique Biomedical Lecture Series is a testament to your dedication to the promotion of the progress in different scientific disciplines. I applaud your enthusiasm and your unconditional commitment to the education of others. Your friend and colleague, Robert, Robert L. Quigley, M.D., D.Phil., Professor of Surgery, Regional Medical Director, Americas Region International SOS Assistance, Inc.Trevose, PA
Dear Lakshmi, I am truly humbled to even be a footnote in the list of stellar scientists and clinicians who have spoken at Chestnut Hill College since you started this program. You should be very proud to have accomplished your goal of exposing your students to such prominent speakers. I suspect all of those invited enjoyed the day as much as I did. The program, the people and the place are all quite remarkable. My very best, Dean, Dean W. Richardson, DVM, DACVS Charles W. Raker Professor of Surgery Chief of Large Animal Surgery, University of Pennsylvania, Kennett Square, PA
Lakshmi, What a wonderful lecture series you lead. Congratulations on landing 2 spectacular speakers. A spectacular educational opportunity for the future science leaders coming from Chestnut Hill College and for the speakers to be reinvigorated by the energy and talent of young minds. Michael, Michael Seiden, M.D. Ph.D. President Fox Chase Cancer Center, PA
Dear Lakshmi, Thanks again for including me in the prestigious Chestnut Hill Biomedical Research Seminar Series. This was a terrific honor, and I thoroughly enjoyed my visit. All the best with continued success in your activities at Chestnut Hill College. Warm regards, Celeste, M. Celeste Simon, Ph.D. Scientific Director and Investigator, Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor, Cell and Developmental Biology University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, PA
Reflections from the Previous distinguished speakers
Dear Lakshmi, As I reflect on my visit to your school back in 1996 and on the distinguished lecturers who have followed me in the years since then, I am increasingly grateful to you for having given me the opportunity to participate in your Biomedical Lecture Series. The opportunity to interact directly with students and colleagues can be stimulating, inspirational, and transformative to all concerned. You are to be congratulated for the number and excellence of such interactions that your ongoing series has made possible. Best wishes for your continuing success. Art, Arthur C. Upton, M.D. Director of the Institute of Environmental Medicine, New York University Medical Center, NY, NY[ Former Director of the National Cancer Institute]
Dear Dr. Atchison; Subject: 20 Years of Outstanding Science Lectures: I have had the great pleasure to watch the development of this fine program over the 20 years you have been its leader. Early on you had a vision of bringing world class scientific lectures to the Chestnut Hill College community and you have built this into a premier science lectureship. Congratulations on its great success and I wish you many more years of outstanding speakers bringing unique scientific insights to the College community. Best personal regards, Robert C. Young M.D, President RCY Medicine.
Dear Lakshmi, My most lasting memory is of your students. They were articulate, inquisitive, and very polite. I was impressed with their strong academic backgrounds in the sciences but also for several of them, their interests in using their eventual medical professions to serve the underserved of the world. Some also showed very keen interest in serving the country as a Foreign Service Officer, and I am greatly appreciative for the recruiting opportunity. Chestnut Hill College impressed me—from the warm welcome I received, to the thoughtful organization of my day there—to the overall sense that you are a college that makes every effort to live its mission. Your faculty—including yourself—were dedicated and involved with seeing that their students receive both the intellectual rigor and individual attention that in the ideal world, all students would receive. I was envious of the easy close bond between the faculty and student, something which I did not experience in my large university. I hope that you are well and that your teaching continues to be rewarding to you. It was an honor to have met you and to have seen your work—your students—first-hand. Best, Thomas Yun, M. D. US Department of State, Washing, DC
Lakshmi, I want to send along my thanks to you for serving as the best host a person could have for a visit at Chestnut Hill College! Well done!. As concerns the Biomedical Lecture Series … “what a wonderful event. Dr. Atchison and her faculty were terrific hosts. The audience was large and attentive. They asked very thoughtful questions, and seemed to be very interested in the topic. The lecture itself was preceded by a tour of the wonderful grounds and meeting with some great faculty, and followed by a wonderful dinner. Well done! “ CJY, Charles J Yeo, M.D, FACS , Samuel D. Gross Professor and Chairman, Department of Surgery, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Chestnut Hill College: Biomedical Lecture Series Distinguished Speakers: 1994-2016
Carlo M. Croce, M.D. Opening Speaker 1994
Anna M. Skalka, Ph.D. 1994
Alfred G. Knudson, M.D. Ph.D, 1994
Robert P. Perry, Ph.D. 1994
E. Premkumar Reddy, Ph.D. 1994
Kay Huebner, Ph.D. 1995
James Wilson, M.D., Ph.D. 1995
Robert L. Comis, M.D. 1995
Timothy R. Tomlinson & Rick Lewandowsky,1995
Shirley M. Tilghman,Ph.D. 1995
Beverly S. Emanuel, Ph.D. 1995
Alan M. Kelly, B.A.Sc., M.R.C.V.S., Ph.D. 1996
Biomedical Lecture Series: Distinguished Speakers
Arthur C. Upton, M.D. 1996
Marylin J. MancoJohnson, M.D. 1997
David Kritchevsky, Ph.D. 1997
Alumna Stephanie A. King, M.D. 1998
Robert F. Ozols, M.D., Ph.D.1998
Vincent J. Cristofalo, Ph.D.1999
Peter C. Nowell, M.D. 1999
Michael L. Atchison, Ph.D. 2000
Robert C. Young, M.D. 2000
Mary B. Daly, M.D., Ph.D. 2001
Thomas W. London, M.D. 2001
Paul F. Engstrom, M.D. 2002
Biomedical Lecture Series: Distinguished Speakers
Kelly A. Robinson, M.D. F.A. A. E.M., 2002
Michael J. Behe, Ph.D. 2003
Robert L. Quigley, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. 2003
Nobel Laureate Stanley B. Prusiner, M.D. 2004 10th Anniv Keynote Speaker,
Eric Lee Vey, M.D. 2004
Marcia Boraas, M.D. 2005
Gary Smith, M.A., M.S., D. Phil. 2005
Joan C. Hendricks, VMD., Ph.D. 2006
Carole Muto, R.N., BSN.,C.P.A.N 2006
Richard D. Lackman, M.D., F.A.C.S. 2007
Sheldon L. Gerstenfeld, VMD. 2007
Dean W. Richardson, VMD., Ph.D. 2008
Alumna Anna C. O’Riordan, M.D. 2008
Randall W. Culp, M.D. 2009
C. Lowell Parsons, M.D. 2009
Alumna Mary E. Brandt, Ph.D. 2010
Thomas W. Yun, M.D. 2010
Anthony P. Green, Ph.D. 2011
Michael V. Seiden, M.D., Ph.D. 2011
Dawn Bonnell, Ph.D. 2012
Charles J. Yeo, M.D., F.A.C.S. 2012
M. Celeste Simon, Ph.D. 2013
Nobel Laureate Michael S. Brown, M.D. 20th Anniversary Keynote Speaker 2013
To all distinguished speakers: My sincere gratitude & heart-felt appreciation goes to each one of you. You have been gracious & very generous. Your presence has added tremendous prestige to our biomedical lecture series and to our institution. For this, I am truly grateful. Lakshmi Lakshmi Atchison, Ph.D.
Biomedical Lecture Series: Distinguished Speakers
Kevin Petti,Ph.D Feb 12, 2014
Jack Goldberg, M. D., F.A.C.P. Oct. 1, 2014
Stephen P. Hunger, M.D. October 21, 2015
Gerald A.Isenberg, M.D, FACS, FASCRS March 18, 2015
Nobel Laureate Harald Zur Hausen, M.D.
23rd Annual Keynote speaker, March 21, 2016
Lakshmi Atchison, Ph.D Professor of Biology, Director of Biomedical Lecture Series
Dr. Atchison has great passion for teaching and encourages her students to think outside of the box. One way to expand their horizons was to introduce the Distinguished Biomedical Lecture Series, which exposes students to very prominent professionals in science and medicine. The lecture series has been an important avenue for connecting students to internationally renowned professionals, and for placing them in biomedical and basic research laboratories. (See goals & vision, page 2). In 2003, Dr. Atchison was the National Conference Coordinator and Chair of the Speakers for the Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS) at the Wyndham Philadelphia. Many prominent professionals gave their seminars at this conference, and Chestnut Hill College was the host institution where hundreds of workshops took place, thereby providing national exposure to CHC. Dr. Atchison received the 2009 Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching, and was a speaker at the fall 2009 opening convocation where she spoke on “Nanotechnology: One Science Fits All.” This area fascinates her due to its applicability to numerous fields. Lakshmi teaches various biological and biomedical subjects at this institution, and was the Chair of the Department of Biology and the Division of Natural Science for eight years. Dr. Atchison’s recent publication entitled “Cancer Prevention & Basics” (McGraw Hill 3nd edition, 2014) coauthored with her husband, Dr. Michael Atchison (University of Pennsylvania) provides practical information for all who are interested in medical oncology, cell and cancer medicine. She has published a number of peer reviewed journal articles in cell and molecular biology including a pocket guide on “Eight Cancers that Can Affect High School and College Age Students”- “Prevention is the Best Medicine”. Dr. Atchison recently developed a visual blood cell model, an educational and medical tool to instantly grasp the normal and abnormal blood cells during pathological conditions. The model can be used at all levels from high school to medical schools, in doctor’s offices, and by healthcare professionals to explain many kinds of leukemia and blood cell disorders. The Patent for the blood cell model has been recently approved and confirmed by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
A great debt of gratitude and heart-felt appreciation goes to all the distinguished biomedical speakers who are listed here. They have graciously accepted my invitation to participate in this series and have generously given their professional time meeting with the students, faculty, chief administrators, and offering their seminars thus bringing tremendous prestige to this biomedical lecture series. On behalf of the entire college community, I am truly grateful to each one of them. Lakshmi
Sincere appreciation and thanks go to President Carol Jean Vale, SSJ, Ph.D., Dr. Wolfgang Natter, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Steve Guerriero, Dr. Kenneth Soprano and Dr. William Walker (former VPAA’s), to the College administration, staff and all the faculty members for their unfailing support over the years in enabling great success of this series. Great appreciation goes to the Office of Institution Advancement and the entire staff for their steadfast support and encouragement throughout these years.
Sincere thanks to all the staff in the Office of Public Relations under the leadership of Kathi Spigelmyer, who have been supporting this series by bringing publicity through articles in college magazines, local newspapers, press releases, newsletters, posters and personal interviews, thereby bringing the biomedical lecture series to the forefront.
Nothing would be possible without the outstanding help and state-of-the-art technology support from the helpdesk staff and the computer department. A special debt of gratitude goes to Don Visher, Greg Gorski and Debesai Solomon, and all the staff for their audiovisual and technical support.
The faculty of the Biology department sincerely wishes to thank the college’s security department, the house-keeping staff, the catering division, and the entire college community, for their support in various aspects, and in the success of this long-held biomedical distinguished lecture series.
Biology Faculty Dr. Kenneth Soprano, Dr. Joseph Kulkosky, Dr. Robert Meyer, Dr. Lisa McKernan, Dr. Barbara Giuliano, Dr. Elias Argyris, and Dr. Lakshmi Atchison. _________________________________________________________________________________ For information, contact: Dr. Lakshmi Atchison, Professor of Biology, Biomedical Lecture Series Director, Chestnut Hill College, 9601 Germantown Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19118, Office; SJ #478 West Wing, Tel: 215-248-7159; email:
Chestnut Hill College’s Biomedical Distinguished Lecture Series: 1994-2016 The list includes: Nobel Laureates, Laskar Award Winners, National Academy Members, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Heads, Deans, Directors, Sectional Chiefs, Endowed Professors & Highly Acclaimed Professionals
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Carlo M. Croce, M.D, Opening Speaker: March 29, 1994 Alfred G. Knudson, M.D., Ph.D. April 27, 1994 E. Premkumar Reddy, Ph.D. November 16, 1994 James Wilson, M.D., Ph.D. April 5, 1995 Timothy R. Tomlinson, October 4, 1995 Shirley M. Tilghman, Ph.D. November 1, 1995 Alan M. Kelly, B.V.Sc. M.R.C.V.S. Ph.D. April 24, 1996 Marylin J. Manco-Johnson, M.D. February 17, 1997. Alumna Stephanie A. King, M.D. April 22, 1998 Vincent J. Cristofalo, Ph.D. April 4, 1999 Michael L. Atchison, Ph.D. April 26, 2000 Mary, B. Daly, M.D. April 18, 2001 Paul F. Engstrom, M.D. February 20, 2002 Michael J. Behe, Ph.D. March 19, 2003 Nobel Laureate Stanley B. Prusiner, M.D. March 16, 2004 Marcia Boraas, M.D. April 27, 2005 Joan C. Hendricks, VMD, Ph.D. April 18, 2006 Richard D. Lackman, M.D. F.A.C.S. March 14, 2007 Dean W. Richardson, VMD, Ph.D. April 2, 2008, Randall W. Culp, M.D. March 11, 2009 Mary E. Brandt, Ph.D. April 21, 2010 Anthony P Green, Ph.D. April 6, 2011 Dawn Bonnell, Ph.D. February 15, 2012 M. Celeste Simon, Ph.D. March 20, 2013
Anna M. Skalka, Ph.D. April 6, 1994 Robert P. Perry, Ph.D. October 26, 1994 Key Huebner, Ph.D. February 15, 1995 Robert L. Comis, M.D. April 19, 1995 Rick Lewandowsky, October 4, 1995 Beverly S. Emanuel, Ph.D. November 15, 1995 Arthur C. Upton, M.D. October 16, 1996 David Kritchevsky, Ph.D. October 15, 1997 Robert F. Ozols, M.D. Ph.D. November 11,1998 Peter C. Nowell, M.D. October 16, 1999 Robert C. Young, M.D. October 4, 2000 Thomas W. London, M.D. October 24, 2001 Kelly A Robinson, M.D., F.A. A. E.M. April 16, 2002 Robert L. Quigley, M.D. October 15, 2003 Dr. Eric Lee Vey, M.D. November 10, 2004 Gary Smith, M.A. M.S... D.Phil.November 30, 2005 Carole Muto, RN, BSN, CPAN. October 4, 2006 Sheldon L. Gerstenfeld, VMD. September 26, 2007 Anna C. O’Riordan, M.D. September 10, 2008 C. Lowell Parsons, M.D. October 7, 2009 Thomas W. Yun, MD. October 27, 2010 Michael V. Seiden, M.D., Ph.D. Sept. 28, 2011 Charles J. Yeo, MD, F.A.C.S. October 24, 2012 Kevin Petti, Ph.D February 12, 2014
Nobel Laureate Michael S. Brown, M.D. Sept. 11, 2013
Jack Goldberg, MD. FACP October 1, 2014
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Gerald A. Isenberg, M.D., F.A.C.S.,FASCRS, March 18, 2015 Stephen P. Hunger, M.D. October 21, 2015 Nobel Laureate Harald Zur Hausen, M.D. March 21, 2016 Biomedical Distinguished Lecture Series Director: Dr. Lakshmi Atchison Contact email:; Office Tel: 215-248-7159