CHESTNUT HILL COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT THE MISSION OF CHESTNUT HILL COLLEGE IS TO PROVIDE STUDENTS WITH HOLISTIC EDUCATION IN AN INCLUSIVE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY MARKED BY ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE, SHARED RESPONSIBILITY, PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL GROWTH, SERVICE TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY, AND CONCERN FOR THE EARTH. Chestnut Hill College, founded by the Sisters of Saint Joseph in 1924, is an independent, Catholic institution that fosters equality through education. Faithful to its strong liberal arts tradition, Chestnut Hill College offers academic programs of excellence in the areas of undergraduate, graduate, and continuing studies. True to its Catholic heritage, Chestnut Hill College espouses the beliefs and values inherent in the Judeo-Christian tradition while it respects the contributions made by other faith traditions in the development of the whole person. The College nurtures a sense of integrity, spirituality, and social justice in all. The College community dedicates itself to four purposes in fulfilling this mission. It seeks: • to provide avenues for students to achieve academic excellence and to pursue research in their major field or in interdisciplinary studies. The College encourages students to explore and experience diverse curricula and to participate in exchange programs over other institutions of higher education. • to initiate links between the world of learning and the world of work through curricular planning, technological opportunities, and career preparation. The College guides students in applying theoretical learning through experiential education designed collaboratively by faculty and students.
Celebrating Scholarship Since its inception in 1924, Chestnut Hill College has offered a rigorous liberal arts education that continues to evolve over time to prepare our students to meet the ever-changing needs of society. Our success in preparing our students to meet these needs is a direct result of the fact that we are fortunate to have a faculty who exhibit a love for teaching and learning. In addition to their primary task as educators, the Chestnut Hill College faculty contribute many hours of their time in providing service to their students, their departments and the college. They are also actively engaged in professional research and scholarship. Their dedication and hard work in the areas of teaching, service and scholarship are critical for the success of the College to fulfill its mission. It is my pleasure to recognize the outstanding record of scholarly achievements and activities exhibited by the Faculty during 2010–2011 academic year. It is important to note that in many cases, these faculty provided invaluable opportunities for our students to become actively involved in this research and scholarship and to present their work at professional conferences and meetings. In doing so, they extended their teaching out of the classroom into the work environment, thereby offering our students invaluable “hands-on,” and “on-the-job” training in their particular discipline or area of study. The scholarly accomplishments of a college’s faculty directly influences the academic quality of the institution. In this regard, Chestnut Hill College once again recognizes the diversity of talents among its faculty, is grateful for their contributions to the overall educational experience of the College and takes pride in sharing and celebrating with you their scholarly activities and accomplishments. Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty Scholarly Activities 2010–2011 is a tribute to the faculty who continue to shape Chestnut Hill College’s academic landscape through a commitment to excellence in their teaching, scholarship, and service.
• to uphold an atmosphere of communal respect in which all may clarify and articulate personal values and beliefs while exploring the ethical and moral dimensions underlying all relationships. The College encourages inter-faith opportunities by acquainting all students with Catholicism, its theology and its Judeo-Christian roots, and by engaging in dialogue with women and men of other beliefs. • to create local and global connections that enable students to respond to the needs of others through service-oriented enterprises. The College educates students to identify and to address issues of social justice and to work toward systemic change. Approved by the Chestnut Hill College Board of Directors, October 7, 2002.
Cover image: John Oles Photography.
Kenneth J. Soprano, Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
Lakshmi Atchison, Ph.D. Professor of Biology
Publications • Dr. Lakshmi Atchison wrote a specially designed pocket guide entitled: “Eight Cancers That Can Affect College Age Students.” The eight cancers discussed are: lung, lymphoma, skin/melanoma, thyroid, leukemia, brain, uterine-cervix and testicular cancers. In this booklet, she emphasizes that “Prevention is the Best Medicine,” and is an encouraging phrase for cancer. Cancer is a ravaging disease that affects the global population. In the United States alone, each year more than half a million people die of cancer translating to a staggering 1500 cancer deaths per day! Therefore, cancer prevention is the best option, and the time to act is NOW! Although, cancer has a reputation as a disease of the old, some cancers can affect young people. Therefore, cancer awareness and cancer prevention are the watch-words to follow. This booklet is specially designed for college age students with details about eight cancers that can affect young people. This is an easy to read pocket guide that uses simple medical terminology. This booklet also addresses some important facts on cancer, risk factors and prevention strategies. This publication is intended for all science and non-science majors. With the basic knowledge gained, students can educate others by being an advocate to make a difference in someone’s life for cancer prevention thereby reducing the cancer burden in this country. Cancer prevention is the best medicine. If cancer is prevented there is no need for a cure. Therefore, the time to act is now. This booklet will be available to all students to understand cancer prevention. • Dr. Lakshmi Atchison recently completed the 2nd edition of her book entitled “Cancer Biology Basics” published by McGraw Hill Companies, 2011. She did this in collaboration with her husband Dr. Michael Atchison who is on faculty at the University of Pennsylvania. All students should understand that cancer can strike anyone at any time regardless of age, race, gender, nationality or social status. As educators, it is our duty to educate young people about the seriousness of this disease and emphasize the importance of cancer prevention. Therefore, this book is a basic source of information for all students for understanding normal cell biology as well as the basics of cancer biology. Most universities and colleges offer courses in general biology, cell biology, histology, pathology, anatomy, cell physiology, genetics and other biological or biomedical subjects. Some of these courses will include sections on abnormal states that lead to cell transformation, or cancer. This disease touches the lives of almost everyone. Therefore, sections of this book have been developed with simple approaches to understanding the basics of cancer. The book is both simple and broad in its approach and can be used by instructors teaching numerous disciplines in science including general biology, cell biology, histology, genetics, anatomy, pathology, biochemistry and molecular biology. In addition, any student who
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
needs to fulfill a science requirement will benefit from this all-in-one book on cancer biology basics that includes a lab component. The book presents medical terminologies and definitions along with illustrations to aid students in better understanding complex cell structures, cell cloning methodologies, sterile techniques, basic histology, detailed blood cell analyses, pathology, cancer cell behavior in culture, molecular changes in cancers, and other cellular characteristics and altered behaviors. All adult major cancers such as lung, breast, colon/rectum, pancreas, kidney/bladder, ovary, leukemia, lymphoma, skin cancer including melanoma are briefly discussed along with critical thinking sections. In addition a brief understanding of other important cancers such as testicular, thyroid, brain, stomach, and carcinoid tumors are also discussed. The goal is that students will gain a great deal of theoretical knowledge in classroom lectures, and will enhance this knowledge with practical experience that is included to gain hands-on experience. The terminologies presented in this book are well defined to equip students with the vocabulary used in cell biology and cancer biology basics. Presentations In collaboration with Dr. Heyrovska and Dr. Narayan, Dr. Atchison presented a paper titled, “Precise Atomic Structures of Two Important Molecules in Biochemistry: Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) and Aspirin (Acetyl Salicylic Acid).“ This work celebrates the International Year of Chemistry—2011, by providing, for the first time, the structures at the atomic level of two important molecules, namely, ascorbic acid and aspirin. Ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, was discovered as a cure for scurvy which claimed many human lives and hence got its name. It is also supposed to be an antioxidant and to prevent flu. Aspirin is synthesized from salicylic acid and is widely used as a remedy for flu and has other medical uses such as saving the lives of cardiac patients as an anticoagulant of blood. The biochemistry and chemistry of both these compounds have been evolving for nearly a century ever since their discoveries. Here, the atomic structures of these compounds have been presented where the known lengths of the various chemical bonds are exact sums of the appropriate radii of the adjacent atoms. This presentation is also published in 2011 Nature Precedings: http://precedings.nature.com. Poster dedicated to the 100th anniversaries of the award of the Nobel Prize to Marie Curie, the foundation of the International Association of Chemical Societies and the birth of the name Vitamin.
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
David Borsos, Ph.D.
Scott Browning, Ph.D.
Publications • Palmo, A., Weikel, W., & Borsos, D. (Eds.). (2011). The Foundations of Mental Health Counseling, 4th edition, Springfield, IL: C.C. Thomas. • Borsos, D. (2011). Integrating Theories into Practice. In Palmo, Weikel, & Borsos (in above). • Borsos, D. (2011). Counseling and the Use of Humor (in above). • Borsos, D. (2011). Substance Abuse and the Effective Counselor (in above). • Palmo, A., Weikel, W., & Borsos, D. (2011). The Future of Professional Counseling (in above).
Book Browning, S. & Artelt, E. (2011). Stepfamily Therapy: A 10-Step Clinical Approach. American Psychological Association (APA Books).
Associate Professor of Psychology
Seminars and Trainings • The Autistic Young Adult, 2011 • Understanding Memory and the Brain, 2011
Lynn Brandsma, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology Presentations: Herbert, J. D., Forman, E. M., Yuen, E., Goetter, E., England, E., Massey, J., Brandsma, L. L., Blacker, K., Timko, C. A., Geboy, A. (2010, November). Awareness, acceptance, defusion, and psychopathology: Implications of recent data on the deconstruction of mindfulness. In K. Herzberg (Chair), Assessment and evaluation of fusion and defusion as a universal process in psychopathology and behavior change. Paper to be presented at the 44th annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy, San Francisco, CA. Scholarship Invited expert reviewer for Swiss Anorexia Nervosa Foundation project proposal: Ehlert, U., Langhans, W. Psychobiological relationships between restraint eating and female hormone status, July 2011. Appointment Together with Dr. James Herbert and Ms. Regina Brown, appointed to continue serving as legal consultant by David G.C. Arnold, Esquire, for Students Doe v. Lower Merion School District. This case was appealed to the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals in April 2011 and is being closely watched by legal experts all over the country.
Professor of Psychology
Presentations • Dr. Browning has been invited recently to present on stepfamilies in Rome and Tuscany next year. • Presented a full-day workshop on stepfamilies to Catholic Social Services in Harrisburg. • Invited discussant at the annual conference of the American Family Therapy Association regarding the dynamics present when a stepfamily is formed after an affair. Other Notable Accomplishments • Co-directed with Professor Susan McGroarty the Italian Summer Institute at Chestnut Hill College, Summer 2011. • Invited to be interviewed by the American Psychological Association to discuss psychotherapy for a public service clip that the APA is editing.
Cecelia J. Cavanaugh SSJ, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Spanish
• Session Organizer and Panel Chair: New Intersections in Lorca Studies, MLA, Los Angeles, CA, January 2011. • Presented a paper: “Entering the Meadow: Reading Lorca’s El Maleficio de la mariposa through the Lens of Jacob Von Uexküll’s umwelt.” MLA, Los Angeles, CA, January 2011.
Marie A. Conn, Ph.D.
Professor of Religious Studies Publications “The Demand for Justice Implicit in the Eucharistic Celebration,” Verbum Incarnatum, Volume 4, Number 1 (2010).
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
Book Reviews • Sunghae Kim and James W. Heisig, Eds. Monasticism Buddhist and Christian: The Korean Experience, Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2008. Reviewed in Journal of Ecumenical Studies. • John Sniegocki. Catholic Social Teaching and Economic Globalization: The Quest for Alternatives. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2009. Reviewed in Catholic Studies: An On-Line Journal (http://catholicbooksreviews.org). • Michael K. Duffy and Deborah S. Hash, Eds. Justice and Mercy Will Kiss: The Vocation of Peacemaking in a World of Many Faiths. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2008. Reviewed in Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Vol. 45, No. 2. • Kathleen McAlpin. Ministry That Transforms: A Contemplative Process of Theological Reflection. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2009. Reviewed in Horizons, Volume 37, Number 1. • Peer reviewer, Exposition, On-Line Humanities Journal, Villanova University. • Peer reviewer, Journal of Catholic Higher Education. Presentations • “The Religious and Ethical Considerations of Caring for Children and Adults with Demential or Developmental Disabilities,” Now and at the Hour of our Death 2011, Samaritan Hospice, Westville, NJ. • “Habari, Bagamoyo!” Faculty Colloquium (with Ally Antonini, Jarreau Freeman, and Kelly Dennis), Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, PA. • “Habari, Tanzania!” Faculty Colloquium (with Ally Antonini and Jarreau Freeman), Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, PA. • “On the Road to Mikumi: Tanzania and Service Learning,” Griffin Days, Chestnut Hill College. • “Global Spirituality and Radical Human Equality” (with Patrick McCauley), Generations of Indian Valley, Souderton, PA. • “Nuclear Disarmament: Ethical Issues,” invited panelist, Nuclear Futures Symposium, Chestnut Hill College. Other Notable Accomplishments • Invited participant, Interfaith/Intercultural trip to Turkey, sponsored by the Interfaith Dialogue Forum of Philadelphia. • Invited participant, Inaugural Conference, Joint Program, Pediatric Cancer Genome Project, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, held at St. Jude’s, Memphis, Tennessee. • Director and mentor, Intensive Graduate Program, “Rituals of Healing and Dying,” La Salle University. • Faculty mentor, service trip to Morogoro, Tanzania.
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
Suzanne Conway, M.A.
Associate Professor of Art History Conference Presentations • Paper accepted by Uniformity to Reform: Education in the Very Long Eighteenth Century at the Institute for Advanced Study, University of London, “Representations of Education in 18th Century French Art: La Mère Educatrice,” October 2011. • Paper delivered at BESECS Annual Conference, St. Hugh’s College, Oxford University, England, “Familial Sentiment: New Parents for the New Child in 18th-century French Art,” January 2011. Peer Reviewed Journal Book review of Adelaide Labille-Guiard: Artist in the Age of Revolution, for XVIII New Perspectives on the Eighteenth Century, forthcoming. Professional Experiences • Attended Cultivating our Food Roots sponsored by the Wyck Association, Wyck, Germantown, PA, June 2011. • Attended Multiple Childhoods/Multidisciplinary Perspectives: Interrogating Normativity in Childhood Studies, sponsored by the Department of Childhood Studies, Rutgers University, Camden, NJ, May 2011. • Attended CAA Annual Conference, New York City, February 2011.
Lorraine Coons, Ph.D. Professor of History
• Presented a paper, “Artiste or Coquette: Les Petits Rats of the Paris Opéra Ballet (1850–1900),” at The Sixth International Conference on the Arts in Society held at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The conference was sponsored by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 2011. • Invited to be a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Literature and Art Studies, David Publishing Company, Illinois, Summer 2011. • Published an article in Encyclopedia of Movies and American Culture on All About Eve (ABC-Clio Publishers, June 2011). • Conference organizer of the fourth national “Legacy Conference” sponsored by the History and Political Science Department to be held at Chestnut Hill College’s Sugarloaf campus. This year’s theme, The Legacy of the American Civil War, November 2011.
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
• Recipient of a grant from Harvard University’s Center of Hellenic Studies enabling Chestnut Hill College students participating in a study abroad course/trip, “Greece: The Bridge Between Worlds in Space and Time,” to use their research facility in Nauplion, Greece. (Project designed by Drs. Alexander Varias and Lorraine Coons, March 2011). • Book, “Tourist Third Cabin: Steamship Travel in the Interwar Years” (Lorraine Coons and Alexander Varias: Palgrave MacMillan Press, 2003) cited in thirteen articles in Fordham University Digital Research Project on the ss Normandie: “Crossing on the Normandie-Paris to New York Between the Wars.” (www.fordham.edu/ normandie/package/MH1%20The%20Invention%20of%20Modern%20Tourism. html) • Passage from book, “Tourist Third Cabin: Steamship Travel in the Interwar Years” cited by Patricia Billingsley, communications specialist at Smith College, on her website. She is writing a biography of Philip Cummings, Vermont poet, teacher and world traveler and friend of Spanish-poet and playwright Federico García Lorca. (http://philipcummings.net/travels.php)
Sister Nancy DeCesare, IHM, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Human Services
Publications DeCesare, N. (September, 2011). “Reaching Out: Ground Zero to The Soldiers Project Pennsylvania,” Journey Magazine published by Sister Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scranton, PA. Book Review “Play in Clinical Practice: Evidenced-Based Approaches,” Sandra W. Russ and Larissa N. Niec, Guilford Press, May 2011. Presentations Supervisory Management: The Creative Art of Empowering and Motivating People, for the Philadelphia Higher Education Network for Neighborhood Nonprofit Capacity-Development (PHENND) and Funded by, The Corporation for National and Community Serve, Learn and Serve America Program, Chestnut Hill College, February 2011. Appointments • The Soldiers Project Pennsylvania, Founder and Director of “The Soldiers Project” for Southeastern PA a new branch of the National Soldiers Project for the United States, September 2010.
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
• Elected to the National Board of Directors for “The Soldiers Project,” Southern California. • Elected to The Philadelphia Children’s Foundation, Philadelphia, PA. • Advisory Board Member for McGraw Hill Publications; David M. Hall Associates, LLC; Taking Sides: Family and Personal Relation; Contributing Editor to the Instructor’s Research Guide, August 2011. Conferences Attended • Post Deployment Support for Service Members by Joseph C. O’Rourke, LCSW, retired Walter Reed and specialist in Trauma, at Chestnut Hill College, September 2011. • Military Sexual Trauma and Women Veterans by Deborah Jesseman and Allison Stanco, Directors and specialists Military Sexual Trauma, Veterans Center, Montgomery County, Chestnut Hill College, May 2011. • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury and other related neurological and psychiatric conditions by Chaplain Austin Joyce, Coatesville Veterans Hospital at Chestnut Hill College, March 2011. • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) by neuropsychologists Monisha C. Aktar, PhD at Chestnut Hill College, February 2011. • Military Culture 101, Women Veterans and Veteran Suicide by Gwen Phillips and Team, Philadelphia Veterans Administration, Chestnut Hill College, October 2010. • Reporting for Duty: Community Responses to Our Returning Military Personnel and Their Families, West Chester University, West Chester, PA, November 2010. • Pathways Home for Veterans. Montgomery Community College. September 2010. • The Soldiers Project: Responding to a National Issue, Judith Broder, M.D., Chestnut Hill College, September 2010.
Suzanne del Gizzo, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of English Edited Volume • Hemingway’s The Garden of Eden: 25 Years of Criticism. Eds. Suzanne del Gizzo and Frederic Svoboda. Forthcoming from Kent State University Press, 2011. Articles in Peer-Review Publications • “Introduction.” Transcript of Robert Frost/Ernest Hemingway Roundtable from 2007 MLA. The Hemingway Review. 30.2 (Spring 2011): 99–101. • “Tracking the Elephant: David’s African Childhood in The Garden of Eden.” Hemingway in Africa. Ed. Miriam Mandel. Forthcoming from Camden House, 2011.
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
• “Introduction.” Special Section on Teaching Hemingway’s The Garden of Eden. The Hemingway Review. 30.1 (Fall 2010): 103–106. • “Glow-in-the-Dark Authors: Hemingway’s Critique of Literary Celebrity in Under Kilimanjaro.” The Hemingway Review. 29.2 (Spring 2010): 7–27. Presentations “Hybrid Courses at Chestnut Hill College,” Faculty Colloquium with Susan Magee, MFA, Assistant Professor of Communications, December 2010. Other Notable Accomplishments • Trustee, The Ernest Hemingway Foundation and Society Board • Chair, Hemingway Grant Committee, J.F.K. Presidential Library
Joseph Diorio, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology Granted “Fellow” status by the American College of Forensic Examiners.
Kathleen Duffy, SSJ, Ph.D. Professor of Physics
Editor • Edited two issues of Teilhard Studies, the monograph series of the American Teilhard Association: »» John Grim and Mary Evelyn Tucker, “Thomas Berry: Reflections on His Life and Thought,” Fall 2010 Number 61. »» Donald St. John, “Contemplation and Cosmos: Merton on Maximus and Teilhard,” Spring 2011 Number 62. Invited Lectures “Teilhard’s Mysticism: Seeing the Inner Face of Evolution,” annual meeting of Cosmos and Creation, Loyola University in Maryland, June 2011. Funded Grants and Awards • Funds from the Metanexus Institute transferred to Chestnut Hill College to establish and direct the Institute for Religion and Science at Chestnut Hill College. • Book award from the International Society for Science and Religion (ISSR) for a complete library of 200 major works in the field of science and religion to be housed in Logue Library.
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
• Philippine Development award in recognition of outstanding achievements in Science and Technology, August 31, 2010 by the Ayala Foundation, USA. Research Project Completed a book manuscript entitled Teilhard’s Mysticism: Seeing the Inner Face of Evolution.
William Ernst, Psy.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology Conducted a workshop titled: Neuropsychological Aspects of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Implications for Mental Health Professionals Working with Young Adults. The workshop was presented at Chestnut Hill College and was sponsored by CORA services of Philadelphia.
Carolynne Ervin, M.A.
Instructor of Religious Studies Book Chapter “Towards a Compassionate Conversation: The Art of Spiritual Direction” forthcoming in New York Abstains “Courteously”: Essays on Civil Discourse and Civic Responsibility, published by University Press of America. Presentations • Invited panelist for Spiritual Directors Circle. This gathering was held at Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church in Bryn Mawr, Pa. Each of the panelists shared how they offered spiritual direction. The panelists represented major training programs in the Philadelphia area, April 2011. • Participated in a supervision experience for the Leadership Institute for Spiritual Directors International. The theme of the conference was Cultivating Compassion: Compassionate, Competent Supervision. This institute was held in Atlanta, GA. Carolynne worked with Maria T. Bowen and Rebecca B. Langer to provide a live presentation of supervision for reflection and discussion, April 2011. • Presented “Pastoral Counseling’s Approach to the Changing Religious Landscape” at Moravian Theological Seminary in Bethlehem, PA. This was offered as part of the Pastoral Counseling Professional Luncheon series of lectures. The audience included MAPC students and alums, supervisors, and community practitioners, November 2010.
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
Professional Development Attended the Spiritual Directors International conference in Atlanta, GA. The theme was Cultivating Compassion, April 2011. Training • Assisted the staff at the Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth in Wernersville, PA. Carolynne supervised interns who were directing the prayer of another during the weekend of January 28 to January 30, 2011. Carolynne also joined the staff for a Directed Retreat from July 12 to July 20, 2011. • Part of the directing staff for St. Mary’s by the Sea, Cape May Point, NJ. She joined other directors in offering a Directed Retreat from August 8 to August 17, 2011.
Jean Faustman, SSJ, D.M.L. Associate Professor of French
Ministry/Service • In keeping with the Mission of Chestnut Hill College to promote social justice, and to create global connections, spent seven weeks in the South Andes this summer, continuing the ministry she began in 2006–2009 to the people of Santa Ana Parish in Yauri, Peru. Worked with the abandoned and orphaned children of the Children’s Shelter in that town, providing food, bicycles, clothing, and educational materials through generous donations received, and continued teaching English classes to members of the parish, and on occasion in a local state school. Also served as the parish liaison with the Center for the Elderly, helping to supply firewood or other natural materials for cooking, and benches, curtains, and help with renovations to rooms for the Elderly in that Center. Also served as the parish liaison in the Special Education school, supplying “knitting machines” for some of the older students, a CD/DVD player, yarn for knitting, equipment for physical education, and other educational materials to enhance the learning experience of the physically and mentally challenged students. • Religious education teacher (substitute) in St. Genevieve and Our Mother of Consolation Parishes Professional Meetings • AATF Regional Meeting. January 2011 • Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Baltimore, MD, April 2011
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
Claudia Garcia-Leeds, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology • Advisory Board Chair for the Latina Domestic Violence Program at Congreso de Latinos Unidos, Philadelphia. • Developing various training for the staff of Concilio a non-profit social service agency in Philadelphia. The first training will take place in September 2011.
Karen Getzen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of English Book Chapter “Out of the Gutter: Illness and Disability in the Graphic Narrative” forthcoming in New York Abstains “Courteously”: Essays on Civil Discourse and Civic Responsibility, published by University Press of America.
Melanie Cohen Goodman, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Education
Conferences • AAUP American Association University Professors Roundtable, Cultural Continuity as a Democratic Way of Existence: Rosenblatt’s Reader Response in Literacy Classrooms, June 2011. • AAUP American Association University Professors, Literacy Democracy, June 2011. 2010–2011 Activity in Professional Organizations • Advisor, Delta Beta Chapter, Kappa Delta Epsilon (KDE), Education Honor Society • Program Co-chair, Literacy and Social Responsibility Special Interest Group International Reading Association, (IRA) • Presenter, Delaware Valley Association for the Education of Young Children (DVAEYC) • Presenter, Pennsylvania Education Research Association (PERA) • Membership/Publicity/Treasurer Literacy and Social Responsibility Special Interest Group, International Reading Association (IRA) • Member, Government Relations Committee International Reading Association (IRA) • Member, Keystone State Reading Association (KSRA) • Member, Delaware Valley Reading Association (DVRA)
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
• Member, Philadelphia Reading Council • Member, Organization of Teacher Educators in Reading (OTER) • Board of Directors, Pennsylvania Branch of the International Dyslexia Association PBIDA • Peer Reviewer, Literacy Research and Instruction, Journal of International Reading Assoc. • Editorial Review Board, ejournal, Literacy and Social Responsibility Special Interest Group, International Reading Association, (IRA)
Conference Presentations • “From Here to Utopia: Roots of Modernity,” American Association of Teachers of French, Montréal, Canada, July 2011. • “Literature Written in Stone,” Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Baltimore, MD, April 2011. • “Le Français sans peine,” Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association,” Erie PA, October 2010. • “Assessing Short Term Study Abroad,” Pennsylvania Council for International Education, Scranton, PA, October 2010.
Elaine R. Green, Ed.D., HS-BCP
Professional Awards/Honors Promotion to “Officier” in Palmes Académiques, in recognition of services rendered in the promotion of French.
President of the Council for Standards in Human Service Education (CSHSE) (2010–2014). The Council for Standards in Human Service Education is a national board assuring the quality, consistency, and relevance of human service education programs through national standards, and accreditation of human service degree programs, research, and publications.
Workshops Presented a workshop together with Pamela Kolega from the Pennsylvania Department of Education on Differentiated Instruction, Norristown, PA, May 2011.
Dean of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies
Jessica Kahn, Ph.D.
Professor of Education International Conference Presentation “The Stories Books Tell,” creating libraries in public elementary schools. International Conference on the Book, Toronto, Canada, October 2011.
Mary Helen Kashuba, SSJ, D.M.L. Professor of French and Russian
Peer Reviewed Journals • “French Philosophes and Philadelphia Freedom.” Selected Proceedings of the 2010 AATF Convention. www.proceedings.frenchteachers.org/wp-content/ uploads/2011/06/Kashuba_Philosophes.pdf, June 2011. • Book Review: Shapiro, Barry M. Traumatic Politics: The Deputies and the King in the Early French Revolution. The French Review vol. 84, no. 4, March 2011. pp. 836–837. • Book Review: Silverman, Willa Z. The New Bibliopolis: French Book Collectors and the Culture of Print: 1880–1914. The French Review vol. 84, no. 1, October 2010. pp. 179–180.
Conferences/Professional Meetings Attended • American Association of Teachers of French, annual conference, Montréal, Canada, July 2011, attended and presented. • Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Modern Languages, Baltimore, Md., April 2011, attended and presented. • Modern Language Association of Philadelphia and Vicinity, “Heritage Speakers in the World Language Classroom,” attended and organized, March 2011. • Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association, technology workshop, Chestnut Hill College, February 2011, attended and hosted. • American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Boston, MA, November 2011. • Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association, Erie, PA, October 2011, attended and presented. • Pennsylvania Council for International Education, Scranton, PA, October 2011, attended and presented. Interviews Conducted oral proficiency interviews for Jenkintown High School, April and May, 2011. Membership in Professional Associations and Offices Held • Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association, member of Executive Council, and Steering Committee for the October 2011 annual meeting in State College, PA. 15
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
• Recording Secretary for the Modern Language Association of Philadelphia and Vicinity • Executive Council of the Philadelphia Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French • American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages • American Association of Teachers of French • Modern Language Association • Alliance Française • World Affairs Council of Philadelphia • French American Chamber of Commerce
Invited Participant Summer Session on Contemplative Curriculum Development, Smith College, Northhampton, MA, August 2011.
Other Notable Accomplishments • Vice-President, American Association of Teachers of French (national), 2008–2011. • Advanced Placement Reader for French Language, June 11–18, 2011, Cincinnati, OH. • National French Contest Administrator for the greater Philadelphia area (1978–present). • Advisory Board, Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Modern Languages (2000–present). • Fulbright Peer Reviewer for teachers (1990–present). • Textbook reviewer for Heinle/Cengage.
John A. Kovach, Ph.D.
Sara Ellen Kitchen, JD
Kelly Landman, Ph.D.
Professor of Criminal Justice Conference Participant • Fifth Annual John P. Scarpa Conference on Law, Politics and Culture, “A Republic of Statutes: The New American Constitution,” February 2011 at Villanova University Law School, Villanova, PA. • Matthew J. Ryan Law and Public Policy Forum, “Innocents Behind Bars: The Keys to Exoneration,” January 2011 at Villanova University Law School, Villanova, PA. • Negotiating with Confidence Training Program at Good Shepherd Mediation Center on March 2011. • “Multiple Childhoods/Multidisciplinary Perspectives: Interrogating Normativity in Childhood Studies,” May 2011 at Rutgers University, Camden, NJ.
Other Notable Accomplishments • Co-chair of 13th Annual Justice Studies Association Conference, “Unlocking the Prisons of Our Lives,” June 2011, Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, PA. • Presentation, “Unlocking the Criminal Justice Major Mindset: Reflections of Restorative Justice Students,” June 2011, Justice Studies Association Conference, Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, PA.
Associate Professor of Sociology Publications “Lives are lonelier in a modern high-tech world,” Guest Editorial, Delaware County Times, February 21, 2011. Presentations “Facilitating a global perspective in students: Reflections from Semester at Sea on the importance of critical theory,” presented at Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meetings, Philadelphia, February 2011.
Assistant Professor of Psychology Training Post-doctoral Appointee, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey— School of Medicine, Child Abuse Research Education and Services (CARES) Institute, Stratford, NJ, September 2010–August 2011. Part of a multidisciplinary team to assess and treat children who experienced sexual and physical abuse under the clinical direction of Esther Deblinger, Ph.D., co-developer of Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT). Attended didactic seminars and workshops/lectures focusing on various topics related to child maltreatment and provided case presentations to the staff at CARES. Conference Presentation Lister, K. M., Booker, G., & Tiemeier, J. (2011, March). Electronic interactions: The good, the bad, and “you’re ugly.” Symposium entitled “Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect: What’s Working & Emerging Strategies” presented at the CARES Institute’s 6th Annual Statewide Symposium, Mount Laurel, NJ. 17
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
Conferences Attended • Multiple presenters. March 2011. CARES Institute’s 6th Annual Statewide Symposium, “Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect: What’s Working and Emerging Strategies.” Co-sponsored by UMDNJ-CARES Institute and the Wal-Mart Foundation. Presenters included Deborah Daro, Ph.D. (“Beyond Evidence-based Programs: Creating the Context for Successful Programs to Succeed”), Robert Sege, M.D., Ph.D. (“Project Dulce: A New Approach to the Prevention and Community Partnership”), and Esther Deblinger, Ph.D. (“Reducing Children’s Risk of Child Sexual Victimization”), Mount Laurel, NJ. • Christopher A. Kearney, Ph.D. December 2010. School Refusal Behavior, Selective Mutism, and Trauma-based Issues. Quarterly lecture co-sponsored by UMDNJ-CARES Institute and the Wal-Mart Foundation, West Windsor, NJ.
Catherine Looker SSJ, D.Min.
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Publications • “Pathways to God in Everyday Life,” in St. Anthony Messenger, pp. 12–15, April 2011 issue. Also available in the St. Anthony Messenger Magazine online, April 2011 issue at www.americancatholic.org. • Invitation to participate in a Book Review Symposium, review of Prayers of the Faithful: The Shifting Spiritual Life of American Catholics by James P. McCartin (Harvard University Press, 2010), pp. 89–91, in American Catholic Studies: Journal of the American Catholic Historical Society, Vol. 121, No. 4, Winter, 2010, see pp. 87–97 for entire symposium. • “’Living with the Lord Always Before Them:’ Considerations of Spiritual Guidance offered by Ignatius of Loyola and Dallas Willard,” pp. 181–205, in The Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care, Vol. 3, No. 2, Fall 2010 issue. Presentation Scholarly Paper: “’Behold the Handmaid of the Lord:’ Contemplative Approaches to Imaging Mary in the Writings of Martin Luther and Ignatius of Loyola,” October 23, 2010, as part of the Figure of Mary Among Protestants and Catholics Panel (Session VI), presented at the 35th International Conference in Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance (PMR) Studies, Villanova University Conference Center, Villanova, PA, October 2010.
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
Barbara Lonnquist, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of English • Barbara Lonnquist’s essay “Homeless in Nature: Solitary Trampings and Shared Errantryin Cornwall, 1905” was published in April, 2011, in Virginia Woolf and the Natural World: Selected Papers of the Twentieth International Conference on Virginia Woolf, edited by Kristin Czarnecki and Carrie Rohman, Clemson University Digital Press. • In June , Professor Lonnquist presented a paper on Woolf and Bloomsbury travel writing (“Woolf Among the Travelers”) at the International Virginia Woolf Conference at the University of Glasgow, Scotland.
Joseph A. Micucci, Ph.D., ABPP Professor of Psychology
• Published a book review in PsycCRITIQUES—APA Review of Books (August 2011). • Keynote address and taught a workshop at an international conference on family therapy in Bilbao, Spain, October 2011. • Co-Chair of the Education and Training Committee of Division 44 of the American Psychological Association (APA).
Susan Magee, M.F.A.
Assistant Professor of Communications • Award: Salamander Literary Journal (University of Suffolk) 2010 Fiction Contest, Second Place, Short Story: The Mother. • Pushcart Prize Nominee: The Mother, a short story, Nominated by Salamander Literary Journal, Suffolk University Conference Attended Associated Writers and Writing Programs Conference, Washington, DC, February 2010.
Keely McCarthy, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of English Publications • “’A Sweet Union of Souls’ or dangerous conversions? Jonathan Edwards’ missionary best-seller,” Journal of the Jonathan Edwards’ Society, on-line journal, March 2011.
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
• “Conversion, Identity, and the Indian Missionary,” reprinted in World Christianity. Elizabeth Koepping, Ed. London: Routledge, 2010.
• McGroarty, S., 2011. LeFreak: Cultural competence and alopecia. New Jersey Psychologist, (Spring).
Conferences or Workshops Attended • Society of Early Americanists bi-annual conference, March 2011. • PWPA/PHENND conference on service learning and writing, LaSalle University, February 2011. • Writing intensive colloquium, Penn State Abington, January 2011.
Presentations at Professional Meetings • McGroarty, S. Trauma Counseling: A Primer. All day in-service provided to mental health workers at Catholic Charities, Harrisburg, PA, September 2011. • McGroarty, S. Does membership matter? Balint groups with physician versus psychology trainees. Poster presented at the International Balint Society, September 2011. • McGroarty, S. Using InTreatment as a forum for exploring therapist multicultural competence. APA-approved continuing education workshop presented at Chestnut Hill College Supervisor Appreciation Day, May 2011.
Patrick McCauley, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Book McCauley, P. (2011). Reading by the Light of a Burning Phoenix: A Kantian Interpretation of Hesse. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Conference Presentations • “Shimmering between the Symbolic and the Real in Pan’s Labyrinth and The Fisher King,” American Academy of Religion Annual National Meeting, San Francisco, November 2011. • “The Embodied and the Ideal in Pan’s Labyrinth,” Mid-Atlantic American Academy of Religion Annual Regional Meeting, March 2011.
Kathleen McCloskey, SSJ, M.M.Ed. Assistant Professor of Music
Other Notable Accomplishments • Co-directed with Professor Scott Browning the Italian Summer Institute at Chestnut Hill College. Summer 2011. • Faculty mentor of the (newly instituted) Human Rights Committee. • Member New Jersey Psychological Association (Diversity Committee). • Member American Psychological Association PsycLINK Advisory Committee.
Thérèse B. McGuire, SSJ, Ph.D. Professor of Art (Retired)
Juried Exhibitions and Performances • All About Art, Moss Rehab, Elkins Park, PA, May–July 2011 • SEPCHE Artists, Chestnut Hill College, October 2011
Professional Development • Music Educators National Conference Eastern Division, Baltimore, MD, April 2011. • Collaboration with Steinway and Company (Jacob Music/ Willow Grove, PA) “Performathon” at Chestnut Hill College to benefit Ronald McDonald House.
Memberships in Professional Associations • College Art Association • Early Book Society
Susan McGroarty, Ph.D.
Sheldon Miller, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Articles, Chapters and Books • McGroarty, S. (2011). Trauma counseling. In A.J. Palmo, W.J. Weikel, & D.P. Borsos, The Foundations of Mental Health Counseling (4th Ed.). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.
• Re-elected to the Board of Directors of the Philadelphia Section of the American Chemical Society. • Recently elected for a three-year term on the Board of Directors of the Delaware Valley Science Council. The mission of the Delaware Valley Science Council is to discover, encourage, and recognize talented youth in the Delaware Valley
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
who have outstanding capabilities in the areas of science, mathematics and engineering, and to be a resource agency available to science teachers, technology organizations, and science students. • Over the last several years, the College Board has been planning a revision of the advance placement (AP) examinations given to high school seniors in a number of different disciplines. As part of the AP program, high schools in the U.S. and abroad who offer college-level courses to prepare their students for the AP examinations are being asked to revise their courses to reflect the changes in the AP examination. Dr. Miller was selected as one of two teaching professionals in the U.S. to work with College Board individuals to design new requirements for the chemistry course syllabus that all AP courses must submit to get approval to offer an AP course in their high school. • Invited to become a member of a group of chemistry teachers in the U.S. who are writing questions for the new chemistry AP examination for The Educational Testing Service (ETS).
Mary Ellen O’Donnell, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Book Chapter “The Catholic Intellectual Tradition: A Classification and a Calling,” The Catholic Studies Reader, Ed. by James T. Fisher and Margaret M. McGuiness. Fordham University Press, 2011.
Lisa M. Olivieri, SSJ, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Computer Science & Technology Peer Reviewed Journal Article Dee Gudmundsen, Lisa Olivieri, and Namita Sarawagi. 2011. Using visual logic©: three different approaches in different courses—general education, CS0, and CS1. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 26, 6 (June 2011), 23–29. Conference Presentation Dee Gudmundsen, Lisa Olivieri, and Namita Sarawagi. 2011. Learn how to use executable flowcharts to enhance learning in general education, CS0, and CS1 courses: tutorial presentation. Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 26, 6 (June 2011), 107–109.
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
Research Project The Chestnut Hill College faculty, staff and administration were surveyed on their current and projected use of Blackboard. A comparison was performed on the Blackboard features most often used by the college community to those available in the CHC Portal’s LMS module: eRacer. A report was developed that compared the pros and cons of the two systems based on research of the two LMS and on the results of the surveys. Recommendations about possible future use of either system were included in the report. A brief summary of the research was given to all who participated in the survey and a complete report was submitted to the college administration.
Carol M. Pate, Ed.D.
Associate Professor of Education Local, State and Federal Grants September 2011: Co-Principal Investigator: “Highly Qualified Secondary and Special Education Teachers,” a collaborative grant program with Eastern University and the School District of Philadelphia. Received 1.5M ($700,000.00 for CHC) from the PA Department of Education, Bureau of Higher Education, over 36 months to train 100 Math, Science and/or Special Education teachers. Program includes innovative “Turn to Teach” project with the School District of Philadelphia. July 2010: Project Director: “Systematic Praxis and Student Teaching Supports” $19,945.00 PA Office of Child Development and Early Learning. Peer Reviewed Book Chapters/Monographs Pate, C., (2010). ”Voices of otherness in teacher education: Divergences and Convergences in Motion.” In Imaging the Other: Essays on Diversity, Conn, M.A., & McGuire, T. (Eds.) New York: University Press of America, Inc. Academic Presentations: Invited Presentations Pate, C. (08/31/10). “Beyond 2013: Pennsylvania Department of Education’s visions for teacher preparation programs.” Invited Speaker at Community College of Philadelphia’s Orientation for Education Majors, Philadelphia, PA. Academic Presentations: Peer-Reviewed Pate, C. & Patel, P. (07/20/11). “Preparing general and special education teachers of students who have disabilities” Poster Session Presentation at the Office of Special Education Project Director’s Conference, Washington, DC.
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
Nancy Porter, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology Publication “Fear and Fundamentalism as Barriers to Civil Discourse” forthcoming in New York Abstains “Courteously”: Essays on Civil Discourse and Civic Responsibility, published by University Press of America.
Jacqueline Reich, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Political Science Peer Reviewed Journal Articles • Reich, J.C. “Achieving the Vision of the NPT: Can We Get There Step by Step?” The Nonproliferation Review. Vol. 18(2), July 2011. pp. 369–387. • Submission on file for potential future publication, “Global Learning as General Education for the Twenty-First Century.” Diversity and Democracy, American Association of Colleges and Universities. • Submission, “Global Learning as General Education for the Twenty-First Century.” Innovative Higher Education (this is a broader version of the above-mentioned paper). Conference Presentations • Paper presentation (forthcoming): “How Much Does Science Advice Matter? Understanding International Policy-Making on Climate Change and Nuclear Proliferation.” Northeastern Political Science Association (NPSA) Conference, November 2011. • Conference presentation proposal submitted: “Global Learning as General Education: Coursework and Pathways to Global Awareness, Citizenship and Responsibility.” 2012 AAC&U Annual Meeting, January 2012. Workshops • Invited presenter, “Teaching about the Rule of Law” at the How to Promote Peace Education? workshop, sponsored by Project for Nuclear Awareness, September 2011. • Invited participant, Designing the Ideal Foreign Policy Think Tank, project to re-envision the mission and goals of the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI), Philadelphia, PA, May 2011.
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
Lectures “The Vision of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: How Can We Make it a Reality?” The City of Philadelphia’s International Day of Peace Symposium “Peace Visions: A World Free of Nuclear Threats & the Menace of Small Arms,” Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, September 2011. Interviews • Radio Interview: Invited Guest Commentator to answer questions on the evolving Egyptian crisis and its ramifications for the wider Middle East region: Gary R’Nell talk radio show on WPHT (1210 on the am dial), January 31, 2011. • Television interview: Invited Guest Commentator to answer questions about the state of nuclear weapons stockpiles and negotiations based on my published research in The Nonproliferation Review “Achieving the Vision of the NPT”: NBC10 “@ Issue” September 25, 2011. Memberships • Member of the American Political Science Association (APSA) • Member of the Academy of Political Science (APS) • Member of the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) • Member of the National Council for the Social Sciences (NCSS) Professional Development Invited Reader, Advanced Placement Comparative Government Exam, Educational Testing Service (ETS), June 2011. Seminars Regularly attend “Book Talks” as well as “Study Group on the West” lectures sponsored by the Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia, PA. Scholarly Service Chestnut Hill College Commencement Address Introduction for Susan Manbeck Corbett, Commencement, Chestnut Hill College, May 14, 2011. Wrote the citation and presented the speaker for the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws (citation appeared in the Commencement booklet). Professional Meetings The Pennsylvania Political Science Association (PPSA) Annual Meeting, Harrisburg Capitol building, March 2011.
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
Carmen Villegas Rogers, Ed.D.
Sister Rita Michael Scully, SSJ, M.A.
• Wrote a Book Review: Même le silence a une fin (Even Silence Has an End) by Ingrid Betancourt, French Review to be published in December 2011, pp. 49–50. • Presented a paper entitled Cautivos en la selva: el drama de los colombianos (Captive in the Jungle: The Drama of Colombians) at the AATSP (American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese) Annual Conference: Washington, DC, July 2011. • Presented a paper entitled Voces del cautiverio en Colombia (Voices of Captivity in Colombia) at the SCOLT (Southern Conference on Language Teaching) Annual Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, March 2011.
Conferences Attended • The Theology of Spirituality, Immaculata University, PA, June 2011. • Shakespeare, Catholic?, Portsmouth Abbey, Providence, RI, June 2011. • From Minor to Major in Medieval Literature and Art, Princeton, NJ, March 2011. • The Literary Legacy of John Henry Newman, Fordham University, New York , October 2010.
Associate Professor of French and Spanish
Cheryll Rothery, Psy.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology Professional Meetings/Conferences Attended • National Council of Schools and Programs of Professional Psychology—Mid-Winter Conference and Summer Business Meeting; January 2011; August 2011. • Pennsylvania Psychological Association Annual Convention, June 2011. • Doctoral Summit Meeting, Pennsylvania Psychological Association, April 2011. Speaking Engagements Panelist, Professional Development presentation for doctoral psychology students sponsored by the Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists. Interviews Interviewed by CBS news regarding Psychology Today article, June 2011. Professional Service • Pennsylvania Psychological Association Board of Directors • Secretary, 2008–2010; 2010–present • Member, Licensure Task Force • Member, Leadership Development Committee • Board Member of Pennsylvania Psychological Association Graduate Students (PPAGS) Chestnut Hill College • Member, Faculty Senate Task Force • Consultant, Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Grant, 2009–Present. 26
Associate Professor of English
Kenneth J. Soprano, Ph.D.
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty Publications • Teets BW, Soprano KJ, and Soprano DR, (2012). Role of SF-1 and DAX-1 during differentiation of P19 cells by retinoic acid. Journal of Cellular Physiology (in press, published on line June 15). • Purev E, Soprano DR, and Soprano KJ, (2011). PP2A interaction with Rb2/p130 mediates translocation of Rb2/p130 into the nucleus in all-trans retinoic acidtreated ovarian carcinoma cells. Journal of Cellular Physiology 226:4 (1027–1034). • Acquafreda T, Nunes FD, Soprano DR, and Soprano KJ (2010). Expression of homeobox genes in oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines treated with all-trans retinoic acid. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 111:6 (1437–1444).
Edward J. Strauman, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Music
Book Introductory Music Theory: A Worktext of Music Basics. Linus Publications. National Performance • Annual Conference of the Pennsylvania Dental Association, Hershey Hotel, Hershey, PA • Annual Conference of the Risk Management Association, Marriot Hotel, Baltimore, MD.
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
Local Performance • 2011 Chestnut Hill College Reunion • Annual Conference of the Justice Studies Association, Chestnut Hill College, Sugarloaf Hill • 2010 Chestnut Hill College Reunion • Catholic Partnership Schools, Rutgers University, Camden Campus Appointment/Honor Yamaha Artist/Educator
Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty
• SEPCHE Art Faculty Exhibition, Dwight V. Dowley Gallery at Chestnut Hill College, PA: Host, Curator and Exhibitor, series of 8 monoprints from Threshold of Transformation series and 3 paintings from Smugglers Notch Suite, October 2010. Conference Attended Spiritual Directors International Conference, “Cultivating Compassion,“ Atlanta, GA, April 2011.
Karen Wendling, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Kathleen Szpila, SSJ, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Art
Conference Presentation “The Legacy of Catholic Sister War Nurses: The Philadelphia Connection,” Legacy of the Civil War Conference at Chestnut Hill College. November 2011. Research Projects • National Archives, Washington, DC • Library of Congress, Washington, DC • Catholic University of America Manuscript Collection, Washington, DC • Smithsonian Art Library and Archives, Washington, DC • New York Public Library, NY • Pennsylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia • Sisters of St. Joseph Congregational Archives, Philadelphia • Research project expanded into a paper for publication: “Mrs. Ellen Ryan Jolly and the Nuns of the Battlefield Monument” to be completed this year.
Margie Thompson, SSJ, M.F.A. Associate Professor of Art
Invitational Art Exhibitions • Art by Heart Gallery, Skippack, PA. Exhibited “Atmospheric Colors,” a series of 28 watercolor, oil and pastel paintings, June–August 2011. • Celtic Cross Gallery, Doylestown Presbyterian Church, Doylestown, PA: Exhibited “Thresholds of Transformation,” a series of 35 monoprints, March–April 2011. • Created “Do You Hear the Sounds of Christmas?” an original watercolor painting for the Chestnut Hill College Christmas Card 2010, December 2010.
Invited Lecture Presented an invited research lecture on “Methods to Distinguish Volatile Organic Compounds using Selected-Ion Chemical Ionization in an Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer” at the Delaware Valley Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group. Villanova University, Villanova, PA, October 2010. Poster Presentations • Nahan, K.S.; Wendling, K.S.; Herron, W.J. “Research Work Towards a New Method of Blending Powder Coating Colors.” 42nd Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society. University of Maryland, College Park, MD, May 2011. • McGovern, J.A.; Wendling, K.S.; Soprano, D.R. “The Role of Retinoic Acid in the Regulation of HOX Genes in Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines.” 42nd Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society. University of Maryland, College Park, MD, May 2011. Appointment Elected as Chair of the Delaware Valley Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group, 2010–2011. Professional Development Attended the 59th American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. Denver, CO, June 2011. Professional Service Served as the Chestnut Hill College coordinator of the Philadelphia Area Girls Enjoying Science (PAGES) program sponsored by the American Chemical Society (ACS), November 2010.