Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty Scholarly Activities and Accomplishments 2009–2010
CHESTNUT HILL COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT THE MISSION OF CHESTNUT HILL COLLEGE IS TO PROVIDE STUDENTS WITH HOLISTIC EDUCATION IN AN INCLUSIVE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY MARKED BY ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE, SHARED RESPONSIBILITY, PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL GROWTH, SERVICE TO ONE ANOTHER AND TO THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY, AND CONCERN FOR THE EARTH. Chestnut Hill College, founded by the Sisters of Saint Joseph in 1924, is an independent, Catholic institution that fosters equality through education. Faithful to its strong liberal arts tradition, Chestnut Hill College offers academic programs of excellence in the areas of undergraduate, graduate, and continuing studies. True to its Catholic heritage, Chestnut Hill College espouses the beliefs and values inherent in the Judeo-Christian tradition while it respects the contributions made by other faith traditions in the development of the whole person. The College nurtures a sense of integrity, spirituality, and social justice in all.
CONTENTS Publications Presentations
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Additional Activities
The College community dedicates itself to four purposes in fulfilling this mission. It seeks: • to provide avenues for students to achieve academic excellence and to pursue research in their major field or in interdisciplinary studies. The College encourages students to explore and experience diverse curricula and to participate in exchange programs over other institutions of higher education. • to initiate links between the world of learning and the world of work through curricular planning, technological opportunities, and career preparation. The College guides students in applying theoretical learning through experiential education designed collaboratively by faculty and students. • to uphold an atmosphere of communal respect in which all may clarify and articulate personal values and beliefs while exploring the ethical and moral dimensions underlying all relationships. The College encourages inter-faith opportunities by acquainting all students with Catholicism, its theology and its Judeo-Christian roots, and by engaging in dialogue with women and men of other beliefs. • to create local and global connections that enable students to respond to the needs of others through service-oriented enterprises. The College educates students to identify and to address issues of social justice and to work toward systemic change. Approved by the Chestnut Hill College Board of Directors, October 7, 2002.
cElEbrating scholarshiP
ince its inception in 1924, Chestnut Hill College has offered a rigorous liberal arts education that continues to evolve over time to prepare our students to meet the ever-changing needs of society. Our success in preparing our students to meet these needs is a direct result of the fact that we are fortunate to have a faculty who exhibit a love for teaching and learning. In addition to their primary task as educators, the Chestnut Hill College faculty contribute many hours of their time in providing service to their students, their departments and the college. ey are also actively engaged in professional research and scholarship. eir dedication and hard work in the areas of teaching, service and scholarship are critical for the success of the College to fulfill its mission. It is my pleasure to recognize the outstanding record of scholarly achievements and activities exhibited by the Faculty during the 2009–2010 academic year. It is important to note that in many cases, these faculty provided invaluable opportunities for our students to become actively involved in this research and scholarship. In doing so, they extended their teaching out of the classroom into the work environment, thereby offering our students invaluable “hands-on” and “on-the-job” training in their particular discipline or area of study. e scholarly accomplishments of a college’s faculty directly influences the academic quality of the institution. In this regard, Chestnut Hill College once again recognizes the diversity of talents among its faculty, is grateful for their contributions to the overall educational experience of the College, and takes pride in sharing and celebrating with you their scholarly activities and accomplishments. Celebrating Scholarship: Chestnut Hill College Faculty Scholarly Activities and Accomplishments 2009–2010 is a tribute to the faculty who continue to shape Chestnut Hill College’s academic landscape through a commitment to excellence in their teaching, scholarship, and service.
aída beaupied, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Spanish book Beaupied, A. (2010). Libertad en cadenas. Sacrificio, aporías y perdón en las letras cubanas. New York: Peter Lang. Essay Co-authored with Silvia Alvarez Olarra the Introductory Note and Footnotes to the critical edition of José Lezama Lima’s essay, “Las eras imaginarias: Los egipcios.” is essay will be published in the Ensayos completos de José Lezama Lima. Javier Fornieles Ten, Leonor A. Ulloa and Justo Ulloa (Eds.). Sevilla: Editorial Renacimiento, 2010.
David borsos, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Psychology accepted for Publication Fourth edition of Dr. Borsos’ co-edited book, e Foundations of Mental Health Counseling.
lynn brandsma, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Psychology book chapter Herbert, J.D., Rheingold, A., & Brandsma, L. (in press). “Assessment of Social Anxiety and Social Phobia.” In S.G. Hofmann and P.M. DiBartolo (Eds.). Social Anxiety: Clinical, Developmental, and Social Perspectives. Maryland Heights, Mo.: Elsevier.
Kenneth J. Soprano, Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty Publications
Publications scott browning, Ph.D.
Marie a. conn, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Professor of Religious Studies
book chapters Browning, S., Accordini, M. Gennari, M. & Cigoli, V. (2010). “How erapists View Stepfamilies: An Analysis of Italian Clinicians’ Representations.” In V. Cigoli and M. Gennari’s, Close Relationships and Community Psychology: An International Perspective. Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
book contributor and Editor Conn, M. and McGuire T. (Eds.). (2010). Imaging the Other: Essays on Diversity. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America.
Browning, S. & Bray, J. (2009). “Treating Stepfamilies: A Subsystem-Based Approach.” In M.Stanton and J. Bray’s, Blackwell Handbook of Family Psychology. London, England: Blackwell Press.
Kelly butler, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Chemistry Workbook A guided inquiry workbook for the advanced organic chemistry course, Physical Organic Chemistry, 2010, Pacific Crest.
ana caro, Psy.D. Assistant Professor of Psychology book review March 2010. In response to an invitation by Pearson Publications, Dr. Caro reviewed a proposal for the publication of the book titled, Weaving it All Together: Play-Family erapy and Mindful Parenting.
book reviews Michael K. Duffy and Deborah S. Hash, Eds., Justice and Mercy will Kiss: e Vocation of Peacemaking in a World of Many Faiths. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2008. Reviewed in Journal of Ecumenical Studies, Vol. 45, No. 2. Kathleen McAlpin. Ministry that Transforms: A Contemplative Process of eological Reflection. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 2009. Reviewed in Horizons, Vol. 37, No. 1. Kathleen McAlpin. Ministry that Transforms: A Contemplative Process of eological Reflection. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 2009. Reviewed in Catholic Studies: An On-Line Journal (http://catholicbooksreviews.org). Alexis D. Abernethy, Editor. Worship that Changes Lives: Multidisciplinary and Congregational Perspectives on Spiritual Transformation. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2008. Reviewed in Catholic Studies: An On-Line Journal (http://catholicbooksreviews.org). Mary J. McDonough. Can a Health Care Market be Moral? A Catholic Vision. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2007. Reviewed in Catholic Studies: An On-Line Journal (http://catholicbooksreviews.org). Peer reviewer Exposition, On-Line Humanities Journal, Villanova University.
Publications Professor of History
“Can’t Repeat the Past? Of Course You Can’t and Shouldn’t: Filming e Great Gatsby for the 21st Century.” Bright Lights Film Journal, 66 (Fall 2009): http://www.brightlightsfilm.com/66/66gatsby.html.
book Contosta, D. and Franklin, C. (2010). Metropolitan Paradise: e Struggle for Nature in the City; Philadelphia’s Wissahickon Valley. 4 volumes.
“F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway.” American Literary Scholarship: An Annual—2007. David J. Nordloh and Gary Scharnhorst (Eds.). Durham: Duke UP, 2009: 211–232.
lorraine coons, Ph.D.
Joseph Diorio, Ph.D.
Professor of History
Assistant Professor of Psychology
David contosta, Ph.D.
Essay Critical essay on film “All About Eve” for ABC-CLIO three volume Encyclopedia of Movies and American Culture. Fall 2010 publication.
nancy Decesare, ihM, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Human Services DeCesare, N. (2010). Jonathan a Case Study of a Child in Foster Care. Boston: Pearson Publication, Inc.
book chapters Published Chapter 12, “Position Descriptions” and Chapter 14, “Wage and Salary Considerations” in Essentials of Public Health Management.
Kathleen Duffy, ssJ, Ph.D. Professor of Physics Duffy, K. (Ed.). Rediscovering Teilhard’s Fire. Philadelphia: St. Joseph’s University Press, 2010. Editor of Teilhard Studies, the biannual journal of the American Teilhard Association.
suzanne del gizzo, Ph.D.
Karen getzen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of English
Assistant Professor of English
articles “Glow-in-the-Dark Authors: Hemingway’s Critique of Literary Celebrity in Under Kilimanjaro.” e Hemingway Review, 29.2 (Spring 2010): 7–27.
Publication in Paperback Try To See It MY Way: Being Fair in Love & Marriage, Karen Getzen, Ph.D. with Dr. B. Janet Hibbs.
Melanie cohen goodman, Ph.D.
barbara lonnquist, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Education
Associate Professor of English
Peer reviewer Literacy Research and Instruction, Journal of International Reading Assoc.
August 2010, paper submitted “Homeless in Nature: Shared Errantry and Solitary Tampings in Cornwall, 1905” for publication in the Conference Proceedings.
Editorial review board ejournal, Literacy and Social Responsibility Special Interest Group, International Reading Association, (IRA).
barbara hogan, Ph.D.
Essay “Touching Clay” co-authored with Australian novelist, Gabrielle Carey, as part of a collection of essays appearing in Collaborative Dubliners: Joyce in Dialogue, in publication at Syracuse University Press.
Associate Professor Human Services Essay Hogan, B. (2010). “From Accommodating Others’ to Accommodating Human Interdependence: Ethical Reflection, Constructed Knowledge, and Students with Mental Disabilities. In M. Conn & T. Maguire (Eds.), Imaging the other: Essays on Diversity (pp. 101–116). Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Mary helen Kashuba, ssJ, D.M.l. Professor of French and Russian book reviews Kashper, Mara, Alga Kagan, and Yuliya Morozova, Cinema for Russian Conversation, vols. 1 and 2. NECTFL Review, Spring/Summer 2009, pp. 104–106. Swiecicka-Ziemianek, Maria. Russian Poetry Reader. Newburyport, MA: Focus Publishing, 2007. NECTFL Review, Spring/Summer 2009, pp. 120–122. Idrac, Armand. Ma Normandie à Moi: un jeune homme vit la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale. Wayne, PA: Beach Lloyd, 2006. NECTFL Review, 65, Fall/Winter 2009–2010, pp. 95–96. Reed, Darmon. Made in France. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2009. e French Review, vol. 83.4, March 2010, pp. 895–896. 8
catherine looker, ssJ, D.Min. Assistant Professor of Religious Studies book review Seeking God Together: An Introduction to Group Spiritual Direction by Alice Fryling (InterVarsity Press, 2009), reviewed in the Fall 2009 issue of the Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care. article “A Star Still Beckons: Our Journey with the Magi,” published in the January 2010 issue of St. Anthony Messenger. Essay Looker, C. (2010). “My Being Proclaims the Greatness of God: Contemplative Approaches to Imaging the Other Offered by Ignatius of Loyola and Martin Luther.” In M. Conn & T. Maguire (Eds.), Imaging the Other: Essays on Diversity (Chapter 3). Lanham, Md.: University Press of America.
Publications ana Marjanovic-shane, Ph.D.
erese b. Mcguire, ssJ, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Education
Professor of Art
Edited book Connery, M.C., John-Steiner, V. & Marjanovic-Shane, A. (Eds.). (2010). Vygotsky & Creativity: Play, Meaning Making & Art. Peter Lang Publishing.
book contributor and Editor Conn, M. and McGuire T. (Eds.). (2010). Imaging the Other: Essays on Diversity. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America.
book chapters Marjanovic-Shane, A. (2010). “From Yes and No to Me and You: A Playful Change in Relationships and Meanings.” In M.C. Connery, V. John-Steiner & A. Marjanovic-Shane (Eds.), Vygotsky & Creativity: Play, Meaning Making & Art, Peter Lang Publications.
article “Hildegard von Bingen and her Dispute with Heresy.” Qualibet, Spring 2010, pp. 4–7.
Marjanovic-Shane, A., Connery, M.C. & John-Steiner, V. (2010). “A Cultural-Historical Approach to Creative Education.” In M.C. Connery, V. John-Steiner & A. Marjanovic-Shane (Eds.), Vygotsky & Creativity: Play, Meaning Making & Art, Peter Lang Publications. John-Steiner, V., Connery, M.C. & Marjanovic-Shane, A. (2010). “Dancing With the Muses: An Introduction.” In M.C. Connery, V. John-Steiner & A. Marjanovic-Shane (Eds.), Vygotsky & Creativity: Play, Meaning Making & Art, Peter Lang Publications. Marjanovic-Shane, A., Ferholt, B., Nilsson, M., Rainio, A.P., Miyazaki, K., Hakkarainen, P., Pešić, M., & Beljanski-Ristić, (2010). “Playworlds: An Art of Development,” accepted to Volume 11 of Play & Culture Studies, a peer reviewed publication. Editors Carrie Lobman and Barbara O’Neill.
Keely Mccarthy, Ph.D. Associate Professor of English article “e Problem of Cultural Reproduction in Gulliver’s Travels.” Forthcoming in the journal, 1650–1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era. 10
Joseph a. Micucci, Ph.D., abPP Professor of Psychology book review Published in PSYCritiques: e APA Review of Books.
catherine nerney, ssJ, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Religious Studies “From inking About to Practicing Reconciliation: Why We Tell the Story.” In Shuler, John and Leo Riegert (Eds.), inking and Practicing Reconciliation (Routledge: Forthcoming 2011). “Communion and Community,” in Gatherings (a special edition publication of the Archdiocese of Hartford, Conn.), Winter 2010. Nerney, C. (2010). “Facing the Other: Finding Myself.” In M. Conn & T. Maguire (Eds.), Imaging the Other: Essays on Diversity. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America.
Merilyn ryan, ssJ, Ph.D.
lakshmi atchison, Ph.D.
Professor of Mathematics
Professor of Biology
Essay Ryan, M. (2010). “Understanding the Other: Learning to Recognize Unexamined Assumptions.” In M. Conn & T. Maguire (Eds.), Imaging the Other: Essays on Diversity. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America. e essay examined how the study of mathematics can help us to recognize assumptions and how they affect our perceptions of other people.
In collaboration with Drs. R. Heyrovska and S. Narayan, presented a poster at the Johns Hopkins Nanomaterial Symposium held at Laurel, Md. e title of the presentation was “e Precise Atomic Structures of ree Novel Nanomaterials in Nanotechnology, Biomedicine and Cosmology: Graphene, Boron Nitride and Coronene.”
aída beaupied, Ph.D. Kenneth J. soprano, Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty Professor of Biology articles Acquafreda, T, Nunes, F.D., Soprano, D.R., and Soprano, K.J. (2010). Expression of homeobox genes in oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines treated with all-trans retinoic acid. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. In press. Purev, E., Soprano, D.R., and Soprano, K.J. (2010). PP2A Interaction with Rb2/p130 Mediates Translocation of Rb2/p130 into the Nucleus in all-trans-Retinoic Acid Treated Ovarian Carcinoma Cells. Journal of Cellular Physiology. In press.
Kathleen szpila, ssJ, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Spanish Presented an essay titled “Ideas sobre la libertad en Lezama: ‘vicisitudes de la causalidad’ y ‘liberación fatal’.” is essay was presented at the 8th Conference on Cuban and Cuban-American Studies” organized by the Cuban Research Institute in Miami International University, Miami, Florida, February 2010. A review of the above presentation appeared in El Nuevo Herald, a Spanish newspaper in South Florida, as part of Olga Connor’s Entertainment Section on February 23, 2010.
scott browning, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology
Assistant Professor of Art History
February 2010, five-day seminar on “Stepfamily erapy” at the Universita’ Cattolica del Sacro Coure, Milan Italy.
article Forthcoming in 2011, “Paint the Glorious Marlborough Now: Louis Laguerre and the Heroic Image at Blenheim Palace.”
March 2010, full-day workshop in Napoli, Italy at the Consortium of Family erapy Training Programs.
July 2010, full-day workshop on “Treating Families with a Member on the Autism Spectrum.” Sponsored by Warwick House and Magellan Health. PrEsEntations
Kelly butler, Ph.D.
cecelia J. cavanaugh, ssJ, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Associate Professor of Spanish Dean, School of Undergraduate Studies
Presentation titled Physical organic chemistry and POGIL: A one-semester course, at the Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, August 1–5, 2010, at the University of North Texas, Denton, TX. Paper number P260. Workshop Facilitator Facilitated workshops on coaching authors, training writing coaches, writing guided inquiry activities, and training facilitators to run these workshops at the POGIL (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) National Meeting, June 5–7, 2010 at Washington University in St. Louis and at the Mid-Atlantic POGIL Regional Meeting, June 15–17, 2010 at Washington College in Chestertown, Md.
ana caro, Psy.D. Assistant Professor of Psychology Workshop September 2009, presented a three-hour workshop titled: “Crisis Intervention and Behavioral Management” to teachers and counselors of a daycare center and aer school program run by Catholic Social Services. December 2009, presented a three-hour presentation to the staff and volunteers at “Dawn’s Place,” a program to help survivors of human trafficking. e presentation was titled: “Preventing Vicarious Traumatization.”
Presented a paper at the Christian Scholars Conference in Nashville, Tenn. in June 2010 titled “Solemnity . . . Cordiality . . . Living Proof for the Senses: Ritual, Presence, Grace and Incarnation in Federico Garcia Lorca’s Oda al Santísimo Sacramento del Altar.”
Marie a. conn, Ph.D. Professor of Religious Studies “On the Road to Mikumi: Tanzania and Service Learning.” Griffin Days, Chestnut Hill College. “Nuclear Disarmament: Ethical Issues.” Invited panelist, Nuclear Futures Symposium, Chestnut Hill College. “e ree Religions of the Book.” Video conference series. Global Education Motivators (UN NGO), Chestnut Hill College. “Where Was God in the Holocaust?” (A response to the traveling exhibit, “e Holocaust and Homosexuals”). Invited interfaith panelist, Williams Way Community Center, Philadelphia, Pa. “Education as a Subversive Activity: e Martyrs of El Salvador.” Faculty colloquium, Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, Pa. “Double, Double, Toil and Trouble: Accusations of Witchcra en (Hundreds of Women) and Now (Harry Potter).” Family weekend, Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, Pa. “Presente! A Teach-In on the School of the Americas.” Invited speaker, Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, Pa.
PrEsEntations suzanne conway, M.a.
suzanne del gizzo, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Art History
Assistant Professor of English
January 2010—Presented a paper, “Robert des Ruines and the Visualization of Time” at the annual conference of the British Society for EighteenthCentury Studies at Oxford University, England.
“Hemingway on the Big Screen.” Chestnut Hill College Alumni Weekend, June 2010.
March 2010—Presented a paper at the annual conference of the American Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies in Albuquerque, New Mexico titled, “Two Men and a Woman: e Exceptional Friendship of Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun, Hubert Robert and the Marquis de Laborde.”
Kathleen Duffy, ssJ, Ph.D.
David contosta, Ph.D. Professor of History lecture Friends of the Wissahickon and the Roxborough Historical Society.
nancy Decesare, ihM, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Human Services September 2009—“Ethics and Values: Its Impact on Professional Values, Ethical Decisions and Dilemmas and Ethical Standards in the Profession of Social Work.” Social Work PRN, Albert Einstein Healthcare Network, Jefferson Health System, Belmont Behavioral Health Center, Philadelphia, Pa. February 2010—“e Emotional and Social Development of Adolescence and its Application to Working with Adolescence Using a Case Study Approach.” Social Work PRN, Albert Einstein Healthcare Network, Jefferson Health System, Belmont Behavioral Health Center, Philadelphia, Pa. 16
Professor of Physics “e Spiritual Power of Matter: Teilhard and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.” Francis House of Prayer, October 4, 2009. “Scholarship as a Vocation: Scenes from the Life of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.” Honors Convocation, Iona College, New Rochelle, New York, October 18, 2009. “To Treasure and Care for Earth.” Staff Development Day, Chestnut Hill College, March 10, 2010. “Teilhard’s China Years.” SSJ Center for Spirituality, Mount St. Joseph Convent, March 2, 2010 and Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church, March 22, 2010. “Teilhard and the Texture of the Evolutionary Cosmos.” West Chester University, March 25, 2010. “Global Spirituality.” SSJ Partnership in Mission, St. Joseph Villa, Flourtown, Pa., March 26, 2010. “Global Spirituality.” SSJ Commission for Justice 30th Anniversary, Mount St. Joseph Convent, April 10, 2010. “Fabric as Metaphor for the Cosmos.” SLSAeu conference, Textures, Riga, Latvia, June 15–19, 2010. “Celebrating Cosmic Spirituality.” Series of talks for the Medical Mission Sisters, Fox Chase, June 24, 2010. “Emergence: e Origin of Novelty.” Conference of the International Institute for the Study of Time, Time: Origins and Futures, Monteverde, Costa Rica, July 25–31, 2010. PrEsEntations
PrEsEntations carolynne Ervin, M.a.
Mary helen Kashuba, ssJ, D.M.l.
Instructor of Religious Studies
Professor of French and Russian
Invited panelist for the Leadership Institute for Spiritual Directors International. Contributed to the theme “Gratefully Embracing the Culture of the Twenty-First Century” by offering “How the Spiritual Direction Program at Chestnut Hill College Utilizes Technology,” via Skype on April 8, 2010. is program was held in San Francisco, California.
“International Business, Language, and Culture: A New Look” (with John Gerace). Pennsylvania Council on International Education, Harrisburg, Pa., October 3, 2009.
Melanie cohen goodman, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Education Presenter, Literacy and Social Responsibility Special Interest Group, Annual Conference of the International Reading Association, (IRA).
barbara hogan, Ph.D. Associate Professor Human Services September 2009—Presentation titled “Supervision in Service of Mission: Neighborhoods of Love” for administrators and supervisors at St. Joseph Villa, a long-term care facility sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph. June 2010—Presented with Vincent Zarro a workshop on the challenges of cultural diversity, including the varying cultures of different professions, for Bridging the Gaps, a community health internship program for students in health and related professions.
“La France avant et après mai ‘68.” Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association, Gettysburg, Pa., October 16, 2009. A Case Study of the International Business, Language and Culture (IBLC) Program at Chestnut Hill College” (with John Gerace). One Voice Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, December 19, 2009. “Assessing Intermediate-Level Language Classes.” Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages,” New York City, March 27, 2010. “French Philosophes and Philadelphia Freedom.” American Association of Teachers of French, Philadelphia, Pa., July 4, 2010.
sara Ellen Kitchen, J.D. Professor of Criminal Justice “Restoring the Student and the Professor: Modeling Restorative Justice.” Paper presented at Justice Studies Association 12th Annual Conference, June 2–5, 2010, Reducing Social Harms: Seeking ‘Just Living’ in Our Communities and Our Selves. University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
John a. Kovach, Ph.D.
catherine looker, ssJ, D.Min.
Associate Professor of Sociology
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
“Emerging Models for Recruiting Minorities Into the Building Trades: e Philadelphia Story.” Presented at Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meetings, Baltimore, March 2009.
Presented paper “Lord, Teach Me to be Generous: Pathways of Prayer and Work in the Spirituality of Ignatius of Loyola,” at the 34th International Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Conference, at Villanova University, October 19, 2009. Presented paper “Only a Click Away: Reflections on the Transformational Power of Technology for the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Chestnut Hill,” at the Eighth Triennial Conference of the History of Women Religious, University of Scranton, June 28, 2010. Faculty Colloquium, April 7, 2010, Sister Cathy Looker, together with other Chestnut Hill College faculty contributors, presented a summary of her research for her essay in Chapter 3 of the recent Chestnut Hill College publication, Imaging the Other: Essays in Diversity. Workshop, “Contemplative Practice, Discernment, and Sustainability,” presented at the Sacred Earth: Spirituality and Sustainability Conference, at Chestnut Hill College on Sunday, June 13, 2010.
“Hard Times Hit the Millennials: Workplace Communication Strategies to Aid the Adaptation of the Entitled Generation,” with Andrea Mitnick. Presented at Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meetings, Boston, March 2010.
Joseph Kulkosky, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Biology Presented “HIV/AIDS: Over a Quarter Century” and “An Overview of Influenza” at the science exposition held in the Dwight V. Dowley Gallery as one in a series of events during Science Career Week at Chestnut Hill College.
ana Marjanovic-shane, Ph.D. barbara lonnquist, Ph.D. Associate Professor of English June 2010—Presented a paper at the International Virginia Woolf conference on “Woolf and Nature” in Lexington, Kentucky.
Assistant Professor of Education session/symposium chair 2010 “Cultural Historical Approach to Imagination, Play and Arts as Meaning Making Practices.” Symposium at the Annual Meeting of AERA, April 30–May 4, Denver, Colorado. Chair. 2010 “Directions in Cultural-Historical Research.” Paper session at the Annual Meeting of AERA, April 29–May 4, Denver, Colorado. Chair.
ana Marjanovic-shane, Ph.D. (Continued)
erese b. Mcguire, ssJ, Ph.D.
2010 “eoretical and Methodological Issues in Cultural Historical eory.” Paper session at the Annual Meeting of AERA, April 29–May 4, Denver, Colorado. Chair.
Professor of Art “Hildegard of Bingen and her Dispute with Heresy,” International Congress on Medieval Studies at the University of Leeds, England, July 2009.
2010 “Cultural Historical Understanding of Play.” Symposium at the Annual Meeting of TASP (e Association for the Study of Play) and IPA (International Play Association), Atlanta, Ga., 2010. Chair. 2010 “Taping and Talking About Playworlds.” Workshop at the 31st Annual Ethnography in Educational Research Forum, Philadelphia, Pa. Chair. conference Papers Marjanovic-Shane, A., (2010, February). “Creating Art from Play or the Other Way Around.” Presented at the 31st Ethnography in Educational Research Forum, Philadelphia, Pa.
Joseph a. Micucci, Ph.D., abPP Professor of Psychology Presented a Continuing Education workshop at the Annual Convention of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association in June 2010 titled, “e Adolescent in Family erapy: Harnessing the Power of Relationships.”
Marjanovic-Shane, A., (2010, March). “Communities of Play, Collaborators in Art.” Presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of TASP, Atlanta, Ga.
catherine nerney, ssJ, Ph.D.
Marjanovic-Shane, A. (2010, May). “Is creative Meaning-Making an Activity?” Presented at the 2010 Annual meeting of AERA, April 30–May 4, 2010, Denver, Colorado.
“Women Healing Women: A Gi for the World.” Keynote Speaker, International eresian Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, September 17–20, 2009.
Marjanovic-Shane, A., Rainio, A.P., Nilsson, M.E., Ferholt, B. & Miyazaki, K., (2010, May). “Playworld Pedagogy: Creativity and Imagination in Education.” Presented at FISCAR, Nordic Conference in Activity eory and the Fourth Finnish Conference on Cultural and Activity Research, May 23–25, 2010, Helsinki, Finland.
“Forgiveness and Reconciliation: e Pathway to Healing and Wholeness,” Toronto, Canada. e Southdown Institute for Clergy and Religious, September 24–26, 2009. (Annual International Conference of Psychologists and Psychotherapists counseling priests and religious men in long-term treatment facilities: Keynote Presenter and Facilitator).
Marjanovic-Shane, A. (2010, June). “Relationships Between Co-players as a Model for the Relationships Between the Participants in the Educational Settings.” Presented at Ljubav i Obrazovanje (Love and Education) Conference, June 3, 2010, Department of Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
“Communion and Community.” Presentation to the Archdiocese of Hartford, Conn. in November 2009.
Associate Professor of Religious Studies
“Ecclesial Identity: We Are Church in a Time of Pain and Promise.” Tri-State Religious Formation Conference, November, 21, 2009. Day long seminar for women and men in initial stages of religious formation and their directors. PrEsEntations
catherine nerney, ssJ, Ph.D. (Continued)
lisa M. olivieri, ssJ, Ph.D.
“Called to Be Disciples: Our Mission/e Church’s Mission to Make All One.” Federation Novitiate of Sisters of St. Joseph, Orange, Calif., February 16–18, 2010.
Associate Professor of Computer Science and Technology
“e Life-Saving Power of Forgiveness in Post-Genocide Rwanda.” St. Anastasia Parish, Broomall, Pa., March 16, 2010; Trinity Episcopal Church, Lilitz, Pa., March 21, 2010; and St Philip Neri, Lafayette Hill, March 25, 2010. “e Ministry of Reconciliation Entrusted to Us.” Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Regional Day of Renewal, Ardleigh, Pa., March 20, 2010. “Forging a Future of Hope.” Presentations to Seven Congregations of Saint Joseph newly merged, First National Assembly, Chicago, Ill., April 5–7, 2010. “e Vow of Poverty Today: e Call to Surrender All,” 150th Anniversary of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Erie, Pa., April 16–18, 2010. “Forgiveness and Reconciliation: God’s Gi and Our Response.” Sisters of St. Joseph and Associates, Buffalo, New York, June 18–20, 2010. is same weekend seminar was given last summer to two Great Lakes Regions of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Syracuse, New York, June 2009 and Buffalo, July 2009. “Forgiveness and Reconciliation: e Path to Healing and Wholeness.” South Down Institute, Toronto, Canada, June 24–26, 2010. (Southdown Institute is an international Center for Clergy Recovery and Wellness. is seminar was for clients themselves. It flowed from a conference given for professional therapists attending the yearly international conference in September 2009).
Collaborated with Kathleen Burns, IHM, Ph.D., webmaster at Marywood University to develop a Web Design Workshop for Religious Sisters in Africa. Presented the workshop to 24 Nigerian and Ghanaian sisters in Jos, Nigeria from August 2–13, 2010. Developed and/or collated a 60-page booklet containing 21 lessons and exercises. e workshop is part of an ongoing educational effort sponsored by the African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC). As a follow-up to the doctoral research on the lack of women majoring in computer science, worked with a group of female computer science and computer technology majors at CHC to develop a “Technology Day for High School Girls.” e purpose of the workshop was to introduce high school girls to some of the diverse areas of computer science and technology through hands-on sessions as well as general sessions, to help them realize the importance of involving women in the field, and to encourage them to consider a major in computer science. Some of the female students and faculty in the department lead the hands-on sessions and provided some of the input in the general sessions.
carol Pate, Ed.D. Associate Professor of Education Pate, C. (August 2010) “Beyond 2013: Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Visions for Teacher Preparation Programs.” Invited speaker at Community College of Philadelphia’s Orientation for Education Majors, Philadelphia, Pa.
“Called to Radical Obedience in the Service of Life.” Seminar on Vowed Life to Sisters of St. Joseph in Temporary Profession, Cape May Point, New Jersey, August 2010.
Jacki reich, Ph.D.
Kathleen szpila, ssJ, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Assistant Professor of Art History
Panel discussion participant, “Zones of Conflict, Zones of Peace.” Nuclear Futures Symposium, Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, Pa., March 3, 2010.
Creating Active Pathways to Student Learning, a SEPCHE Learning to Learn Project. May 12, 2010, Faculty Development Conference presenter for College Writing Session.
lectures “e U.S. and the Fateful Triangle: Israel, Iran and the Arabs.” Ann’s Choice Retirement Community, Norristown, Pa., April 9, 2010. “India: e Awakening.” Ann’s Choice Retirement Community, Norristown, Pa., June 4, 2010. “‘Stars’ of the 1960s and 1970s.” Chestnut Hill College Reunion Weekend, June 4–5, 2010.
cheryll rothery, Psy.D. Associate Professor of Psychology September 2009—Arcadia University Continuing Education Program, Glenside, Pa. Topic: “Clinical Work with African American Clients: Cultural and Societal Considerations and How to Effectively Address em in Treatment” (3 hour APA CE workshop). November 2009—Chestnut Hill College and CORA Services Annual Conference. Philadelphia, Pa. Topic: “Clinical Work with African American Clients: Cultural, Societal and Ethical Considerations for Effective Treatment” (6 hour APA CE Workshop). June 2010—Pennsylvania Psychological Association’s 2010 Annual Convention, Harrisburg, Pa. Topic: “Psychotherapy with African American Clients: Case Study of a Couple” (3 hour APA CE Workshop).
stephen n. berk, Ph.D., abPn
scott browning, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology
Professor of Psychology
Elected to be Pennsylvania’s representative to the American Psychological Association’s Council of Representatives and governing board.
Visiting senior researcher January–April 2010, Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy.
Chairperson of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association’s Awards Committee. Member of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association’s Leadership Committee. Peer Reviewer for the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
suzanne conway, M.a. Associate Professor of Art History Appointed to the Garden Committee subcommittee of the Board of Directors at the Wyck Association, Philadelphia, Pa.
lynn brandsma, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Psychology Elected Vice-President of Lower Merion Voices United for Equity in Education (LMVUE). LMVUE is a grassroots, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and advocating on behalf of children and families of Lower Merion School District to affect positive change in the education system. Together with Dr. James Herbert and Ms. Regina Brown, appointed to continue serving as legal consultant by David G.C. Arnold, Esquire, for Students Doe v. Lower Merion School District. is case is being appealed to the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals and is likely on track for United States Supreme Court.
nancy Decesare, ihM, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Human Services Reappointed by Edward G. Rendell, Governor, June 2010, to Governor’s Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Pa.
Nominated by CACC commissioner, Dan Mara, to attend the 2009 NCAA Division II Faculty Athletic Representative Fellows Institute in Indianapolis, Indiana, October 23–25, 2009.
aPPointMEnts suzanne del gizzo, Ph.D.
John a. Kovach, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of English
Associate Professor of Sociology
Trustee, e Ernest Hemingway Foundation and Society.
Appointed as a faculty member, Semester at Sea, Institute for Shipboard Education, University of Virginia (while on leave from Chestnut Hill College), fall 2009.
Co-director of the 14th Biennial Hemingway Society Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland ( June 25–July 3, 2010). American Literature Association/Modern Language Association Liaison for e Ernest Hemingway Society. e Ernest Hemingway Society Liaison to the JFK Library for the Hemingway Grant, which funds travel to the Hemingway Collection in Boston, Mass.
Mary helen Kashuba, ssJ, D.M.l. Professor of French and Russian Vice-President, American Association of Teachers of French (AATF), 2008–2010.
Joseph a. Micucci, Ph.D., abPP Professor of Psychology In 2010–2011 will serve as co-chair of the Education and Training Committee of Division 44 of the American Psychological Association in charge of Continuing Education offerings of the division.
sheldon Miller, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Chemistry
National French Contest Administrator, Greater Philadelphia Chapter of AATF.
Re-elected for a one-year term on the Board of Directors, Philadelphia Section American Chemical Society.
Chair, Local Committee, AATF National Conference in Philadelphia, July 2010.
Re-appointed as a Senior Reviewer in Chemistry (one of two in the United States) by the College Board.
Executive Board, Pennsylvania State Modern Language Association, 2009–2012.
carol Pate, Ed.D.
Advisory Council, Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Recording Secretary, Modern Language Association of Philadelphia and Vicinity.
Associate Professor of Education President Elect, Pennsylvania Education Research Association. Doctoral Committee Member for Teri Wiedeman-Rouse, Arcadia University, “Benefits of Horticultural erapy on Young Children with Disabilities.” aPPointMEnts
Edward J. strauman, Ph.D.
cecelia J. cavanaugh, ssJ, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Music
Associate Professor of Spanish Dean, School of Undergraduate Studies
August 2010—Accepted as a Yamaha Artist/Educator. is was an 18-month on-going process of submitting an in depth application, along with CV, recommendations and recordings. Yamaha accepts only a limited amount of applicants. e title of Artist/Educator comes with specific endorsements from the corporation.
Karen s. Wendling, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Chemistry Continues to be active as a member of the Executive Committee of the Delaware Valley Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group. Nominated and elected to serve as Chair-Elect for the 2010–2011 academic year.
Received a research grant from the Program for Cultural Cooperation between Spain’s Ministry of Culture and U.S. Universities for a project “Rediscovering Pío del Río-Hortega.”
Marie conn, Ph.D. Professor of Religious Studies Faculty Development Release Time Grant, Chestnut Hill College, for the updating of the manuscript, An Introduction to Economic Justice, and the preparation of proposal for publication to be submitted to a publisher.
lorraine coons, Ph.D. Professor of History Awarded by the Harvard University Center for Hellenic Studies, Nafplion, Greece, for student use of their facility during study abroad trip for spring 2011 intersession course: “Greece: e Bridge Between Worlds in Space and Time.” Grant written by Dr. Lorraine Coons and Dr. Alexander Varias.
suzanne del gizzo, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of English Chestnut Hill College Faculty Development Grant (2009–2010).
grants Joseph Kulkosky, Ph.D.
Merilyn ryan, ssJ, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology
Professor of Mathematics
Awarded a grant for $3,500 from Delaware Valley Innovation Network funding activities for Science Career Week, including $1,000 for the purchase of science laboratory supplies.
With Judith Sullivan, M.Ed., administered Parts II and III of SEPCHE-organized grants from the U.S. Department of Education. e goal of the grants was to help teachers of grades five through eight learn new ways to use technology to teach mathematics.
Assistant Professor of Religious Studies
In Part II, teachers completed a graduate course in technology and mathematics (Part I of the grant) by sharing with one another and guests the results of projects they implemented in their classrooms. Materials from the projects were made available to all attendees via a Web site.
Worked with Chestnut Hill College senior, Quishanna L. Lee through the 2009 SEPCHE Undergraduate Research Grant, on a project titled “With Liberty and Justice for All: e Lives and Perspectives of Women in Islam,” including a poster session that took place at Rosemont College on Friday, September 18, 2009.
In Part III, teachers of immigrant children were invited to a two-day workshop at the SSJ Welcome Center in Kensington. At the workshop they learned to use a SMART Board and Geometer’s Sketchpad; they received copies of Sketchpad and enrichment activities for mathematics lessons on a variety of topics.
catherine looker, ssJ, D.Min.
Judith sullivan, M.Ed. carol Pate, Ed.D.
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Associate Professor of Education
Working with Merilyn Ryan, SSJ, Ph.D., professor of mathematics, administered Parts II and III of SEPCHE-organized grants from the U.S. Department of Education. Part II was a workshop in which middle school math teachers who had completed a course focusing on mathematics and technology in grades 5–6 and 7–8 (Part I of the grant) shared their learnings with other teachers, school administrators, and Chestnut Hill College undergraduate education majors. Technology based math projects created by the presenters were made available to all attendees of the workshop. In Part III, teachers of immigrant children were invited to a two-day workshop at the SSJ Welcome Center in Kensington. At the workshop they learned to use SMART Board and Geometer’s Sketchpad; they received copies of Sketchpad and enrichment activities for mathematics lessons on a variety of topics.
Pate, C. (2010). Project Director: “Systematic Praxis and Student Teaching Supports,” $19,945, PA Office of Child Development and Early Learning.
aDDitional actiVitiEs
aDDitional actiVitiEs
David borsos, Ph.D.
Margery covello, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Associate Professor of Education
training Attended training for “Co-Occurring Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Disorders.”
conferences SEPCHE 2010 Faculty Development Conference—May 12, 2010, Whitemarsh Country Club. Topic: Learning to Learn: Metacognition
eresa l. carfagno, Ed.D.
PA Department of Education Conference—June 7 and 8, 2010, Hilton, Lancaster, Pa. Topic: Standards Aligned System
Assistant Professor Education conferences attended SEPCHE 2010 Faculty Development Conference—May 12, 2010, Whitemarsh Country Club. Topic: Learning to learn: Metacognition PA Department of Education Conference—June 7 and 8, 2010, Hilton, Lancaster, Pa. Topic: Standards Aligned System
David contosta, Ph.D. Professor of History television Writing of and appearances in a series of historical documentaries for Whitemarsh Television.
U.S. Office of Special Education Programs, Project Directors’ Conference—Washington, DC, July 19–21, 2010.
Joseph Diorio, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Psychology research Projects Research project with Philadelphia Development Corporation. Tentative title: “Determining the Efficacy of Music erapy in the Functional Treatment of Mental Retardation.” Directing ongoing research with Department of Defense evaluating preventive strategies/treatment for the prevention of PTSD in combat troops.
radio interview With Susan Lewis, WRTI-Radio, on authored book, Rebel Giants.
aDDitional actiVitiEs
aDDitional actiVitiEs
aDDitional actiVitiEs Kathleen Duffy, ssJ, Ph.D.
Jean Faustman, ssJ, D.M.l.
Professor of Physics
Associate Professor of French and Spanish
award Doctor of Humane Letters Honoris Causa, Iona College, New Rochelle, New York, October 18, 2009.
Ministry/service In keeping with the Mission of Chestnut Hill College to promote social justice, and to create global connections, spent seven weeks in the South Andes this summer, continuing the ministry she began in 2006–2009 to the people of Santa Ana Parish in Yauri, Peru. Worked with the abandoned and orphaned children of the Children’s Shelter in that town, and continued teaching English classes to members of the parish, and on occasion in a local state school. Also served as the parish liaison to the Center for the Elderly, and continued praying with, and helping the inmates of the local prison to further their skills in creating cras that could be sold.
robert Durney, M.b.a., M.E., P.M.P. Associate Professor of Business advisor Advisor to the Future Business Leaders of America local chapter. Seven student members from Chestnut Hill College won three National Finalists awards at the National Leadership Conference held in Nashville, July 2010. is was the fih consecutive year that Chestnut Hill College students qualified for national competition. Membership Active member of the National Business Education Association.
carolynne Ervin, M.a. Instructor of Religious Studies interview Interviewed by Anndee Hochman of the Philadelphia Inquirer in the August 30, 2009. In addition, Anndee sat in on Carolynne’s Supervision of Spiritual Direction class and included information on Chestnut Hill College’s program in an article titled “Certified Spirit Guides” which was published in the September 23, 2009 issue of the Philadelphia Inquirer in the Style & Soul section.
aDDitional actiVitiEs
aDDitional actiVitiEs
speaking Engagments Spoke at St. Jerome Parish in Philadelphia, Mount St. Joseph Academy and Little Flower High School on the Missions.
Melanie cohen goodman, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Education Co-Chair, Regional Meeting, Kappa Delta Epsilon (KDE), Education Honor Society. President, Literacy and Social Responsibility Special Interest Group. International Reading Association, (IRA). Program Chair, Literacy and Social Responsibility Special Interest Group, International Reading Association, (IRA). Membership/Publicity/Treasurer Literacy and Social Responsibility Special Interest Group, International Reading Association (IRA). Member, Government Relations Committee International Reading Association (IRA).
aDDitional actiVitiEs
aDDitional actiVitiEs
aDDitional actiVitiEs
Melanie cohen goodman, Ph.D. (Continued)
sara Ellen Kitchen, J.D.
Member, Keystone State Reading Association (KSRA). Member, Delaware Valley Reading Association (DVRA). Member, Philadelphia Reading Council. Member, Organization of Teacher Educators in Reading (OTER). Advisory Board, Philadelphia Academies, Inc., Academy of Urban Education, School District of Philadelphia. Board of Directors, Pennsylvania Branch of the International Dyslexia Association PBIDA. Member, University Teacher Education Partners (UTEP) School District of Philadelphia.
Professor of Criminal Justice Participation Joseph T. McCullen, Jr. Symposium on Catholic Social ought. Villanova Law School. September 26, 2009. “Understanding the Pennsylvania Parole System.” Symposium, Villanova Law School, April 16, 2010. “A Supreme Revolution: How the Supreme Court Will Change America.” Pennsylvania Bar Institute, July 30, 2010, Philadelphia, Pa.
Joseph Kulkosky, Ph.D. Jessica Kahn, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology
Professor of Education
collaborations Established a research collaboration with Dr. Jennifer Rhodes at Fox Chase Cancer Center utilizing genetically engineered, transgenic zebrafish as a vertebrate model to determine toxicity profiles of candidate compounds for the potential eradication of HIV infection.
Created a library of 6,500 books for Emlen Elementary School, working from November 2009 to July 2010. Sorted through more than 12,000 books, and organized the library according to Dewey decimal system call letters and numbers. e library opened in September 2010.
ana Marjanovic-shane, Ph.D. Mary helen Kashuba, ssJ, D.M.l.
Assistant Professor of Education
Professor of French and Russian
Professional Development July 19–21, 2010—Office of Special Education 2010 Project Director’s Conference, Washington, DC.
Professional Meetings and activities “Liminal Spaces,” October 30, 2009, Princeton University. Oral Proficiency Evaluation, Jenkintown School District, April–May, 2010.
aDDitional actiVitiEs
aDDitional actiVitiEs
aDDitional actiVitiEs
aDDitional actiVitiEs
Keely Mccarthy, Ph.D.
carol Pate, Ed.D.
Associate Professor of English
Associate Professor of Education
committee Served on the organizing committee for the Writing Program Administrators Council’s annual conference.
Professional Development Office of Special Education 2010 Project Director’s Conference, Washington, DC.
erese b. Mcguire, ssJ, Ph.D. Professor of Art
Judith sullivan, M.Ed.
Professional Meetings “Liminal Spaces,” October 30, 2009, Princeton University.
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Joseph a. Micucci, Ph.D., abPP
conference Attended the College Survival National Conference in Washington, DC on June 23–24, 2010. e conference focused on strategies and techniques to motivate college student to reach their academic goals.
Professor of Psychology conference Attended the Joint Conference of Training Councils in Psychology in February 2010.
lisa M. olivieri, ssJ, Ph.D.
Kathleen szpila, ssJ, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Art History Continued to collaborate with SEPCHE faculty on the grant to complete projects for Creating Active Pathways to Student Learning. Analysis of data and revision of course syllabi to reflect the development of metacognitive skills.
Associate Professor of Computer Science and Technology book composition Prepared a book of Chestnut Hill College faculty essays titled, Imaging the Other: Essays on Diversity for publication by University Press of America.
aDDitional actiVitiEs
aDDitional actiVitiEs
aDDitional actiVitiEs Margaret ompson, ssJ, M.F.a. Associate Professor of Art Paintings and Exhibits September 2009—Exhibited three paintings in the SEPCHE Art Faculty Exhibition at Rosemont College. December 2009—Created an original watercolor painting “Christmas Rose” for the Chestnut Hill College Christmas Card in collaboration with President Carol Jean Vale, SSJ’s poem. March 2010—Exhibited “Smugglers Notch,” an oil painting on wood in Art Blooms Annual Juried Exhibition, Cherry Hill, New Jersey. June 2010—Created “Contemplation Garden at St. Mary’s Retreat,” an original watercolor painting for art exhibition and auction celebrating 100 year anniversary of the Sisters of St. Joseph sponsorship of St. Mary by the Sea Retreat House. August 2010—Created “Chesapeake Bay Sunset,” an original oil painting for art exhibition and auction celebrating Sisters of St. Joseph ministry in the Diocese of Baltimore. conference June 2010—Attended Catholic eological Society of America annual Conference “eology’s Prophetic Voice,” in Cleveland, Ohio.
aDDitional actiVitiEs
hestnut Hill College “will prepare you to learn how to earn a living, because you must. But you are here to learn how to live.” Founding Sister Maria Kostka Logue’s address to sophomore class, 1932.