Assignment: Acoustics and Noise Control (Jan-Apr 2017)
Department of Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, UCSI University Kuala Lumpur EM417 Acoustics and Noise Control (Jan-Apr 2017) Assignment: Acoustical Modeling of Urban Building Design INSTRUCTION TO ALL STUDENTS: 1. One group is composed of 2-3 students. 2. Write all members' name and student ID at the cover page. 3. Each student need to fill up the peer assessment form. 4. The report must be submitted by 6 April 2017 (Thursday), in both hardcopy and soft-copy (wordfile). Late submission will not be entertained. 5. Marks distribution: Elements
Group Assignment
Peer Assessment Form
6. The group assignment marks are given based on the content and completeness of report, therefore make it precise enough within 20 pages. 7. Comply all the formatting as prescribed.
Assignment: Acoustics and Noise Control (Jan-Apr 2017)
During an urban design, the buildings can be constructed in certain ratio to prevent noise propagation, from one region to another. Consider the twin-tower building structures can be modeled as follows: U
a Ρa
Figure 1: Building design with varied Ρ.
U is the upstream velocity of the noise source, a is the distance/length of the building section as prescribed, while Ρ is a real number with the range of 0.5 ≤ Ρ ≤ 1.5. The governing equation for this case is the two dimensional wave equation, given as: đ?œ• 2đ?‘˘ đ?œ• 2đ?‘˘ đ?œ• 2đ?‘˘ 2 = đ?‘? ( + ) đ?œ•đ?‘Ą 2 đ?œ•đ?‘Ľ 2 đ?œ•đ?‘Ś 2 where t is time, x and y are the spatial components, while u is the speed of mechanical displacement. Setting a = 10, c = 1 and U = 1, compute the distribution of mechanical displacement speed, u across the entire domain as shown in Figure 1. Take Ρ = 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50. 2
Assignment: Acoustics and Noise Control (Jan-Apr 2017)
In a report NOT MORE THAN 20 PAGES (only cover page and appendix can be excluded), include the following details: - COVER PAGE1.
Introduction to Engineering Acoustics and Urban Design*
Methodology and Explicit Solution**
Distribution of Mechanical Displacement Speed at Different Front Height, Ρ
Discussion of Results***
-APPENDIX* The introduction shall at least include: (1) the importance of noise control; (2) roles of acoustics in urban planning; (3) description of project. ** You may use other method other than explicit solution, such as Runge-Kutta method and implicit methods. Kindly refer to "Chapra and Canale (2010). Numerical Methods for Engineers, 6th Ed. Mcgraw Hill Higher Education" or any other numerical/computational textbook for more information. *** Discussion of the results shall at least include: (1) the description of relationship between Ρ and u; (2) suggestion on how to reduce noise; (3) laws/precautions in pre-empt noise pollution. Note: 1. Include a maximum 300 words of abstract at the Cover Page. 2. Include at least your MATLAB coding in your appendix. Codes will be tested and re-run during evaluation. The shorter the codes, the better the codes. 3. You may use any software such as ANSYS or COMSOL OR use analytical solutions to validate/check your computed results.
Assignment: Acoustics and Noise Control (Jan-Apr 2017)
Format of the report: 1. Font style: Times News Roman 2. Font size: 12 3. Line spacing: 1.5 4. Line alignment: Justify 5. No "tab" or space at the beginning of every paragraph 6. Heading: See examples 1.0 Introduction to Engineering Acoustics and Urban Design xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 1.1 AAA xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 2.0 Methodology and Explicit Solution xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 7. Tables and Figures: See examples
Table 1: The relationship between A and B A
Figure 1: v-velocity profile along horizontal centerline by SIMPLE algorithm 4
Assignment: Acoustics and Noise Control (Jan-Apr 2017)
Note: Space one line before and after every figure or/and table. The figure(s) must be clear to be seen. 8. Equations: See examples đ?œ•2 đ?‘˘ đ?œ•đ?‘Ą 2
đ?œ•2 đ?‘˘
đ?œ•2 đ?‘˘
= đ?‘? 2 (đ?œ•đ?‘Ľ 2 + đ?œ•đ?‘Ś 2 )
Note: No need to space one line after an equation. 9. Page margin: Default Microsoft Word Margin (2.54 cm all around) 10. Citation/reference format: See examples REFERENCES (Chicago Style) [1]
Chen, Shiyi, and Gary D. Doolen. "Lattice Boltzmann method for fluid flows."Annual review of fluid mechanics 30, no. 1 (1998): 329-364.
Bejan, Adrian. Convection heat transfer. John wiley& sons, 2013.
Tamura, I., Y. Tomota, and M. Ozawa. "Strength and ductility of Fe-Ni-C alloys composed of austenite and martensite with various strengths." In Proc. Conf. on Microstructure and Design of Alloys, Institute of Metals and Iron and Steel Institute, London. 1973, 1,(129): 611-615. 1973.