Task 01: Plan and prepare for a meeting (Research & Project Work) Online Assessment Instructions
It is mandatory that you do 25% (at least 5 hours per week) of course study online outside the scheduled class time. For this purpose numbers of study materials including a list of online study resources links have been uploaded on the WiC e-learning site. Please use your online study time and uploaded study materials to answer following questions.
Submission details The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your trainer. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your trainer. Submit this report & power point presentation slides with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details. You must submit a printed copy of your answers. Submit printed copy of required evidences (your answers) to your Trainer with the "Assessment Cover Sheet" (Filled out and signed appropriately) attached on top of your documents. The Trainer/Assessor may further prompt and question in order to receive answers of appropriate quality or if further clarification required and to validate authenticity of your submitted work.
Word limit: Word limit for answering this task is minimum 1200 words
BSBADM502 Manage meetings – Assessment Task 1
LAST UPDATED: October 2015, Version No. 1 Page 1 of 7