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Maintain Your Brain
by CHeBA
Maintain Your Brain (MYB) is a randomised controlled trial of an online intervention designed to target modifiable risk factors for dementia in general and Alzheimer’s disease in particular amongst 55-77 year olds. Risk factors are addressed through four intervention modules (physical activity, nutrition, brain training, and peace of mind) administered based on individual risk profiles.
Work started on the MYB digital platform in 2016, the trial started in 2018 and 2021 saw participants complete their final follow-up activities. Approximately 70% of participants have follow-up data and we appreciate the efforts of all participants through the entire trial, particularly during the disruptions of 2020 and 2021. Data collection has ended and we look forward to sharing results in 2022.
Professor Henry
Brodaty Professor Perminder
Sachdev Tiffany Chau Fleur Harrison Dr Megan Heffernan (Study Coordinator) Juan Carlo San Jose

Dementia Prevention Action Plan Needed Now
Co-Director Professor Henry Brodaty was a contributing author to a Perspective published by The Medical Journal of Australia, with a call for dementia prevention to be Australia’s next public health area of focus.
The authors are advocating for “substantial, timely, and sustained investment in dementia prevention”. Professor Brodaty said that the call for a National Dementia Prevention Plan is timely.
“We now have enough evidence that many lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of dementia by 40% or more.”
Professor Henry Brodaty AO
“CHeBA is currently trialling an online coaching course – Maintain Your Brain – as one way of achieving these aims,” said Professor Brodaty.
The multilayered action plan with eight recommendations can be viewed in The Medical Journal of Australia.
DOI: 10.5694/mja2.50972