Pet Accommodation Guide

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The first flight search engine for your pets

ACCOMMODATION GUIDE Hotels and Holiday Homes

WHAT TO DO WITH THE VETERINARIAN Some general tips if you are travelling abroad to stay in hotels or holiday homes To be allowed fly with your pet you must have the following: - Microchip in the animal - Approved Pet Passport - Rabies vaccination - Clinical examination signed and stamped by the veterinarian - De-worming and parasite removal (internal and external) Tips:

- Be on time for the veterinarian since the procedure takes 20-30 minutes. - It is necessary to have photo ID showing age and to be over 18 years old. (Passport is best)

Steps to follow when having your animal identified In the first place complete the application form. This can also be done over the internet in many cases. This document will detail: - Microchip number. - Passport number. - Personal details of the owner: Christian Name and Surname, Passport (or ID) number, address and telephone contact number. - Details of the animal: Name, Species, Breed, Date of birth. - Signature of owner Secondly the Pet Passport is completed with the following data: - Details of the owner. - Details of the animal including microchip number, date and place of implantation of chip. - Name of the ‘Antirabies Vaccination’, date of vaccination, stamp of the company and signature and stamp of the veterinarian. - Date of the ‘Clinical Examination’, signature and stamp of the veterinarian

Thirdly the microchip is implanted by the vet by law located on the left side of the neck under the skin. Once implanted the vet must check the correct placement using the chip reader. 2

Implantation of the microchip is not painful just a bit uncomfortable. Sometimes a small bit of blood could be produced as a result of the needle touching a capillary. Fourthly the rabies vaccination is administered by the vet. The vet will do an examination to ensure that the animal is healthy and assuming that there are no clinical reasons not to the vet will vaccinate the animal subcutaneously at neck height. It is advisable that the vet completes the form for the sections on de-worming also (although this is not obligatory but is highly recommended). Recommendations -Periodic internal de-worming of pets every 3 months. If an animal has internal parasites its immune system struggles to eliminate them which reduces immunity against other types of infection. - Annual vaccination against: Dog: Parvovirus, Distemper, Leptospirosis, Parainflueza, infectious Laryngotracheitis, Hepatitis. All of these viral infections are treated with the one single injection. Cat: Feline Leukemia, calicivirus, panleukopenia and rhinotracheitis. These vaccinations, more for cats than dogs, are not obligatory but are recommended to help keep the pet healthy. How long before travelling should the microchip and the rabies vaccine be administered? By law all dogs of more than 4 months must be identified. For cats it is not obligatory. Vaccination and identification with chip need to be done at least 10 days before travelling.


THE NECESSARY EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR PET TO TRAVEL The pet is an important member of the family and therefore we must not forget to pack the items that the pet needs for travelling safely and comfortably: 1. The carrier cage or travel bag for the pet. It is recommended to have a transport cage where you can leave your pet in while you are getting around or carry a travel bag to take your pet always with you. 2. Eaters and drinkers. There are eaters and drinkers for pets available on the market for travelling which have different features than those used at home. For example they can be foldable or have special edges to prevent spillage of water. 3. Food and Drink. It is more convenient to bring dry food and also to use food with which the pet is familiar in order not to risk a stomach upset. On the day of travelling it is best not to feed the pet until arrival at destination to minimize the risk of a stomach upset. Instead give the pet water regularly in order to prevent dehydration. 4. The collar and the lead or halter It is advisable to place a label or plate on the collar with the name of the pet, the name of the owner and a contact phone number (with country code) in the unlikely event that the pet gets lost. If the pet is categorized as ‘potentially dangerous’ you should ensure that the pet is wearing a muzzle while in public places or on public transport systems. 5. Hygiene It is very important to take a lot of care with the hygiene and cleanliness of our pets during transport. A clean and healthy looking pet is viewed kindly and is acceptable in public places. Remember when packing, to take a towel for the pet, shampoo, a brush or comb and anti-parasitic spray. 6. Bags to collect droppings or litter boxes. If we travel with our dog we must collect any droppings in appropriate bags and deposit them in litter bins. Consideration for others is very important for pet travelers to be well received. If we travel with our cat we must take a litter tray and absorbent material. There are litter trays available with covers and folding doors for containment of odors and which prevent leakage of urine or milk from the tray. 7. Toys Pets like their routines so we should take some of their preferred toys for them to play with as they do at home. This will make the pets feel more comfortable.


ACCOMMODATION These days there are many hotels who still do not allow pets in their facilities. The fear is that bad behavior of pets might discommode other guests. This is changing as hotels learn that there is a market for guests with pets and that owners who travel with pets keep their pets clean, healthy and well behaved. There are many pet friendly hotels.

If the pets are allowed stay in the room it is a good idea to have them present while unpacking the cases so that the smell of home is in the air and the room seems less strange.

Many hotels do not allow pets in the rooms during the mornings while room service is in unless contained in a transport carrier /cage. It is better to take the pet out with you during this period. Be very careful not to leave a cat in the room on it’s own as it will escape when room service comes in. Bear in mind that pets get bored waiting around so they will scratch at doors or bark or bite legs of chairs or tables. Bring their favorite toys to entertain them and prevent them from causing damage or noise. Albeit your dog is trained and used to doing the necessaries in the street, leave absorbent materials in the bathroom in the event of a disagreeable situation if one day you are delayed or late taking the dog for a walk. When leaving the hotel hold the dog on a short lead and go directly to the street without wandering the lobby where the dog will find corners to sniff or pots to raise the rear leg at. Once in the street or gardens make sure to pick up droppings – bring plastic bags. We cannot forget that dogs are creatures of habit who like routine and to go out at a fixed time. When night falls it is no different and to lie down in a bed or garment which is familiar means they will sleep easier. Do not let them onto the bed or chairs and if you must, use your own covers to prevent leaving hairs behind. Do not over stimulate or excite the pet so that they bark or cause disruption to other guests or you may be asked to leave the hotel.


When staying in hotels with our pets, we must follow certain rules: - It is advisable to book the room well in advance as the hotels have only limited rooms set aside for guests staying with pets. - Dogs or cats cannot walk within the hotel unless on a lead and in some cases the hotel may insist on muzzles. - The owner will be responsible for any (direct or indirect) damage caused by the animal or disturbance to other guests. - The hotels reserve the right to refuse admission and of removal of the pet and owner in the event of disturbance for example barking. - You may have to pay a supplement to occupy a room with a pet.



How To Book an Hotel with your Pet


In the official online you can buy a variety of products and accessory packs for travelling with pets. Our products for travel are of high quality in terms of design and fincionality. You can find everything you need for the trip with your pet on including carriers, collars, harnesses, drinkers, feeders, toys , blankets and snacks.

Essential pet travel accessories


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