Fly with your pet under 6 kg

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The first flight search engine for your pets

FLIGHT GUIDE Pet in cabin <6kg (PETC)


3 TRAVELING IN EUROPE The Schengen agreement EU Pet Passport



VISIT TO THE VETERINARIAN Identification of the Animal Recommendations

EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR PET Items which you MUST bring for your pet

9 CHOICE OF TRANSPORT CARRIER Requirements Dimensions of the carrier

12 IN THE AIRPORT Preparing for the trip Necessary documentation Billing



VIDEO GUIDE How to travel with your pet in Cabin (PETC)



TRAVELING IN EUROPE The Schengen agreement ended frontier controls between the member countries and harmonized external border controls. The Schengen members are:

When moving within the Schengen area, people from member countries can move within the territory with their valid Passport or national identity card (National identity cards such as the Spanish DNI card may also be accepted at destination – but we advise travelling with a valid Passport as well). The UK and Ireland are not members of Schengen but people from Schengen countries can travel freely to both countries with a valid Passport. People from other nationalities need to consult the specific requirements for documentation (e.g. Visas) at the destination country. In order to travel crossborder with dogs, cats or ferrets an EU Pet Passport is required. This is supplied by your veterinary surgeon, this is valid for dogs, cats and ferrets. For other pets you need to follow the specific legislation of each country. The EU Pet Passport is compulsory and it must certify that the rabies vaccination has been administered to the pet after putting on the microchip. 3

A microchip for identification is also obligatory. A legible tattoo (which was applied prior to July 3rd 2011) is also acceptable except in UK, Ireland and Malta where the microchip is the only acceptable identification. The requirements for pets other than dogs, cats and ferrets, are different and are specified in the legislation for each country. The EU Pet Passport is valid within the EU member countries but it is also valid in the neighboring countries where the legislation coincides: Andorra, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco Norway, San Marino, Switzerland and the Vatican State. The EU Pet Passport is also valid for travelling to and from the ultra peripheral regions of the EU: Greenland, Faroe Islands, French Guiana, Guadalupe, Martinique, Reunion, Canary Islands, Azores, Madeira and Gibraltar. Since January 2012, with the entry of Finland, Ireland, Malta and UK, it is also necessary to have the pet treated by a veterinarian for tapeworm and rabies and this must be certified on the passport.


WHAT TO DO WITH THE VETERINARIAN To be allowed fly with your pet you must have the following: - Microchip in the animal - Approved Pet Passport - Rabies vaccination - Clinical examination signed and stamped by the veterinarian - De-worming and parasite removal (internal and external) Tips:

- Be on time for the veterinarian since the procedure takes 20-30 minutes. - It is necessary to have photo ID showing age and to be over 18 years old. (Passport is best)

Steps to follow when having your animal identified In the first place complete the application form. This can also be done over the internet in many cases. This document will detail: - Microchip number. - Passport number. - Personal details of the owner: Christian Name and Surname, Passport (or ID) number, address and telephone contact number. - Details of the animal: Name, Species, Breed, Date of birth. - Signature of owner Secondly the Pet Passport is completed with the following data: - Details of the owner. - Details of the animal including microchip number, date and place of implantation of chip. - Name of the ‘Antirabies Vaccination’, date of vaccination, stamp of the company and signature and stamp of the veterinarian. - Date of the ‘Clinical Examination’, signature and stamp of the veterinarian

Thirdly the microchip is implanted by the vet by law located on the left side of the neck under the skin. Once implanted the vet must check the correct placement using the chip reader. Implantation of the microchip is not painful just a bit uncomfortable. Sometimes a small bit of blood could be produced as a result of the needle touching a capillary. 5

Fourthly the rabies vaccination is administered by the vet. The vet will do an examination to ensure that the animal is healthy and assuming that there are no clinical reasons not to the vet will vaccinate the animal subcutaneously at neck height. It is advisable that the vet completes the form for the sections on de-worming also (although this is not obligatory but is highly recommended). Recommendations -Periodic internal de-worming of pets every 3 months. If an animal has internal parasites its immune system struggles to eliminate them which reduces immunity against other types of infection. - Annual vaccination against: Dog: Parvovirus, Distemper, Leptospirosis, Parainflueza, infectious Laryngotracheitis, Hepatitis. All of these viral infections are treated with the one single in-jection Cat: Feline Leukemia, calicivirus, panleukopenia and rhinotracheitis. These vaccinations, more for cats than dogs, are not obligatory but are recommended to help keep the pet healthy How long before travelling should the microchip and the rabies vaccine be administered? By law all dogs of more than 4 months must be identified. For cats it is not obligatory. Vaccination and identification with chip need to be done at least 10 days before travelling. Do I need to sedate my pet before flying? NO. The majority of airlines will not accept sedated animals and also sedation is not good for the animal during a journey especially by plane as the animal is unsupervised and may have a reaction to the sedative. - Sedation lowers body temperature. - Sedation can cause cardio-respiratory problems especially in older animals. - Sedation can cause vomiting and possible suffocation. - Manufacturers do not know how their sedatives react at high pressures. If the pet is very nervous: - Make sure the animal is very used to being in the carrier / cage and comfortable with it. - On the day of the flight and the day before that take the dog for long walks and if possible let them out to run as much as possible in order to use up adrenaline and tire them out as much as possible, so that the animal is tired enough to sleep during the journey. Older animals For animals older than 7-8 years it is best to get a more detailed examination of their fitness to fly including heart, liver and kidney function and even xRay. The vet will recommend what is best. Make sure that the cage is bigger even than minimum IATA recommended size to reduce stress. Make sure


there is enough water to keep the animal well hydrated during the journey and that favorite toy/s and blanket from home are in cage. Flatnosed animals Flat nosed animals (more often cats than dogs) can have more respiratory problems than others so it is recommended to have them very well accustomed to and very comfortable in the carrier / cage. Stress causes increased respiration and this is a problem for flat nosed animals Other advise - Travel stress in animals can increase shedding of hair so a good idea is to bath and brush the animal one or two days before. - Nail cutting: Shorter nails have less chance of breaking during travelling. - Keep photocopies of the documentation for the pet so that you can prove your ownership in the event of separation / loss. Scan and email the copies to your email also (a good idea for all flight documents anyway).


THE NECESSARY EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR PET TO TRAVEL The pet is an important member of the family and therefore we must not forget to pack the items that the pet needs for travelling safely and comfortably: 1. The carrier cage or travel bag for the pet. If travelling by air by PETC the animal must travel in a special carrier cage which meets the minimum requirements of IATA regulations specified to ensure that pets travel comfortably and securely. (In the section of the website on Carrier Cages you can obtain more information on this). 2. Eaters and drinkers. There are eaters and drinkers for pets available on the market for travelling which have different features than those used at home. For example they can be foldable or have special edges to prevent spillage of water. 3. Food and Drink. It is more convenient to bring dry food and also to use food with which the pet is familiar in order not to risk a stomach upset. On the day of travelling it is best not to feed the pet until arrival at destination to minimize the risk of a stomach upset while flying. Instead give the pet water regularly in order to prevent dehydration. 4. The collar and the lead or halter It is advisable to place a label or plate on the collar with the name of the pet, the name of the owner and a contact phone number (with country code) in the unlikely event that the pet gets lost. If the pet is categorized as ‘potentially dangerous’ you should ensure that the pet is wearing a muzzle while in public places or on public transport systems. 5. Hygiene It is very important to take a lot of care with the hygiene and cleanliness of our pets during transport. A clean and healthy looking pet is viewed kindly and is acceptable in public places. Remember when packing, to take a towel for the pet, shampoo, a brush or comb and antiparasitic spray. 6. Bags to collect droppings or litter boxes. If we travel with our dog we must collect any droppings in appropriate bags and deposit them in litter bins. Consideration for others is very important for pet travelers to be well received. If we travel with our cat we must take a litter tray and absorbent material. There are litter trays available with covers and folding doors for containment of odors and which prevent leakage of urine or milk from the tray. 7. Toys Pets like their routines so we should take some of their preferred toys for them to play with as they do at home. This will make the pets feel more comfortable.


CHOOSE THE CORRECT CARRIER / CAGE FOR THE PET The pet transport carrier or cage is the first step for successfully travelling with or transporting your pet. Choose the correct model to ensure that your pet can travel comfortably and enjoy the journey. Choosing a suitable pet carrier or transport bag depends on the mode of transport (car, boat or airplane). A different type can be chosen for each. Requirements for transport carriers /cages for pets travelling by PETC? Carriers / Cages APPROVED: - Air vents on both sides and at the rear of the carrier - Secure lock - Foldable Carriers / Cages NOT APPROVED: - Wire structure - Cages with a door on top

Foldable (soft) carrier

Below we give some examples where the cage/carrier does not comply with rules and for which the airline will refuse entry to the plane and an example of a well chosen cage/carrier.

Wire structure

Cage with opening at the top

In order to know the appropriate cage/carrier for the pet we must measure the length and height of the pet. - The length is measured with the pet on all fours and taking the measurement from the extreme tip of the tail to the tip of the nose. To this add 10 centimeters and that gives the minimum length of the cage. - The height is measured, with the pet on all fours, from the ground to the highest part of the head. Add 10 centimeters to this to obtain the minimum height of the cage. 9

Carrier / cage with measurements which are inappropriate for the pet A- Height: the cage is too low for the pet to stand up completely on the legs. B- Width: the cage is not wide enough for the pet to turn comfortably. C- Length: the cage is not long enough for the pet to lie down with legs fully extended. B

A C Carrier/cage with measurements which are appropriate for the pet. A- Height: the cage is high enough for the pet to stand up comfortably. B- Width: the cage is wide enough for the pet to turn comfortably. C- Length: the cage is long enough for the pet to lie down with the legs extended. B


C How do I get my pet used to the transport cage? The next step after choosing the appropriate carrier for the pet is to make the pet comfortable with and accustomed to being in the carrier / cage so that we don’t have any problems on the day of the journey: 1. Leave the carrier /cage in one of the rooms in the house where the pet will see it every day and get used to it. Therefore when the day for travelling comes, the pet does not see the cage as a foreign object. 2. Set a daily routine for using the transport cage. Begin by giving the pet their food in the transport cage. This will associate the cage with a happy routine for the pet. If initially the pet is afraid to enter the cage you can take off the door and the top for a while until the pet is more comfortable and secure and then replace them and remove them again so that the pet is used to them and knows that they can be removed. 3. Keep the pet’s bed and toys in the cage. If we leave some toys in the cage the pet will want to go in to play with them or take them out. If we also leave the bed or favorite blanket in the cage the pet will become accustomed to sleeping inside the cage.


4. Practice makes perfect. Assemble the travel cage and leave your pet in it for 5 or 10 minutes each day. You can reward them by petting or giving premium snacks when they come out. You will be surprised at seeing the pet going into the cage on their own accord! And what goes in the inside of the transport carrier / cage? The cage should have absorbent material on the floor. A very good option are the nappies because they have the perfect dimensions for the carrier and they are very absorbent and prevent bad smells Make sure that there is at least one drinker in the door of the carrier /cage. You can freeze the water the night before the flight so that it will be fresh for the journey and also so that the pet will not drink it in one gulp or spill it. A good idea is to leave some toys or a blanket in the carrier /cage as long as you leave enough free space for the pet to move Another good idea is to leave a handkerchief or a garment with the owners smell on it in the cage which will help the pet feel that the owner is nearby.


IN THE AIRPORT You have your reservation; now follow our instructions and advice in order to make your passage through the airport terminal an easy one. Do not worry if you have never been to a particular airport, checking in, passing through security control and finding the boarding gates is very easy. Each airport is slightly different but regardless of the size or number of terminals, the following three steps are all you need to bear in mind. 24 hours before departure confirm that your flight is leaving on time. Check emails for possible notifications from the airline. 1. Preparing for your journey. Before going to the airport there are a few details to attend to at home: Hand luggage Hand luggage must meet the requirements of each airline in terms of weight and size limits. The airlines are becoming stricter and will bill extra for overweight luggage (or will reject oversized luggage). There are certain items which are prohibited in the aircraft cabin for security reasons. Remember that scissors, knives and sharp objects should go in bags checked into the hold. In addition there are limits in law for taking liquids (such as perfumes, gels, or aerosols) into the cabin of the aircraft. Liquids must be in containers of less than 100ml capacity and must be in a transparent plastic bag of less than 1 ltr capacity for the purposes of inspection at security Checked baggage Checked baggage is the baggage which we give to the airline at the check-in desk for placement in the hold of the aircraft. Maximum weights will apply to this baggage also depending on the airline and your choices at time of booking. So check that your baggage is below the maximum weight allowance or you could end up paying a further charge at check-in. Dangerous items Consult the rules about dangerous/ prohibited items when packing the bags.


2. Necessary documentation Passenger All passengers must have valid identification documents. Passengers from Schengen countries plus Ireland and the UK can travel between these countries with a valid Passport. A DNI or ID card may suffice, but we recommend a Passport as the best travelling ID in order to avoid queries at security. Passengers from other countries need to check the need for additional documents (e.g. visas) necessary for their journey. Entry to the USA has its own specific requirements which can be checked in the USA customs website. Pet Your pet will need a valid Pet Passport issued by a veterinarian and a tattoo or microchip identification.

3. How to travel with my pet in Cabin (PETC)?

The pet travels in the passenger cabin along with the owner. The pet must spend all of the flight in the authorized pet carrier, which must be placed under the passenger seat, and never on your lap or on the adjoining seat even if that seat is unoccupied. In the case of transporting birds (where permitted by the airline) the birdcage must be covered, well closed and sturdy. It may be possible to have more than one animal of the same breed and small size and weight in the same container (Consult the airline rules for this). Remember that if the animal could cause annoyance to other passengers or to the crew (bad odour or noise or other) this will not be accepted.


4. What to do on arrival at the airport? All the airline terminals in the world are divided into two distinct areas: Arrivals and Departures. Departures are divided into two sections: Check-in and Boarding. It is recommended to take your pet for a last walk just before entering into the terminal to stretch the legs and do the necessaries before a long voyage in a confined space Check-in All the airlines recommend arriving at the airport two or three hours before the flight leaves. As a general rule passengers who arrive less than 45 minutes from departure will not be accepted. Consult the screens in the departure area for the check-in desks for your flight. Go to these check-in desks with all of the documentation prepares. If travelling with your pet and the pet is in the cabin or hold you must go to the check-in desk so that the animal can be physically inspected by the check-in staff. You cannot use auto-check-in desks for pets.


At check-in deliver your bags and ensure that hand luggage complies with the airline requirements. You will have printed your boarding cards or will receive your boarding cards for your flight. If travelling with your pet in cabin (PETC), normally you will have to sign a disclaimer and pay the airline cost indicated. This cost will be advised to you at time of booking the pet ticket on Boarding After checking in you and the pet follow the signs for boarding gates and pass through security. Check the monitors for the boarding gate for your flight. Remember this gate can change so check regularly. Be at the gate at least 20 minutes before departure of the flight or you may not be allowed on board. Transit If the flight is not going directly to the destination, you will have to transit via a connecting airport. The boarding cards for the connecting flight will have been given to you at the airport of origin so all you need to do is go to the boarding gate for the next flight. In the event that you miss your connecting flight due to delay, contact the airline at the transit information desk and they will assign you another flight to arrive at the destination. Your luggage and/or pet will also go on this new flight. Arriving at the destination airport If you have checked in bags go to the baggage hall and check on the screens for the relevant belt for your flight.

Lost luggage If your cases or pet does not appear at the designated belt, contact the infor-mation desk of the airline. They will take the details and inform you of the situation with the luggage and assist you with locating the luggage and/or the pet.



How to Fly with your Pet in Cabin (PETC)


In the official online you can buy a variety of products and accessory packs for travelling with pets. Our products for travel are of high quality in terms of design and funcionality. You can find everything you need for the trip with your pet on including carriers, collars, harnesses, drinkers, feeders, toys , blankets and snacks.

Pet travel bags

Feeders and Drinkers for travelling.


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