Learn how to travel with your pet by car

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The first flight search engine for your pets


WHAT TO DO WITH THE VETERINARIAN Some general tips if you are travelling abroad and then travelling by car To be allowed fly with your pet you must have the following: - Microchip in the animal - Approved Pet Passport - Rabies vaccination - Clinical examination signed and stamped by the veterinarian - De-worming and parasite removal (internal and external) Tips:

- Be on time for the veterinarian since the procedure takes 20-30 minutes. - It is necessary to have photo ID showing age and to be over 18 years old. (Passport is best)

Steps to follow when having your animal identified In the first place complete the application form. This can also be done over the internet in many cases. This document will detail: - Microchip number. - Passport number. - Personal details of the owner: Christian Name and Surname, Passport (or ID) number, address and telephone contact number. - Details of the animal: Name, Species, Breed, Date of birth. - Signature of owner Secondly the Pet Passport completed with the following data: - Details of the owner. - Details of the animal including microchip number, date and place of implantation of chip. - Name of the ‘Antirabies Vaccination’, date of vaccination, stamp of the company and signature and stamp of the veterinarian. - Date of the ‘Clinical Examination’, signature and stamp of the veterinarian

Thirdly the microchip is implanted by the vet by law located on the left side of the neck under the skin. Once implanted the vet must check the correct placement using the chip reader. 2

Implantation of the microchip is not painful just a bit uncomfortable. Sometimes a small bit of blood could be produced as a result of the needle touching a capillary. Fourthly the rabies vaccination is administered by the vet. The vet will do an examination to ensure that the animal is healthy and assuming that there are no clinical reasons not to the vet will vaccinate the animal subcutaneously at neck height. It is advisable that the vet completes the form for the sections on de-worming also (although this is not obligatory but is highly recommended). Recommendations -Periodic internal de-worming of pets every 3 months. If an animal has internal parasites its immune system struggles to eliminate them which reduces immunity against other types of infection. - Annual vaccination against: Dog: Parvovirus, Distemper, Leptospirosis, Parainflueza, infectious Laryngotracheitis, Hepatitis. All of these viral infections are treated with the one single injection. Cat: Feline Leukemia, calicivirus, panleukopenia and rhinotracheitis. These vaccinations, more for cats than dogs, are not obligatory but are recommended to help keep the pet healthy. How long before travelling should the microchip and the rabies vaccine be administered? By law all dogs of more than 4 months must be identified. For cats it is not obligatory. Vaccination and identification with chip need to be done at least 10 days before travelling.


THE NECESSARY EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR PET TO TRAVEL The pet is an important member of the family and therefore we must not forget to pack the items that the pet needs for travelling safely and comfortably: 1. The carrier cage or travel bag for the pet. Es recomendable llevar una jaula de transporte en la que meter a tu mascota en el caso de que lo vayas a dejar en la habitaciĂłn del hotel y una bolsa de viaje para llevarlo contigo a hacer turismo. 2. Eaters and drinkers. There are eaters and drinkers for pets available on the market for travelling which have different features than those used at home. For example they can be foldable or have special edges to prevent spillage of water. 3. Food and Drink. It is more convenient to bring dry food and also to use food with which the pet is familiar in order not to risk a stomach upset. On the day of travelling it is best not to feed the pet until arrival at destination to minimize the risk of a stomach upset. Instead give the pet water regularly in order to prevent dehydration. 4. The collar and the lead or halter It is advisable to place a label or plate on the collar with the name of the pet, the name of the owner and a contact phone number (with country code) in the unlikely event that the pet gets lost. If the pet is categorized as ‘potentially dangerous’ you should ensure that the pet is wearing a muzzle while in public places or on public transport systems.

5. Hygiene It is very important to take a lot of care with the hygiene and cleanliness of our pets during transport. A clean and healthy looking pet is viewed kindly and is acceptable in public places. Remember when packing, to take a towel for the pet, shampoo, a brush or comb and anti-parasitic spray. 6. Bags to collect droppings or litter boxes. If we travel with our dog we must collect any droppings in appropriate bags and deposit them in litter bins. Consideration for others is very important for pet travelers to be well received. If we travel with our cat we must take a litter tray and absorbent material. There are litter trays available with covers and folding doors for containment of odors and which prevent leakage of urine or milk from the tray. 4

7. Toys Pets like their routines so we should take some of their preferred toys for them to play with as they do at home. This will make the pets feel more comfortable. 8.If travelling by car. Our pet should be in the back seat or in the cargo / rear area: - For the back seat, a safety harness is required to secure the pet and a protective blanket/base is useful to protect the upholstery. - For the cargo area, some protective bars or meshing is required to ensure that the animal does not access the front and impede the driver’s visibility or distract the driver or get thrown about in the event of sudden braking.


The car is the most common mode of transport with pets. Why? Because at any time we can stop and take the pet for a walk, feed and water, or do the ‘necessaries’. When an animal is travelling by car it is the same as any other passenger and therefore various security precautions must be observed. THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN TRAVELLING WITH A PET IN THE CAR • Avoid letting the pet obstruct driver visibility The animal should be secured by a safety harness to avoid becoming a missile during a crash or sudden braking. If in the rear of a station-wagon or hatch-back you can also use a mesh or grill separating the animal from the rest of the vehicle. • Pets can get dizzy

For this reason especially on long journeys it is best to travel with a pet who has an empty stomach and water the pet regularly / every two hours or so.

HOW CAN WE TRAVEL SECURELY AND SAFELY WITH OUR PET? • Pet travel in a transport carrier/cage This is good for the animal because the pet is not tied and can move around. It is especially good for smaller animals. The fact that our pet travels in a carrier/cage is good for the little animal, so he/ she is not tied and can move around. It’s a good method for small or medium sized animals. Carriers/cages should be placed on the back seat of the car, between the front seat and the back seat, or in the rear of a station-wagon or hatch-back (never in the closed boot of a saloon car). And of course make sure there is good ventilation - let the air flow! • Pet Travel safety harness For big pets, you can use a special safety harness that attaches to the back seat. The animal should be able to move or lie down and will take up the space of a passenger. Remember the pet should be secured in a car by a harness only, never with a collar, as in the event of a sudden braking or crash, the animal may get choked. 6

• Pet travel with auto barriers or net Another highly recommended option is to attach a net or auto barrier to the back seat of your vehicle. These safety products are very easy to assemble. Safety barriers or nets are great for all passengers of the vehicle and the animal will have better mobility while preventing them from interfering with the driver.

• What other safety aspects should we consider? Bring your pet for a walk BEFORE your trip It is advisable to take your pet for a nice long walk to make them feel relaxed before your trip, so your pet is well exercised and feels tired and also has relieved itself. 7

Do not allow your pet to travel with his/her head out of the window. Have a protective cover - Protect the seats and the boot of the car with a cover. - It will make them feel more comfortable

Stop each two hours

Park in the shade If you have to leave your pet inside the car, it is advisable to park in the shade, particularly during the summer months. Keep the windows rolled up high enough to let the air in but just enough so your pet cannot escape from the vehicle.

What if we travel in a rental car? If you rent a car it is preferable for the pet to travel in a transport carrier as this is the most clean and hygienic mode of pet transport by car.


TRAVELLING IN SUMMER Most people travel during the summer holidays, a time of the year where temperatures can reach 40ºC in many parts of Europe. High temperatures can cause thermal imbalances in animals which puts them at risk. This is a situation that we can prevent by protecting pets from the heat and providing them with plenty of water to make sure they do not get dehydrated. In normal conditions the normal body temperature of your dog is approximately 38ºC/39ºC. Dogs do not have sweat glands, which means they can only lower their temperature by panting and breathing. If they do not get good ventilation then their temperature will increase and as a result their health could be endangered. An increase of only 3 degrees from their normal body temperature may quickly lead to heatstroke, organ dysfunction or even to death. Animals suffering from heatstroke will display the following symptoms: - A dry mouth and dry snout. - Rapid breathing. - Bright red or graying mucous membranes. - Rapid heart rate. - Agitation, slow motions and dizziness. If you notice more than two symptoms the first thing you should do is to move your pet to a cool area. Make sure they have some cool (not cold) water and drape wet towels over the animal’s head and body. When your animal comes around you can bring it to a vet and have a full check-up and advice on treating the animal’s heat-stroke. DURING THE TRIP • Do not leave the car parked in the sun! Avoid leaving your pet locked in the car for long periods of time. Be aware that high temperatures can cause heatstroke. • Stop every 2 hours So you can rest and so can they. So that you and the pets can rest. They can stretch out their legs, drink some water, and relieve themselves. Do not forget to put on the lead before opening the door of the vehicle! • In traffic-jams If you see that you are going to be stopped in a traffic-jam for a long time, we recommend that you give your pet some fresh air. This will avoid sunstroke or heatstroke.. • Do not carry your pet in the boot unless is a suitable family type (Hatch-back or Station Wagon) As they may suffer from claustrophobia, lack of air or exposure to dangerous gases which could be fatal. • Be aware of the air conditioning! Changes of temperatures can cause colds and other complications. That is why we do not recommend that the carrier cage is placed in the front seat of your car and that you could even consider using a pet’s blanket on sunny days if you have the AC on in the car.



How To Travel by Car with your Pet


In the official online Checkinpetstore.com you can buy a variety of products and accessory packs for travelling with pets. Our products for travel are of high quality in terms of design and fincionality. You can find everything you need for the trip with your pet on Checkinpetstore.com including carriers, collars, harnesses, drinkers, feeders, toys , blankets and snacks.

IATA Approved Carriers

Car Travel Tccessories




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